@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+import { Component } from '@angular/core';
+import {
+ IonHeader,
+ IonToolbar,
+ IonTitle,
+ IonContent,
+ IonList,
+ IonItem,
+ IonLabel,
+ IonButton,
+ IonButtons,
+ IonInput,
+ IonRadio,
+ IonRadioGroup,
+ IonCheckbox
+} from '@ionic/angular/standalone';
+import { NgFor, NgIf } from '@angular/common';
+import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
+import { AgentTaskStep } from '../../agent.task';
+import { ModalController } from '@ionic/angular/standalone';
+import { ApiService } from '../../../app/services/api.service';
+import { GenerateAnswerOptions } from './types';
+import { FmodeChatCompletion } from 'fmode-ng';
+// 定义练习题类型
+interface Exercise {
+ type: 'single' | 'multiple' | 'blank';
+ question: string;
+ options?: string[];
+ userAnswer?: string;
+ answer?: string;
+ explanation?: string;
+// 创建练习题生成和作答的模态框组件
+ selector: 'app-exercise-modal',
+ template: `
+ <ion-header>
+ <ion-toolbar>
+ <ion-title>{{ currentIndex + 1 }}/{{ exercises.length }}</ion-title>
+ <ion-buttons slot="end">
+ <ion-button (click)="dismiss()">关闭</ion-button>
+ </ion-buttons>
+ </ion-toolbar>
+ </ion-header>
+ <ion-content class="ion-padding">
+ <div *ngIf="currentExercise">
+ <!-- 题目内容 -->
+ <h2>{{ currentExercise.question }}</h2>
+ <!-- 选择题选项 -->
+ <ion-list *ngIf="currentExercise.type === 'single' || currentExercise.type === 'multiple'">
+ <ion-radio-group [(ngModel)]="currentExercise.userAnswer" *ngIf="currentExercise.type === 'single'">
+ <ion-item *ngFor="let option of currentExercise.options; let i = index">
+ <ion-radio [value]="option">{{ option }}</ion-radio>
+ </ion-item>
+ </ion-radio-group>
+ <ion-list *ngIf="currentExercise.type === 'multiple'">
+ <ion-item *ngFor="let option of currentExercise.options; let i = index">
+ <ion-checkbox [(ngModel)]="selectedOptions[i]">{{ option }}</ion-checkbox>
+ </ion-item>
+ </ion-list>
+ </ion-list>
+ <!-- 填空题答案 -->
+ <ion-item *ngIf="currentExercise.type === 'blank'">
+ <ion-input [(ngModel)]="currentExercise.userAnswer"
+ placeholder="请输入答案"></ion-input>
+ </ion-item>
+ <!-- 导航按钮 -->
+ <div class="navigation-buttons">
+ <ion-button (click)="previousQuestion()"
+ [disabled]="currentIndex === 0">
+ 上一题
+ </ion-button>
+ <ion-button (click)="nextQuestion()"
+ [disabled]="currentIndex === exercises.length - 1">
+ 下一题
+ </ion-button>
+ <ion-button (click)="submit()"
+ *ngIf="currentIndex === exercises.length - 1"
+ [disabled]="!isAllAnswered()">
+ 提交
+ </ion-button>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ </ion-content>
+ `,
+ styles: [`
+ .navigation-buttons {
+ display: flex;
+ justify-content: space-between;
+ margin-top: 20px;
+ }
+ `],
+ standalone: true,
+ imports: [
+ IonHeader,
+ IonToolbar,
+ IonTitle,
+ IonContent,
+ IonList,
+ IonItem,
+ IonLabel,
+ IonButton,
+ IonButtons,
+ IonInput,
+ IonRadio,
+ IonRadioGroup,
+ IonCheckbox,
+ NgFor,
+ NgIf,
+ FormsModule
+ ]
+class ExerciseModalComponent {
+ exercises: Exercise[] = [];
+ currentIndex: number = 0;
+ selectedOptions: boolean[] = [];
+ get currentExercise() {
+ return this.exercises[this.currentIndex];
+ }
+ constructor(
+ private modalCtrl: ModalController
+ ) {}
+ previousQuestion() {
+ if (this.currentIndex > 0) {
+ this.currentIndex--;
+ }
+ }
+ nextQuestion() {
+ if (this.currentIndex < this.exercises.length - 1) {
+ this.currentIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+ isAllAnswered(): boolean {
+ return this.exercises.every(exercise => exercise.userAnswer);
+ }
+ dismiss() {
+ this.modalCtrl.dismiss();
+ }
+ submit() {
+ // 处理多选题答案
+ this.exercises.forEach(exercise => {
+ if (exercise.type === 'multiple') {
+ exercise.userAnswer = exercise.options
+ ?.filter((_: string, i: number) => this.selectedOptions[i])
+ .join(', ');
+ }
+ });
+ this.modalCtrl.dismiss({
+ exercises: this.exercises
+ });
+ }
+// 修改 ApiService 接口
+interface ChatResponse {
+ content: string;
+// 生成题目和作答任务
+export function TaskGenerateAndAnswer(options: GenerateAnswerOptions): AgentTaskStep {
+ const task = new AgentTaskStep({
+ title: "生成题目和作答",
+ shareData: options.shareData
+ });
+ // 添加辅助函数来验证JSON格式
+ const validateExercises = (content: string): Exercise[] => {
+ try {
+ const exercises = JSON.parse(content);
+ // 验证是否为数组
+ if (!Array.isArray(exercises)) {
+ throw new Error('返回结果必须是数组格式');
+ }
+ // 验证数组长度
+ if (exercises.length !== options.shareData.exerciseSettings.count) {
+ throw new Error(`题目数量不符合要求,期望 ${options.shareData.exerciseSettings.count} 道题`);
+ }
+ // 验证每道题的格式
+ exercises.forEach((exercise: Exercise, index: number) => {
+ if (!['single', 'multiple', 'blank'].includes(exercise.type)) {
+ throw new Error(`第 ${index + 1} 题的类型不正确`);
+ }
+ if (!exercise.question?.trim()) {
+ throw new Error(`第 ${index + 1} 题缺少题目内容`);
+ }
+ if (!exercise.answer?.trim()) {
+ throw new Error(`第 ${index + 1} 题缺少答案`);
+ }
+ if (!exercise.explanation?.trim()) {
+ throw new Error(`第 ${index + 1} 题缺少解析`);
+ }
+ if ((exercise.type === 'single' || exercise.type === 'multiple') &&
+ (!Array.isArray(exercise.options) || exercise.options.length < 2)) {
+ throw new Error(`第 ${index + 1} 题的选项格式不正确`);
+ }
+ });
+ return exercises;
+ } catch (error) {
+ if (error instanceof SyntaxError) {
+ throw new Error('AI返回的JSON格式不正确');
+ }
+ throw error;
+ }
+ };
+ task.handle = () => {
+ return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
+ try {
+ // 构建提示词
+ const prompt = `你是一位专业的教育工作者。请根据以下学习对话内容,生成练习题。
+1. 生成 ${options.shareData.exerciseSettings.count} 道关于"${options.shareData.exerciseSettings.knowledgePoint}"的练习题
+2. 题型包括:${options.shareData.exerciseSettings.types.join('、')}
+3. 每道题必须包含标准答案和详细解析
+${options.shareData.selectedSession.get('messages').map((msg: any) =>
+ `${msg.role === 'user' ? '学生' : '老师'}: ${msg.content}`
+ {
+ "type": "single",
+ "question": "题目内容",
+ "options": ["选项A", "选项B", "选项C", "选项D"],
+ "answer": "选项A",
+ "explanation": "解析内容"
+ }
+ task.progress = 0.2;
+ let retryCount = 0;
+ const maxRetries = 3;
+ while (retryCount < maxRetries) {
+ try {
+ let completion = new FmodeChatCompletion([
+ {
+ role: "system",
+ content: "你是一位专业的教育工作者。请只返回JSON格式的题目数组,不要包含任何其他内容。确保JSON格式完全正确。"
+ },
+ {role: "user", content: prompt}
+ ]);
+ const result = await new Promise<Exercise[]>((resolveCompletion, rejectCompletion) => {
+ completion.sendCompletion().subscribe({
+ next: (message: any) => {
+ if (message.complete) {
+ try {
+ const exercises = validateExercises(message.content);
+ resolveCompletion(exercises);
+ } catch (error) {
+ rejectCompletion(error);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ error: (error) => rejectCompletion(error)
+ });
+ });
+ // 如果验证通过,显示练习题
+ const modal = await options.modalCtrl.create({
+ component: ExerciseModalComponent,
+ componentProps: { exercises: result }
+ });
+ await modal.present();
+ const { data } = await modal.onWillDismiss();
+ if (!data) {
+ task.error = '练习未完成';
+ resolve(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ options.shareData.exercises = data.exercises;
+ task.progress = 1;
+ resolve(true);
+ return;
+ } catch (error: any) {
+ retryCount++;
+ if (retryCount === maxRetries) {
+ task.error = '多次尝试生成题目失败,请重试';
+ resolve(false);
+ return;
+ }
+ task.status = `生成题目失败,正在重试(${retryCount}/${maxRetries})...`;
+ await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 1000)); // 等待1秒后重试
+ }
+ }
+ } catch (error: any) {
+ task.error = error.message || '生成题目时发生错误';
+ resolve(false);
+ }
+ });
+ };
+ return task;