import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends"; // Utils import { createNamespace, isObject } from '../utils'; import { isMobile } from '../utils/validate/mobile'; // Components import Area from '../area'; import Cell from '../cell'; import Field from '../field'; import Popup from '../popup'; import Toast from '../toast'; import Button from '../button'; import Dialog from '../dialog'; import Detail from './Detail'; import Switch from '../switch'; var _createNamespace = createNamespace('address-edit'), createComponent = _createNamespace[0], bem = _createNamespace[1], t = _createNamespace[2]; var defaultData = { name: '', tel: '', country: '', province: '', city: '', county: '', areaCode: '', postalCode: '', addressDetail: '', isDefault: false }; function isPostal(value) { return /^\d{6}$/.test(value); } export default createComponent({ props: { areaList: Object, isSaving: Boolean, isDeleting: Boolean, validator: Function, showDelete: Boolean, showPostal: Boolean, searchResult: Array, telMaxlength: [Number, String], showSetDefault: Boolean, saveButtonText: String, areaPlaceholder: String, deleteButtonText: String, showSearchResult: Boolean, showArea: { type: Boolean, default: true }, showDetail: { type: Boolean, default: true }, disableArea: Boolean, detailRows: { type: [Number, String], default: 1 }, detailMaxlength: { type: [Number, String], default: 200 }, addressInfo: { type: Object, default: function _default() { return _extends({}, defaultData); } }, telValidator: { type: Function, default: isMobile }, postalValidator: { type: Function, default: isPostal }, areaColumnsPlaceholder: { type: Array, default: function _default() { return []; } } }, data: function data() { return { data: {}, showAreaPopup: false, detailFocused: false, errorInfo: { tel: '', name: '', areaCode: '', postalCode: '', addressDetail: '' } }; }, computed: { areaListLoaded: function areaListLoaded() { return isObject(this.areaList) && Object.keys(this.areaList).length; }, areaText: function areaText() { var _this$data =, country = _this$, province = _this$data.province, city = _this$, county = _this$data.county, areaCode = _this$data.areaCode; if (areaCode) { var arr = [country, province, city, county]; if (province && province === city) { arr.splice(1, 1); } return arr.filter(function (text) { return text; }).join('/'); } return ''; }, // hide bottom field when use search && detail get focused hideBottomFields: function hideBottomFields() { var searchResult = this.searchResult; return searchResult && searchResult.length && this.detailFocused; } }, watch: { addressInfo: { handler: function handler(val) { = _extends({}, defaultData, val); this.setAreaCode(val.areaCode); }, deep: true, immediate: true }, areaList: function areaList() { this.setAreaCode(; } }, methods: { onFocus: function onFocus(key) { this.errorInfo[key] = ''; this.detailFocused = key === 'addressDetail'; this.$emit('focus', key); }, onChangeDetail: function onChangeDetail(val) { = val; this.$emit('change-detail', val); }, onAreaConfirm: function onAreaConfirm(values) { values = values.filter(function (value) { return !!value; }); if (values.some(function (value) { return !value.code; })) { Toast(t('areaEmpty')); return; } this.showAreaPopup = false; this.assignAreaValues(); this.$emit('change-area', values); }, assignAreaValues: function assignAreaValues() { var area = this.$refs.area; if (area) { var detail = area.getArea(); detail.areaCode = detail.code; delete detail.code; _extends(, detail); } }, onSave: function onSave() { var _this = this; var items = ['name', 'tel']; if (this.showArea) { items.push('areaCode'); } if (this.showDetail) { items.push('addressDetail'); } if (this.showPostal) { items.push('postalCode'); } var isValid = items.every(function (item) { var msg = _this.getErrorMessage(item); if (msg) { _this.errorInfo[item] = msg; } return !msg; }); if (isValid && !this.isSaving) { this.$emit('save',; } }, getErrorMessage: function getErrorMessage(key) { var value = String([key] || '').trim(); if (this.validator) { var message = this.validator(key, value); if (message) { return message; } } switch (key) { case 'name': return value ? '' : t('nameEmpty'); case 'tel': return this.telValidator(value) ? '' : t('telInvalid'); case 'areaCode': return value ? '' : t('areaEmpty'); case 'addressDetail': return value ? '' : t('addressEmpty'); case 'postalCode': return value && !this.postalValidator(value) ? t('postalEmpty') : ''; } }, onDelete: function onDelete() { var _this2 = this; Dialog.confirm({ title: t('confirmDelete') }).then(function () { _this2.$emit('delete',; }).catch(function () { _this2.$emit('cancel-delete',; }); }, // get values of area component getArea: function getArea() { return this.$refs.area ? this.$refs.area.getValues() : []; }, // set area code to area component setAreaCode: function setAreaCode(code) { = code || ''; if (code) { this.$nextTick(this.assignAreaValues); } }, // @exposed-api setAddressDetail: function setAddressDetail(value) { = value; }, onDetailBlur: function onDetailBlur() { var _this3 = this; // await for click search event setTimeout(function () { _this3.detailFocused = false; }); }, genSetDefaultCell: function genSetDefaultCell(h) { var _this4 = this; if (this.showSetDefault) { var slots = { 'right-icon': function rightIcon() { return h(Switch, { "attrs": { "size": "24" }, "on": { "change": function change(event) { _this4.$emit('change-default', event); } }, "model": { value:, callback: function callback($$v) { _this4.$set(, "isDefault", $$v); } } }); } }; return h(Cell, { "directives": [{ name: "show", value: !this.hideBottomFields }], "attrs": { "center": true, "title": t('defaultAddress') }, "class": bem('default'), "scopedSlots": slots }); } return h(); } }, render: function render(h) { var _this5 = this; var data =, errorInfo = this.errorInfo, disableArea = this.disableArea, hideBottomFields = this.hideBottomFields; var onFocus = function onFocus(name) { return function () { return _this5.onFocus(name); }; }; return h("div", { "class": bem() }, [h("div", { "class": bem('fields') }, [h(Field, { "attrs": { "clearable": true, "label": t('name'), "placeholder": t('namePlaceholder'), "errorMessage": }, "on": { "focus": onFocus('name') }, "model": { value:, callback: function callback($$v) { _this5.$set(data, "name", $$v); } } }), h(Field, { "attrs": { "clearable": true, "type": "tel", "label": t('tel'), "maxlength": this.telMaxlength, "placeholder": t('telPlaceholder'), "errorMessage": }, "on": { "focus": onFocus('tel') }, "model": { value:, callback: function callback($$v) { _this5.$set(data, "tel", $$v); } } }), h(Field, { "directives": [{ name: "show", value: this.showArea }], "attrs": { "readonly": true, "clickable": !disableArea, "label": t('area'), "placeholder": this.areaPlaceholder || t('areaPlaceholder'), "errorMessage": errorInfo.areaCode, "rightIcon": !disableArea ? 'arrow' : null, "value": this.areaText }, "on": { "focus": onFocus('areaCode'), "click": function click() { _this5.$emit('click-area'); _this5.showAreaPopup = !disableArea; } } }), h(Detail, { "directives": [{ name: "show", value: this.showDetail }], "attrs": { "focused": this.detailFocused, "value": data.addressDetail, "errorMessage": errorInfo.addressDetail, "detailRows": this.detailRows, "detailMaxlength": this.detailMaxlength, "searchResult": this.searchResult, "showSearchResult": this.showSearchResult }, "on": { "focus": onFocus('addressDetail'), "blur": this.onDetailBlur, "input": this.onChangeDetail, "select-search": function selectSearch(event) { _this5.$emit('select-search', event); } } }), this.showPostal && h(Field, { "directives": [{ name: "show", value: !hideBottomFields }], "attrs": { "type": "tel", "maxlength": "6", "label": t('postal'), "placeholder": t('postal'), "errorMessage": errorInfo.postalCode }, "on": { "focus": onFocus('postalCode') }, "model": { value: data.postalCode, callback: function callback($$v) { _this5.$set(data, "postalCode", $$v); } } }), this.slots()]), this.genSetDefaultCell(h), h("div", { "directives": [{ name: "show", value: !hideBottomFields }], "class": bem('buttons') }, [h(Button, { "attrs": { "block": true, "round": true, "loading": this.isSaving, "type": "danger", "text": this.saveButtonText || t('save') }, "on": { "click": this.onSave } }), this.showDelete && h(Button, { "attrs": { "block": true, "round": true, "loading": this.isDeleting, "text": this.deleteButtonText || t('delete') }, "on": { "click": this.onDelete } })]), h(Popup, { "attrs": { "round": true, "position": "bottom", "lazyRender": false, "getContainer": "body" }, "model": { value: _this5.showAreaPopup, callback: function callback($$v) { _this5.showAreaPopup = $$v; } } }, [h(Area, { "ref": "area", "attrs": { "value": data.areaCode, "loading": !this.areaListLoaded, "areaList": this.areaList, "columnsPlaceholder": this.areaColumnsPlaceholder }, "on": { "confirm": this.onAreaConfirm, "cancel": function cancel() { _this5.showAreaPopup = false; } } })])]); } });