en-US.js 2.2 KB

  1. "use strict";
  2. exports.__esModule = true;
  3. exports.default = void 0;
  4. var _default = {
  5. name: 'Name',
  6. tel: 'Phone',
  7. save: 'Save',
  8. confirm: 'Confirm',
  9. cancel: 'Cancel',
  10. delete: 'Delete',
  11. complete: 'Complete',
  12. loading: 'Loading...',
  13. telEmpty: 'Please fill in the tel',
  14. nameEmpty: 'Please fill in the name',
  15. nameInvalid: 'Malformed name',
  16. confirmDelete: 'Are you sure you want to delete?',
  17. telInvalid: 'Malformed phone number',
  18. vanCalendar: {
  19. end: 'End',
  20. start: 'Start',
  21. title: 'Calendar',
  22. startEnd: 'Start/End',
  23. weekdays: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
  24. monthTitle: function monthTitle(year, month) {
  25. return year + "/" + month;
  26. },
  27. rangePrompt: function rangePrompt(maxRange) {
  28. return "Choose no more than " + maxRange + " days";
  29. }
  30. },
  31. vanCascader: {
  32. select: 'Select'
  33. },
  34. vanContactCard: {
  35. addText: 'Add contact info'
  36. },
  37. vanContactList: {
  38. addText: 'Add new contact'
  39. },
  40. vanPagination: {
  41. prev: 'Previous',
  42. next: 'Next'
  43. },
  44. vanPullRefresh: {
  45. pulling: 'Pull to refresh...',
  46. loosing: 'Loose to refresh...'
  47. },
  48. vanSubmitBar: {
  49. label: 'Total:'
  50. },
  51. vanCoupon: {
  52. unlimited: 'Unlimited',
  53. discount: function discount(_discount) {
  54. return _discount * 10 + "% off";
  55. },
  56. condition: function condition(_condition) {
  57. return "At least " + _condition;
  58. }
  59. },
  60. vanCouponCell: {
  61. title: 'Coupon',
  62. tips: 'No coupons',
  63. count: function count(_count) {
  64. return "You have " + _count + " coupons";
  65. }
  66. },
  67. vanCouponList: {
  68. empty: 'No coupons',
  69. exchange: 'Exchange',
  70. close: 'Close',
  71. enable: 'Available',
  72. disabled: 'Unavailable',
  73. placeholder: 'Coupon code'
  74. },
  75. vanAddressEdit: {
  76. area: 'Area',
  77. postal: 'Postal',
  78. areaEmpty: 'Please select a receiving area',
  79. addressEmpty: 'Address can not be empty',
  80. postalEmpty: 'Wrong postal code',
  81. defaultAddress: 'Set as the default address',
  82. telPlaceholder: 'Phone',
  83. namePlaceholder: 'Name',
  84. areaPlaceholder: 'Area'
  85. },
  86. vanAddressEditDetail: {
  87. label: 'Address',
  88. placeholder: 'Address'
  89. },
  90. vanAddressList: {
  91. add: 'Add new address'
  92. }
  93. };
  94. exports.default = _default;