yaozheng0922 8 months ago
2 changed files with 161 additions and 0 deletions
  1. BIN
  2. 161 0


+ 161 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+#include "logger.hpp"
+#include "util.hpp"
+#include "db.hpp"
+#include "online.hpp"
+#include "room.hpp"
+#include "session.hpp"
+#include "matcher.hpp"
+using std::cout;
+using std::endl;
+#define HOST ""
+#define USER "thj"
+#define PASSWD "Abcd1234@"
+#define DB "test_connection"
+#define PORT 4106
+#define FILENAME "./makefile"
+void log_test()
+    LOG(NORMAL, "%s-%d", "hello", 10);
+    LOG(DEBUG, "hello world");
+void mysql_test()
+    MYSQL *mysql = mysql_util::mysql_create(HOST, USER, PASSWD, DB, PORT);
+    const std::string sql = "insert into user values(null, '王五', 25, '11133334444')";
+    mysql_util::mysql_execute(mysql, sql);
+    mysql_util::mysql_destroy(mysql);
+void json_test()
+    Json::Value root;
+    root["姓名"] = "小明";
+    root["年龄"] = 18;
+    root["成绩"].append(80);  
+    root["成绩"].append(90);
+    root["成绩"].append(100);
+    std::string str;
+    json_util::serialize(root, str);
+    cout << str << endl;
+    Json::Value newroot;
+    json_util::deserialize(str, newroot);
+    cout << "姓名: " << newroot["姓名"].asString() << endl;
+    cout << "年龄: " << newroot["年龄"].asInt() << endl; 
+    int size = newroot["成绩"].size();
+    for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
+    {
+        cout << "成绩: " << newroot["成绩"][i].asFloat() << endl;
+    }
+void string_test()
+    std::string src = "  abc  dfef fe";
+    std::string sep = " ";
+    std::vector<std::string> res;
+    string_util::split(src, sep, res);
+    for(auto s : res)
+        cout << s << endl;
+    cout << endl;
+void fileRead_test()
+    std::string data;
+    file_util::read(FILENAME, data);
+    cout << data << endl;
+void db_test()
+    user_table ut(HOST, USER, PASSWD);
+    Json::Value user;
+    user["username"] = "zhangsan";
+    user["password"] = "123456";
+    // register
+    // ut.registers(user);
+    // user["username"] = "lisi";
+    // user["password"] = "123321";
+    // ut.registers(user);
+    // login
+    // ut.login(user);
+    // user["password"] = "123321";
+    // ut.login(user);
+    // win and lose
+    ut.win(1);
+    ut.lose(2);
+    // select
+    Json::Value data;
+    if(ut.select_by_name("zhangsan", data)) {
+        std::string msg;
+        json_util::serialize(data, msg);
+        LOG(DEBUG, "%s", msg.c_str());
+    }
+    if(ut.select_by_id(2, data)) {
+        std::string msg;
+        json_util::serialize(data, msg);
+        LOG(DEBUG, "%s", msg.c_str());
+    }
+void online_test()
+    uint64_t id = 1;
+    Json::Value user;
+    user_table ut(HOST, USER, PASSWD);
+    ut.select_by_id(id, user);
+    std::string name = user["username"].asString();
+    online_manager om;
+    wsserver_t::connection_ptr conn;
+    om.enter_game_hall(id, conn);
+    if(om.is_in_game_hall(id)) LOG(DEBUG, "%s enter game hall", name.c_str());
+    om.enter_game_room(id, conn);
+    if(om.is_in_game_room(id)) LOG(DEBUG, "%s enter game room", name.c_str());
+    om.exit_game_room(id);
+    if(om.is_in_game_room(id) == false) LOG(DEBUG, "%s exit game room", name.c_str());
+    om.exit_game_hall(id);
+    if(om.is_in_game_hall(id) == false) LOG(DEBUG, "%s exit game hall", name.c_str());
+void room_test() {
+    // 游戏房间
+    user_table ut(HOST, USER, PASSWD);
+    online_manager om;
+    // room r(10, &ut, &om);
+    // 游戏房间管理
+    room_manager rm(&ut, &om);
+    room_ptr rp = rm.create_room(10, 20);
+void matcher_test() {
+    user_table ut(HOST, USER, PASSWD);
+    online_manager om;
+    room_manager rm(&ut, &om);
+    matcher mt(&ut, &om, &rm);
+int main()
+    // log_test();
+    // mysql_test();
+    // json_test();
+    // string_test();
+    // fileRead_test();
+    // db_test();
+    // online_test();
+    // room_test();
+    matcher_test();
+    return 0;