export default { name: 'Name', tel: 'Phone', save: 'Save', confirm: 'Confirm', cancel: 'Cancel', delete: 'Delete', complete: 'Complete', loading: 'Loading...', telEmpty: 'Please fill in the tel', nameEmpty: 'Please fill in the name', nameInvalid: 'Malformed name', confirmDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete?', telInvalid: 'Malformed phone number', vanCalendar: { end: 'End', start: 'Start', title: 'Calendar', startEnd: 'Start/End', weekdays: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'], monthTitle: function monthTitle(year, month) { return year + "/" + month; }, rangePrompt: function rangePrompt(maxRange) { return "Choose no more than " + maxRange + " days"; } }, vanCascader: { select: 'Select' }, vanContactCard: { addText: 'Add contact info' }, vanContactList: { addText: 'Add new contact' }, vanPagination: { prev: 'Previous', next: 'Next' }, vanPullRefresh: { pulling: 'Pull to refresh...', loosing: 'Loose to refresh...' }, vanSubmitBar: { label: 'Total:' }, vanCoupon: { unlimited: 'Unlimited', discount: function discount(_discount) { return _discount * 10 + "% off"; }, condition: function condition(_condition) { return "At least " + _condition; } }, vanCouponCell: { title: 'Coupon', tips: 'No coupons', count: function count(_count) { return "You have " + _count + " coupons"; } }, vanCouponList: { empty: 'No coupons', exchange: 'Exchange', close: 'Close', enable: 'Available', disabled: 'Unavailable', placeholder: 'Coupon code' }, vanAddressEdit: { area: 'Area', postal: 'Postal', areaEmpty: 'Please select a receiving area', addressEmpty: 'Address can not be empty', postalEmpty: 'Wrong postal code', defaultAddress: 'Set as the default address', telPlaceholder: 'Phone', namePlaceholder: 'Name', areaPlaceholder: 'Area' }, vanAddressEditDetail: { label: 'Address', placeholder: 'Address' }, vanAddressList: { add: 'Add new address' } };