* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.


* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
*   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import * as zrUtil from 'zrender/lib/core/util.js';
import * as numberUtil from './number.js';
import { getDefaultLocaleModel, getLocaleModel, SYSTEM_LANG } from '../core/locale.js';
import Model from '../model/Model.js';
export var ONE_SECOND = 1000;
export var ONE_MINUTE = ONE_SECOND * 60;
export var ONE_HOUR = ONE_MINUTE * 60;
export var ONE_DAY = ONE_HOUR * 24;
export var ONE_YEAR = ONE_DAY * 365;
export var defaultLeveledFormatter = {
  year: '{yyyy}',
  month: '{MMM}',
  day: '{d}',
  hour: '{HH}:{mm}',
  minute: '{HH}:{mm}',
  second: '{HH}:{mm}:{ss}',
  millisecond: '{HH}:{mm}:{ss} {SSS}',
  none: '{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd} {HH}:{mm}:{ss} {SSS}'
var fullDayFormatter = '{yyyy}-{MM}-{dd}';
export var fullLeveledFormatter = {
  year: '{yyyy}',
  month: '{yyyy}-{MM}',
  day: fullDayFormatter,
  hour: fullDayFormatter + ' ' + defaultLeveledFormatter.hour,
  minute: fullDayFormatter + ' ' + defaultLeveledFormatter.minute,
  second: fullDayFormatter + ' ' + defaultLeveledFormatter.second,
  millisecond: defaultLeveledFormatter.none
export var primaryTimeUnits = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond'];
export var timeUnits = ['year', 'half-year', 'quarter', 'month', 'week', 'half-week', 'day', 'half-day', 'quarter-day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'millisecond'];
export function pad(str, len) {
  str += '';
  return '0000'.substr(0, len - str.length) + str;
export function getPrimaryTimeUnit(timeUnit) {
  switch (timeUnit) {
    case 'half-year':
    case 'quarter':
      return 'month';
    case 'week':
    case 'half-week':
      return 'day';
    case 'half-day':
    case 'quarter-day':
      return 'hour';
      // year, minutes, second, milliseconds
      return timeUnit;
export function isPrimaryTimeUnit(timeUnit) {
  return timeUnit === getPrimaryTimeUnit(timeUnit);
export function getDefaultFormatPrecisionOfInterval(timeUnit) {
  switch (timeUnit) {
    case 'year':
    case 'month':
      return 'day';
    case 'millisecond':
      return 'millisecond';
      // Also for day, hour, minute, second
      return 'second';
export function format(
// Note: The result based on `isUTC` are totally different, which can not be just simply
// substituted by the result without `isUTC`. So we make the param `isUTC` mandatory.
time, template, isUTC, lang) {
  var date = numberUtil.parseDate(time);
  var y = date[fullYearGetterName(isUTC)]();
  var M = date[monthGetterName(isUTC)]() + 1;
  var q = Math.floor((M - 1) / 3) + 1;
  var d = date[dateGetterName(isUTC)]();
  var e = date['get' + (isUTC ? 'UTC' : '') + 'Day']();
  var H = date[hoursGetterName(isUTC)]();
  var h = (H - 1) % 12 + 1;
  var m = date[minutesGetterName(isUTC)]();
  var s = date[secondsGetterName(isUTC)]();
  var S = date[millisecondsGetterName(isUTC)]();
  var a = H >= 12 ? 'pm' : 'am';
  var A = a.toUpperCase();
  var localeModel = lang instanceof Model ? lang : getLocaleModel(lang || SYSTEM_LANG) || getDefaultLocaleModel();
  var timeModel = localeModel.getModel('time');
  var month = timeModel.get('month');
  var monthAbbr = timeModel.get('monthAbbr');
  var dayOfWeek = timeModel.get('dayOfWeek');
  var dayOfWeekAbbr = timeModel.get('dayOfWeekAbbr');
  return (template || '').replace(/{a}/g, a + '').replace(/{A}/g, A + '').replace(/{yyyy}/g, y + '').replace(/{yy}/g, pad(y % 100 + '', 2)).replace(/{Q}/g, q + '').replace(/{MMMM}/g, month[M - 1]).replace(/{MMM}/g, monthAbbr[M - 1]).replace(/{MM}/g, pad(M, 2)).replace(/{M}/g, M + '').replace(/{dd}/g, pad(d, 2)).replace(/{d}/g, d + '').replace(/{eeee}/g, dayOfWeek[e]).replace(/{ee}/g, dayOfWeekAbbr[e]).replace(/{e}/g, e + '').replace(/{HH}/g, pad(H, 2)).replace(/{H}/g, H + '').replace(/{hh}/g, pad(h + '', 2)).replace(/{h}/g, h + '').replace(/{mm}/g, pad(m, 2)).replace(/{m}/g, m + '').replace(/{ss}/g, pad(s, 2)).replace(/{s}/g, s + '').replace(/{SSS}/g, pad(S, 3)).replace(/{S}/g, S + '');
export function leveledFormat(tick, idx, formatter, lang, isUTC) {
  var template = null;
  if (zrUtil.isString(formatter)) {
    // Single formatter for all units at all levels
    template = formatter;
  } else if (zrUtil.isFunction(formatter)) {
    // Callback formatter
    template = formatter(tick.value, idx, {
      level: tick.level
  } else {
    var defaults = zrUtil.extend({}, defaultLeveledFormatter);
    if (tick.level > 0) {
      for (var i = 0; i < primaryTimeUnits.length; ++i) {
        defaults[primaryTimeUnits[i]] = "{primary|" + defaults[primaryTimeUnits[i]] + "}";
    var mergedFormatter = formatter ? formatter.inherit === false ? formatter // Use formatter with bigger units
    : zrUtil.defaults(formatter, defaults) : defaults;
    var unit = getUnitFromValue(tick.value, isUTC);
    if (mergedFormatter[unit]) {
      template = mergedFormatter[unit];
    } else if (mergedFormatter.inherit) {
      // Unit formatter is not defined and should inherit from bigger units
      var targetId = timeUnits.indexOf(unit);
      for (var i = targetId - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
        if (mergedFormatter[unit]) {
          template = mergedFormatter[unit];
      template = template || defaults.none;
    if (zrUtil.isArray(template)) {
      var levelId = tick.level == null ? 0 : tick.level >= 0 ? tick.level : template.length + tick.level;
      levelId = Math.min(levelId, template.length - 1);
      template = template[levelId];
  return format(new Date(tick.value), template, isUTC, lang);
export function getUnitFromValue(value, isUTC) {
  var date = numberUtil.parseDate(value);
  var M = date[monthGetterName(isUTC)]() + 1;
  var d = date[dateGetterName(isUTC)]();
  var h = date[hoursGetterName(isUTC)]();
  var m = date[minutesGetterName(isUTC)]();
  var s = date[secondsGetterName(isUTC)]();
  var S = date[millisecondsGetterName(isUTC)]();
  var isSecond = S === 0;
  var isMinute = isSecond && s === 0;
  var isHour = isMinute && m === 0;
  var isDay = isHour && h === 0;
  var isMonth = isDay && d === 1;
  var isYear = isMonth && M === 1;
  if (isYear) {
    return 'year';
  } else if (isMonth) {
    return 'month';
  } else if (isDay) {
    return 'day';
  } else if (isHour) {
    return 'hour';
  } else if (isMinute) {
    return 'minute';
  } else if (isSecond) {
    return 'second';
  } else {
    return 'millisecond';
export function getUnitValue(value, unit, isUTC) {
  var date = zrUtil.isNumber(value) ? numberUtil.parseDate(value) : value;
  unit = unit || getUnitFromValue(value, isUTC);
  switch (unit) {
    case 'year':
      return date[fullYearGetterName(isUTC)]();
    case 'half-year':
      return date[monthGetterName(isUTC)]() >= 6 ? 1 : 0;
    case 'quarter':
      return Math.floor((date[monthGetterName(isUTC)]() + 1) / 4);
    case 'month':
      return date[monthGetterName(isUTC)]();
    case 'day':
      return date[dateGetterName(isUTC)]();
    case 'half-day':
      return date[hoursGetterName(isUTC)]() / 24;
    case 'hour':
      return date[hoursGetterName(isUTC)]();
    case 'minute':
      return date[minutesGetterName(isUTC)]();
    case 'second':
      return date[secondsGetterName(isUTC)]();
    case 'millisecond':
      return date[millisecondsGetterName(isUTC)]();
export function fullYearGetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'getUTCFullYear' : 'getFullYear';
export function monthGetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'getUTCMonth' : 'getMonth';
export function dateGetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'getUTCDate' : 'getDate';
export function hoursGetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'getUTCHours' : 'getHours';
export function minutesGetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'getUTCMinutes' : 'getMinutes';
export function secondsGetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'getUTCSeconds' : 'getSeconds';
export function millisecondsGetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'getUTCMilliseconds' : 'getMilliseconds';
export function fullYearSetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'setUTCFullYear' : 'setFullYear';
export function monthSetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'setUTCMonth' : 'setMonth';
export function dateSetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'setUTCDate' : 'setDate';
export function hoursSetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'setUTCHours' : 'setHours';
export function minutesSetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'setUTCMinutes' : 'setMinutes';
export function secondsSetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'setUTCSeconds' : 'setSeconds';
export function millisecondsSetterName(isUTC) {
  return isUTC ? 'setUTCMilliseconds' : 'setMilliseconds';