import _extends from "@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends"; // Utils import { createNamespace } from '../utils'; import { raf, doubleRaf } from '../utils/dom/raf'; // Mixins import { ChildrenMixin } from '../mixins/relation'; // Components import Cell from '../cell'; import { cellProps } from '../cell/shared'; var _createNamespace = createNamespace('collapse-item'), createComponent = _createNamespace[0], bem = _createNamespace[1]; var CELL_SLOTS = ['title', 'icon', 'right-icon']; export default createComponent({ mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanCollapse')], props: _extends({}, cellProps, { name: [Number, String], disabled: Boolean, lazyRender: { type: Boolean, default: true }, isLink: { type: Boolean, default: true } }), data: function data() { return { show: null, inited: null }; }, computed: { currentName: function currentName() { var _this$name; return (_this$name = != null ? _this$name : this.index; }, expanded: function expanded() { var _this = this; if (!this.parent) { return null; } var _this$parent = this.parent, value = _this$parent.value, accordion = _this$parent.accordion; if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' && !accordion && !Array.isArray(value)) { console.error('[Vant] Collapse: type of prop "value" should be Array'); return; } return accordion ? value === this.currentName : value.some(function (name) { return name === _this.currentName; }); } }, created: function created() { = this.expanded; this.inited = this.expanded; }, watch: { expanded: function expanded(_expanded, prev) { var _this2 = this; if (prev === null) { return; } if (_expanded) { = true; this.inited = true; } // Use raf: flick when opened in safari // Use nextTick: closing animation failed when set `user-select: none` var nextTick = _expanded ? this.$nextTick : raf; nextTick(function () { var _this2$$refs = _this2.$refs, content = _this2$$refs.content, wrapper = _this2$$refs.wrapper; if (!content || !wrapper) { return; } var offsetHeight = content.offsetHeight; if (offsetHeight) { var contentHeight = offsetHeight + "px"; = _expanded ? 0 : contentHeight; // use double raf to ensure animation can start doubleRaf(function () { = _expanded ? contentHeight : 0; }); } else { _this2.onTransitionEnd(); } }); } }, methods: { onClick: function onClick() { if (!this.disabled) { this.toggle(); } }, // @exposed-api toggle: function toggle(expanded) { if (expanded === void 0) { expanded = !this.expanded; } var parent = this.parent, currentName = this.currentName; var close = parent.accordion && currentName === parent.value; var name = close ? '' : currentName; this.parent.switch(name, expanded); }, onTransitionEnd: function onTransitionEnd() { if (!this.expanded) { = false; } else { this.$ = ''; } }, genTitle: function genTitle() { var _this3 = this; var h = this.$createElement; var border = this.border, disabled = this.disabled, expanded = this.expanded; var titleSlots = CELL_SLOTS.reduce(function (slots, name) { if (_this3.slots(name)) { slots[name] = function () { return _this3.slots(name); }; } return slots; }, {}); if (this.slots('value')) { titleSlots.default = function () { return _this3.slots('value'); }; } return h(Cell, { "attrs": { "role": "button", "tabindex": disabled ? -1 : 0, "aria-expanded": String(expanded) }, "class": bem('title', { disabled: disabled, expanded: expanded, borderless: !border }), "on": { "click": this.onClick }, "scopedSlots": titleSlots, "props": _extends({}, this.$props) }); }, genContent: function genContent() { var h = this.$createElement; if (this.inited || !this.lazyRender) { return h("div", { "directives": [{ name: "show", value: }], "ref": "wrapper", "class": bem('wrapper'), "on": { "transitionend": this.onTransitionEnd } }, [h("div", { "ref": "content", "class": bem('content') }, [this.slots()])]); } } }, render: function render() { var h = arguments[0]; return h("div", { "class": [bem({ border: this.index && this.border })] }, [this.genTitle(), this.genContent()]); } });