// Utils import { createNamespace, isDef, addUnit } from '../utils'; import { scrollLeftTo, scrollTopTo } from './utils'; import { route } from '../utils/router'; import { isHidden } from '../utils/dom/style'; import { on, off } from '../utils/dom/event'; import { unitToPx } from '../utils/format/unit'; import { BORDER_TOP_BOTTOM } from '../utils/constant'; import { callInterceptor } from '../utils/interceptor'; import { getScroller, getVisibleTop, getElementTop, getVisibleHeight, setRootScrollTop } from '../utils/dom/scroll'; // Mixins import { ParentMixin } from '../mixins/relation'; import { BindEventMixin } from '../mixins/bind-event'; // Components import Title from './Title'; import Sticky from '../sticky'; import Content from './Content'; var _createNamespace = createNamespace('tabs'), createComponent = _createNamespace[0], bem = _createNamespace[1]; export default createComponent({ mixins: [ParentMixin('vanTabs'), BindEventMixin(function (bind) { if (!this.scroller) { this.scroller = getScroller(this.$el); } bind(window, 'resize', this.resize, true); if (this.scrollspy) { bind(this.scroller, 'scroll', this.onScroll, true); } })], inject: { vanPopup: { default: null } }, model: { prop: 'active' }, props: { color: String, border: Boolean, sticky: Boolean, animated: Boolean, swipeable: Boolean, scrollspy: Boolean, background: String, lineWidth: [Number, String], lineHeight: [Number, String], beforeChange: Function, titleActiveColor: String, titleInactiveColor: String, type: { type: String, default: 'line' }, active: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, ellipsis: { type: Boolean, default: true }, duration: { type: [Number, String], default: 0.3 }, offsetTop: { type: [Number, String], default: 0 }, lazyRender: { type: Boolean, default: true }, swipeThreshold: { type: [Number, String], default: 5 } }, data: function data() { return { position: '', currentIndex: null, lineStyle: { backgroundColor: this.color } }; }, computed: { // whether the nav is scrollable scrollable: function scrollable() { return this.children.length > this.swipeThreshold || !this.ellipsis; }, navStyle: function navStyle() { return { borderColor: this.color, background: this.background }; }, currentName: function currentName() { var activeTab = this.children[this.currentIndex]; if (activeTab) { return activeTab.computedName; } }, offsetTopPx: function offsetTopPx() { return unitToPx(this.offsetTop); }, scrollOffset: function scrollOffset() { if (this.sticky) { return this.offsetTopPx + this.tabHeight; } return 0; } }, watch: { color: 'setLine', active: function active(name) { if (name !== this.currentName) { this.setCurrentIndexByName(name); } }, children: function children() { var _this = this; this.setCurrentIndexByName(this.active); this.setLine(); this.$nextTick(function () { _this.scrollIntoView(true); }); }, currentIndex: function currentIndex() { this.scrollIntoView(); this.setLine(); // scroll to correct position if (this.stickyFixed && !this.scrollspy) { setRootScrollTop(Math.ceil(getElementTop(this.$el) - this.offsetTopPx)); } }, scrollspy: function scrollspy(val) { if (val) { on(this.scroller, 'scroll', this.onScroll, true); } else { off(this.scroller, 'scroll', this.onScroll); } } }, mounted: function mounted() { var _this2 = this; this.init(); // https://github.com/vant-ui/vant/issues/7959 if (this.vanPopup) { this.vanPopup.onReopen(function () { _this2.setLine(); }); } }, activated: function activated() { this.init(); this.setLine(); }, methods: { // @exposed-api resize: function resize() { this.setLine(); }, init: function init() { var _this3 = this; this.$nextTick(function () { _this3.inited = true; _this3.tabHeight = getVisibleHeight(_this3.$refs.wrap); _this3.scrollIntoView(true); }); }, // update nav bar style setLine: function setLine() { var _this4 = this; var shouldAnimate = this.inited; this.$nextTick(function () { var titles = _this4.$refs.titles; if (!titles || !titles[_this4.currentIndex] || _this4.type !== 'line' || isHidden(_this4.$el)) { return; } var title = titles[_this4.currentIndex].$el; var lineWidth = _this4.lineWidth, lineHeight = _this4.lineHeight; var left = title.offsetLeft + title.offsetWidth / 2; var lineStyle = { width: addUnit(lineWidth), backgroundColor: _this4.color, transform: "translateX(" + left + "px) translateX(-50%)" }; if (shouldAnimate) { lineStyle.transitionDuration = _this4.duration + "s"; } if (isDef(lineHeight)) { var height = addUnit(lineHeight); lineStyle.height = height; lineStyle.borderRadius = height; } _this4.lineStyle = lineStyle; }); }, // correct the index of active tab setCurrentIndexByName: function setCurrentIndexByName(name) { var matched = this.children.filter(function (tab) { return tab.computedName === name; }); var defaultIndex = (this.children[0] || {}).index || 0; this.setCurrentIndex(matched.length ? matched[0].index : defaultIndex); }, setCurrentIndex: function setCurrentIndex(currentIndex) { var newIndex = this.findAvailableTab(currentIndex); if (!isDef(newIndex)) { return; } var newTab = this.children[newIndex]; var newName = newTab.computedName; var shouldEmitChange = this.currentIndex !== null; this.currentIndex = newIndex; if (newName !== this.active) { this.$emit('input', newName); if (shouldEmitChange) { this.$emit('change', newName, newTab.title); } } }, findAvailableTab: function findAvailableTab(index) { var diff = index < this.currentIndex ? -1 : 1; while (index >= 0 && index < this.children.length) { if (!this.children[index].disabled) { return index; } index += diff; } }, // emit event when clicked onClick: function onClick(item, index) { var _this5 = this; var _this$children$index = this.children[index], title = _this$children$index.title, disabled = _this$children$index.disabled, computedName = _this$children$index.computedName; if (disabled) { this.$emit('disabled', computedName, title); } else { callInterceptor({ interceptor: this.beforeChange, args: [computedName], done: function done() { _this5.setCurrentIndex(index); _this5.scrollToCurrentContent(); } }); this.$emit('click', computedName, title); route(item.$router, item); } }, // scroll active tab into view scrollIntoView: function scrollIntoView(immediate) { var titles = this.$refs.titles; if (!this.scrollable || !titles || !titles[this.currentIndex]) { return; } var nav = this.$refs.nav; var title = titles[this.currentIndex].$el; var to = title.offsetLeft - (nav.offsetWidth - title.offsetWidth) / 2; scrollLeftTo(nav, to, immediate ? 0 : +this.duration); }, onSticktScroll: function onSticktScroll(params) { this.stickyFixed = params.isFixed; this.$emit('scroll', params); }, // @exposed-api scrollTo: function scrollTo(name) { var _this6 = this; this.$nextTick(function () { _this6.setCurrentIndexByName(name); _this6.scrollToCurrentContent(true); }); }, scrollToCurrentContent: function scrollToCurrentContent(immediate) { var _this7 = this; if (immediate === void 0) { immediate = false; } if (this.scrollspy) { var target = this.children[this.currentIndex]; var el = target == null ? void 0 : target.$el; if (el) { var to = getElementTop(el, this.scroller) - this.scrollOffset; this.lockScroll = true; scrollTopTo(this.scroller, to, immediate ? 0 : +this.duration, function () { _this7.lockScroll = false; }); } } }, onScroll: function onScroll() { if (this.scrollspy && !this.lockScroll) { var index = this.getCurrentIndexOnScroll(); this.setCurrentIndex(index); } }, getCurrentIndexOnScroll: function getCurrentIndexOnScroll() { var children = this.children; for (var index = 0; index < children.length; index++) { var top = getVisibleTop(children[index].$el); if (top > this.scrollOffset) { return index === 0 ? 0 : index - 1; } } return children.length - 1; } }, render: function render() { var _this8 = this, _ref; var h = arguments[0]; var type = this.type, animated = this.animated, scrollable = this.scrollable; var Nav = this.children.map(function (item, index) { var _item$badge; return h(Title, { "ref": "titles", "refInFor": true, "attrs": { "type": type, "dot": item.dot, "info": (_item$badge = item.badge) != null ? _item$badge : item.info, "title": item.title, "color": _this8.color, "isActive": index === _this8.currentIndex, "disabled": item.disabled, "scrollable": scrollable, "activeColor": _this8.titleActiveColor, "inactiveColor": _this8.titleInactiveColor }, "style": item.titleStyle, "class": item.titleClass, "scopedSlots": { default: function _default() { return item.slots('title'); } }, "on": { "click": function click() { _this8.onClick(item, index); } } }); }); var Wrap = h("div", { "ref": "wrap", "class": [bem('wrap', { scrollable: scrollable }), (_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER_TOP_BOTTOM] = type === 'line' && this.border, _ref)] }, [h("div", { "ref": "nav", "attrs": { "role": "tablist" }, "class": bem('nav', [type, { complete: this.scrollable }]), "style": this.navStyle }, [this.slots('nav-left'), Nav, type === 'line' && h("div", { "class": bem('line'), "style": this.lineStyle }), this.slots('nav-right')])]); return h("div", { "class": bem([type]) }, [this.sticky ? h(Sticky, { "attrs": { "container": this.$el, "offsetTop": this.offsetTop }, "on": { "scroll": this.onSticktScroll } }, [Wrap]) : Wrap, h(Content, { "attrs": { "count": this.children.length, "animated": animated, "duration": this.duration, "swipeable": this.swipeable, "currentIndex": this.currentIndex }, "on": { "change": this.setCurrentIndex } }, [this.slots()])]); } });