@@ -0,0 +1,1253 @@
+ <!-- 天气相关情况:温度、湿度、降雨量、光照、二氧化碳等 -->
+ <!-- 土壤相关情况:PH值、虫灾情况、土壤盐度、灌溉情况、风向、风速、实时天气情况 -->
+ <el-row>
+ <el-col :span="7">
+ <!-- 实时天气情况 -->
+ <div class="chart" :style="{height:((height-80)/3 - 40)+'px'}">
+ <div class="itemtitle" style="">实时天气情况</div>
+ <div style="padding:10px;;">
+ <div class="flex" style="height:30px;line-height: 30px;">
+ <div class="flex_item">
+ <el-icon style="position: relative;top:2px">
+ <add-location />
+ </el-icon>
+ <span style="margin-left: 5px;">北京</span>
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex_item" style="text-align: right;color:#999;font-size:12px">高德地图</div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- TODO 此处的尺寸写死不太对,需要自适应 -->
+ <div style="height: 100px;margin-top: 20px" class="flex">
+ <div class="flex_item">
+ <div class="flex" style="line-height:35px;text-align: center;">
+ <div class="flex_item">
+ <div style="font-size:20px;color:#FF5252">{{wendu}}℃</div>
+ <div>温度</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="name_v_border"></div>
+ <div class="flex_item">
+ <div style="font-size:20px;color:#5FB878">东南</div>
+ <div>风向</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="name_border"></div>
+ <div class="flex" style="line-height:35px;text-align: center;">
+ <div class="flex_item">
+ <div style="font-size:20px;color:#2A8BFD">{{fensu}}km/h</div>
+ <div>分速</div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="name_v_border"></div>
+ <div class="flex_item">
+ <div style="font-size:20px;color:#4adeca">{{shidu}}rh</div>
+ <div>湿度</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div style="width:100px;line-height:30px;">
+ <div style="text-align: center;padding-top: 20px;">
+ <img src="../assets/5.png" style="width:60px" />
+ <div style="font-size: 28px;">晴</div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <!-- 土地类型分布,旱地、水地、山地 -->
+ <div class="chart" :style="{height:((height-80)/3 - 10)+'px'}">
+ <div class="itemtitle" style="">耕地类型分布</div>
+ <v-chart ref="categorychart" :style="{height:(((height-80)/3 - 30 - 15)+'px')}"
+ :option="categorychart" />
+ </div>
+ <!-- 历史降雨量走势 -->
+ <div class="chart" :style="{height:((height-80)/3 - 20)+'px'}">
+ <div class="itemtitle" style="">降雨量走势</div>
+ <v-chart ref="yushuichart" :style="{height:(((height-80)/3 - 30 - 15)+'px')}" :option="yushuichart" />
+ </div>
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="10">
+ <!-- 当前光照、湿度、温度等 -->
+ <div class="chart" :style="{height:(height-80 - 20)+'px'}">
+ <div class="itemtitle" style="">光照、湿度、温度、氮磷钾含量</div>
+ <div>
+ <div class="flex">
+ <div class="flex_item">
+ <!-- 土壤温度 -->
+ <v-chart ref="tempchart" :style="{height:((height-80 - 65)/3+'px')}" :option="tempchart" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex_item">
+ <!-- 土壤湿度 -->
+ <v-chart ref="shiduchart" :style="{height:((height-80 - 65)/3+'px')}"
+ :option="shiduchart" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="name_border"></div>
+ <div class="flex">
+ <div class="flex_item">
+ <!-- 光照情况 -->
+ <v-chart ref="ligtechart" :style="{height:((height-80 - 65)/3+'px')}"
+ :option="ligtechart" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex_item">
+ <!-- 土壤磷含量 -->
+ <v-chart ref="linchart" :style="{height:((height-80 - 65)/3+'px')}" :option="linchart" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="name_border"></div>
+ <div class="flex">
+ <div class="flex_item">
+ <!-- 土壤氮含量 -->
+ <v-chart ref="danchart" :style="{height:((height-80 - 65)/3+'px')}" :option="danchart" />
+ </div>
+ <div class="flex_item">
+ <!-- 土壤钾含量 -->
+ <v-chart ref="jiachart" :style="{height:((height-80 - 65)/3+'px')}" :option="jiachart" />
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </el-col>
+ <el-col :span="7">
+ <!-- PH值 -->
+ <div class="chart" :style="{height:((height-80)/3 - 20)+'px'}">
+ <div class="itemtitle" style="">土壤PH值</div>
+ <v-chart ref="phchart" :style="{height:(((height-80)/3 - 40 - 15)+'px')}" :option="phchart" />
+ </div>
+ <!-- 土壤盐度 -->
+ <div class="chart" :style="{height:((height-80)/3 - 20)+'px'}">
+ <div class="itemtitle" style="">土壤盐度</div>
+ <v-chart ref="yanchart" :style="{height:(((height-80)/3 - 40 - 15)+'px')}" :option="yanchart" />
+ </div>
+ <!-- 灌溉情况 -->
+ <div class="chart" :style="{height:((height-80)/3 - 10)+'px'}" style="padding:0px">
+ <div class="itemtitle" style="">灌溉情况</div>
+ <v-chart ref="guangaichart" :style="{height:(((height-80)/3 - 40 - 15)+'px')}" :option="guangaichart" />
+ </div>
+ </el-col>
+ </el-row>
+ import $ from 'jquery'
+ import config from '/public/config.js'
+ import utils from '/public/utils.js'
+ import api from '/public/api.js'
+ import VChart, {
+ } from "vue-echarts";
+ import * as echarts from 'echarts';
+ export default {
+ components: {
+ VChart
+ },
+ provide: {
+ [THEME_KEY]: "dark"
+ },
+ data() {
+ return {
+ height: $(window).height(),
+ charts: {},
+ timer: null,
+ wendu:(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0),
+ fensu:(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0),
+ shidu:(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0),
+ areas: ['穆家村', '王李村', '曹家湾', '刘家湾', '潘家集', '赵家村'],
+ categorychart: {},
+ yushuichart: {},
+ tempchart: {},
+ shiduchart: {},
+ ligtechart: {},
+ linchart: {},
+ danchart: {},
+ jiachart: {},
+ phchart: {},
+ yanchart: {},
+ guangaichart: {},
+ }
+ },
+ mounted: function() {
+ var that = this;
+ $(window).resize(function() {
+ this.height = $(window).height() - this.titleheight;
+ for (var key in that.charts) {
+ that.charts[key].resize();
+ }
+ that.$refs['categorychart'].resize();
+ that.$refs['yushuichart'].resize();
+ that.$refs['tempchart'].resize();
+ that.$refs['shiduchart'].resize();
+ that.$refs['ligtechart'].resize();
+ that.$refs['linchart'].resize();
+ that.$refs['danchart'].resize();
+ that.$refs['jiachart'].resize();
+ that.$refs['phchart'].resize();
+ that.$refs['yanchart'].resize();
+ that.$refs['guangaichart'].resize();
+ });
+ this.initcharts();
+ //开始定时刷新报表数据
+ this.startRefreshChart();
+ },
+ unmounted: function() {
+ if (this.timer) {
+ clearInterval(this.timer);
+ }
+ },
+ methods: {
+ /**
+ * 定时刷新报表数据
+ */
+ startRefreshChart: function() {
+ if (this.timer) {
+ clearInterval(this.timer);
+ }
+ var that = this;
+ //获取刷新周期,TODO 配置变动时,此处需自动更新
+ var refreshtime = 60 * 1000;
+ config.getConfig().forEach(function(item, index) {
+ if (item.key == 'refreshtime') {
+ refreshtime = item.value;
+ }
+ });
+ this.timer = setInterval(function() {
+ that.wendu = (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0);
+ that.fensu = (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0);
+ that.shidu = (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0);
+ //------------
+ // this.categorychart = this.initcategorychart();
+ that.categorychart.series[0].data = [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(
+ 100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(
+ 100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(
+ 100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)];
+ //------------
+ // this.yushuichart = this.inityushuichart();
+ that.yushuichart.series[0].data = [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) *
+ 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100)
+ .toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(
+ 0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (
+ Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)
+ ];
+ //------------
+ // this.tempchart = this.inittempchart();
+ that.tempchart.series[0].data = [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) *
+ 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100)
+ .toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(
+ 0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (
+ Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)
+ ];
+ //------------
+ // this.shiduchart = this.initshiduchart();
+ that.shiduchart.series[0].data = [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) *
+ 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100)
+ .toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(
+ 0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (
+ Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)
+ ];
+ //------------
+ // this.ligtechart = this.initligtechart();
+ var values = [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (
+ Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)];
+ that.ligtechart.series[0].data = values;
+ that.ligtechart.series[1].data = values;
+ //------------
+ // this.linchart = this.initlinchart();
+ that.linchart.series[0].data = [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) *
+ 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100)
+ .toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(
+ 0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (
+ Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)
+ ];
+ //------------
+ // this.danchart = this.initdanchart();
+ that.danchart.series[0].data = [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) *
+ 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100)
+ .toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(
+ 0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (
+ Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)
+ ];
+ //------------
+ // this.jiachart = this.initjiachart();
+ that.jiachart.series[0].data = [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) *
+ 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100)
+ .toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(
+ 0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (
+ Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)
+ ];
+ //------------
+ // this.phchart = this.initphchart();
+ that.phchart.series[0].data = [(Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math.random(100) *
+ 14).toFixed(1), (Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (
+ Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math
+ .random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1)
+ ];
+ //------------
+ // this.yanchart = this.inityanchart();
+ that.yanchart.series[0].data = [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) *
+ 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100)
+ .toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(
+ 0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (
+ Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)
+ ];
+ //------------
+ // this.guangaichart = this.initguangaichart();
+ that.guangaichart.series[0].data = [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(
+ 100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(
+ 100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(
+ 100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(
+ 100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(
+ 100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(
+ 100) * 100).toFixed(0)];
+ }, refreshtime);
+ },
+ initcharts: function() {
+ this.categorychart = this.initcategorychart();
+ this.yushuichart = this.inityushuichart();
+ this.tempchart = this.inittempchart();
+ this.shiduchart = this.initshiduchart();
+ this.ligtechart = this.initligtechart();
+ this.linchart = this.initlinchart();
+ this.danchart = this.initdanchart();
+ this.jiachart = this.initjiachart();
+ this.phchart = this.initphchart();
+ this.yanchart = this.inityanchart();
+ this.guangaichart = this.initguangaichart();
+ },
+ initcategorychart: function() {
+ return {
+ backgroundColor: '#000000',
+ grid: utils.createChartGaid(null, null, "20px", "20px"),
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'axis',
+ axisPointer: {
+ type: 'shadow',
+ },
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartXTextColor()
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ // boundaryGap: false,//
+ data: ['旱地', '水地', '山地', '大棚', '产业园'],
+ type: 'category',
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartYTextColor(),
+ },
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartYColor(),
+ type: 'dashed'
+ },
+ },
+ name: '',
+ },
+ series: [{
+ name: "含量",
+ data: [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)],
+ type: 'bar',
+ barWidth: '20px',
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ formatter: '{c}%',
+ position: 'top',
+ color: 'rgba(255,228,59,1)',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ itemStyle: {
+ color: function(pama) {
+ var colors = ['#fac858', '#2aa7ee', '#ee6666', '#91cc75', '#38cafb',
+ '#4caff9', '#4adeca', '#0270f2', '#488cf7'
+ ];
+ return new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
+ offset: 0,
+ color: colors[pama.dataIndex % colors.length] + 'ff',
+ },
+ {
+ offset: 1,
+ color: colors[pama.dataIndex % colors.length] + '66',
+ },
+ ])
+ },
+ barBorderRadius: 20
+ }
+ }]
+ };
+ },
+ inityushuichart: function() {
+ return {
+ backgroundColor: '#000000',
+ grid: utils.createChartGaid(null, null, "20px", "20px"),
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'axis',
+ axisPointer: {
+ type: 'shadow',
+ },
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartXTextColor()
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ boundaryGap: false, //
+ data: ['01月', '02月', '03月', '04月', '05月', '06月', '07月', '08月', '09月', '10月', '11月', '12月'],
+ type: 'category',
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartYTextColor(),
+ },
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartYColor(),
+ type: 'dashed'
+ },
+ },
+ name: '',
+ },
+ series: [{
+ name: "含量",
+ data: [120, 200, 150, 80, 70, 110, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140],
+ type: 'line',
+ lineStyle: {
+ normal: {
+ width: 1,
+ color: "#00CAFF", // 线条颜色
+ }
+ },
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ formatter: '{c}',
+ position: 'top',
+ color: '#00CAFF',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ },
+ inittempchart: function() {
+ return {
+ backgroundColor: '#000000',
+ title: utils.createChartTitle('温度'),
+ grid: utils.createChartGaid(null, '20px', "50px", "40px"),
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'axis',
+ axisPointer: {
+ type: 'shadow',
+ },
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartXTextColor()
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ boundaryGap: false, //
+ data: this.areas,
+ type: 'category',
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartYTextColor(),
+ },
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartYColor(),
+ type: 'dashed'
+ },
+ },
+ name: '',
+ },
+ series: [{
+ name: "含量",
+ data: [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)],
+ type: 'line',
+ lineStyle: {
+ normal: {
+ width: 1,
+ color: "#FF8A26", // 线条颜色
+ }
+ },
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ formatter: '{c}',
+ position: 'top',
+ color: 'rgba(255,228,59,1)',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ areaStyle: { //区域填充样式
+ normal: {
+ color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
+ offset: 0,
+ color: "#FF8A26ff"
+ },
+ {
+ offset: 1,
+ color: "#FF8A2600"
+ }
+ ], false),
+ shadowColor: '#FF8A2688', //阴影颜色
+ shadowBlur: 20 //shadowBlur设图形阴影的模糊大小。配合shadowColor,shadowOffsetX/Y, 设置图形的阴影效果。
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ },
+ initshiduchart: function() {
+ return {
+ backgroundColor: '#000000',
+ title: utils.createChartTitle('湿度'),
+ grid: utils.createChartGaid(null, '20px', "50px", "40px"),
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'axis',
+ axisPointer: {
+ type: 'shadow',
+ },
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartXTextColor()
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ boundaryGap: false, //
+ data: this.areas,
+ type: 'category',
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartYTextColor(),
+ },
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartYColor(),
+ type: 'dashed'
+ },
+ },
+ name: '',
+ },
+ series: [{
+ name: "含量",
+ data: [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)],
+ type: 'line',
+ lineStyle: {
+ normal: {
+ width: 1,
+ color: "#01AAED", // 线条颜色
+ }
+ },
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ formatter: '{c}',
+ position: 'top',
+ color: 'rgba(255,228,59,1)',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ areaStyle: { //区域填充样式
+ normal: {
+ color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
+ offset: 0,
+ color: "#01AAEDff"
+ },
+ {
+ offset: 1,
+ color: "#01AAED00"
+ }
+ ], false),
+ shadowColor: '#01AAED88', //阴影颜色
+ shadowBlur: 20 //shadowBlur设图形阴影的模糊大小。配合shadowColor,shadowOffsetX/Y, 设置图形的阴影效果。
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ },
+ initligtechart: function() {
+ var value = [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(
+ 100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100)
+ .toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)
+ ];
+ return {
+ backgroundColor: '#000000',
+ title: utils.createChartTitle('光照'),
+ grid: utils.createChartGaid(null, '20px', "50px", "40px"),
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'axis',
+ axisPointer: {
+ type: 'shadow',
+ },
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartXTextColor()
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ // boundaryGap: false,//
+ data: this.areas,
+ type: 'category',
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartYTextColor(),
+ },
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartYColor(),
+ type: 'dashed'
+ },
+ },
+ name: '',
+ },
+ series: [{
+ name: '光照',
+ type: 'bar',
+ barWidth: '20px',
+ barGap: '60%',
+ itemStyle: {
+ color: '#FF5252',
+ borderColor: '#FF5252',
+ borderWidth: 1,
+ borderType: 'solid',
+ },
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ formatter: '{c}' + '%',
+ position: 'top',
+ color: 'rgba(255,228,59,1)',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ },
+ zlevel: 2,
+ data: value,
+ },
+ {
+ name: '光照',
+ type: 'pictorialBar',
+ symbolSize: [20, 10],
+ symbolOffset: [0, -5],
+ symbolPosition: 'end',
+ z: 15,
+ color: '#ffc241',
+ zlevel: 2,
+ data: value,
+ }]
+ }
+ },
+ initlinchart: function() {
+ return {
+ backgroundColor: '#000000',
+ title: utils.createChartTitle('磷含量'),
+ grid: utils.createChartGaid(null, '20px', "50px", "40px"),
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'axis',
+ axisPointer: {
+ type: 'shadow',
+ },
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartXTextColor()
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ // boundaryGap: false,//
+ data: this.areas,
+ type: 'category',
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartYTextColor(),
+ },
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartYColor(),
+ type: 'dashed'
+ },
+ },
+ name: '',
+ },
+ series: [{
+ // name: "含量",
+ // data: [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)],
+ // type: 'line',
+ // itemStyle:{
+ // color:'#6648FF'
+ // }
+ type: 'pictorialBar',
+ itemStyle: {
+ normal: {
+ color: '#6DF95A',
+ },
+ },
+ symbolRepeat: 'fixed',
+ symbolMargin: 4,
+ symbol: 'rect',
+ symbolClip: true,
+ symbolSize: [20, 8],
+ symbolPosition: 'start',
+ symbolOffset: [0, -1],
+ data: [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)],
+ z: 0,
+ zlevel: 8
+ }]
+ }
+ },
+ initdanchart: function() {
+ return {
+ backgroundColor: '#000000',
+ title: utils.createChartTitle('氮含量'),
+ grid: utils.createChartGaid(null, '20px', "50px", "40px"),
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'axis',
+ axisPointer: {
+ type: 'shadow',
+ },
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartXTextColor()
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ // boundaryGap: false,//
+ data: this.areas,
+ type: 'category',
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartYTextColor(),
+ },
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartYColor(),
+ type: 'dashed'
+ },
+ },
+ name: '',
+ },
+ series: [{
+ // name: "含量",
+ // data: [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)],
+ // type: 'line',
+ // itemStyle:{
+ // color:'#ee6666'
+ // },
+ type: 'pictorialBar',
+ itemStyle: {
+ normal: {
+ color: '#ee6666',
+ },
+ },
+ symbolRepeat: 'fixed',
+ symbolMargin: 4,
+ symbol: 'rect',
+ symbolClip: true,
+ symbolSize: [20, 8],
+ symbolPosition: 'start',
+ symbolOffset: [0, -1],
+ data: [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)],
+ z: 0,
+ zlevel: 8,
+ }]
+ }
+ },
+ initjiachart: function() {
+ return {
+ backgroundColor: '#000000',
+ title: utils.createChartTitle('钾含量'),
+ grid: utils.createChartGaid(null, '20px', "50px", "40px"),
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'axis',
+ axisPointer: {
+ type: 'shadow',
+ },
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartXTextColor()
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ // boundaryGap: false,//
+ data: this.areas,
+ type: 'category',
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartYTextColor(),
+ },
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartYColor(),
+ type: 'dashed'
+ },
+ },
+ name: '',
+ },
+ series: [{
+ // name: "含量",
+ // data: [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)],
+ // type: 'line',
+ // itemStyle:{
+ // color:'#488cf7'
+ // }
+ type: 'pictorialBar',
+ itemStyle: {
+ normal: {
+ color: '#488cf7',
+ },
+ },
+ symbolRepeat: 'fixed',
+ symbolMargin: 4,
+ symbol: 'rect',
+ symbolClip: true,
+ symbolSize: [20, 8],
+ symbolPosition: 'start',
+ symbolOffset: [0, -1],
+ data: [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)],
+ z: 0,
+ zlevel: 8,
+ }]
+ }
+ },
+ initphchart: function() {
+ return {
+ backgroundColor: '#000000',
+ // title:utils.createChartTitle('钾含量'),
+ grid: utils.createChartGaid(null, '20px', "20px", "20px"),
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'axis',
+ axisPointer: {
+ type: 'shadow',
+ },
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartXTextColor()
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ // boundaryGap: false,//
+ data: this.areas,
+ type: 'category',
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartYTextColor(),
+ },
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartYColor(),
+ type: 'dashed'
+ },
+ },
+ name: '',
+ },
+ series: [{
+ name: "含量",
+ data: [(Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math
+ .random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math
+ .random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math.random(100) * 14).toFixed(1), (Math
+ .random(100) * 14).toFixed(1)],
+ type: 'bar',
+ barWidth: '20px',
+ itemStyle: {
+ color: function(pama){
+ if(pama.value > 7){
+ return new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
+ offset: 0,
+ color: '#488cf7ff',
+ },
+ {
+ offset: 1,
+ color: '#488cf7bb',
+ },
+ ])
+ }else{
+ return new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
+ offset: 0,
+ color: '#FF5252ff',
+ },
+ {
+ offset: 1,
+ color: '#FF5252bb',
+ },
+ ])
+ }
+ },
+ barBorderRadius: 20
+ },
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ formatter: '{c}',
+ position: 'top',
+ color: '#fff',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ }
+ }]
+ };
+ },
+ inityanchart: function() {
+ return {
+ backgroundColor: '#000000',
+ // title:utils.createChartTitle('钾含量'),
+ grid: utils.createChartGaid(null, '20px', "20px", "20px"),
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'axis',
+ axisPointer: {
+ type: 'shadow',
+ },
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartXTextColor()
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ // boundaryGap: false,//
+ data: this.areas,
+ type: 'category',
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartYTextColor(),
+ },
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartYColor(),
+ type: 'dashed'
+ },
+ },
+ name: '',
+ },
+ series: [{
+ name: "含量",
+ data: [(Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math.random(100) * 100).toFixed(0), (Math
+ .random(100) * 100).toFixed(0)],
+ type: 'bar',
+ barWidth: '20px',
+ itemStyle: {
+ color: new echarts.graphic.LinearGradient(0, 0, 0, 1, [{
+ offset: 0,
+ color: '#FF5722ff',
+ },
+ {
+ offset: 1,
+ color: '#FF5722bb',
+ },
+ ]),
+ barBorderRadius: 20
+ },
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ formatter: '{c}',
+ position: 'top',
+ color: '#FF5722',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ }
+ }]
+ };
+ },
+ initguangaichart: function() {
+ return {
+ backgroundColor: '#000000',
+ grid: utils.createChartGaid(null, null, "20px", "20px"),
+ tooltip: {
+ trigger: 'axis',
+ axisPointer: {
+ type: 'shadow',
+ },
+ },
+ xAxis: {
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartXTextColor()
+ },
+ axisTick: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ show: false
+ },
+ boundaryGap: false, //
+ data: ['01月', '02月', '03月', '04月', '05月', '06月', '07月', '08月', '09月', '10月', '11月', '12月'],
+ type: 'category',
+ },
+ yAxis: {
+ axisLabel: {
+ color: utils.getChartYTextColor(),
+ },
+ axisLine: {
+ show: true,
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartXColor()
+ }
+ },
+ splitLine: {
+ lineStyle: {
+ color: utils.getChartYColor(),
+ type: 'dashed'
+ },
+ },
+ name: '',
+ },
+ series: [{
+ name: "含量",
+ data: [120, 200, 150, 80, 70, 110, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140, 140],
+ type: 'line',
+ itemStyle: {
+ color: '#00FAC1'
+ },
+ label: {
+ show: true,
+ formatter: '{c}',
+ position: 'top',
+ color: '#00FAC1',
+ fontSize: 12,
+ textAlign: 'center',
+ }
+ }]
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ }
+<style scoped="scoped">
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+ background: linear-gradient(to right, #40a55f, #000, #000);
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