Переглянути джерело

feat: database tab书库亟待装修!!

危齐晟 2 місяців тому
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@@ -15556,7 +15599,6 @@
       "version": "1.0.6",
       "resolved": "https://registry.npmmirror.com/side-channel/-/side-channel-1.0.6.tgz",
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-      "dev": true,
       "dependencies": {
         "call-bind": "^1.0.7",
         "es-errors": "^1.3.0",
@@ -15923,6 +15965,14 @@
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       "dev": true
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+      "version": "2.3.3",
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+      "engines": {
+        "node": ">= 0.6"
+      }
+    },
     "node_modules/ssri": {
       "version": "10.0.6",
       "resolved": "https://registry.npmmirror.com/ssri/-/ssri-10.0.6.tgz",
@@ -16432,7 +16482,6 @@
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-      "dev": true,
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@@ -16545,7 +16594,6 @@
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-      "dev": true,
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@@ -16788,7 +16836,6 @@
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       "resolved": "https://registry.npmmirror.com/unpipe/-/unpipe-1.0.0.tgz",
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-      "dev": true,
       "engines": {
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@@ -16866,7 +16913,6 @@
       "version": "1.0.1",
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-      "dev": true,
       "engines": {
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-      "dev": true,
       "engines": {
         "node": ">= 0.8"

+ 2 - 0

@@ -27,8 +27,10 @@
     "@capacitor/keyboard": "6.0.3",
     "@capacitor/status-bar": "6.0.2",
     "@ionic/angular": "^8.0.0",
+    "express": "^4.21.2",
     "fmode-ng": "^0.0.62",
     "ionicons": "^7.2.1",
+    "mysql2": "^3.11.5",
     "rxjs": "~7.8.0",
     "tslib": "^2.3.0",
     "zone.js": "~0.14.2"

+ 33 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
+import { HttpClient } from "@angular/common/http";
+import { Observable } from "rxjs";
+  providedIn: "root"
+export class ApiService {
+  private apiUrl = "http://localhost:3000/api";  // 修改为正确的 URL 路径
+  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
+  // 获取书籍列表
+  getBooks(): Observable<any[]> {
+    return this.http.get<any[]>(`${this.apiUrl}/books`);  // 正确的 API 路径
+  }
+  // 获取该书籍下的诗
+  getPoems(bookId: number): Observable<any[]> {
+    return this.http.get<any[]>(`${this.apiUrl}/poems/${bookId}`);
+  }
+  // 获取诗的具体内容
+  getPoemContent(poemId: number): Observable<any> {
+    return this.http.get<any>(`${this.apiUrl}/poem-contents/${poemId}`);
+  }
+  // 获取消息
+  getMessage() {
+    return this.http.get("http://localhost:3000/api/message");
+  }

+ 8 - 0

@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+ * @Author: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
+ * @Date: 2024-11-26 10:29:57
+ * @LastEditors: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
+ * @LastEditTime: 2024-12-17 09:18:54
+ * @FilePath: \202226701045\poem-life-app\src\app\app.component.html
+ * @Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置: https://github.com/OBKoro1/koro1FileHeader/wiki/%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE

+ 19 - 6

@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+ * @Author: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
+ * @Date: 2024-11-26 10:29:57
+ * @LastEditors: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
+ * @LastEditTime: 2024-12-17 15:09:33
+ * @FilePath: \202226701045\poem-life-app\src\app\app.routes.ts
+ * @Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置: https://github.com/OBKoro1/koro1FileHeader/wiki/%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE
+ */
 import { Routes } from '@angular/router';
 export const routes: Routes = [
@@ -7,17 +15,22 @@ export const routes: Routes = [
     path: 'daily-content',
-    loadComponent: () => import('./daily-content/daily-content.page').then( m => m.DailyContentPage)
+    loadComponent: () => import('./daily-content/daily-content.page').then(m => m.DailyContentPage)
     path: 'card-detail',
-    loadComponent: () => import('./tab1/card-detail/card-detail.page').then( m => m.CardDetailPage)
+    loadComponent: () => import('./tab1/card-detail/card-detail.page').then(m => m.CardDetailPage)
     path: 'card1',
-    loadComponent: () => import('./tab1/card1/card1.page').then( m => m.Card1Page)
+    loadComponent: () => import('./tab1/card1/card1.page').then(m => m.Card1Page)
+  {
+    path: 'book-management/:id',  // 添加动态参数 :id
+    loadComponent: () => import('./book-management/book-management.page').then(m => m.BookManagementPage)
+  },
+  {
+    path: 'poem-detail/:id',  // 添加动态参数 :id
+    loadComponent: () => import('./poem-detail/poem-detail.page').then(m => m.PoemDetailPage)
+  }

+ 14 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+  <ion-toolbar>
+    <ion-title>书籍内容</ion-title>
+  </ion-toolbar>
+  <ion-list>
+    <ion-item *ngFor="let poem of poems" (click)="goToPoemDetail(poem.id)">
+      {{ poem.poem_title }}
+    </ion-item>
+  </ion-list>

+ 0 - 0

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
+import { BookManagementPage } from './book-management.page';
+describe('BookManagementPage', () => {
+  let component: BookManagementPage;
+  let fixture: ComponentFixture<BookManagementPage>;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(BookManagementPage);
+    component = fixture.componentInstance;
+    fixture.detectChanges();
+  });
+  it('should create', () => {
+    expect(component).toBeTruthy();
+  });

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+import { IonList, IonItem } from '@ionic/angular/standalone';
+import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
+import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
+import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
+import { IonContent, IonHeader, IonTitle, IonToolbar } from '@ionic/angular/standalone';
+import { ActivatedRoute, Router } from '@angular/router';
+import { ApiService } from '../api.service';
+  selector: 'app-book-management',
+  templateUrl: './book-management.page.html',
+  styleUrls: ['./book-management.page.scss'],
+  standalone: true,
+  imports: [IonContent, IonHeader, IonTitle, IonToolbar,IonList,IonItem, CommonModule, FormsModule]
+export class BookManagementPage implements OnInit {
+  bookId: number | null = null;  // 给 bookId 一个默认值
+  poems: any[] = [];
+  constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private apiService: ApiService,private router: Router) {}
+  ngOnInit() {
+    const bookIdFromRoute = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
+    if (bookIdFromRoute) {
+      this.bookId = +bookIdFromRoute;  // 使用 + 转换为数字
+    }
+    // 获取该书籍的所有诗
+    if(this.bookId !== null)
+    this.apiService.getPoems(this.bookId).subscribe(data => {
+      this.poems = data;
+    }, error => {
+      console.error('Error fetching poems:', error);
+    });
+  }
+  goToPoemDetail(poemId: number) {
+    this.router.navigate(['/poem-detail', poemId]);
+  }

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+  <ion-toolbar>
+    <ion-title>诗歌详情</ion-title>
+  </ion-toolbar>
+  <div *ngIf="poemContent">
+    <h2>{{ poemId }}</h2>
+    <p>{{ poemContent }}</p>
+  </div>

+ 0 - 0

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import { ComponentFixture, TestBed } from '@angular/core/testing';
+import { PoemDetailPage } from './poem-detail.page';
+describe('PoemDetailPage', () => {
+  let component: PoemDetailPage;
+  let fixture: ComponentFixture<PoemDetailPage>;
+  beforeEach(() => {
+    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(PoemDetailPage);
+    component = fixture.componentInstance;
+    fixture.detectChanges();
+  });
+  it('should create', () => {
+    expect(component).toBeTruthy();
+  });

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+ * @Author: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
+ * @Date: 2024-12-17 14:21:20
+ * @LastEditors: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
+ * @LastEditTime: 2024-12-17 14:48:09
+ * @FilePath: \202226701045\poem-life-app\src\app\poem-detail\poem-detail.page.ts
+ * @Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置: https://github.com/OBKoro1/koro1FileHeader/wiki/%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE
+ */
+import { ApiService } from './../api.service';
+import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
+import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
+import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
+import { IonContent, IonHeader, IonTitle, IonToolbar } from '@ionic/angular/standalone';
+import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
+  selector: 'app-poem-detail',
+  templateUrl: './poem-detail.page.html',
+  styleUrls: ['./poem-detail.page.scss'],
+  standalone: true,
+  imports: [IonContent, IonHeader, IonTitle, IonToolbar, CommonModule, FormsModule]
+export class PoemDetailPage implements OnInit {
+  poemId: number | null = null;  // 给 poemId 一个默认值
+  poemContent: string = '';  // 给 poemContent 一个空字符串默认值
+  constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,private apiService:ApiService) { }
+  ngOnInit() {
+    const poemIdFromRoute = this.route.snapshot.paramMap.get('id');
+    if (poemIdFromRoute) {
+      this.poemId = +poemIdFromRoute;  // 使用 + 转换为数字
+    }
+    // 获取诗歌内容
+    if (this.poemId !== null) {
+      this.apiService.getPoemContent(this.poemId).subscribe(data => {
+        this.poemContent = data.content;
+      }, error => {
+        console.error('Error fetching poem content:', error);
+      });
+    }
+  }

+ 10 - 1

@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+ * @Author: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
+ * @Date: 2024-11-26 10:29:57
+ * @LastEditors: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
+ * @LastEditTime: 2024-12-17 09:24:55
+ * @FilePath: \202226701045\poem-life-app\src\app\tab1\tab1.page.html
+ * @Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置: https://github.com/OBKoro1/koro1FileHeader/wiki/%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE
 <!-- 头部一栏内容左侧分布一个日历图标(作用为点击进入一个导航页面,内面按照时间排布,每日的图文作为展示锚点,点击后进入对应日期发布的内容),右侧始终展示一个今日按钮,点击后返回最新内容的首页 -->
 <!-- //calendar没有正常显示图标 -->
 <!-- //这里的cards分别需要分给#个内容,图文(一张图片,下面附有文字内容诗句),视频,文章故事(扩写古诗),诗歌内容(纯粹的诗歌),音频内容(吟诵诗歌) -->
@@ -15,7 +23,7 @@
     <ion-buttons slot="end">
       <ion-button (click)="navigateToToday()">
         <ion-icon name="today-outline"></ion-icon>
-        <span>今日</span>
+        <span>今日</span>=
@@ -38,4 +46,5 @@
 <!-- <app-explore-container name="Tab 1 page"></app-explore-container> -->

+ 9 - 6

@@ -2,18 +2,20 @@
  * @Author: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
  * @Date: 2024-11-26 10:29:57
  * @LastEditors: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
- * @LastEditTime: 2024-12-15 19:56:21
+ * @LastEditTime: 2024-12-17 09:39:00
  * @FilePath: \202226701045\poem-life-app\src\app\tab1\tab1.page.ts
  * @Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置: https://github.com/OBKoro1/koro1FileHeader/wiki/%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE
-import { Component } from '@angular/core';
+import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
 import { IonHeader, IonToolbar, IonTitle, IonContent,IonButtons, IonButton, IonIcon,IonDatetime } from '@ionic/angular/standalone';
 import { ExploreContainerComponent } from '../explore-container/explore-container.component';
 import { addIcons } from 'ionicons';
-import { calendar } from 'ionicons/icons';
+import { calendar, todayOutline } from 'ionicons/icons';
 import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
 import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
 import { Router } from '@angular/router';
+import { ApiService } from '../api.service';
   selector: 'app-tab1',
   templateUrl: 'tab1.page.html',
@@ -53,12 +55,13 @@ export class Tab1Page {
   // poems = []; // 假设有一些诗
   // pastPoems = []; // 假设有一些往期诗篇
-  constructor(private router:Router) {
-    addIcons({calendar});
+  constructor(private router: Router) {
+    addIcons({calendar,todayOutline});
   navigateToDiary() {
     // 导航到日历页面的逻辑

+ 43 - 45

@@ -1,57 +1,55 @@
 <ion-header [translucent]="true">
-   <ion-toolbar>
+  <ion-toolbar>
     <ion-buttons slot="end">
-     <ion-button (click)="openSearch()" class="search-button">
-      <ion-icon name="search" slot="icon-only"></ion-icon>
-     </ion-button>
+      <ion-button (click)="openSearch()" class="search-button">
+        <ion-icon name="search" slot="icon-only"></ion-icon>
+      </ion-button>
     <ion-segment [(ngModel)]="selectedSegment" (ionChange)="segmentChanged($event)" class="custom-segment">
-     <ion-segment-button value="collection" class="segment-button">
-      <ion-label>分类</ion-label>
-     </ion-segment-button>
-     <ion-segment-button value="works" class="segment-button">
-      <ion-label>作品</ion-label>
-     </ion-segment-button>
-     <ion-segment-button value="authors" class="segment-button">
-      <ion-label>作者</ion-label>
-     </ion-segment-button>
+      <ion-segment-button value="collection">
+        <ion-label>分类</ion-label>
+      </ion-segment-button>
+      <ion-segment-button value="works">
+        <ion-label>作品</ion-label>
+      </ion-segment-button>
+      <ion-segment-button value="authors">
+        <ion-label>作者</ion-label>
+      </ion-segment-button>
-   </ion-toolbar>
-  </ion-header>
+  </ion-toolbar>
-  <ion-content [fullscreen]="true">
-   <ng-container *ngIf="selectedSegment === 'collection'">
+<ion-content [fullscreen]="true">
+  <ng-container *ngIf="selectedSegment === 'collection'">
-     <ion-col size="2" class="fixed-sidebar">
-      <ion-list>
-       <ion-item button *ngFor="let category of categories" (click)="selectCategory(category)">
-        <ion-label>{{ category }}</ion-label>
-       </ion-item>
-      </ion-list>
-     </ion-col>
-     <ion-col size="10" class="scrollable-content">
-      <div class="book-cards-container">
-       <ion-card *ngFor="let book of filteredBooks" (click)="selectBook(book)" class="book-card">
-        <ion-card-header>
-         <ion-card-title>{{ book.title }}</ion-card-title>
-        </ion-card-header>
-        <ion-card-content>
-         <p>{{ book.count }} 个条目</p >
-        </ion-card-content>
-       </ion-card>
-      </div>
-     </ion-col>
+      <ion-col size="2" class="fixed-sidebar">
+        <ion-list>
+          <ion-item button *ngFor="let category of categories" (click)="selectCategory(category)">
+            <ion-label>{{ category }}</ion-label>
+          </ion-item>
+        </ion-list>
+      </ion-col>
+      <ion-col size="10" class="scrollable-content">
+        <div class="book-cards-container">
+          <ion-card *ngFor="let book of filteredBooks" (click)="goToBookManagement(book.id)" class="book-card">
+            <ion-card-header>
+              <ion-card-title>{{ book.title }}</ion-card-title>
+            </ion-card-header>
+            <ion-card-content>
+              <p>{{ book.count }} 个条目</p>
+            </ion-card-content>
+          </ion-card>
+        </div>
+      </ion-col>
-   </ng-container>
+  </ng-container>
-   <ng-container *ngIf="selectedSegment === 'works' || selectedSegment === 'authors'">
+  <ng-container *ngIf="selectedSegment === 'works' || selectedSegment === 'authors'">
     <div class="blank-page">
-     <p *ngIf="selectedSegment === 'works'">这里是作品页面的内容。</p >
-     <p *ngIf="selectedSegment === 'authors'">这里是作者页面的内容。</p >
+      <p *ngIf="selectedSegment === 'works'">这里是作品页面的内容。</p>
+      <p *ngIf="selectedSegment === 'authors'">这里是作者页面的内容。</p>
-   </ng-container>
-  </ion-content>
-  <ion-header [translucent]="true">
-   <ion-toolbar>
-    <ion-buttons slot="end">
+  </ng-container>

+ 33 - 103

@@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
-import { Component } from '@angular/core';
+import { ApiService } from './../api.service';
+import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
 // import { IonHeader, IonToolbar, IonTitle, IonContent,IonButton, IonButtons  } from '@ionic/angular/standalone';
 import { ExploreContainerComponent } from '../explore-container/explore-container.component';
 import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
 import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
 import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';
+import { addIcons } from 'ionicons';
+import { search } from 'ionicons/icons';
+// import { Router } from 'express';
+import { Router } from '@angular/router';
   selector: 'app-tab2',
@@ -13,110 +18,32 @@ import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';
   imports: [CommonModule, FormsModule,
     IonicModule, ExploreContainerComponent]
-export class Tab2Page {
-    selectedSegment: string = 'collection';
-    books: any[] = [
-      { title: '唐诗鉴赏辞典', count: 1100, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '宋词鉴赏辞典', count: 1294, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '唐宋词鉴赏辞典', count: 1500, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '元明清词鉴赏辞典', count: 840, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '新诗鉴赏辞典', count: 909, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '历代女性诗词鉴赏辞典', count: 652, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '历代赋鉴赏辞典', count: 250, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '先秦诗鉴赏辞典', count: 370, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '汉魏六朝诗鉴赏辞典', count: 930, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '古文鉴赏辞典', count: 566, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '古代志怪小说鉴赏辞典', count: 539, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '唐宋小说鉴赏辞典', count: 335, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '明清鉴赏辞典', count: 243, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '明清传奇鉴赏辞典', count: 281, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '宋词300首鉴赏辞典', count: 396, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '诗经鉴赏辞典', count: 231, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '唐诗300首鉴赏辞典', count: 312, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '元曲300首鉴赏辞典', count: 404, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '中华诗词名句鉴赏辞典', count: 31, category: '书籍' },
-      { title: '诸子百家名句鉴赏辞典', count: 198, category: '书籍' }
+export class Tab2Page implements OnInit {
+  selectedSegment: string = 'collection';  // 默认选择分类标签
+  books: any[] = [];  // 所有书籍
+  filteredBooks: any[] = [];  // 筛选后的书籍
+  categories: string[] = [];  // 分类列表
+  categoryBooks: { [key: string]: any[] } = {};  // 动态存储各个类别的书籍
+  constructor(private apiService: ApiService,private router:Router) {
+    addIcons({search});
+  }
+  ngOnInit(){
+    // 假设此数据来自数据库
+    this.books = [
+      { id: 1, title: '唐诗全集' },
+      { id: 2, title: '诗经全集' },
+      // 可以从数据库获取书籍数据
-      filteredBooks: any[] = [];
-      categories: string[] = [
-        '书籍', '选集', '主题', '写景', '节日', '节气', '词牌', '时间', '时令', '花卉', '课本', '地理', '城市', '名山', '用典'
-      ];
-// 定义每个分类对应的书籍列表
- categoryBooks: { [key: string]: any[] } = {
-    '选集': [
-     { title: '诗经全集', count: 305, category: '选集' },
-     { title: '楚辞全集', count: 17, category: '选集' },
-     { title: '道德经', count: 81, category: '选集' }
-    ],
-    '主题': [
-     { title: '爱', count: 100, category: '主题' },
-     { title: '禅', count: 50, category: '主题' },
-     { title: '茶', count: 60, category: '主题' }
-    ],
-    '写景': [
-     { title: '春', count: 200, category: '写景' },
-     { title: '夏', count: 150, category: '写景' },
-     { title: '秋', count: 180, category: '写景' }
-    ],
-    '节日': [
-     { title: '春节', count: 30, category: '节日' },
-     { title: '元宵', count: 20, category: '节日' },
-     { title: '寒食', count: 15, category: '节日' }
-    ],
-    '节气': [
-     { title: '立春', count: 10, category: '节气' },
-     { title: '雨水', count: 12, category: '节气' },
-     { title: '惊蛰', count: 8, category: '节气' }
-    ],
-    '词牌': [
-     { title: '如梦令', count: 5, category: '词牌' },
-     { title: '醉花阴', count: 7, category: '词牌' },
-     { title: '虞美人', count: 6, category: '词牌' }
-    ],
-    '时间': [
-     { title: '正月', count: 25, category: '时间' },
-     { title: '二月', count: 20, category: '时间' },
-     { title: '三月', count: 18, category: '时间' }
-    ],
-    '时令': [
-     { title: '樱桃', count: 10, category: '时令' },
-     { title: '荔枝', count: 8, category: '时令' },
-     { title: '杨梅', count: 9, category: '时令' }
-    ],
-    '花卉': [
-     { title: '牡丹', count: 15, category: '花卉' },
-     { title: '梅花', count: 12, category: '花卉' },
-     { title: '桃花', count: 14, category: '花卉' }
-    ],
-    '课本': [
-     { title: '小学古诗词', count: 75, category: '课本' },
-     { title: '小学文言文', count: 30, category: '课本' },
-     { title: '初中古诗词', count: 50, category: '课本' }
-    ],
-    '地理': [
-     { title: '黄鹤楼', count: 5, category: '地理' },
-     { title: '西湖', count: 7, category: '地理' },
-     { title: '洞庭湖', count: 6, category: '地理' }
-    ],
-    '城市': [
-      { title: '洛阳', count: 10, category: '城市' },
-      { title: '长安', count: 12, category: '城市' },
-      { title: '北京', count: 15, category: '城市' }
-    ],
-    '名山': [
-      { title: '黄山', count: 8, category: '名山' },
-      { title: '泰山', count: 9, category: '名山' },
-      { title: '衡山', count: 7, category: '名山' }
-    ],
-    '用典': [
-      { title: '敬民篇', count: 10, category: '用典' },
-      { title: '治理篇', count: 8, category: '用典' },
-      { title: '修身篇', count: 9, category: '用典' }
-    ]
- };
-  constructor() {
-    this.filteredBooks = this.books;
+    this.apiService.getBooks().subscribe(data=>{
+      this.books = data;
+      this.filteredBooks = this.books;
+    },error =>{
+      console.error('Error feching books',error);
+    });
   segmentChanged(event: any) {
       const newSegment = event.detail.value;
       if (newSegment === 'collection') {
@@ -148,5 +75,8 @@ export class Tab2Page {
+     goToBookManagement(bookId: number) {
+      this.router.navigate(['/book-management', bookId]);
+    }

+ 4 - 0

@@ -9,4 +9,8 @@
     <ion-button (click)="goToCreate()"><span>AI创作</span></ion-button>
     <ion-button (click)="goToCreatePic()"><span>AI绘图</span></ion-button>
+  <p *ngIf="message">
+    {{ message.message }}
+  </p>

+ 10 - 3

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+import { ApiService } from './../api.service';
 import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
 import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
 import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
@@ -12,9 +13,9 @@ import { Router } from '@angular/router';
   imports: [IonContent, IonHeader,IonList,IonButton, IonTitle, IonToolbar, CommonModule, FormsModule]
 export class Tab4Page implements OnInit {
-  constructor(private router:Router) {
+  title = 'frontEnd';
+  message: any;
+  constructor(private router:Router,private apiService:ApiService) {
@@ -23,6 +24,12 @@ export class Tab4Page implements OnInit {
   ngOnInit() {
+    this.apiService.getMessage().subscribe(data => {
+      console.log(data);  // 输出返回的数据
+      this.message = data;
+    }, error => {
+      console.error('Error fetching message:', error); // 输出错误消息
+    });

+ 23 - 0

@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+ * @Author: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
+ * @Date: 2024-11-26 10:29:57
+ * @LastEditors: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
+ * @LastEditTime: 2024-12-17 08:31:13
+ * @FilePath: \202226701045\poem-life-app\src\main.ts
+ * @Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置: https://github.com/OBKoro1/koro1FileHeader/wiki/%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE
+ */
+import { book } from 'ionicons/icons';
 import { bootstrapApplication } from '@angular/platform-browser';
 import { RouteReuseStrategy, provideRouter, withPreloading, PreloadAllModules } from '@angular/router';
 import { IonicRouteStrategy, provideIonicAngular } from '@ionic/angular/standalone';
@@ -32,3 +41,17 @@ bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
     // ...
+// // 创建 Express 应用
+// const app = express();
+// // 使用 bookRouter 模块
+// app.use('/api', bookRouter);
+// // 其他应用设置...
+// // 启动 Express 应用并监听指定端口
+// app.listen(3000, () => {
+//   console.log('Server is running on port 3000');
+// });

+ 88 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ * @Author: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
+ * @Date: 2024-12-17 10:31:46
+ * @LastEditors: 危齐晟 1913361097@qq.com
+ * @LastEditTime: 2024-12-17 15:24:58
+ * @FilePath: \202226701045\poem-life-serve\db\dbServe.js
+ * @Description: 这是默认设置,请设置`customMade`, 打开koroFileHeader查看配置 进行设置: https://github.com/OBKoro1/koro1FileHeader/wiki/%E9%85%8D%E7%BD%AE
+ */
+// server.js
+const express = require('express');
+const mysql = require('mysql2');
+const cors = require('cors');
+const app = express();
+const PORT = 3000;
+// CORS 设置
+// MySQL 连接设置
+const db = mysql.createConnection({
+    host: 'localhost',
+    user: 'root', // 替换为您的MySQL用户名
+    password: '123456', // 替换为您的MySQL密码
+    database: 'poemLifeApp',
+    ssl: false  // 禁用SSL连接(如果不需要的话)
+// 连接到数据库
+db.connect(err => {
+    if (err) {
+        console.error('Database connection failed: ' + err.stack);
+        return;
+    }
+    console.log('Connected to database.');
+// 获取书籍列表的 API
+app.get('/api/books', (req, res) => {
+    db.query('SELECT * FROM books', (err, results) => {
+        if (err) {
+            return res.status(500).json({ error: err });
+        }
+        res.json(results);
+    });
+app.get('/api/poems/:bookId', (req, res) => {
+    const bookId = req.params.bookId;
+    const query = 'SELECT * FROM poems WHERE book_id = ?';
+    db.query(query, [bookId], (err, results) => {
+      if (err) return res.status(500).json({ error: err });
+      res.json(results);
+    });
+  });
+  app.get('/api/poem-contents/:poemId', (req, res) => {
+    const poemId = req.params.poemId;
+    const query = 'SELECT content FROM poem_contents WHERE poem_id = ?';
+    db.query(query, [poemId], (err, results) => {
+      if (err) return res.status(500).json({ error: err });
+      if (results.length === 0) return res.status(404).json({ message: 'Content not found' });
+      res.json(results[0]);
+    });
+  });
+  app.get('/api/categories', (req, res) => {
+    const categories = ['书籍', '选集', '主题', '写景', '节日', '节气', '词牌', '时间', '时令', '花卉', '课本', '地理', '城市', '名山', '用典'];
+    res.json(categories);
+  });
+  app.get('/api/books', (req, res) => {
+    const books = [
+      { id: 1, title: '唐诗全集', category: '书籍', count: 200 },
+      { id: 2, title: '诗经全集', category: '选集', count: 305 },
+      { id: 3, title: '楚辞全集', category: '选集', count: 17 },
+      { id: 4, title: '道德经', category: '选集', count: 81 },
+      { id: 5, title: '时间简史', category: '主题', count: 150 },
+      // 其他书籍...
+    ];
+    res.json(books);
+  });
+// 启动服务器
+app.listen(PORT, () => {
+    console.log(`Server is running on http://localhost:${PORT}`);

+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')")
+case `uname` in
+        if command -v cygpath > /dev/null 2>&1; then
+            basedir=`cygpath -w "$basedir"`
+        fi
+    ;;
+if [ -x "$basedir/node" ]; then
+  exec "$basedir/node"  "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" "$@"
+  exec node  "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" "$@"

+ 17 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+@ECHO off
+GOTO start
+SET dp0=%~dp0
+EXIT /b
+CALL :find_dp0
+IF EXIST "%dp0%\node.exe" (
+  SET "_prog=%dp0%\node.exe"
+) ELSE (
+  SET "_prog=node"
+endLocal & goto #_undefined_# 2>NUL || title %COMSPEC% & "%_prog%"  "%dp0%\..\mime\cli.js" %*

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env pwsh
+$basedir=Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition -Parent
+if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt "6.0" -or $IsWindows) {
+  # Fix case when both the Windows and Linux builds of Node
+  # are installed in the same directory
+  $exe=".exe"
+if (Test-Path "$basedir/node$exe") {
+  # Support pipeline input
+  if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
+    $input | & "$basedir/node$exe"  "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
+  } else {
+    & "$basedir/node$exe"  "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
+  }
+} else {
+  # Support pipeline input
+  if ($MyInvocation.ExpectingInput) {
+    $input | & "node$exe"  "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
+  } else {
+    & "node$exe"  "$basedir/../mime/cli.js" $args
+  }
+exit $ret

+ 961 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,961 @@
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+ 243 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+1.3.8 / 2022-02-02
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.34
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.51.0
+  * deps: negotiator@0.6.3
+1.3.7 / 2019-04-29
+  * deps: negotiator@0.6.2
+    - Fix sorting charset, encoding, and language with extra parameters
+1.3.6 / 2019-04-28
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.24
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.40.0
+1.3.5 / 2018-02-28
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.18
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.33.0
+1.3.4 / 2017-08-22
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.16
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.29.0
+1.3.3 / 2016-05-02
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.11
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.23.0
+  * deps: negotiator@0.6.1
+    - perf: improve `Accept` parsing speed
+    - perf: improve `Accept-Charset` parsing speed
+    - perf: improve `Accept-Encoding` parsing speed
+    - perf: improve `Accept-Language` parsing speed
+1.3.2 / 2016-03-08
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.10
+    - Fix extension of `application/dash+xml`
+    - Update primary extension for `audio/mp4`
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.22.0
+1.3.1 / 2016-01-19
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.9
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.21.0
+1.3.0 / 2015-09-29
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.7
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.19.0
+  * deps: negotiator@0.6.0
+    - Fix including type extensions in parameters in `Accept` parsing
+    - Fix parsing `Accept` parameters with quoted equals
+    - Fix parsing `Accept` parameters with quoted semicolons
+    - Lazy-load modules from main entry point
+    - perf: delay type concatenation until needed
+    - perf: enable strict mode
+    - perf: hoist regular expressions
+    - perf: remove closures getting spec properties
+    - perf: remove a closure from media type parsing
+    - perf: remove property delete from media type parsing
+1.2.13 / 2015-09-06
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.6
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.18.0
+1.2.12 / 2015-07-30
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.4
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.16.0
+1.2.11 / 2015-07-16
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.3
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.15.0
+1.2.10 / 2015-07-01
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.2
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.14.0
+1.2.9 / 2015-06-08
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.1
+    - perf: fix deopt during mapping
+1.2.8 / 2015-06-07
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.1.0
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.13.0
+  * perf: avoid argument reassignment & argument slice
+  * perf: avoid negotiator recursive construction
+  * perf: enable strict mode
+  * perf: remove unnecessary bitwise operator
+1.2.7 / 2015-05-10
+  * deps: negotiator@0.5.3
+    - Fix media type parameter matching to be case-insensitive
+1.2.6 / 2015-05-07
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.0.11
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.9.1
+  * deps: negotiator@0.5.2
+    - Fix comparing media types with quoted values
+    - Fix splitting media types with quoted commas
+1.2.5 / 2015-03-13
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.0.10
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.8.0
+1.2.4 / 2015-02-14
+  * Support Node.js 0.6
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.0.9
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.7.0
+  * deps: negotiator@0.5.1
+    - Fix preference sorting to be stable for long acceptable lists
+1.2.3 / 2015-01-31
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.0.8
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.6.0
+1.2.2 / 2014-12-30
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.0.7
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.5.0
+1.2.1 / 2014-12-30
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.0.5
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.3.1
+1.2.0 / 2014-12-19
+  * deps: negotiator@0.5.0
+    - Fix list return order when large accepted list
+    - Fix missing identity encoding when q=0 exists
+    - Remove dynamic building of Negotiator class
+1.1.4 / 2014-12-10
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.0.4
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.3.0
+1.1.3 / 2014-11-09
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.0.3
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.2.0
+1.1.2 / 2014-10-14
+  * deps: negotiator@0.4.9
+    - Fix error when media type has invalid parameter
+1.1.1 / 2014-09-28
+  * deps: mime-types@~2.0.2
+    - deps: mime-db@~1.1.0
+  * deps: negotiator@0.4.8
+    - Fix all negotiations to be case-insensitive
+    - Stable sort preferences of same quality according to client order
+1.1.0 / 2014-09-02
+  * update `mime-types`
+1.0.7 / 2014-07-04
+  * Fix wrong type returned from `type` when match after unknown extension
+1.0.6 / 2014-06-24
+  * deps: negotiator@0.4.7
+1.0.5 / 2014-06-20
+ * fix crash when unknown extension given
+1.0.4 / 2014-06-19
+  * use `mime-types`
+1.0.3 / 2014-06-11
+  * deps: negotiator@0.4.6
+    - Order by specificity when quality is the same
+1.0.2 / 2014-05-29
+  * Fix interpretation when header not in request
+  * deps: pin negotiator@0.4.5
+1.0.1 / 2014-01-18
+  * Identity encoding isn't always acceptable
+  * deps: negotiator@~0.4.0
+1.0.0 / 2013-12-27
+  * Genesis

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(The MIT License)
+Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Ong <me@jongleberry.com>
+Copyright (c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson <doug@somethingdoug.com>
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 140 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# accepts
+[![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url]
+[![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url]
+[![Node.js Version][node-version-image]][node-version-url]
+[![Build Status][github-actions-ci-image]][github-actions-ci-url]
+[![Test Coverage][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url]
+Higher level content negotiation based on [negotiator](https://www.npmjs.com/package/negotiator).
+Extracted from [koa](https://www.npmjs.com/package/koa) for general use.
+In addition to negotiator, it allows:
+- Allows types as an array or arguments list, ie `(['text/html', 'application/json'])`
+  as well as `('text/html', 'application/json')`.
+- Allows type shorthands such as `json`.
+- Returns `false` when no types match
+- Treats non-existent headers as `*`
+## Installation
+This is a [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) module available through the
+[npm registry](https://www.npmjs.com/). Installation is done using the
+[`npm install` command](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/installing-npm-packages-locally):
+$ npm install accepts
+## API
+var accepts = require('accepts')
+### accepts(req)
+Create a new `Accepts` object for the given `req`.
+#### .charset(charsets)
+Return the first accepted charset. If nothing in `charsets` is accepted,
+then `false` is returned.
+#### .charsets()
+Return the charsets that the request accepts, in the order of the client's
+preference (most preferred first).
+#### .encoding(encodings)
+Return the first accepted encoding. If nothing in `encodings` is accepted,
+then `false` is returned.
+#### .encodings()
+Return the encodings that the request accepts, in the order of the client's
+preference (most preferred first).
+#### .language(languages)
+Return the first accepted language. If nothing in `languages` is accepted,
+then `false` is returned.
+#### .languages()
+Return the languages that the request accepts, in the order of the client's
+preference (most preferred first).
+#### .type(types)
+Return the first accepted type (and it is returned as the same text as what
+appears in the `types` array). If nothing in `types` is accepted, then `false`
+is returned.
+The `types` array can contain full MIME types or file extensions. Any value
+that is not a full MIME types is passed to `require('mime-types').lookup`.
+#### .types()
+Return the types that the request accepts, in the order of the client's
+preference (most preferred first).
+## Examples
+### Simple type negotiation
+This simple example shows how to use `accepts` to return a different typed
+respond body based on what the client wants to accept. The server lists it's
+preferences in order and will get back the best match between the client and
+var accepts = require('accepts')
+var http = require('http')
+function app (req, res) {
+  var accept = accepts(req)
+  // the order of this list is significant; should be server preferred order
+  switch (accept.type(['json', 'html'])) {
+    case 'json':
+      res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json')
+      res.write('{"hello":"world!"}')
+      break
+    case 'html':
+      res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html')
+      res.write('<b>hello, world!</b>')
+      break
+    default:
+      // the fallback is text/plain, so no need to specify it above
+      res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
+      res.write('hello, world!')
+      break
+  }
+  res.end()
+You can test this out with the cURL program:
+curl -I -H'Accept: text/html' http://localhost:3000/
+## License
+[coveralls-image]: https://badgen.net/coveralls/c/github/jshttp/accepts/master
+[coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/jshttp/accepts?branch=master
+[github-actions-ci-image]: https://badgen.net/github/checks/jshttp/accepts/master?label=ci
+[github-actions-ci-url]: https://github.com/jshttp/accepts/actions/workflows/ci.yml
+[node-version-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/node/accepts
+[node-version-url]: https://nodejs.org/en/download
+[npm-downloads-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/dm/accepts
+[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/accepts
+[npm-version-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/v/accepts

+ 238 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+ * accepts
+ * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong
+ * Copyright(c) 2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
+ * MIT Licensed
+ */
+'use strict'
+ * Module dependencies.
+ * @private
+ */
+var Negotiator = require('negotiator')
+var mime = require('mime-types')
+ * Module exports.
+ * @public
+ */
+module.exports = Accepts
+ * Create a new Accepts object for the given req.
+ *
+ * @param {object} req
+ * @public
+ */
+function Accepts (req) {
+  if (!(this instanceof Accepts)) {
+    return new Accepts(req)
+  }
+  this.headers = req.headers
+  this.negotiator = new Negotiator(req)
+ * Check if the given `type(s)` is acceptable, returning
+ * the best match when true, otherwise `undefined`, in which
+ * case you should respond with 406 "Not Acceptable".
+ *
+ * The `type` value may be a single mime type string
+ * such as "application/json", the extension name
+ * such as "json" or an array `["json", "html", "text/plain"]`. When a list
+ * or array is given the _best_ match, if any is returned.
+ *
+ * Examples:
+ *
+ *     // Accept: text/html
+ *     this.types('html');
+ *     // => "html"
+ *
+ *     // Accept: text/*, application/json
+ *     this.types('html');
+ *     // => "html"
+ *     this.types('text/html');
+ *     // => "text/html"
+ *     this.types('json', 'text');
+ *     // => "json"
+ *     this.types('application/json');
+ *     // => "application/json"
+ *
+ *     // Accept: text/*, application/json
+ *     this.types('image/png');
+ *     this.types('png');
+ *     // => undefined
+ *
+ *     // Accept: text/*;q=.5, application/json
+ *     this.types(['html', 'json']);
+ *     this.types('html', 'json');
+ *     // => "json"
+ *
+ * @param {String|Array} types...
+ * @return {String|Array|Boolean}
+ * @public
+ */
+Accepts.prototype.type =
+Accepts.prototype.types = function (types_) {
+  var types = types_
+  // support flattened arguments
+  if (types && !Array.isArray(types)) {
+    types = new Array(arguments.length)
+    for (var i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
+      types[i] = arguments[i]
+    }
+  }
+  // no types, return all requested types
+  if (!types || types.length === 0) {
+    return this.negotiator.mediaTypes()
+  }
+  // no accept header, return first given type
+  if (!this.headers.accept) {
+    return types[0]
+  }
+  var mimes = types.map(extToMime)
+  var accepts = this.negotiator.mediaTypes(mimes.filter(validMime))
+  var first = accepts[0]
+  return first
+    ? types[mimes.indexOf(first)]
+    : false
+ * Return accepted encodings or best fit based on `encodings`.
+ *
+ * Given `Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate`
+ * an array sorted by quality is returned:
+ *
+ *     ['gzip', 'deflate']
+ *
+ * @param {String|Array} encodings...
+ * @return {String|Array}
+ * @public
+ */
+Accepts.prototype.encoding =
+Accepts.prototype.encodings = function (encodings_) {
+  var encodings = encodings_
+  // support flattened arguments
+  if (encodings && !Array.isArray(encodings)) {
+    encodings = new Array(arguments.length)
+    for (var i = 0; i < encodings.length; i++) {
+      encodings[i] = arguments[i]
+    }
+  }
+  // no encodings, return all requested encodings
+  if (!encodings || encodings.length === 0) {
+    return this.negotiator.encodings()
+  }
+  return this.negotiator.encodings(encodings)[0] || false
+ * Return accepted charsets or best fit based on `charsets`.
+ *
+ * Given `Accept-Charset: utf-8, iso-8859-1;q=0.2, utf-7;q=0.5`
+ * an array sorted by quality is returned:
+ *
+ *     ['utf-8', 'utf-7', 'iso-8859-1']
+ *
+ * @param {String|Array} charsets...
+ * @return {String|Array}
+ * @public
+ */
+Accepts.prototype.charset =
+Accepts.prototype.charsets = function (charsets_) {
+  var charsets = charsets_
+  // support flattened arguments
+  if (charsets && !Array.isArray(charsets)) {
+    charsets = new Array(arguments.length)
+    for (var i = 0; i < charsets.length; i++) {
+      charsets[i] = arguments[i]
+    }
+  }
+  // no charsets, return all requested charsets
+  if (!charsets || charsets.length === 0) {
+    return this.negotiator.charsets()
+  }
+  return this.negotiator.charsets(charsets)[0] || false
+ * Return accepted languages or best fit based on `langs`.
+ *
+ * Given `Accept-Language: en;q=0.8, es, pt`
+ * an array sorted by quality is returned:
+ *
+ *     ['es', 'pt', 'en']
+ *
+ * @param {String|Array} langs...
+ * @return {Array|String}
+ * @public
+ */
+Accepts.prototype.lang =
+Accepts.prototype.langs =
+Accepts.prototype.language =
+Accepts.prototype.languages = function (languages_) {
+  var languages = languages_
+  // support flattened arguments
+  if (languages && !Array.isArray(languages)) {
+    languages = new Array(arguments.length)
+    for (var i = 0; i < languages.length; i++) {
+      languages[i] = arguments[i]
+    }
+  }
+  // no languages, return all requested languages
+  if (!languages || languages.length === 0) {
+    return this.negotiator.languages()
+  }
+  return this.negotiator.languages(languages)[0] || false
+ * Convert extnames to mime.
+ *
+ * @param {String} type
+ * @return {String}
+ * @private
+ */
+function extToMime (type) {
+  return type.indexOf('/') === -1
+    ? mime.lookup(type)
+    : type
+ * Check if mime is valid.
+ *
+ * @param {String} type
+ * @return {String}
+ * @private
+ */
+function validMime (type) {
+  return typeof type === 'string'

+ 47 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+  "name": "accepts",
+  "description": "Higher-level content negotiation",
+  "version": "1.3.8",
+  "contributors": [
+    "Douglas Christopher Wilson <doug@somethingdoug.com>",
+    "Jonathan Ong <me@jongleberry.com> (http://jongleberry.com)"
+  ],
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "repository": "jshttp/accepts",
+  "dependencies": {
+    "mime-types": "~2.1.34",
+    "negotiator": "0.6.3"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "deep-equal": "1.0.1",
+    "eslint": "7.32.0",
+    "eslint-config-standard": "14.1.1",
+    "eslint-plugin-import": "2.25.4",
+    "eslint-plugin-markdown": "2.2.1",
+    "eslint-plugin-node": "11.1.0",
+    "eslint-plugin-promise": "4.3.1",
+    "eslint-plugin-standard": "4.1.0",
+    "mocha": "9.2.0",
+    "nyc": "15.1.0"
+  },
+  "files": [
+    "LICENSE",
+    "HISTORY.md",
+    "index.js"
+  ],
+  "engines": {
+    "node": ">= 0.6"
+  },
+  "scripts": {
+    "lint": "eslint .",
+    "test": "mocha --reporter spec --check-leaks --bail test/",
+    "test-ci": "nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text npm test",
+    "test-cov": "nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text npm test"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "content",
+    "negotiation",
+    "accept",
+    "accepts"
+  ]

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2014 Blake Embrey (hello@blakeembrey.com)
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+# Array Flatten
+[![NPM version][npm-image]][npm-url]
+[![NPM downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
+[![Build status][travis-image]][travis-url]
+[![Test coverage][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url]
+> Flatten an array of nested arrays into a single flat array. Accepts an optional depth.
+## Installation
+npm install array-flatten --save
+## Usage
+var flatten = require('array-flatten')
+flatten([1, [2, [3, [4, [5], 6], 7], 8], 9])
+//=> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
+flatten([1, [2, [3, [4, [5], 6], 7], 8], 9], 2)
+//=> [1, 2, 3, [4, [5], 6], 7, 8, 9]
+(function () {
+  flatten(arguments) //=> [1, 2, 3]
+})(1, [2, 3])
+## License
+[npm-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/v/array-flatten.svg?style=flat
+[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/array-flatten
+[downloads-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/array-flatten.svg?style=flat
+[downloads-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/array-flatten
+[travis-image]: https://img.shields.io/travis/blakeembrey/array-flatten.svg?style=flat
+[travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/blakeembrey/array-flatten
+[coveralls-image]: https://img.shields.io/coveralls/blakeembrey/array-flatten.svg?style=flat
+[coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/blakeembrey/array-flatten?branch=master

+ 64 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+'use strict'
+ * Expose `arrayFlatten`.
+ */
+module.exports = arrayFlatten
+ * Recursive flatten function with depth.
+ *
+ * @param  {Array}  array
+ * @param  {Array}  result
+ * @param  {Number} depth
+ * @return {Array}
+ */
+function flattenWithDepth (array, result, depth) {
+  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+    var value = array[i]
+    if (depth > 0 && Array.isArray(value)) {
+      flattenWithDepth(value, result, depth - 1)
+    } else {
+      result.push(value)
+    }
+  }
+  return result
+ * Recursive flatten function. Omitting depth is slightly faster.
+ *
+ * @param  {Array} array
+ * @param  {Array} result
+ * @return {Array}
+ */
+function flattenForever (array, result) {
+  for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
+    var value = array[i]
+    if (Array.isArray(value)) {
+      flattenForever(value, result)
+    } else {
+      result.push(value)
+    }
+  }
+  return result
+ * Flatten an array, with the ability to define a depth.
+ *
+ * @param  {Array}  array
+ * @param  {Number} depth
+ * @return {Array}
+ */
+function arrayFlatten (array, depth) {
+  if (depth == null) {
+    return flattenForever(array, [])
+  }
+  return flattenWithDepth(array, [], depth)

+ 39 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+  "name": "array-flatten",
+  "version": "1.1.1",
+  "description": "Flatten an array of nested arrays into a single flat array",
+  "main": "array-flatten.js",
+  "files": [
+    "array-flatten.js",
+    "LICENSE"
+  ],
+  "scripts": {
+    "test": "istanbul cover _mocha -- -R spec"
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git://github.com/blakeembrey/array-flatten.git"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "array",
+    "flatten",
+    "arguments",
+    "depth"
+  ],
+  "author": {
+    "name": "Blake Embrey",
+    "email": "hello@blakeembrey.com",
+    "url": "http://blakeembrey.me"
+  },
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/blakeembrey/array-flatten/issues"
+  },
+  "homepage": "https://github.com/blakeembrey/array-flatten",
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "istanbul": "^0.3.13",
+    "mocha": "^2.2.4",
+    "pre-commit": "^1.0.7",
+    "standard": "^3.7.3"
+  }

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Copyright (c) 2024 Andrey Sidorov, Douglas Wilson, Weslley Araújo and contributors.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 146 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+# AWS SSL Profiles
+[**AWS RDS**](https://aws.amazon.com/rds/) **SSL** Certificates Bundles.
+**Table of Contents**
+- [Installation](#installation)
+- [Usage](#usage)
+  - [**mysqljs/mysql**](#mysqljsmysql)
+  - [**MySQL2**](#mysql2)
+  - [**node-postgres**](#node-postgres)
+  - [Custom `ssl` options](#custom-ssl-options)
+- [License](#license)
+- [Security](#security)
+- [Contributing](#contributing)
+- [Acknowledgements](#acknowledgements)
+## Installation
+npm install --save aws-ssl-profiles
+## Usage
+### [mysqljs/mysql](https://github.com/mysqljs/mysql)
+const mysql = require('mysql');
+const awsCaBundle = require('aws-ssl-profiles');
+// mysql connection
+const connection = mysql.createConnection({
+  //...
+  ssl: awsCaBundle,
+// mysql connection pool
+const pool = mysql.createPool({
+  //...
+  ssl: awsCaBundle,
+### [MySQL2](https://github.com/sidorares/node-mysql2)
+const mysql = require('mysql2');
+const awsCaBundle = require('aws-ssl-profiles');
+// mysql2 connection
+const connection = mysql.createConnection({
+  //...
+  ssl: awsCaBundle,
+// mysql2 connection pool
+const pool = mysql.createPool({
+  //...
+  ssl: awsCaBundle,
+### [node-postgres](https://github.com/brianc/node-postgres)
+const pg = require('pg');
+const awsCaBundle = require('aws-ssl-profiles');
+// pg connection
+const client = new pg.Client({
+  // ...
+  ssl: awsCaBundle,
+// pg connection pool
+const pool = new pg.Pool({
+  // ...
+  ssl: awsCaBundle,
+### Custom `ssl` options
+Using **AWS SSL Profiles** with custom `ssl` options:
+  // ...
+  ssl: {
+    ...awsCaBundle,
+    rejectUnauthorized: true,
+    // ...
+  }
+  // ...
+  ssl: {
+    ca: awsCaBundle.ca,
+    rejectUnauthorized: true,
+    // ...
+  }
+### Custom bundles
+const { proxyBundle } = require('aws-ssl-profiles');
+  // ...
+  ssl: proxyBundle,
+## License
+**AWS SSL Profiles** is under the [**MIT License**](./LICENSE).
+## Security
+Please check the [**SECURITY.md**](./SECURITY.md).
+## Contributing
+Please check the [**CONTRIBUTING.md**](./CONTRIBUTING.md) for instructions.
+## Acknowledgements

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+export type CA = string[];
+export type Profiles = {
+    ca: CA;

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import type { Profiles } from "./@types/profiles.js";
+export declare const proxyBundle: Profiles;
+declare const profiles: Profiles;
+declare module "aws-ssl-profiles" {
+    const profiles: Profiles & { proxyBundle: Profiles };
+    export = profiles;
+export default profiles;

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+const defaults_js_1 = require("./profiles/ca/defaults.js");
+const proxies_js_1 = require("./profiles/ca/proxies.js");
+const proxyBundle = {
+    ca: proxies_js_1.proxies,
+const profiles = {
+    ca: [...defaults_js_1.defaults, ...proxies_js_1.proxies],
+module.exports = profiles;
+module.exports.proxyBundle = proxyBundle;
+module.exports.default = profiles;

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+import type { CA } from '../../@types/profiles.js';
+ * CA Certificates for **Amazon RDS** (2024)
+ *
+ * - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html
+ * - https://docs.amazonaws.cn/en_us/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html
+ * - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless.html#aurora-serverless.tls
+ */
+export declare const defaults: CA;

+ 2888 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2888 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.defaults = void 0;
+ * CA Certificates for **Amazon RDS** (2024)
+ *
+ * - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html
+ * - https://docs.amazonaws.cn/en_us/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/UsingWithRDS.SSL.html
+ * - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/AuroraUserGuide/aurora-serverless.html#aurora-serverless.tls
+ */
+exports.defaults = [
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'MCAGA1UECgwZQW1hem9uIFdlYiBTZXJ2aWNlcywgSW5jLjETMBEGA1UECwwKQW1h\n' +
+        'em9uIFJEUzEmMCQGA1UEAwwdQW1hem9uIFJEUyBhZi1zb3V0aC0xIFJvb3QgQ0Ew\n' +
+        'EDAOBgNVBAcMB1NlYXR0bGUxEzARBgNVBAgMCldhc2hpbmd0b24xIjAgBgNVBAoM\n' +
+        'GUFtYXpvbiBXZWIgU2VydmljZXMsIEluYy4xEzARBgNVBAsMCkFtYXpvbiBSRFMx\n' +
+        'JjAkBgNVBAMMHUFtYXpvbiBSRFMgYWYtc291dGgtMSBSb290IENBMIIBIjANBgkq\n' +
+        'hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAwR2351uPMZaJk2gMGT+1sk8HE9MQh2rc\n' +
+        '/sCnbxGn2p1c7Oi9aBbd/GiFijeJb2BXvHU+TOq3d3Jjqepq8tapXVt4ojbTJNyC\n' +
+        'J5E7r7KjTktKdLxtBE1MK25aY+IRJjtdU6vG3KiPKUT1naO3xs3yt0F76WVuFivd\n' +
+        '9OHv2a+KHvPkRUWIxpmAHuMY9SIIMmEZtVE7YZGx5ah0iO4JzItHcbVR0y0PBH55\n' +
+        'arpFBddpIVHCacp1FUPxSEWkOpI7q0AaU4xfX0fe1BV5HZYRKpBOIp1TtZWvJD+X\n' +
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+        'cZQwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQADggEBAGDZ5js5Pc/gC58LJrwMPXFhJDBS8QuDm23C\n' +
+        'FFUdlqucskwOS3907ErK1ZkmVJCIqFLArHqskFXMAkRZ2PNR7RjWLqBs+0znG5yH\n' +
+        'hRKb4DXzhUFQ18UBRcvT6V6zN97HTRsEEaNhM/7k8YLe7P8vfNZ28VIoJIGGgv9D\n' +
+        'wQBBvkxQ71oOmAG0AwaGD0ORGUfbYry9Dz4a4IcUsZyRWRMADixgrFv6VuETp26s\n' +
+        '/+z+iqNaGWlELBKh3iQCT6Y/1UnkPLO42bxrCSyOvshdkYN58Q2gMTE1SVTqyo8G\n' +
+        'Lw8lLAz9bnvUSgHzB3jRrSx6ggF/WRMRYlR++y6LXP4SAsSAaC0=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'MCAGA1UECgwZQW1hem9uIFdlYiBTZXJ2aWNlcywgSW5jLjETMBEGA1UECwwKQW1h\n' +
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+        'GUFtYXpvbiBXZWIgU2VydmljZXMsIEluYy4xEzARBgNVBAsMCkFtYXpvbiBSRFMx\n' +
+        'JjAkBgNVBAMMHUFtYXpvbiBSRFMgZXUtc291dGgtMSBSb290IENBMIIBIjANBgkq\n' +
+        's5uR3riZbqzRlHGiF1jZihkXfHAIQewDwy+Yz+Oec1aEZCQMhUHxZJPusuX0cJfj\n' +
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+        'DjvH7V3cS+CQqW5SnDrGnHToB0RLskE1ET+oNOfeN9PWOxQprMOX/zmJhnJQlTqD\n' +
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+        'WX0qr6UQgTPMjfYDLffI7aEId0gxKw1eGYc6Cq5JAZ3ipi/cBFc=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        'hkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAp7BYV88MukcY+rq0r79+C8UzkT30fEfT\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        'biBXZWIgU2VydmljZXMsIEluYy4xEzARBgNVBAsMCkFtYXpvbiBSRFMxIDAeBgNV\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '8BQ6jNC29icv7lLDpRPwjibJBXX+peDR5UK4FdYcswWEB1Tix5X8dYu6\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'DBlBbWF6b24gV2ViIFNlcnZpY2VzLCBJbmMuMRMwEQYDVQQLDApBbWF6b24gUkRT\n' +
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+        'IFdlYiBTZXJ2aWNlcywgSW5jLjETMBEGA1UECwwKQW1hem9uIFJEUzEhMB8GA1UE\n' +
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+        'AQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAvtV1OqmFa8zCVQSKOvPUJERLVFtd4rZmDpImc5rIoeBk7w/P\n' +
+        '9lcKUJjO8R/w1a2lJXx3oQ81tiY0Piw6TpT62YWVRMWrOw8+Vxq1dNaDSFp9I8d0\n' +
+        'UHillSSbOk6FOrPDp+R6AwbGFqUDebbN5LFFoDKbhNmH1BVS0a6YNKpGigLRqhka\n' +
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+        '32W94n8D+GKSg6R4MKredVFqRTi9hCCNUu0sxYPoELuM+mHiqB5NPjtm92EzCWs+\n' +
+        '+vgWhMc6GxG+82QSWx1Vj8sgLqtE/vLrWddf5QIDAQABo2YwZDAOBgNVHQ8BAf8E\n' +
+        'pqc6yeA+RcAwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAUEEi/WWMcBJsoGXg+EZwkQ0MscZQwDQYJKoZI\n' +
+        'hvcNAQELBQADggEBABauYOZxUhe9/RhzGJ8MsWCz8eKcyDVd4FCnY6Qh+9wcmYNT\n' +
+        'LtnD88LACtJKb/b81qYzcB0Em6+zVJ3Z9jznfr6buItE6es9wAoja22Xgv44BTHL\n' +
+        'rimbgMwpTt3uEMXDffaS0Ww6YWb3pSE0XYI2ISMWz+xRERRf+QqktSaL39zuiaW5\n' +
+        'tfZMre+YhohRa/F0ZQl3RCd6yFcLx4UoSPqQsUl97WhYzwAxZZfwvLJXOc4ATt3u\n' +
+        'VlCUylNDkaZztDJc/yN5XQoK9W5nOt2cLu513MGYKbuarQr8f+gYU8S+qOyuSRSP\n' +
+        'NRITzwCRVnsJE+2JmcRInn/NcanB7uOGqTvJ9+c=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'DBlBbWF6b24gV2ViIFNlcnZpY2VzLCBJbmMuMRMwEQYDVQQLDApBbWF6b24gUkRT\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        'MAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxIjAgBgNVBAoMGUFtYXpvbiBXZWIgU2VydmljZXMsIEluYy4x\n' +
+        'b24gUkRTIGFwLXNvdXRoZWFzdC0yIFJvb3QgQ0EgRUNDMzg0IEcxMRAwDgYDVQQH\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        'T0Vf7VuNijfIA9hkN2d3K53m/9z5WjGPSdOjGhg=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        'bWF6b24gUkRTIHVzLXdlc3QtMiBSb290IENBIFJTQTIwNDggRzExEDAOBgNVBAcM\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'MIIGBTCCA+2gAwIBAgIRAJfKe4Zh4aWNt3bv6ZjQwogwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQAw\n' +
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+        'CBmXPRF0lLGGtPeTAgjcju+NEcVa82Ht1pqxyu2sDtbu3J5bxp4RKtj+ShwN8nut\n' +
+        'Tkf5Ea9rSmHEY13fzgibZlQhXaiFSKA2ASUwgJP19Putm0XKlBCNSGCoECemewxL\n' +
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+        'ehserSdjhQamv35rTFdM+foJwUKz1QN9n9KZhPxeRmwqPitAV79PloksOnX25ElN\n' +
+        'SlyxdndIoA1wia1HRd26EFm2pqfZ2vtD2EjU3wD42CXX4H8fKVDna30nNFSYF0yn\n' +
+        'jGKc3k6UNxpg\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'MIIF/jCCA+agAwIBAgIQaRHaEqqacXN20e8zZJtmDDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADCB\n' +
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+        '0Ws=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'MIICtDCCAjqgAwIBAgIRAMyaTlVLN0ndGp4ffwKAfoMwCgYIKoZIzj0EAwMwgZkx\n' +
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+        'JG92igKIcXPqCoxIJ7lJbbzmuf73gQu5\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'MIIGATCCA+mgAwIBAgIRAJwCobx0Os8F7ihbJngxrR8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQAw\n' +
+        'QW1hem9uIFJEUyBtZS1zb3V0aC0xIFJvb3QgQ0EgUlNBNDA5NiBHMTEQMA4GA1UE\n' +
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+        '/1KB8t8gtFXp/VQaz2sg8+uxPMKB81O37fL4zz6Mg5K8+aq3ejBiyHucpFGnsnVB\n' +
+        '3kQWeD36ONkybngmgWoyPceuSWm1hQ0Z7VRAQX+KlxxSaHmSaIk1XxZu9h9riQHx\n' +
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+        'Tspdjbg=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        'aAs2xg+X6O8qB+Mnj2dNBzm+lZIS3sIlm+nO9sg=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        'QW1hem9uIFJEUyBhcC1zb3V0aGVhc3QtMiBSb290IENBIFJTQTQwOTYgRzExEDAO\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        'dHRsZTAgFw0yMTA1MjEyMzE1NTZaGA8yMTIxMDUyMjAwMTU1NlowgZYxCzAJBgNV\n' +
+        'djAQBgcqhkjOPQIBBgUrgQQAIgNiAAQfDcv+GGRESD9wT+I5YIPRsD3L+/jsiIis\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        'VQQGEwJVUzEiMCAGA1UECgwZQW1hem9uIFdlYiBTZXJ2aWNlcywgSW5jLjETMBEG\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '57MS6k7ODzbv+Kpeht2hqVZCNFMxoQIDAQABo0IwQDAPBgNVHRMBAf8EBTADAQH/\n' +
+        'MB0GA1UdDgQWBBRuMnDhJjoj7DcKALj+HbxEqj3r6jAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAYYw\n' +
+        'DQYJKoZIhvcNAQEMBQADggIBALSnXfx72C3ldhBP5kY4Mo2DDaGQ8FGpTOOiD95d\n' +
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+        'mMlycgxFqS+DUmO+liWllQC4/MnVBlHGB1Cu3wTj5kgOvNs/k+FW3GXGzD3+rpv0\n' +
+        'QTLuwSbMr+MbEThxrSZRSXTCQzKfehyC+WZejgLb+8ylLJUA10e62o7H9PvCrwj+\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'MIIGADCCA+igAwIBAgIQYe0HgSuFFP9ivYM2vONTrTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFADCB\n' +
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+        'POQWvzDLwi5f++X98hGjORI1zkN9kotCYH5pAzSBwBPoMNaIfedgmsIxGHj2fq5G\n' +
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+        'JF+5h3U8oR2LL5y76cyeb+GWDXXy9zoQe2QvTyTy88LwZq1JzujYi2k8QiLLhFIf\n' +
+        'FEv9Bg==\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        'ZVmyMR043dscQbcsVoacOYv198c=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        'r1o=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
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+        '1YfpdH2jp30=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
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+        'B1NlYXR0bGUwIBcNMjEwNTIxMjI0NjI0WhgPMjA2MTA1MjEyMzQ2MjRaMIGXMQsw\n' +
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+        'i4u4swMAGxAjc/BZp0yq0eP5ZQFaxnxs7zFAPabEWsrjeDzrRhdVO0h7zskrertP\n' +
+        'gblGhfD20JfjvCHdP1RUhy/nzG+T+hn6Takan/GIgs8grlBMRHMgBYHW7tklhjaH\n' +
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+        'Vs6ebpvd7sw37sxmXBWX2OlvUrPCTmladw9OrllGXtCFw4YyLe3zozBlZ3cHzQ0q\n' +
+        'lINhpRcajTMfZrsiGCkQtoJT+AqVJPS2sHjqsEH8yiySW9Jbq4zyMbM1yqQ2vnnx\n' +
+        'AQBAkgr75V0sEJimC6QRiTVWEuj2Khy7unjSfudbM6zumhXEU2/sUaVLiYy6cA/x\n' +
+        '3v0laDle6T07x9g64j5YastE/4jbzrGgIINFlY0JnaYmR3KZEjgi1s1fkRRf3llL\n' +
+        'PJm9u4Q1mbwAMQK/ZjLuuRcL3uRIHJek18nRqT5h43GB26qXyvJqeYYpYfIjL9+/\n' +
+        'YiZAbSRRZG+Li23cmPWrbA1CJY121SB+WybCbysbOXzhD3Sl2KSZRwSw4p2HrFtV\n' +
+        '1Prk0dOBtZxCG9luf87ultuDZpfS0w6oNBAMXocgswk24ylcADkkFxBWW+7BETn1\n' +
+        'EpK+t1Lm37mU4sxtuha00XAi\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'MIIEADCCAuigAwIBAgIQcY44/8NUvBwr6LlHfRy7KjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFADCB\n' +
+        'MAkGA1UEBhMCVVMxIjAgBgNVBAoMGUFtYXpvbiBXZWIgU2VydmljZXMsIEluYy4x\n' +
+        'EtXnV7+PnH+gi7/71tI/jkKVGKuhD2JDVvqLVoqbMHRh3+wGMvqKCjbHPcC2XMWv\n' +
+        '566fpAj4UZ9CLB5fVzss+QVNTl+FH2XhEzigopp+872ajsNzcZxrMkifxGb4i0U+\n' +
+        't0Zi+UrbL5tsfP2JonKR1crOrbS6/DlzHBjIiJazGOQcMsJjNuTOItLbMohLpraA\n' +
+        '/nApa3kOvI7Ufool1/34MG0+wL3UUA4YkZ6oBJVxjZvvs6tI7Lzz/SnhK2widGdc\n' +
+        'snbLqBpHNIZQSorVoiwcFaRBGYX/uzYkiw44Yfa4cK2V/B5zgu1Fbr0gbI2am4eh\n' +
+        'ggEBAF0Sm9HC2AUyedBVnwgkVXMibnYChOzz7T+0Y+fOLXYAEXex2s8oqGeZdGYX\n' +
+        'JHkjBn7JXu7LM+TpTbPbFFDoc1sgMguD/ls+8XsqAl1CssW+amryIL+jfcfbgQ+P\n' +
+        'ICwEUD9hGdjBgJ5WcuS+qqxHsEIlFNci3HxcxfBa9VsWs5TjI7Vsl4meL5lf7ZyL\n' +
+        'wDV7dHRuU+cImqG1MIvPRIlvPnT7EghrCYi2VCPhP2pM/UvShuwVnkz4MJ29ebIk\n' +
+        'WR9kpblFxFdE92D5UUvMCjC2kmtgzNiErvTcwIvOO9YCbBHzRB1fFiWrXUHhJWq9\n' +
+        'IkaxR5icb/IpAV0A1lYZEWMVsfQ=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'QW1hem9uIFJEUyBldS1ub3J0aC0xIFJvb3QgQ0EgUlNBNDA5NiBHMTEQMA4GA1UE\n' +
+        'BwwHU2VhdHRsZTAgFw0yMTA1MjQyMTAzMjBaGA8yMTIxMDUyNDIyMDMyMFowgZgx\n' +
+        'em9uIFJEUyBldS1ub3J0aC0xIFJvb3QgQ0EgUlNBNDA5NiBHMTEQMA4GA1UEBwwH\n' +
+        '6Rudy9t47y6kzvgnFYDrvJVtgEK0vFn5ifdlHE7xqMz4LZqWBFTnS+3oidwVRqo7\n' +
+        'tqsuuElsouStO8m315/YUzKZEPmkw8h5ufWt/lg3NTCoUZNkB4p4skr7TspyMUwE\n' +
+        'VdlKQuWTCOLtofwmWT+BnFF3To6xTh3XPlT3ssancw27Gob8kJegD7E0TSMVsecP\n' +
+        'B8je65+3b8CGwcD3QB3kCTGLy87tXuS2+07pncHvjMRMBdDQQQqhXWsRSeUNg0IP\n' +
+        'xdHTWcuwMldYPWK5zus9M4dCNBDlmZjKdcZZVUOKeBBAm7Uo7CbJCk8r/Fvfr6mw\n' +
+        'nXXDtuWhqn/WhJiI/y0QU27M+Hy5CQMxBwFsfAjJkByBpdXmyYxUgTmMpLf43p7H\n' +
+        'oWfH1xN0cT0OQEVmAQjMakauow4AQLNkilV+X6uAAu3STQVFRSrpvMen9Xx3EPC3\n' +
+        'G9flHueTa71bU65Xe8ZmEmFhGeFYHY0GrNPAFhq9RThPRY0IPyCZe0Th8uGejkek\n' +
+        'jQjm0FHPOqs5jc8CD8eJs4jSEFt9lasFLVDcAhx0FkacLKQjGHvKAnnbRwhN/dF3\n' +
+        'xt4oL8Z4JGPCLau056gKnYaEyviN7PgO+IFIVOVIdKEBu2ASGE8/+QJB5bcHefNj\n' +
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+        'Af8wHQYDVR0OBBYEFFMXvvjoaGGUcul8GA3FT05DLbZcMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIB\n' +
+        'hjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFAAOCAgEAQLwFhd2JKn4K/6salLyIA4mP58qbA/9BTB/r\n' +
+        'D9l0bEwDlVPSdY7R3gZCe6v7SWLfA9RjE5tdWDrQMi5IU6W2OVrVsZS/yGJfwnwe\n' +
+        'a/9iUAYprA5QYKDg37h12XhVsDKlYCekHdC+qa5WwB1SL3YUprDLPWeaIQdg+Uh2\n' +
+        '+LxvpZGoxoEbca0fc7flwq9ke/3sXt/3V4wJDyY6AL2YNdjFzC+FtYjHHx8rYxHs\n' +
+        'aesP7yunuN17KcfOZBBnSFRrx96k+Xm95VReTEEpwiBqAECqEpMbd+R0mFAayMb1\n' +
+        'cE77GaK5yeC2f67NLYGpkpIoPbO9p9rzoXLE5GpSizMjimnz6QCbXPFAFBDfSzim\n' +
+        'u6azp40kEUO6kWd7rBhqRwLc43D3TtNWQYxMve5mTRG4Od+eMKwYZmQz89BQCeqm\n' +
+        'aZiJP9y9uwJw4p/A5V3lYHTDQqzmbOyhGUk6OdpdE8HXs/1ep1xTT20QDYOx3Ekt\n' +
+        'r4mmNYfH/8v9nHNRlYJOqFhmoh1i85IUl5IHhg6OT5ZTTwsGTSxvgQQXrmmHVrgZ\n' +
+        'rZIqyBKllCgVeB9sMEsntn4bGLig7CS/N1y2mYdW/745yCLZv2gj0NXhPqgEIdVV\n' +
+        'f9DhFD4ohE1C63XP0kOQee+LYg/MY5vH8swpCSWxQgX5icv5jVDz8YTdCKgUc5u8\n' +
+        'rM2p0kk=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import type { CA } from '../../@types/profiles.js';
+ * CA Certificates for **Amazon RDS Proxy** (2024)
+ *
+ * - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/rds-proxy.howitworks.html#rds-proxy-security.tls
+ * - https://www.amazontrust.com/repository/
+ */
+export declare const proxies: CA;

+ 111 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+"use strict";
+Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
+exports.proxies = void 0;
+ * CA Certificates for **Amazon RDS Proxy** (2024)
+ *
+ * - https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/UserGuide/rds-proxy.howitworks.html#rds-proxy-security.tls
+ * - https://www.amazontrust.com/repository/
+ */
+exports.proxies = [
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'MIIDQTCCAimgAwIBAgITBmyfz5m/jAo54vB4ikPmljZbyjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsF\n' +
+        'ca9HgFB0fW7Y14h29Jlo91ghYPl0hAEvrAIthtOgQ3pOsqTQNroBvo3bSMgHFzZM\n' +
+        '9O6II8c+6zf1tRn4SWiw3te5djgdYZ6k/oI2peVKVuRF4fn9tBb6dNqcmzU5L/qw\n' +
+        'IFAGbHrQgLKm+a/sRxmPUDgH3KKHOVj4utWp+UhnMJbulHheb4mjUcAwhmahRWa6\n' +
+        'VOujw5H5SNz/0egwLX0tdHA114gk957EWW67c4cX8jJGKLhD+rcdqsq08p8kDi1L\n' +
+        '93FcXmn/6pUCyziKrlA4b9v7LWIbxcceVOF34GfID5yHI9Y/QCB/IIDEgEw+OyQm\n' +
+        'A4IBAQCY8jdaQZChGsV2USggNiMOruYou6r4lK5IpDB/G/wkjUu0yKGX9rbxenDI\n' +
+        'U5PMCCjjmCXPI6T53iHTfIUJrU6adTrCC2qJeHZERxhlbI1Bjjt/msv0tadQ1wUs\n' +
+        'N+gDS63pYaACbvXy8MWy7Vu33PqUXHeeE6V/Uq2V8viTO96LXFvKWlJbYK8U90vv\n' +
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+        'rqXRfboQnoZsG4q5WTP468SQvvG5\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'MIIFQTCCAymgAwIBAgITBmyf0pY1hp8KD+WGePhbJruKNzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwF\n' +
+        'b3QgQ0EgMjCCAiIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggIPADCCAgoCggIBAK2Wny2cSkxK\n' +
+        'gXlRmeyKy2tgURO8TW0G/LAIjd0ZEGrHJgw12MBvIITplLGbhQPDW9tK6Mj4kHbZ\n' +
+        'W0/jTOgGNk3Mmqw9DJArktQGGWCsN0R5hYGCrVo34A3MnaZMUnbqQ523BNFQ9lXg\n' +
+        '1dKmSYXpN+nKfq5clU1Imj+uIFptiJXZNLhSGkOQsL9sBbm2eLfq0OQ6PBJTYv9K\n' +
+        '8nu+NQWpEjTj82R0Yiw9AElaKP4yRLuH3WUnAnE72kr3H9rN9yFVkE8P7K6C4Z9r\n' +
+        '2UXTu/Bfh+08LDmG2j/e7HJV63mjrdvdfLC6HM783k81ds8P+HgfajZRRidhW+me\n' +
+        'z/CiVX18JYpvL7TFz4QuK/0NURBs+18bvBt+xa47mAExkv8LV/SasrlX6avvDXbR\n' +
+        '8O70zoan4G7ptGmh32n2M8ZpLpcTnqWHsFcQgTfJU7O7f/aS0ZzQGPSSbtqDT6Zj\n' +
+        'mUyl+17vIWR6IF9sZIUVyzfpYgwLKhbcAS4y2j5L9Z469hdAlO+ekQiG+r5jqFoz\n' +
+        '7Mt0Q5X5bGlSNscpb/xVA1wf+5+9R+vnSUeVC06JIglJ4PVhHvG/LopyboBZ/1c6\n' +
+        '+XUyo05f7O0oYtlNc/LMgRdg7c3r3NunysV+Ar3yVAhU/bQtCSwXVEqY0VThUWcI\n' +
+        '0u1ufm8/0i2BWSlmy5A5lREedCf+3euvAgMBAAGjQjBAMA8GA1UdEwEB/wQFMAMB\n' +
+        'UjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQwFAAOCAgEAqqiAjw54o+Ci1M3m9Zh6O+oAA7CXDpO8Wqj2\n' +
+        'LIxyh6mx/H9z/WNxeKWHWc8w4Q0QshNabYL1auaAn6AFC2jkR2vHat+2/XcycuUY\n' +
+        '+gn0oJMsXdKMdYV2ZZAMA3m3MSNjrXiDCYZohMr/+c8mmpJ5581LxedhpxfL86kS\n' +
+        'k5Nrp+gvU5LEYFiwzAJRGFuFjWJZY7attN6a+yb3ACfAXVU3dJnJUH/jWS5E4ywl\n' +
+        '7uxMMne0nxrpS10gxdr9HIcWxkPo1LsmmkVwXqkLN1PiRnsn/eBG8om3zEK2yygm\n' +
+        'btmlyTrIQRNg91CMFa6ybRoVGld45pIq2WWQgj9sAq+uEjonljYE1x2igGOpm/Hl\n' +
+        'urR8FLBOybEfdF849lHqm/osohHUqS0nGkWxr7JOcQ3AWEbWaQbLU8uz/mtBzUF+\n' +
+        'fUwPfHJ5elnNXkoOrJupmHN5fLT0zLm4BwyydFy4x2+IoZCn9Kr5v2c69BoVYh63\n' +
+        'n749sSmvZ6ES8lgQGVMDMBu4Gon2nL2XA46jCfMdiyHxtN/kHNGfZQIG6lzWE7OE\n' +
+        '76KlXIx3KadowGuuQNKotOrN8I1LOJwZmhsoVLiJkO/KdYE+HvJkJMcYr07/R54H\n' +
+        '9jVlpNMKVv/1F2Rs76giJUmTtt8AF9pYfl3uxRuw0dFfIRDH+fO6AgonB8Xx1sfT\n' +
+        '4PsJYGw=\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'MIIBtjCCAVugAwIBAgITBmyf1XSXNmY/Owua2eiedgPySjAKBggqhkjOPQQDAjA5\n' +
+        'A1UEBhMCVVMxDzANBgNVBAoTBkFtYXpvbjEZMBcGA1UEAxMQQW1hem9uIFJvb3Qg\n' +
+        'Q0EgMzBZMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHA0IABCmXp8ZBf8ANm+gBG1bG8lKl\n' +
+        'ui2yEujSLtf6ycXYqm0fc4E7O5hrOXwzpcVOho6AF2hiRVd9RFgdszflZwjrZt6j\n' +
+        'ttvXBp43rDCGB5Fwx5zEGbF4wDAKBggqhkjOPQQDAgNJADBGAiEA4IWSoxe3jfkr\n' +
+        'BqWTrBqYaGFy+uGh0PsceGCmQ5nFuMQCIQCcAu/xlJyzlvnrxir4tiz+OpAUFteM\n' +
+        'YyRIHN8wfdVoOw==\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
+    '-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n' +
+        'MIIB8jCCAXigAwIBAgITBmyf18G7EEwpQ+Vxe3ssyBrBDjAKBggqhkjOPQQDAzA5\n' +
+        'A1UEBhMCVVMxDzANBgNVBAoTBkFtYXpvbjEZMBcGA1UEAxMQQW1hem9uIFJvb3Qg\n' +
+        'Q0EgNDB2MBAGByqGSM49AgEGBSuBBAAiA2IABNKrijdPo1MN/sGKe0uoe0ZLY7Bi\n' +
+        '9i0b2whxIdIA6GO9mif78DluXeo9pcmBqqNbIJhFXRbb/egQbeOc4OO9X4Ri83Bk\n' +
+        'M6DLJC9wuoihKqB1+IGuYgbEgds5bimwHvouXKNCMEAwDwYDVR0TAQH/BAUwAwEB\n' +
+        '/zAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCAYYwHQYDVR0OBBYEFNPsxzplbszh2naaVvuc84ZtV+WB\n' +
+        'MAoGCCqGSM49BAMDA2gAMGUCMDqLIfG9fhGt0O9Yli/W651+kI0rz2ZVwyzjKKlw\n' +
+        'CkcO8DdZEv8tmZQoTipPNU0zWgIxAOp1AE47xDqUEpHJWEadIRNyp4iciuRMStuW\n' +
+        '1KyLa2tJElMzrdfkviT8tQp21KW8EA==\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',
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+        'EDAOBgNVBAgTB0FyaXpvbmExEzARBgNVBAcTClNjb3R0c2RhbGUxJTAjBgNVBAoT\n' +
+        'HFN0YXJmaWVsZCBUZWNobm9sb2dpZXMsIEluYy4xOzA5BgNVBAMTMlN0YXJmaWVs\n' +
+        'ZCBTZXJ2aWNlcyBSb290IENlcnRpZmljYXRlIEF1dGhvcml0eSAtIEcyMB4XDTA5\n' +
+        'VQQIEwdBcml6b25hMRMwEQYDVQQHEwpTY290dHNkYWxlMSUwIwYDVQQKExxTdGFy\n' +
+        'ZmllbGQgVGVjaG5vbG9naWVzLCBJbmMuMTswOQYDVQQDEzJTdGFyZmllbGQgU2Vy\n' +
+        'dmljZXMgUm9vdCBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSBBdXRob3JpdHkgLSBHMjCCASIwDQYJKoZI\n' +
+        'hvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBANUMOsQq+U7i9b4Zl1+OiFOxHz/Lz58gE20p\n' +
+        'OsgPfTz3a3Y4Y9k2YKibXlwAgLIvWX/2h/klQ4bnaRtSmpDhcePYLQ1Ob/bISdm2\n' +
+        '8xpWriu2dBTrz/sm4xq6HZYuajtYlIlHVv8loJNwU4PahHQUw2eeBGg6345AWh1K\n' +
+        'Ts9DkTvnVtYAcMtS7nt9rjrnvDH5RfbCYM8TWQIrgMw0R9+53pBlbQLPLJGmpufe\n' +
+        'hRhJfGZOozptqbXuNC66DQO4M99H67FrjSXZm86B0UVGMpZwh94CDklDhbZsc7tk\n' +
+        '6mFBrMnUVN+HL8cisibMn1lUaJ/8viovxFUcdUBgF4UCVTmLfwUCAwEAAaNCMEAw\n' +
+        'AdcwKziIorhtSpzyEZGDMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQBLNqaEd2ndOxmfZyMI\n' +
+        'bw5hyf2E3F/YNoHN2BtBLZ9g3ccaaNnRbobhiCPPE95Dz+I0swSdHynVv/heyNXB\n' +
+        've6SbzJ08pGCL72CQnqtKrcgfU28elUSwhXqvfdqlS5sdJ/PHLTyxQGjhdByPq1z\n' +
+        'qwubdQxtRbeOlKyWN7Wg0I8VRw7j6IPdj/3vQQF3zCepYoUz8jcI73HPdwbeyBkd\n' +
+        'iEDPfUYd/x7H4c7/I9vG+o1VTqkC50cRRj70/b17KSa7qWFiNyi2LSr2EIZkyXCn\n' +
+        '0q23KXB56jzaYyWf/Wi3MOxw+3WKt21gZ7IeyLnp2KhvAotnDU0mV3HaIPzBSlCN\n' +
+        'sSi6\n' +
+        '-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n',

+ 52 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+  "name": "aws-ssl-profiles",
+  "version": "1.1.2",
+  "main": "lib/index.js",
+  "author": "https://github.com/wellwelwel",
+  "description": "AWS RDS SSL certificates bundles.",
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "https://github.com/mysqljs/aws-ssl-profiles"
+  },
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/mysqljs/aws-ssl-profiles/issues"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@biomejs/biome": "^1.8.3",
+    "@types/node": "^22.5.1",
+    "@types/x509.js": "^1.0.3",
+    "poku": "^2.5.0",
+    "prettier": "^3.3.3",
+    "tsx": "^4.19.0",
+    "typescript": "^5.5.4",
+    "x509.js": "^1.0.0"
+  },
+  "files": [
+    "lib"
+  ],
+  "engines": {
+    "node": ">= 6.0.0"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "mysql",
+    "mysql2",
+    "pg",
+    "postgres",
+    "aws",
+    "rds",
+    "ssl",
+    "certificates",
+    "ca",
+    "bundle"
+  ],
+  "scripts": {
+    "build": "npx tsc",
+    "postbuild": "cp src/index.d.ts lib/index.d.ts",
+    "lint": "npx @biomejs/biome lint && prettier --check .",
+    "lint:fix": "npx @biomejs/biome lint --write . && prettier --write .",
+    "pretest": "npm run build",
+    "test": "poku --parallel ./test",
+    "test:ci": "npm run lint && npm run test"
+  }

+ 266 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+#### 9.0.0
+* 27/05/2019
+* For compatibility with legacy browsers, remove `Symbol` references.
+#### 8.1.1
+* 24/02/2019
+* [BUGFIX] #222 Restore missing `var` to `export BigNumber`.
+* Allow any key in BigNumber.Instance in *bignumber.d.ts*.
+#### 8.1.0
+* 23/02/2019
+* [NEW FEATURE] #220 Create a BigNumber using `{s, e, c}`.
+* [NEW FEATURE] `isBigNumber`: if `BigNumber.DEBUG` is `true`, also check that the BigNumber instance is well-formed.
+* Remove `instanceof` checks; just use `_isBigNumber` to identify a BigNumber instance.
+* Add `_isBigNumber` to prototype in *bignumber.mjs*.
+* Add tests for BigNumber creation from object.
+* Update *API.html*.
+#### 8.0.2
+* 13/01/2019
+* #209 `toPrecision` without argument should follow `toString`.
+* Improve *Use* section of *README*.
+* Optimise `toString(10)`.
+* Add verson number to API doc.
+#### 8.0.1
+* 01/11/2018
+* Rest parameter must be array type in *bignumber.d.ts*.
+#### 8.0.0
+* 01/11/2018
+* [NEW FEATURE] Add `BigNumber.sum` method.
+* [NEW FEATURE]`toFormat`: add `prefix` and `suffix` options.
+* [NEW FEATURE] #178 Pass custom formatting to `toFormat`.
+* [BREAKING CHANGE] #184 `toFraction`: return array of BigNumbers not strings.
+* [NEW FEATURE] #185 Enable overwrite of `valueOf` to prevent accidental addition to string.
+* #183 Add Node.js `crypto` requirement to documentation.
+* [BREAKING CHANGE] #198 Disallow signs and whitespace in custom alphabet.
+* [NEW FEATURE] #188 Implement `util.inspect.custom` for Node.js REPL.
+* #170 Make `isBigNumber` a type guard in *bignumber.d.ts*.
+* [BREAKING CHANGE] `BigNumber.min` and `BigNumber.max`: don't accept an array.
+* Update *.travis.yml*.
+* Remove *bower.json*.
+#### 7.2.1
+* 24/05/2018
+* Add `browser` field to *package.json*.
+#### 7.2.0
+* 22/05/2018
+* #166 Correct *.mjs* file. Remove extension from `main` field in *package.json*.
+#### 7.1.0
+* 18/05/2018
+* Add `module` field to *package.json* for *bignumber.mjs*.
+#### 7.0.2
+* 17/05/2018
+* #165 Bugfix: upper-case letters for bases 11-36 in a custom alphabet.
+* Add note to *README* regarding creating BigNumbers from Number values.
+#### 7.0.1
+* 26/04/2018
+* #158 Fix global object variable name typo.
+#### 7.0.0
+* 26/04/2018
+* #143 Remove global BigNumber from typings.
+* #144 Enable compatibility with `Object.freeze(Object.prototype)`.
+* #148 #123 #11 Only throw on a number primitive with more than 15 significant digits if `BigNumber.DEBUG` is `true`.
+* Only throw on an invalid BigNumber value if `BigNumber.DEBUG` is `true`. Return BigNumber `NaN` instead.
+* #154 `exponentiatedBy`: allow BigNumber exponent.
+* #156 Prevent Content Security Policy *unsafe-eval* issue.
+* `toFraction`: allow `Infinity` maximum denominator.
+* Comment-out some excess tests to reduce test time.
+* Amend indentation and other spacing.
+#### 6.0.0
+* 26/01/2018
+* #137 Implement `APLHABET` configuration option.
+* Remove `ERRORS` configuration option.
+* Remove `toDigits` method; extend `precision` method accordingly.
+* Remove s`round` method; extend `decimalPlaces` method accordingly.
+* Remove methods: `ceil`, `floor`, and `truncated`.
+* Remove method aliases: `add`, `cmp`, `isInt`, `isNeg`, `trunc`, `mul`, `neg` and `sub`.
+* Rename methods: `shift` to `shiftedBy`, `another` to `clone`, `toPower` to `exponentiatedBy`, and `equals` to `isEqualTo`.
+* Rename methods: add `is` prefix to `greaterThan`, `greaterThanOrEqualTo`, `lessThan` and `lessThanOrEqualTo`.
+* Add methods: `multipliedBy`, `isBigNumber`, `isPositive`, `integerValue`, `maximum` and `minimum`.
+* Refactor test suite.
+* Add *CHANGELOG.md*.
+* Rewrite *bignumber.d.ts*.
+* Redo API image.
+#### 5.0.0
+* 27/11/2017
+* #81 Don't throw on constructor call without `new`.
+#### 4.1.0
+* 26/09/2017
+* Remove node 0.6 from *.travis.yml*.
+* Add *bignumber.mjs*.
+#### 4.0.4
+* 03/09/2017
+* Add missing aliases to *bignumber.d.ts*.
+#### 4.0.3
+* 30/08/2017
+* Add types: *bignumber.d.ts*.
+#### 4.0.2
+* 03/05/2017
+* #120 Workaround Safari/Webkit bug.
+#### 4.0.1
+* 05/04/2017
+* #121 BigNumber.default to BigNumber['default'].
+#### 4.0.0
+* 09/01/2017
+* Replace BigNumber.isBigNumber method with isBigNumber prototype property.
+#### 3.1.2
+* 08/01/2017
+* Minor documentation edit.
+#### 3.1.1
+* 08/01/2017
+* Uncomment `isBigNumber` tests.
+* Ignore dot files.
+#### 3.1.0
+* 08/01/2017
+* Add `isBigNumber` method.
+#### 3.0.2
+* 08/01/2017
+* Bugfix: Possible incorrect value of `ERRORS` after a `BigNumber.another` call (due to `parseNumeric` declaration in outer scope).
+#### 3.0.1
+* 23/11/2016
+* Apply fix for old ipads with `%` issue, see #57 and #102.
+* Correct error message.
+#### 3.0.0
+* 09/11/2016
+* Remove `require('crypto')` - leave it to the user.
+* Add `BigNumber.set` as `BigNumber.config` alias.
+* Default `POW_PRECISION` to `0`.
+#### 2.4.0
+* 14/07/2016
+* #97 Add exports to support ES6 imports.
+#### 2.3.0
+* 07/03/2016
+* #86 Add modulus parameter to `toPower`.
+#### 2.2.0
+* 03/03/2016
+* #91 Permit larger JS integers.
+#### 2.1.4
+* 15/12/2015
+* Correct UMD.
+#### 2.1.3
+* 13/12/2015
+* Refactor re global object and crypto availability when bundling.
+#### 2.1.2
+* 10/12/2015
+* Bugfix: `window.crypto` not assigned to `crypto`.
+#### 2.1.1
+* 09/12/2015
+* Prevent code bundler from adding `crypto` shim.
+#### 2.1.0
+* 26/10/2015
+* For `valueOf` and `toJSON`, include the minus sign with negative zero.
+#### 2.0.8
+* 2/10/2015
+* Internal round function bugfix.
+#### 2.0.6
+* 31/03/2015
+* Add bower.json. Tweak division after in-depth review.
+#### 2.0.5
+* 25/03/2015
+* Amend README. Remove bitcoin address.
+#### 2.0.4
+* 25/03/2015
+* Critical bugfix #58: division.
+#### 2.0.3
+* 18/02/2015
+* Amend README. Add source map.
+#### 2.0.2
+* 18/02/2015
+* Correct links.
+#### 2.0.1
+* 18/02/2015
+* Add `max`, `min`, `precision`, `random`, `shiftedBy`, `toDigits` and `truncated` methods.
+* Add the short-forms: `add`, `mul`, `sd`, `sub` and `trunc`.
+* Add an `another` method to enable multiple independent constructors to be created.
+* Add support for the base 2, 8 and 16 prefixes `0b`, `0o` and `0x`.
+* Enable a rounding mode to be specified as a second parameter to `toExponential`, `toFixed`, `toFormat` and `toPrecision`.
+* Add a `CRYPTO` configuration property so cryptographically-secure pseudo-random number generation can be specified.
+* Add a `MODULO_MODE` configuration property to enable the rounding mode used by the `modulo` operation to be specified.
+* Add a `POW_PRECISION` configuration property to enable the number of significant digits calculated by the power operation to be limited.
+* Improve code quality.
+* Improve documentation.
+#### 2.0.0
+* 29/12/2014
+* Add `dividedToIntegerBy`, `isInteger` and `toFormat` methods.
+* Remove the following short-forms: `isF`, `isZ`, `toE`, `toF`, `toFr`, `toN`, `toP`, `toS`.
+* Store a BigNumber's coefficient in base 1e14, rather than base 10.
+* Add fast path for integers to BigNumber constructor.
+* Incorporate the library into the online documentation.
+#### 1.5.0
+* 13/11/2014
+* Add `toJSON` and `decimalPlaces` methods.
+#### 1.4.1
+* 08/06/2014
+* Amend README.
+#### 1.4.0
+* 08/05/2014
+* Add `toNumber`.
+#### 1.3.0
+* 08/11/2013
+* Ensure correct rounding of `sqrt` in all, rather than almost all, cases.
+* Maximum radix to 64.
+#### 1.2.1
+* 17/10/2013
+* Sign of zero when x < 0 and x + (-x) = 0.
+#### 1.2.0
+* 19/9/2013
+* Throw Error objects for stack.
+#### 1.1.1
+* 22/8/2013
+* Show original value in constructor error message.
+#### 1.1.0
+* 1/8/2013
+* Allow numbers with trailing radix point.
+#### 1.0.1
+* Bugfix: error messages with incorrect method name
+#### 1.0.0
+* 8/11/2012
+* Initial release

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+The MIT Licence.
+Copyright (c) 2019 Michael Mclaughlin
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 268 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic.
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/MikeMcl/bignumber.js.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/MikeMcl/bignumber.js)
+<br />
+## Features
+  - Integers and decimals
+  - Simple API but full-featured
+  - Faster, smaller, and perhaps easier to use than JavaScript versions of Java's BigDecimal
+  - 8 KB minified and gzipped
+  - Replicates the `toExponential`, `toFixed`, `toPrecision` and `toString` methods of JavaScript's Number type
+  - Includes a `toFraction` and a correctly-rounded `squareRoot` method
+  - Supports cryptographically-secure pseudo-random number generation
+  - No dependencies
+  - Wide platform compatibility: uses JavaScript 1.5 (ECMAScript 3) features only
+  - Comprehensive [documentation](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/) and test set
+If a smaller and simpler library is required see [big.js](https://github.com/MikeMcl/big.js/).
+It's less than half the size but only works with decimal numbers and only has half the methods.
+It also does not allow `NaN` or `Infinity`, or have the configuration options of this library.
+See also [decimal.js](https://github.com/MikeMcl/decimal.js/), which among other things adds support for non-integer powers, and performs all operations to a specified number of significant digits.
+## Load
+The library is the single JavaScript file *bignumber.js* (or minified, *bignumber.min.js*).
+<script src='path/to/bignumber.js'></script>
+$ npm install bignumber.js
+const BigNumber = require('bignumber.js');
+ES6 module:
+import BigNumber from "./bignumber.mjs"
+AMD loader libraries such as [requireJS](http://requirejs.org/):
+require(['bignumber'], function(BigNumber) {
+    // Use BigNumber here in local scope. No global BigNumber.
+## Use
+The library exports a single constructor function, [`BigNumber`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#bignumber), which accepts a value of type Number, String or BigNumber,
+let x = new BigNumber(123.4567);
+let y = BigNumber('123456.7e-3');
+let z = new BigNumber(x);
+x.isEqualTo(y) && y.isEqualTo(z) && x.isEqualTo(z);      // true
+To get the string value of a BigNumber use [`toString()`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#toS) or [`toFixed()`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#toFix). Using `toFixed()` prevents exponential notation being returned, no matter how large or small the value.
+let x = new BigNumber('1111222233334444555566');
+x.toString();                       // "1.111222233334444555566e+21"
+x.toFixed();                        // "1111222233334444555566"
+If the limited precision of Number values is not well understood, it is recommended to create BigNumbers from String values rather than Number values to avoid a potential loss of precision.
+*In all further examples below, `let`, semicolons and `toString` calls are not shown. If a commented-out value is in quotes it means `toString` has been called on the preceding expression.*
+// Precision loss from using numeric literals with more than 15 significant digits.
+new BigNumber(1.0000000000000001)         // '1'
+new BigNumber(88259496234518.57)          // '88259496234518.56'
+new BigNumber(99999999999999999999)       // '100000000000000000000'
+// Precision loss from using numeric literals outside the range of Number values.
+new BigNumber(2e+308)                     // 'Infinity'
+new BigNumber(1e-324)                     // '0'
+// Precision loss from the unexpected result of arithmetic with Number values.
+new BigNumber(0.7 + 0.1)                  // '0.7999999999999999'
+When creating a BigNumber from a Number, note that a BigNumber is created from a Number's decimal `toString()` value not from its underlying binary value. If the latter is required, then pass the Number's `toString(2)` value and specify base 2.
+new BigNumber(Number.MAX_VALUE.toString(2), 2)
+BigNumbers can be created from values in bases from 2 to 36. See [`ALPHABET`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#alphabet) to extend this range.
+a = new BigNumber(1011, 2)          // "11"
+b = new BigNumber('zz.9', 36)       // "1295.25"
+c = a.plus(b)                       // "1306.25"
+Performance is better if base 10 is NOT specified for decimal values. Only specify base 10 when it is desired that the number of decimal places of the input value be limited to the current [`DECIMAL_PLACES`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#decimal-places) setting.
+A BigNumber is immutable in the sense that it is not changed by its methods.
+0.3 - 0.1                           // 0.19999999999999998
+x = new BigNumber(0.3)
+x.minus(0.1)                        // "0.2"
+x                                   // "0.3"
+The methods that return a BigNumber can be chained.
+Some of the longer method names have a shorter alias.
+x.squareRoot().dividedBy(y).exponentiatedBy(3).isEqualTo(x.sqrt().div(y).pow(3))    // true
+x.modulo(y).multipliedBy(z).eq(x.mod(y).times(z))                                   // true
+As with JavaScript's Number type, there are [`toExponential`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#toE), [`toFixed`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#toFix) and [`toPrecision`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#toP) methods.
+x = new BigNumber(255.5)
+x.toExponential(5)                  // "2.55500e+2"
+x.toFixed(5)                        // "255.50000"
+x.toPrecision(5)                    // "255.50"
+x.toNumber()                        //  255.5
+ A base can be specified for [`toString`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#toS). Performance is better if base 10 is NOT specified, i.e. use `toString()` not `toString(10)`. Only specify base 10 when it is desired that the number of decimal places be limited to the current [`DECIMAL_PLACES`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#decimal-places) setting.
+ ```javascript
+ x.toString(16)                     // "ff.8"
+ ```
+There is a [`toFormat`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#toFor) method which may be useful for internationalisation.
+y = new BigNumber('1234567.898765')
+y.toFormat(2)                       // "1,234,567.90"
+The maximum number of decimal places of the result of an operation involving division (i.e. a division, square root, base conversion or negative power operation) is set using the `set` or `config` method of the `BigNumber` constructor.
+The other arithmetic operations always give the exact result.
+BigNumber.set({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 10, ROUNDING_MODE: 4 })
+x = new BigNumber(2)
+y = new BigNumber(3)
+z = x.dividedBy(y)                        // "0.6666666667"
+z.squareRoot()                            // "0.8164965809"
+z.exponentiatedBy(-3)                     // "3.3749999995"
+z.toString(2)                             // "0.1010101011"
+z.multipliedBy(z)                         // "0.44444444448888888889"
+z.multipliedBy(z).decimalPlaces(10)       // "0.4444444445"
+There is a [`toFraction`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#toFr) method with an optional *maximum denominator* argument
+y = new BigNumber(355)
+pi = y.dividedBy(113)               // "3.1415929204"
+pi.toFraction()                     // [ "7853982301", "2500000000" ]
+pi.toFraction(1000)                 // [ "355", "113" ]
+and [`isNaN`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#isNaN) and [`isFinite`](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/#isF) methods, as `NaN` and `Infinity` are valid `BigNumber` values.
+x = new BigNumber(NaN)                                           // "NaN"
+y = new BigNumber(Infinity)                                      // "Infinity"
+x.isNaN() && !y.isNaN() && !x.isFinite() && !y.isFinite()        // true
+The value of a BigNumber is stored in a decimal floating point format in terms of a coefficient, exponent and sign.
+x = new BigNumber(-123.456);
+x.c                                 // [ 123, 45600000000000 ]  coefficient (i.e. significand)
+x.e                                 // 2                        exponent
+x.s                                 // -1                       sign
+For advanced usage, multiple BigNumber constructors can be created, each with their own independent configuration.
+// Set DECIMAL_PLACES for the original BigNumber constructor
+BigNumber.set({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 10 })
+// Create another BigNumber constructor, optionally passing in a configuration object
+BN = BigNumber.clone({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 5 })
+x = new BigNumber(1)
+y = new BN(1)
+x.div(3)                            // '0.3333333333'
+y.div(3)                            // '0.33333'
+For further information see the [API](http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/) reference in the *doc* directory.
+## Test
+The *test/modules* directory contains the test scripts for each method.
+The tests can be run with Node.js or a browser. For Node.js use
+    $ npm test
+    $ node test/test
+To test a single method, use, for example
+    $ node test/methods/toFraction
+For the browser, open *test/test.html*.
+## Build
+For Node, if [uglify-js](https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2) is installed
+    npm install uglify-js -g
+    npm run build
+will create *bignumber.min.js*.
+A source map will also be created in the root directory.
+## Feedback
+Open an issue, or email
+<a href="mailto:M8ch88l@gmail.com">M8ch88l@gmail.com</a>
+## Licence
+The MIT Licence.
+See [LICENCE](https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js/blob/master/LICENCE).

+ 1829 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1829 @@
+// Type definitions for bignumber.js >=8.1.0
+// Project: https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js
+// Definitions by: Michael Mclaughlin <https://github.com/MikeMcl>
+// Definitions: https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js
+// Documentation: http://mikemcl.github.io/bignumber.js/
+// Exports:
+//   class     BigNumber (default export)
+//   type      BigNumber.Constructor
+//   type      BigNumber.ModuloMode
+//   type      BigNumber.RoundingMOde
+//   type      BigNumber.Value
+//   interface BigNumber.Config
+//   interface BigNumber.Format
+//   interface BigNumber.Instance
+// Example:
+//   import {BigNumber} from "bignumber.js"
+//   //import BigNumber from "bignumber.js"
+//   let rm: BigNumber.RoundingMode = BigNumber.ROUND_UP;
+//   let f: BigNumber.Format = { decimalSeparator: ',' };
+//   let c: BigNumber.Config = { DECIMAL_PLACES: 4, ROUNDING_MODE: rm, FORMAT: f };
+//   BigNumber.config(c);
+//   let v: BigNumber.Value = '12345.6789';
+//   let b: BigNumber = new BigNumber(v);
+// The use of compiler option `--strictNullChecks` is recommended.
+export default BigNumber;
+export namespace BigNumber {
+  /** See `BigNumber.config` (alias `BigNumber.set`) and `BigNumber.clone`. */
+  interface Config {
+    /**
+     * An integer, 0 to 1e+9. Default value: 20.
+     *
+     * The maximum number of decimal places of the result of operations involving division, i.e.
+     * division, square root and base conversion operations, and exponentiation when the exponent is
+     * negative.
+     *
+     * ```ts
+     * BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 5 })
+     * BigNumber.set({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 5 })
+     * ```
+     */
+    DECIMAL_PLACES?: number;
+    /**
+     * An integer, 0 to 8. Default value: `BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_UP` (4).
+     *
+     * The rounding mode used in operations that involve division (see `DECIMAL_PLACES`) and the
+     * default rounding mode of the `decimalPlaces`, `precision`, `toExponential`, `toFixed`,
+     * `toFormat` and `toPrecision` methods.
+     *
+     * The modes are available as enumerated properties of the BigNumber constructor.
+     *
+     * ```ts
+     * BigNumber.config({ ROUNDING_MODE: 0 })
+     * BigNumber.set({ ROUNDING_MODE: BigNumber.ROUND_UP })
+     * ```
+     */
+    ROUNDING_MODE?: BigNumber.RoundingMode;
+    /**
+     * An integer, 0 to 1e+9, or an array, [-1e+9 to 0, 0 to 1e+9].
+     * Default value: `[-7, 20]`.
+     *
+     * The exponent value(s) at which `toString` returns exponential notation.
+     *
+     * If a single number is assigned, the value is the exponent magnitude.
+     *
+     * If an array of two numbers is assigned then the first number is the negative exponent value at
+     * and beneath which exponential notation is used, and the second number is the positive exponent
+     * value at and above which exponential notation is used.
+     *
+     * For example, to emulate JavaScript numbers in terms of the exponent values at which they begin
+     * to use exponential notation, use `[-7, 20]`.
+     *
+     * ```ts
+     * BigNumber.config({ EXPONENTIAL_AT: 2 })
+     * new BigNumber(12.3)         // '12.3'        e is only 1
+     * new BigNumber(123)          // '1.23e+2'
+     * new BigNumber(0.123)        // '0.123'       e is only -1
+     * new BigNumber(0.0123)       // '1.23e-2'
+     *
+     * BigNumber.config({ EXPONENTIAL_AT: [-7, 20] })
+     * new BigNumber(123456789)    // '123456789'   e is only 8
+     * new BigNumber(0.000000123)  // '1.23e-7'
+     *
+     * // Almost never return exponential notation:
+     * BigNumber.config({ EXPONENTIAL_AT: 1e+9 })
+     *
+     * // Always return exponential notation:
+     * BigNumber.config({ EXPONENTIAL_AT: 0 })
+     * ```
+     *
+     * Regardless of the value of `EXPONENTIAL_AT`, the `toFixed` method will always return a value in
+     * normal notation and the `toExponential` method will always return a value in exponential form.
+     * Calling `toString` with a base argument, e.g. `toString(10)`, will also always return normal
+     * notation.
+     */
+    EXPONENTIAL_AT?: number | [number, number];
+    /**
+     * An integer, magnitude 1 to 1e+9, or an array, [-1e+9 to -1, 1 to 1e+9].
+     * Default value: `[-1e+9, 1e+9]`.
+     *
+     * The exponent value(s) beyond which overflow to Infinity and underflow to zero occurs.
+     *
+     * If a single number is assigned, it is the maximum exponent magnitude: values wth a positive
+     * exponent of greater magnitude become Infinity and those with a negative exponent of greater
+     * magnitude become zero.
+     *
+     * If an array of two numbers is assigned then the first number is the negative exponent limit and
+     * the second number is the positive exponent limit.
+     *
+     * For example, to emulate JavaScript numbers in terms of the exponent values at which they
+     * become zero and Infinity, use [-324, 308].
+     *
+     * ```ts
+     * BigNumber.config({ RANGE: 500 })
+     * BigNumber.config().RANGE     // [ -500, 500 ]
+     * new BigNumber('9.999e499')   // '9.999e+499'
+     * new BigNumber('1e500')       // 'Infinity'
+     * new BigNumber('1e-499')      // '1e-499'
+     * new BigNumber('1e-500')      // '0'
+     *
+     * BigNumber.config({ RANGE: [-3, 4] })
+     * new BigNumber(99999)         // '99999'      e is only 4
+     * new BigNumber(100000)        // 'Infinity'   e is 5
+     * new BigNumber(0.001)         // '0.01'       e is only -3
+     * new BigNumber(0.0001)        // '0'          e is -4
+     * ```
+     * The largest possible magnitude of a finite BigNumber is 9.999...e+1000000000.
+     * The smallest possible magnitude of a non-zero BigNumber is 1e-1000000000.
+     */
+    RANGE?: number | [number, number];
+    /**
+     * A boolean: `true` or `false`. Default value: `false`.
+     *
+     * The value that determines whether cryptographically-secure pseudo-random number generation is
+     * used. If `CRYPTO` is set to true then the random method will generate random digits using
+     * `crypto.getRandomValues` in browsers that support it, or `crypto.randomBytes` if using a
+     * version of Node.js that supports it.
+     *
+     * If neither function is supported by the host environment then attempting to set `CRYPTO` to
+     * `true` will fail and an exception will be thrown.
+     *
+     * If `CRYPTO` is `false` then the source of randomness used will be `Math.random` (which is
+     * assumed to generate at least 30 bits of randomness).
+     *
+     * See `BigNumber.random`.
+     *
+     * ```ts
+     * // Node.js
+     * global.crypto = require('crypto')
+     *
+     * BigNumber.config({ CRYPTO: true })
+     * BigNumber.config().CRYPTO       // true
+     * BigNumber.random()              // 0.54340758610486147524
+     * ```
+     */
+    CRYPTO?: boolean;
+    /**
+     * An integer, 0, 1, 3, 6 or 9. Default value: `BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN` (1).
+     *
+     * The modulo mode used when calculating the modulus: `a mod n`.
+     * The quotient, `q = a / n`, is calculated according to the `ROUNDING_MODE` that corresponds to
+     * the chosen `MODULO_MODE`.
+     * The remainder, `r`, is calculated as: `r = a - n * q`.
+     *
+     * The modes that are most commonly used for the modulus/remainder operation are shown in the
+     * following table. Although the other rounding modes can be used, they may not give useful
+     * results.
+     *
+     * Property           | Value | Description
+     * :------------------|:------|:------------------------------------------------------------------
+     *  `ROUND_UP`        |   0   | The remainder is positive if the dividend is negative.
+     *  `ROUND_DOWN`      |   1   | The remainder has the same sign as the dividend.
+     *                    |       | Uses 'truncating division' and matches JavaScript's `%` operator .
+     *  `ROUND_FLOOR`     |   3   | The remainder has the same sign as the divisor.
+     *                    |       | This matches Python's `%` operator.
+     *  `ROUND_HALF_EVEN` |   6   | The IEEE 754 remainder function.
+     *  `EUCLID`          |   9   | The remainder is always positive.
+     *                    |       | Euclidian division: `q = sign(n) * floor(a / abs(n))`
+     *
+     * The rounding/modulo modes are available as enumerated properties of the BigNumber constructor.
+     *
+     * See `modulo`.
+     *
+     * ```ts
+     * BigNumber.config({ MODULO_MODE: BigNumber.EUCLID })
+     * BigNumber.set({ MODULO_MODE: 9 })          // equivalent
+     * ```
+     */
+    MODULO_MODE?: BigNumber.ModuloMode;
+    /**
+     * An integer, 0 to 1e+9. Default value: 0.
+     *
+     * The maximum precision, i.e. number of significant digits, of the result of the power operation
+     * - unless a modulus is specified.
+     *
+     * If set to 0, the number of significant digits will not be limited.
+     *
+     * See `exponentiatedBy`.
+     *
+     * ```ts
+     * BigNumber.config({ POW_PRECISION: 100 })
+     * ```
+     */
+    POW_PRECISION?: number;
+    /**
+     * An object including any number of the properties shown below.
+     *
+     * The object configures the format of the string returned by the `toFormat` method.
+     * The example below shows the properties of the object that are recognised, and
+     * their default values.
+     *
+     * Unlike the other configuration properties, the values of the properties of the `FORMAT` object
+     * will not be checked for validity - the existing object will simply be replaced by the object
+     * that is passed in.
+     *
+     * See `toFormat`.
+     *
+     * ```ts
+     * BigNumber.config({
+     *   FORMAT: {
+     *     // string to prepend
+     *     prefix: '',
+     *     // the decimal separator
+     *     decimalSeparator: '.',
+     *     // the grouping separator of the integer part
+     *     groupSeparator: ',',
+     *     // the primary grouping size of the integer part
+     *     groupSize: 3,
+     *     // the secondary grouping size of the integer part
+     *     secondaryGroupSize: 0,
+     *     // the grouping separator of the fraction part
+     *     fractionGroupSeparator: ' ',
+     *     // the grouping size of the fraction part
+     *     fractionGroupSize: 0,
+     *     // string to append
+     *     suffix: ''
+     *   }
+     * })
+     * ```
+     */
+    FORMAT?: BigNumber.Format;
+    /**
+     * The alphabet used for base conversion. The length of the alphabet corresponds to the maximum
+     * value of the base argument that can be passed to the BigNumber constructor or `toString`.
+     *
+     * Default value: `'0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'`.
+     *
+     * There is no maximum length for the alphabet, but it must be at least 2 characters long,
+     * and it must not contain whitespace or a repeated character, or the sign indicators '+' and
+     * '-', or the decimal separator '.'.
+     *
+     * ```ts
+     * // duodecimal (base 12)
+     * BigNumber.config({ ALPHABET: '0123456789TE' })
+     * x = new BigNumber('T', 12)
+     * x.toString()                // '10'
+     * x.toString(12)              // 'T'
+     * ```
+     */
+    ALPHABET?: string;
+  }
+  /** See `FORMAT` and `toFormat`. */
+  interface Format {
+    /** The string to prepend. */
+    prefix?: string;
+    /** The decimal separator. */
+    decimalSeparator?: string;
+    /** The grouping separator of the integer part. */
+    groupSeparator?: string;
+    /** The primary grouping size of the integer part. */
+    groupSize?: number;
+    /** The secondary grouping size of the integer part. */
+    secondaryGroupSize?: number;
+    /** The grouping separator of the fraction part. */
+    fractionGroupSeparator?: string;
+    /** The grouping size of the fraction part. */
+    fractionGroupSize?: number;
+    /** The string to append. */
+    suffix?: string;
+  }
+  interface Instance {
+    /** The coefficient of the value of this BigNumber, an array of base 1e14 integer numbers, or null. */
+    readonly c: number[] | null;
+    /** The exponent of the value of this BigNumber, an integer number, -1000000000 to 1000000000, or null. */
+    readonly e: number | null;
+    /** The sign of the value of this BigNumber, -1, 1, or null. */
+    readonly s: number | null;
+    [key: string]: any;
+  }
+  type Constructor = typeof BigNumber;
+  type ModuloMode = 0 | 1 | 3 | 6 | 9;
+  type RoundingMode = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8;
+  type Value = string | number | Instance;
+export declare class BigNumber implements BigNumber.Instance {
+  /** Used internally to identify a BigNumber instance. */
+  private readonly _isBigNumber: true;
+  /** The coefficient of the value of this BigNumber, an array of base 1e14 integer numbers, or null. */
+  readonly c: number[] | null;
+  /** The exponent of the value of this BigNumber, an integer number, -1000000000 to 1000000000, or null. */
+  readonly e: number | null;
+  /** The sign of the value of this BigNumber, -1, 1, or null. */
+  readonly s: number | null;
+  /**
+   * Returns a new instance of a BigNumber object with value `n`, where `n` is a numeric value in
+   * the specified `base`, or base 10 if `base` is omitted or is `null` or `undefined`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(123.4567)              // '123.4567'
+   * // 'new' is optional
+   * y = BigNumber(x)                         // '123.4567'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * If `n` is a base 10 value it can be in normal (fixed-point) or exponential notation.
+   * Values in other bases must be in normal notation. Values in any base can have fraction digits,
+   * i.e. digits after the decimal point.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * new BigNumber(43210)                     // '43210'
+   * new BigNumber('4.321e+4')                // '43210'
+   * new BigNumber('-735.0918e-430')          // '-7.350918e-428'
+   * new BigNumber('123412421.234324', 5)     // '607236.557696'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * Signed `0`, signed `Infinity` and `NaN` are supported.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * new BigNumber('-Infinity')               // '-Infinity'
+   * new BigNumber(NaN)                       // 'NaN'
+   * new BigNumber(-0)                        // '0'
+   * new BigNumber('.5')                      // '0.5'
+   * new BigNumber('+2')                      // '2'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * String values in hexadecimal literal form, e.g. `'0xff'`, are valid, as are string values with
+   * the octal and binary prefixs `'0o'` and `'0b'`. String values in octal literal form without the
+   * prefix will be interpreted as decimals, e.g. `'011'` is interpreted as 11, not 9.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * new BigNumber(-10110100.1, 2)            // '-180.5'
+   * new BigNumber('-0b10110100.1')           // '-180.5'
+   * new BigNumber('ff.8', 16)                // '255.5'
+   * new BigNumber('0xff.8')                  // '255.5'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * If a base is specified, `n` is rounded according to the current `DECIMAL_PLACES` and
+   * `ROUNDING_MODE` settings. This includes base 10, so don't include a `base` parameter for decimal
+   * values unless this behaviour is desired.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 5 })
+   * new BigNumber(1.23456789)                // '1.23456789'
+   * new BigNumber(1.23456789, 10)            // '1.23457'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * An error is thrown if `base` is invalid.
+   *
+   * There is no limit to the number of digits of a value of type string (other than that of
+   * JavaScript's maximum array size). See `RANGE` to set the maximum and minimum possible exponent
+   * value of a BigNumber.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * new BigNumber('5032485723458348569331745.33434346346912144534543')
+   * new BigNumber('4.321e10000000')
+   * ```
+   *
+   * BigNumber `NaN` is returned if `n` is invalid (unless `BigNumber.DEBUG` is `true`, see below).
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * new BigNumber('.1*')                    // 'NaN'
+   * new BigNumber('blurgh')                 // 'NaN'
+   * new BigNumber(9, 2)                     // 'NaN'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * To aid in debugging, if `BigNumber.DEBUG` is `true` then an error will be thrown on an
+   * invalid `n`. An error will also be thrown if `n` is of type number with more than 15
+   * significant digits, as calling `toString` or `valueOf` on these numbers may not result in the
+   * intended value.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * console.log(823456789123456.3)          //  823456789123456.2
+   * new BigNumber(823456789123456.3)        // '823456789123456.2'
+   * BigNumber.DEBUG = true
+   * // 'Error: Number has more than 15 significant digits'
+   * new BigNumber(823456789123456.3)
+   * // 'Error: Not a base 2 number'
+   * new BigNumber(9, 2)
+   * ```
+   *
+   * A BigNumber can also be created from an object literal.
+   * Use `isBigNumber` to check that it is well-formed.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * new BigNumber({ s: 1, e: 2, c: [ 777, 12300000000000 ], _isBigNumber: true })    // '777.123'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param base The base of `n`, integer, 2 to 36 (or `ALPHABET.length`, see `ALPHABET`).
+   */
+  constructor(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number);
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the absolute value, i.e. the magnitude, of the value of this
+   * BigNumber.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(-0.8)
+   * x.absoluteValue()           // '0.8'
+   * ```
+   */
+  absoluteValue(): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the absolute value, i.e. the magnitude, of the value of this
+   * BigNumber.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(-0.8)
+   * x.abs()                     // '0.8'
+   * ```
+   */
+  abs(): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   *  Returns |                                                               |
+   * :-------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------|
+   *     1    | If the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of `n`
+   *    -1    | If the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of `n`
+   *     0    | If this BigNumber and `n` have the same value
+   *  `null`  | If the value of either this BigNumber or `n` is `NaN`
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   *
+   * x = new BigNumber(Infinity)
+   * y = new BigNumber(5)
+   * x.comparedTo(y)                 // 1
+   * x.comparedTo(x.minus(1))        // 0
+   * y.comparedTo(NaN)               // null
+   * y.comparedTo('110', 2)          // -1
+   * ```
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  comparedTo(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): number;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber rounded by rounding mode
+   * `roundingMode` to a maximum of `decimalPlaces` decimal places.
+   *
+   * If `decimalPlaces` is omitted, or is `null` or `undefined`, the return value is the number of
+   * decimal places of the value of this BigNumber, or `null` if the value of this BigNumber is
+   * ±`Infinity` or `NaN`.
+   *
+   * If `roundingMode` is omitted, or is `null` or `undefined`, `ROUNDING_MODE` is used.
+   *
+   * Throws if `decimalPlaces` or `roundingMode` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(1234.56)
+   * x.decimalPlaces()                      // 2
+   * x.decimalPlaces(1)                     // '1234.6'
+   * x.decimalPlaces(2)                     // '1234.56'
+   * x.decimalPlaces(10)                    // '1234.56'
+   * x.decimalPlaces(0, 1)                  // '1234'
+   * x.decimalPlaces(0, 6)                  // '1235'
+   * x.decimalPlaces(1, 1)                  // '1234.5'
+   * x.decimalPlaces(1, BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_EVEN)     // '1234.6'
+   * x                                      // '1234.56'
+   * y = new BigNumber('9.9e-101')
+   * y.decimalPlaces()                      // 102
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param [decimalPlaces] Decimal places, integer, 0 to 1e+9.
+   * @param [roundingMode] Rounding mode, integer, 0 to 8.
+   */
+  decimalPlaces(): number;
+  decimalPlaces(decimalPlaces: number, roundingMode?: BigNumber.RoundingMode): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber rounded by rounding mode
+   * `roundingMode` to a maximum of `decimalPlaces` decimal places.
+   *
+   * If `decimalPlaces` is omitted, or is `null` or `undefined`, the return value is the number of
+   * decimal places of the value of this BigNumber, or `null` if the value of this BigNumber is
+   * ±`Infinity` or `NaN`.
+   *
+   * If `roundingMode` is omitted, or is `null` or `undefined`, `ROUNDING_MODE` is used.
+   *
+   * Throws if `decimalPlaces` or `roundingMode` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(1234.56)
+   * x.dp()                                 // 2
+   * x.dp(1)                                // '1234.6'
+   * x.dp(2)                                // '1234.56'
+   * x.dp(10)                               // '1234.56'
+   * x.dp(0, 1)                             // '1234'
+   * x.dp(0, 6)                             // '1235'
+   * x.dp(1, 1)                             // '1234.5'
+   * x.dp(1, BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_EVEN)     // '1234.6'
+   * x                                      // '1234.56'
+   * y = new BigNumber('9.9e-101')
+   * y.dp()                                 // 102
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param [decimalPlaces] Decimal places, integer, 0 to 1e+9.
+   * @param [roundingMode] Rounding mode, integer, 0 to 8.
+   */
+  dp(): number;
+  dp(decimalPlaces: number, roundingMode?: BigNumber.RoundingMode): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber divided by `n`, rounded
+   * according to the current `DECIMAL_PLACES` and `ROUNDING_MODE` settings.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(355)
+   * y = new BigNumber(113)
+   * x.dividedBy(y)                  // '3.14159292035398230088'
+   * x.dividedBy(5)                  // '71'
+   * x.dividedBy(47, 16)             // '5'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  dividedBy(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber divided by `n`, rounded
+   * according to the current `DECIMAL_PLACES` and `ROUNDING_MODE` settings.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(355)
+   * y = new BigNumber(113)
+   * x.div(y)                    // '3.14159292035398230088'
+   * x.div(5)                    // '71'
+   * x.div(47, 16)               // '5'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  div(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the integer part of dividing the value of this BigNumber by
+   * `n`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(5)
+   * y = new BigNumber(3)
+   * x.dividedToIntegerBy(y)              // '1'
+   * x.dividedToIntegerBy(0.7)            // '7'
+   * x.dividedToIntegerBy('0.f', 16)      // '5'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  dividedToIntegerBy(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the integer part of dividing the value of this BigNumber by
+   * `n`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(5)
+   * y = new BigNumber(3)
+   * x.idiv(y)                       // '1'
+   * x.idiv(0.7)                     // '7'
+   * x.idiv('0.f', 16)               // '5'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  idiv(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber exponentiated by `n`, i.e.
+   * raised to the power `n`, and optionally modulo a modulus `m`.
+   *
+   * If `n` is negative the result is rounded according to the current `DECIMAL_PLACES` and
+   * `ROUNDING_MODE` settings.
+   *
+   * As the number of digits of the result of the power operation can grow so large so quickly,
+   * e.g. 123.456**10000 has over 50000 digits, the number of significant digits calculated is
+   * limited to the value of the `POW_PRECISION` setting (unless a modulus `m` is specified).
+   *
+   * By default `POW_PRECISION` is set to 0. This means that an unlimited number of significant
+   * digits will be calculated, and that the method's performance will decrease dramatically for
+   * larger exponents.
+   *
+   * If `m` is specified and the value of `m`, `n` and this BigNumber are integers and `n` is
+   * positive, then a fast modular exponentiation algorithm is used, otherwise the operation will
+   * be performed as `x.exponentiatedBy(n).modulo(m)` with a `POW_PRECISION` of 0.
+   *
+   * Throws if `n` is not an integer.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * Math.pow(0.7, 2)                    // 0.48999999999999994
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.7)
+   * x.exponentiatedBy(2)                // '0.49'
+   * BigNumber(3).exponentiatedBy(-2)    // '0.11111111111111111111'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n The exponent, an integer.
+   * @param [m] The modulus.
+   */
+  exponentiatedBy(n: BigNumber.Value, m?: BigNumber.Value): BigNumber;
+  exponentiatedBy(n: number, m?: BigNumber.Value): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber exponentiated by `n`, i.e.
+   * raised to the power `n`, and optionally modulo a modulus `m`.
+   *
+   * If `n` is negative the result is rounded according to the current `DECIMAL_PLACES` and
+   * `ROUNDING_MODE` settings.
+   *
+   * As the number of digits of the result of the power operation can grow so large so quickly,
+   * e.g. 123.456**10000 has over 50000 digits, the number of significant digits calculated is
+   * limited to the value of the `POW_PRECISION` setting (unless a modulus `m` is specified).
+   *
+   * By default `POW_PRECISION` is set to 0. This means that an unlimited number of significant
+   * digits will be calculated, and that the method's performance will decrease dramatically for
+   * larger exponents.
+   *
+   * If `m` is specified and the value of `m`, `n` and this BigNumber are integers and `n` is
+   * positive, then a fast modular exponentiation algorithm is used, otherwise the operation will
+   * be performed as `x.pow(n).modulo(m)` with a `POW_PRECISION` of 0.
+   *
+   * Throws if `n` is not an integer.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * Math.pow(0.7, 2)                   // 0.48999999999999994
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.7)
+   * x.pow(2)                           // '0.49'
+   * BigNumber(3).pow(-2)               // '0.11111111111111111111'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n The exponent, an integer.
+   * @param [m] The modulus.
+   */
+  pow(n: BigNumber.Value, m?: BigNumber.Value): BigNumber;
+  pow(n: number, m?: BigNumber.Value): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber rounded to an integer using
+   * rounding mode `rm`.
+   *
+   * If `rm` is omitted, or is `null` or `undefined`, `ROUNDING_MODE` is used.
+   *
+   * Throws if `rm` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(123.456)
+   * x.integerValue()                        // '123'
+   * x.integerValue(BigNumber.ROUND_CEIL)    // '124'
+   * y = new BigNumber(-12.7)
+   * y.integerValue()                        // '-13'
+   * x.integerValue(BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN)    // '-12'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param {BigNumber.RoundingMode} [rm] The roundng mode, an integer, 0 to 8.
+   */
+  integerValue(rm?: BigNumber.RoundingMode): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is equal to the value of `n`, otherwise returns
+   * `false`.
+   *
+   * As with JavaScript, `NaN` does not equal `NaN`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * 0 === 1e-324                           // true
+   * x = new BigNumber(0)
+   * x.isEqualTo('1e-324')                  // false
+   * BigNumber(-0).isEqualTo(x)             // true  ( -0 === 0 )
+   * BigNumber(255).isEqualTo('ff', 16)     // true
+   *
+   * y = new BigNumber(NaN)
+   * y.isEqualTo(NaN)                // false
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  isEqualTo(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is equal to the value of `n`, otherwise returns
+   * `false`.
+   *
+   * As with JavaScript, `NaN` does not equal `NaN`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * 0 === 1e-324                    // true
+   * x = new BigNumber(0)
+   * x.eq('1e-324')                  // false
+   * BigNumber(-0).eq(x)             // true  ( -0 === 0 )
+   * BigNumber(255).eq('ff', 16)     // true
+   *
+   * y = new BigNumber(NaN)
+   * y.eq(NaN)                       // false
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  eq(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is a finite number, otherwise returns `false`.
+   *
+   * The only possible non-finite values of a BigNumber are `NaN`, `Infinity` and `-Infinity`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(1)
+   * x.isFinite()                    // true
+   * y = new BigNumber(Infinity)
+   * y.isFinite()                    // false
+   * ```
+   */
+  isFinite(): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of `n`, otherwise
+   * returns `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * 0.1 > (0.3 - 0.2)                             // true
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.1)
+   * x.isGreaterThan(BigNumber(0.3).minus(0.2))    // false
+   * BigNumber(0).isGreaterThan(x)                 // false
+   * BigNumber(11, 3).isGreaterThan(11.1, 2)       // true
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  isGreaterThan(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of `n`, otherwise
+   * returns `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * 0.1 > (0.3 - 0                     // true
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.1)
+   * x.gt(BigNumber(0.3).minus(0.2))    // false
+   * BigNumber(0).gt(x)                 // false
+   * BigNumber(11, 3).gt(11.1, 2)       // true
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  gt(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is greater than or equal to the value of `n`,
+   * otherwise returns `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * (0.3 - 0.2) >= 0.1                                  // false
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.3).minus(0.2)
+   * x.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(0.1)                       // true
+   * BigNumber(1).isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(x)              // true
+   * BigNumber(10, 18).isGreaterThanOrEqualTo('i', 36)   // true
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is greater than or equal to the value of `n`,
+   * otherwise returns `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * (0.3 - 0.2) >= 0.1                    // false
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.3).minus(0.2)
+   * x.gte(0.1)                            // true
+   * BigNumber(1).gte(x)                   // true
+   * BigNumber(10, 18).gte('i', 36)        // true
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  gte(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is an integer, otherwise returns `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(1)
+   * x.isInteger()                   // true
+   * y = new BigNumber(123.456)
+   * y.isInteger()                   // false
+   * ```
+   */
+  isInteger(): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of `n`, otherwise returns
+   * `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * (0.3 - 0.2) < 0.1                       // true
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.3).minus(0.2)
+   * x.isLessThan(0.1)                       // false
+   * BigNumber(0).isLessThan(x)              // true
+   * BigNumber(11.1, 2).isLessThan(11, 3)    // true
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  isLessThan(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of `n`, otherwise returns
+   * `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * (0.3 - 0.2) < 0.1                       // true
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.3).minus(0.2)
+   * x.lt(0.1)                               // false
+   * BigNumber(0).lt(x)                      // true
+   * BigNumber(11.1, 2).lt(11, 3)            // true
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  lt(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is less than or equal to the value of `n`,
+   * otherwise returns `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * 0.1 <= (0.3 - 0.2)                                 // false
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.1)
+   * x.isLessThanOrEqualTo(BigNumber(0.3).minus(0.2))   // true
+   * BigNumber(-1).isLessThanOrEqualTo(x)               // true
+   * BigNumber(10, 18).isLessThanOrEqualTo('i', 36)     // true
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  isLessThanOrEqualTo(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is less than or equal to the value of `n`,
+   * otherwise returns `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * 0.1 <= (0.3 - 0.2)                  // false
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.1)
+   * x.lte(BigNumber(0.3).minus(0.2))    // true
+   * BigNumber(-1).lte(x)                // true
+   * BigNumber(10, 18).lte('i', 36)      // true
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  lte(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is `NaN`, otherwise returns `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(NaN)
+   * x.isNaN()                       // true
+   * y = new BigNumber('Infinity')
+   * y.isNaN()                       // false
+   * ```
+   */
+  isNaN(): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is negative, otherwise returns `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(-0)
+   * x.isNegative()                  // true
+   * y = new BigNumber(2)
+   * y.isNegative()                  // false
+   * ```
+   */
+  isNegative(): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is positive, otherwise returns `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(-0)
+   * x.isPositive()                  // false
+   * y = new BigNumber(2)
+   * y.isPositive()                  // true
+   * ```
+   */
+  isPositive(): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if the value of this BigNumber is zero or minus zero, otherwise returns `false`.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(-0)
+   * x.isZero()                 // true
+   * ```
+   */
+  isZero(): boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber minus `n`.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * 0.3 - 0.1                       // 0.19999999999999998
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.3)
+   * x.minus(0.1)                    // '0.2'
+   * x.minus(0.6, 20)                // '0'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  minus(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber modulo `n`, i.e. the integer
+   * remainder of dividing this BigNumber by `n`.
+   *
+   * The value returned, and in particular its sign, is dependent on the value of the `MODULO_MODE`
+   * setting of this BigNumber constructor. If it is 1 (default value), the result will have the
+   * same sign as this BigNumber, and it will match that of Javascript's `%` operator (within the
+   * limits of double precision) and BigDecimal's `remainder` method.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * See `MODULO_MODE` for a description of the other modulo modes.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * 1 % 0.9                         // 0.09999999999999998
+   * x = new BigNumber(1)
+   * x.modulo(0.9)                   // '0.1'
+   * y = new BigNumber(33)
+   * y.modulo('a', 33)               // '3'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  modulo(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber modulo `n`, i.e. the integer
+   * remainder of dividing this BigNumber by `n`.
+   *
+   * The value returned, and in particular its sign, is dependent on the value of the `MODULO_MODE`
+   * setting of this BigNumber constructor. If it is 1 (default value), the result will have the
+   * same sign as this BigNumber, and it will match that of Javascript's `%` operator (within the
+   * limits of double precision) and BigDecimal's `remainder` method.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * See `MODULO_MODE` for a description of the other modulo modes.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * 1 % 0.9                      // 0.09999999999999998
+   * x = new BigNumber(1)
+   * x.mod(0.9)                   // '0.1'
+   * y = new BigNumber(33)
+   * y.mod('a', 33)               // '3'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  mod(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber multiplied by `n`.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * 0.6 * 3                                // 1.7999999999999998
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.6)
+   * y = x.multipliedBy(3)                  // '1.8'
+   * BigNumber('7e+500').multipliedBy(y)    // '1.26e+501'
+   * x.multipliedBy('-a', 16)               // '-6'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  multipliedBy(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber multiplied by `n`.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * 0.6 * 3                         // 1.7999999999999998
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.6)
+   * y = x.times(3)                  // '1.8'
+   * BigNumber('7e+500').times(y)    // '1.26e+501'
+   * x.times('-a', 16)               // '-6'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  times(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber negated, i.e. multiplied by -1.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(1.8)
+   * x.negated()                     // '-1.8'
+   * y = new BigNumber(-1.3)
+   * y.negated()                     // '1.3'
+   * ```
+   */
+  negated(): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber plus `n`.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * 0.1 + 0.2                       // 0.30000000000000004
+   * x = new BigNumber(0.1)
+   * y = x.plus(0.2)                 // '0.3'
+   * BigNumber(0.7).plus(x).plus(y)  // '1'
+   * x.plus('0.1', 8)                // '0.225'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   * @param [base] The base of n.
+   */
+  plus(n: BigNumber.Value, base?: number): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns the number of significant digits of the value of this BigNumber, or `null` if the value
+   * of this BigNumber is ±`Infinity` or `NaN`.
+   *
+   * If `includeZeros` is true then any trailing zeros of the integer part of the value of this
+   * BigNumber are counted as significant digits, otherwise they are not.
+   *
+   * Throws if `includeZeros` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(9876.54321)
+   * x.precision()                         // 9
+   * y = new BigNumber(987000)
+   * y.precision(false)                    // 3
+   * y.precision(true)                     // 6
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param [includeZeros] Whether to include integer trailing zeros in the significant digit count.
+   */
+  precision(includeZeros?: boolean): number;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber rounded to a precision of
+   * `significantDigits` significant digits using rounding mode `roundingMode`.
+   *
+   * If `roundingMode` is omitted or is `null` or `undefined`, `ROUNDING_MODE` will be used.
+   *
+   * Throws if `significantDigits` or `roundingMode` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(9876.54321)
+   * x.precision(6)                         // '9876.54'
+   * x.precision(6, BigNumber.ROUND_UP)     // '9876.55'
+   * x.precision(2)                         // '9900'
+   * x.precision(2, 1)                      // '9800'
+   * x                                      // '9876.54321'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param significantDigits Significant digits, integer, 1 to 1e+9.
+   * @param [roundingMode] Rounding mode, integer, 0 to 8.
+   */
+  precision(significantDigits: number, roundingMode?: BigNumber.RoundingMode): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns the number of significant digits of the value of this BigNumber,
+   * or `null` if the value of this BigNumber is ±`Infinity` or `NaN`.
+   *
+   * If `includeZeros` is true then any trailing zeros of the integer part of
+   * the value of this BigNumber are counted as significant digits, otherwise
+   * they are not.
+   *
+   * Throws if `includeZeros` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(9876.54321)
+   * x.sd()                         // 9
+   * y = new BigNumber(987000)
+   * y.sd(false)                    // 3
+   * y.sd(true)                     // 6
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param [includeZeros] Whether to include integer trailing zeros in the significant digit count.
+   */
+  sd(includeZeros?: boolean): number;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber rounded to a precision of
+   * `significantDigits` significant digits using rounding mode `roundingMode`.
+   *
+   * If `roundingMode` is omitted or is `null` or `undefined`, `ROUNDING_MODE` will be used.
+   *
+   * Throws if `significantDigits` or `roundingMode` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(9876.54321)
+   * x.sd(6)                           // '9876.54'
+   * x.sd(6, BigNumber.ROUND_UP)       // '9876.55'
+   * x.sd(2)                           // '9900'
+   * x.sd(2, 1)                        // '9800'
+   * x                                 // '9876.54321'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param significantDigits Significant digits, integer, 1 to 1e+9.
+   * @param [roundingMode] Rounding mode, integer, 0 to 8.
+   */
+  sd(significantDigits: number, roundingMode?: BigNumber.RoundingMode): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber shifted by `n` places.
+   *
+   * The shift is of the decimal point, i.e. of powers of ten, and is to the left if `n` is negative
+   * or to the right if `n` is positive.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * Throws if `n` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(1.23)
+   * x.shiftedBy(3)                      // '1230'
+   * x.shiftedBy(-3)                     // '0.00123'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n The shift value, integer, -9007199254740991 to 9007199254740991.
+   */
+  shiftedBy(n: number): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the square root of the value of this BigNumber, rounded
+   * according to the current `DECIMAL_PLACES` and `ROUNDING_MODE` settings.
+   *
+   * The return value will be correctly rounded, i.e. rounded as if the result was first calculated
+   * to an infinite number of correct digits before rounding.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(16)
+   * x.squareRoot()                  // '4'
+   * y = new BigNumber(3)
+   * y.squareRoot()                  // '1.73205080756887729353'
+   * ```
+   */
+  squareRoot(): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the square root of the value of this BigNumber, rounded
+   * according to the current `DECIMAL_PLACES` and `ROUNDING_MODE` settings.
+   *
+   * The return value will be correctly rounded, i.e. rounded as if the result was first calculated
+   * to an infinite number of correct digits before rounding.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(16)
+   * x.sqrt()                  // '4'
+   * y = new BigNumber(3)
+   * y.sqrt()                  // '1.73205080756887729353'
+   * ```
+   */
+  sqrt(): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a string representing the value of this BigNumber in exponential notation rounded using
+   * rounding mode `roundingMode` to `decimalPlaces` decimal places, i.e with one digit before the
+   * decimal point and `decimalPlaces` digits after it.
+   *
+   * If the value of this BigNumber in exponential notation has fewer than `decimalPlaces` fraction
+   * digits, the return value will be appended with zeros accordingly.
+   *
+   * If `decimalPlaces` is omitted, or is `null` or `undefined`, the number of digits after the
+   * decimal point defaults to the minimum number of digits necessary to represent the value
+   * exactly.
+   *
+   * If `roundingMode` is omitted or is `null` or `undefined`, `ROUNDING_MODE` is used.
+   *
+   * Throws if `decimalPlaces` or `roundingMode` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = 45.6
+   * y = new BigNumber(x)
+   * x.toExponential()               // '4.56e+1'
+   * y.toExponential()               // '4.56e+1'
+   * x.toExponential(0)              // '5e+1'
+   * y.toExponential(0)              // '5e+1'
+   * x.toExponential(1)              // '4.6e+1'
+   * y.toExponential(1)              // '4.6e+1'
+   * y.toExponential(1, 1)           // '4.5e+1'  (ROUND_DOWN)
+   * x.toExponential(3)              // '4.560e+1'
+   * y.toExponential(3)              // '4.560e+1'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param [decimalPlaces] Decimal places, integer, 0 to 1e+9.
+   * @param [roundingMode] Rounding mode, integer, 0 to 8.
+   */
+  toExponential(decimalPlaces: number, roundingMode?: BigNumber.RoundingMode): string;
+  toExponential(): string;
+  /**
+   * Returns a string representing the value of this BigNumber in normal (fixed-point) notation
+   * rounded to `decimalPlaces` decimal places using rounding mode `roundingMode`.
+   *
+   * If the value of this BigNumber in normal notation has fewer than `decimalPlaces` fraction
+   * digits, the return value will be appended with zeros accordingly.
+   *
+   * Unlike `Number.prototype.toFixed`, which returns exponential notation if a number is greater or
+   * equal to 10**21, this method will always return normal notation.
+   *
+   * If `decimalPlaces` is omitted or is `null` or `undefined`, the return value will be unrounded
+   * and in normal notation. This is also unlike `Number.prototype.toFixed`, which returns the value
+   * to zero decimal places. It is useful when normal notation is required and the current
+   * `EXPONENTIAL_AT` setting causes `toString` to return exponential notation.
+   *
+   * If `roundingMode` is omitted or is `null` or `undefined`, `ROUNDING_MODE` is used.
+   *
+   * Throws if `decimalPlaces` or `roundingMode` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = 3.456
+   * y = new BigNumber(x)
+   * x.toFixed()                     // '3'
+   * y.toFixed()                     // '3.456'
+   * y.toFixed(0)                    // '3'
+   * x.toFixed(2)                    // '3.46'
+   * y.toFixed(2)                    // '3.46'
+   * y.toFixed(2, 1)                 // '3.45'  (ROUND_DOWN)
+   * x.toFixed(5)                    // '3.45600'
+   * y.toFixed(5)                    // '3.45600'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param [decimalPlaces] Decimal places, integer, 0 to 1e+9.
+   * @param [roundingMode] Rounding mode, integer, 0 to 8.
+   */
+  toFixed(decimalPlaces: number, roundingMode?: BigNumber.RoundingMode): string;
+  toFixed(): string;
+  /**
+   * Returns a string representing the value of this BigNumber in normal (fixed-point) notation
+   * rounded to `decimalPlaces` decimal places using rounding mode `roundingMode`, and formatted
+   * according to the properties of the `format` or `FORMAT` object.
+   *
+   * The formatting object may contain some or all of the properties shown in the examples below.
+   *
+   * If `decimalPlaces` is omitted or is `null` or `undefined`, then the return value is not
+   * rounded to a fixed number of decimal places.
+   *
+   * If `roundingMode` is omitted or is `null` or `undefined`, `ROUNDING_MODE` is used.
+   *
+   * If `format` is omitted or is `null` or `undefined`, `FORMAT` is used.
+   *
+   * Throws if `decimalPlaces`, `roundingMode`, or `format` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * fmt = {
+   *   decimalSeparator: '.',
+   *   groupSeparator: ',',
+   *   groupSize: 3,
+   *   secondaryGroupSize: 0,
+   *   fractionGroupSeparator: ' ',
+   *   fractionGroupSize: 0
+   * }
+   *
+   * x = new BigNumber('123456789.123456789')
+   *
+   * // Set the global formatting options
+   * BigNumber.config({ FORMAT: fmt })
+   *
+   * x.toFormat()                              // '123,456,789.123456789'
+   * x.toFormat(3)                             // '123,456,789.123'
+   *
+   * // If a reference to the object assigned to FORMAT has been retained,
+   * // the format properties can be changed directly
+   * fmt.groupSeparator = ' '
+   * fmt.fractionGroupSize = 5
+   * x.toFormat()                              // '123 456 789.12345 6789'
+   *
+   * // Alternatively, pass the formatting options as an argument
+   * fmt = {
+   *   decimalSeparator: ',',
+   *   groupSeparator: '.',
+   *   groupSize: 3,
+   *   secondaryGroupSize: 2
+   * }
+   *
+   * x.toFormat()                              // '123 456 789.12345 6789'
+   * x.toFormat(fmt)                           // ',123456789'
+   * x.toFormat(2, fmt)                        // ',12'
+   * x.toFormat(3, BigNumber.ROUND_UP, fmt)    // ',124'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param [decimalPlaces] Decimal places, integer, 0 to 1e+9.
+   * @param [roundingMode] Rounding mode, integer, 0 to 8.
+   * @param [format] Formatting options object. See `BigNumber.Format`.
+   */
+  toFormat(decimalPlaces: number, roundingMode: BigNumber.RoundingMode, format?: BigNumber.Format): string;
+  toFormat(decimalPlaces: number, roundingMode?: BigNumber.RoundingMode): string;
+  toFormat(decimalPlaces?: number): string;
+  toFormat(decimalPlaces: number, format: BigNumber.Format): string;
+  toFormat(format: BigNumber.Format): string;
+  /**
+   * Returns an array of two BigNumbers representing the value of this BigNumber as a simple
+   * fraction with an integer numerator and an integer denominator.
+   * The denominator will be a positive non-zero value less than or equal to `max_denominator`.
+   * If a maximum denominator, `max_denominator`, is not specified, or is `null` or `undefined`, the
+   * denominator will be the lowest value necessary to represent the number exactly.
+   *
+   * Throws if `max_denominator` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(1.75)
+   * x.toFraction()                  // '7, 4'
+   *
+   * pi = new BigNumber('3.14159265358')
+   * pi.toFraction()                 // '157079632679,50000000000'
+   * pi.toFraction(100000)           // '312689, 99532'
+   * pi.toFraction(10000)            // '355, 113'
+   * pi.toFraction(100)              // '311, 99'
+   * pi.toFraction(10)               // '22, 7'
+   * pi.toFraction(1)                // '3, 1'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param [max_denominator] The maximum denominator, integer > 0, or Infinity.
+   */
+  toFraction(max_denominator?: BigNumber.Value): [BigNumber, BigNumber];
+  /** As `valueOf`. */
+  toJSON(): string;
+  /**
+   * Returns the value of this BigNumber as a JavaScript primitive number.
+   *
+   * Using the unary plus operator gives the same result.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(456.789)
+   * x.toNumber()                    // 456.789
+   * +x                              // 456.789
+   *
+   * y = new BigNumber('45987349857634085409857349856430985')
+   * y.toNumber()                    // 4.598734985763409e+34
+   *
+   * z = new BigNumber(-0)
+   * 1 / z.toNumber()                // -Infinity
+   * 1 / +z                          // -Infinity
+   * ```
+   */
+  toNumber(): number;
+  /**
+   * Returns a string representing the value of this BigNumber rounded to `significantDigits`
+   * significant digits using rounding mode `roundingMode`.
+   *
+   * If `significantDigits` is less than the number of digits necessary to represent the integer
+   * part of the value in normal (fixed-point) notation, then exponential notation is used.
+   *
+   * If `significantDigits` is omitted, or is `null` or `undefined`, then the return value is the
+   * same as `n.toString()`.
+   *
+   * If `roundingMode` is omitted or is `null` or `undefined`, `ROUNDING_MODE` is used.
+   *
+   * Throws if `significantDigits` or `roundingMode` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = 45.6
+   * y = new BigNumber(x)
+   * x.toPrecision()                 // '45.6'
+   * y.toPrecision()                 // '45.6'
+   * x.toPrecision(1)                // '5e+1'
+   * y.toPrecision(1)                // '5e+1'
+   * y.toPrecision(2, 0)             // '4.6e+1'  (ROUND_UP)
+   * y.toPrecision(2, 1)             // '4.5e+1'  (ROUND_DOWN)
+   * x.toPrecision(5)                // '45.600'
+   * y.toPrecision(5)                // '45.600'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param [significantDigits] Significant digits, integer, 1 to 1e+9.
+   * @param [roundingMode] Rounding mode, integer 0 to 8.
+   */
+  toPrecision(significantDigits: number, roundingMode?: BigNumber.RoundingMode): string;
+  toPrecision(): string;
+  /**
+   * Returns a string representing the value of this BigNumber in base `base`, or base 10 if `base`
+   * is omitted or is `null` or `undefined`.
+   *
+   * For bases above 10, and using the default base conversion alphabet (see `ALPHABET`), values
+   * from 10 to 35 are represented by a-z (the same as `Number.prototype.toString`).
+   *
+   * If a base is specified the value is rounded according to the current `DECIMAL_PLACES` and
+   * `ROUNDING_MODE` settings, otherwise it is not.
+   *
+   * If a base is not specified, and this BigNumber has a positive exponent that is equal to or
+   * greater than the positive component of the current `EXPONENTIAL_AT` setting, or a negative
+   * exponent equal to or less than the negative component of the setting, then exponential notation
+   * is returned.
+   *
+   * If `base` is `null` or `undefined` it is ignored.
+   *
+   * Throws if `base` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(750000)
+   * x.toString()                    // '750000'
+   * BigNumber.config({ EXPONENTIAL_AT: 5 })
+   * x.toString()                    // '7.5e+5'
+   *
+   * y = new BigNumber(362.875)
+   * y.toString(2)                   // '101101010.111'
+   * y.toString(9)                   // '442.77777777777777777778'
+   * y.toString(32)                  // 'ba.s'
+   *
+   * BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 4 });
+   * z = new BigNumber('1.23456789')
+   * z.toString()                    // '1.23456789'
+   * z.toString(10)                  // '1.2346'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param [base] The base, integer, 2 to 36 (or `ALPHABET.length`, see `ALPHABET`).
+   */
+  toString(base?: number): string;
+  /**
+   * As `toString`, but does not accept a base argument and includes the minus sign for negative
+   * zero.
+   *
+   * ``ts
+   * x = new BigNumber('-0')
+   * x.toString()                    // '0'
+   * x.valueOf()                     // '-0'
+   * y = new BigNumber('1.777e+457')
+   * y.valueOf()                     // '1.777e+457'
+   * ```
+   */
+  valueOf(): string;
+  /** Helps ES6 import. */
+  private static readonly default?: BigNumber.Constructor;
+  /** Helps ES6 import. */
+  private static readonly BigNumber?: BigNumber.Constructor;
+  /** Rounds away from zero. */
+  static readonly ROUND_UP: 0;
+  /** Rounds towards zero. */
+  static readonly ROUND_DOWN: 1;
+  /** Rounds towards Infinity. */
+  static readonly ROUND_CEIL: 2;
+  /** Rounds towards -Infinity. */
+  static readonly ROUND_FLOOR: 3;
+  /** Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds away from zero . */
+  static readonly ROUND_HALF_UP: 4;
+  /** Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds towards zero. */
+  static readonly ROUND_HALF_DOWN: 5;
+  /** Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds towards even neighbour. */
+  static readonly ROUND_HALF_EVEN: 6;
+  /** Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds towards Infinity. */
+  static readonly ROUND_HALF_CEIL: 7;
+  /** Rounds towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, rounds towards -Infinity. */
+  static readonly ROUND_HALF_FLOOR: 8;
+  /** See `MODULO_MODE`. */
+  static readonly EUCLID: 9;
+  /**
+   * To aid in debugging, if a `BigNumber.DEBUG` property is `true` then an error will be thrown
+   * if the BigNumber constructor receives an invalid `BigNumber.Value`, or if `BigNumber.isBigNumber`
+   * receives a BigNumber instance that is malformed.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * // No error, and BigNumber NaN is returned.
+   * new BigNumber('blurgh')    // 'NaN'
+   * new BigNumber(9, 2)        // 'NaN'
+   * BigNumber.DEBUG = true
+   * new BigNumber('blurgh')    // '[BigNumber Error] Not a number'
+   * new BigNumber(9, 2)        // '[BigNumber Error] Not a base 2 number'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * An error will also be thrown if a `BigNumber.Value` is of type number with more than 15
+   * significant digits, as calling `toString` or `valueOf` on such numbers may not result
+   * in the intended value.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * console.log(823456789123456.3)       //  823456789123456.2
+   * // No error, and the returned BigNumber does not have the same value as the number literal.
+   * new BigNumber(823456789123456.3)     // '823456789123456.2'
+   * BigNumber.DEBUG = true
+   * new BigNumber(823456789123456.3)
+   * // '[BigNumber Error] Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * Check that a BigNumber instance is well-formed:
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber(10)
+   *
+   * BigNumber.DEBUG = false
+   * // Change x.c to an illegitimate value.
+   * x.c = NaN
+   * // No error, as BigNumber.DEBUG is false.
+   * BigNumber.isBigNumber(x)    // true
+   *
+   * BigNumber.DEBUG = true
+   * BigNumber.isBigNumber(x)    // '[BigNumber Error] Invalid BigNumber'
+   * ```
+   */
+  static DEBUG?: boolean;
+  /**
+   * Returns a new independent BigNumber constructor with configuration as described by `object`, or
+   * with the default configuration if object is `null` or `undefined`.
+   *
+   * Throws if `object` is not an object.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 5 })
+   * BN = BigNumber.clone({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 9 })
+   *
+   * x = new BigNumber(1)
+   * y = new BN(1)
+   *
+   * x.div(3)                        // 0.33333
+   * y.div(3)                        // 0.333333333
+   *
+   * // BN = BigNumber.clone({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 9 }) is equivalent to:
+   * BN = BigNumber.clone()
+   * BN.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 9 })
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param [object] The configuration object.
+   */
+  static clone(object?: BigNumber.Config): BigNumber.Constructor;
+  /**
+   * Configures the settings that apply to this BigNumber constructor.
+   *
+   * The configuration object, `object`, contains any number of the properties shown in the example
+   * below.
+   *
+   * Returns an object with the above properties and their current values.
+   *
+   * Throws if `object` is not an object, or if an invalid value is assigned to one or more of the
+   * properties.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * BigNumber.config({
+   *     DECIMAL_PLACES: 40,
+   *     EXPONENTIAL_AT: [-10, 20],
+   *     RANGE: [-500, 500],
+   *     CRYPTO: true,
+   *     MODULO_MODE: BigNumber.ROUND_FLOOR,
+   *     POW_PRECISION: 80,
+   *     FORMAT: {
+   *         groupSize: 3,
+   *         groupSeparator: ' ',
+   *         decimalSeparator: ','
+   *     },
+   *     ALPHABET: '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_'
+   * });
+   *
+   * BigNumber.config().DECIMAL_PLACES        // 40
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param object The configuration object.
+   */
+  static config(object: BigNumber.Config): BigNumber.Config;
+  /**
+   * Returns `true` if `value` is a BigNumber instance, otherwise returns `false`.
+   *
+   * If `BigNumber.DEBUG` is `true`, throws if a BigNumber instance is not well-formed.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = 42
+   * y = new BigNumber(x)
+   *
+   * BigNumber.isBigNumber(x)             // false
+   * y instanceof BigNumber               // true
+   * BigNumber.isBigNumber(y)             // true
+   *
+   * BN = BigNumber.clone();
+   * z = new BN(x)
+   * z instanceof BigNumber               // false
+   * BigNumber.isBigNumber(z)             // true
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param value The value to test.
+   */
+  static isBigNumber(value: any): value is BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the maximum of the arguments.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber('3257869345.0378653')
+   * BigNumber.maximum(4e9, x, '123456789.9')      // '4000000000'
+   *
+   * arr = [12, '13', new BigNumber(14)]
+   * BigNumber.maximum.apply(null, arr)            // '14'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   */
+  static maximum(...n: BigNumber.Value[]): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the maximum of the arguments.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber('3257869345.0378653')
+   * BigNumber.max(4e9, x, '123456789.9')      // '4000000000'
+   *
+   * arr = [12, '13', new BigNumber(14)]
+   * BigNumber.max.apply(null, arr)            // '14'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   */
+  static max(...n: BigNumber.Value[]): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the minimum of the arguments.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber('3257869345.0378653')
+   * BigNumber.minimum(4e9, x, '123456789.9')          // '123456789.9'
+   *
+   * arr = [2, new BigNumber(-14), '-15.9999', -12]
+   * BigNumber.minimum.apply(null, arr)                // '-15.9999'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   */
+  static minimum(...n: BigNumber.Value[]): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the minimum of the arguments.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber('3257869345.0378653')
+   * BigNumber.min(4e9, x, '123456789.9')             // '123456789.9'
+   *
+   * arr = [2, new BigNumber(-14), '-15.9999', -12]
+   * BigNumber.min.apply(null, arr)                   // '-15.9999'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   */
+  static min(...n: BigNumber.Value[]): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a new BigNumber with a pseudo-random value equal to or greater than 0 and less than 1.
+   *
+   * The return value will have `decimalPlaces` decimal places, or less if trailing zeros are
+   * produced. If `decimalPlaces` is omitted, the current `DECIMAL_PLACES` setting will be used.
+   *
+   * Depending on the value of this BigNumber constructor's `CRYPTO` setting and the support for the
+   * `crypto` object in the host environment, the random digits of the return value are generated by
+   * either `Math.random` (fastest), `crypto.getRandomValues` (Web Cryptography API in recent
+   * browsers) or `crypto.randomBytes` (Node.js).
+   *
+   * To be able to set `CRYPTO` to true when using Node.js, the `crypto` object must be available
+   * globally:
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * global.crypto = require('crypto')
+   * ```
+   *
+   * If `CRYPTO` is true, i.e. one of the `crypto` methods is to be used, the value of a returned
+   * BigNumber should be cryptographically secure and statistically indistinguishable from a random
+   * value.
+   *
+   * Throws if `decimalPlaces` is invalid.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 10 })
+   * BigNumber.random()              // '0.4117936847'
+   * BigNumber.random(20)            // '0.78193327636914089009'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param [decimalPlaces] Decimal places, integer, 0 to 1e+9.
+   */
+  static random(decimalPlaces?: number): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Returns a BigNumber whose value is the sum of the arguments.
+   *
+   * The return value is always exact and unrounded.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * x = new BigNumber('3257869345.0378653')
+   * BigNumber.sum(4e9, x, '123456789.9')      // '7381326134.9378653'
+   *
+   * arr = [2, new BigNumber(14), '15.9999', 12]
+   * BigNumber.sum.apply(null, arr)            // '43.9999'
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param n A numeric value.
+   */
+  static sum(...n: BigNumber.Value[]): BigNumber;
+  /**
+   * Configures the settings that apply to this BigNumber constructor.
+   *
+   * The configuration object, `object`, contains any number of the properties shown in the example
+   * below.
+   *
+   * Returns an object with the above properties and their current values.
+   *
+   * Throws if `object` is not an object, or if an invalid value is assigned to one or more of the
+   * properties.
+   *
+   * ```ts
+   * BigNumber.set({
+   *     DECIMAL_PLACES: 40,
+   *     EXPONENTIAL_AT: [-10, 20],
+   *     RANGE: [-500, 500],
+   *     CRYPTO: true,
+   *     MODULO_MODE: BigNumber.ROUND_FLOOR,
+   *     POW_PRECISION: 80,
+   *     FORMAT: {
+   *         groupSize: 3,
+   *         groupSeparator: ' ',
+   *         decimalSeparator: ','
+   *     },
+   *     ALPHABET: '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_'
+   * });
+   *
+   * BigNumber.set().DECIMAL_PLACES        // 40
+   * ```
+   *
+   * @param object The configuration object.
+   */
+  static set(object: BigNumber.Config): BigNumber.Config;

+ 2902 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2902 @@
+;(function (globalObject) {
+  'use strict';
+ *      bignumber.js v9.0.0
+ *      A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic.
+ *      https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js
+ *      Copyright (c) 2019 Michael Mclaughlin <M8ch88l@gmail.com>
+ *      MIT Licensed.
+ *
+ *      BigNumber.prototype methods     |  BigNumber methods
+ *                                      |
+ *      absoluteValue            abs    |  clone
+ *      comparedTo                      |  config               set
+ *      decimalPlaces            dp     |      DECIMAL_PLACES
+ *      dividedBy                div    |      ROUNDING_MODE
+ *      dividedToIntegerBy       idiv   |      EXPONENTIAL_AT
+ *      exponentiatedBy          pow    |      RANGE
+ *      integerValue                    |      CRYPTO
+ *      isEqualTo                eq     |      MODULO_MODE
+ *      isFinite                        |      POW_PRECISION
+ *      isGreaterThan            gt     |      FORMAT
+ *      isGreaterThanOrEqualTo   gte    |      ALPHABET
+ *      isInteger                       |  isBigNumber
+ *      isLessThan               lt     |  maximum              max
+ *      isLessThanOrEqualTo      lte    |  minimum              min
+ *      isNaN                           |  random
+ *      isNegative                      |  sum
+ *      isPositive                      |
+ *      isZero                          |
+ *      minus                           |
+ *      modulo                   mod    |
+ *      multipliedBy             times  |
+ *      negated                         |
+ *      plus                            |
+ *      precision                sd     |
+ *      shiftedBy                       |
+ *      squareRoot               sqrt   |
+ *      toExponential                   |
+ *      toFixed                         |
+ *      toFormat                        |
+ *      toFraction                      |
+ *      toJSON                          |
+ *      toNumber                        |
+ *      toPrecision                     |
+ *      toString                        |
+ *      valueOf                         |
+ *
+ */
+  var BigNumber,
+    isNumeric = /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?$/i,
+    mathceil = Math.ceil,
+    mathfloor = Math.floor,
+    bignumberError = '[BigNumber Error] ',
+    tooManyDigits = bignumberError + 'Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: ',
+    BASE = 1e14,
+    LOG_BASE = 14,
+    MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 0x1fffffffffffff,         // 2^53 - 1
+    // MAX_INT32 = 0x7fffffff,                   // 2^31 - 1
+    POWS_TEN = [1, 10, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13],
+    SQRT_BASE = 1e7,
+    // EDITABLE
+    // The limit on the value of DECIMAL_PLACES, TO_EXP_NEG, TO_EXP_POS, MIN_EXP, MAX_EXP, and
+    // the arguments to toExponential, toFixed, toFormat, and toPrecision.
+    MAX = 1E9;                                   // 0 to MAX_INT32
+  /*
+   * Create and return a BigNumber constructor.
+   */
+  function clone(configObject) {
+    var div, convertBase, parseNumeric,
+      P = BigNumber.prototype = { constructor: BigNumber, toString: null, valueOf: null },
+      ONE = new BigNumber(1),
+      //----------------------------- EDITABLE CONFIG DEFAULTS -------------------------------
+      // The default values below must be integers within the inclusive ranges stated.
+      // The values can also be changed at run-time using BigNumber.set.
+      // The maximum number of decimal places for operations involving division.
+      DECIMAL_PLACES = 20,                     // 0 to MAX
+      // The rounding mode used when rounding to the above decimal places, and when using
+      // toExponential, toFixed, toFormat and toPrecision, and round (default value).
+      // UP         0 Away from zero.
+      // DOWN       1 Towards zero.
+      // CEIL       2 Towards +Infinity.
+      // FLOOR      3 Towards -Infinity.
+      // HALF_UP    4 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, up.
+      // HALF_DOWN  5 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, down.
+      // HALF_EVEN  6 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, towards even neighbour.
+      // HALF_CEIL  7 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, towards +Infinity.
+      // HALF_FLOOR 8 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, towards -Infinity.
+      ROUNDING_MODE = 4,                       // 0 to 8
+      // The exponent value at and beneath which toString returns exponential notation.
+      // Number type: -7
+      TO_EXP_NEG = -7,                         // 0 to -MAX
+      // The exponent value at and above which toString returns exponential notation.
+      // Number type: 21
+      TO_EXP_POS = 21,                         // 0 to MAX
+      // RANGE : [MIN_EXP, MAX_EXP]
+      // The minimum exponent value, beneath which underflow to zero occurs.
+      // Number type: -324  (5e-324)
+      MIN_EXP = -1e7,                          // -1 to -MAX
+      // The maximum exponent value, above which overflow to Infinity occurs.
+      // Number type:  308  (1.7976931348623157e+308)
+      // For MAX_EXP > 1e7, e.g. new BigNumber('1e100000000').plus(1) may be slow.
+      MAX_EXP = 1e7,                           // 1 to MAX
+      // Whether to use cryptographically-secure random number generation, if available.
+      CRYPTO = false,                          // true or false
+      // The modulo mode used when calculating the modulus: a mod n.
+      // The quotient (q = a / n) is calculated according to the corresponding rounding mode.
+      // The remainder (r) is calculated as: r = a - n * q.
+      //
+      // UP        0 The remainder is positive if the dividend is negative, else is negative.
+      // DOWN      1 The remainder has the same sign as the dividend.
+      //             This modulo mode is commonly known as 'truncated division' and is
+      //             equivalent to (a % n) in JavaScript.
+      // FLOOR     3 The remainder has the same sign as the divisor (Python %).
+      // HALF_EVEN 6 This modulo mode implements the IEEE 754 remainder function.
+      // EUCLID    9 Euclidian division. q = sign(n) * floor(a / abs(n)).
+      //             The remainder is always positive.
+      //
+      // The truncated division, floored division, Euclidian division and IEEE 754 remainder
+      // modes are commonly used for the modulus operation.
+      // Although the other rounding modes can also be used, they may not give useful results.
+      MODULO_MODE = 1,                         // 0 to 9
+      // The maximum number of significant digits of the result of the exponentiatedBy operation.
+      // If POW_PRECISION is 0, there will be unlimited significant digits.
+      POW_PRECISION = 0,                    // 0 to MAX
+      // The format specification used by the BigNumber.prototype.toFormat method.
+      FORMAT = {
+        prefix: '',
+        groupSize: 3,
+        secondaryGroupSize: 0,
+        groupSeparator: ',',
+        decimalSeparator: '.',
+        fractionGroupSize: 0,
+        fractionGroupSeparator: '\xA0',      // non-breaking space
+        suffix: ''
+      },
+      // The alphabet used for base conversion. It must be at least 2 characters long, with no '+',
+      // '-', '.', whitespace, or repeated character.
+      // '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_'
+      ALPHABET = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
+    //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+    /*
+     * The BigNumber constructor and exported function.
+     * Create and return a new instance of a BigNumber object.
+     *
+     * v {number|string|BigNumber} A numeric value.
+     * [b] {number} The base of v. Integer, 2 to ALPHABET.length inclusive.
+     */
+    function BigNumber(v, b) {
+      var alphabet, c, caseChanged, e, i, isNum, len, str,
+        x = this;
+      // Enable constructor call without `new`.
+      if (!(x instanceof BigNumber)) return new BigNumber(v, b);
+      if (b == null) {
+        if (v && v._isBigNumber === true) {
+          x.s = v.s;
+          if (!v.c || v.e > MAX_EXP) {
+            x.c = x.e = null;
+          } else if (v.e < MIN_EXP) {
+            x.c = [x.e = 0];
+          } else {
+            x.e = v.e;
+            x.c = v.c.slice();
+          }
+          return;
+        }
+        if ((isNum = typeof v == 'number') && v * 0 == 0) {
+          // Use `1 / n` to handle minus zero also.
+          x.s = 1 / v < 0 ? (v = -v, -1) : 1;
+          // Fast path for integers, where n < 2147483648 (2**31).
+          if (v === ~~v) {
+            for (e = 0, i = v; i >= 10; i /= 10, e++);
+            if (e > MAX_EXP) {
+              x.c = x.e = null;
+            } else {
+              x.e = e;
+              x.c = [v];
+            }
+            return;
+          }
+          str = String(v);
+        } else {
+          if (!isNumeric.test(str = String(v))) return parseNumeric(x, str, isNum);
+          x.s = str.charCodeAt(0) == 45 ? (str = str.slice(1), -1) : 1;
+        }
+        // Decimal point?
+        if ((e = str.indexOf('.')) > -1) str = str.replace('.', '');
+        // Exponential form?
+        if ((i = str.search(/e/i)) > 0) {
+          // Determine exponent.
+          if (e < 0) e = i;
+          e += +str.slice(i + 1);
+          str = str.substring(0, i);
+        } else if (e < 0) {
+          // Integer.
+          e = str.length;
+        }
+      } else {
+        // '[BigNumber Error] Base {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {b}'
+        intCheck(b, 2, ALPHABET.length, 'Base');
+        // Allow exponential notation to be used with base 10 argument, while
+        // also rounding to DECIMAL_PLACES as with other bases.
+        if (b == 10) {
+          x = new BigNumber(v);
+          return round(x, DECIMAL_PLACES + x.e + 1, ROUNDING_MODE);
+        }
+        str = String(v);
+        if (isNum = typeof v == 'number') {
+          // Avoid potential interpretation of Infinity and NaN as base 44+ values.
+          if (v * 0 != 0) return parseNumeric(x, str, isNum, b);
+          x.s = 1 / v < 0 ? (str = str.slice(1), -1) : 1;
+          // '[BigNumber Error] Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: {n}'
+          if (BigNumber.DEBUG && str.replace(/^0\.0*|\./, '').length > 15) {
+            throw Error
+             (tooManyDigits + v);
+          }
+        } else {
+          x.s = str.charCodeAt(0) === 45 ? (str = str.slice(1), -1) : 1;
+        }
+        alphabet = ALPHABET.slice(0, b);
+        e = i = 0;
+        // Check that str is a valid base b number.
+        // Don't use RegExp, so alphabet can contain special characters.
+        for (len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
+          if (alphabet.indexOf(c = str.charAt(i)) < 0) {
+            if (c == '.') {
+              // If '.' is not the first character and it has not be found before.
+              if (i > e) {
+                e = len;
+                continue;
+              }
+            } else if (!caseChanged) {
+              // Allow e.g. hexadecimal 'FF' as well as 'ff'.
+              if (str == str.toUpperCase() && (str = str.toLowerCase()) ||
+                  str == str.toLowerCase() && (str = str.toUpperCase())) {
+                caseChanged = true;
+                i = -1;
+                e = 0;
+                continue;
+              }
+            }
+            return parseNumeric(x, String(v), isNum, b);
+          }
+        }
+        // Prevent later check for length on converted number.
+        isNum = false;
+        str = convertBase(str, b, 10, x.s);
+        // Decimal point?
+        if ((e = str.indexOf('.')) > -1) str = str.replace('.', '');
+        else e = str.length;
+      }
+      // Determine leading zeros.
+      for (i = 0; str.charCodeAt(i) === 48; i++);
+      // Determine trailing zeros.
+      for (len = str.length; str.charCodeAt(--len) === 48;);
+      if (str = str.slice(i, ++len)) {
+        len -= i;
+        // '[BigNumber Error] Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: {n}'
+        if (isNum && BigNumber.DEBUG &&
+          len > 15 && (v > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || v !== mathfloor(v))) {
+            throw Error
+             (tooManyDigits + (x.s * v));
+        }
+         // Overflow?
+        if ((e = e - i - 1) > MAX_EXP) {
+          // Infinity.
+          x.c = x.e = null;
+        // Underflow?
+        } else if (e < MIN_EXP) {
+          // Zero.
+          x.c = [x.e = 0];
+        } else {
+          x.e = e;
+          x.c = [];
+          // Transform base
+          // e is the base 10 exponent.
+          // i is where to slice str to get the first element of the coefficient array.
+          i = (e + 1) % LOG_BASE;
+          if (e < 0) i += LOG_BASE;  // i < 1
+          if (i < len) {
+            if (i) x.c.push(+str.slice(0, i));
+            for (len -= LOG_BASE; i < len;) {
+              x.c.push(+str.slice(i, i += LOG_BASE));
+            }
+            i = LOG_BASE - (str = str.slice(i)).length;
+          } else {
+            i -= len;
+          }
+          for (; i--; str += '0');
+          x.c.push(+str);
+        }
+      } else {
+        // Zero.
+        x.c = [x.e = 0];
+      }
+    }
+    BigNumber.clone = clone;
+    BigNumber.ROUND_UP = 0;
+    BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN = 1;
+    BigNumber.ROUND_CEIL = 2;
+    BigNumber.ROUND_FLOOR = 3;
+    BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4;
+    BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5;
+    BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6;
+    BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_CEIL = 7;
+    BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR = 8;
+    BigNumber.EUCLID = 9;
+    /*
+     * Configure infrequently-changing library-wide settings.
+     *
+     * Accept an object with the following optional properties (if the value of a property is
+     * a number, it must be an integer within the inclusive range stated):
+     *
+     *   DECIMAL_PLACES   {number}           0 to MAX
+     *   ROUNDING_MODE    {number}           0 to 8
+     *   EXPONENTIAL_AT   {number|number[]}  -MAX to MAX  or  [-MAX to 0, 0 to MAX]
+     *   RANGE            {number|number[]}  -MAX to MAX (not zero)  or  [-MAX to -1, 1 to MAX]
+     *   CRYPTO           {boolean}          true or false
+     *   MODULO_MODE      {number}           0 to 9
+     *   POW_PRECISION       {number}           0 to MAX
+     *   ALPHABET         {string}           A string of two or more unique characters which does
+     *                                       not contain '.'.
+     *   FORMAT           {object}           An object with some of the following properties:
+     *     prefix                 {string}
+     *     groupSize              {number}
+     *     secondaryGroupSize     {number}
+     *     groupSeparator         {string}
+     *     decimalSeparator       {string}
+     *     fractionGroupSize      {number}
+     *     fractionGroupSeparator {string}
+     *     suffix                 {string}
+     *
+     * (The values assigned to the above FORMAT object properties are not checked for validity.)
+     *
+     * E.g.
+     * BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES : 20, ROUNDING_MODE : 4 })
+     *
+     * Ignore properties/parameters set to null or undefined, except for ALPHABET.
+     *
+     * Return an object with the properties current values.
+     */
+    BigNumber.config = BigNumber.set = function (obj) {
+      var p, v;
+      if (obj != null) {
+        if (typeof obj == 'object') {
+          // DECIMAL_PLACES {number} Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+          // '[BigNumber Error] DECIMAL_PLACES {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'
+          if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'DECIMAL_PLACES')) {
+            v = obj[p];
+            intCheck(v, 0, MAX, p);
+            DECIMAL_PLACES = v;
+          }
+          // ROUNDING_MODE {number} Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+          // '[BigNumber Error] ROUNDING_MODE {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'
+          if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'ROUNDING_MODE')) {
+            v = obj[p];
+            intCheck(v, 0, 8, p);
+            ROUNDING_MODE = v;
+          }
+          // EXPONENTIAL_AT {number|number[]}
+          // Integer, -MAX to MAX inclusive or
+          // [integer -MAX to 0 inclusive, 0 to MAX inclusive].
+          // '[BigNumber Error] EXPONENTIAL_AT {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'
+          if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'EXPONENTIAL_AT')) {
+            v = obj[p];
+            if (v && v.pop) {
+              intCheck(v[0], -MAX, 0, p);
+              intCheck(v[1], 0, MAX, p);
+              TO_EXP_NEG = v[0];
+              TO_EXP_POS = v[1];
+            } else {
+              intCheck(v, -MAX, MAX, p);
+              TO_EXP_NEG = -(TO_EXP_POS = v < 0 ? -v : v);
+            }
+          }
+          // RANGE {number|number[]} Non-zero integer, -MAX to MAX inclusive or
+          // [integer -MAX to -1 inclusive, integer 1 to MAX inclusive].
+          // '[BigNumber Error] RANGE {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range|cannot be zero}: {v}'
+          if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'RANGE')) {
+            v = obj[p];
+            if (v && v.pop) {
+              intCheck(v[0], -MAX, -1, p);
+              intCheck(v[1], 1, MAX, p);
+              MIN_EXP = v[0];
+              MAX_EXP = v[1];
+            } else {
+              intCheck(v, -MAX, MAX, p);
+              if (v) {
+                MIN_EXP = -(MAX_EXP = v < 0 ? -v : v);
+              } else {
+                throw Error
+                 (bignumberError + p + ' cannot be zero: ' + v);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          // CRYPTO {boolean} true or false.
+          // '[BigNumber Error] CRYPTO not true or false: {v}'
+          // '[BigNumber Error] crypto unavailable'
+          if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'CRYPTO')) {
+            v = obj[p];
+            if (v === !!v) {
+              if (v) {
+                if (typeof crypto != 'undefined' && crypto &&
+                 (crypto.getRandomValues || crypto.randomBytes)) {
+                  CRYPTO = v;
+                } else {
+                  CRYPTO = !v;
+                  throw Error
+                   (bignumberError + 'crypto unavailable');
+                }
+              } else {
+                CRYPTO = v;
+              }
+            } else {
+              throw Error
+               (bignumberError + p + ' not true or false: ' + v);
+            }
+          }
+          // MODULO_MODE {number} Integer, 0 to 9 inclusive.
+          // '[BigNumber Error] MODULO_MODE {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'
+          if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'MODULO_MODE')) {
+            v = obj[p];
+            intCheck(v, 0, 9, p);
+            MODULO_MODE = v;
+          }
+          // POW_PRECISION {number} Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+          // '[BigNumber Error] POW_PRECISION {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'
+          if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'POW_PRECISION')) {
+            v = obj[p];
+            intCheck(v, 0, MAX, p);
+            POW_PRECISION = v;
+          }
+          // FORMAT {object}
+          // '[BigNumber Error] FORMAT not an object: {v}'
+          if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'FORMAT')) {
+            v = obj[p];
+            if (typeof v == 'object') FORMAT = v;
+            else throw Error
+             (bignumberError + p + ' not an object: ' + v);
+          }
+          // ALPHABET {string}
+          // '[BigNumber Error] ALPHABET invalid: {v}'
+          if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'ALPHABET')) {
+            v = obj[p];
+            // Disallow if only one character,
+            // or if it contains '+', '-', '.', whitespace, or a repeated character.
+            if (typeof v == 'string' && !/^.$|[+-.\s]|(.).*\1/.test(v)) {
+              ALPHABET = v;
+            } else {
+              throw Error
+               (bignumberError + p + ' invalid: ' + v);
+            }
+          }
+        } else {
+          // '[BigNumber Error] Object expected: {v}'
+          throw Error
+           (bignumberError + 'Object expected: ' + obj);
+        }
+      }
+      return {
+        RANGE: [MIN_EXP, MAX_EXP],
+        CRYPTO: CRYPTO,
+        FORMAT: FORMAT,
+      };
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return true if v is a BigNumber instance, otherwise return false.
+     *
+     * If BigNumber.DEBUG is true, throw if a BigNumber instance is not well-formed.
+     *
+     * v {any}
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Invalid BigNumber: {v}'
+     */
+    BigNumber.isBigNumber = function (v) {
+      if (!v || v._isBigNumber !== true) return false;
+      if (!BigNumber.DEBUG) return true;
+      var i, n,
+        c = v.c,
+        e = v.e,
+        s = v.s;
+      out: if ({}.toString.call(c) == '[object Array]') {
+        if ((s === 1 || s === -1) && e >= -MAX && e <= MAX && e === mathfloor(e)) {
+          // If the first element is zero, the BigNumber value must be zero.
+          if (c[0] === 0) {
+            if (e === 0 && c.length === 1) return true;
+            break out;
+          }
+          // Calculate number of digits that c[0] should have, based on the exponent.
+          i = (e + 1) % LOG_BASE;
+          if (i < 1) i += LOG_BASE;
+          // Calculate number of digits of c[0].
+          //if (Math.ceil(Math.log(c[0] + 1) / Math.LN10) == i) {
+          if (String(c[0]).length == i) {
+            for (i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
+              n = c[i];
+              if (n < 0 || n >= BASE || n !== mathfloor(n)) break out;
+            }
+            // Last element cannot be zero, unless it is the only element.
+            if (n !== 0) return true;
+          }
+        }
+      // Infinity/NaN
+      } else if (c === null && e === null && (s === null || s === 1 || s === -1)) {
+        return true;
+      }
+      throw Error
+        (bignumberError + 'Invalid BigNumber: ' + v);
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the maximum of the arguments.
+     *
+     * arguments {number|string|BigNumber}
+     */
+    BigNumber.maximum = BigNumber.max = function () {
+      return maxOrMin(arguments, P.lt);
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the minimum of the arguments.
+     *
+     * arguments {number|string|BigNumber}
+     */
+    BigNumber.minimum = BigNumber.min = function () {
+      return maxOrMin(arguments, P.gt);
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a new BigNumber with a random value equal to or greater than 0 and less than 1,
+     * and with dp, or DECIMAL_PLACES if dp is omitted, decimal places (or less if trailing
+     * zeros are produced).
+     *
+     * [dp] {number} Decimal places. Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp}'
+     * '[BigNumber Error] crypto unavailable'
+     */
+    BigNumber.random = (function () {
+      var pow2_53 = 0x20000000000000;
+      // Return a 53 bit integer n, where 0 <= n < 9007199254740992.
+      // Check if Math.random() produces more than 32 bits of randomness.
+      // If it does, assume at least 53 bits are produced, otherwise assume at least 30 bits.
+      // 0x40000000 is 2^30, 0x800000 is 2^23, 0x1fffff is 2^21 - 1.
+      var random53bitInt = (Math.random() * pow2_53) & 0x1fffff
+       ? function () { return mathfloor(Math.random() * pow2_53); }
+       : function () { return ((Math.random() * 0x40000000 | 0) * 0x800000) +
+         (Math.random() * 0x800000 | 0); };
+      return function (dp) {
+        var a, b, e, k, v,
+          i = 0,
+          c = [],
+          rand = new BigNumber(ONE);
+        if (dp == null) dp = DECIMAL_PLACES;
+        else intCheck(dp, 0, MAX);
+        k = mathceil(dp / LOG_BASE);
+        if (CRYPTO) {
+          // Browsers supporting crypto.getRandomValues.
+          if (crypto.getRandomValues) {
+            a = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(k *= 2));
+            for (; i < k;) {
+              // 53 bits:
+              // ((Math.pow(2, 32) - 1) * Math.pow(2, 21)).toString(2)
+              // 11111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11100000 00000000 00000000
+              // ((Math.pow(2, 32) - 1) >>> 11).toString(2)
+              //                                     11111 11111111 11111111
+              // 0x20000 is 2^21.
+              v = a[i] * 0x20000 + (a[i + 1] >>> 11);
+              // Rejection sampling:
+              // 0 <= v < 9007199254740992
+              // Probability that v >= 9e15, is
+              // 7199254740992 / 9007199254740992 ~= 0.0008, i.e. 1 in 1251
+              if (v >= 9e15) {
+                b = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(2));
+                a[i] = b[0];
+                a[i + 1] = b[1];
+              } else {
+                // 0 <= v <= 8999999999999999
+                // 0 <= (v % 1e14) <= 99999999999999
+                c.push(v % 1e14);
+                i += 2;
+              }
+            }
+            i = k / 2;
+          // Node.js supporting crypto.randomBytes.
+          } else if (crypto.randomBytes) {
+            // buffer
+            a = crypto.randomBytes(k *= 7);
+            for (; i < k;) {
+              // 0x1000000000000 is 2^48, 0x10000000000 is 2^40
+              // 0x100000000 is 2^32, 0x1000000 is 2^24
+              // 11111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
+              // 0 <= v < 9007199254740992
+              v = ((a[i] & 31) * 0x1000000000000) + (a[i + 1] * 0x10000000000) +
+                 (a[i + 2] * 0x100000000) + (a[i + 3] * 0x1000000) +
+                 (a[i + 4] << 16) + (a[i + 5] << 8) + a[i + 6];
+              if (v >= 9e15) {
+                crypto.randomBytes(7).copy(a, i);
+              } else {
+                // 0 <= (v % 1e14) <= 99999999999999
+                c.push(v % 1e14);
+                i += 7;
+              }
+            }
+            i = k / 7;
+          } else {
+            CRYPTO = false;
+            throw Error
+             (bignumberError + 'crypto unavailable');
+          }
+        }
+        // Use Math.random.
+        if (!CRYPTO) {
+          for (; i < k;) {
+            v = random53bitInt();
+            if (v < 9e15) c[i++] = v % 1e14;
+          }
+        }
+        k = c[--i];
+        dp %= LOG_BASE;
+        // Convert trailing digits to zeros according to dp.
+        if (k && dp) {
+          v = POWS_TEN[LOG_BASE - dp];
+          c[i] = mathfloor(k / v) * v;
+        }
+        // Remove trailing elements which are zero.
+        for (; c[i] === 0; c.pop(), i--);
+        // Zero?
+        if (i < 0) {
+          c = [e = 0];
+        } else {
+          // Remove leading elements which are zero and adjust exponent accordingly.
+          for (e = -1 ; c[0] === 0; c.splice(0, 1), e -= LOG_BASE);
+          // Count the digits of the first element of c to determine leading zeros, and...
+          for (i = 1, v = c[0]; v >= 10; v /= 10, i++);
+          // adjust the exponent accordingly.
+          if (i < LOG_BASE) e -= LOG_BASE - i;
+        }
+        rand.e = e;
+        rand.c = c;
+        return rand;
+      };
+    })();
+    /*
+     * Return a BigNumber whose value is the sum of the arguments.
+     *
+     * arguments {number|string|BigNumber}
+     */
+    BigNumber.sum = function () {
+      var i = 1,
+        args = arguments,
+        sum = new BigNumber(args[0]);
+      for (; i < args.length;) sum = sum.plus(args[i++]);
+      return sum;
+    };
+    // Called by BigNumber and BigNumber.prototype.toString.
+    convertBase = (function () {
+      var decimal = '0123456789';
+      /*
+       * Convert string of baseIn to an array of numbers of baseOut.
+       * Eg. toBaseOut('255', 10, 16) returns [15, 15].
+       * Eg. toBaseOut('ff', 16, 10) returns [2, 5, 5].
+       */
+      function toBaseOut(str, baseIn, baseOut, alphabet) {
+        var j,
+          arr = [0],
+          arrL,
+          i = 0,
+          len = str.length;
+        for (; i < len;) {
+          for (arrL = arr.length; arrL--; arr[arrL] *= baseIn);
+          arr[0] += alphabet.indexOf(str.charAt(i++));
+          for (j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
+            if (arr[j] > baseOut - 1) {
+              if (arr[j + 1] == null) arr[j + 1] = 0;
+              arr[j + 1] += arr[j] / baseOut | 0;
+              arr[j] %= baseOut;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        return arr.reverse();
+      }
+      // Convert a numeric string of baseIn to a numeric string of baseOut.
+      // If the caller is toString, we are converting from base 10 to baseOut.
+      // If the caller is BigNumber, we are converting from baseIn to base 10.
+      return function (str, baseIn, baseOut, sign, callerIsToString) {
+        var alphabet, d, e, k, r, x, xc, y,
+          i = str.indexOf('.'),
+          dp = DECIMAL_PLACES,
+          rm = ROUNDING_MODE;
+        // Non-integer.
+        if (i >= 0) {
+          k = POW_PRECISION;
+          // Unlimited precision.
+          POW_PRECISION = 0;
+          str = str.replace('.', '');
+          y = new BigNumber(baseIn);
+          x = y.pow(str.length - i);
+          POW_PRECISION = k;
+          // Convert str as if an integer, then restore the fraction part by dividing the
+          // result by its base raised to a power.
+          y.c = toBaseOut(toFixedPoint(coeffToString(x.c), x.e, '0'),
+           10, baseOut, decimal);
+          y.e = y.c.length;
+        }
+        // Convert the number as integer.
+        xc = toBaseOut(str, baseIn, baseOut, callerIsToString
+         ? (alphabet = ALPHABET, decimal)
+         : (alphabet = decimal, ALPHABET));
+        // xc now represents str as an integer and converted to baseOut. e is the exponent.
+        e = k = xc.length;
+        // Remove trailing zeros.
+        for (; xc[--k] == 0; xc.pop());
+        // Zero?
+        if (!xc[0]) return alphabet.charAt(0);
+        // Does str represent an integer? If so, no need for the division.
+        if (i < 0) {
+          --e;
+        } else {
+          x.c = xc;
+          x.e = e;
+          // The sign is needed for correct rounding.
+          x.s = sign;
+          x = div(x, y, dp, rm, baseOut);
+          xc = x.c;
+          r = x.r;
+          e = x.e;
+        }
+        // xc now represents str converted to baseOut.
+        // THe index of the rounding digit.
+        d = e + dp + 1;
+        // The rounding digit: the digit to the right of the digit that may be rounded up.
+        i = xc[d];
+        // Look at the rounding digits and mode to determine whether to round up.
+        k = baseOut / 2;
+        r = r || d < 0 || xc[d + 1] != null;
+        r = rm < 4 ? (i != null || r) && (rm == 0 || rm == (x.s < 0 ? 3 : 2))
+              : i > k || i == k &&(rm == 4 || r || rm == 6 && xc[d - 1] & 1 ||
+               rm == (x.s < 0 ? 8 : 7));
+        // If the index of the rounding digit is not greater than zero, or xc represents
+        // zero, then the result of the base conversion is zero or, if rounding up, a value
+        // such as 0.00001.
+        if (d < 1 || !xc[0]) {
+          // 1^-dp or 0
+          str = r ? toFixedPoint(alphabet.charAt(1), -dp, alphabet.charAt(0)) : alphabet.charAt(0);
+        } else {
+          // Truncate xc to the required number of decimal places.
+          xc.length = d;
+          // Round up?
+          if (r) {
+            // Rounding up may mean the previous digit has to be rounded up and so on.
+            for (--baseOut; ++xc[--d] > baseOut;) {
+              xc[d] = 0;
+              if (!d) {
+                ++e;
+                xc = [1].concat(xc);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          // Determine trailing zeros.
+          for (k = xc.length; !xc[--k];);
+          // E.g. [4, 11, 15] becomes 4bf.
+          for (i = 0, str = ''; i <= k; str += alphabet.charAt(xc[i++]));
+          // Add leading zeros, decimal point and trailing zeros as required.
+          str = toFixedPoint(str, e, alphabet.charAt(0));
+        }
+        // The caller will add the sign.
+        return str;
+      };
+    })();
+    // Perform division in the specified base. Called by div and convertBase.
+    div = (function () {
+      // Assume non-zero x and k.
+      function multiply(x, k, base) {
+        var m, temp, xlo, xhi,
+          carry = 0,
+          i = x.length,
+          klo = k % SQRT_BASE,
+          khi = k / SQRT_BASE | 0;
+        for (x = x.slice(); i--;) {
+          xlo = x[i] % SQRT_BASE;
+          xhi = x[i] / SQRT_BASE | 0;
+          m = khi * xlo + xhi * klo;
+          temp = klo * xlo + ((m % SQRT_BASE) * SQRT_BASE) + carry;
+          carry = (temp / base | 0) + (m / SQRT_BASE | 0) + khi * xhi;
+          x[i] = temp % base;
+        }
+        if (carry) x = [carry].concat(x);
+        return x;
+      }
+      function compare(a, b, aL, bL) {
+        var i, cmp;
+        if (aL != bL) {
+          cmp = aL > bL ? 1 : -1;
+        } else {
+          for (i = cmp = 0; i < aL; i++) {
+            if (a[i] != b[i]) {
+              cmp = a[i] > b[i] ? 1 : -1;
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        return cmp;
+      }
+      function subtract(a, b, aL, base) {
+        var i = 0;
+        // Subtract b from a.
+        for (; aL--;) {
+          a[aL] -= i;
+          i = a[aL] < b[aL] ? 1 : 0;
+          a[aL] = i * base + a[aL] - b[aL];
+        }
+        // Remove leading zeros.
+        for (; !a[0] && a.length > 1; a.splice(0, 1));
+      }
+      // x: dividend, y: divisor.
+      return function (x, y, dp, rm, base) {
+        var cmp, e, i, more, n, prod, prodL, q, qc, rem, remL, rem0, xi, xL, yc0,
+          yL, yz,
+          s = x.s == y.s ? 1 : -1,
+          xc = x.c,
+          yc = y.c;
+        // Either NaN, Infinity or 0?
+        if (!xc || !xc[0] || !yc || !yc[0]) {
+          return new BigNumber(
+           // Return NaN if either NaN, or both Infinity or 0.
+           !x.s || !y.s || (xc ? yc && xc[0] == yc[0] : !yc) ? NaN :
+            // Return ±0 if x is ±0 or y is ±Infinity, or return ±Infinity as y is ±0.
+            xc && xc[0] == 0 || !yc ? s * 0 : s / 0
+         );
+        }
+        q = new BigNumber(s);
+        qc = q.c = [];
+        e = x.e - y.e;
+        s = dp + e + 1;
+        if (!base) {
+          base = BASE;
+          e = bitFloor(x.e / LOG_BASE) - bitFloor(y.e / LOG_BASE);
+          s = s / LOG_BASE | 0;
+        }
+        // Result exponent may be one less then the current value of e.
+        // The coefficients of the BigNumbers from convertBase may have trailing zeros.
+        for (i = 0; yc[i] == (xc[i] || 0); i++);
+        if (yc[i] > (xc[i] || 0)) e--;
+        if (s < 0) {
+          qc.push(1);
+          more = true;
+        } else {
+          xL = xc.length;
+          yL = yc.length;
+          i = 0;
+          s += 2;
+          // Normalise xc and yc so highest order digit of yc is >= base / 2.
+          n = mathfloor(base / (yc[0] + 1));
+          // Not necessary, but to handle odd bases where yc[0] == (base / 2) - 1.
+          // if (n > 1 || n++ == 1 && yc[0] < base / 2) {
+          if (n > 1) {
+            yc = multiply(yc, n, base);
+            xc = multiply(xc, n, base);
+            yL = yc.length;
+            xL = xc.length;
+          }
+          xi = yL;
+          rem = xc.slice(0, yL);
+          remL = rem.length;
+          // Add zeros to make remainder as long as divisor.
+          for (; remL < yL; rem[remL++] = 0);
+          yz = yc.slice();
+          yz = [0].concat(yz);
+          yc0 = yc[0];
+          if (yc[1] >= base / 2) yc0++;
+          // Not necessary, but to prevent trial digit n > base, when using base 3.
+          // else if (base == 3 && yc0 == 1) yc0 = 1 + 1e-15;
+          do {
+            n = 0;
+            // Compare divisor and remainder.
+            cmp = compare(yc, rem, yL, remL);
+            // If divisor < remainder.
+            if (cmp < 0) {
+              // Calculate trial digit, n.
+              rem0 = rem[0];
+              if (yL != remL) rem0 = rem0 * base + (rem[1] || 0);
+              // n is how many times the divisor goes into the current remainder.
+              n = mathfloor(rem0 / yc0);
+              //  Algorithm:
+              //  product = divisor multiplied by trial digit (n).
+              //  Compare product and remainder.
+              //  If product is greater than remainder:
+              //    Subtract divisor from product, decrement trial digit.
+              //  Subtract product from remainder.
+              //  If product was less than remainder at the last compare:
+              //    Compare new remainder and divisor.
+              //    If remainder is greater than divisor:
+              //      Subtract divisor from remainder, increment trial digit.
+              if (n > 1) {
+                // n may be > base only when base is 3.
+                if (n >= base) n = base - 1;
+                // product = divisor * trial digit.
+                prod = multiply(yc, n, base);
+                prodL = prod.length;
+                remL = rem.length;
+                // Compare product and remainder.
+                // If product > remainder then trial digit n too high.
+                // n is 1 too high about 5% of the time, and is not known to have
+                // ever been more than 1 too high.
+                while (compare(prod, rem, prodL, remL) == 1) {
+                  n--;
+                  // Subtract divisor from product.
+                  subtract(prod, yL < prodL ? yz : yc, prodL, base);
+                  prodL = prod.length;
+                  cmp = 1;
+                }
+              } else {
+                // n is 0 or 1, cmp is -1.
+                // If n is 0, there is no need to compare yc and rem again below,
+                // so change cmp to 1 to avoid it.
+                // If n is 1, leave cmp as -1, so yc and rem are compared again.
+                if (n == 0) {
+                  // divisor < remainder, so n must be at least 1.
+                  cmp = n = 1;
+                }
+                // product = divisor
+                prod = yc.slice();
+                prodL = prod.length;
+              }
+              if (prodL < remL) prod = [0].concat(prod);
+              // Subtract product from remainder.
+              subtract(rem, prod, remL, base);
+              remL = rem.length;
+               // If product was < remainder.
+              if (cmp == -1) {
+                // Compare divisor and new remainder.
+                // If divisor < new remainder, subtract divisor from remainder.
+                // Trial digit n too low.
+                // n is 1 too low about 5% of the time, and very rarely 2 too low.
+                while (compare(yc, rem, yL, remL) < 1) {
+                  n++;
+                  // Subtract divisor from remainder.
+                  subtract(rem, yL < remL ? yz : yc, remL, base);
+                  remL = rem.length;
+                }
+              }
+            } else if (cmp === 0) {
+              n++;
+              rem = [0];
+            } // else cmp === 1 and n will be 0
+            // Add the next digit, n, to the result array.
+            qc[i++] = n;
+            // Update the remainder.
+            if (rem[0]) {
+              rem[remL++] = xc[xi] || 0;
+            } else {
+              rem = [xc[xi]];
+              remL = 1;
+            }
+          } while ((xi++ < xL || rem[0] != null) && s--);
+          more = rem[0] != null;
+          // Leading zero?
+          if (!qc[0]) qc.splice(0, 1);
+        }
+        if (base == BASE) {
+          // To calculate q.e, first get the number of digits of qc[0].
+          for (i = 1, s = qc[0]; s >= 10; s /= 10, i++);
+          round(q, dp + (q.e = i + e * LOG_BASE - 1) + 1, rm, more);
+        // Caller is convertBase.
+        } else {
+          q.e = e;
+          q.r = +more;
+        }
+        return q;
+      };
+    })();
+    /*
+     * Return a string representing the value of BigNumber n in fixed-point or exponential
+     * notation rounded to the specified decimal places or significant digits.
+     *
+     * n: a BigNumber.
+     * i: the index of the last digit required (i.e. the digit that may be rounded up).
+     * rm: the rounding mode.
+     * id: 1 (toExponential) or 2 (toPrecision).
+     */
+    function format(n, i, rm, id) {
+      var c0, e, ne, len, str;
+      if (rm == null) rm = ROUNDING_MODE;
+      else intCheck(rm, 0, 8);
+      if (!n.c) return n.toString();
+      c0 = n.c[0];
+      ne = n.e;
+      if (i == null) {
+        str = coeffToString(n.c);
+        str = id == 1 || id == 2 && (ne <= TO_EXP_NEG || ne >= TO_EXP_POS)
+         ? toExponential(str, ne)
+         : toFixedPoint(str, ne, '0');
+      } else {
+        n = round(new BigNumber(n), i, rm);
+        // n.e may have changed if the value was rounded up.
+        e = n.e;
+        str = coeffToString(n.c);
+        len = str.length;
+        // toPrecision returns exponential notation if the number of significant digits
+        // specified is less than the number of digits necessary to represent the integer
+        // part of the value in fixed-point notation.
+        // Exponential notation.
+        if (id == 1 || id == 2 && (i <= e || e <= TO_EXP_NEG)) {
+          // Append zeros?
+          for (; len < i; str += '0', len++);
+          str = toExponential(str, e);
+        // Fixed-point notation.
+        } else {
+          i -= ne;
+          str = toFixedPoint(str, e, '0');
+          // Append zeros?
+          if (e + 1 > len) {
+            if (--i > 0) for (str += '.'; i--; str += '0');
+          } else {
+            i += e - len;
+            if (i > 0) {
+              if (e + 1 == len) str += '.';
+              for (; i--; str += '0');
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return n.s < 0 && c0 ? '-' + str : str;
+    }
+    // Handle BigNumber.max and BigNumber.min.
+    function maxOrMin(args, method) {
+      var n,
+        i = 1,
+        m = new BigNumber(args[0]);
+      for (; i < args.length; i++) {
+        n = new BigNumber(args[i]);
+        // If any number is NaN, return NaN.
+        if (!n.s) {
+          m = n;
+          break;
+        } else if (method.call(m, n)) {
+          m = n;
+        }
+      }
+      return m;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Strip trailing zeros, calculate base 10 exponent and check against MIN_EXP and MAX_EXP.
+     * Called by minus, plus and times.
+     */
+    function normalise(n, c, e) {
+      var i = 1,
+        j = c.length;
+       // Remove trailing zeros.
+      for (; !c[--j]; c.pop());
+      // Calculate the base 10 exponent. First get the number of digits of c[0].
+      for (j = c[0]; j >= 10; j /= 10, i++);
+      // Overflow?
+      if ((e = i + e * LOG_BASE - 1) > MAX_EXP) {
+        // Infinity.
+        n.c = n.e = null;
+      // Underflow?
+      } else if (e < MIN_EXP) {
+        // Zero.
+        n.c = [n.e = 0];
+      } else {
+        n.e = e;
+        n.c = c;
+      }
+      return n;
+    }
+    // Handle values that fail the validity test in BigNumber.
+    parseNumeric = (function () {
+      var basePrefix = /^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\w[\w.]*$)/i,
+        dotAfter = /^([^.]+)\.$/,
+        dotBefore = /^\.([^.]+)$/,
+        isInfinityOrNaN = /^-?(Infinity|NaN)$/,
+        whitespaceOrPlus = /^\s*\+(?=[\w.])|^\s+|\s+$/g;
+      return function (x, str, isNum, b) {
+        var base,
+          s = isNum ? str : str.replace(whitespaceOrPlus, '');
+        // No exception on ±Infinity or NaN.
+        if (isInfinityOrNaN.test(s)) {
+          x.s = isNaN(s) ? null : s < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+        } else {
+          if (!isNum) {
+            // basePrefix = /^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\w[\w.]*$)/i
+            s = s.replace(basePrefix, function (m, p1, p2) {
+              base = (p2 = p2.toLowerCase()) == 'x' ? 16 : p2 == 'b' ? 2 : 8;
+              return !b || b == base ? p1 : m;
+            });
+            if (b) {
+              base = b;
+              // E.g. '1.' to '1', '.1' to '0.1'
+              s = s.replace(dotAfter, '$1').replace(dotBefore, '0.$1');
+            }
+            if (str != s) return new BigNumber(s, base);
+          }
+          // '[BigNumber Error] Not a number: {n}'
+          // '[BigNumber Error] Not a base {b} number: {n}'
+          if (BigNumber.DEBUG) {
+            throw Error
+              (bignumberError + 'Not a' + (b ? ' base ' + b : '') + ' number: ' + str);
+          }
+          // NaN
+          x.s = null;
+        }
+        x.c = x.e = null;
+      }
+    })();
+    /*
+     * Round x to sd significant digits using rounding mode rm. Check for over/under-flow.
+     * If r is truthy, it is known that there are more digits after the rounding digit.
+     */
+    function round(x, sd, rm, r) {
+      var d, i, j, k, n, ni, rd,
+        xc = x.c,
+        pows10 = POWS_TEN;
+      // if x is not Infinity or NaN...
+      if (xc) {
+        // rd is the rounding digit, i.e. the digit after the digit that may be rounded up.
+        // n is a base 1e14 number, the value of the element of array x.c containing rd.
+        // ni is the index of n within x.c.
+        // d is the number of digits of n.
+        // i is the index of rd within n including leading zeros.
+        // j is the actual index of rd within n (if < 0, rd is a leading zero).
+        out: {
+          // Get the number of digits of the first element of xc.
+          for (d = 1, k = xc[0]; k >= 10; k /= 10, d++);
+          i = sd - d;
+          // If the rounding digit is in the first element of xc...
+          if (i < 0) {
+            i += LOG_BASE;
+            j = sd;
+            n = xc[ni = 0];
+            // Get the rounding digit at index j of n.
+            rd = n / pows10[d - j - 1] % 10 | 0;
+          } else {
+            ni = mathceil((i + 1) / LOG_BASE);
+            if (ni >= xc.length) {
+              if (r) {
+                // Needed by sqrt.
+                for (; xc.length <= ni; xc.push(0));
+                n = rd = 0;
+                d = 1;
+                i %= LOG_BASE;
+                j = i - LOG_BASE + 1;
+              } else {
+                break out;
+              }
+            } else {
+              n = k = xc[ni];
+              // Get the number of digits of n.
+              for (d = 1; k >= 10; k /= 10, d++);
+              // Get the index of rd within n.
+              i %= LOG_BASE;
+              // Get the index of rd within n, adjusted for leading zeros.
+              // The number of leading zeros of n is given by LOG_BASE - d.
+              j = i - LOG_BASE + d;
+              // Get the rounding digit at index j of n.
+              rd = j < 0 ? 0 : n / pows10[d - j - 1] % 10 | 0;
+            }
+          }
+          r = r || sd < 0 ||
+          // Are there any non-zero digits after the rounding digit?
+          // The expression  n % pows10[d - j - 1]  returns all digits of n to the right
+          // of the digit at j, e.g. if n is 908714 and j is 2, the expression gives 714.
+           xc[ni + 1] != null || (j < 0 ? n : n % pows10[d - j - 1]);
+          r = rm < 4
+           ? (rd || r) && (rm == 0 || rm == (x.s < 0 ? 3 : 2))
+           : rd > 5 || rd == 5 && (rm == 4 || r || rm == 6 &&
+            // Check whether the digit to the left of the rounding digit is odd.
+            ((i > 0 ? j > 0 ? n / pows10[d - j] : 0 : xc[ni - 1]) % 10) & 1 ||
+             rm == (x.s < 0 ? 8 : 7));
+          if (sd < 1 || !xc[0]) {
+            xc.length = 0;
+            if (r) {
+              // Convert sd to decimal places.
+              sd -= x.e + 1;
+              // 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 etc.
+              xc[0] = pows10[(LOG_BASE - sd % LOG_BASE) % LOG_BASE];
+              x.e = -sd || 0;
+            } else {
+              // Zero.
+              xc[0] = x.e = 0;
+            }
+            return x;
+          }
+          // Remove excess digits.
+          if (i == 0) {
+            xc.length = ni;
+            k = 1;
+            ni--;
+          } else {
+            xc.length = ni + 1;
+            k = pows10[LOG_BASE - i];
+            // E.g. 56700 becomes 56000 if 7 is the rounding digit.
+            // j > 0 means i > number of leading zeros of n.
+            xc[ni] = j > 0 ? mathfloor(n / pows10[d - j] % pows10[j]) * k : 0;
+          }
+          // Round up?
+          if (r) {
+            for (; ;) {
+              // If the digit to be rounded up is in the first element of xc...
+              if (ni == 0) {
+                // i will be the length of xc[0] before k is added.
+                for (i = 1, j = xc[0]; j >= 10; j /= 10, i++);
+                j = xc[0] += k;
+                for (k = 1; j >= 10; j /= 10, k++);
+                // if i != k the length has increased.
+                if (i != k) {
+                  x.e++;
+                  if (xc[0] == BASE) xc[0] = 1;
+                }
+                break;
+              } else {
+                xc[ni] += k;
+                if (xc[ni] != BASE) break;
+                xc[ni--] = 0;
+                k = 1;
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          // Remove trailing zeros.
+          for (i = xc.length; xc[--i] === 0; xc.pop());
+        }
+        // Overflow? Infinity.
+        if (x.e > MAX_EXP) {
+          x.c = x.e = null;
+        // Underflow? Zero.
+        } else if (x.e < MIN_EXP) {
+          x.c = [x.e = 0];
+        }
+      }
+      return x;
+    }
+    function valueOf(n) {
+      var str,
+        e = n.e;
+      if (e === null) return n.toString();
+      str = coeffToString(n.c);
+      str = e <= TO_EXP_NEG || e >= TO_EXP_POS
+        ? toExponential(str, e)
+        : toFixedPoint(str, e, '0');
+      return n.s < 0 ? '-' + str : str;
+    }
+    /*
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the absolute value of this BigNumber.
+     */
+    P.absoluteValue = P.abs = function () {
+      var x = new BigNumber(this);
+      if (x.s < 0) x.s = 1;
+      return x;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return
+     *   1 if the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of BigNumber(y, b),
+     *   -1 if the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of BigNumber(y, b),
+     *   0 if they have the same value,
+     *   or null if the value of either is NaN.
+     */
+    P.comparedTo = function (y, b) {
+      return compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b));
+    };
+    /*
+     * If dp is undefined or null or true or false, return the number of decimal places of the
+     * value of this BigNumber, or null if the value of this BigNumber is ±Infinity or NaN.
+     *
+     * Otherwise, if dp is a number, return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this
+     * BigNumber rounded to a maximum of dp decimal places using rounding mode rm, or
+     * ROUNDING_MODE if rm is omitted.
+     *
+     * [dp] {number} Decimal places: integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+     * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp|rm}'
+     */
+    P.decimalPlaces = P.dp = function (dp, rm) {
+      var c, n, v,
+        x = this;
+      if (dp != null) {
+        intCheck(dp, 0, MAX);
+        if (rm == null) rm = ROUNDING_MODE;
+        else intCheck(rm, 0, 8);
+        return round(new BigNumber(x), dp + x.e + 1, rm);
+      }
+      if (!(c = x.c)) return null;
+      n = ((v = c.length - 1) - bitFloor(this.e / LOG_BASE)) * LOG_BASE;
+      // Subtract the number of trailing zeros of the last number.
+      if (v = c[v]) for (; v % 10 == 0; v /= 10, n--);
+      if (n < 0) n = 0;
+      return n;
+    };
+    /*
+     *  n / 0 = I
+     *  n / N = N
+     *  n / I = 0
+     *  0 / n = 0
+     *  0 / 0 = N
+     *  0 / N = N
+     *  0 / I = 0
+     *  N / n = N
+     *  N / 0 = N
+     *  N / N = N
+     *  N / I = N
+     *  I / n = I
+     *  I / 0 = I
+     *  I / N = N
+     *  I / I = N
+     *
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber divided by the value of
+     * BigNumber(y, b), rounded according to DECIMAL_PLACES and ROUNDING_MODE.
+     */
+    P.dividedBy = P.div = function (y, b) {
+      return div(this, new BigNumber(y, b), DECIMAL_PLACES, ROUNDING_MODE);
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the integer part of dividing the value of this
+     * BigNumber by the value of BigNumber(y, b).
+     */
+    P.dividedToIntegerBy = P.idiv = function (y, b) {
+      return div(this, new BigNumber(y, b), 0, 1);
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber exponentiated by n.
+     *
+     * If m is present, return the result modulo m.
+     * If n is negative round according to DECIMAL_PLACES and ROUNDING_MODE.
+     * If POW_PRECISION is non-zero and m is not present, round to POW_PRECISION using ROUNDING_MODE.
+     *
+     * The modular power operation works efficiently when x, n, and m are integers, otherwise it
+     * is equivalent to calculating x.exponentiatedBy(n).modulo(m) with a POW_PRECISION of 0.
+     *
+     * n {number|string|BigNumber} The exponent. An integer.
+     * [m] {number|string|BigNumber} The modulus.
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Exponent not an integer: {n}'
+     */
+    P.exponentiatedBy = P.pow = function (n, m) {
+      var half, isModExp, i, k, more, nIsBig, nIsNeg, nIsOdd, y,
+        x = this;
+      n = new BigNumber(n);
+      // Allow NaN and ±Infinity, but not other non-integers.
+      if (n.c && !n.isInteger()) {
+        throw Error
+          (bignumberError + 'Exponent not an integer: ' + valueOf(n));
+      }
+      if (m != null) m = new BigNumber(m);
+      // Exponent of MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 15.
+      nIsBig = n.e > 14;
+      // If x is NaN, ±Infinity, ±0 or ±1, or n is ±Infinity, NaN or ±0.
+      if (!x.c || !x.c[0] || x.c[0] == 1 && !x.e && x.c.length == 1 || !n.c || !n.c[0]) {
+        // The sign of the result of pow when x is negative depends on the evenness of n.
+        // If +n overflows to ±Infinity, the evenness of n would be not be known.
+        y = new BigNumber(Math.pow(+valueOf(x), nIsBig ? 2 - isOdd(n) : +valueOf(n)));
+        return m ? y.mod(m) : y;
+      }
+      nIsNeg = n.s < 0;
+      if (m) {
+        // x % m returns NaN if abs(m) is zero, or m is NaN.
+        if (m.c ? !m.c[0] : !m.s) return new BigNumber(NaN);
+        isModExp = !nIsNeg && x.isInteger() && m.isInteger();
+        if (isModExp) x = x.mod(m);
+      // Overflow to ±Infinity: >=2**1e10 or >=1.0000024**1e15.
+      // Underflow to ±0: <=0.79**1e10 or <=0.9999975**1e15.
+      } else if (n.e > 9 && (x.e > 0 || x.e < -1 || (x.e == 0
+        // [1, 240000000]
+        ? x.c[0] > 1 || nIsBig && x.c[1] >= 24e7
+        // [80000000000000]  [99999750000000]
+        : x.c[0] < 8e13 || nIsBig && x.c[0] <= 9999975e7))) {
+        // If x is negative and n is odd, k = -0, else k = 0.
+        k = x.s < 0 && isOdd(n) ? -0 : 0;
+        // If x >= 1, k = ±Infinity.
+        if (x.e > -1) k = 1 / k;
+        // If n is negative return ±0, else return ±Infinity.
+        return new BigNumber(nIsNeg ? 1 / k : k);
+      } else if (POW_PRECISION) {
+        // Truncating each coefficient array to a length of k after each multiplication
+        // equates to truncating significant digits to POW_PRECISION + [28, 41],
+        // i.e. there will be a minimum of 28 guard digits retained.
+        k = mathceil(POW_PRECISION / LOG_BASE + 2);
+      }
+      if (nIsBig) {
+        half = new BigNumber(0.5);
+        if (nIsNeg) n.s = 1;
+        nIsOdd = isOdd(n);
+      } else {
+        i = Math.abs(+valueOf(n));
+        nIsOdd = i % 2;
+      }
+      y = new BigNumber(ONE);
+      // Performs 54 loop iterations for n of 9007199254740991.
+      for (; ;) {
+        if (nIsOdd) {
+          y = y.times(x);
+          if (!y.c) break;
+          if (k) {
+            if (y.c.length > k) y.c.length = k;
+          } else if (isModExp) {
+            y = y.mod(m);    //y = y.minus(div(y, m, 0, MODULO_MODE).times(m));
+          }
+        }
+        if (i) {
+          i = mathfloor(i / 2);
+          if (i === 0) break;
+          nIsOdd = i % 2;
+        } else {
+          n = n.times(half);
+          round(n, n.e + 1, 1);
+          if (n.e > 14) {
+            nIsOdd = isOdd(n);
+          } else {
+            i = +valueOf(n);
+            if (i === 0) break;
+            nIsOdd = i % 2;
+          }
+        }
+        x = x.times(x);
+        if (k) {
+          if (x.c && x.c.length > k) x.c.length = k;
+        } else if (isModExp) {
+          x = x.mod(m);    //x = x.minus(div(x, m, 0, MODULO_MODE).times(m));
+        }
+      }
+      if (isModExp) return y;
+      if (nIsNeg) y = ONE.div(y);
+      return m ? y.mod(m) : k ? round(y, POW_PRECISION, ROUNDING_MODE, more) : y;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber rounded to an integer
+     * using rounding mode rm, or ROUNDING_MODE if rm is omitted.
+     *
+     * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {rm}'
+     */
+    P.integerValue = function (rm) {
+      var n = new BigNumber(this);
+      if (rm == null) rm = ROUNDING_MODE;
+      else intCheck(rm, 0, 8);
+      return round(n, n.e + 1, rm);
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is equal to the value of BigNumber(y, b),
+     * otherwise return false.
+     */
+    P.isEqualTo = P.eq = function (y, b) {
+      return compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b)) === 0;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is a finite number, otherwise return false.
+     */
+    P.isFinite = function () {
+      return !!this.c;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of BigNumber(y, b),
+     * otherwise return false.
+     */
+    P.isGreaterThan = P.gt = function (y, b) {
+      return compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b)) > 0;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is greater than or equal to the value of
+     * BigNumber(y, b), otherwise return false.
+     */
+    P.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo = P.gte = function (y, b) {
+      return (b = compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b))) === 1 || b === 0;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is an integer, otherwise return false.
+     */
+    P.isInteger = function () {
+      return !!this.c && bitFloor(this.e / LOG_BASE) > this.c.length - 2;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of BigNumber(y, b),
+     * otherwise return false.
+     */
+    P.isLessThan = P.lt = function (y, b) {
+      return compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b)) < 0;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is less than or equal to the value of
+     * BigNumber(y, b), otherwise return false.
+     */
+    P.isLessThanOrEqualTo = P.lte = function (y, b) {
+      return (b = compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b))) === -1 || b === 0;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is NaN, otherwise return false.
+     */
+    P.isNaN = function () {
+      return !this.s;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is negative, otherwise return false.
+     */
+    P.isNegative = function () {
+      return this.s < 0;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is positive, otherwise return false.
+     */
+    P.isPositive = function () {
+      return this.s > 0;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is 0 or -0, otherwise return false.
+     */
+    P.isZero = function () {
+      return !!this.c && this.c[0] == 0;
+    };
+    /*
+     *  n - 0 = n
+     *  n - N = N
+     *  n - I = -I
+     *  0 - n = -n
+     *  0 - 0 = 0
+     *  0 - N = N
+     *  0 - I = -I
+     *  N - n = N
+     *  N - 0 = N
+     *  N - N = N
+     *  N - I = N
+     *  I - n = I
+     *  I - 0 = I
+     *  I - N = N
+     *  I - I = N
+     *
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber minus the value of
+     * BigNumber(y, b).
+     */
+    P.minus = function (y, b) {
+      var i, j, t, xLTy,
+        x = this,
+        a = x.s;
+      y = new BigNumber(y, b);
+      b = y.s;
+      // Either NaN?
+      if (!a || !b) return new BigNumber(NaN);
+      // Signs differ?
+      if (a != b) {
+        y.s = -b;
+        return x.plus(y);
+      }
+      var xe = x.e / LOG_BASE,
+        ye = y.e / LOG_BASE,
+        xc = x.c,
+        yc = y.c;
+      if (!xe || !ye) {
+        // Either Infinity?
+        if (!xc || !yc) return xc ? (y.s = -b, y) : new BigNumber(yc ? x : NaN);
+        // Either zero?
+        if (!xc[0] || !yc[0]) {
+          // Return y if y is non-zero, x if x is non-zero, or zero if both are zero.
+          return yc[0] ? (y.s = -b, y) : new BigNumber(xc[0] ? x :
+           // IEEE 754 (2008) 6.3: n - n = -0 when rounding to -Infinity
+           ROUNDING_MODE == 3 ? -0 : 0);
+        }
+      }
+      xe = bitFloor(xe);
+      ye = bitFloor(ye);
+      xc = xc.slice();
+      // Determine which is the bigger number.
+      if (a = xe - ye) {
+        if (xLTy = a < 0) {
+          a = -a;
+          t = xc;
+        } else {
+          ye = xe;
+          t = yc;
+        }
+        t.reverse();
+        // Prepend zeros to equalise exponents.
+        for (b = a; b--; t.push(0));
+        t.reverse();
+      } else {
+        // Exponents equal. Check digit by digit.
+        j = (xLTy = (a = xc.length) < (b = yc.length)) ? a : b;
+        for (a = b = 0; b < j; b++) {
+          if (xc[b] != yc[b]) {
+            xLTy = xc[b] < yc[b];
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      // x < y? Point xc to the array of the bigger number.
+      if (xLTy) t = xc, xc = yc, yc = t, y.s = -y.s;
+      b = (j = yc.length) - (i = xc.length);
+      // Append zeros to xc if shorter.
+      // No need to add zeros to yc if shorter as subtract only needs to start at yc.length.
+      if (b > 0) for (; b--; xc[i++] = 0);
+      b = BASE - 1;
+      // Subtract yc from xc.
+      for (; j > a;) {
+        if (xc[--j] < yc[j]) {
+          for (i = j; i && !xc[--i]; xc[i] = b);
+          --xc[i];
+          xc[j] += BASE;
+        }
+        xc[j] -= yc[j];
+      }
+      // Remove leading zeros and adjust exponent accordingly.
+      for (; xc[0] == 0; xc.splice(0, 1), --ye);
+      // Zero?
+      if (!xc[0]) {
+        // Following IEEE 754 (2008) 6.3,
+        // n - n = +0  but  n - n = -0  when rounding towards -Infinity.
+        y.s = ROUNDING_MODE == 3 ? -1 : 1;
+        y.c = [y.e = 0];
+        return y;
+      }
+      // No need to check for Infinity as +x - +y != Infinity && -x - -y != Infinity
+      // for finite x and y.
+      return normalise(y, xc, ye);
+    };
+    /*
+     *   n % 0 =  N
+     *   n % N =  N
+     *   n % I =  n
+     *   0 % n =  0
+     *  -0 % n = -0
+     *   0 % 0 =  N
+     *   0 % N =  N
+     *   0 % I =  0
+     *   N % n =  N
+     *   N % 0 =  N
+     *   N % N =  N
+     *   N % I =  N
+     *   I % n =  N
+     *   I % 0 =  N
+     *   I % N =  N
+     *   I % I =  N
+     *
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber modulo the value of
+     * BigNumber(y, b). The result depends on the value of MODULO_MODE.
+     */
+    P.modulo = P.mod = function (y, b) {
+      var q, s,
+        x = this;
+      y = new BigNumber(y, b);
+      // Return NaN if x is Infinity or NaN, or y is NaN or zero.
+      if (!x.c || !y.s || y.c && !y.c[0]) {
+        return new BigNumber(NaN);
+      // Return x if y is Infinity or x is zero.
+      } else if (!y.c || x.c && !x.c[0]) {
+        return new BigNumber(x);
+      }
+      if (MODULO_MODE == 9) {
+        // Euclidian division: q = sign(y) * floor(x / abs(y))
+        // r = x - qy    where  0 <= r < abs(y)
+        s = y.s;
+        y.s = 1;
+        q = div(x, y, 0, 3);
+        y.s = s;
+        q.s *= s;
+      } else {
+        q = div(x, y, 0, MODULO_MODE);
+      }
+      y = x.minus(q.times(y));
+      // To match JavaScript %, ensure sign of zero is sign of dividend.
+      if (!y.c[0] && MODULO_MODE == 1) y.s = x.s;
+      return y;
+    };
+    /*
+     *  n * 0 = 0
+     *  n * N = N
+     *  n * I = I
+     *  0 * n = 0
+     *  0 * 0 = 0
+     *  0 * N = N
+     *  0 * I = N
+     *  N * n = N
+     *  N * 0 = N
+     *  N * N = N
+     *  N * I = N
+     *  I * n = I
+     *  I * 0 = N
+     *  I * N = N
+     *  I * I = I
+     *
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber multiplied by the value
+     * of BigNumber(y, b).
+     */
+    P.multipliedBy = P.times = function (y, b) {
+      var c, e, i, j, k, m, xcL, xlo, xhi, ycL, ylo, yhi, zc,
+        base, sqrtBase,
+        x = this,
+        xc = x.c,
+        yc = (y = new BigNumber(y, b)).c;
+      // Either NaN, ±Infinity or ±0?
+      if (!xc || !yc || !xc[0] || !yc[0]) {
+        // Return NaN if either is NaN, or one is 0 and the other is Infinity.
+        if (!x.s || !y.s || xc && !xc[0] && !yc || yc && !yc[0] && !xc) {
+          y.c = y.e = y.s = null;
+        } else {
+          y.s *= x.s;
+          // Return ±Infinity if either is ±Infinity.
+          if (!xc || !yc) {
+            y.c = y.e = null;
+          // Return ±0 if either is ±0.
+          } else {
+            y.c = [0];
+            y.e = 0;
+          }
+        }
+        return y;
+      }
+      e = bitFloor(x.e / LOG_BASE) + bitFloor(y.e / LOG_BASE);
+      y.s *= x.s;
+      xcL = xc.length;
+      ycL = yc.length;
+      // Ensure xc points to longer array and xcL to its length.
+      if (xcL < ycL) zc = xc, xc = yc, yc = zc, i = xcL, xcL = ycL, ycL = i;
+      // Initialise the result array with zeros.
+      for (i = xcL + ycL, zc = []; i--; zc.push(0));
+      base = BASE;
+      sqrtBase = SQRT_BASE;
+      for (i = ycL; --i >= 0;) {
+        c = 0;
+        ylo = yc[i] % sqrtBase;
+        yhi = yc[i] / sqrtBase | 0;
+        for (k = xcL, j = i + k; j > i;) {
+          xlo = xc[--k] % sqrtBase;
+          xhi = xc[k] / sqrtBase | 0;
+          m = yhi * xlo + xhi * ylo;
+          xlo = ylo * xlo + ((m % sqrtBase) * sqrtBase) + zc[j] + c;
+          c = (xlo / base | 0) + (m / sqrtBase | 0) + yhi * xhi;
+          zc[j--] = xlo % base;
+        }
+        zc[j] = c;
+      }
+      if (c) {
+        ++e;
+      } else {
+        zc.splice(0, 1);
+      }
+      return normalise(y, zc, e);
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber negated,
+     * i.e. multiplied by -1.
+     */
+    P.negated = function () {
+      var x = new BigNumber(this);
+      x.s = -x.s || null;
+      return x;
+    };
+    /*
+     *  n + 0 = n
+     *  n + N = N
+     *  n + I = I
+     *  0 + n = n
+     *  0 + 0 = 0
+     *  0 + N = N
+     *  0 + I = I
+     *  N + n = N
+     *  N + 0 = N
+     *  N + N = N
+     *  N + I = N
+     *  I + n = I
+     *  I + 0 = I
+     *  I + N = N
+     *  I + I = I
+     *
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber plus the value of
+     * BigNumber(y, b).
+     */
+    P.plus = function (y, b) {
+      var t,
+        x = this,
+        a = x.s;
+      y = new BigNumber(y, b);
+      b = y.s;
+      // Either NaN?
+      if (!a || !b) return new BigNumber(NaN);
+      // Signs differ?
+       if (a != b) {
+        y.s = -b;
+        return x.minus(y);
+      }
+      var xe = x.e / LOG_BASE,
+        ye = y.e / LOG_BASE,
+        xc = x.c,
+        yc = y.c;
+      if (!xe || !ye) {
+        // Return ±Infinity if either ±Infinity.
+        if (!xc || !yc) return new BigNumber(a / 0);
+        // Either zero?
+        // Return y if y is non-zero, x if x is non-zero, or zero if both are zero.
+        if (!xc[0] || !yc[0]) return yc[0] ? y : new BigNumber(xc[0] ? x : a * 0);
+      }
+      xe = bitFloor(xe);
+      ye = bitFloor(ye);
+      xc = xc.slice();
+      // Prepend zeros to equalise exponents. Faster to use reverse then do unshifts.
+      if (a = xe - ye) {
+        if (a > 0) {
+          ye = xe;
+          t = yc;
+        } else {
+          a = -a;
+          t = xc;
+        }
+        t.reverse();
+        for (; a--; t.push(0));
+        t.reverse();
+      }
+      a = xc.length;
+      b = yc.length;
+      // Point xc to the longer array, and b to the shorter length.
+      if (a - b < 0) t = yc, yc = xc, xc = t, b = a;
+      // Only start adding at yc.length - 1 as the further digits of xc can be ignored.
+      for (a = 0; b;) {
+        a = (xc[--b] = xc[b] + yc[b] + a) / BASE | 0;
+        xc[b] = BASE === xc[b] ? 0 : xc[b] % BASE;
+      }
+      if (a) {
+        xc = [a].concat(xc);
+        ++ye;
+      }
+      // No need to check for zero, as +x + +y != 0 && -x + -y != 0
+      // ye = MAX_EXP + 1 possible
+      return normalise(y, xc, ye);
+    };
+    /*
+     * If sd is undefined or null or true or false, return the number of significant digits of
+     * the value of this BigNumber, or null if the value of this BigNumber is ±Infinity or NaN.
+     * If sd is true include integer-part trailing zeros in the count.
+     *
+     * Otherwise, if sd is a number, return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this
+     * BigNumber rounded to a maximum of sd significant digits using rounding mode rm, or
+     * ROUNDING_MODE if rm is omitted.
+     *
+     * sd {number|boolean} number: significant digits: integer, 1 to MAX inclusive.
+     *                     boolean: whether to count integer-part trailing zeros: true or false.
+     * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {sd|rm}'
+     */
+    P.precision = P.sd = function (sd, rm) {
+      var c, n, v,
+        x = this;
+      if (sd != null && sd !== !!sd) {
+        intCheck(sd, 1, MAX);
+        if (rm == null) rm = ROUNDING_MODE;
+        else intCheck(rm, 0, 8);
+        return round(new BigNumber(x), sd, rm);
+      }
+      if (!(c = x.c)) return null;
+      v = c.length - 1;
+      n = v * LOG_BASE + 1;
+      if (v = c[v]) {
+        // Subtract the number of trailing zeros of the last element.
+        for (; v % 10 == 0; v /= 10, n--);
+        // Add the number of digits of the first element.
+        for (v = c[0]; v >= 10; v /= 10, n++);
+      }
+      if (sd && x.e + 1 > n) n = x.e + 1;
+      return n;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber shifted by k places
+     * (powers of 10). Shift to the right if n > 0, and to the left if n < 0.
+     *
+     * k {number} Integer, -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER to MAX_SAFE_INTEGER inclusive.
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {k}'
+     */
+    P.shiftedBy = function (k) {
+      return this.times('1e' + k);
+    };
+    /*
+     *  sqrt(-n) =  N
+     *  sqrt(N) =  N
+     *  sqrt(-I) =  N
+     *  sqrt(I) =  I
+     *  sqrt(0) =  0
+     *  sqrt(-0) = -0
+     *
+     * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the square root of the value of this BigNumber,
+     * rounded according to DECIMAL_PLACES and ROUNDING_MODE.
+     */
+    P.squareRoot = P.sqrt = function () {
+      var m, n, r, rep, t,
+        x = this,
+        c = x.c,
+        s = x.s,
+        e = x.e,
+        dp = DECIMAL_PLACES + 4,
+        half = new BigNumber('0.5');
+      // Negative/NaN/Infinity/zero?
+      if (s !== 1 || !c || !c[0]) {
+        return new BigNumber(!s || s < 0 && (!c || c[0]) ? NaN : c ? x : 1 / 0);
+      }
+      // Initial estimate.
+      s = Math.sqrt(+valueOf(x));
+      // Math.sqrt underflow/overflow?
+      // Pass x to Math.sqrt as integer, then adjust the exponent of the result.
+      if (s == 0 || s == 1 / 0) {
+        n = coeffToString(c);
+        if ((n.length + e) % 2 == 0) n += '0';
+        s = Math.sqrt(+n);
+        e = bitFloor((e + 1) / 2) - (e < 0 || e % 2);
+        if (s == 1 / 0) {
+          n = '1e' + e;
+        } else {
+          n = s.toExponential();
+          n = n.slice(0, n.indexOf('e') + 1) + e;
+        }
+        r = new BigNumber(n);
+      } else {
+        r = new BigNumber(s + '');
+      }
+      // Check for zero.
+      // r could be zero if MIN_EXP is changed after the this value was created.
+      // This would cause a division by zero (x/t) and hence Infinity below, which would cause
+      // coeffToString to throw.
+      if (r.c[0]) {
+        e = r.e;
+        s = e + dp;
+        if (s < 3) s = 0;
+        // Newton-Raphson iteration.
+        for (; ;) {
+          t = r;
+          r = half.times(t.plus(div(x, t, dp, 1)));
+          if (coeffToString(t.c).slice(0, s) === (n = coeffToString(r.c)).slice(0, s)) {
+            // The exponent of r may here be one less than the final result exponent,
+            // e.g 0.0009999 (e-4) --> 0.001 (e-3), so adjust s so the rounding digits
+            // are indexed correctly.
+            if (r.e < e) --s;
+            n = n.slice(s - 3, s + 1);
+            // The 4th rounding digit may be in error by -1 so if the 4 rounding digits
+            // are 9999 or 4999 (i.e. approaching a rounding boundary) continue the
+            // iteration.
+            if (n == '9999' || !rep && n == '4999') {
+              // On the first iteration only, check to see if rounding up gives the
+              // exact result as the nines may infinitely repeat.
+              if (!rep) {
+                round(t, t.e + DECIMAL_PLACES + 2, 0);
+                if (t.times(t).eq(x)) {
+                  r = t;
+                  break;
+                }
+              }
+              dp += 4;
+              s += 4;
+              rep = 1;
+            } else {
+              // If rounding digits are null, 0{0,4} or 50{0,3}, check for exact
+              // result. If not, then there are further digits and m will be truthy.
+              if (!+n || !+n.slice(1) && n.charAt(0) == '5') {
+                // Truncate to the first rounding digit.
+                round(r, r.e + DECIMAL_PLACES + 2, 1);
+                m = !r.times(r).eq(x);
+              }
+              break;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return round(r, r.e + DECIMAL_PLACES + 1, ROUNDING_MODE, m);
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in exponential notation and
+     * rounded using ROUNDING_MODE to dp fixed decimal places.
+     *
+     * [dp] {number} Decimal places. Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+     * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp|rm}'
+     */
+    P.toExponential = function (dp, rm) {
+      if (dp != null) {
+        intCheck(dp, 0, MAX);
+        dp++;
+      }
+      return format(this, dp, rm, 1);
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in fixed-point notation rounding
+     * to dp fixed decimal places using rounding mode rm, or ROUNDING_MODE if rm is omitted.
+     *
+     * Note: as with JavaScript's number type, (-0).toFixed(0) is '0',
+     * but e.g. (-0.00001).toFixed(0) is '-0'.
+     *
+     * [dp] {number} Decimal places. Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+     * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp|rm}'
+     */
+    P.toFixed = function (dp, rm) {
+      if (dp != null) {
+        intCheck(dp, 0, MAX);
+        dp = dp + this.e + 1;
+      }
+      return format(this, dp, rm);
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in fixed-point notation rounded
+     * using rm or ROUNDING_MODE to dp decimal places, and formatted according to the properties
+     * of the format or FORMAT object (see BigNumber.set).
+     *
+     * The formatting object may contain some or all of the properties shown below.
+     *
+     * FORMAT = {
+     *   prefix: '',
+     *   groupSize: 3,
+     *   secondaryGroupSize: 0,
+     *   groupSeparator: ',',
+     *   decimalSeparator: '.',
+     *   fractionGroupSize: 0,
+     *   fractionGroupSeparator: '\xA0',      // non-breaking space
+     *   suffix: ''
+     * };
+     *
+     * [dp] {number} Decimal places. Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+     * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+     * [format] {object} Formatting options. See FORMAT pbject above.
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp|rm}'
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Argument not an object: {format}'
+     */
+    P.toFormat = function (dp, rm, format) {
+      var str,
+        x = this;
+      if (format == null) {
+        if (dp != null && rm && typeof rm == 'object') {
+          format = rm;
+          rm = null;
+        } else if (dp && typeof dp == 'object') {
+          format = dp;
+          dp = rm = null;
+        } else {
+          format = FORMAT;
+        }
+      } else if (typeof format != 'object') {
+        throw Error
+          (bignumberError + 'Argument not an object: ' + format);
+      }
+      str = x.toFixed(dp, rm);
+      if (x.c) {
+        var i,
+          arr = str.split('.'),
+          g1 = +format.groupSize,
+          g2 = +format.secondaryGroupSize,
+          groupSeparator = format.groupSeparator || '',
+          intPart = arr[0],
+          fractionPart = arr[1],
+          isNeg = x.s < 0,
+          intDigits = isNeg ? intPart.slice(1) : intPart,
+          len = intDigits.length;
+        if (g2) i = g1, g1 = g2, g2 = i, len -= i;
+        if (g1 > 0 && len > 0) {
+          i = len % g1 || g1;
+          intPart = intDigits.substr(0, i);
+          for (; i < len; i += g1) intPart += groupSeparator + intDigits.substr(i, g1);
+          if (g2 > 0) intPart += groupSeparator + intDigits.slice(i);
+          if (isNeg) intPart = '-' + intPart;
+        }
+        str = fractionPart
+         ? intPart + (format.decimalSeparator || '') + ((g2 = +format.fractionGroupSize)
+          ? fractionPart.replace(new RegExp('\\d{' + g2 + '}\\B', 'g'),
+           '$&' + (format.fractionGroupSeparator || ''))
+          : fractionPart)
+         : intPart;
+      }
+      return (format.prefix || '') + str + (format.suffix || '');
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return an array of two BigNumbers representing the value of this BigNumber as a simple
+     * fraction with an integer numerator and an integer denominator.
+     * The denominator will be a positive non-zero value less than or equal to the specified
+     * maximum denominator. If a maximum denominator is not specified, the denominator will be
+     * the lowest value necessary to represent the number exactly.
+     *
+     * [md] {number|string|BigNumber} Integer >= 1, or Infinity. The maximum denominator.
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not an integer|out of range} : {md}'
+     */
+    P.toFraction = function (md) {
+      var d, d0, d1, d2, e, exp, n, n0, n1, q, r, s,
+        x = this,
+        xc = x.c;
+      if (md != null) {
+        n = new BigNumber(md);
+        // Throw if md is less than one or is not an integer, unless it is Infinity.
+        if (!n.isInteger() && (n.c || n.s !== 1) || n.lt(ONE)) {
+          throw Error
+            (bignumberError + 'Argument ' +
+              (n.isInteger() ? 'out of range: ' : 'not an integer: ') + valueOf(n));
+        }
+      }
+      if (!xc) return new BigNumber(x);
+      d = new BigNumber(ONE);
+      n1 = d0 = new BigNumber(ONE);
+      d1 = n0 = new BigNumber(ONE);
+      s = coeffToString(xc);
+      // Determine initial denominator.
+      // d is a power of 10 and the minimum max denominator that specifies the value exactly.
+      e = d.e = s.length - x.e - 1;
+      d.c[0] = POWS_TEN[(exp = e % LOG_BASE) < 0 ? LOG_BASE + exp : exp];
+      md = !md || n.comparedTo(d) > 0 ? (e > 0 ? d : n1) : n;
+      exp = MAX_EXP;
+      MAX_EXP = 1 / 0;
+      n = new BigNumber(s);
+      // n0 = d1 = 0
+      n0.c[0] = 0;
+      for (; ;)  {
+        q = div(n, d, 0, 1);
+        d2 = d0.plus(q.times(d1));
+        if (d2.comparedTo(md) == 1) break;
+        d0 = d1;
+        d1 = d2;
+        n1 = n0.plus(q.times(d2 = n1));
+        n0 = d2;
+        d = n.minus(q.times(d2 = d));
+        n = d2;
+      }
+      d2 = div(md.minus(d0), d1, 0, 1);
+      n0 = n0.plus(d2.times(n1));
+      d0 = d0.plus(d2.times(d1));
+      n0.s = n1.s = x.s;
+      e = e * 2;
+      // Determine which fraction is closer to x, n0/d0 or n1/d1
+      r = div(n1, d1, e, ROUNDING_MODE).minus(x).abs().comparedTo(
+          div(n0, d0, e, ROUNDING_MODE).minus(x).abs()) < 1 ? [n1, d1] : [n0, d0];
+      MAX_EXP = exp;
+      return r;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return the value of this BigNumber converted to a number primitive.
+     */
+    P.toNumber = function () {
+      return +valueOf(this);
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber rounded to sd significant digits
+     * using rounding mode rm or ROUNDING_MODE. If sd is less than the number of digits
+     * necessary to represent the integer part of the value in fixed-point notation, then use
+     * exponential notation.
+     *
+     * [sd] {number} Significant digits. Integer, 1 to MAX inclusive.
+     * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {sd|rm}'
+     */
+    P.toPrecision = function (sd, rm) {
+      if (sd != null) intCheck(sd, 1, MAX);
+      return format(this, sd, rm, 2);
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in base b, or base 10 if b is
+     * omitted. If a base is specified, including base 10, round according to DECIMAL_PLACES and
+     * ROUNDING_MODE. If a base is not specified, and this BigNumber has a positive exponent
+     * that is equal to or greater than TO_EXP_POS, or a negative exponent equal to or less than
+     * TO_EXP_NEG, return exponential notation.
+     *
+     * [b] {number} Integer, 2 to ALPHABET.length inclusive.
+     *
+     * '[BigNumber Error] Base {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {b}'
+     */
+    P.toString = function (b) {
+      var str,
+        n = this,
+        s = n.s,
+        e = n.e;
+      // Infinity or NaN?
+      if (e === null) {
+        if (s) {
+          str = 'Infinity';
+          if (s < 0) str = '-' + str;
+        } else {
+          str = 'NaN';
+        }
+      } else {
+        if (b == null) {
+          str = e <= TO_EXP_NEG || e >= TO_EXP_POS
+           ? toExponential(coeffToString(n.c), e)
+           : toFixedPoint(coeffToString(n.c), e, '0');
+        } else if (b === 10) {
+          n = round(new BigNumber(n), DECIMAL_PLACES + e + 1, ROUNDING_MODE);
+          str = toFixedPoint(coeffToString(n.c), n.e, '0');
+        } else {
+          intCheck(b, 2, ALPHABET.length, 'Base');
+          str = convertBase(toFixedPoint(coeffToString(n.c), e, '0'), 10, b, s, true);
+        }
+        if (s < 0 && n.c[0]) str = '-' + str;
+      }
+      return str;
+    };
+    /*
+     * Return as toString, but do not accept a base argument, and include the minus sign for
+     * negative zero.
+     */
+    P.valueOf = P.toJSON = function () {
+      return valueOf(this);
+    };
+    P._isBigNumber = true;
+    if (configObject != null) BigNumber.set(configObject);
+    return BigNumber;
+  }
+  // These functions don't need access to variables,
+  // e.g. DECIMAL_PLACES, in the scope of the `clone` function above.
+  function bitFloor(n) {
+    var i = n | 0;
+    return n > 0 || n === i ? i : i - 1;
+  }
+  // Return a coefficient array as a string of base 10 digits.
+  function coeffToString(a) {
+    var s, z,
+      i = 1,
+      j = a.length,
+      r = a[0] + '';
+    for (; i < j;) {
+      s = a[i++] + '';
+      z = LOG_BASE - s.length;
+      for (; z--; s = '0' + s);
+      r += s;
+    }
+    // Determine trailing zeros.
+    for (j = r.length; r.charCodeAt(--j) === 48;);
+    return r.slice(0, j + 1 || 1);
+  }
+  // Compare the value of BigNumbers x and y.
+  function compare(x, y) {
+    var a, b,
+      xc = x.c,
+      yc = y.c,
+      i = x.s,
+      j = y.s,
+      k = x.e,
+      l = y.e;
+    // Either NaN?
+    if (!i || !j) return null;
+    a = xc && !xc[0];
+    b = yc && !yc[0];
+    // Either zero?
+    if (a || b) return a ? b ? 0 : -j : i;
+    // Signs differ?
+    if (i != j) return i;
+    a = i < 0;
+    b = k == l;
+    // Either Infinity?
+    if (!xc || !yc) return b ? 0 : !xc ^ a ? 1 : -1;
+    // Compare exponents.
+    if (!b) return k > l ^ a ? 1 : -1;
+    j = (k = xc.length) < (l = yc.length) ? k : l;
+    // Compare digit by digit.
+    for (i = 0; i < j; i++) if (xc[i] != yc[i]) return xc[i] > yc[i] ^ a ? 1 : -1;
+    // Compare lengths.
+    return k == l ? 0 : k > l ^ a ? 1 : -1;
+  }
+  /*
+   * Check that n is a primitive number, an integer, and in range, otherwise throw.
+   */
+  function intCheck(n, min, max, name) {
+    if (n < min || n > max || n !== mathfloor(n)) {
+      throw Error
+       (bignumberError + (name || 'Argument') + (typeof n == 'number'
+         ? n < min || n > max ? ' out of range: ' : ' not an integer: '
+         : ' not a primitive number: ') + String(n));
+    }
+  }
+  // Assumes finite n.
+  function isOdd(n) {
+    var k = n.c.length - 1;
+    return bitFloor(n.e / LOG_BASE) == k && n.c[k] % 2 != 0;
+  }
+  function toExponential(str, e) {
+    return (str.length > 1 ? str.charAt(0) + '.' + str.slice(1) : str) +
+     (e < 0 ? 'e' : 'e+') + e;
+  }
+  function toFixedPoint(str, e, z) {
+    var len, zs;
+    // Negative exponent?
+    if (e < 0) {
+      // Prepend zeros.
+      for (zs = z + '.'; ++e; zs += z);
+      str = zs + str;
+    // Positive exponent
+    } else {
+      len = str.length;
+      // Append zeros.
+      if (++e > len) {
+        for (zs = z, e -= len; --e; zs += z);
+        str += zs;
+      } else if (e < len) {
+        str = str.slice(0, e) + '.' + str.slice(e);
+      }
+    }
+    return str;
+  }
+  // EXPORT
+  BigNumber = clone();
+  BigNumber['default'] = BigNumber.BigNumber = BigNumber;
+  // AMD.
+  if (typeof define == 'function' && define.amd) {
+    define(function () { return BigNumber; });
+  // Node.js and other environments that support module.exports.
+  } else if (typeof module != 'undefined' && module.exports) {
+    module.exports = BigNumber;
+  // Browser.
+  } else {
+    if (!globalObject) {
+      globalObject = typeof self != 'undefined' && self ? self : window;
+    }
+    globalObject.BigNumber = BigNumber;
+  }

Різницю між файлами не показано, бо вона завелика
+ 0 - 0

Різницю між файлами не показано, бо вона завелика
+ 0 - 0

+ 2888 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2888 @@
+ *      bignumber.js v9.0.0
+ *      A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic.
+ *      https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js
+ *      Copyright (c) 2019 Michael Mclaughlin <M8ch88l@gmail.com>
+ *      MIT Licensed.
+ *
+ *      BigNumber.prototype methods     |  BigNumber methods
+ *                                      |
+ *      absoluteValue            abs    |  clone
+ *      comparedTo                      |  config               set
+ *      decimalPlaces            dp     |      DECIMAL_PLACES
+ *      dividedBy                div    |      ROUNDING_MODE
+ *      dividedToIntegerBy       idiv   |      EXPONENTIAL_AT
+ *      exponentiatedBy          pow    |      RANGE
+ *      integerValue                    |      CRYPTO
+ *      isEqualTo                eq     |      MODULO_MODE
+ *      isFinite                        |      POW_PRECISION
+ *      isGreaterThan            gt     |      FORMAT
+ *      isGreaterThanOrEqualTo   gte    |      ALPHABET
+ *      isInteger                       |  isBigNumber
+ *      isLessThan               lt     |  maximum              max
+ *      isLessThanOrEqualTo      lte    |  minimum              min
+ *      isNaN                           |  random
+ *      isNegative                      |  sum
+ *      isPositive                      |
+ *      isZero                          |
+ *      minus                           |
+ *      modulo                   mod    |
+ *      multipliedBy             times  |
+ *      negated                         |
+ *      plus                            |
+ *      precision                sd     |
+ *      shiftedBy                       |
+ *      squareRoot               sqrt   |
+ *      toExponential                   |
+ *      toFixed                         |
+ *      toFormat                        |
+ *      toFraction                      |
+ *      toJSON                          |
+ *      toNumber                        |
+ *      toPrecision                     |
+ *      toString                        |
+ *      valueOf                         |
+ *
+ */
+  isNumeric = /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?$/i,
+  mathceil = Math.ceil,
+  mathfloor = Math.floor,
+  bignumberError = '[BigNumber Error] ',
+  tooManyDigits = bignumberError + 'Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: ',
+  BASE = 1e14,
+  LOG_BASE = 14,
+  MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 0x1fffffffffffff,         // 2^53 - 1
+  // MAX_INT32 = 0x7fffffff,                   // 2^31 - 1
+  POWS_TEN = [1, 10, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13],
+  SQRT_BASE = 1e7,
+  // The limit on the value of DECIMAL_PLACES, TO_EXP_NEG, TO_EXP_POS, MIN_EXP, MAX_EXP, and
+  // the arguments to toExponential, toFixed, toFormat, and toPrecision.
+  MAX = 1E9;                                   // 0 to MAX_INT32
+ * Create and return a BigNumber constructor.
+ */
+function clone(configObject) {
+  var div, convertBase, parseNumeric,
+    P = BigNumber.prototype = { constructor: BigNumber, toString: null, valueOf: null },
+    ONE = new BigNumber(1),
+    //----------------------------- EDITABLE CONFIG DEFAULTS -------------------------------
+    // The default values below must be integers within the inclusive ranges stated.
+    // The values can also be changed at run-time using BigNumber.set.
+    // The maximum number of decimal places for operations involving division.
+    DECIMAL_PLACES = 20,                     // 0 to MAX
+    // The rounding mode used when rounding to the above decimal places, and when using
+    // toExponential, toFixed, toFormat and toPrecision, and round (default value).
+    // UP         0 Away from zero.
+    // DOWN       1 Towards zero.
+    // CEIL       2 Towards +Infinity.
+    // FLOOR      3 Towards -Infinity.
+    // HALF_UP    4 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, up.
+    // HALF_DOWN  5 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, down.
+    // HALF_EVEN  6 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, towards even neighbour.
+    // HALF_CEIL  7 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, towards +Infinity.
+    // HALF_FLOOR 8 Towards nearest neighbour. If equidistant, towards -Infinity.
+    ROUNDING_MODE = 4,                       // 0 to 8
+    // The exponent value at and beneath which toString returns exponential notation.
+    // Number type: -7
+    TO_EXP_NEG = -7,                         // 0 to -MAX
+    // The exponent value at and above which toString returns exponential notation.
+    // Number type: 21
+    TO_EXP_POS = 21,                         // 0 to MAX
+    // RANGE : [MIN_EXP, MAX_EXP]
+    // The minimum exponent value, beneath which underflow to zero occurs.
+    // Number type: -324  (5e-324)
+    MIN_EXP = -1e7,                          // -1 to -MAX
+    // The maximum exponent value, above which overflow to Infinity occurs.
+    // Number type:  308  (1.7976931348623157e+308)
+    // For MAX_EXP > 1e7, e.g. new BigNumber('1e100000000').plus(1) may be slow.
+    MAX_EXP = 1e7,                           // 1 to MAX
+    // Whether to use cryptographically-secure random number generation, if available.
+    CRYPTO = false,                          // true or false
+    // The modulo mode used when calculating the modulus: a mod n.
+    // The quotient (q = a / n) is calculated according to the corresponding rounding mode.
+    // The remainder (r) is calculated as: r = a - n * q.
+    //
+    // UP        0 The remainder is positive if the dividend is negative, else is negative.
+    // DOWN      1 The remainder has the same sign as the dividend.
+    //             This modulo mode is commonly known as 'truncated division' and is
+    //             equivalent to (a % n) in JavaScript.
+    // FLOOR     3 The remainder has the same sign as the divisor (Python %).
+    // HALF_EVEN 6 This modulo mode implements the IEEE 754 remainder function.
+    // EUCLID    9 Euclidian division. q = sign(n) * floor(a / abs(n)).
+    //             The remainder is always positive.
+    //
+    // The truncated division, floored division, Euclidian division and IEEE 754 remainder
+    // modes are commonly used for the modulus operation.
+    // Although the other rounding modes can also be used, they may not give useful results.
+    MODULO_MODE = 1,                         // 0 to 9
+    // The maximum number of significant digits of the result of the exponentiatedBy operation.
+    // If POW_PRECISION is 0, there will be unlimited significant digits.
+    POW_PRECISION = 0,                    // 0 to MAX
+    // The format specification used by the BigNumber.prototype.toFormat method.
+    FORMAT = {
+      prefix: '',
+      groupSize: 3,
+      secondaryGroupSize: 0,
+      groupSeparator: ',',
+      decimalSeparator: '.',
+      fractionGroupSize: 0,
+      fractionGroupSeparator: '\xA0',      // non-breaking space
+      suffix: ''
+    },
+    // The alphabet used for base conversion. It must be at least 2 characters long, with no '+',
+    // '-', '.', whitespace, or repeated character.
+    // '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_'
+    ALPHABET = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
+  //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  /*
+   * The BigNumber constructor and exported function.
+   * Create and return a new instance of a BigNumber object.
+   *
+   * v {number|string|BigNumber} A numeric value.
+   * [b] {number} The base of v. Integer, 2 to ALPHABET.length inclusive.
+   */
+  function BigNumber(v, b) {
+    var alphabet, c, caseChanged, e, i, isNum, len, str,
+      x = this;
+    // Enable constructor call without `new`.
+    if (!(x instanceof BigNumber)) return new BigNumber(v, b);
+    if (b == null) {
+      if (v && v._isBigNumber === true) {
+        x.s = v.s;
+        if (!v.c || v.e > MAX_EXP) {
+          x.c = x.e = null;
+        } else if (v.e < MIN_EXP) {
+          x.c = [x.e = 0];
+        } else {
+          x.e = v.e;
+          x.c = v.c.slice();
+        }
+        return;
+      }
+      if ((isNum = typeof v == 'number') && v * 0 == 0) {
+        // Use `1 / n` to handle minus zero also.
+        x.s = 1 / v < 0 ? (v = -v, -1) : 1;
+        // Fast path for integers, where n < 2147483648 (2**31).
+        if (v === ~~v) {
+          for (e = 0, i = v; i >= 10; i /= 10, e++);
+          if (e > MAX_EXP) {
+            x.c = x.e = null;
+          } else {
+            x.e = e;
+            x.c = [v];
+          }
+          return;
+        }
+        str = String(v);
+      } else {
+        if (!isNumeric.test(str = String(v))) return parseNumeric(x, str, isNum);
+        x.s = str.charCodeAt(0) == 45 ? (str = str.slice(1), -1) : 1;
+      }
+      // Decimal point?
+      if ((e = str.indexOf('.')) > -1) str = str.replace('.', '');
+      // Exponential form?
+      if ((i = str.search(/e/i)) > 0) {
+        // Determine exponent.
+        if (e < 0) e = i;
+        e += +str.slice(i + 1);
+        str = str.substring(0, i);
+      } else if (e < 0) {
+        // Integer.
+        e = str.length;
+      }
+    } else {
+      // '[BigNumber Error] Base {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {b}'
+      intCheck(b, 2, ALPHABET.length, 'Base');
+      // Allow exponential notation to be used with base 10 argument, while
+      // also rounding to DECIMAL_PLACES as with other bases.
+      if (b == 10) {
+        x = new BigNumber(v);
+        return round(x, DECIMAL_PLACES + x.e + 1, ROUNDING_MODE);
+      }
+      str = String(v);
+      if (isNum = typeof v == 'number') {
+        // Avoid potential interpretation of Infinity and NaN as base 44+ values.
+        if (v * 0 != 0) return parseNumeric(x, str, isNum, b);
+        x.s = 1 / v < 0 ? (str = str.slice(1), -1) : 1;
+        // '[BigNumber Error] Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: {n}'
+        if (BigNumber.DEBUG && str.replace(/^0\.0*|\./, '').length > 15) {
+          throw Error
+           (tooManyDigits + v);
+        }
+      } else {
+        x.s = str.charCodeAt(0) === 45 ? (str = str.slice(1), -1) : 1;
+      }
+      alphabet = ALPHABET.slice(0, b);
+      e = i = 0;
+      // Check that str is a valid base b number.
+      // Don't use RegExp, so alphabet can contain special characters.
+      for (len = str.length; i < len; i++) {
+        if (alphabet.indexOf(c = str.charAt(i)) < 0) {
+          if (c == '.') {
+            // If '.' is not the first character and it has not be found before.
+            if (i > e) {
+              e = len;
+              continue;
+            }
+          } else if (!caseChanged) {
+            // Allow e.g. hexadecimal 'FF' as well as 'ff'.
+            if (str == str.toUpperCase() && (str = str.toLowerCase()) ||
+                str == str.toLowerCase() && (str = str.toUpperCase())) {
+              caseChanged = true;
+              i = -1;
+              e = 0;
+              continue;
+            }
+          }
+          return parseNumeric(x, String(v), isNum, b);
+        }
+      }
+      // Prevent later check for length on converted number.
+      isNum = false;
+      str = convertBase(str, b, 10, x.s);
+      // Decimal point?
+      if ((e = str.indexOf('.')) > -1) str = str.replace('.', '');
+      else e = str.length;
+    }
+    // Determine leading zeros.
+    for (i = 0; str.charCodeAt(i) === 48; i++);
+    // Determine trailing zeros.
+    for (len = str.length; str.charCodeAt(--len) === 48;);
+    if (str = str.slice(i, ++len)) {
+      len -= i;
+      // '[BigNumber Error] Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: {n}'
+      if (isNum && BigNumber.DEBUG &&
+        len > 15 && (v > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || v !== mathfloor(v))) {
+          throw Error
+           (tooManyDigits + (x.s * v));
+      }
+       // Overflow?
+      if ((e = e - i - 1) > MAX_EXP) {
+        // Infinity.
+        x.c = x.e = null;
+      // Underflow?
+      } else if (e < MIN_EXP) {
+        // Zero.
+        x.c = [x.e = 0];
+      } else {
+        x.e = e;
+        x.c = [];
+        // Transform base
+        // e is the base 10 exponent.
+        // i is where to slice str to get the first element of the coefficient array.
+        i = (e + 1) % LOG_BASE;
+        if (e < 0) i += LOG_BASE;  // i < 1
+        if (i < len) {
+          if (i) x.c.push(+str.slice(0, i));
+          for (len -= LOG_BASE; i < len;) {
+            x.c.push(+str.slice(i, i += LOG_BASE));
+          }
+          i = LOG_BASE - (str = str.slice(i)).length;
+        } else {
+          i -= len;
+        }
+        for (; i--; str += '0');
+        x.c.push(+str);
+      }
+    } else {
+      // Zero.
+      x.c = [x.e = 0];
+    }
+  }
+  BigNumber.clone = clone;
+  BigNumber.ROUND_UP = 0;
+  BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN = 1;
+  BigNumber.ROUND_CEIL = 2;
+  BigNumber.ROUND_FLOOR = 3;
+  BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4;
+  BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5;
+  BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6;
+  BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_CEIL = 7;
+  BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR = 8;
+  BigNumber.EUCLID = 9;
+  /*
+   * Configure infrequently-changing library-wide settings.
+   *
+   * Accept an object with the following optional properties (if the value of a property is
+   * a number, it must be an integer within the inclusive range stated):
+   *
+   *   DECIMAL_PLACES   {number}           0 to MAX
+   *   ROUNDING_MODE    {number}           0 to 8
+   *   EXPONENTIAL_AT   {number|number[]}  -MAX to MAX  or  [-MAX to 0, 0 to MAX]
+   *   RANGE            {number|number[]}  -MAX to MAX (not zero)  or  [-MAX to -1, 1 to MAX]
+   *   CRYPTO           {boolean}          true or false
+   *   MODULO_MODE      {number}           0 to 9
+   *   POW_PRECISION       {number}           0 to MAX
+   *   ALPHABET         {string}           A string of two or more unique characters which does
+   *                                     not contain '.'.
+   *   FORMAT           {object}           An object with some of the following properties:
+   *     prefix                 {string}
+   *     groupSize              {number}
+   *     secondaryGroupSize     {number}
+   *     groupSeparator         {string}
+   *     decimalSeparator       {string}
+   *     fractionGroupSize      {number}
+   *     fractionGroupSeparator {string}
+   *     suffix                 {string}
+   *
+   * (The values assigned to the above FORMAT object properties are not checked for validity.)
+   *
+   * E.g.
+   * BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES : 20, ROUNDING_MODE : 4 })
+   *
+   * Ignore properties/parameters set to null or undefined, except for ALPHABET.
+   *
+   * Return an object with the properties current values.
+   */
+  BigNumber.config = BigNumber.set = function (obj) {
+    var p, v;
+    if (obj != null) {
+      if (typeof obj == 'object') {
+        // DECIMAL_PLACES {number} Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+        // '[BigNumber Error] DECIMAL_PLACES {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'
+        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'DECIMAL_PLACES')) {
+          v = obj[p];
+          intCheck(v, 0, MAX, p);
+          DECIMAL_PLACES = v;
+        }
+        // ROUNDING_MODE {number} Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+        // '[BigNumber Error] ROUNDING_MODE {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'
+        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'ROUNDING_MODE')) {
+          v = obj[p];
+          intCheck(v, 0, 8, p);
+          ROUNDING_MODE = v;
+        }
+        // EXPONENTIAL_AT {number|number[]}
+        // Integer, -MAX to MAX inclusive or
+        // [integer -MAX to 0 inclusive, 0 to MAX inclusive].
+        // '[BigNumber Error] EXPONENTIAL_AT {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'
+        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'EXPONENTIAL_AT')) {
+          v = obj[p];
+          if (v && v.pop) {
+            intCheck(v[0], -MAX, 0, p);
+            intCheck(v[1], 0, MAX, p);
+            TO_EXP_NEG = v[0];
+            TO_EXP_POS = v[1];
+          } else {
+            intCheck(v, -MAX, MAX, p);
+            TO_EXP_NEG = -(TO_EXP_POS = v < 0 ? -v : v);
+          }
+        }
+        // RANGE {number|number[]} Non-zero integer, -MAX to MAX inclusive or
+        // [integer -MAX to -1 inclusive, integer 1 to MAX inclusive].
+        // '[BigNumber Error] RANGE {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range|cannot be zero}: {v}'
+        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'RANGE')) {
+          v = obj[p];
+          if (v && v.pop) {
+            intCheck(v[0], -MAX, -1, p);
+            intCheck(v[1], 1, MAX, p);
+            MIN_EXP = v[0];
+            MAX_EXP = v[1];
+          } else {
+            intCheck(v, -MAX, MAX, p);
+            if (v) {
+              MIN_EXP = -(MAX_EXP = v < 0 ? -v : v);
+            } else {
+              throw Error
+               (bignumberError + p + ' cannot be zero: ' + v);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        // CRYPTO {boolean} true or false.
+        // '[BigNumber Error] CRYPTO not true or false: {v}'
+        // '[BigNumber Error] crypto unavailable'
+        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'CRYPTO')) {
+          v = obj[p];
+          if (v === !!v) {
+            if (v) {
+              if (typeof crypto != 'undefined' && crypto &&
+               (crypto.getRandomValues || crypto.randomBytes)) {
+                CRYPTO = v;
+              } else {
+                CRYPTO = !v;
+                throw Error
+                 (bignumberError + 'crypto unavailable');
+              }
+            } else {
+              CRYPTO = v;
+            }
+          } else {
+            throw Error
+             (bignumberError + p + ' not true or false: ' + v);
+          }
+        }
+        // MODULO_MODE {number} Integer, 0 to 9 inclusive.
+        // '[BigNumber Error] MODULO_MODE {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'
+        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'MODULO_MODE')) {
+          v = obj[p];
+          intCheck(v, 0, 9, p);
+          MODULO_MODE = v;
+        }
+        // POW_PRECISION {number} Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+        // '[BigNumber Error] POW_PRECISION {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {v}'
+        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'POW_PRECISION')) {
+          v = obj[p];
+          intCheck(v, 0, MAX, p);
+          POW_PRECISION = v;
+        }
+        // FORMAT {object}
+        // '[BigNumber Error] FORMAT not an object: {v}'
+        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'FORMAT')) {
+          v = obj[p];
+          if (typeof v == 'object') FORMAT = v;
+          else throw Error
+           (bignumberError + p + ' not an object: ' + v);
+        }
+        // ALPHABET {string}
+        // '[BigNumber Error] ALPHABET invalid: {v}'
+        if (obj.hasOwnProperty(p = 'ALPHABET')) {
+          v = obj[p];
+          // Disallow if only one character,
+          // or if it contains '+', '-', '.', whitespace, or a repeated character.
+          if (typeof v == 'string' && !/^.$|[+-.\s]|(.).*\1/.test(v)) {
+            ALPHABET = v;
+          } else {
+            throw Error
+             (bignumberError + p + ' invalid: ' + v);
+          }
+        }
+      } else {
+        // '[BigNumber Error] Object expected: {v}'
+        throw Error
+         (bignumberError + 'Object expected: ' + obj);
+      }
+    }
+    return {
+    };
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return true if v is a BigNumber instance, otherwise return false.
+   *
+   * If BigNumber.DEBUG is true, throw if a BigNumber instance is not well-formed.
+   *
+   * v {any}
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Invalid BigNumber: {v}'
+   */
+  BigNumber.isBigNumber = function (v) {
+    if (!v || v._isBigNumber !== true) return false;
+    if (!BigNumber.DEBUG) return true;
+    var i, n,
+      c = v.c,
+      e = v.e,
+      s = v.s;
+    out: if ({}.toString.call(c) == '[object Array]') {
+      if ((s === 1 || s === -1) && e >= -MAX && e <= MAX && e === mathfloor(e)) {
+        // If the first element is zero, the BigNumber value must be zero.
+        if (c[0] === 0) {
+          if (e === 0 && c.length === 1) return true;
+          break out;
+        }
+        // Calculate number of digits that c[0] should have, based on the exponent.
+        i = (e + 1) % LOG_BASE;
+        if (i < 1) i += LOG_BASE;
+        // Calculate number of digits of c[0].
+        //if (Math.ceil(Math.log(c[0] + 1) / Math.LN10) == i) {
+        if (String(c[0]).length == i) {
+          for (i = 0; i < c.length; i++) {
+            n = c[i];
+            if (n < 0 || n >= BASE || n !== mathfloor(n)) break out;
+          }
+          // Last element cannot be zero, unless it is the only element.
+          if (n !== 0) return true;
+        }
+      }
+    // Infinity/NaN
+    } else if (c === null && e === null && (s === null || s === 1 || s === -1)) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    throw Error
+      (bignumberError + 'Invalid BigNumber: ' + v);
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the maximum of the arguments.
+   *
+   * arguments {number|string|BigNumber}
+   */
+  BigNumber.maximum = BigNumber.max = function () {
+    return maxOrMin(arguments, P.lt);
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the minimum of the arguments.
+   *
+   * arguments {number|string|BigNumber}
+   */
+  BigNumber.minimum = BigNumber.min = function () {
+    return maxOrMin(arguments, P.gt);
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a new BigNumber with a random value equal to or greater than 0 and less than 1,
+   * and with dp, or DECIMAL_PLACES if dp is omitted, decimal places (or less if trailing
+   * zeros are produced).
+   *
+   * [dp] {number} Decimal places. Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp}'
+   * '[BigNumber Error] crypto unavailable'
+   */
+  BigNumber.random = (function () {
+    var pow2_53 = 0x20000000000000;
+    // Return a 53 bit integer n, where 0 <= n < 9007199254740992.
+    // Check if Math.random() produces more than 32 bits of randomness.
+    // If it does, assume at least 53 bits are produced, otherwise assume at least 30 bits.
+    // 0x40000000 is 2^30, 0x800000 is 2^23, 0x1fffff is 2^21 - 1.
+    var random53bitInt = (Math.random() * pow2_53) & 0x1fffff
+     ? function () { return mathfloor(Math.random() * pow2_53); }
+     : function () { return ((Math.random() * 0x40000000 | 0) * 0x800000) +
+       (Math.random() * 0x800000 | 0); };
+    return function (dp) {
+      var a, b, e, k, v,
+        i = 0,
+        c = [],
+        rand = new BigNumber(ONE);
+      if (dp == null) dp = DECIMAL_PLACES;
+      else intCheck(dp, 0, MAX);
+      k = mathceil(dp / LOG_BASE);
+      if (CRYPTO) {
+        // Browsers supporting crypto.getRandomValues.
+        if (crypto.getRandomValues) {
+          a = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(k *= 2));
+          for (; i < k;) {
+            // 53 bits:
+            // ((Math.pow(2, 32) - 1) * Math.pow(2, 21)).toString(2)
+            // 11111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11100000 00000000 00000000
+            // ((Math.pow(2, 32) - 1) >>> 11).toString(2)
+            //                                     11111 11111111 11111111
+            // 0x20000 is 2^21.
+            v = a[i] * 0x20000 + (a[i + 1] >>> 11);
+            // Rejection sampling:
+            // 0 <= v < 9007199254740992
+            // Probability that v >= 9e15, is
+            // 7199254740992 / 9007199254740992 ~= 0.0008, i.e. 1 in 1251
+            if (v >= 9e15) {
+              b = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(2));
+              a[i] = b[0];
+              a[i + 1] = b[1];
+            } else {
+              // 0 <= v <= 8999999999999999
+              // 0 <= (v % 1e14) <= 99999999999999
+              c.push(v % 1e14);
+              i += 2;
+            }
+          }
+          i = k / 2;
+        // Node.js supporting crypto.randomBytes.
+        } else if (crypto.randomBytes) {
+          // buffer
+          a = crypto.randomBytes(k *= 7);
+          for (; i < k;) {
+            // 0x1000000000000 is 2^48, 0x10000000000 is 2^40
+            // 0x100000000 is 2^32, 0x1000000 is 2^24
+            // 11111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
+            // 0 <= v < 9007199254740992
+            v = ((a[i] & 31) * 0x1000000000000) + (a[i + 1] * 0x10000000000) +
+               (a[i + 2] * 0x100000000) + (a[i + 3] * 0x1000000) +
+               (a[i + 4] << 16) + (a[i + 5] << 8) + a[i + 6];
+            if (v >= 9e15) {
+              crypto.randomBytes(7).copy(a, i);
+            } else {
+              // 0 <= (v % 1e14) <= 99999999999999
+              c.push(v % 1e14);
+              i += 7;
+            }
+          }
+          i = k / 7;
+        } else {
+          CRYPTO = false;
+          throw Error
+           (bignumberError + 'crypto unavailable');
+        }
+      }
+      // Use Math.random.
+      if (!CRYPTO) {
+        for (; i < k;) {
+          v = random53bitInt();
+          if (v < 9e15) c[i++] = v % 1e14;
+        }
+      }
+      k = c[--i];
+      dp %= LOG_BASE;
+      // Convert trailing digits to zeros according to dp.
+      if (k && dp) {
+        v = POWS_TEN[LOG_BASE - dp];
+        c[i] = mathfloor(k / v) * v;
+      }
+      // Remove trailing elements which are zero.
+      for (; c[i] === 0; c.pop(), i--);
+      // Zero?
+      if (i < 0) {
+        c = [e = 0];
+      } else {
+        // Remove leading elements which are zero and adjust exponent accordingly.
+        for (e = -1 ; c[0] === 0; c.splice(0, 1), e -= LOG_BASE);
+        // Count the digits of the first element of c to determine leading zeros, and...
+        for (i = 1, v = c[0]; v >= 10; v /= 10, i++);
+        // adjust the exponent accordingly.
+        if (i < LOG_BASE) e -= LOG_BASE - i;
+      }
+      rand.e = e;
+      rand.c = c;
+      return rand;
+    };
+  })();
+   /*
+   * Return a BigNumber whose value is the sum of the arguments.
+   *
+   * arguments {number|string|BigNumber}
+   */
+  BigNumber.sum = function () {
+    var i = 1,
+      args = arguments,
+      sum = new BigNumber(args[0]);
+    for (; i < args.length;) sum = sum.plus(args[i++]);
+    return sum;
+  };
+  // Called by BigNumber and BigNumber.prototype.toString.
+  convertBase = (function () {
+    var decimal = '0123456789';
+    /*
+     * Convert string of baseIn to an array of numbers of baseOut.
+     * Eg. toBaseOut('255', 10, 16) returns [15, 15].
+     * Eg. toBaseOut('ff', 16, 10) returns [2, 5, 5].
+     */
+    function toBaseOut(str, baseIn, baseOut, alphabet) {
+      var j,
+        arr = [0],
+        arrL,
+        i = 0,
+        len = str.length;
+      for (; i < len;) {
+        for (arrL = arr.length; arrL--; arr[arrL] *= baseIn);
+        arr[0] += alphabet.indexOf(str.charAt(i++));
+        for (j = 0; j < arr.length; j++) {
+          if (arr[j] > baseOut - 1) {
+            if (arr[j + 1] == null) arr[j + 1] = 0;
+            arr[j + 1] += arr[j] / baseOut | 0;
+            arr[j] %= baseOut;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return arr.reverse();
+    }
+    // Convert a numeric string of baseIn to a numeric string of baseOut.
+    // If the caller is toString, we are converting from base 10 to baseOut.
+    // If the caller is BigNumber, we are converting from baseIn to base 10.
+    return function (str, baseIn, baseOut, sign, callerIsToString) {
+      var alphabet, d, e, k, r, x, xc, y,
+        i = str.indexOf('.'),
+        dp = DECIMAL_PLACES,
+        rm = ROUNDING_MODE;
+      // Non-integer.
+      if (i >= 0) {
+        k = POW_PRECISION;
+        // Unlimited precision.
+        POW_PRECISION = 0;
+        str = str.replace('.', '');
+        y = new BigNumber(baseIn);
+        x = y.pow(str.length - i);
+        POW_PRECISION = k;
+        // Convert str as if an integer, then restore the fraction part by dividing the
+        // result by its base raised to a power.
+        y.c = toBaseOut(toFixedPoint(coeffToString(x.c), x.e, '0'),
+         10, baseOut, decimal);
+        y.e = y.c.length;
+      }
+      // Convert the number as integer.
+      xc = toBaseOut(str, baseIn, baseOut, callerIsToString
+       ? (alphabet = ALPHABET, decimal)
+       : (alphabet = decimal, ALPHABET));
+      // xc now represents str as an integer and converted to baseOut. e is the exponent.
+      e = k = xc.length;
+      // Remove trailing zeros.
+      for (; xc[--k] == 0; xc.pop());
+      // Zero?
+      if (!xc[0]) return alphabet.charAt(0);
+      // Does str represent an integer? If so, no need for the division.
+      if (i < 0) {
+        --e;
+      } else {
+        x.c = xc;
+        x.e = e;
+        // The sign is needed for correct rounding.
+        x.s = sign;
+        x = div(x, y, dp, rm, baseOut);
+        xc = x.c;
+        r = x.r;
+        e = x.e;
+      }
+      // xc now represents str converted to baseOut.
+      // THe index of the rounding digit.
+      d = e + dp + 1;
+      // The rounding digit: the digit to the right of the digit that may be rounded up.
+      i = xc[d];
+      // Look at the rounding digits and mode to determine whether to round up.
+      k = baseOut / 2;
+      r = r || d < 0 || xc[d + 1] != null;
+      r = rm < 4 ? (i != null || r) && (rm == 0 || rm == (x.s < 0 ? 3 : 2))
+            : i > k || i == k &&(rm == 4 || r || rm == 6 && xc[d - 1] & 1 ||
+             rm == (x.s < 0 ? 8 : 7));
+      // If the index of the rounding digit is not greater than zero, or xc represents
+      // zero, then the result of the base conversion is zero or, if rounding up, a value
+      // such as 0.00001.
+      if (d < 1 || !xc[0]) {
+        // 1^-dp or 0
+        str = r ? toFixedPoint(alphabet.charAt(1), -dp, alphabet.charAt(0)) : alphabet.charAt(0);
+      } else {
+        // Truncate xc to the required number of decimal places.
+        xc.length = d;
+        // Round up?
+        if (r) {
+          // Rounding up may mean the previous digit has to be rounded up and so on.
+          for (--baseOut; ++xc[--d] > baseOut;) {
+            xc[d] = 0;
+            if (!d) {
+              ++e;
+              xc = [1].concat(xc);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        // Determine trailing zeros.
+        for (k = xc.length; !xc[--k];);
+        // E.g. [4, 11, 15] becomes 4bf.
+        for (i = 0, str = ''; i <= k; str += alphabet.charAt(xc[i++]));
+        // Add leading zeros, decimal point and trailing zeros as required.
+        str = toFixedPoint(str, e, alphabet.charAt(0));
+      }
+      // The caller will add the sign.
+      return str;
+    };
+  })();
+  // Perform division in the specified base. Called by div and convertBase.
+  div = (function () {
+    // Assume non-zero x and k.
+    function multiply(x, k, base) {
+      var m, temp, xlo, xhi,
+        carry = 0,
+        i = x.length,
+        klo = k % SQRT_BASE,
+        khi = k / SQRT_BASE | 0;
+      for (x = x.slice(); i--;) {
+        xlo = x[i] % SQRT_BASE;
+        xhi = x[i] / SQRT_BASE | 0;
+        m = khi * xlo + xhi * klo;
+        temp = klo * xlo + ((m % SQRT_BASE) * SQRT_BASE) + carry;
+        carry = (temp / base | 0) + (m / SQRT_BASE | 0) + khi * xhi;
+        x[i] = temp % base;
+      }
+      if (carry) x = [carry].concat(x);
+      return x;
+    }
+    function compare(a, b, aL, bL) {
+      var i, cmp;
+      if (aL != bL) {
+        cmp = aL > bL ? 1 : -1;
+      } else {
+        for (i = cmp = 0; i < aL; i++) {
+          if (a[i] != b[i]) {
+            cmp = a[i] > b[i] ? 1 : -1;
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return cmp;
+    }
+    function subtract(a, b, aL, base) {
+      var i = 0;
+      // Subtract b from a.
+      for (; aL--;) {
+        a[aL] -= i;
+        i = a[aL] < b[aL] ? 1 : 0;
+        a[aL] = i * base + a[aL] - b[aL];
+      }
+      // Remove leading zeros.
+      for (; !a[0] && a.length > 1; a.splice(0, 1));
+    }
+    // x: dividend, y: divisor.
+    return function (x, y, dp, rm, base) {
+      var cmp, e, i, more, n, prod, prodL, q, qc, rem, remL, rem0, xi, xL, yc0,
+        yL, yz,
+        s = x.s == y.s ? 1 : -1,
+        xc = x.c,
+        yc = y.c;
+      // Either NaN, Infinity or 0?
+      if (!xc || !xc[0] || !yc || !yc[0]) {
+        return new BigNumber(
+         // Return NaN if either NaN, or both Infinity or 0.
+         !x.s || !y.s || (xc ? yc && xc[0] == yc[0] : !yc) ? NaN :
+          // Return ±0 if x is ±0 or y is ±Infinity, or return ±Infinity as y is ±0.
+          xc && xc[0] == 0 || !yc ? s * 0 : s / 0
+       );
+      }
+      q = new BigNumber(s);
+      qc = q.c = [];
+      e = x.e - y.e;
+      s = dp + e + 1;
+      if (!base) {
+        base = BASE;
+        e = bitFloor(x.e / LOG_BASE) - bitFloor(y.e / LOG_BASE);
+        s = s / LOG_BASE | 0;
+      }
+      // Result exponent may be one less then the current value of e.
+      // The coefficients of the BigNumbers from convertBase may have trailing zeros.
+      for (i = 0; yc[i] == (xc[i] || 0); i++);
+      if (yc[i] > (xc[i] || 0)) e--;
+      if (s < 0) {
+        qc.push(1);
+        more = true;
+      } else {
+        xL = xc.length;
+        yL = yc.length;
+        i = 0;
+        s += 2;
+        // Normalise xc and yc so highest order digit of yc is >= base / 2.
+        n = mathfloor(base / (yc[0] + 1));
+        // Not necessary, but to handle odd bases where yc[0] == (base / 2) - 1.
+        // if (n > 1 || n++ == 1 && yc[0] < base / 2) {
+        if (n > 1) {
+          yc = multiply(yc, n, base);
+          xc = multiply(xc, n, base);
+          yL = yc.length;
+          xL = xc.length;
+        }
+        xi = yL;
+        rem = xc.slice(0, yL);
+        remL = rem.length;
+        // Add zeros to make remainder as long as divisor.
+        for (; remL < yL; rem[remL++] = 0);
+        yz = yc.slice();
+        yz = [0].concat(yz);
+        yc0 = yc[0];
+        if (yc[1] >= base / 2) yc0++;
+        // Not necessary, but to prevent trial digit n > base, when using base 3.
+        // else if (base == 3 && yc0 == 1) yc0 = 1 + 1e-15;
+        do {
+          n = 0;
+          // Compare divisor and remainder.
+          cmp = compare(yc, rem, yL, remL);
+          // If divisor < remainder.
+          if (cmp < 0) {
+            // Calculate trial digit, n.
+            rem0 = rem[0];
+            if (yL != remL) rem0 = rem0 * base + (rem[1] || 0);
+            // n is how many times the divisor goes into the current remainder.
+            n = mathfloor(rem0 / yc0);
+            //  Algorithm:
+            //  product = divisor multiplied by trial digit (n).
+            //  Compare product and remainder.
+            //  If product is greater than remainder:
+            //    Subtract divisor from product, decrement trial digit.
+            //  Subtract product from remainder.
+            //  If product was less than remainder at the last compare:
+            //    Compare new remainder and divisor.
+            //    If remainder is greater than divisor:
+            //      Subtract divisor from remainder, increment trial digit.
+            if (n > 1) {
+              // n may be > base only when base is 3.
+              if (n >= base) n = base - 1;
+              // product = divisor * trial digit.
+              prod = multiply(yc, n, base);
+              prodL = prod.length;
+              remL = rem.length;
+              // Compare product and remainder.
+              // If product > remainder then trial digit n too high.
+              // n is 1 too high about 5% of the time, and is not known to have
+              // ever been more than 1 too high.
+              while (compare(prod, rem, prodL, remL) == 1) {
+                n--;
+                // Subtract divisor from product.
+                subtract(prod, yL < prodL ? yz : yc, prodL, base);
+                prodL = prod.length;
+                cmp = 1;
+              }
+            } else {
+              // n is 0 or 1, cmp is -1.
+              // If n is 0, there is no need to compare yc and rem again below,
+              // so change cmp to 1 to avoid it.
+              // If n is 1, leave cmp as -1, so yc and rem are compared again.
+              if (n == 0) {
+                // divisor < remainder, so n must be at least 1.
+                cmp = n = 1;
+              }
+              // product = divisor
+              prod = yc.slice();
+              prodL = prod.length;
+            }
+            if (prodL < remL) prod = [0].concat(prod);
+            // Subtract product from remainder.
+            subtract(rem, prod, remL, base);
+            remL = rem.length;
+             // If product was < remainder.
+            if (cmp == -1) {
+              // Compare divisor and new remainder.
+              // If divisor < new remainder, subtract divisor from remainder.
+              // Trial digit n too low.
+              // n is 1 too low about 5% of the time, and very rarely 2 too low.
+              while (compare(yc, rem, yL, remL) < 1) {
+                n++;
+                // Subtract divisor from remainder.
+                subtract(rem, yL < remL ? yz : yc, remL, base);
+                remL = rem.length;
+              }
+            }
+          } else if (cmp === 0) {
+            n++;
+            rem = [0];
+          } // else cmp === 1 and n will be 0
+          // Add the next digit, n, to the result array.
+          qc[i++] = n;
+          // Update the remainder.
+          if (rem[0]) {
+            rem[remL++] = xc[xi] || 0;
+          } else {
+            rem = [xc[xi]];
+            remL = 1;
+          }
+        } while ((xi++ < xL || rem[0] != null) && s--);
+        more = rem[0] != null;
+        // Leading zero?
+        if (!qc[0]) qc.splice(0, 1);
+      }
+      if (base == BASE) {
+        // To calculate q.e, first get the number of digits of qc[0].
+        for (i = 1, s = qc[0]; s >= 10; s /= 10, i++);
+        round(q, dp + (q.e = i + e * LOG_BASE - 1) + 1, rm, more);
+      // Caller is convertBase.
+      } else {
+        q.e = e;
+        q.r = +more;
+      }
+      return q;
+    };
+  })();
+  /*
+   * Return a string representing the value of BigNumber n in fixed-point or exponential
+   * notation rounded to the specified decimal places or significant digits.
+   *
+   * n: a BigNumber.
+   * i: the index of the last digit required (i.e. the digit that may be rounded up).
+   * rm: the rounding mode.
+   * id: 1 (toExponential) or 2 (toPrecision).
+   */
+  function format(n, i, rm, id) {
+    var c0, e, ne, len, str;
+    if (rm == null) rm = ROUNDING_MODE;
+    else intCheck(rm, 0, 8);
+    if (!n.c) return n.toString();
+    c0 = n.c[0];
+    ne = n.e;
+    if (i == null) {
+      str = coeffToString(n.c);
+      str = id == 1 || id == 2 && (ne <= TO_EXP_NEG || ne >= TO_EXP_POS)
+       ? toExponential(str, ne)
+       : toFixedPoint(str, ne, '0');
+    } else {
+      n = round(new BigNumber(n), i, rm);
+      // n.e may have changed if the value was rounded up.
+      e = n.e;
+      str = coeffToString(n.c);
+      len = str.length;
+      // toPrecision returns exponential notation if the number of significant digits
+      // specified is less than the number of digits necessary to represent the integer
+      // part of the value in fixed-point notation.
+      // Exponential notation.
+      if (id == 1 || id == 2 && (i <= e || e <= TO_EXP_NEG)) {
+        // Append zeros?
+        for (; len < i; str += '0', len++);
+        str = toExponential(str, e);
+      // Fixed-point notation.
+      } else {
+        i -= ne;
+        str = toFixedPoint(str, e, '0');
+        // Append zeros?
+        if (e + 1 > len) {
+          if (--i > 0) for (str += '.'; i--; str += '0');
+        } else {
+          i += e - len;
+          if (i > 0) {
+            if (e + 1 == len) str += '.';
+            for (; i--; str += '0');
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return n.s < 0 && c0 ? '-' + str : str;
+  }
+  // Handle BigNumber.max and BigNumber.min.
+  function maxOrMin(args, method) {
+    var n,
+      i = 1,
+      m = new BigNumber(args[0]);
+    for (; i < args.length; i++) {
+      n = new BigNumber(args[i]);
+      // If any number is NaN, return NaN.
+      if (!n.s) {
+        m = n;
+        break;
+      } else if (method.call(m, n)) {
+        m = n;
+      }
+    }
+    return m;
+  }
+  /*
+   * Strip trailing zeros, calculate base 10 exponent and check against MIN_EXP and MAX_EXP.
+   * Called by minus, plus and times.
+   */
+  function normalise(n, c, e) {
+    var i = 1,
+      j = c.length;
+     // Remove trailing zeros.
+    for (; !c[--j]; c.pop());
+    // Calculate the base 10 exponent. First get the number of digits of c[0].
+    for (j = c[0]; j >= 10; j /= 10, i++);
+    // Overflow?
+    if ((e = i + e * LOG_BASE - 1) > MAX_EXP) {
+      // Infinity.
+      n.c = n.e = null;
+    // Underflow?
+    } else if (e < MIN_EXP) {
+      // Zero.
+      n.c = [n.e = 0];
+    } else {
+      n.e = e;
+      n.c = c;
+    }
+    return n;
+  }
+  // Handle values that fail the validity test in BigNumber.
+  parseNumeric = (function () {
+    var basePrefix = /^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\w[\w.]*$)/i,
+      dotAfter = /^([^.]+)\.$/,
+      dotBefore = /^\.([^.]+)$/,
+      isInfinityOrNaN = /^-?(Infinity|NaN)$/,
+      whitespaceOrPlus = /^\s*\+(?=[\w.])|^\s+|\s+$/g;
+    return function (x, str, isNum, b) {
+      var base,
+        s = isNum ? str : str.replace(whitespaceOrPlus, '');
+      // No exception on ±Infinity or NaN.
+      if (isInfinityOrNaN.test(s)) {
+        x.s = isNaN(s) ? null : s < 0 ? -1 : 1;
+      } else {
+        if (!isNum) {
+          // basePrefix = /^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\w[\w.]*$)/i
+          s = s.replace(basePrefix, function (m, p1, p2) {
+            base = (p2 = p2.toLowerCase()) == 'x' ? 16 : p2 == 'b' ? 2 : 8;
+            return !b || b == base ? p1 : m;
+          });
+          if (b) {
+            base = b;
+            // E.g. '1.' to '1', '.1' to '0.1'
+            s = s.replace(dotAfter, '$1').replace(dotBefore, '0.$1');
+          }
+          if (str != s) return new BigNumber(s, base);
+        }
+        // '[BigNumber Error] Not a number: {n}'
+        // '[BigNumber Error] Not a base {b} number: {n}'
+        if (BigNumber.DEBUG) {
+          throw Error
+            (bignumberError + 'Not a' + (b ? ' base ' + b : '') + ' number: ' + str);
+        }
+        // NaN
+        x.s = null;
+      }
+      x.c = x.e = null;
+    }
+  })();
+  /*
+   * Round x to sd significant digits using rounding mode rm. Check for over/under-flow.
+   * If r is truthy, it is known that there are more digits after the rounding digit.
+   */
+  function round(x, sd, rm, r) {
+    var d, i, j, k, n, ni, rd,
+      xc = x.c,
+      pows10 = POWS_TEN;
+    // if x is not Infinity or NaN...
+    if (xc) {
+      // rd is the rounding digit, i.e. the digit after the digit that may be rounded up.
+      // n is a base 1e14 number, the value of the element of array x.c containing rd.
+      // ni is the index of n within x.c.
+      // d is the number of digits of n.
+      // i is the index of rd within n including leading zeros.
+      // j is the actual index of rd within n (if < 0, rd is a leading zero).
+      out: {
+        // Get the number of digits of the first element of xc.
+        for (d = 1, k = xc[0]; k >= 10; k /= 10, d++);
+        i = sd - d;
+        // If the rounding digit is in the first element of xc...
+        if (i < 0) {
+          i += LOG_BASE;
+          j = sd;
+          n = xc[ni = 0];
+          // Get the rounding digit at index j of n.
+          rd = n / pows10[d - j - 1] % 10 | 0;
+        } else {
+          ni = mathceil((i + 1) / LOG_BASE);
+          if (ni >= xc.length) {
+            if (r) {
+              // Needed by sqrt.
+              for (; xc.length <= ni; xc.push(0));
+              n = rd = 0;
+              d = 1;
+              i %= LOG_BASE;
+              j = i - LOG_BASE + 1;
+            } else {
+              break out;
+            }
+          } else {
+            n = k = xc[ni];
+            // Get the number of digits of n.
+            for (d = 1; k >= 10; k /= 10, d++);
+            // Get the index of rd within n.
+            i %= LOG_BASE;
+            // Get the index of rd within n, adjusted for leading zeros.
+            // The number of leading zeros of n is given by LOG_BASE - d.
+            j = i - LOG_BASE + d;
+            // Get the rounding digit at index j of n.
+            rd = j < 0 ? 0 : n / pows10[d - j - 1] % 10 | 0;
+          }
+        }
+        r = r || sd < 0 ||
+        // Are there any non-zero digits after the rounding digit?
+        // The expression  n % pows10[d - j - 1]  returns all digits of n to the right
+        // of the digit at j, e.g. if n is 908714 and j is 2, the expression gives 714.
+         xc[ni + 1] != null || (j < 0 ? n : n % pows10[d - j - 1]);
+        r = rm < 4
+         ? (rd || r) && (rm == 0 || rm == (x.s < 0 ? 3 : 2))
+         : rd > 5 || rd == 5 && (rm == 4 || r || rm == 6 &&
+          // Check whether the digit to the left of the rounding digit is odd.
+          ((i > 0 ? j > 0 ? n / pows10[d - j] : 0 : xc[ni - 1]) % 10) & 1 ||
+           rm == (x.s < 0 ? 8 : 7));
+        if (sd < 1 || !xc[0]) {
+          xc.length = 0;
+          if (r) {
+            // Convert sd to decimal places.
+            sd -= x.e + 1;
+            // 1, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 etc.
+            xc[0] = pows10[(LOG_BASE - sd % LOG_BASE) % LOG_BASE];
+            x.e = -sd || 0;
+          } else {
+            // Zero.
+            xc[0] = x.e = 0;
+          }
+          return x;
+        }
+        // Remove excess digits.
+        if (i == 0) {
+          xc.length = ni;
+          k = 1;
+          ni--;
+        } else {
+          xc.length = ni + 1;
+          k = pows10[LOG_BASE - i];
+          // E.g. 56700 becomes 56000 if 7 is the rounding digit.
+          // j > 0 means i > number of leading zeros of n.
+          xc[ni] = j > 0 ? mathfloor(n / pows10[d - j] % pows10[j]) * k : 0;
+        }
+        // Round up?
+        if (r) {
+          for (; ;) {
+            // If the digit to be rounded up is in the first element of xc...
+            if (ni == 0) {
+              // i will be the length of xc[0] before k is added.
+              for (i = 1, j = xc[0]; j >= 10; j /= 10, i++);
+              j = xc[0] += k;
+              for (k = 1; j >= 10; j /= 10, k++);
+              // if i != k the length has increased.
+              if (i != k) {
+                x.e++;
+                if (xc[0] == BASE) xc[0] = 1;
+              }
+              break;
+            } else {
+              xc[ni] += k;
+              if (xc[ni] != BASE) break;
+              xc[ni--] = 0;
+              k = 1;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        // Remove trailing zeros.
+        for (i = xc.length; xc[--i] === 0; xc.pop());
+      }
+      // Overflow? Infinity.
+      if (x.e > MAX_EXP) {
+        x.c = x.e = null;
+      // Underflow? Zero.
+      } else if (x.e < MIN_EXP) {
+        x.c = [x.e = 0];
+      }
+    }
+    return x;
+  }
+  function valueOf(n) {
+    var str,
+      e = n.e;
+    if (e === null) return n.toString();
+    str = coeffToString(n.c);
+    str = e <= TO_EXP_NEG || e >= TO_EXP_POS
+      ? toExponential(str, e)
+      : toFixedPoint(str, e, '0');
+    return n.s < 0 ? '-' + str : str;
+  }
+  /*
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the absolute value of this BigNumber.
+   */
+  P.absoluteValue = P.abs = function () {
+    var x = new BigNumber(this);
+    if (x.s < 0) x.s = 1;
+    return x;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return
+   *   1 if the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of BigNumber(y, b),
+   *   -1 if the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of BigNumber(y, b),
+   *   0 if they have the same value,
+   *   or null if the value of either is NaN.
+   */
+  P.comparedTo = function (y, b) {
+    return compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b));
+  };
+  /*
+   * If dp is undefined or null or true or false, return the number of decimal places of the
+   * value of this BigNumber, or null if the value of this BigNumber is ±Infinity or NaN.
+   *
+   * Otherwise, if dp is a number, return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this
+   * BigNumber rounded to a maximum of dp decimal places using rounding mode rm, or
+   * ROUNDING_MODE if rm is omitted.
+   *
+   * [dp] {number} Decimal places: integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+   * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp|rm}'
+   */
+  P.decimalPlaces = P.dp = function (dp, rm) {
+    var c, n, v,
+      x = this;
+    if (dp != null) {
+      intCheck(dp, 0, MAX);
+      if (rm == null) rm = ROUNDING_MODE;
+      else intCheck(rm, 0, 8);
+      return round(new BigNumber(x), dp + x.e + 1, rm);
+    }
+    if (!(c = x.c)) return null;
+    n = ((v = c.length - 1) - bitFloor(this.e / LOG_BASE)) * LOG_BASE;
+    // Subtract the number of trailing zeros of the last number.
+    if (v = c[v]) for (; v % 10 == 0; v /= 10, n--);
+    if (n < 0) n = 0;
+    return n;
+  };
+  /*
+   *  n / 0 = I
+   *  n / N = N
+   *  n / I = 0
+   *  0 / n = 0
+   *  0 / 0 = N
+   *  0 / N = N
+   *  0 / I = 0
+   *  N / n = N
+   *  N / 0 = N
+   *  N / N = N
+   *  N / I = N
+   *  I / n = I
+   *  I / 0 = I
+   *  I / N = N
+   *  I / I = N
+   *
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber divided by the value of
+   * BigNumber(y, b), rounded according to DECIMAL_PLACES and ROUNDING_MODE.
+   */
+  P.dividedBy = P.div = function (y, b) {
+    return div(this, new BigNumber(y, b), DECIMAL_PLACES, ROUNDING_MODE);
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the integer part of dividing the value of this
+   * BigNumber by the value of BigNumber(y, b).
+   */
+  P.dividedToIntegerBy = P.idiv = function (y, b) {
+    return div(this, new BigNumber(y, b), 0, 1);
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber exponentiated by n.
+   *
+   * If m is present, return the result modulo m.
+   * If n is negative round according to DECIMAL_PLACES and ROUNDING_MODE.
+   * If POW_PRECISION is non-zero and m is not present, round to POW_PRECISION using ROUNDING_MODE.
+   *
+   * The modular power operation works efficiently when x, n, and m are integers, otherwise it
+   * is equivalent to calculating x.exponentiatedBy(n).modulo(m) with a POW_PRECISION of 0.
+   *
+   * n {number|string|BigNumber} The exponent. An integer.
+   * [m] {number|string|BigNumber} The modulus.
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Exponent not an integer: {n}'
+   */
+  P.exponentiatedBy = P.pow = function (n, m) {
+    var half, isModExp, i, k, more, nIsBig, nIsNeg, nIsOdd, y,
+      x = this;
+    n = new BigNumber(n);
+    // Allow NaN and ±Infinity, but not other non-integers.
+    if (n.c && !n.isInteger()) {
+      throw Error
+        (bignumberError + 'Exponent not an integer: ' + valueOf(n));
+    }
+    if (m != null) m = new BigNumber(m);
+    // Exponent of MAX_SAFE_INTEGER is 15.
+    nIsBig = n.e > 14;
+    // If x is NaN, ±Infinity, ±0 or ±1, or n is ±Infinity, NaN or ±0.
+    if (!x.c || !x.c[0] || x.c[0] == 1 && !x.e && x.c.length == 1 || !n.c || !n.c[0]) {
+      // The sign of the result of pow when x is negative depends on the evenness of n.
+      // If +n overflows to ±Infinity, the evenness of n would be not be known.
+      y = new BigNumber(Math.pow(+valueOf(x), nIsBig ? 2 - isOdd(n) : +valueOf(n)));
+      return m ? y.mod(m) : y;
+    }
+    nIsNeg = n.s < 0;
+    if (m) {
+      // x % m returns NaN if abs(m) is zero, or m is NaN.
+      if (m.c ? !m.c[0] : !m.s) return new BigNumber(NaN);
+      isModExp = !nIsNeg && x.isInteger() && m.isInteger();
+      if (isModExp) x = x.mod(m);
+    // Overflow to ±Infinity: >=2**1e10 or >=1.0000024**1e15.
+    // Underflow to ±0: <=0.79**1e10 or <=0.9999975**1e15.
+    } else if (n.e > 9 && (x.e > 0 || x.e < -1 || (x.e == 0
+      // [1, 240000000]
+      ? x.c[0] > 1 || nIsBig && x.c[1] >= 24e7
+      // [80000000000000]  [99999750000000]
+      : x.c[0] < 8e13 || nIsBig && x.c[0] <= 9999975e7))) {
+      // If x is negative and n is odd, k = -0, else k = 0.
+      k = x.s < 0 && isOdd(n) ? -0 : 0;
+      // If x >= 1, k = ±Infinity.
+      if (x.e > -1) k = 1 / k;
+      // If n is negative return ±0, else return ±Infinity.
+      return new BigNumber(nIsNeg ? 1 / k : k);
+    } else if (POW_PRECISION) {
+      // Truncating each coefficient array to a length of k after each multiplication
+      // equates to truncating significant digits to POW_PRECISION + [28, 41],
+      // i.e. there will be a minimum of 28 guard digits retained.
+      k = mathceil(POW_PRECISION / LOG_BASE + 2);
+    }
+    if (nIsBig) {
+      half = new BigNumber(0.5);
+      if (nIsNeg) n.s = 1;
+      nIsOdd = isOdd(n);
+    } else {
+      i = Math.abs(+valueOf(n));
+      nIsOdd = i % 2;
+    }
+    y = new BigNumber(ONE);
+    // Performs 54 loop iterations for n of 9007199254740991.
+    for (; ;) {
+      if (nIsOdd) {
+        y = y.times(x);
+        if (!y.c) break;
+        if (k) {
+          if (y.c.length > k) y.c.length = k;
+        } else if (isModExp) {
+          y = y.mod(m);    //y = y.minus(div(y, m, 0, MODULO_MODE).times(m));
+        }
+      }
+      if (i) {
+        i = mathfloor(i / 2);
+        if (i === 0) break;
+        nIsOdd = i % 2;
+      } else {
+        n = n.times(half);
+        round(n, n.e + 1, 1);
+        if (n.e > 14) {
+          nIsOdd = isOdd(n);
+        } else {
+          i = +valueOf(n);
+          if (i === 0) break;
+          nIsOdd = i % 2;
+        }
+      }
+      x = x.times(x);
+      if (k) {
+        if (x.c && x.c.length > k) x.c.length = k;
+      } else if (isModExp) {
+        x = x.mod(m);    //x = x.minus(div(x, m, 0, MODULO_MODE).times(m));
+      }
+    }
+    if (isModExp) return y;
+    if (nIsNeg) y = ONE.div(y);
+    return m ? y.mod(m) : k ? round(y, POW_PRECISION, ROUNDING_MODE, more) : y;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber rounded to an integer
+   * using rounding mode rm, or ROUNDING_MODE if rm is omitted.
+   *
+   * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {rm}'
+   */
+  P.integerValue = function (rm) {
+    var n = new BigNumber(this);
+    if (rm == null) rm = ROUNDING_MODE;
+    else intCheck(rm, 0, 8);
+    return round(n, n.e + 1, rm);
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is equal to the value of BigNumber(y, b),
+   * otherwise return false.
+   */
+  P.isEqualTo = P.eq = function (y, b) {
+    return compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b)) === 0;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is a finite number, otherwise return false.
+   */
+  P.isFinite = function () {
+    return !!this.c;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of BigNumber(y, b),
+   * otherwise return false.
+   */
+  P.isGreaterThan = P.gt = function (y, b) {
+    return compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b)) > 0;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is greater than or equal to the value of
+   * BigNumber(y, b), otherwise return false.
+   */
+  P.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo = P.gte = function (y, b) {
+    return (b = compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b))) === 1 || b === 0;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is an integer, otherwise return false.
+   */
+  P.isInteger = function () {
+    return !!this.c && bitFloor(this.e / LOG_BASE) > this.c.length - 2;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of BigNumber(y, b),
+   * otherwise return false.
+   */
+  P.isLessThan = P.lt = function (y, b) {
+    return compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b)) < 0;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is less than or equal to the value of
+   * BigNumber(y, b), otherwise return false.
+   */
+  P.isLessThanOrEqualTo = P.lte = function (y, b) {
+    return (b = compare(this, new BigNumber(y, b))) === -1 || b === 0;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is NaN, otherwise return false.
+   */
+  P.isNaN = function () {
+    return !this.s;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is negative, otherwise return false.
+   */
+  P.isNegative = function () {
+    return this.s < 0;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is positive, otherwise return false.
+   */
+  P.isPositive = function () {
+    return this.s > 0;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return true if the value of this BigNumber is 0 or -0, otherwise return false.
+   */
+  P.isZero = function () {
+    return !!this.c && this.c[0] == 0;
+  };
+  /*
+   *  n - 0 = n
+   *  n - N = N
+   *  n - I = -I
+   *  0 - n = -n
+   *  0 - 0 = 0
+   *  0 - N = N
+   *  0 - I = -I
+   *  N - n = N
+   *  N - 0 = N
+   *  N - N = N
+   *  N - I = N
+   *  I - n = I
+   *  I - 0 = I
+   *  I - N = N
+   *  I - I = N
+   *
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber minus the value of
+   * BigNumber(y, b).
+   */
+  P.minus = function (y, b) {
+    var i, j, t, xLTy,
+      x = this,
+      a = x.s;
+    y = new BigNumber(y, b);
+    b = y.s;
+    // Either NaN?
+    if (!a || !b) return new BigNumber(NaN);
+    // Signs differ?
+    if (a != b) {
+      y.s = -b;
+      return x.plus(y);
+    }
+    var xe = x.e / LOG_BASE,
+      ye = y.e / LOG_BASE,
+      xc = x.c,
+      yc = y.c;
+    if (!xe || !ye) {
+      // Either Infinity?
+      if (!xc || !yc) return xc ? (y.s = -b, y) : new BigNumber(yc ? x : NaN);
+      // Either zero?
+      if (!xc[0] || !yc[0]) {
+        // Return y if y is non-zero, x if x is non-zero, or zero if both are zero.
+        return yc[0] ? (y.s = -b, y) : new BigNumber(xc[0] ? x :
+         // IEEE 754 (2008) 6.3: n - n = -0 when rounding to -Infinity
+         ROUNDING_MODE == 3 ? -0 : 0);
+      }
+    }
+    xe = bitFloor(xe);
+    ye = bitFloor(ye);
+    xc = xc.slice();
+    // Determine which is the bigger number.
+    if (a = xe - ye) {
+      if (xLTy = a < 0) {
+        a = -a;
+        t = xc;
+      } else {
+        ye = xe;
+        t = yc;
+      }
+      t.reverse();
+      // Prepend zeros to equalise exponents.
+      for (b = a; b--; t.push(0));
+      t.reverse();
+    } else {
+      // Exponents equal. Check digit by digit.
+      j = (xLTy = (a = xc.length) < (b = yc.length)) ? a : b;
+      for (a = b = 0; b < j; b++) {
+        if (xc[b] != yc[b]) {
+          xLTy = xc[b] < yc[b];
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    // x < y? Point xc to the array of the bigger number.
+    if (xLTy) t = xc, xc = yc, yc = t, y.s = -y.s;
+    b = (j = yc.length) - (i = xc.length);
+    // Append zeros to xc if shorter.
+    // No need to add zeros to yc if shorter as subtract only needs to start at yc.length.
+    if (b > 0) for (; b--; xc[i++] = 0);
+    b = BASE - 1;
+    // Subtract yc from xc.
+    for (; j > a;) {
+      if (xc[--j] < yc[j]) {
+        for (i = j; i && !xc[--i]; xc[i] = b);
+        --xc[i];
+        xc[j] += BASE;
+      }
+      xc[j] -= yc[j];
+    }
+    // Remove leading zeros and adjust exponent accordingly.
+    for (; xc[0] == 0; xc.splice(0, 1), --ye);
+    // Zero?
+    if (!xc[0]) {
+      // Following IEEE 754 (2008) 6.3,
+      // n - n = +0  but  n - n = -0  when rounding towards -Infinity.
+      y.s = ROUNDING_MODE == 3 ? -1 : 1;
+      y.c = [y.e = 0];
+      return y;
+    }
+    // No need to check for Infinity as +x - +y != Infinity && -x - -y != Infinity
+    // for finite x and y.
+    return normalise(y, xc, ye);
+  };
+  /*
+   *   n % 0 =  N
+   *   n % N =  N
+   *   n % I =  n
+   *   0 % n =  0
+   *  -0 % n = -0
+   *   0 % 0 =  N
+   *   0 % N =  N
+   *   0 % I =  0
+   *   N % n =  N
+   *   N % 0 =  N
+   *   N % N =  N
+   *   N % I =  N
+   *   I % n =  N
+   *   I % 0 =  N
+   *   I % N =  N
+   *   I % I =  N
+   *
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber modulo the value of
+   * BigNumber(y, b). The result depends on the value of MODULO_MODE.
+   */
+  P.modulo = P.mod = function (y, b) {
+    var q, s,
+      x = this;
+    y = new BigNumber(y, b);
+    // Return NaN if x is Infinity or NaN, or y is NaN or zero.
+    if (!x.c || !y.s || y.c && !y.c[0]) {
+      return new BigNumber(NaN);
+    // Return x if y is Infinity or x is zero.
+    } else if (!y.c || x.c && !x.c[0]) {
+      return new BigNumber(x);
+    }
+    if (MODULO_MODE == 9) {
+      // Euclidian division: q = sign(y) * floor(x / abs(y))
+      // r = x - qy    where  0 <= r < abs(y)
+      s = y.s;
+      y.s = 1;
+      q = div(x, y, 0, 3);
+      y.s = s;
+      q.s *= s;
+    } else {
+      q = div(x, y, 0, MODULO_MODE);
+    }
+    y = x.minus(q.times(y));
+    // To match JavaScript %, ensure sign of zero is sign of dividend.
+    if (!y.c[0] && MODULO_MODE == 1) y.s = x.s;
+    return y;
+  };
+  /*
+   *  n * 0 = 0
+   *  n * N = N
+   *  n * I = I
+   *  0 * n = 0
+   *  0 * 0 = 0
+   *  0 * N = N
+   *  0 * I = N
+   *  N * n = N
+   *  N * 0 = N
+   *  N * N = N
+   *  N * I = N
+   *  I * n = I
+   *  I * 0 = N
+   *  I * N = N
+   *  I * I = I
+   *
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber multiplied by the value
+   * of BigNumber(y, b).
+   */
+  P.multipliedBy = P.times = function (y, b) {
+    var c, e, i, j, k, m, xcL, xlo, xhi, ycL, ylo, yhi, zc,
+      base, sqrtBase,
+      x = this,
+      xc = x.c,
+      yc = (y = new BigNumber(y, b)).c;
+    // Either NaN, ±Infinity or ±0?
+    if (!xc || !yc || !xc[0] || !yc[0]) {
+      // Return NaN if either is NaN, or one is 0 and the other is Infinity.
+      if (!x.s || !y.s || xc && !xc[0] && !yc || yc && !yc[0] && !xc) {
+        y.c = y.e = y.s = null;
+      } else {
+        y.s *= x.s;
+        // Return ±Infinity if either is ±Infinity.
+        if (!xc || !yc) {
+          y.c = y.e = null;
+        // Return ±0 if either is ±0.
+        } else {
+          y.c = [0];
+          y.e = 0;
+        }
+      }
+      return y;
+    }
+    e = bitFloor(x.e / LOG_BASE) + bitFloor(y.e / LOG_BASE);
+    y.s *= x.s;
+    xcL = xc.length;
+    ycL = yc.length;
+    // Ensure xc points to longer array and xcL to its length.
+    if (xcL < ycL) zc = xc, xc = yc, yc = zc, i = xcL, xcL = ycL, ycL = i;
+    // Initialise the result array with zeros.
+    for (i = xcL + ycL, zc = []; i--; zc.push(0));
+    base = BASE;
+    sqrtBase = SQRT_BASE;
+    for (i = ycL; --i >= 0;) {
+      c = 0;
+      ylo = yc[i] % sqrtBase;
+      yhi = yc[i] / sqrtBase | 0;
+      for (k = xcL, j = i + k; j > i;) {
+        xlo = xc[--k] % sqrtBase;
+        xhi = xc[k] / sqrtBase | 0;
+        m = yhi * xlo + xhi * ylo;
+        xlo = ylo * xlo + ((m % sqrtBase) * sqrtBase) + zc[j] + c;
+        c = (xlo / base | 0) + (m / sqrtBase | 0) + yhi * xhi;
+        zc[j--] = xlo % base;
+      }
+      zc[j] = c;
+    }
+    if (c) {
+      ++e;
+    } else {
+      zc.splice(0, 1);
+    }
+    return normalise(y, zc, e);
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber negated,
+   * i.e. multiplied by -1.
+   */
+  P.negated = function () {
+    var x = new BigNumber(this);
+    x.s = -x.s || null;
+    return x;
+  };
+  /*
+   *  n + 0 = n
+   *  n + N = N
+   *  n + I = I
+   *  0 + n = n
+   *  0 + 0 = 0
+   *  0 + N = N
+   *  0 + I = I
+   *  N + n = N
+   *  N + 0 = N
+   *  N + N = N
+   *  N + I = N
+   *  I + n = I
+   *  I + 0 = I
+   *  I + N = N
+   *  I + I = I
+   *
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber plus the value of
+   * BigNumber(y, b).
+   */
+  P.plus = function (y, b) {
+    var t,
+      x = this,
+      a = x.s;
+    y = new BigNumber(y, b);
+    b = y.s;
+    // Either NaN?
+    if (!a || !b) return new BigNumber(NaN);
+    // Signs differ?
+     if (a != b) {
+      y.s = -b;
+      return x.minus(y);
+    }
+    var xe = x.e / LOG_BASE,
+      ye = y.e / LOG_BASE,
+      xc = x.c,
+      yc = y.c;
+    if (!xe || !ye) {
+      // Return ±Infinity if either ±Infinity.
+      if (!xc || !yc) return new BigNumber(a / 0);
+      // Either zero?
+      // Return y if y is non-zero, x if x is non-zero, or zero if both are zero.
+      if (!xc[0] || !yc[0]) return yc[0] ? y : new BigNumber(xc[0] ? x : a * 0);
+    }
+    xe = bitFloor(xe);
+    ye = bitFloor(ye);
+    xc = xc.slice();
+    // Prepend zeros to equalise exponents. Faster to use reverse then do unshifts.
+    if (a = xe - ye) {
+      if (a > 0) {
+        ye = xe;
+        t = yc;
+      } else {
+        a = -a;
+        t = xc;
+      }
+      t.reverse();
+      for (; a--; t.push(0));
+      t.reverse();
+    }
+    a = xc.length;
+    b = yc.length;
+    // Point xc to the longer array, and b to the shorter length.
+    if (a - b < 0) t = yc, yc = xc, xc = t, b = a;
+    // Only start adding at yc.length - 1 as the further digits of xc can be ignored.
+    for (a = 0; b;) {
+      a = (xc[--b] = xc[b] + yc[b] + a) / BASE | 0;
+      xc[b] = BASE === xc[b] ? 0 : xc[b] % BASE;
+    }
+    if (a) {
+      xc = [a].concat(xc);
+      ++ye;
+    }
+    // No need to check for zero, as +x + +y != 0 && -x + -y != 0
+    // ye = MAX_EXP + 1 possible
+    return normalise(y, xc, ye);
+  };
+  /*
+   * If sd is undefined or null or true or false, return the number of significant digits of
+   * the value of this BigNumber, or null if the value of this BigNumber is ±Infinity or NaN.
+   * If sd is true include integer-part trailing zeros in the count.
+   *
+   * Otherwise, if sd is a number, return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this
+   * BigNumber rounded to a maximum of sd significant digits using rounding mode rm, or
+   * ROUNDING_MODE if rm is omitted.
+   *
+   * sd {number|boolean} number: significant digits: integer, 1 to MAX inclusive.
+   *                     boolean: whether to count integer-part trailing zeros: true or false.
+   * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {sd|rm}'
+   */
+  P.precision = P.sd = function (sd, rm) {
+    var c, n, v,
+      x = this;
+    if (sd != null && sd !== !!sd) {
+      intCheck(sd, 1, MAX);
+      if (rm == null) rm = ROUNDING_MODE;
+      else intCheck(rm, 0, 8);
+      return round(new BigNumber(x), sd, rm);
+    }
+    if (!(c = x.c)) return null;
+    v = c.length - 1;
+    n = v * LOG_BASE + 1;
+    if (v = c[v]) {
+      // Subtract the number of trailing zeros of the last element.
+      for (; v % 10 == 0; v /= 10, n--);
+      // Add the number of digits of the first element.
+      for (v = c[0]; v >= 10; v /= 10, n++);
+    }
+    if (sd && x.e + 1 > n) n = x.e + 1;
+    return n;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber shifted by k places
+   * (powers of 10). Shift to the right if n > 0, and to the left if n < 0.
+   *
+   * k {number} Integer, -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER to MAX_SAFE_INTEGER inclusive.
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {k}'
+   */
+  P.shiftedBy = function (k) {
+    return this.times('1e' + k);
+  };
+  /*
+   *  sqrt(-n) =  N
+   *  sqrt(N) =  N
+   *  sqrt(-I) =  N
+   *  sqrt(I) =  I
+   *  sqrt(0) =  0
+   *  sqrt(-0) = -0
+   *
+   * Return a new BigNumber whose value is the square root of the value of this BigNumber,
+   * rounded according to DECIMAL_PLACES and ROUNDING_MODE.
+   */
+  P.squareRoot = P.sqrt = function () {
+    var m, n, r, rep, t,
+      x = this,
+      c = x.c,
+      s = x.s,
+      e = x.e,
+      dp = DECIMAL_PLACES + 4,
+      half = new BigNumber('0.5');
+    // Negative/NaN/Infinity/zero?
+    if (s !== 1 || !c || !c[0]) {
+      return new BigNumber(!s || s < 0 && (!c || c[0]) ? NaN : c ? x : 1 / 0);
+    }
+    // Initial estimate.
+    s = Math.sqrt(+valueOf(x));
+    // Math.sqrt underflow/overflow?
+    // Pass x to Math.sqrt as integer, then adjust the exponent of the result.
+    if (s == 0 || s == 1 / 0) {
+      n = coeffToString(c);
+      if ((n.length + e) % 2 == 0) n += '0';
+      s = Math.sqrt(+n);
+      e = bitFloor((e + 1) / 2) - (e < 0 || e % 2);
+      if (s == 1 / 0) {
+        n = '1e' + e;
+      } else {
+        n = s.toExponential();
+        n = n.slice(0, n.indexOf('e') + 1) + e;
+      }
+      r = new BigNumber(n);
+    } else {
+      r = new BigNumber(s + '');
+    }
+    // Check for zero.
+    // r could be zero if MIN_EXP is changed after the this value was created.
+    // This would cause a division by zero (x/t) and hence Infinity below, which would cause
+    // coeffToString to throw.
+    if (r.c[0]) {
+      e = r.e;
+      s = e + dp;
+      if (s < 3) s = 0;
+      // Newton-Raphson iteration.
+      for (; ;) {
+        t = r;
+        r = half.times(t.plus(div(x, t, dp, 1)));
+        if (coeffToString(t.c).slice(0, s) === (n = coeffToString(r.c)).slice(0, s)) {
+          // The exponent of r may here be one less than the final result exponent,
+          // e.g 0.0009999 (e-4) --> 0.001 (e-3), so adjust s so the rounding digits
+          // are indexed correctly.
+          if (r.e < e) --s;
+          n = n.slice(s - 3, s + 1);
+          // The 4th rounding digit may be in error by -1 so if the 4 rounding digits
+          // are 9999 or 4999 (i.e. approaching a rounding boundary) continue the
+          // iteration.
+          if (n == '9999' || !rep && n == '4999') {
+            // On the first iteration only, check to see if rounding up gives the
+            // exact result as the nines may infinitely repeat.
+            if (!rep) {
+              round(t, t.e + DECIMAL_PLACES + 2, 0);
+              if (t.times(t).eq(x)) {
+                r = t;
+                break;
+              }
+            }
+            dp += 4;
+            s += 4;
+            rep = 1;
+          } else {
+            // If rounding digits are null, 0{0,4} or 50{0,3}, check for exact
+            // result. If not, then there are further digits and m will be truthy.
+            if (!+n || !+n.slice(1) && n.charAt(0) == '5') {
+              // Truncate to the first rounding digit.
+              round(r, r.e + DECIMAL_PLACES + 2, 1);
+              m = !r.times(r).eq(x);
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    return round(r, r.e + DECIMAL_PLACES + 1, ROUNDING_MODE, m);
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in exponential notation and
+   * rounded using ROUNDING_MODE to dp fixed decimal places.
+   *
+   * [dp] {number} Decimal places. Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+   * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp|rm}'
+   */
+  P.toExponential = function (dp, rm) {
+    if (dp != null) {
+      intCheck(dp, 0, MAX);
+      dp++;
+    }
+    return format(this, dp, rm, 1);
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in fixed-point notation rounding
+   * to dp fixed decimal places using rounding mode rm, or ROUNDING_MODE if rm is omitted.
+   *
+   * Note: as with JavaScript's number type, (-0).toFixed(0) is '0',
+   * but e.g. (-0.00001).toFixed(0) is '-0'.
+   *
+   * [dp] {number} Decimal places. Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+   * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp|rm}'
+   */
+  P.toFixed = function (dp, rm) {
+    if (dp != null) {
+      intCheck(dp, 0, MAX);
+      dp = dp + this.e + 1;
+    }
+    return format(this, dp, rm);
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in fixed-point notation rounded
+   * using rm or ROUNDING_MODE to dp decimal places, and formatted according to the properties
+   * of the format or FORMAT object (see BigNumber.set).
+   *
+   * The formatting object may contain some or all of the properties shown below.
+   *
+   * FORMAT = {
+   *   prefix: '',
+   *   groupSize: 3,
+   *   secondaryGroupSize: 0,
+   *   groupSeparator: ',',
+   *   decimalSeparator: '.',
+   *   fractionGroupSize: 0,
+   *   fractionGroupSeparator: '\xA0',      // non-breaking space
+   *   suffix: ''
+   * };
+   *
+   * [dp] {number} Decimal places. Integer, 0 to MAX inclusive.
+   * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+   * [format] {object} Formatting options. See FORMAT pbject above.
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {dp|rm}'
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Argument not an object: {format}'
+   */
+  P.toFormat = function (dp, rm, format) {
+    var str,
+      x = this;
+    if (format == null) {
+      if (dp != null && rm && typeof rm == 'object') {
+        format = rm;
+        rm = null;
+      } else if (dp && typeof dp == 'object') {
+        format = dp;
+        dp = rm = null;
+      } else {
+        format = FORMAT;
+      }
+    } else if (typeof format != 'object') {
+      throw Error
+        (bignumberError + 'Argument not an object: ' + format);
+    }
+    str = x.toFixed(dp, rm);
+    if (x.c) {
+      var i,
+        arr = str.split('.'),
+        g1 = +format.groupSize,
+        g2 = +format.secondaryGroupSize,
+        groupSeparator = format.groupSeparator || '',
+        intPart = arr[0],
+        fractionPart = arr[1],
+        isNeg = x.s < 0,
+        intDigits = isNeg ? intPart.slice(1) : intPart,
+        len = intDigits.length;
+      if (g2) i = g1, g1 = g2, g2 = i, len -= i;
+      if (g1 > 0 && len > 0) {
+        i = len % g1 || g1;
+        intPart = intDigits.substr(0, i);
+        for (; i < len; i += g1) intPart += groupSeparator + intDigits.substr(i, g1);
+        if (g2 > 0) intPart += groupSeparator + intDigits.slice(i);
+        if (isNeg) intPart = '-' + intPart;
+      }
+      str = fractionPart
+       ? intPart + (format.decimalSeparator || '') + ((g2 = +format.fractionGroupSize)
+        ? fractionPart.replace(new RegExp('\\d{' + g2 + '}\\B', 'g'),
+         '$&' + (format.fractionGroupSeparator || ''))
+        : fractionPart)
+       : intPart;
+    }
+    return (format.prefix || '') + str + (format.suffix || '');
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return an array of two BigNumbers representing the value of this BigNumber as a simple
+   * fraction with an integer numerator and an integer denominator.
+   * The denominator will be a positive non-zero value less than or equal to the specified
+   * maximum denominator. If a maximum denominator is not specified, the denominator will be
+   * the lowest value necessary to represent the number exactly.
+   *
+   * [md] {number|string|BigNumber} Integer >= 1, or Infinity. The maximum denominator.
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not an integer|out of range} : {md}'
+   */
+  P.toFraction = function (md) {
+    var d, d0, d1, d2, e, exp, n, n0, n1, q, r, s,
+      x = this,
+      xc = x.c;
+    if (md != null) {
+      n = new BigNumber(md);
+      // Throw if md is less than one or is not an integer, unless it is Infinity.
+      if (!n.isInteger() && (n.c || n.s !== 1) || n.lt(ONE)) {
+        throw Error
+          (bignumberError + 'Argument ' +
+            (n.isInteger() ? 'out of range: ' : 'not an integer: ') + valueOf(n));
+      }
+    }
+    if (!xc) return new BigNumber(x);
+    d = new BigNumber(ONE);
+    n1 = d0 = new BigNumber(ONE);
+    d1 = n0 = new BigNumber(ONE);
+    s = coeffToString(xc);
+    // Determine initial denominator.
+    // d is a power of 10 and the minimum max denominator that specifies the value exactly.
+    e = d.e = s.length - x.e - 1;
+    d.c[0] = POWS_TEN[(exp = e % LOG_BASE) < 0 ? LOG_BASE + exp : exp];
+    md = !md || n.comparedTo(d) > 0 ? (e > 0 ? d : n1) : n;
+    exp = MAX_EXP;
+    MAX_EXP = 1 / 0;
+    n = new BigNumber(s);
+    // n0 = d1 = 0
+    n0.c[0] = 0;
+    for (; ;)  {
+      q = div(n, d, 0, 1);
+      d2 = d0.plus(q.times(d1));
+      if (d2.comparedTo(md) == 1) break;
+      d0 = d1;
+      d1 = d2;
+      n1 = n0.plus(q.times(d2 = n1));
+      n0 = d2;
+      d = n.minus(q.times(d2 = d));
+      n = d2;
+    }
+    d2 = div(md.minus(d0), d1, 0, 1);
+    n0 = n0.plus(d2.times(n1));
+    d0 = d0.plus(d2.times(d1));
+    n0.s = n1.s = x.s;
+    e = e * 2;
+    // Determine which fraction is closer to x, n0/d0 or n1/d1
+    r = div(n1, d1, e, ROUNDING_MODE).minus(x).abs().comparedTo(
+        div(n0, d0, e, ROUNDING_MODE).minus(x).abs()) < 1 ? [n1, d1] : [n0, d0];
+    MAX_EXP = exp;
+    return r;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return the value of this BigNumber converted to a number primitive.
+   */
+  P.toNumber = function () {
+    return +valueOf(this);
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber rounded to sd significant digits
+   * using rounding mode rm or ROUNDING_MODE. If sd is less than the number of digits
+   * necessary to represent the integer part of the value in fixed-point notation, then use
+   * exponential notation.
+   *
+   * [sd] {number} Significant digits. Integer, 1 to MAX inclusive.
+   * [rm] {number} Rounding mode. Integer, 0 to 8 inclusive.
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Argument {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {sd|rm}'
+   */
+  P.toPrecision = function (sd, rm) {
+    if (sd != null) intCheck(sd, 1, MAX);
+    return format(this, sd, rm, 2);
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return a string representing the value of this BigNumber in base b, or base 10 if b is
+   * omitted. If a base is specified, including base 10, round according to DECIMAL_PLACES and
+   * ROUNDING_MODE. If a base is not specified, and this BigNumber has a positive exponent
+   * that is equal to or greater than TO_EXP_POS, or a negative exponent equal to or less than
+   * TO_EXP_NEG, return exponential notation.
+   *
+   * [b] {number} Integer, 2 to ALPHABET.length inclusive.
+   *
+   * '[BigNumber Error] Base {not a primitive number|not an integer|out of range}: {b}'
+   */
+  P.toString = function (b) {
+    var str,
+      n = this,
+      s = n.s,
+      e = n.e;
+    // Infinity or NaN?
+    if (e === null) {
+      if (s) {
+        str = 'Infinity';
+        if (s < 0) str = '-' + str;
+      } else {
+        str = 'NaN';
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (b == null) {
+        str = e <= TO_EXP_NEG || e >= TO_EXP_POS
+         ? toExponential(coeffToString(n.c), e)
+         : toFixedPoint(coeffToString(n.c), e, '0');
+      } else if (b === 10) {
+        n = round(new BigNumber(n), DECIMAL_PLACES + e + 1, ROUNDING_MODE);
+        str = toFixedPoint(coeffToString(n.c), n.e, '0');
+      } else {
+        intCheck(b, 2, ALPHABET.length, 'Base');
+        str = convertBase(toFixedPoint(coeffToString(n.c), e, '0'), 10, b, s, true);
+      }
+      if (s < 0 && n.c[0]) str = '-' + str;
+    }
+    return str;
+  };
+  /*
+   * Return as toString, but do not accept a base argument, and include the minus sign for
+   * negative zero.
+   */
+  P.valueOf = P.toJSON = function () {
+    return valueOf(this);
+  };
+  P._isBigNumber = true;
+  P[Symbol.toStringTag] = 'BigNumber';
+  // Node.js v10.12.0+
+  P[Symbol.for('nodejs.util.inspect.custom')] = P.valueOf;
+  if (configObject != null) BigNumber.set(configObject);
+  return BigNumber;
+// These functions don't need access to variables,
+// e.g. DECIMAL_PLACES, in the scope of the `clone` function above.
+function bitFloor(n) {
+  var i = n | 0;
+  return n > 0 || n === i ? i : i - 1;
+// Return a coefficient array as a string of base 10 digits.
+function coeffToString(a) {
+  var s, z,
+    i = 1,
+    j = a.length,
+    r = a[0] + '';
+  for (; i < j;) {
+    s = a[i++] + '';
+    z = LOG_BASE - s.length;
+    for (; z--; s = '0' + s);
+    r += s;
+  }
+  // Determine trailing zeros.
+  for (j = r.length; r.charCodeAt(--j) === 48;);
+  return r.slice(0, j + 1 || 1);
+// Compare the value of BigNumbers x and y.
+function compare(x, y) {
+  var a, b,
+    xc = x.c,
+    yc = y.c,
+    i = x.s,
+    j = y.s,
+    k = x.e,
+    l = y.e;
+  // Either NaN?
+  if (!i || !j) return null;
+  a = xc && !xc[0];
+  b = yc && !yc[0];
+  // Either zero?
+  if (a || b) return a ? b ? 0 : -j : i;
+  // Signs differ?
+  if (i != j) return i;
+  a = i < 0;
+  b = k == l;
+  // Either Infinity?
+  if (!xc || !yc) return b ? 0 : !xc ^ a ? 1 : -1;
+  // Compare exponents.
+  if (!b) return k > l ^ a ? 1 : -1;
+  j = (k = xc.length) < (l = yc.length) ? k : l;
+  // Compare digit by digit.
+  for (i = 0; i < j; i++) if (xc[i] != yc[i]) return xc[i] > yc[i] ^ a ? 1 : -1;
+  // Compare lengths.
+  return k == l ? 0 : k > l ^ a ? 1 : -1;
+ * Check that n is a primitive number, an integer, and in range, otherwise throw.
+ */
+function intCheck(n, min, max, name) {
+  if (n < min || n > max || n !== mathfloor(n)) {
+    throw Error
+     (bignumberError + (name || 'Argument') + (typeof n == 'number'
+       ? n < min || n > max ? ' out of range: ' : ' not an integer: '
+       : ' not a primitive number: ') + String(n));
+  }
+// Assumes finite n.
+function isOdd(n) {
+  var k = n.c.length - 1;
+  return bitFloor(n.e / LOG_BASE) == k && n.c[k] % 2 != 0;
+function toExponential(str, e) {
+  return (str.length > 1 ? str.charAt(0) + '.' + str.slice(1) : str) +
+   (e < 0 ? 'e' : 'e+') + e;
+function toFixedPoint(str, e, z) {
+  var len, zs;
+  // Negative exponent?
+  if (e < 0) {
+    // Prepend zeros.
+    for (zs = z + '.'; ++e; zs += z);
+    str = zs + str;
+  // Positive exponent
+  } else {
+    len = str.length;
+    // Append zeros.
+    if (++e > len) {
+      for (zs = z, e -= len; --e; zs += z);
+      str += zs;
+    } else if (e < len) {
+      str = str.slice(0, e) + '.' + str.slice(e);
+    }
+  }
+  return str;
+export var BigNumber = clone();
+export default BigNumber;

+ 2237 - 0

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+  <div class="nav">
+    <b>v8.1.0</b>
+	<a class='nav-title' href="#">API</a>
+    <b> CONSTRUCTOR </b>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a></li>
+    </ul>
+    <a href="#methods">Methods</a>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="#clone">clone</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#config" >config</a><span>set</span></li>
+      <li>
+        <ul class="inset">
+          <li><a href="#decimal-places">DECIMAL_PLACES</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#rounding-mode" >ROUNDING_MODE</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#exponential-at">EXPONENTIAL_AT</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#range"         >RANGE</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#crypto"        >CRYPTO</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#modulo-mode"   >MODULO_MODE</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#pow-precision" >POW_PRECISION</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#format"        >FORMAT</a></li>
+          <li><a href="#alphabet"      >ALPHABET</a></li>
+        </ul>
+      </li>
+      <li><a href="#isBigNumber">isBigNumber</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#max"        >maximum</a><span>max</span></li>
+      <li><a href="#min"        >minimum</a><span>min</span></li>
+      <li><a href="#random"     >random</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#sum"        >sum</a></li>
+    </ul>
+    <a href="#constructor-properties">Properties</a>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="#round-up"        >ROUND_UP</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#round-down"      >ROUND_DOWN</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#round-ceil"      >ROUND_CEIL</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#round-floor"     >ROUND_FLOOR</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#round-half-up"   >ROUND_HALF_UP</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#round-half-down" >ROUND_HALF_DOWN</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#round-half-even" >ROUND_HALF_EVEN</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#round-half-ceil" >ROUND_HALF_CEIL</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#round-half-floor">ROUND_HALF_FLOOR</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#debug"           >DEBUG</a></li>
+    </ul>
+    <b> INSTANCE </b>
+    <a href="#prototype-methods">Methods</a>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="#abs"    >absoluteValue         </a><span>abs</span>  </li>
+      <li><a href="#cmp"    >comparedTo            </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#dp"     >decimalPlaces         </a><span>dp</span>   </li>
+      <li><a href="#div"    >dividedBy             </a><span>div</span>  </li>
+      <li><a href="#divInt" >dividedToIntegerBy    </a><span>idiv</span> </li>
+      <li><a href="#pow"    >exponentiatedBy       </a><span>pow</span>  </li>
+      <li><a href="#int"    >integerValue          </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#eq"     >isEqualTo             </a><span>eq</span>   </li>
+      <li><a href="#isF"    >isFinite              </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#gt"     >isGreaterThan         </a><span>gt</span>   </li>
+      <li><a href="#gte"    >isGreaterThanOrEqualTo</a><span>gte</span>  </li>
+      <li><a href="#isInt"  >isInteger             </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#lt"     >isLessThan            </a><span>lt</span>   </li>
+      <li><a href="#lte"    >isLessThanOrEqualTo   </a><span>lte</span>  </li>
+      <li><a href="#isNaN"  >isNaN                 </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#isNeg"  >isNegative            </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#isPos"  >isPositive            </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#isZ"    >isZero                </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#minus"  >minus                 </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#mod"    >modulo                </a><span>mod</span>  </li>
+      <li><a href="#times"  >multipliedBy          </a><span>times</span></li>
+      <li><a href="#neg"    >negated               </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#plus"   >plus                  </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#sd"     >precision             </a><span>sd</span>   </li>
+      <li><a href="#shift"  >shiftedBy             </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#sqrt"   >squareRoot            </a><span>sqrt</span> </li>
+      <li><a href="#toE"    >toExponential         </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#toFix"  >toFixed               </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#toFor"  >toFormat              </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#toFr"   >toFraction            </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#toJSON" >toJSON                </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#toN"    >toNumber              </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#toP"    >toPrecision           </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#toS"    >toString              </a>                  </li>
+      <li><a href="#valueOf">valueOf               </a>                  </li>
+    </ul>
+    <a href="#instance-properties">Properties</a>
+    <ul>
+      <li><a href="#coefficient">c: coefficient</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#exponent"   >e: exponent</a></li>
+      <li><a href="#sign"       >s: sign</a></li>
+    </ul>
+    <a href="#zero-nan-infinity">Zero, NaN &amp; Infinity</a>
+    <a href="#Errors">Errors</a>
+    <a href="#type-coercion">Type coercion</a>
+    <a class='end' href="#faq">FAQ</a>
+  </div>
+  <div class="container">
+    <h1>bignumber<span id='js'>.js</span></h1>
+    <p>A JavaScript library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic.</p>
+    <p><a href="https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js">Hosted on GitHub</a>. </p>
+    <h2>API</h2>
+    <p>
+      See the <a href='https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js'>README</a> on GitHub for a
+      quick-start introduction.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      In all examples below, <code>var</code> and semicolons are not shown, and if a commented-out
+      value is in quotes it means <code>toString</code> has been called on the preceding expression.
+    </p>
+    <h3>CONSTRUCTOR</h3>
+    <h5 id="bignumber">
+      BigNumber<code class='inset'>BigNumber(n [, base]) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>2</code> to <code>36</code> inclusive. (See
+      <a href='#alphabet'><code>ALPHABET</code></a> to extend this range).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a new instance of a BigNumber object with value <code>n</code>, where <code>n</code>
+      is a numeric value in the specified <code>base</code>, or base <code>10</code> if
+      <code>base</code> is omitted or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(123.4567)                // '123.4567'
+// 'new' is optional
+y = BigNumber(x)                           // '123.4567'</pre>
+    <p>
+      If <code>n</code> is a base <code>10</code> value it can be in normal (fixed-point) or
+      exponential notation. Values in other bases must be in normal notation. Values in any base can
+      have fraction digits, i.e. digits after the decimal point.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+new BigNumber(43210)                       // '43210'
+new BigNumber('4.321e+4')                  // '43210'
+new BigNumber('-735.0918e-430')            // '-7.350918e-428'
+new BigNumber('123412421.234324', 5)       // '607236.557696'</pre>
+    <p>
+      Signed <code>0</code>, signed <code>Infinity</code> and <code>NaN</code> are supported.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+new BigNumber('-Infinity')                 // '-Infinity'
+new BigNumber(NaN)                         // 'NaN'
+new BigNumber(-0)                          // '0'
+new BigNumber('.5')                        // '0.5'
+new BigNumber('+2')                        // '2'</pre>
+    <p>
+      String values in hexadecimal literal form, e.g. <code>'0xff'</code>, are valid, as are
+      string values with the octal and binary prefixs <code>'0o'</code> and <code>'0b'</code>.
+      String values in octal literal form without the prefix will be interpreted as
+      decimals, e.g. <code>'011'</code> is interpreted as 11, not 9.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+new BigNumber(-10110100.1, 2)              // '-180.5'
+new BigNumber('-0b10110100.1')             // '-180.5'
+new BigNumber('ff.8', 16)                  // '255.5'
+new BigNumber('0xff.8')                    // '255.5'</pre>
+    <p>
+      If a base is specified, <code>n</code> is rounded according to the current
+      <a href='#decimal-places'><code>DECIMAL_PLACES</code></a> and
+      <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> settings. <em>This includes base
+      <code>10</code> so don't include a <code>base</code> parameter for decimal values unless
+      this behaviour is wanted.</em>
+    </p>
+    <pre>BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 5 })
+new BigNumber(1.23456789)                  // '1.23456789'
+new BigNumber(1.23456789, 10)              // '1.23457'</pre>
+    <p>An error is thrown if <code>base</code> is invalid. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.</p>
+    <p>
+      There is no limit to the number of digits of a value of type <em>string</em> (other than
+      that of JavaScript's maximum array size). See <a href='#range'><code>RANGE</code></a> to set
+      the maximum and minimum possible exponent value of a BigNumber.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+new BigNumber('5032485723458348569331745.33434346346912144534543')
+new BigNumber('4.321e10000000')</pre>
+    <p>BigNumber <code>NaN</code> is returned if <code>n</code> is invalid
+    (unless <code>BigNumber.DEBUG</code> is <code>true</code>, see below).</p>
+    <pre>
+new BigNumber('.1*')                       // 'NaN'
+new BigNumber('blurgh')                    // 'NaN'
+new BigNumber(9, 2)                        // 'NaN'</pre>
+    <p>
+      To aid in debugging, if <code>BigNumber.DEBUG</code> is <code>true</code> then an error will
+      be thrown on an invalid <code>n</code>. An error will also be thrown if <code>n</code> is of
+      type <em>number</em> with more than <code>15</code> significant digits, as calling
+      <code><a href='#toS'>toString</a></code> or <code><a href='#valueOf'>valueOf</a></code> on
+      these numbers may not result in the intended value.
+    </p>
+      <pre>
+console.log(823456789123456.3)            //  823456789123456.2
+new BigNumber(823456789123456.3)          // '823456789123456.2'
+BigNumber.DEBUG = true
+// '[BigNumber Error] Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits'
+new BigNumber(823456789123456.3)
+// '[BigNumber Error] Not a base 2 number'
+new BigNumber(9, 2)</pre>
+    <p>
+      A BigNumber can also be created from an object literal.
+      Use <code><a href='#isBigNumber'>isBigNumber</a></code> to check that it is well-formed.
+    </p>
+    <pre>new BigNumber({ s: 1, e: 2, c: [ 777, 12300000000000 ], _isBigNumber: true })    // '777.123'</pre>
+    <h4 id="methods">Methods</h4>
+     <p>The static methods of a BigNumber constructor.</p>
+    <h5 id="clone">clone
+      <code class='inset'>.clone([object]) <i>&rArr; BigNumber constructor</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p><code>object</code>: <i>object</i></p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a new independent BigNumber constructor with configuration as described by
+      <code>object</code> (see <a href='#config'><code>config</code></a>), or with the default
+      configuration if <code>object</code> is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>object</code> is not an object. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 5 })
+BN = BigNumber.clone({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 9 })
+x = new BigNumber(1)
+y = new BN(1)
+x.div(3)                        // 0.33333
+y.div(3)                        // 0.333333333
+// BN = BigNumber.clone({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 9 }) is equivalent to:
+BN = BigNumber.clone()
+BN.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 9 })</pre>
+    <h5 id="config">config<code class='inset'>set([object]) <i>&rArr; object</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>object</code>: <i>object</i>: an object that contains some or all of the following
+      properties.
+    </p>
+    <p>Configures the settings for this particular BigNumber constructor.</p>
+    <dl class='inset'>
+      <dt id="decimal-places"><code><b>DECIMAL_PLACES</b></code></dt>
+      <dd>
+        <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>1e+9</code> inclusive<br />
+        Default value: <code>20</code>
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        The <u>maximum</u> number of decimal places of the results of operations involving
+        division, i.e. division, square root and base conversion operations, and power
+        operations with negative exponents.<br />
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+      <pre>BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 5 })
+BigNumber.set({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 5 })    // equivalent</pre>
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="rounding-mode"><code><b>ROUNDING_MODE</b></code></dt>
+      <dd>
+        <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>8</code> inclusive<br />
+        Default value: <code>4</code> <a href="#round-half-up">(<code>ROUND_HALF_UP</code>)</a>
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        The rounding mode used in the above operations and the default rounding mode of
+        <a href='#dp'><code>decimalPlaces</code></a>,
+        <a href='#sd'><code>precision</code></a>,
+        <a href='#toE'><code>toExponential</code></a>,
+        <a href='#toFix'><code>toFixed</code></a>,
+        <a href='#toFor'><code>toFormat</code></a> and
+        <a href='#toP'><code>toPrecision</code></a>.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>The modes are available as enumerated properties of the BigNumber constructor.</dd>
+       <dd>
+      <pre>BigNumber.config({ ROUNDING_MODE: 0 })
+BigNumber.set({ ROUNDING_MODE: BigNumber.ROUND_UP })    // equivalent</pre>
+        </dd>
+      <dt id="exponential-at"><code><b>EXPONENTIAL_AT</b></code></dt>
+      <dd>
+        <i>number</i>: integer, magnitude <code>0</code> to <code>1e+9</code> inclusive, or
+        <br />
+        <i>number</i>[]: [ integer <code>-1e+9</code> to <code>0</code> inclusive, integer
+        <code>0</code> to <code>1e+9</code> inclusive ]<br />
+        Default value: <code>[-7, 20]</code>
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        The exponent value(s) at which <code>toString</code> returns exponential notation.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        If a single number is assigned, the value is the exponent magnitude.<br />
+        If an array of two numbers is assigned then the first number is the negative exponent
+        value at and beneath which exponential notation is used, and the second number is the
+        positive exponent value at and above which the same.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        For example, to emulate JavaScript numbers in terms of the exponent values at which they
+        begin to use exponential notation, use <code>[-7, 20]</code>.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+      <pre>BigNumber.config({ EXPONENTIAL_AT: 2 })
+new BigNumber(12.3)         // '12.3'        e is only 1
+new BigNumber(123)          // '1.23e+2'
+new BigNumber(0.123)        // '0.123'       e is only -1
+new BigNumber(0.0123)       // '1.23e-2'
+BigNumber.config({ EXPONENTIAL_AT: [-7, 20] })
+new BigNumber(123456789)    // '123456789'   e is only 8
+new BigNumber(0.000000123)  // '1.23e-7'
+// Almost never return exponential notation:
+BigNumber.config({ EXPONENTIAL_AT: 1e+9 })
+// Always return exponential notation:
+BigNumber.config({ EXPONENTIAL_AT: 0 })</pre>
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        Regardless of the value of <code>EXPONENTIAL_AT</code>, the <code>toFixed</code> method
+        will always return a value in normal notation and the <code>toExponential</code> method
+        will always return a value in exponential form.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        Calling <code>toString</code> with a base argument, e.g. <code>toString(10)</code>, will
+        also always return normal notation.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="range"><code><b>RANGE</b></code></dt>
+      <dd>
+        <i>number</i>: integer, magnitude <code>1</code> to <code>1e+9</code> inclusive, or
+        <br />
+        <i>number</i>[]: [ integer <code>-1e+9</code> to <code>-1</code> inclusive, integer
+        <code>1</code> to <code>1e+9</code> inclusive ]<br />
+        Default value: <code>[-1e+9, 1e+9]</code>
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        The exponent value(s) beyond which overflow to <code>Infinity</code> and underflow to
+        zero occurs.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        If a single number is assigned, it is the maximum exponent magnitude: values wth a
+        positive exponent of greater magnitude become <code>Infinity</code> and those with a
+        negative exponent of greater magnitude become zero.
+      <dd>
+        If an array of two numbers is assigned then the first number is the negative exponent
+        limit and the second number is the positive exponent limit.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        For example, to emulate JavaScript numbers in terms of the exponent values at which they
+        become zero and <code>Infinity</code>, use <code>[-324, 308]</code>.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+      <pre>BigNumber.config({ RANGE: 500 })
+BigNumber.config().RANGE     // [ -500, 500 ]
+new BigNumber('9.999e499')   // '9.999e+499'
+new BigNumber('1e500')       // 'Infinity'
+new BigNumber('1e-499')      // '1e-499'
+new BigNumber('1e-500')      // '0'
+BigNumber.config({ RANGE: [-3, 4] })
+new BigNumber(99999)         // '99999'      e is only 4
+new BigNumber(100000)        // 'Infinity'   e is 5
+new BigNumber(0.001)         // '0.01'       e is only -3
+new BigNumber(0.0001)        // '0'          e is -4</pre>
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        The largest possible magnitude of a finite BigNumber is
+        <code>9.999...e+1000000000</code>.<br />
+        The smallest possible magnitude of a non-zero BigNumber is <code>1e-1000000000</code>.
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="crypto"><code><b>CRYPTO</b></code></dt>
+      <dd>
+        <i>boolean</i>: <code>true</code> or <code>false</code>.<br />
+        Default value: <code>false</code>
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        The value that determines whether cryptographically-secure pseudo-random number
+        generation is used.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        If <code>CRYPTO</code> is set to <code>true</code> then the
+        <a href='#random'><code>random</code></a> method will generate random digits using
+        <code>crypto.getRandomValues</code> in browsers that support it, or
+        <code>crypto.randomBytes</code> if using Node.js.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        If neither function is supported by the host environment then attempting to set
+        <code>CRYPTO</code> to <code>true</code> will fail and an exception will be thrown.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        If <code>CRYPTO</code> is <code>false</code> then the source of randomness used will be
+        <code>Math.random</code> (which is assumed to generate at least <code>30</code> bits of
+        randomness).
+      </dd>
+      <dd>See <a href='#random'><code>random</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dd>
+      <pre>
+// Node.js
+global.crypto = require('crypto')
+BigNumber.config({ CRYPTO: true })
+BigNumber.config().CRYPTO       // true
+BigNumber.random()              // 0.54340758610486147524</pre>
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="modulo-mode"><code><b>MODULO_MODE</b></code></dt>
+      <dd>
+        <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>9</code> inclusive<br />
+        Default value: <code>1</code> (<a href="#round-down"><code>ROUND_DOWN</code></a>)
+      </dd>
+      <dd>The modulo mode used when calculating the modulus: <code>a mod n</code>.</dd>
+      <dd>
+        The quotient, <code>q = a / n</code>, is calculated according to the
+        <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> that corresponds to the chosen
+        <code>MODULO_MODE</code>.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>The remainder, <code>r</code>, is calculated as: <code>r = a - n * q</code>.</dd>
+      <dd>
+        The modes that are most commonly used for the modulus/remainder operation are shown in
+        the following table. Although the other rounding modes can be used, they may not give
+        useful results.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        <table>
+          <tr><th>Property</th><th>Value</th><th>Description</th></tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>ROUND_UP</b></td><td class='centre'>0</td>
+            <td>
+              The remainder is positive if the dividend is negative, otherwise it is negative.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>ROUND_DOWN</b></td><td class='centre'>1</td>
+            <td>
+              The remainder has the same sign as the dividend.<br />
+              This uses 'truncating division' and matches the behaviour of JavaScript's
+              remainder operator <code>%</code>.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>ROUND_FLOOR</b></td><td class='centre'>3</td>
+            <td>
+              The remainder has the same sign as the divisor.<br />
+              This matches Python's <code>%</code> operator.
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr>
+            <td><b>ROUND_HALF_EVEN</b></td><td class='centre'>6</td>
+            <td>The <i>IEEE 754</i> remainder function.</td>
+          </tr>
+           <tr>
+             <td><b>EUCLID</b></td><td class='centre'>9</td>
+             <td>
+               The remainder is always positive. Euclidian division: <br />
+               <code>q = sign(n) * floor(a / abs(n))</code>
+             </td>
+           </tr>
+        </table>
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        The rounding/modulo modes are available as enumerated properties of the BigNumber
+        constructor.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>See <a href='#mod'><code>modulo</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dd>
+        <pre>BigNumber.config({ MODULO_MODE: BigNumber.EUCLID })
+BigNumber.config({ MODULO_MODE: 9 })          // equivalent</pre>
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="pow-precision"><code><b>POW_PRECISION</b></code></dt>
+      <dd>
+        <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>1e+9</code> inclusive.<br />
+        Default value: <code>0</code>
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        The <i>maximum</i> precision, i.e. number of significant digits, of the result of the power
+        operation (unless a modulus is specified).
+      </dd>
+      <dd>If set to <code>0</code>, the number of significant digits will not be limited.</dd>
+      <dd>See <a href='#pow'><code>exponentiatedBy</code></a>.</dd>
+      <dd><pre>BigNumber.config({ POW_PRECISION: 100 })</pre></dd>
+      <dt id="format"><code><b>FORMAT</b></code></dt>
+      <dd><i>object</i></dd>
+      <dd>
+        The <code>FORMAT</code> object configures the format of the string returned by the
+        <a href='#toFor'><code>toFormat</code></a> method.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        The example below shows the properties of the <code>FORMAT</code> object that are
+        recognised, and their default values.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+         Unlike the other configuration properties, the values of the properties of the
+         <code>FORMAT</code> object will not be checked for validity. The existing
+         <code>FORMAT</code> object will simply be replaced by the object that is passed in.
+         The object can include any number of the properties shown below.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>See <a href='#toFor'><code>toFormat</code></a> for examples of usage.</dd>
+      <dd>
+      <pre>
+  FORMAT: {
+    // string to prepend
+    prefix: '',
+    // decimal separator
+    decimalSeparator: '.',
+    // grouping separator of the integer part
+    groupSeparator: ',',
+    // primary grouping size of the integer part
+    groupSize: 3,
+    // secondary grouping size of the integer part
+    secondaryGroupSize: 0,
+    // grouping separator of the fraction part
+    fractionGroupSeparator: ' ',
+    // grouping size of the fraction part
+    fractionGroupSize: 0,
+    // string to append
+    suffix: ''
+  }
+      </dd>
+      <dt id="alphabet"><code><b>ALPHABET</b></code></dt>
+      <dd>
+        <i>string</i><br />
+        Default value: <code>'0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'</code>
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        The alphabet used for base conversion. The length of the alphabet corresponds to the
+        maximum value of the base argument that can be passed to the
+        <a href='#bignumber'><code>BigNumber</code></a> constructor or
+        <a href='#toS'><code>toString</code></a>.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        There is no maximum length for the alphabet, but it must be at least 2 characters long, and
+        it must not contain whitespace or a repeated character, or the sign indicators
+        <code>'+'</code> and <code>'-'</code>, or the decimal separator <code>'.'</code>.
+      </dd>
+      <dd>
+        <pre>// duodecimal (base 12)
+BigNumber.config({ ALPHABET: '0123456789TE' })
+x = new BigNumber('T', 12)
+x.toString()                // '10'
+x.toString(12)              // 'T'</pre>
+      </dd>
+    </dl>
+    <br /><br />
+    <p>Returns an object with the above properties and their current values.</p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>object</code> is not an object, or if an invalid value is assigned to
+      one or more of the above properties. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+  EXPONENTIAL_AT: [-10, 20],
+  RANGE: [-500, 500],
+  CRYPTO: true,
+  FORMAT: {
+    groupSize: 3,
+    groupSeparator: ' ',
+    decimalSeparator: ','
+  },
+  ALPHABET: '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ$_'
+obj = BigNumber.config();
+obj.DECIMAL_PLACES        // 40
+obj.RANGE                 // [-500, 500]</pre>
+    <h5 id="isBigNumber">
+      isBigNumber<code class='inset'>.isBigNumber(value) <i>&rArr; boolean</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p><code>value</code>: <i>any</i><br /></p>
+    <p>
+      Returns <code>true</code> if <code>value</code> is a BigNumber instance, otherwise returns
+      <code>false</code>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>x = 42
+y = new BigNumber(x)
+BigNumber.isBigNumber(x)             // false
+y instanceof BigNumber               // true
+BigNumber.isBigNumber(y)             // true
+BN = BigNumber.clone();
+z = new BN(x)
+z instanceof BigNumber               // false
+BigNumber.isBigNumber(z)             // true</pre>
+    <p>
+      If <code>value</code> is a BigNumber instance and <code>BigNumber.DEBUG</code> is <code>true</code>,
+      then this method will also check if <code>value</code> is well-formed, and throw if it is not.
+      See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The check can be useful if creating a BigNumber from an object literal.
+      See <a href='#bignumber'>BigNumber</a>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(10)
+// Change x.c to an illegitimate value.
+x.c = NaN
+BigNumber.DEBUG = false
+// No error.
+BigNumber.isBigNumber(x)    // true
+BigNumber.DEBUG = true
+// Error.
+BigNumber.isBigNumber(x)    // '[BigNumber Error] Invalid BigNumber'</pre>
+    <h5 id="max">maximum<code class='inset'>.max(n...) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <i>See <code><a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a></code> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a BigNumber whose value is the maximum of the arguments.
+    </p>
+    <p>The return value is always exact and unrounded.</p>
+    <pre>x = new BigNumber('3257869345.0378653')
+BigNumber.maximum(4e9, x, '123456789.9')      // '4000000000'
+arr = [12, '13', new BigNumber(14)]
+BigNumber.max.apply(null, arr)                // '14'</pre>
+    <h5 id="min">minimum<code class='inset'>.min(n...) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <i>See <code><a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a></code> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a BigNumber whose value is the minimum of the arguments.
+    </p>
+    <p>The return value is always exact and unrounded.</p>
+    <pre>x = new BigNumber('3257869345.0378653')
+BigNumber.minimum(4e9, x, '123456789.9')      // '123456789.9'
+arr = [2, new BigNumber(-14), '-15.9999', -12]
+BigNumber.min.apply(null, arr)                // '-15.9999'</pre>
+    <h5 id="random">
+      random<code class='inset'>.random([dp]) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p><code>dp</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>1e+9</code> inclusive</p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a new BigNumber with a pseudo-random value equal to or greater than <code>0</code> and
+      less than <code>1</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The return value will have <code>dp</code> decimal places (or less if trailing zeros are
+      produced).<br />
+      If <code>dp</code> is omitted then the number of decimal places will default to the current
+      <a href='#decimal-places'><code>DECIMAL_PLACES</code></a> setting.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Depending on the value of this BigNumber constructor's
+      <a href='#crypto'><code>CRYPTO</code></a> setting and the support for the
+      <code>crypto</code> object in the host environment, the random digits of the return value are
+      generated by either <code>Math.random</code> (fastest), <code>crypto.getRandomValues</code>
+      (Web Cryptography API in recent browsers) or <code>crypto.randomBytes</code> (Node.js).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      To be able to set <a href='#crypto'><code>CRYPTO</code></a> to <code>true</code> when using
+      Node.js, the <code>crypto</code> object must be available globally:
+    </p>
+    <pre>global.crypto = require('crypto')</pre>
+    <p>
+      If <a href='#crypto'><code>CRYPTO</code></a> is <code>true</code>, i.e. one of the
+      <code>crypto</code> methods is to be used, the value of a returned BigNumber should be
+      cryptographically-secure and statistically indistinguishable from a random value.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>dp</code> is invalid. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 10 })
+BigNumber.random()              // '0.4117936847'
+BigNumber.random(20)            // '0.78193327636914089009'</pre>
+    <h5 id="sum">sum<code class='inset'>.sum(n...) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <i>See <code><a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a></code> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>Returns a BigNumber whose value is the sum of the arguments.</p>
+    <p>The return value is always exact and unrounded.</p>
+    <pre>x = new BigNumber('3257869345.0378653')
+BigNumber.sum(4e9, x, '123456789.9')      // '7381326134.9378653'
+arr = [2, new BigNumber(14), '15.9999', 12]
+BigNumber.sum.apply(null, arr)            // '43.9999'</pre>
+    <h4 id="constructor-properties">Properties</h4>
+    <p>
+      The library's enumerated rounding modes are stored as properties of the constructor.<br />
+      (They are not referenced internally by the library itself.)
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Rounding modes <code>0</code> to <code>6</code> (inclusive) are the same as those of Java's
+      BigDecimal class.
+    </p>
+    <table>
+      <tr>
+        <th>Property</th>
+        <th>Value</th>
+        <th>Description</th>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td id="round-up"><b>ROUND_UP</b></td>
+        <td class='centre'>0</td>
+        <td>Rounds away from zero</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td id="round-down"><b>ROUND_DOWN</b></td>
+        <td class='centre'>1</td>
+        <td>Rounds towards zero</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td id="round-ceil"><b>ROUND_CEIL</b></td>
+        <td class='centre'>2</td>
+        <td>Rounds towards <code>Infinity</code></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td id="round-floor"><b>ROUND_FLOOR</b></td>
+        <td class='centre'>3</td>
+        <td>Rounds towards <code>-Infinity</code></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td id="round-half-up"><b>ROUND_HALF_UP</b></td>
+        <td class='centre'>4</td>
+        <td>
+          Rounds towards nearest neighbour.<br />
+          If equidistant, rounds away from zero
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td id="round-half-down"><b>ROUND_HALF_DOWN</b></td>
+        <td class='centre'>5</td>
+        <td>
+          Rounds towards nearest neighbour.<br />
+          If equidistant, rounds towards zero
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td id="round-half-even"><b>ROUND_HALF_EVEN</b></td>
+        <td class='centre'>6</td>
+        <td>
+          Rounds towards nearest neighbour.<br />
+          If equidistant, rounds towards even neighbour
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td id="round-half-ceil"><b>ROUND_HALF_CEIL</b></td>
+        <td class='centre'>7</td>
+        <td>
+          Rounds towards nearest neighbour.<br />
+          If equidistant, rounds towards <code>Infinity</code>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td id="round-half-floor"><b>ROUND_HALF_FLOOR</b></td>
+        <td class='centre'>8</td>
+        <td>
+          Rounds towards nearest neighbour.<br />
+          If equidistant, rounds towards <code>-Infinity</code>
+        </td>
+      </tr>
+    </table>
+    <pre>
+BigNumber.config({ ROUNDING_MODE: BigNumber.ROUND_CEIL })
+BigNumber.config({ ROUNDING_MODE: 2 })     // equivalent</pre>
+    <h5 id="debug">DEBUG</h5>
+    <p><i>undefined|false|true</i></p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>BigNumber.DEBUG</code> is set <code>true</code> then an error will be thrown
+      if this <a href='#bignumber'>BigNumber</a> constructor receives an invalid value, such as
+      a value of type <em>number</em> with more than <code>15</code> significant digits.
+      See <a href='#bignumber'>BigNumber</a>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      An error will also be thrown if the <code><a href='#isBigNumber'>isBigNumber</a></code>
+      method receives a BigNumber that is not well-formed.
+      See <code><a href='#isBigNumber'>isBigNumber</a></code>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>BigNumber.DEBUG = true</pre>
+    <h3>INSTANCE</h3>
+    <h4 id="prototype-methods">Methods</h4>
+    <p>The methods inherited by a BigNumber instance from its constructor's prototype object.</p>
+    <p>A BigNumber is immutable in the sense that it is not changed by its methods. </p>
+    <p>
+      The treatment of &plusmn;<code>0</code>, &plusmn;<code>Infinity</code> and <code>NaN</code> is
+      consistent with how JavaScript treats these values.
+    </p>
+    <p>Many method names have a shorter alias.</p>
+    <h5 id="abs">absoluteValue<code class='inset'>.abs() <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      Returns a BigNumber whose value is the absolute value, i.e. the magnitude, of the value of
+      this BigNumber.
+    </p>
+    <p>The return value is always exact and unrounded.</p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(-0.8)
+y = x.absoluteValue()           // '0.8'
+z = y.abs()                     // '0.8'</pre>
+    <h5 id="cmp">
+      comparedTo<code class='inset'>.comparedTo(n [, base]) <i>&rArr; number</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i><br />
+      <i>See <a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <table>
+      <tr><th>Returns</th><th>&nbsp;</th></tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td class='centre'><code>1</code></td>
+        <td>If the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of <code>n</code></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td class='centre'><code>-1</code></td>
+        <td>If the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of <code>n</code></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td class='centre'><code>0</code></td>
+        <td>If this BigNumber and <code>n</code> have the same value</td>
+      </tr>
+       <tr>
+        <td class='centre'><code>null</code></td>
+        <td>If the value of either this BigNumber or <code>n</code> is <code>NaN</code></td>
+      </tr>
+    </table>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(Infinity)
+y = new BigNumber(5)
+x.comparedTo(y)                 // 1
+x.comparedTo(x.minus(1))        // 0
+y.comparedTo(NaN)               // null
+y.comparedTo('110', 2)          // -1</pre>
+    <h5 id="dp">
+      decimalPlaces<code class='inset'>.dp([dp [, rm]]) <i>&rArr; BigNumber|number</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>dp</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>1e+9</code> inclusive<br />
+      <code>rm</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>8</code> inclusive
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>dp</code> is a number, returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber
+      rounded by rounding mode <code>rm</code> to a maximum of <code>dp</code> decimal places.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>dp</code> is omitted, or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>, the return
+      value is the number of decimal places of the value of this BigNumber, or <code>null</code> if
+      the value of this BigNumber is &plusmn;<code>Infinity</code> or <code>NaN</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>rm</code> is omitted, or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>,
+      <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> is used.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>dp</code> or <code>rm</code> is invalid. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(1234.56)
+x.decimalPlaces(1)                     // '1234.6'
+x.dp()                                 // 2
+x.decimalPlaces(2)                     // '1234.56'
+x.dp(10)                               // '1234.56'
+x.decimalPlaces(0, 1)                  // '1234'
+x.dp(0, 6)                             // '1235'
+x.decimalPlaces(1, 1)                  // '1234.5'
+x.dp(1, BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_EVEN)     // '1234.6'
+x                                      // '1234.56'
+y = new BigNumber('9.9e-101')
+y.dp()                                 // 102</pre>
+    <h5 id="div">dividedBy<code class='inset'>.div(n [, base]) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i><br />
+      <i>See <a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber divided by
+      <code>n</code>, rounded according to the current
+      <a href='#decimal-places'><code>DECIMAL_PLACES</code></a> and
+      <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> settings.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(355)
+y = new BigNumber(113)
+x.dividedBy(y)                  // '3.14159292035398230088'
+x.div(5)                        // '71'
+x.div(47, 16)                   // '5'</pre>
+    <h5 id="divInt">
+      dividedToIntegerBy<code class='inset'>.idiv(n [, base]) &rArr;
+      <i>BigNumber</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i><br />
+      <i>See <a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a BigNumber whose value is the integer part of dividing the value of this BigNumber by
+      <code>n</code>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(5)
+y = new BigNumber(3)
+x.dividedToIntegerBy(y)         // '1'
+x.idiv(0.7)                     // '7'
+x.idiv('0.f', 16)               // '5'</pre>
+    <h5 id="pow">
+      exponentiatedBy<code class='inset'>.pow(n [, m]) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i>: integer<br />
+      <code>m</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber exponentiated by
+      <code>n</code>, i.e. raised to the power <code>n</code>, and optionally modulo a modulus
+      <code>m</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>n</code> is not an integer. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>n</code> is negative the result is rounded according to the current
+      <a href='#decimal-places'><code>DECIMAL_PLACES</code></a> and
+      <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> settings.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      As the number of digits of the result of the power operation can grow so large so quickly,
+      e.g. 123.456<sup>10000</sup> has over <code>50000</code> digits, the number of significant
+      digits calculated is limited to the value of the
+      <a href='#pow-precision'><code>POW_PRECISION</code></a> setting (unless a modulus
+      <code>m</code> is specified).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      By default <a href='#pow-precision'><code>POW_PRECISION</code></a> is set to <code>0</code>.
+      This means that an unlimited number of significant digits will be calculated, and that the
+      method's performance will decrease dramatically for larger exponents.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>m</code> is specified and the value of <code>m</code>, <code>n</code> and this
+      BigNumber are integers, and <code>n</code> is positive, then a fast modular exponentiation
+      algorithm is used, otherwise the operation will be performed as
+      <code>x.exponentiatedBy(n).modulo(m)</code> with a
+      <a href='#pow-precision'><code>POW_PRECISION</code></a> of <code>0</code>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+Math.pow(0.7, 2)                // 0.48999999999999994
+x = new BigNumber(0.7)
+x.exponentiatedBy(2)            // '0.49'
+BigNumber(3).pow(-2)            // '0.11111111111111111111'</pre>
+    <h5 id="int">
+      integerValue<code class='inset'>.integerValue([rm]) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>rm</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>8</code> inclusive
+    </p>
+   <p>
+      Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber rounded to an integer using
+      rounding mode <code>rm</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>rm</code> is omitted, or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>,
+      <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> is used.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>rm</code> is invalid. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(123.456)
+x.integerValue()                        // '123'
+x.integerValue(BigNumber.ROUND_CEIL)    // '124'
+y = new BigNumber(-12.7)
+y.integerValue()                        // '-13'
+y.integerValue(BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN)    // '-12'</pre>
+    <p>
+      The following is an example of how to add a prototype method that emulates JavaScript's
+      <code>Math.round</code> function. <code>Math.ceil</code>, <code>Math.floor</code> and
+      <code>Math.trunc</code> can be emulated in the same way with
+      <code>BigNumber.ROUND_CEIL</code>, <code>BigNumber.ROUND_FLOOR</code> and
+      <code> BigNumber.ROUND_DOWN</code> respectively.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+BigNumber.prototype.round = function (n) {
+  return n.integerValue(BigNumber.ROUND_HALF_CEIL);
+x.round()                               // '123'</pre>
+    <h5 id="eq">isEqualTo<code class='inset'>.eq(n [, base]) <i>&rArr; boolean</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i><br />
+      <i>See <a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns <code>true</code> if the value of this BigNumber is equal to the value of
+      <code>n</code>, otherwise returns <code>false</code>.<br />
+      As with JavaScript, <code>NaN</code> does not equal <code>NaN</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>Note: This method uses the <a href='#cmp'><code>comparedTo</code></a> method internally.</p>
+    <pre>
+0 === 1e-324                    // true
+x = new BigNumber(0)
+x.isEqualTo('1e-324')           // false
+BigNumber(-0).eq(x)             // true  ( -0 === 0 )
+BigNumber(255).eq('ff', 16)     // true
+y = new BigNumber(NaN)
+y.isEqualTo(NaN)                // false</pre>
+    <h5 id="isF">isFinite<code class='inset'>.isFinite() <i>&rArr; boolean</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      Returns <code>true</code> if the value of this BigNumber is a finite number, otherwise
+      returns <code>false</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The only possible non-finite values of a BigNumber are <code>NaN</code>, <code>Infinity</code>
+      and <code>-Infinity</code>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(1)
+x.isFinite()                    // true
+y = new BigNumber(Infinity)
+y.isFinite()                    // false</pre>
+    <p>
+      Note: The native method <code>isFinite()</code> can be used if
+      <code>n &lt;= Number.MAX_VALUE</code>.
+    </p>
+    <h5 id="gt">isGreaterThan<code class='inset'>.gt(n [, base]) <i>&rArr; boolean</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i><br />
+      <i>See <a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns <code>true</code> if the value of this BigNumber is greater than the value of
+      <code>n</code>, otherwise returns <code>false</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>Note: This method uses the <a href='#cmp'><code>comparedTo</code></a> method internally.</p>
+    <pre>
+0.1 &gt; (0.3 - 0.2)                             // true
+x = new BigNumber(0.1)
+x.isGreaterThan(BigNumber(0.3).minus(0.2))    // false
+BigNumber(0).gt(x)                            // false
+BigNumber(11, 3).gt(11.1, 2)                  // true</pre>
+    <h5 id="gte">
+      isGreaterThanOrEqualTo<code class='inset'>.gte(n [, base]) <i>&rArr; boolean</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i><br />
+      <i>See <a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns <code>true</code> if the value of this BigNumber is greater than or equal to the value
+      of <code>n</code>, otherwise returns <code>false</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>Note: This method uses the <a href='#cmp'><code>comparedTo</code></a> method internally.</p>
+    <pre>
+(0.3 - 0.2) &gt;= 0.1                     // false
+x = new BigNumber(0.3).minus(0.2)
+x.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo(0.1)          // true
+BigNumber(1).gte(x)                    // true
+BigNumber(10, 18).gte('i', 36)         // true</pre>
+    <h5 id="isInt">isInteger<code class='inset'>.isInteger() <i>&rArr; boolean</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      Returns <code>true</code> if the value of this BigNumber is an integer, otherwise returns
+      <code>false</code>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(1)
+x.isInteger()                   // true
+y = new BigNumber(123.456)
+y.isInteger()                   // false</pre>
+    <h5 id="lt">isLessThan<code class='inset'>.lt(n [, base]) <i>&rArr; boolean</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i><br />
+      <i>See <a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns <code>true</code> if the value of this BigNumber is less than the value of
+      <code>n</code>, otherwise returns <code>false</code>.
+    </p>
+     <p>Note: This method uses the <a href='#cmp'><code>comparedTo</code></a> method internally.</p>
+    <pre>
+(0.3 - 0.2) &lt; 0.1                       // true
+x = new BigNumber(0.3).minus(0.2)
+x.isLessThan(0.1)                       // false
+BigNumber(0).lt(x)                      // true
+BigNumber(11.1, 2).lt(11, 3)            // true</pre>
+    <h5 id="lte">
+      isLessThanOrEqualTo<code class='inset'>.lte(n [, base]) <i>&rArr; boolean</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i><br />
+      <i>See <a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns <code>true</code> if the value of this BigNumber is less than or equal to the value of
+      <code>n</code>, otherwise returns <code>false</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>Note: This method uses the <a href='#cmp'><code>comparedTo</code></a> method internally.</p>
+    <pre>
+0.1 &lt;= (0.3 - 0.2)                                // false
+x = new BigNumber(0.1)
+x.isLessThanOrEqualTo(BigNumber(0.3).minus(0.2))  // true
+BigNumber(-1).lte(x)                              // true
+BigNumber(10, 18).lte('i', 36)                    // true</pre>
+    <h5 id="isNaN">isNaN<code class='inset'>.isNaN() <i>&rArr; boolean</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      Returns <code>true</code> if the value of this BigNumber is <code>NaN</code>, otherwise
+      returns <code>false</code>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(NaN)
+x.isNaN()                       // true
+y = new BigNumber('Infinity')
+y.isNaN()                       // false</pre>
+    <p>Note: The native method <code>isNaN()</code> can also be used.</p>
+    <h5 id="isNeg">isNegative<code class='inset'>.isNegative() <i>&rArr; boolean</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      Returns <code>true</code> if the sign of this BigNumber is negative, otherwise returns
+      <code>false</code>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(-0)
+x.isNegative()                  // true
+y = new BigNumber(2)
+y.isNegative()                  // false</pre>
+    <p>Note: <code>n &lt; 0</code> can be used if <code>n &lt;= -Number.MIN_VALUE</code>.</p>
+    <h5 id="isPos">isPositive<code class='inset'>.isPositive() <i>&rArr; boolean</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      Returns <code>true</code> if the sign of this BigNumber is positive, otherwise returns
+      <code>false</code>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(-0)
+x.isPositive()                  // false
+y = new BigNumber(2)
+y.isPositive()                  // true</pre>
+    <h5 id="isZ">isZero<code class='inset'>.isZero() <i>&rArr; boolean</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      Returns <code>true</code> if the value of this BigNumber is zero or minus zero, otherwise
+      returns <code>false</code>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(-0)
+x.isZero() && x.isNegative()         // true
+y = new BigNumber(Infinity)
+y.isZero()                      // false</pre>
+    <p>Note: <code>n == 0</code> can be used if <code>n &gt;= Number.MIN_VALUE</code>.</p>
+    <h5 id="minus">
+      minus<code class='inset'>.minus(n [, base]) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i><br />
+      <i>See <a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber minus <code>n</code>.</p>
+    <p>The return value is always exact and unrounded.</p>
+    <pre>
+0.3 - 0.1                       // 0.19999999999999998
+x = new BigNumber(0.3)
+x.minus(0.1)                    // '0.2'
+x.minus(0.6, 20)                // '0'</pre>
+    <h5 id="mod">modulo<code class='inset'>.mod(n [, base]) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i><br />
+      <i>See <a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber modulo <code>n</code>, i.e.
+      the integer remainder of dividing this BigNumber by <code>n</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The value returned, and in particular its sign, is dependent on the value of the
+      <a href='#modulo-mode'><code>MODULO_MODE</code></a> setting of this BigNumber constructor.
+      If it is <code>1</code> (default value), the result will have the same sign as this BigNumber,
+      and it will match that of Javascript's <code>%</code> operator (within the limits of double
+      precision) and BigDecimal's <code>remainder</code> method.
+    </p>
+    <p>The return value is always exact and unrounded.</p>
+    <p>
+      See <a href='#modulo-mode'><code>MODULO_MODE</code></a> for a description of the other
+      modulo modes.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+1 % 0.9                         // 0.09999999999999998
+x = new BigNumber(1)
+x.modulo(0.9)                   // '0.1'
+y = new BigNumber(33)
+y.mod('a', 33)                  // '3'</pre>
+    <h5 id="times">
+      multipliedBy<code class='inset'>.times(n [, base]) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i><br />
+      <i>See <a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber multiplied by <code>n</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>The return value is always exact and unrounded.</p>
+    <pre>
+0.6 * 3                         // 1.7999999999999998
+x = new BigNumber(0.6)
+y = x.multipliedBy(3)           // '1.8'
+BigNumber('7e+500').times(y)    // '1.26e+501'
+x.multipliedBy('-a', 16)        // '-6'</pre>
+    <h5 id="neg">negated<code class='inset'>.negated() <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber negated, i.e. multiplied by
+      <code>-1</code>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(1.8)
+x.negated()                     // '-1.8'
+y = new BigNumber(-1.3)
+y.negated()                     // '1.3'</pre>
+    <h5 id="plus">plus<code class='inset'>.plus(n [, base]) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number|string|BigNumber</i><br />
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i><br />
+      <i>See <a href="#bignumber">BigNumber</a> for further parameter details.</i>
+    </p>
+    <p>Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber plus <code>n</code>.</p>
+    <p>The return value is always exact and unrounded.</p>
+    <pre>
+0.1 + 0.2                       // 0.30000000000000004
+x = new BigNumber(0.1)
+y = x.plus(0.2)                 // '0.3'
+BigNumber(0.7).plus(x).plus(y)  // '1'
+x.plus('0.1', 8)                // '0.225'</pre>
+    <h5 id="sd">
+      precision<code class='inset'>.sd([d [, rm]]) <i>&rArr; BigNumber|number</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>d</code>: <i>number|boolean</i>: integer, <code>1</code> to <code>1e+9</code>
+      inclusive, or <code>true</code> or <code>false</code><br />
+      <code>rm</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>8</code> inclusive.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>d</code> is a number, returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber
+      rounded to a precision of <code>d</code> significant digits using rounding mode
+      <code>rm</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>d</code> is omitted or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>, the return
+      value is the number of significant digits of the value of this BigNumber, or <code>null</code>
+      if the value of this BigNumber is &plusmn;<code>Infinity</code> or <code>NaN</code>.</p>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>d</code> is <code>true</code> then any trailing zeros of the integer
+      part of a number are counted as significant digits, otherwise they are not.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>rm</code> is omitted or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>,
+      <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> will be used.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>d</code> or <code>rm</code> is invalid. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(9876.54321)
+x.precision(6)                         // '9876.54'
+x.sd()                                 // 9
+x.precision(6, BigNumber.ROUND_UP)     // '9876.55'
+x.sd(2)                                // '9900'
+x.precision(2, 1)                      // '9800'
+x                                      // '9876.54321'
+y = new BigNumber(987000)
+y.precision()                          // 3
+y.sd(true)                             // 6</pre>
+<h5 id="shift">shiftedBy<code class='inset'>.shiftedBy(n) <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>n</code>: <i>number</i>: integer,
+      <code>-9007199254740991</code> to <code>9007199254740991</code> inclusive
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a BigNumber whose value is the value of this BigNumber shifted by <code>n</code>
+      places.
+    <p>
+      The shift is of the decimal point, i.e. of powers of ten, and is to the left if <code>n</code>
+      is negative or to the right if <code>n</code> is positive.
+    </p>
+    <p>The return value is always exact and unrounded.</p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>n</code> is invalid. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(1.23)
+x.shiftedBy(3)                      // '1230'
+x.shiftedBy(-3)                     // '0.00123'</pre>
+    <h5 id="sqrt">squareRoot<code class='inset'>.sqrt() <i>&rArr; BigNumber</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      Returns a BigNumber whose value is the square root of the value of this BigNumber,
+      rounded according to the current
+      <a href='#decimal-places'><code>DECIMAL_PLACES</code></a> and
+      <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> settings.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The return value will be correctly rounded, i.e. rounded as if the result was first calculated
+      to an infinite number of correct digits before rounding.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(16)
+x.squareRoot()                  // '4'
+y = new BigNumber(3)
+y.sqrt()                        // '1.73205080756887729353'</pre>
+    <h5 id="toE">
+      toExponential<code class='inset'>.toExponential([dp [, rm]]) <i>&rArr; string</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>dp</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>1e+9</code> inclusive<br />
+      <code>rm</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>8</code> inclusive
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a string representing the value of this BigNumber in exponential notation rounded
+      using rounding mode <code>rm</code> to <code>dp</code> decimal places, i.e with one digit
+      before the decimal point and <code>dp</code> digits after it.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If the value of this BigNumber in exponential notation has fewer than <code>dp</code> fraction
+      digits, the return value will be appended with zeros accordingly.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>dp</code> is omitted, or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>, the number
+      of digits after the decimal point defaults to the minimum number of digits necessary to
+      represent the value exactly.<br />
+      If <code>rm</code> is omitted or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>,
+      <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> is used.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>dp</code> or <code>rm</code> is invalid. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+     <pre>
+x = 45.6
+y = new BigNumber(x)
+x.toExponential()               // '4.56e+1'
+y.toExponential()               // '4.56e+1'
+x.toExponential(0)              // '5e+1'
+y.toExponential(0)              // '5e+1'
+x.toExponential(1)              // '4.6e+1'
+y.toExponential(1)              // '4.6e+1'
+y.toExponential(1, 1)           // '4.5e+1'  (ROUND_DOWN)
+x.toExponential(3)              // '4.560e+1'
+y.toExponential(3)              // '4.560e+1'</pre>
+    <h5 id="toFix">
+      toFixed<code class='inset'>.toFixed([dp [, rm]]) <i>&rArr; string</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>dp</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>1e+9</code> inclusive<br />
+      <code>rm</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>8</code> inclusive
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a string representing the value of this BigNumber in normal (fixed-point) notation
+      rounded to <code>dp</code> decimal places using rounding mode <code>rm</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If the value of this BigNumber in normal notation has fewer than <code>dp</code> fraction
+      digits, the return value will be appended with zeros accordingly.
+    </p>
+   <p>
+      Unlike <code>Number.prototype.toFixed</code>, which returns exponential notation if a number
+      is greater or equal to <code>10<sup>21</sup></code>, this method will always return normal
+      notation.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>dp</code> is omitted or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>, the return
+      value will be unrounded and in normal notation. This is also unlike
+      <code>Number.prototype.toFixed</code>, which returns the value to zero decimal places.<br />
+      It is useful when fixed-point notation is required and the current
+      <a href="#exponential-at"><code>EXPONENTIAL_AT</code></a> setting causes
+      <code><a href='#toS'>toString</a></code> to return exponential notation.<br />
+      If <code>rm</code> is omitted or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>,
+      <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> is used.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>dp</code> or <code>rm</code> is invalid. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = 3.456
+y = new BigNumber(x)
+x.toFixed()                     // '3'
+y.toFixed()                     // '3.456'
+y.toFixed(0)                    // '3'
+x.toFixed(2)                    // '3.46'
+y.toFixed(2)                    // '3.46'
+y.toFixed(2, 1)                 // '3.45'  (ROUND_DOWN)
+x.toFixed(5)                    // '3.45600'
+y.toFixed(5)                    // '3.45600'</pre>
+    <h5 id="toFor">
+      toFormat<code class='inset'>.toFormat([dp [, rm[, format]]]) <i>&rArr; string</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>dp</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>1e+9</code> inclusive<br />
+      <code>rm</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>8</code> inclusive<br />
+      <code>format</code>: <i>object</i>: see <a href='#format'><code>FORMAT</code></a>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      <p>
+      Returns a string representing the value of this BigNumber in normal (fixed-point) notation
+      rounded to <code>dp</code> decimal places using rounding mode <code>rm</code>, and formatted
+      according to the properties of the <code>format</code> object.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      See <a href='#format'><code>FORMAT</code></a> and the examples below for the properties of the
+      <code>format</code> object, their types, and their usage. A formatting object may contain
+      some or all of the recognised properties.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>dp</code> is omitted or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>, then the
+      return value is not rounded to a fixed number of decimal places.<br />
+      If <code>rm</code> is omitted or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>,
+      <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> is used.<br />
+      If <code>format</code> is omitted or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>, the
+      <a href='#format'><code>FORMAT</code></a> object is used.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>dp</code>, <code>rm</code> or <code>format</code> is invalid. See
+      <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+fmt = {
+  prefix = '',
+  decimalSeparator: '.',
+  groupSeparator: ',',
+  groupSize: 3,
+  secondaryGroupSize: 0,
+  fractionGroupSeparator: ' ',
+  fractionGroupSize: 0,
+  suffix = ''
+x = new BigNumber('123456789.123456789')
+// Set the global formatting options
+BigNumber.config({ FORMAT: fmt })
+x.toFormat()                              // '123,456,789.123456789'
+x.toFormat(3)                             // '123,456,789.123'
+// If a reference to the object assigned to FORMAT has been retained,
+// the format properties can be changed directly
+fmt.groupSeparator = ' '
+fmt.fractionGroupSize = 5
+x.toFormat()                              // '123 456 789.12345 6789'
+// Alternatively, pass the formatting options as an argument
+fmt = {
+  prefix: '=> ',
+  decimalSeparator: ',',
+  groupSeparator: '.',
+  groupSize: 3,
+  secondaryGroupSize: 2
+x.toFormat()                              // '123 456 789.12345 6789'
+x.toFormat(fmt)                           // '=>,123456789'
+x.toFormat(2, fmt)                        // '=>,12'
+x.toFormat(3, BigNumber.ROUND_UP, fmt)    // '=>,124'</pre>
+    <h5 id="toFr">
+      toFraction<code class='inset'>.toFraction([maximum_denominator])
+      <i>&rArr; [BigNumber, BigNumber]</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>maximum_denominator</code>:
+      <i>number|string|BigNumber</i>: integer &gt;= <code>1</code> and &lt;=
+      <code>Infinity</code>
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns an array of two BigNumbers representing the value of this BigNumber as a simple
+      fraction with an integer numerator and an integer denominator. The denominator will be a
+      positive non-zero value less than or equal to <code>maximum_denominator</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If a <code>maximum_denominator</code> is not specified, or is <code>null</code> or
+      <code>undefined</code>, the denominator will be the lowest value necessary to represent the
+      number exactly.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>maximum_denominator</code> is invalid. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(1.75)
+x.toFraction()                  // '7, 4'
+pi = new BigNumber('3.14159265358')
+pi.toFraction()                 // '157079632679,50000000000'
+pi.toFraction(100000)           // '312689, 99532'
+pi.toFraction(10000)            // '355, 113'
+pi.toFraction(100)              // '311, 99'
+pi.toFraction(10)               // '22, 7'
+pi.toFraction(1)                // '3, 1'</pre>
+    <h5 id="toJSON">toJSON<code class='inset'>.toJSON() <i>&rArr; string</i></code></h5>
+    <p>As <a href='#valueOf'><code>valueOf</code></a>.</p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber('177.7e+457')
+y = new BigNumber(235.4325)
+z = new BigNumber('0.0098074')
+// Serialize an array of three BigNumbers
+str = JSON.stringify( [x, y, z] )
+// "["1.777e+459","235.4325","0.0098074"]"
+// Return an array of three BigNumbers
+JSON.parse(str, function (key, val) {
+    return key === '' ? val : new BigNumber(val)
+    <h5 id="toN">toNumber<code class='inset'>.toNumber() <i>&rArr; number</i></code></h5>
+    <p>Returns the value of this BigNumber as a JavaScript number primitive.</p>
+    <p>
+      This method is identical to using type coercion with the unary plus operator.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(456.789)
+x.toNumber()                    // 456.789
++x                              // 456.789
+y = new BigNumber('45987349857634085409857349856430985')
+y.toNumber()                    // 4.598734985763409e+34
+z = new BigNumber(-0)
+1 / z.toNumber()                // -Infinity
+1 / +z                          // -Infinity</pre>
+    <h5 id="toP">
+      toPrecision<code class='inset'>.toPrecision([sd [, rm]]) <i>&rArr; string</i></code>
+    </h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>sd</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>1</code> to <code>1e+9</code> inclusive<br />
+      <code>rm</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>0</code> to <code>8</code> inclusive
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a string representing the value of this BigNumber rounded to <code>sd</code>
+      significant digits using rounding mode <code>rm</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>sd</code> is less than the number of digits necessary to represent the integer part
+      of the value in normal (fixed-point) notation, then exponential notation is used.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If <code>sd</code> is omitted, or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>, then the
+      return value is the same as <code>n.toString()</code>.<br />
+      If <code>rm</code> is omitted or is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code>,
+      <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> is used.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>sd</code> or <code>rm</code> is invalid. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+     <pre>
+x = 45.6
+y = new BigNumber(x)
+x.toPrecision()                 // '45.6'
+y.toPrecision()                 // '45.6'
+x.toPrecision(1)                // '5e+1'
+y.toPrecision(1)                // '5e+1'
+y.toPrecision(2, 0)             // '4.6e+1'  (ROUND_UP)
+y.toPrecision(2, 1)             // '4.5e+1'  (ROUND_DOWN)
+x.toPrecision(5)                // '45.600'
+y.toPrecision(5)                // '45.600'</pre>
+    <h5 id="toS">toString<code class='inset'>.toString([base]) <i>&rArr; string</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      <code>base</code>: <i>number</i>: integer, <code>2</code> to <code>ALPHABET.length</code>
+      inclusive (see <a href='#alphabet'><code>ALPHABET</code></a>).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Returns a string representing the value of this BigNumber in the specified base, or base
+      <code>10</code> if <code>base</code> is omitted or is <code>null</code> or
+      <code>undefined</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      For bases above <code>10</code>, and using the default base conversion alphabet
+      (see <a href='#alphabet'><code>ALPHABET</code></a>), values from <code>10</code> to
+      <code>35</code> are represented by <code>a-z</code>
+      (as with <code>Number.prototype.toString</code>).
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If a base is specified the value is rounded according to the current
+      <a href='#decimal-places'><code>DECIMAL_PLACES</code></a>
+      and <a href='#rounding-mode'><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code></a> settings.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If a base is not specified, and this BigNumber has a positive
+      exponent that is equal to or greater than the positive component of the
+      current <a href="#exponential-at"><code>EXPONENTIAL_AT</code></a> setting,
+      or a negative exponent equal to or less than the negative component of the
+      setting, then exponential notation is returned.
+    </p>
+    <p>If <code>base</code> is <code>null</code> or <code>undefined</code> it is ignored.</p>
+    <p>
+      Throws if <code>base</code> is invalid. See <a href='#Errors'>Errors</a>.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber(750000)
+x.toString()                    // '750000'
+BigNumber.config({ EXPONENTIAL_AT: 5 })
+x.toString()                    // '7.5e+5'
+y = new BigNumber(362.875)
+y.toString(2)                   // '101101010.111'
+y.toString(9)                   // '442.77777777777777777778'
+y.toString(32)                  // 'ba.s'
+BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 4 });
+z = new BigNumber('1.23456789')
+z.toString()                    // '1.23456789'
+z.toString(10)                  // '1.2346'</pre>
+    <h5 id="valueOf">valueOf<code class='inset'>.valueOf() <i>&rArr; string</i></code></h5>
+    <p>
+      As <a href='#toS'><code>toString</code></a>, but does not accept a base argument and includes
+      the minus sign for negative zero.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigNumber('-0')
+x.toString()                    // '0'
+x.valueOf()                     // '-0'
+y = new BigNumber('1.777e+457')
+y.valueOf()                     // '1.777e+457'</pre>
+    <h4 id="instance-properties">Properties</h4>
+    <p>The properties of a BigNumber instance:</p>
+    <table>
+      <tr>
+        <th>Property</th>
+        <th>Description</th>
+        <th>Type</th>
+        <th>Value</th>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td class='centre' id='coefficient'><b>c</b></td>
+        <td>coefficient<sup>*</sup></td>
+        <td><i>number</i><code>[]</code></td>
+        <td> Array of base <code>1e14</code> numbers</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td class='centre' id='exponent'><b>e</b></td>
+        <td>exponent</td>
+        <td><i>number</i></td>
+        <td>Integer, <code>-1000000000</code> to <code>1000000000</code> inclusive</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td class='centre' id='sign'><b>s</b></td>
+        <td>sign</td>
+        <td><i>number</i></td>
+        <td><code>-1</code> or <code>1</code></td>
+      </tr>
+    </table>
+    <p><sup>*</sup>significand</p>
+    <p>
+      The value of any of the <code>c</code>, <code>e</code> and <code>s</code> properties may also
+      be <code>null</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The above properties are best considered to be read-only. In early versions of this library it
+      was okay to change the exponent of a BigNumber by writing to its exponent property directly,
+      but this is no longer reliable as the value of the first element of the coefficient array is
+      now dependent on the exponent.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      Note that, as with JavaScript numbers, the original exponent and fractional trailing zeros are
+      not necessarily preserved.
+    </p>
+    <pre>x = new BigNumber(0.123)              // '0.123'
+x.toExponential()                     // '1.23e-1'
+x.c                                   // '1,2,3'
+x.e                                   // -1
+x.s                                   // 1
+y = new Number(-123.4567000e+2)       // '-12345.67'
+y.toExponential()                     // '-1.234567e+4'
+z = new BigNumber('-123.4567000e+2')  // '-12345.67'
+z.toExponential()                     // '-1.234567e+4'
+z.c                                   // '1,2,3,4,5,6,7'
+z.e                                   // 4
+z.s                                   // -1</pre>
+    <h4 id="zero-nan-infinity">Zero, NaN and Infinity</h4>
+    <p>
+      The table below shows how &plusmn;<code>0</code>, <code>NaN</code> and
+      &plusmn;<code>Infinity</code> are stored.
+    </p>
+    <table>
+      <tr>
+        <th> </th>
+        <th class='centre'>c</th>
+        <th class='centre'>e</th>
+        <th class='centre'>s</th>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>&plusmn;0</td>
+        <td><code>[0]</code></td>
+        <td><code>0</code></td>
+        <td><code>&plusmn;1</code></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>NaN</td>
+        <td><code>null</code></td>
+        <td><code>null</code></td>
+        <td><code>null</code></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>&plusmn;Infinity</td>
+        <td><code>null</code></td>
+        <td><code>null</code></td>
+        <td><code>&plusmn;1</code></td>
+      </tr>
+    </table>
+    <pre>
+x = new Number(-0)              // 0
+1 / x == -Infinity              // true
+y = new BigNumber(-0)           // '0'
+y.c                             // '0' ( [0].toString() )
+y.e                             // 0
+y.s                             // -1</pre>
+    <h4 id='Errors'>Errors</h4>
+    <p>The table below shows the errors that are thrown.</p>
+    <p>
+      The errors are generic <code>Error</code> objects whose message begins
+      <code>'[BigNumber Error]'</code>.
+    </p>
+    <table class='error-table'>
+      <tr>
+        <th>Method</th>
+        <th>Throws</th>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td rowspan=6>
+          <code>BigNumber</code><br />
+          <code>comparedTo</code><br />
+          <code>dividedBy</code><br />
+          <code>dividedToIntegerBy</code><br />
+          <code>isEqualTo</code><br />
+          <code>isGreaterThan</code><br />
+          <code>isGreaterThanOrEqualTo</code><br />
+          <code>isLessThan</code><br />
+          <code>isLessThanOrEqualTo</code><br />
+          <code>minus</code><br />
+          <code>modulo</code><br />
+          <code>plus</code><br />
+          <code>multipliedBy</code>
+        </td>
+        <td>Base not a primitive number</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>Base not an integer</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>Base out of range</td>
+      </tr>
+       <tr>
+        <td>Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits<sup>*</sup></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>Not a base... number<sup>*</sup></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>Not a number<sup>*</sup></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>clone</code></td>
+        <td>Object expected</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td rowspan=24><code>config</code></td>
+        <td>Object expected</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>DECIMAL_PLACES</code> not a primitive number</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>DECIMAL_PLACES</code> not an integer</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>DECIMAL_PLACES</code> out of range</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code> not a primitive number</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code> not an integer</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>ROUNDING_MODE</code> out of range</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>EXPONENTIAL_AT</code> not a primitive number</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>EXPONENTIAL_AT</code> not an integer</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>EXPONENTIAL_AT</code> out of range</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>RANGE</code> not a primitive number</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>RANGE</code> not an integer</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>RANGE</code> cannot be zero</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>RANGE</code> cannot be zero</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>CRYPTO</code> not true or false</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>crypto</code> unavailable</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>MODULO_MODE</code> not a primitive number</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>MODULO_MODE</code> not an integer</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>MODULO_MODE</code> out of range</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>POW_PRECISION</code> not a primitive number</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>POW_PRECISION</code> not an integer</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>POW_PRECISION</code> out of range</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>FORMAT</code> not an object</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>ALPHABET</code> invalid</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td rowspan=3>
+          <code>decimalPlaces</code><br />
+          <code>precision</code><br />
+          <code>random</code><br />
+          <code>shiftedBy</code><br />
+          <code>toExponential</code><br />
+          <code>toFixed</code><br />
+          <code>toFormat</code><br />
+          <code>toPrecision</code>
+        </td>
+        <td>Argument not a primitive number</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>Argument not an integer</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>Argument out of range</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>
+          <code>decimalPlaces</code><br />
+          <code>precision</code>
+        </td>
+        <td>Argument not true or false</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>exponentiatedBy</code></td>
+        <td>Argument not an integer</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td><code>isBigNumber</code></td>
+        <td>Invalid BigNumber<sup>*</sup></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>
+          <code>minimum</code><br />
+          <code>maximum</code>
+        </td>
+        <td>Not a number<sup>*</sup></td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>
+          <code>random</code>
+        </td>
+        <td>crypto unavailable</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>
+          <code>toFormat</code>
+        </td>
+        <td>Argument not an object</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td rowspan=2><code>toFraction</code></td>
+        <td>Argument not an integer</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>Argument out of range</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td rowspan=3><code>toString</code></td>
+        <td>Base not a primitive number</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>Base not an integer</td>
+      </tr>
+      <tr>
+        <td>Base out of range</td>
+      </tr>
+    </table>
+    <p><sup>*</sup>Only thrown if <code>BigNumber.DEBUG</code> is <code>true</code>.</p>
+    <p>To determine if an exception is a BigNumber Error:</p>
+    <pre>
+try {
+  // ...
+} catch (e) {
+  if (e instanceof Error && e.message.indexOf('[BigNumber Error]') === 0) {
+      // ...
+  }
+    <h4 id="type-coercion">Type coercion</h4>
+    <p>
+      To prevent the accidental use of a BigNumber in primitive number operations, or the
+      accidental addition of a BigNumber to a string, the <code>valueOf</code> method can be safely
+      overwritten as shown below.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The <a href='#valueOf'><code>valueOf</code></a> method is the same as the
+      <a href='#toJSON'><code>toJSON</code></a> method, and both are the same as the
+      <a href='#toS'><code>toString</code></a> method except they do not take a <code>base</code>
+      argument and they include the minus sign for negative zero.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+BigNumber.prototype.valueOf = function () {
+  throw Error('valueOf called!')
+x = new BigNumber(1)
+x / 2                    // '[BigNumber Error] valueOf called!'
+x + 'abc'                // '[BigNumber Error] valueOf called!'
+    <h4 id='faq'>FAQ</h4>
+    <h6>Why are trailing fractional zeros removed from BigNumbers?</h6>
+    <p>
+      Some arbitrary-precision libraries retain trailing fractional zeros as they can indicate the
+      precision of a value. This can be useful but the results of arithmetic operations can be
+      misleading.
+    </p>
+    <pre>
+x = new BigDecimal("1.0")
+y = new BigDecimal("1.1000")
+z = x.add(y)                      // 2.1000
+x = new BigDecimal("1.20")
+y = new BigDecimal("3.45000")
+z = x.multiply(y)                 // 4.1400000</pre>
+    <p>
+      To specify the precision of a value is to specify that the value lies
+      within a certain range.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      In the first example, <code>x</code> has a value of <code>1.0</code>. The trailing zero shows
+      the precision of the value, implying that it is in the range <code>0.95</code> to
+      <code>1.05</code>. Similarly, the precision indicated by the trailing zeros of <code>y</code>
+      indicates that the value is in the range <code>1.09995</code> to <code>1.10005</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      If we  add the two lowest values in the ranges we have, <code>0.95 + 1.09995 = 2.04995</code>,
+      and if we add the two highest values we have, <code>1.05 + 1.10005 = 2.15005</code>, so the
+      range of the result of the addition implied by the precision of its operands is
+      <code>2.04995</code> to <code>2.15005</code>.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      The result given by BigDecimal of <code>2.1000</code> however, indicates that the value is in
+      the range <code>2.09995</code> to <code>2.10005</code> and therefore the precision implied by
+      its trailing zeros may be misleading.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      In the second example, the true range is <code>4.122744</code> to <code>4.157256</code> yet
+      the BigDecimal answer of <code>4.1400000</code> indicates a range of <code>4.13999995</code>
+      to  <code>4.14000005</code>. Again, the precision implied by the trailing zeros may be
+      misleading.
+    </p>
+    <p>
+      This library, like binary floating point and most calculators, does not retain trailing
+      fractional zeros. Instead, the <code>toExponential</code>, <code>toFixed</code> and
+      <code>toPrecision</code> methods enable trailing zeros to be added if and when required.<br />
+    </p>
+  </div>

+ 40 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  "name": "bignumber.js",
+  "description": "A library for arbitrary-precision decimal and non-decimal arithmetic",
+  "version": "9.0.0",
+  "keywords": [
+    "arbitrary",
+    "precision",
+    "arithmetic",
+    "big",
+    "number",
+    "decimal",
+    "float",
+    "biginteger",
+    "bigdecimal",
+    "bignumber",
+    "bigint",
+    "bignum"
+  ],
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "https://github.com/MikeMcl/bignumber.js.git"
+  },
+  "main": "bignumber",
+  "module": "bignumber.mjs",
+  "browser": "bignumber.js",
+  "types": "bignumber.d.ts",
+  "author": {
+    "name": "Michael Mclaughlin",
+    "email": "M8ch88l@gmail.com"
+  },
+  "engines": {
+    "node": "*"
+  },
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "scripts": {
+    "test": "node test/test",
+    "build": "uglifyjs bignumber.js --source-map -c -m -o bignumber.min.js"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {}

+ 672 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,672 @@
+1.20.3 / 2024-09-10
+  * deps: qs@6.13.0
+  * add `depth` option to customize the depth level in the parser
+  * IMPORTANT: The default `depth` level for parsing URL-encoded data is now `32` (previously was `Infinity`)
+1.20.2 / 2023-02-21
+  * Fix strict json error message on Node.js 19+
+  * deps: content-type@~1.0.5
+    - perf: skip value escaping when unnecessary
+  * deps: raw-body@2.5.2
+1.20.1 / 2022-10-06
+  * deps: qs@6.11.0
+  * perf: remove unnecessary object clone
+1.20.0 / 2022-04-02
+  * Fix error message for json parse whitespace in `strict`
+  * Fix internal error when inflated body exceeds limit
+  * Prevent loss of async hooks context
+  * Prevent hanging when request already read
+  * deps: depd@2.0.0
+    - Replace internal `eval` usage with `Function` constructor
+    - Use instance methods on `process` to check for listeners
+  * deps: http-errors@2.0.0
+    - deps: depd@2.0.0
+    - deps: statuses@2.0.1
+  * deps: on-finished@2.4.1
+  * deps: qs@6.10.3
+  * deps: raw-body@2.5.1
+    - deps: http-errors@2.0.0
+1.19.2 / 2022-02-15
+  * deps: bytes@3.1.2
+  * deps: qs@6.9.7
+    * Fix handling of `__proto__` keys
+  * deps: raw-body@2.4.3
+    - deps: bytes@3.1.2
+1.19.1 / 2021-12-10
+  * deps: bytes@3.1.1
+  * deps: http-errors@1.8.1
+    - deps: inherits@2.0.4
+    - deps: toidentifier@1.0.1
+    - deps: setprototypeof@1.2.0
+  * deps: qs@6.9.6
+  * deps: raw-body@2.4.2
+    - deps: bytes@3.1.1
+    - deps: http-errors@1.8.1
+  * deps: safe-buffer@5.2.1
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.18
+1.19.0 / 2019-04-25
+  * deps: bytes@3.1.0
+    - Add petabyte (`pb`) support
+  * deps: http-errors@1.7.2
+    - Set constructor name when possible
+    - deps: setprototypeof@1.1.1
+    - deps: statuses@'>= 1.5.0 < 2'
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.24
+    - Added encoding MIK
+  * deps: qs@6.7.0
+    - Fix parsing array brackets after index
+  * deps: raw-body@2.4.0
+    - deps: bytes@3.1.0
+    - deps: http-errors@1.7.2
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.24
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.17
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.24
+    - perf: prevent internal `throw` on invalid type
+1.18.3 / 2018-05-14
+  * Fix stack trace for strict json parse error
+  * deps: depd@~1.1.2
+    - perf: remove argument reassignment
+  * deps: http-errors@~1.6.3
+    - deps: depd@~1.1.2
+    - deps: setprototypeof@1.1.0
+    - deps: statuses@'>= 1.3.1 < 2'
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.23
+    - Fix loading encoding with year appended
+    - Fix deprecation warnings on Node.js 10+
+  * deps: qs@6.5.2
+  * deps: raw-body@2.3.3
+    - deps: http-errors@1.6.3
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.23
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.16
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.18
+1.18.2 / 2017-09-22
+  * deps: debug@2.6.9
+  * perf: remove argument reassignment
+1.18.1 / 2017-09-12
+  * deps: content-type@~1.0.4
+    - perf: remove argument reassignment
+    - perf: skip parameter parsing when no parameters
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.19
+    - Fix ISO-8859-1 regression
+    - Update Windows-1255
+  * deps: qs@6.5.1
+    - Fix parsing & compacting very deep objects
+  * deps: raw-body@2.3.2
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.19
+1.18.0 / 2017-09-08
+  * Fix JSON strict violation error to match native parse error
+  * Include the `body` property on verify errors
+  * Include the `type` property on all generated errors
+  * Use `http-errors` to set status code on errors
+  * deps: bytes@3.0.0
+  * deps: debug@2.6.8
+  * deps: depd@~1.1.1
+    - Remove unnecessary `Buffer` loading
+  * deps: http-errors@~1.6.2
+    - deps: depd@1.1.1
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.18
+    - Add support for React Native
+    - Add a warning if not loaded as utf-8
+    - Fix CESU-8 decoding in Node.js 8
+    - Improve speed of ISO-8859-1 encoding
+  * deps: qs@6.5.0
+  * deps: raw-body@2.3.1
+    - Use `http-errors` for standard emitted errors
+    - deps: bytes@3.0.0
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.18
+    - perf: skip buffer decoding on overage chunk
+  * perf: prevent internal `throw` when missing charset
+1.17.2 / 2017-05-17
+  * deps: debug@2.6.7
+    - deps: ms@2.0.0
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.15
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.15
+1.17.1 / 2017-03-06
+  * deps: qs@6.4.0
+    - Fix regression parsing keys starting with `[`
+1.17.0 / 2017-03-01
+  * deps: http-errors@~1.6.1
+    - Make `message` property enumerable for `HttpError`s
+    - deps: setprototypeof@1.0.3
+  * deps: qs@6.3.1
+    - Fix compacting nested arrays
+1.16.1 / 2017-02-10
+  * deps: debug@2.6.1
+    - Fix deprecation messages in WebStorm and other editors
+    - Undeprecate `DEBUG_FD` set to `1` or `2`
+1.16.0 / 2017-01-17
+  * deps: debug@2.6.0
+    - Allow colors in workers
+    - Deprecated `DEBUG_FD` environment variable
+    - Fix error when running under React Native
+    - Use same color for same namespace
+    - deps: ms@0.7.2
+  * deps: http-errors@~1.5.1
+    - deps: inherits@2.0.3
+    - deps: setprototypeof@1.0.2
+    - deps: statuses@'>= 1.3.1 < 2'
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.15
+    - Added encoding MS-31J
+    - Added encoding MS-932
+    - Added encoding MS-936
+    - Added encoding MS-949
+    - Added encoding MS-950
+    - Fix GBK/GB18030 handling of Euro character
+  * deps: qs@6.2.1
+    - Fix array parsing from skipping empty values
+  * deps: raw-body@~2.2.0
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.15
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.14
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.13
+1.15.2 / 2016-06-19
+  * deps: bytes@2.4.0
+  * deps: content-type@~1.0.2
+    - perf: enable strict mode
+  * deps: http-errors@~1.5.0
+    - Use `setprototypeof` module to replace `__proto__` setting
+    - deps: statuses@'>= 1.3.0 < 2'
+    - perf: enable strict mode
+  * deps: qs@6.2.0
+  * deps: raw-body@~2.1.7
+    - deps: bytes@2.4.0
+    - perf: remove double-cleanup on happy path
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.13
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.11
+1.15.1 / 2016-05-05
+  * deps: bytes@2.3.0
+    - Drop partial bytes on all parsed units
+    - Fix parsing byte string that looks like hex
+  * deps: raw-body@~2.1.6
+    - deps: bytes@2.3.0
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.12
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.10
+1.15.0 / 2016-02-10
+  * deps: http-errors@~1.4.0
+    - Add `HttpError` export, for `err instanceof createError.HttpError`
+    - deps: inherits@2.0.1
+    - deps: statuses@'>= 1.2.1 < 2'
+  * deps: qs@6.1.0
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.11
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.9
+1.14.2 / 2015-12-16
+  * deps: bytes@2.2.0
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.13
+  * deps: qs@5.2.0
+  * deps: raw-body@~2.1.5
+    - deps: bytes@2.2.0
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.13
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.10
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.8
+1.14.1 / 2015-09-27
+  * Fix issue where invalid charset results in 400 when `verify` used
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.12
+    - Fix CESU-8 decoding in Node.js 4.x
+  * deps: raw-body@~2.1.4
+    - Fix masking critical errors from `iconv-lite`
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.12
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.9
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.7
+1.14.0 / 2015-09-16
+  * Fix JSON strict parse error to match syntax errors
+  * Provide static `require` analysis in `urlencoded` parser
+  * deps: depd@~1.1.0
+    - Support web browser loading
+  * deps: qs@5.1.0
+  * deps: raw-body@~2.1.3
+    - Fix sync callback when attaching data listener causes sync read
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.8
+    - Fix type error when given invalid type to match against
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.6
+1.13.3 / 2015-07-31
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.6
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.4
+1.13.2 / 2015-07-05
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.11
+  * deps: qs@4.0.0
+    - Fix dropping parameters like `hasOwnProperty`
+    - Fix user-visible incompatibilities from 3.1.0
+    - Fix various parsing edge cases
+  * deps: raw-body@~2.1.2
+    - Fix error stack traces to skip `makeError`
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.11
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.4
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.2
+    - perf: enable strict mode
+    - perf: remove argument reassignment
+1.13.1 / 2015-06-16
+  * deps: qs@2.4.2
+    - Downgraded from 3.1.0 because of user-visible incompatibilities
+1.13.0 / 2015-06-14
+  * Add `statusCode` property on `Error`s, in addition to `status`
+  * Change `type` default to `application/json` for JSON parser
+  * Change `type` default to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded` for urlencoded parser
+  * Provide static `require` analysis
+  * Use the `http-errors` module to generate errors
+  * deps: bytes@2.1.0
+    - Slight optimizations
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.10
+    - The encoding UTF-16 without BOM now defaults to UTF-16LE when detection fails
+    - Leading BOM is now removed when decoding
+  * deps: on-finished@~2.3.0
+    - Add defined behavior for HTTP `CONNECT` requests
+    - Add defined behavior for HTTP `Upgrade` requests
+    - deps: ee-first@1.1.1
+  * deps: qs@3.1.0
+    - Fix dropping parameters like `hasOwnProperty`
+    - Fix various parsing edge cases
+    - Parsed object now has `null` prototype
+  * deps: raw-body@~2.1.1
+    - Use `unpipe` module for unpiping requests
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.10
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.3
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.1.1
+    - perf: reduce try block size
+    - perf: remove bitwise operations
+  * perf: enable strict mode
+  * perf: remove argument reassignment
+  * perf: remove delete call
+1.12.4 / 2015-05-10
+  * deps: debug@~2.2.0
+  * deps: qs@2.4.2
+    - Fix allowing parameters like `constructor`
+  * deps: on-finished@~2.2.1
+  * deps: raw-body@~2.0.1
+    - Fix a false-positive when unpiping in Node.js 0.8
+    - deps: bytes@2.0.1
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.2
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.0.11
+1.12.3 / 2015-04-15
+  * Slight efficiency improvement when not debugging
+  * deps: depd@~1.0.1
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.8
+    - Add encoding alias UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7
+  * deps: raw-body@1.3.4
+    - Fix hanging callback if request aborts during read
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.8
+1.12.2 / 2015-03-16
+  * deps: qs@2.4.1
+    - Fix error when parameter `hasOwnProperty` is present
+1.12.1 / 2015-03-15
+  * deps: debug@~2.1.3
+    - Fix high intensity foreground color for bold
+    - deps: ms@0.7.0
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.1
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.0.10
+1.12.0 / 2015-02-13
+  * add `debug` messages
+  * accept a function for the `type` option
+  * use `content-type` to parse `Content-Type` headers
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.7
+    - Gracefully support enumerables on `Object.prototype`
+  * deps: raw-body@1.3.3
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.7
+  * deps: type-is@~1.6.0
+    - fix argument reassignment
+    - fix false-positives in `hasBody` `Transfer-Encoding` check
+    - support wildcard for both type and subtype (`*/*`)
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.0.9
+1.11.0 / 2015-01-30
+  * make internal `extended: true` depth limit infinity
+  * deps: type-is@~1.5.6
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.0.8
+1.10.2 / 2015-01-20
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.6
+    - Fix rare aliases of single-byte encodings
+  * deps: raw-body@1.3.2
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.6
+1.10.1 / 2015-01-01
+  * deps: on-finished@~2.2.0
+  * deps: type-is@~1.5.5
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.0.7
+1.10.0 / 2014-12-02
+  * make internal `extended: true` array limit dynamic
+1.9.3 / 2014-11-21
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.5
+    - Fix Windows-31J and X-SJIS encoding support
+  * deps: qs@2.3.3
+    - Fix `arrayLimit` behavior
+  * deps: raw-body@1.3.1
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.5
+  * deps: type-is@~1.5.3
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.0.3
+1.9.2 / 2014-10-27
+  * deps: qs@2.3.2
+    - Fix parsing of mixed objects and values
+1.9.1 / 2014-10-22
+  * deps: on-finished@~2.1.1
+    - Fix handling of pipelined requests
+  * deps: qs@2.3.0
+    - Fix parsing of mixed implicit and explicit arrays
+  * deps: type-is@~1.5.2
+    - deps: mime-types@~2.0.2
+1.9.0 / 2014-09-24
+  * include the charset in "unsupported charset" error message
+  * include the encoding in "unsupported content encoding" error message
+  * deps: depd@~1.0.0
+1.8.4 / 2014-09-23
+  * fix content encoding to be case-insensitive
+1.8.3 / 2014-09-19
+  * deps: qs@2.2.4
+    - Fix issue with object keys starting with numbers truncated
+1.8.2 / 2014-09-15
+  * deps: depd@0.4.5
+1.8.1 / 2014-09-07
+  * deps: media-typer@0.3.0
+  * deps: type-is@~1.5.1
+1.8.0 / 2014-09-05
+  * make empty-body-handling consistent between chunked requests
+    - empty `json` produces `{}`
+    - empty `raw` produces `new Buffer(0)`
+    - empty `text` produces `''`
+    - empty `urlencoded` produces `{}`
+  * deps: qs@2.2.3
+    - Fix issue where first empty value in array is discarded
+  * deps: type-is@~1.5.0
+    - fix `hasbody` to be true for `content-length: 0`
+1.7.0 / 2014-09-01
+  * add `parameterLimit` option to `urlencoded` parser
+  * change `urlencoded` extended array limit to 100
+  * respond with 413 when over `parameterLimit` in `urlencoded`
+1.6.7 / 2014-08-29
+  * deps: qs@2.2.2
+    - Remove unnecessary cloning
+1.6.6 / 2014-08-27
+  * deps: qs@2.2.0
+    - Array parsing fix
+    - Performance improvements
+1.6.5 / 2014-08-16
+  * deps: on-finished@2.1.0
+1.6.4 / 2014-08-14
+  * deps: qs@1.2.2
+1.6.3 / 2014-08-10
+  * deps: qs@1.2.1
+1.6.2 / 2014-08-07
+  * deps: qs@1.2.0
+    - Fix parsing array of objects
+1.6.1 / 2014-08-06
+  * deps: qs@1.1.0
+    - Accept urlencoded square brackets
+    - Accept empty values in implicit array notation
+1.6.0 / 2014-08-05
+  * deps: qs@1.0.2
+    - Complete rewrite
+    - Limits array length to 20
+    - Limits object depth to 5
+    - Limits parameters to 1,000
+1.5.2 / 2014-07-27
+  * deps: depd@0.4.4
+    - Work-around v8 generating empty stack traces
+1.5.1 / 2014-07-26
+  * deps: depd@0.4.3
+    - Fix exception when global `Error.stackTraceLimit` is too low
+1.5.0 / 2014-07-20
+  * deps: depd@0.4.2
+    - Add `TRACE_DEPRECATION` environment variable
+    - Remove non-standard grey color from color output
+    - Support `--no-deprecation` argument
+    - Support `--trace-deprecation` argument
+  * deps: iconv-lite@0.4.4
+    - Added encoding UTF-7
+  * deps: raw-body@1.3.0
+    - deps: iconv-lite@0.4.4
+    - Added encoding UTF-7
+    - Fix `Cannot switch to old mode now` error on Node.js 0.10+
+  * deps: type-is@~1.3.2
+1.4.3 / 2014-06-19
+  * deps: type-is@1.3.1
+    - fix global variable leak
+1.4.2 / 2014-06-19
+  * deps: type-is@1.3.0
+    - improve type parsing
+1.4.1 / 2014-06-19
+  * fix urlencoded extended deprecation message
+1.4.0 / 2014-06-19
+  * add `text` parser
+  * add `raw` parser
+  * check accepted charset in content-type (accepts utf-8)
+  * check accepted encoding in content-encoding (accepts identity)
+  * deprecate `bodyParser()` middleware; use `.json()` and `.urlencoded()` as needed
+  * deprecate `urlencoded()` without provided `extended` option
+  * lazy-load urlencoded parsers
+  * parsers split into files for reduced mem usage
+  * support gzip and deflate bodies
+    - set `inflate: false` to turn off
+  * deps: raw-body@1.2.2
+    - Support all encodings from `iconv-lite`
+1.3.1 / 2014-06-11
+  * deps: type-is@1.2.1
+    - Switch dependency from mime to mime-types@1.0.0
+1.3.0 / 2014-05-31
+  * add `extended` option to urlencoded parser
+1.2.2 / 2014-05-27
+  * deps: raw-body@1.1.6
+    - assert stream encoding on node.js 0.8
+    - assert stream encoding on node.js < 0.10.6
+    - deps: bytes@1
+1.2.1 / 2014-05-26
+  * invoke `next(err)` after request fully read
+    - prevents hung responses and socket hang ups
+1.2.0 / 2014-05-11
+  * add `verify` option
+  * deps: type-is@1.2.0
+    - support suffix matching
+1.1.2 / 2014-05-11
+  * improve json parser speed
+1.1.1 / 2014-05-11
+  * fix repeated limit parsing with every request
+1.1.0 / 2014-05-10
+  * add `type` option
+  * deps: pin for safety and consistency
+1.0.2 / 2014-04-14
+  * use `type-is` module
+1.0.1 / 2014-03-20
+  * lower default limits to 100kb

+ 23 - 0

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+(The MIT License)
+Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Ong <me@jongleberry.com>
+Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson <doug@somethingdoug.com>
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 476 - 0

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+# body-parser
+[![NPM Version][npm-version-image]][npm-url]
+[![NPM Downloads][npm-downloads-image]][npm-url]
+[![Build Status][ci-image]][ci-url]
+[![Test Coverage][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url]
+[![OpenSSF Scorecard Badge][ossf-scorecard-badge]][ossf-scorecard-visualizer]
+Node.js body parsing middleware.
+Parse incoming request bodies in a middleware before your handlers, available
+under the `req.body` property.
+**Note** As `req.body`'s shape is based on user-controlled input, all
+properties and values in this object are untrusted and should be validated
+before trusting. For example, `req.body.foo.toString()` may fail in multiple
+ways, for example the `foo` property may not be there or may not be a string,
+and `toString` may not be a function and instead a string or other user input.
+[Learn about the anatomy of an HTTP transaction in Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/docs/guides/anatomy-of-an-http-transaction/).
+_This does not handle multipart bodies_, due to their complex and typically
+large nature. For multipart bodies, you may be interested in the following
+  * [busboy](https://www.npmjs.org/package/busboy#readme) and
+    [connect-busboy](https://www.npmjs.org/package/connect-busboy#readme)
+  * [multiparty](https://www.npmjs.org/package/multiparty#readme) and
+    [connect-multiparty](https://www.npmjs.org/package/connect-multiparty#readme)
+  * [formidable](https://www.npmjs.org/package/formidable#readme)
+  * [multer](https://www.npmjs.org/package/multer#readme)
+This module provides the following parsers:
+  * [JSON body parser](#bodyparserjsonoptions)
+  * [Raw body parser](#bodyparserrawoptions)
+  * [Text body parser](#bodyparsertextoptions)
+  * [URL-encoded form body parser](#bodyparserurlencodedoptions)
+Other body parsers you might be interested in:
+- [body](https://www.npmjs.org/package/body#readme)
+- [co-body](https://www.npmjs.org/package/co-body#readme)
+## Installation
+$ npm install body-parser
+## API
+var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
+The `bodyParser` object exposes various factories to create middlewares. All
+middlewares will populate the `req.body` property with the parsed body when
+the `Content-Type` request header matches the `type` option, or an empty
+object (`{}`) if there was no body to parse, the `Content-Type` was not matched,
+or an error occurred.
+The various errors returned by this module are described in the
+[errors section](#errors).
+### bodyParser.json([options])
+Returns middleware that only parses `json` and only looks at requests where
+the `Content-Type` header matches the `type` option. This parser accepts any
+Unicode encoding of the body and supports automatic inflation of `gzip` and
+`deflate` encodings.
+A new `body` object containing the parsed data is populated on the `request`
+object after the middleware (i.e. `req.body`).
+#### Options
+The `json` function takes an optional `options` object that may contain any of
+the following keys:
+##### inflate
+When set to `true`, then deflated (compressed) bodies will be inflated; when
+`false`, deflated bodies are rejected. Defaults to `true`.
+##### limit
+Controls the maximum request body size. If this is a number, then the value
+specifies the number of bytes; if it is a string, the value is passed to the
+[bytes](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bytes) library for parsing. Defaults
+to `'100kb'`.
+##### reviver
+The `reviver` option is passed directly to `JSON.parse` as the second
+argument. You can find more information on this argument
+[in the MDN documentation about JSON.parse](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/JSON/parse#Example.3A_Using_the_reviver_parameter).
+##### strict
+When set to `true`, will only accept arrays and objects; when `false` will
+accept anything `JSON.parse` accepts. Defaults to `true`.
+##### type
+The `type` option is used to determine what media type the middleware will
+parse. This option can be a string, array of strings, or a function. If not a
+function, `type` option is passed directly to the
+[type-is](https://www.npmjs.org/package/type-is#readme) library and this can
+be an extension name (like `json`), a mime type (like `application/json`), or
+a mime type with a wildcard (like `*/*` or `*/json`). If a function, the `type`
+option is called as `fn(req)` and the request is parsed if it returns a truthy
+value. Defaults to `application/json`.
+##### verify
+The `verify` option, if supplied, is called as `verify(req, res, buf, encoding)`,
+where `buf` is a `Buffer` of the raw request body and `encoding` is the
+encoding of the request. The parsing can be aborted by throwing an error.
+### bodyParser.raw([options])
+Returns middleware that parses all bodies as a `Buffer` and only looks at
+requests where the `Content-Type` header matches the `type` option. This
+parser supports automatic inflation of `gzip` and `deflate` encodings.
+A new `body` object containing the parsed data is populated on the `request`
+object after the middleware (i.e. `req.body`). This will be a `Buffer` object
+of the body.
+#### Options
+The `raw` function takes an optional `options` object that may contain any of
+the following keys:
+##### inflate
+When set to `true`, then deflated (compressed) bodies will be inflated; when
+`false`, deflated bodies are rejected. Defaults to `true`.
+##### limit
+Controls the maximum request body size. If this is a number, then the value
+specifies the number of bytes; if it is a string, the value is passed to the
+[bytes](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bytes) library for parsing. Defaults
+to `'100kb'`.
+##### type
+The `type` option is used to determine what media type the middleware will
+parse. This option can be a string, array of strings, or a function.
+If not a function, `type` option is passed directly to the
+[type-is](https://www.npmjs.org/package/type-is#readme) library and this
+can be an extension name (like `bin`), a mime type (like
+`application/octet-stream`), or a mime type with a wildcard (like `*/*` or
+`application/*`). If a function, the `type` option is called as `fn(req)`
+and the request is parsed if it returns a truthy value. Defaults to
+##### verify
+The `verify` option, if supplied, is called as `verify(req, res, buf, encoding)`,
+where `buf` is a `Buffer` of the raw request body and `encoding` is the
+encoding of the request. The parsing can be aborted by throwing an error.
+### bodyParser.text([options])
+Returns middleware that parses all bodies as a string and only looks at
+requests where the `Content-Type` header matches the `type` option. This
+parser supports automatic inflation of `gzip` and `deflate` encodings.
+A new `body` string containing the parsed data is populated on the `request`
+object after the middleware (i.e. `req.body`). This will be a string of the
+#### Options
+The `text` function takes an optional `options` object that may contain any of
+the following keys:
+##### defaultCharset
+Specify the default character set for the text content if the charset is not
+specified in the `Content-Type` header of the request. Defaults to `utf-8`.
+##### inflate
+When set to `true`, then deflated (compressed) bodies will be inflated; when
+`false`, deflated bodies are rejected. Defaults to `true`.
+##### limit
+Controls the maximum request body size. If this is a number, then the value
+specifies the number of bytes; if it is a string, the value is passed to the
+[bytes](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bytes) library for parsing. Defaults
+to `'100kb'`.
+##### type
+The `type` option is used to determine what media type the middleware will
+parse. This option can be a string, array of strings, or a function. If not
+a function, `type` option is passed directly to the
+[type-is](https://www.npmjs.org/package/type-is#readme) library and this can
+be an extension name (like `txt`), a mime type (like `text/plain`), or a mime
+type with a wildcard (like `*/*` or `text/*`). If a function, the `type`
+option is called as `fn(req)` and the request is parsed if it returns a
+truthy value. Defaults to `text/plain`.
+##### verify
+The `verify` option, if supplied, is called as `verify(req, res, buf, encoding)`,
+where `buf` is a `Buffer` of the raw request body and `encoding` is the
+encoding of the request. The parsing can be aborted by throwing an error.
+### bodyParser.urlencoded([options])
+Returns middleware that only parses `urlencoded` bodies and only looks at
+requests where the `Content-Type` header matches the `type` option. This
+parser accepts only UTF-8 encoding of the body and supports automatic
+inflation of `gzip` and `deflate` encodings.
+A new `body` object containing the parsed data is populated on the `request`
+object after the middleware (i.e. `req.body`). This object will contain
+key-value pairs, where the value can be a string or array (when `extended` is
+`false`), or any type (when `extended` is `true`).
+#### Options
+The `urlencoded` function takes an optional `options` object that may contain
+any of the following keys:
+##### extended
+The `extended` option allows to choose between parsing the URL-encoded data
+with the `querystring` library (when `false`) or the `qs` library (when
+`true`). The "extended" syntax allows for rich objects and arrays to be
+encoded into the URL-encoded format, allowing for a JSON-like experience
+with URL-encoded. For more information, please
+[see the qs library](https://www.npmjs.org/package/qs#readme).
+Defaults to `true`, but using the default has been deprecated. Please
+research into the difference between `qs` and `querystring` and choose the
+appropriate setting.
+##### inflate
+When set to `true`, then deflated (compressed) bodies will be inflated; when
+`false`, deflated bodies are rejected. Defaults to `true`.
+##### limit
+Controls the maximum request body size. If this is a number, then the value
+specifies the number of bytes; if it is a string, the value is passed to the
+[bytes](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bytes) library for parsing. Defaults
+to `'100kb'`.
+##### parameterLimit
+The `parameterLimit` option controls the maximum number of parameters that
+are allowed in the URL-encoded data. If a request contains more parameters
+than this value, a 413 will be returned to the client. Defaults to `1000`.
+##### type
+The `type` option is used to determine what media type the middleware will
+parse. This option can be a string, array of strings, or a function. If not
+a function, `type` option is passed directly to the
+[type-is](https://www.npmjs.org/package/type-is#readme) library and this can
+be an extension name (like `urlencoded`), a mime type (like
+`application/x-www-form-urlencoded`), or a mime type with a wildcard (like
+`*/x-www-form-urlencoded`). If a function, the `type` option is called as
+`fn(req)` and the request is parsed if it returns a truthy value. Defaults
+to `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`.
+##### verify
+The `verify` option, if supplied, is called as `verify(req, res, buf, encoding)`,
+where `buf` is a `Buffer` of the raw request body and `encoding` is the
+encoding of the request. The parsing can be aborted by throwing an error.
+#### depth
+The `depth` option is used to configure the maximum depth of the `qs` library when `extended` is `true`. This allows you to limit the amount of keys that are parsed and can be useful to prevent certain types of abuse. Defaults to `32`. It is recommended to keep this value as low as possible.
+## Errors
+The middlewares provided by this module create errors using the
+[`http-errors` module](https://www.npmjs.com/package/http-errors). The errors
+will typically have a `status`/`statusCode` property that contains the suggested
+HTTP response code, an `expose` property to determine if the `message` property
+should be displayed to the client, a `type` property to determine the type of
+error without matching against the `message`, and a `body` property containing
+the read body, if available.
+The following are the common errors created, though any error can come through
+for various reasons.
+### content encoding unsupported
+This error will occur when the request had a `Content-Encoding` header that
+contained an encoding but the "inflation" option was set to `false`. The
+`status` property is set to `415`, the `type` property is set to
+`'encoding.unsupported'`, and the `charset` property will be set to the
+encoding that is unsupported.
+### entity parse failed
+This error will occur when the request contained an entity that could not be
+parsed by the middleware. The `status` property is set to `400`, the `type`
+property is set to `'entity.parse.failed'`, and the `body` property is set to
+the entity value that failed parsing.
+### entity verify failed
+This error will occur when the request contained an entity that could not be
+failed verification by the defined `verify` option. The `status` property is
+set to `403`, the `type` property is set to `'entity.verify.failed'`, and the
+`body` property is set to the entity value that failed verification.
+### request aborted
+This error will occur when the request is aborted by the client before reading
+the body has finished. The `received` property will be set to the number of
+bytes received before the request was aborted and the `expected` property is
+set to the number of expected bytes. The `status` property is set to `400`
+and `type` property is set to `'request.aborted'`.
+### request entity too large
+This error will occur when the request body's size is larger than the "limit"
+option. The `limit` property will be set to the byte limit and the `length`
+property will be set to the request body's length. The `status` property is
+set to `413` and the `type` property is set to `'entity.too.large'`.
+### request size did not match content length
+This error will occur when the request's length did not match the length from
+the `Content-Length` header. This typically occurs when the request is malformed,
+typically when the `Content-Length` header was calculated based on characters
+instead of bytes. The `status` property is set to `400` and the `type` property
+is set to `'request.size.invalid'`.
+### stream encoding should not be set
+This error will occur when something called the `req.setEncoding` method prior
+to this middleware. This module operates directly on bytes only and you cannot
+call `req.setEncoding` when using this module. The `status` property is set to
+`500` and the `type` property is set to `'stream.encoding.set'`.
+### stream is not readable
+This error will occur when the request is no longer readable when this middleware
+attempts to read it. This typically means something other than a middleware from
+this module read the request body already and the middleware was also configured to
+read the same request. The `status` property is set to `500` and the `type`
+property is set to `'stream.not.readable'`.
+### too many parameters
+This error will occur when the content of the request exceeds the configured
+`parameterLimit` for the `urlencoded` parser. The `status` property is set to
+`413` and the `type` property is set to `'parameters.too.many'`.
+### unsupported charset "BOGUS"
+This error will occur when the request had a charset parameter in the
+`Content-Type` header, but the `iconv-lite` module does not support it OR the
+parser does not support it. The charset is contained in the message as well
+as in the `charset` property. The `status` property is set to `415`, the
+`type` property is set to `'charset.unsupported'`, and the `charset` property
+is set to the charset that is unsupported.
+### unsupported content encoding "bogus"
+This error will occur when the request had a `Content-Encoding` header that
+contained an unsupported encoding. The encoding is contained in the message
+as well as in the `encoding` property. The `status` property is set to `415`,
+the `type` property is set to `'encoding.unsupported'`, and the `encoding`
+property is set to the encoding that is unsupported.
+### The input exceeded the depth
+This error occurs when using `bodyParser.urlencoded` with the `extended` property set to `true` and the input exceeds the configured `depth` option. The `status` property is set to `400`. It is recommended to review the `depth` option and evaluate if it requires a higher value. When the `depth` option is set to `32` (default value), the error will not be thrown.
+## Examples
+### Express/Connect top-level generic
+This example demonstrates adding a generic JSON and URL-encoded parser as a
+top-level middleware, which will parse the bodies of all incoming requests.
+This is the simplest setup.
+var express = require('express')
+var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
+var app = express()
+// parse application/x-www-form-urlencoded
+app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false }))
+// parse application/json
+app.use(function (req, res) {
+  res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
+  res.write('you posted:\n')
+  res.end(JSON.stringify(req.body, null, 2))
+### Express route-specific
+This example demonstrates adding body parsers specifically to the routes that
+need them. In general, this is the most recommended way to use body-parser with
+var express = require('express')
+var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
+var app = express()
+// create application/json parser
+var jsonParser = bodyParser.json()
+// create application/x-www-form-urlencoded parser
+var urlencodedParser = bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: false })
+// POST /login gets urlencoded bodies
+app.post('/login', urlencodedParser, function (req, res) {
+  res.send('welcome, ' + req.body.username)
+// POST /api/users gets JSON bodies
+app.post('/api/users', jsonParser, function (req, res) {
+  // create user in req.body
+### Change accepted type for parsers
+All the parsers accept a `type` option which allows you to change the
+`Content-Type` that the middleware will parse.
+var express = require('express')
+var bodyParser = require('body-parser')
+var app = express()
+// parse various different custom JSON types as JSON
+app.use(bodyParser.json({ type: 'application/*+json' }))
+// parse some custom thing into a Buffer
+app.use(bodyParser.raw({ type: 'application/vnd.custom-type' }))
+// parse an HTML body into a string
+app.use(bodyParser.text({ type: 'text/html' }))
+## License
+[ci-image]: https://badgen.net/github/checks/expressjs/body-parser/master?label=ci
+[ci-url]: https://github.com/expressjs/body-parser/actions/workflows/ci.yml
+[coveralls-image]: https://badgen.net/coveralls/c/github/expressjs/body-parser/master
+[coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/expressjs/body-parser?branch=master
+[node-version-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/node/body-parser
+[node-version-url]: https://nodejs.org/en/download
+[npm-downloads-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/dm/body-parser
+[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/body-parser
+[npm-version-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/v/body-parser
+[ossf-scorecard-badge]: https://api.scorecard.dev/projects/github.com/expressjs/body-parser/badge
+[ossf-scorecard-visualizer]: https://ossf.github.io/scorecard-visualizer/#/projects/github.com/expressjs/body-parser

+ 25 - 0

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+# Security Policies and Procedures
+## Reporting a Bug
+The Express team and community take all security bugs seriously. Thank you
+for improving the security of Express. We appreciate your efforts and
+responsible disclosure and will make every effort to acknowledge your
+Report security bugs by emailing the current owner(s) of `body-parser`. This
+information can be found in the npm registry using the command
+`npm owner ls body-parser`.
+If unsure or unable to get the information from the above, open an issue
+in the [project issue tracker](https://github.com/expressjs/body-parser/issues)
+asking for the current contact information.
+To ensure the timely response to your report, please ensure that the entirety
+of the report is contained within the email body and not solely behind a web
+link or an attachment.
+At least one owner will acknowledge your email within 48 hours, and will send a
+more detailed response within 48 hours indicating the next steps in handling
+your report. After the initial reply to your report, the owners will
+endeavor to keep you informed of the progress towards a fix and full
+announcement, and may ask for additional information or guidance.

+ 156 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * body-parser
+ * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
+ * MIT Licensed
+ */
+'use strict'
+ * Module dependencies.
+ * @private
+ */
+var deprecate = require('depd')('body-parser')
+ * Cache of loaded parsers.
+ * @private
+ */
+var parsers = Object.create(null)
+ * @typedef Parsers
+ * @type {function}
+ * @property {function} json
+ * @property {function} raw
+ * @property {function} text
+ * @property {function} urlencoded
+ */
+ * Module exports.
+ * @type {Parsers}
+ */
+exports = module.exports = deprecate.function(bodyParser,
+  'bodyParser: use individual json/urlencoded middlewares')
+ * JSON parser.
+ * @public
+ */
+Object.defineProperty(exports, 'json', {
+  configurable: true,
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: createParserGetter('json')
+ * Raw parser.
+ * @public
+ */
+Object.defineProperty(exports, 'raw', {
+  configurable: true,
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: createParserGetter('raw')
+ * Text parser.
+ * @public
+ */
+Object.defineProperty(exports, 'text', {
+  configurable: true,
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: createParserGetter('text')
+ * URL-encoded parser.
+ * @public
+ */
+Object.defineProperty(exports, 'urlencoded', {
+  configurable: true,
+  enumerable: true,
+  get: createParserGetter('urlencoded')
+ * Create a middleware to parse json and urlencoded bodies.
+ *
+ * @param {object} [options]
+ * @return {function}
+ * @deprecated
+ * @public
+ */
+function bodyParser (options) {
+  // use default type for parsers
+  var opts = Object.create(options || null, {
+    type: {
+      configurable: true,
+      enumerable: true,
+      value: undefined,
+      writable: true
+    }
+  })
+  var _urlencoded = exports.urlencoded(opts)
+  var _json = exports.json(opts)
+  return function bodyParser (req, res, next) {
+    _json(req, res, function (err) {
+      if (err) return next(err)
+      _urlencoded(req, res, next)
+    })
+  }
+ * Create a getter for loading a parser.
+ * @private
+ */
+function createParserGetter (name) {
+  return function get () {
+    return loadParser(name)
+  }
+ * Load a parser module.
+ * @private
+ */
+function loadParser (parserName) {
+  var parser = parsers[parserName]
+  if (parser !== undefined) {
+    return parser
+  }
+  // this uses a switch for static require analysis
+  switch (parserName) {
+    case 'json':
+      parser = require('./lib/types/json')
+      break
+    case 'raw':
+      parser = require('./lib/types/raw')
+      break
+    case 'text':
+      parser = require('./lib/types/text')
+      break
+    case 'urlencoded':
+      parser = require('./lib/types/urlencoded')
+      break
+  }
+  // store to prevent invoking require()
+  return (parsers[parserName] = parser)

+ 205 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+ * body-parser
+ * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
+ * MIT Licensed
+ */
+'use strict'
+ * Module dependencies.
+ * @private
+ */
+var createError = require('http-errors')
+var destroy = require('destroy')
+var getBody = require('raw-body')
+var iconv = require('iconv-lite')
+var onFinished = require('on-finished')
+var unpipe = require('unpipe')
+var zlib = require('zlib')
+ * Module exports.
+ */
+module.exports = read
+ * Read a request into a buffer and parse.
+ *
+ * @param {object} req
+ * @param {object} res
+ * @param {function} next
+ * @param {function} parse
+ * @param {function} debug
+ * @param {object} options
+ * @private
+ */
+function read (req, res, next, parse, debug, options) {
+  var length
+  var opts = options
+  var stream
+  // flag as parsed
+  req._body = true
+  // read options
+  var encoding = opts.encoding !== null
+    ? opts.encoding
+    : null
+  var verify = opts.verify
+  try {
+    // get the content stream
+    stream = contentstream(req, debug, opts.inflate)
+    length = stream.length
+    stream.length = undefined
+  } catch (err) {
+    return next(err)
+  }
+  // set raw-body options
+  opts.length = length
+  opts.encoding = verify
+    ? null
+    : encoding
+  // assert charset is supported
+  if (opts.encoding === null && encoding !== null && !iconv.encodingExists(encoding)) {
+    return next(createError(415, 'unsupported charset "' + encoding.toUpperCase() + '"', {
+      charset: encoding.toLowerCase(),
+      type: 'charset.unsupported'
+    }))
+  }
+  // read body
+  debug('read body')
+  getBody(stream, opts, function (error, body) {
+    if (error) {
+      var _error
+      if (error.type === 'encoding.unsupported') {
+        // echo back charset
+        _error = createError(415, 'unsupported charset "' + encoding.toUpperCase() + '"', {
+          charset: encoding.toLowerCase(),
+          type: 'charset.unsupported'
+        })
+      } else {
+        // set status code on error
+        _error = createError(400, error)
+      }
+      // unpipe from stream and destroy
+      if (stream !== req) {
+        unpipe(req)
+        destroy(stream, true)
+      }
+      // read off entire request
+      dump(req, function onfinished () {
+        next(createError(400, _error))
+      })
+      return
+    }
+    // verify
+    if (verify) {
+      try {
+        debug('verify body')
+        verify(req, res, body, encoding)
+      } catch (err) {
+        next(createError(403, err, {
+          body: body,
+          type: err.type || 'entity.verify.failed'
+        }))
+        return
+      }
+    }
+    // parse
+    var str = body
+    try {
+      debug('parse body')
+      str = typeof body !== 'string' && encoding !== null
+        ? iconv.decode(body, encoding)
+        : body
+      req.body = parse(str)
+    } catch (err) {
+      next(createError(400, err, {
+        body: str,
+        type: err.type || 'entity.parse.failed'
+      }))
+      return
+    }
+    next()
+  })
+ * Get the content stream of the request.
+ *
+ * @param {object} req
+ * @param {function} debug
+ * @param {boolean} [inflate=true]
+ * @return {object}
+ * @api private
+ */
+function contentstream (req, debug, inflate) {
+  var encoding = (req.headers['content-encoding'] || 'identity').toLowerCase()
+  var length = req.headers['content-length']
+  var stream
+  debug('content-encoding "%s"', encoding)
+  if (inflate === false && encoding !== 'identity') {
+    throw createError(415, 'content encoding unsupported', {
+      encoding: encoding,
+      type: 'encoding.unsupported'
+    })
+  }
+  switch (encoding) {
+    case 'deflate':
+      stream = zlib.createInflate()
+      debug('inflate body')
+      req.pipe(stream)
+      break
+    case 'gzip':
+      stream = zlib.createGunzip()
+      debug('gunzip body')
+      req.pipe(stream)
+      break
+    case 'identity':
+      stream = req
+      stream.length = length
+      break
+    default:
+      throw createError(415, 'unsupported content encoding "' + encoding + '"', {
+        encoding: encoding,
+        type: 'encoding.unsupported'
+      })
+  }
+  return stream
+ * Dump the contents of a request.
+ *
+ * @param {object} req
+ * @param {function} callback
+ * @api private
+ */
+function dump (req, callback) {
+  if (onFinished.isFinished(req)) {
+    callback(null)
+  } else {
+    onFinished(req, callback)
+    req.resume()
+  }

+ 247 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ * body-parser
+ * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong
+ * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
+ * MIT Licensed
+ */
+'use strict'
+ * Module dependencies.
+ * @private
+ */
+var bytes = require('bytes')
+var contentType = require('content-type')
+var createError = require('http-errors')
+var debug = require('debug')('body-parser:json')
+var read = require('../read')
+var typeis = require('type-is')
+ * Module exports.
+ */
+module.exports = json
+ * RegExp to match the first non-space in a string.
+ *
+ * Allowed whitespace is defined in RFC 7159:
+ *
+ *    ws = *(
+ *            %x20 /              ; Space
+ *            %x09 /              ; Horizontal tab
+ *            %x0A /              ; Line feed or New line
+ *            %x0D )              ; Carriage return
+ */
+var FIRST_CHAR_REGEXP = /^[\x20\x09\x0a\x0d]*([^\x20\x09\x0a\x0d])/ // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex
+ * Create a middleware to parse JSON bodies.
+ *
+ * @param {object} [options]
+ * @return {function}
+ * @public
+ */
+function json (options) {
+  var opts = options || {}
+  var limit = typeof opts.limit !== 'number'
+    ? bytes.parse(opts.limit || '100kb')
+    : opts.limit
+  var inflate = opts.inflate !== false
+  var reviver = opts.reviver
+  var strict = opts.strict !== false
+  var type = opts.type || 'application/json'
+  var verify = opts.verify || false
+  if (verify !== false && typeof verify !== 'function') {
+    throw new TypeError('option verify must be function')
+  }
+  // create the appropriate type checking function
+  var shouldParse = typeof type !== 'function'
+    ? typeChecker(type)
+    : type
+  function parse (body) {
+    if (body.length === 0) {
+      // special-case empty json body, as it's a common client-side mistake
+      // TODO: maybe make this configurable or part of "strict" option
+      return {}
+    }
+    if (strict) {
+      var first = firstchar(body)
+      if (first !== '{' && first !== '[') {
+        debug('strict violation')
+        throw createStrictSyntaxError(body, first)
+      }
+    }
+    try {
+      debug('parse json')
+      return JSON.parse(body, reviver)
+    } catch (e) {
+      throw normalizeJsonSyntaxError(e, {
+        message: e.message,
+        stack: e.stack
+      })
+    }
+  }
+  return function jsonParser (req, res, next) {
+    if (req._body) {
+      debug('body already parsed')
+      next()
+      return
+    }
+    req.body = req.body || {}
+    // skip requests without bodies
+    if (!typeis.hasBody(req)) {
+      debug('skip empty body')
+      next()
+      return
+    }
+    debug('content-type %j', req.headers['content-type'])
+    // determine if request should be parsed
+    if (!shouldParse(req)) {
+      debug('skip parsing')
+      next()
+      return
+    }
+    // assert charset per RFC 7159 sec 8.1
+    var charset = getCharset(req) || 'utf-8'
+    if (charset.slice(0, 4) !== 'utf-') {
+      debug('invalid charset')
+      next(createError(415, 'unsupported charset "' + charset.toUpperCase() + '"', {
+        charset: charset,
+        type: 'charset.unsupported'
+      }))
+      return
+    }
+    // read
+    read(req, res, next, parse, debug, {
+      encoding: charset,
+      inflate: inflate,
+      limit: limit,
+      verify: verify
+    })
+  }
+ * Create strict violation syntax error matching native error.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str
+ * @param {string} char
+ * @return {Error}
+ * @private
+ */
+function createStrictSyntaxError (str, char) {
+  var index = str.indexOf(char)
+  var partial = ''
+  if (index !== -1) {
+    partial = str.substring(0, index) + JSON_SYNTAX_CHAR
+    for (var i = index + 1; i < str.length; i++) {
+      partial += JSON_SYNTAX_CHAR
+    }
+  }
+  try {
+    JSON.parse(partial); /* istanbul ignore next */ throw new SyntaxError('strict violation')
+  } catch (e) {
+    return normalizeJsonSyntaxError(e, {
+      message: e.message.replace(JSON_SYNTAX_REGEXP, function (placeholder) {
+        return str.substring(index, index + placeholder.length)
+      }),
+      stack: e.stack
+    })
+  }
+ * Get the first non-whitespace character in a string.
+ *
+ * @param {string} str
+ * @return {function}
+ * @private
+ */
+function firstchar (str) {
+  var match = FIRST_CHAR_REGEXP.exec(str)
+  return match
+    ? match[1]
+    : undefined
+ * Get the charset of a request.
+ *
+ * @param {object} req
+ * @api private
+ */
+function getCharset (req) {
+  try {
+    return (contentType.parse(req).parameters.charset || '').toLowerCase()
+  } catch (e) {
+    return undefined
+  }
+ * Normalize a SyntaxError for JSON.parse.
+ *
+ * @param {SyntaxError} error
+ * @param {object} obj
+ * @return {SyntaxError}
+ */
+function normalizeJsonSyntaxError (error, obj) {
+  var keys = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(error)
+  for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+    var key = keys[i]
+    if (key !== 'stack' && key !== 'message') {
+      delete error[key]
+    }
+  }
+  // replace stack before message for Node.js 0.10 and below
+  error.stack = obj.stack.replace(error.message, obj.message)
+  error.message = obj.message
+  return error
+ * Get the simple type checker.
+ *
+ * @param {string} type
+ * @return {function}
+ */
+function typeChecker (type) {
+  return function checkType (req) {
+    return Boolean(typeis(req, type))
+  }

+ 101 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+ * body-parser
+ * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
+ * MIT Licensed
+ */
+'use strict'
+ * Module dependencies.
+ */
+var bytes = require('bytes')
+var debug = require('debug')('body-parser:raw')
+var read = require('../read')
+var typeis = require('type-is')
+ * Module exports.
+ */
+module.exports = raw
+ * Create a middleware to parse raw bodies.
+ *
+ * @param {object} [options]
+ * @return {function}
+ * @api public
+ */
+function raw (options) {
+  var opts = options || {}
+  var inflate = opts.inflate !== false
+  var limit = typeof opts.limit !== 'number'
+    ? bytes.parse(opts.limit || '100kb')
+    : opts.limit
+  var type = opts.type || 'application/octet-stream'
+  var verify = opts.verify || false
+  if (verify !== false && typeof verify !== 'function') {
+    throw new TypeError('option verify must be function')
+  }
+  // create the appropriate type checking function
+  var shouldParse = typeof type !== 'function'
+    ? typeChecker(type)
+    : type
+  function parse (buf) {
+    return buf
+  }
+  return function rawParser (req, res, next) {
+    if (req._body) {
+      debug('body already parsed')
+      next()
+      return
+    }
+    req.body = req.body || {}
+    // skip requests without bodies
+    if (!typeis.hasBody(req)) {
+      debug('skip empty body')
+      next()
+      return
+    }
+    debug('content-type %j', req.headers['content-type'])
+    // determine if request should be parsed
+    if (!shouldParse(req)) {
+      debug('skip parsing')
+      next()
+      return
+    }
+    // read
+    read(req, res, next, parse, debug, {
+      encoding: null,
+      inflate: inflate,
+      limit: limit,
+      verify: verify
+    })
+  }
+ * Get the simple type checker.
+ *
+ * @param {string} type
+ * @return {function}
+ */
+function typeChecker (type) {
+  return function checkType (req) {
+    return Boolean(typeis(req, type))
+  }

+ 121 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ * body-parser
+ * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
+ * MIT Licensed
+ */
+'use strict'
+ * Module dependencies.
+ */
+var bytes = require('bytes')
+var contentType = require('content-type')
+var debug = require('debug')('body-parser:text')
+var read = require('../read')
+var typeis = require('type-is')
+ * Module exports.
+ */
+module.exports = text
+ * Create a middleware to parse text bodies.
+ *
+ * @param {object} [options]
+ * @return {function}
+ * @api public
+ */
+function text (options) {
+  var opts = options || {}
+  var defaultCharset = opts.defaultCharset || 'utf-8'
+  var inflate = opts.inflate !== false
+  var limit = typeof opts.limit !== 'number'
+    ? bytes.parse(opts.limit || '100kb')
+    : opts.limit
+  var type = opts.type || 'text/plain'
+  var verify = opts.verify || false
+  if (verify !== false && typeof verify !== 'function') {
+    throw new TypeError('option verify must be function')
+  }
+  // create the appropriate type checking function
+  var shouldParse = typeof type !== 'function'
+    ? typeChecker(type)
+    : type
+  function parse (buf) {
+    return buf
+  }
+  return function textParser (req, res, next) {
+    if (req._body) {
+      debug('body already parsed')
+      next()
+      return
+    }
+    req.body = req.body || {}
+    // skip requests without bodies
+    if (!typeis.hasBody(req)) {
+      debug('skip empty body')
+      next()
+      return
+    }
+    debug('content-type %j', req.headers['content-type'])
+    // determine if request should be parsed
+    if (!shouldParse(req)) {
+      debug('skip parsing')
+      next()
+      return
+    }
+    // get charset
+    var charset = getCharset(req) || defaultCharset
+    // read
+    read(req, res, next, parse, debug, {
+      encoding: charset,
+      inflate: inflate,
+      limit: limit,
+      verify: verify
+    })
+  }
+ * Get the charset of a request.
+ *
+ * @param {object} req
+ * @api private
+ */
+function getCharset (req) {
+  try {
+    return (contentType.parse(req).parameters.charset || '').toLowerCase()
+  } catch (e) {
+    return undefined
+  }
+ * Get the simple type checker.
+ *
+ * @param {string} type
+ * @return {function}
+ */
+function typeChecker (type) {
+  return function checkType (req) {
+    return Boolean(typeis(req, type))
+  }

+ 307 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+ * body-parser
+ * Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Ong
+ * Copyright(c) 2014-2015 Douglas Christopher Wilson
+ * MIT Licensed
+ */
+'use strict'
+ * Module dependencies.
+ * @private
+ */
+var bytes = require('bytes')
+var contentType = require('content-type')
+var createError = require('http-errors')
+var debug = require('debug')('body-parser:urlencoded')
+var deprecate = require('depd')('body-parser')
+var read = require('../read')
+var typeis = require('type-is')
+ * Module exports.
+ */
+module.exports = urlencoded
+ * Cache of parser modules.
+ */
+var parsers = Object.create(null)
+ * Create a middleware to parse urlencoded bodies.
+ *
+ * @param {object} [options]
+ * @return {function}
+ * @public
+ */
+function urlencoded (options) {
+  var opts = options || {}
+  // notice because option default will flip in next major
+  if (opts.extended === undefined) {
+    deprecate('undefined extended: provide extended option')
+  }
+  var extended = opts.extended !== false
+  var inflate = opts.inflate !== false
+  var limit = typeof opts.limit !== 'number'
+    ? bytes.parse(opts.limit || '100kb')
+    : opts.limit
+  var type = opts.type || 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
+  var verify = opts.verify || false
+  var depth = typeof opts.depth !== 'number'
+    ? Number(opts.depth || 32)
+    : opts.depth
+  if (verify !== false && typeof verify !== 'function') {
+    throw new TypeError('option verify must be function')
+  }
+  // create the appropriate query parser
+  var queryparse = extended
+    ? extendedparser(opts)
+    : simpleparser(opts)
+  // create the appropriate type checking function
+  var shouldParse = typeof type !== 'function'
+    ? typeChecker(type)
+    : type
+  function parse (body) {
+    return body.length
+      ? queryparse(body)
+      : {}
+  }
+  return function urlencodedParser (req, res, next) {
+    if (req._body) {
+      debug('body already parsed')
+      next()
+      return
+    }
+    req.body = req.body || {}
+    // skip requests without bodies
+    if (!typeis.hasBody(req)) {
+      debug('skip empty body')
+      next()
+      return
+    }
+    debug('content-type %j', req.headers['content-type'])
+    // determine if request should be parsed
+    if (!shouldParse(req)) {
+      debug('skip parsing')
+      next()
+      return
+    }
+    // assert charset
+    var charset = getCharset(req) || 'utf-8'
+    if (charset !== 'utf-8') {
+      debug('invalid charset')
+      next(createError(415, 'unsupported charset "' + charset.toUpperCase() + '"', {
+        charset: charset,
+        type: 'charset.unsupported'
+      }))
+      return
+    }
+    // read
+    read(req, res, next, parse, debug, {
+      debug: debug,
+      encoding: charset,
+      inflate: inflate,
+      limit: limit,
+      verify: verify,
+      depth: depth
+    })
+  }
+ * Get the extended query parser.
+ *
+ * @param {object} options
+ */
+function extendedparser (options) {
+  var parameterLimit = options.parameterLimit !== undefined
+    ? options.parameterLimit
+    : 1000
+  var depth = typeof options.depth !== 'number'
+    ? Number(options.depth || 32)
+    : options.depth
+  var parse = parser('qs')
+  if (isNaN(parameterLimit) || parameterLimit < 1) {
+    throw new TypeError('option parameterLimit must be a positive number')
+  }
+  if (isNaN(depth) || depth < 0) {
+    throw new TypeError('option depth must be a zero or a positive number')
+  }
+  if (isFinite(parameterLimit)) {
+    parameterLimit = parameterLimit | 0
+  }
+  return function queryparse (body) {
+    var paramCount = parameterCount(body, parameterLimit)
+    if (paramCount === undefined) {
+      debug('too many parameters')
+      throw createError(413, 'too many parameters', {
+        type: 'parameters.too.many'
+      })
+    }
+    var arrayLimit = Math.max(100, paramCount)
+    debug('parse extended urlencoding')
+    try {
+      return parse(body, {
+        allowPrototypes: true,
+        arrayLimit: arrayLimit,
+        depth: depth,
+        strictDepth: true,
+        parameterLimit: parameterLimit
+      })
+    } catch (err) {
+      if (err instanceof RangeError) {
+        throw createError(400, 'The input exceeded the depth', {
+          type: 'querystring.parse.rangeError'
+        })
+      } else {
+        throw err
+      }
+    }
+  }
+ * Get the charset of a request.
+ *
+ * @param {object} req
+ * @api private
+ */
+function getCharset (req) {
+  try {
+    return (contentType.parse(req).parameters.charset || '').toLowerCase()
+  } catch (e) {
+    return undefined
+  }
+ * Count the number of parameters, stopping once limit reached
+ *
+ * @param {string} body
+ * @param {number} limit
+ * @api private
+ */
+function parameterCount (body, limit) {
+  var count = 0
+  var index = 0
+  while ((index = body.indexOf('&', index)) !== -1) {
+    count++
+    index++
+    if (count === limit) {
+      return undefined
+    }
+  }
+  return count
+ * Get parser for module name dynamically.
+ *
+ * @param {string} name
+ * @return {function}
+ * @api private
+ */
+function parser (name) {
+  var mod = parsers[name]
+  if (mod !== undefined) {
+    return mod.parse
+  }
+  // this uses a switch for static require analysis
+  switch (name) {
+    case 'qs':
+      mod = require('qs')
+      break
+    case 'querystring':
+      mod = require('querystring')
+      break
+  }
+  // store to prevent invoking require()
+  parsers[name] = mod
+  return mod.parse
+ * Get the simple query parser.
+ *
+ * @param {object} options
+ */
+function simpleparser (options) {
+  var parameterLimit = options.parameterLimit !== undefined
+    ? options.parameterLimit
+    : 1000
+  var parse = parser('querystring')
+  if (isNaN(parameterLimit) || parameterLimit < 1) {
+    throw new TypeError('option parameterLimit must be a positive number')
+  }
+  if (isFinite(parameterLimit)) {
+    parameterLimit = parameterLimit | 0
+  }
+  return function queryparse (body) {
+    var paramCount = parameterCount(body, parameterLimit)
+    if (paramCount === undefined) {
+      debug('too many parameters')
+      throw createError(413, 'too many parameters', {
+        type: 'parameters.too.many'
+      })
+    }
+    debug('parse urlencoding')
+    return parse(body, undefined, undefined, { maxKeys: parameterLimit })
+  }
+ * Get the simple type checker.
+ *
+ * @param {string} type
+ * @return {function}
+ */
+function typeChecker (type) {
+  return function checkType (req) {
+    return Boolean(typeis(req, type))
+  }

+ 56 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+  "name": "body-parser",
+  "description": "Node.js body parsing middleware",
+  "version": "1.20.3",
+  "contributors": [
+    "Douglas Christopher Wilson <doug@somethingdoug.com>",
+    "Jonathan Ong <me@jongleberry.com> (http://jongleberry.com)"
+  ],
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "repository": "expressjs/body-parser",
+  "dependencies": {
+    "bytes": "3.1.2",
+    "content-type": "~1.0.5",
+    "debug": "2.6.9",
+    "depd": "2.0.0",
+    "destroy": "1.2.0",
+    "http-errors": "2.0.0",
+    "iconv-lite": "0.4.24",
+    "on-finished": "2.4.1",
+    "qs": "6.13.0",
+    "raw-body": "2.5.2",
+    "type-is": "~1.6.18",
+    "unpipe": "1.0.0"
+  },
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "eslint": "8.34.0",
+    "eslint-config-standard": "14.1.1",
+    "eslint-plugin-import": "2.27.5",
+    "eslint-plugin-markdown": "3.0.0",
+    "eslint-plugin-node": "11.1.0",
+    "eslint-plugin-promise": "6.1.1",
+    "eslint-plugin-standard": "4.1.0",
+    "methods": "1.1.2",
+    "mocha": "10.2.0",
+    "nyc": "15.1.0",
+    "safe-buffer": "5.2.1",
+    "supertest": "6.3.3"
+  },
+  "files": [
+    "lib/",
+    "LICENSE",
+    "HISTORY.md",
+    "SECURITY.md",
+    "index.js"
+  ],
+  "engines": {
+    "node": ">= 0.8",
+    "npm": "1.2.8000 || >= 1.4.16"
+  },
+  "scripts": {
+    "lint": "eslint .",
+    "test": "mocha --require test/support/env --reporter spec --check-leaks --bail test/",
+    "test-ci": "nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text npm test",
+    "test-cov": "nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text npm test"
+  }

+ 97 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+3.1.2 / 2022-01-27
+  * Fix return value for un-parsable strings
+3.1.1 / 2021-11-15
+  * Fix "thousandsSeparator" incorrecting formatting fractional part
+3.1.0 / 2019-01-22
+  * Add petabyte (`pb`) support
+3.0.0 / 2017-08-31
+  * Change "kB" to "KB" in format output
+  * Remove support for Node.js 0.6
+  * Remove support for ComponentJS
+2.5.0 / 2017-03-24
+  * Add option "unit"
+2.4.0 / 2016-06-01
+  * Add option "unitSeparator"
+2.3.0 / 2016-02-15
+  * Drop partial bytes on all parsed units
+  * Fix non-finite numbers to `.format` to return `null`
+  * Fix parsing byte string that looks like hex
+  * perf: hoist regular expressions
+2.2.0 / 2015-11-13
+  * add option "decimalPlaces"
+  * add option "fixedDecimals"
+2.1.0 / 2015-05-21
+  * add `.format` export
+  * add `.parse` export
+2.0.2 / 2015-05-20
+  * remove map recreation
+  * remove unnecessary object construction
+2.0.1 / 2015-05-07
+  * fix browserify require
+  * remove node.extend dependency
+2.0.0 / 2015-04-12
+  * add option "case"
+  * add option "thousandsSeparator"
+  * return "null" on invalid parse input
+  * support proper round-trip: bytes(bytes(num)) === num
+  * units no longer case sensitive when parsing
+1.0.0 / 2014-05-05
+ * add negative support. fixes #6
+0.3.0 / 2014-03-19
+ * added terabyte support
+0.2.1 / 2013-04-01
+  * add .component
+0.2.0 / 2012-10-28
+  * bytes(200).should.eql('200b')
+0.1.0 / 2012-07-04
+  * add bytes to string conversion [yields]

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+(The MIT License)
+Copyright (c) 2012-2014 TJ Holowaychuk <tj@vision-media.ca>
+Copyright (c) 2015 Jed Watson <jed.watson@me.com>
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+'Software'), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 152 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+# Bytes utility
+[![NPM Version][npm-image]][npm-url]
+[![NPM Downloads][downloads-image]][downloads-url]
+[![Build Status][ci-image]][ci-url]
+[![Test Coverage][coveralls-image]][coveralls-url]
+Utility to parse a string bytes (ex: `1TB`) to bytes (`1099511627776`) and vice-versa.
+## Installation
+This is a [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/en/) module available through the
+[npm registry](https://www.npmjs.com/). Installation is done using the
+[`npm install` command](https://docs.npmjs.com/getting-started/installing-npm-packages-locally):
+$ npm install bytes
+## Usage
+var bytes = require('bytes');
+#### bytes(number|string value, [options]): number|string|null
+Default export function. Delegates to either `bytes.format` or `bytes.parse` based on the type of `value`.
+| Name    | Type     | Description        |
+| value   | `number`|`string` | Number value to format or string value to parse |
+| options | `Object` | Conversion options for `format` |
+| Name    | Type             | Description                                     |
+| results | `string`|`number`|`null` | Return null upon error. Numeric value in bytes, or string value otherwise. |
+// output: '1KB'
+// output: 1024
+#### bytes.format(number value, [options]): string|null
+Format the given value in bytes into a string. If the value is negative, it is kept as such. If it is a float, it is
+ rounded.
+| Name    | Type     | Description        |
+| value   | `number` | Value in bytes     |
+| options | `Object` | Conversion options |
+| Property          | Type   | Description                                                                             |
+| decimalPlaces | `number`|`null` | Maximum number of decimal places to include in output. Default value to `2`. |
+| fixedDecimals | `boolean`|`null` | Whether to always display the maximum number of decimal places. Default value to `false` |
+| thousandsSeparator | `string`|`null` | Example of values: `' '`, `','` and `'.'`... Default value to `''`. |
+| unit | `string`|`null` | The unit in which the result will be returned (B/KB/MB/GB/TB). Default value to `''` (which means auto detect). |
+| unitSeparator | `string`|`null` | Separator to use between number and unit. Default value to `''`. |
+| Name    | Type             | Description                                     |
+| results | `string`|`null` | Return null upon error. String value otherwise. |
+// output: '1KB'
+// output: '1000B'
+bytes.format(1000, {thousandsSeparator: ' '});
+// output: '1 000B'
+bytes.format(1024 * 1.7, {decimalPlaces: 0});
+// output: '2KB'
+bytes.format(1024, {unitSeparator: ' '});
+// output: '1 KB'
+#### bytes.parse(string|number value): number|null
+Parse the string value into an integer in bytes. If no unit is given, or `value`
+is a number, it is assumed the value is in bytes.
+Supported units and abbreviations are as follows and are case-insensitive:
+  * `b` for bytes
+  * `kb` for kilobytes
+  * `mb` for megabytes
+  * `gb` for gigabytes
+  * `tb` for terabytes
+  * `pb` for petabytes
+The units are in powers of two, not ten. This means 1kb = 1024b according to this parser.
+| Name          | Type   | Description        |
+| value   | `string`|`number` | String to parse, or number in bytes.   |
+| Name    | Type        | Description             |
+| results | `number`|`null` | Return null upon error. Value in bytes otherwise. |
+// output: 1024
+// output: 1024
+// output: 1024
+## License
+[ci-image]: https://badgen.net/github/checks/visionmedia/bytes.js/master?label=ci
+[ci-url]: https://github.com/visionmedia/bytes.js/actions?query=workflow%3Aci
+[coveralls-image]: https://badgen.net/coveralls/c/github/visionmedia/bytes.js/master
+[coveralls-url]: https://coveralls.io/r/visionmedia/bytes.js?branch=master
+[downloads-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/dm/bytes
+[downloads-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/bytes
+[npm-image]: https://badgen.net/npm/v/bytes
+[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/bytes

+ 170 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ * bytes
+ * Copyright(c) 2012-2014 TJ Holowaychuk
+ * Copyright(c) 2015 Jed Watson
+ * MIT Licensed
+ */
+'use strict';
+ * Module exports.
+ * @public
+ */
+module.exports = bytes;
+module.exports.format = format;
+module.exports.parse = parse;
+ * Module variables.
+ * @private
+ */
+var formatThousandsRegExp = /\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g;
+var formatDecimalsRegExp = /(?:\.0*|(\.[^0]+)0+)$/;
+var map = {
+  b:  1,
+  kb: 1 << 10,
+  mb: 1 << 20,
+  gb: 1 << 30,
+  tb: Math.pow(1024, 4),
+  pb: Math.pow(1024, 5),
+var parseRegExp = /^((-|\+)?(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)) *(kb|mb|gb|tb|pb)$/i;
+ * Convert the given value in bytes into a string or parse to string to an integer in bytes.
+ *
+ * @param {string|number} value
+ * @param {{
+ *  case: [string],
+ *  decimalPlaces: [number]
+ *  fixedDecimals: [boolean]
+ *  thousandsSeparator: [string]
+ *  unitSeparator: [string]
+ *  }} [options] bytes options.
+ *
+ * @returns {string|number|null}
+ */
+function bytes(value, options) {
+  if (typeof value === 'string') {
+    return parse(value);
+  }
+  if (typeof value === 'number') {
+    return format(value, options);
+  }
+  return null;
+ * Format the given value in bytes into a string.
+ *
+ * If the value is negative, it is kept as such. If it is a float,
+ * it is rounded.
+ *
+ * @param {number} value
+ * @param {object} [options]
+ * @param {number} [options.decimalPlaces=2]
+ * @param {number} [options.fixedDecimals=false]
+ * @param {string} [options.thousandsSeparator=]
+ * @param {string} [options.unit=]
+ * @param {string} [options.unitSeparator=]
+ *
+ * @returns {string|null}
+ * @public
+ */
+function format(value, options) {
+  if (!Number.isFinite(value)) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  var mag = Math.abs(value);
+  var thousandsSeparator = (options && options.thousandsSeparator) || '';
+  var unitSeparator = (options && options.unitSeparator) || '';
+  var decimalPlaces = (options && options.decimalPlaces !== undefined) ? options.decimalPlaces : 2;
+  var fixedDecimals = Boolean(options && options.fixedDecimals);
+  var unit = (options && options.unit) || '';
+  if (!unit || !map[unit.toLowerCase()]) {
+    if (mag >= map.pb) {
+      unit = 'PB';
+    } else if (mag >= map.tb) {
+      unit = 'TB';
+    } else if (mag >= map.gb) {
+      unit = 'GB';
+    } else if (mag >= map.mb) {
+      unit = 'MB';
+    } else if (mag >= map.kb) {
+      unit = 'KB';
+    } else {
+      unit = 'B';
+    }
+  }
+  var val = value / map[unit.toLowerCase()];
+  var str = val.toFixed(decimalPlaces);
+  if (!fixedDecimals) {
+    str = str.replace(formatDecimalsRegExp, '$1');
+  }
+  if (thousandsSeparator) {
+    str = str.split('.').map(function (s, i) {
+      return i === 0
+        ? s.replace(formatThousandsRegExp, thousandsSeparator)
+        : s
+    }).join('.');
+  }
+  return str + unitSeparator + unit;
+ * Parse the string value into an integer in bytes.
+ *
+ * If no unit is given, it is assumed the value is in bytes.
+ *
+ * @param {number|string} val
+ *
+ * @returns {number|null}
+ * @public
+ */
+function parse(val) {
+  if (typeof val === 'number' && !isNaN(val)) {
+    return val;
+  }
+  if (typeof val !== 'string') {
+    return null;
+  }
+  // Test if the string passed is valid
+  var results = parseRegExp.exec(val);
+  var floatValue;
+  var unit = 'b';
+  if (!results) {
+    // Nothing could be extracted from the given string
+    floatValue = parseInt(val, 10);
+    unit = 'b'
+  } else {
+    // Retrieve the value and the unit
+    floatValue = parseFloat(results[1]);
+    unit = results[4].toLowerCase();
+  }
+  if (isNaN(floatValue)) {
+    return null;
+  }
+  return Math.floor(map[unit] * floatValue);

+ 42 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+  "name": "bytes",
+  "description": "Utility to parse a string bytes to bytes and vice-versa",
+  "version": "3.1.2",
+  "author": "TJ Holowaychuk <tj@vision-media.ca> (http://tjholowaychuk.com)",
+  "contributors": [
+    "Jed Watson <jed.watson@me.com>",
+    "Théo FIDRY <theo.fidry@gmail.com>"
+  ],
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "keywords": [
+    "byte",
+    "bytes",
+    "utility",
+    "parse",
+    "parser",
+    "convert",
+    "converter"
+  ],
+  "repository": "visionmedia/bytes.js",
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "eslint": "7.32.0",
+    "eslint-plugin-markdown": "2.2.1",
+    "mocha": "9.2.0",
+    "nyc": "15.1.0"
+  },
+  "files": [
+    "History.md",
+    "LICENSE",
+    "Readme.md",
+    "index.js"
+  ],
+  "engines": {
+    "node": ">= 0.8"
+  },
+  "scripts": {
+    "lint": "eslint .",
+    "test": "mocha --check-leaks --reporter spec",
+    "test-ci": "nyc --reporter=lcov --reporter=text npm test",
+    "test-cov": "nyc --reporter=html --reporter=text npm test"
+  }

+ 16 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+	"root": true,
+	"extends": "@ljharb",
+	"rules": {
+		"func-name-matching": 0,
+		"id-length": 0,
+		"new-cap": [2, {
+			"capIsNewExceptions": [
+				"GetIntrinsic",
+			],
+		}],
+		"no-magic-numbers": 0,
+	},

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# These are supported funding model platforms
+github: [ljharb]
+patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username
+open_collective: # Replace with a single Open Collective username
+ko_fi: # Replace with a single Ko-fi username
+tidelift: npm/call-bind-apply-helpers
+community_bridge: # Replace with a single Community Bridge project-name e.g., cloud-foundry
+liberapay: # Replace with a single Liberapay username
+issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username
+otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username
+custom: # Replace with up to 4 custom sponsorship URLs e.g., ['link1', 'link2']

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+	"all": true,
+	"check-coverage": false,
+	"reporter": ["text-summary", "text", "html", "json"],
+	"exclude": [
+		"coverage",
+		"test"
+	]

+ 23 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Changelog
+All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
+The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/)
+and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
+## [v1.0.1](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/compare/v1.0.0...v1.0.1) - 2024-12-08
+### Commits
+- [types] `reflectApply`: fix types [`4efc396`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/commit/4efc3965351a4f02cc55e836fa391d3d11ef2ef8)
+- [Fix] `reflectApply`: oops, Reflect is not a function [`83cc739`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/commit/83cc7395de6b79b7730bdf092f1436f0b1263c75)
+- [Dev Deps] update `@arethetypeswrong/cli` [`80bd5d3`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/commit/80bd5d3ae58b4f6b6995ce439dd5a1bcb178a940)
+## v1.0.0 - 2024-12-05
+### Commits
+- Initial implementation, tests, readme [`7879629`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/commit/78796290f9b7430c9934d6f33d94ae9bc89fce04)
+- Initial commit [`3f1dc16`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/commit/3f1dc164afc43285631b114a5f9dd9137b2b952f)
+- npm init [`081df04`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/commit/081df048c312fcee400922026f6e97281200a603)
+- Only apps should have lockfiles [`5b9ca0f`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/commit/5b9ca0fe8101ebfaf309c549caac4e0a017ed930)

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2024 Jordan Harband
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+# call-bind-apply-helpers <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup>
+[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url]
+[![dependency status][deps-svg]][deps-url]
+[![dev dependency status][dev-deps-svg]][dev-deps-url]
+[![npm badge][npm-badge-png]][package-url]
+Helper functions around Function call/apply/bind, for use in `call-bind`.
+The only packages that should likely ever use this package directly are `call-bind` and `get-intrinsic`.
+Please use `call-bind` unless you have a very good reason not to.
+## Getting started
+npm install --save call-bind-apply-helpers
+## Usage/Examples
+const assert = require('assert');
+const callBindBasic = require('call-bind-apply-helpers');
+function f(a, b) {
+	assert.equal(this, 1);
+	assert.equal(a, 2);
+	assert.equal(b, 3);
+	assert.equal(arguments.length, 2);
+const fBound = callBindBasic([f, 1]);
+delete Function.prototype.call;
+delete Function.prototype.bind;
+fBound(2, 3);
+## Tests
+Clone the repo, `npm install`, and run `npm test`
+[package-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/call-bind-apply-helpers
+[npm-version-svg]: https://versionbadg.es/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers.svg
+[deps-svg]: https://david-dm.org/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers.svg
+[deps-url]: https://david-dm.org/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers
+[dev-deps-svg]: https://david-dm.org/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/dev-status.svg
+[dev-deps-url]: https://david-dm.org/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers#info=devDependencies
+[npm-badge-png]: https://nodei.co/npm/call-bind-apply-helpers.png?downloads=true&stars=true
+[license-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/l/call-bind-apply-helpers.svg
+[license-url]: LICENSE
+[downloads-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/call-bind-apply-helpers.svg
+[downloads-url]: https://npm-stat.com/charts.html?package=call-bind-apply-helpers
+[codecov-image]: https://codecov.io/gh/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/branch/main/graphs/badge.svg
+[codecov-url]: https://app.codecov.io/gh/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/
+[actions-image]: https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://github-actions-badge-u3jn4tfpocch.runkit.sh/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers
+[actions-url]: https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/actions

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export = Reflect.apply;

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+'use strict';
+var bind = require('function-bind');
+var $apply = require('./functionApply');
+var $call = require('./functionCall');
+var $reflectApply = require('./reflectApply');
+/** @type {import('./actualApply')} */
+module.exports = $reflectApply || bind.call($call, $apply);

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import actualApply from './actualApply';
+type TupleSplitHead<T extends any[], N extends number> = T['length'] extends N
+  ? T
+  : T extends [...infer R, any]
+  ? TupleSplitHead<R, N>
+  : never
+type TupleSplitTail<T, N extends number, O extends any[] = []> = O['length'] extends N
+  ? T
+  : T extends [infer F, ...infer R]
+  ? TupleSplitTail<[...R], N, [...O, F]>
+  : never
+type TupleSplit<T extends any[], N extends number> = [TupleSplitHead<T, N>, TupleSplitTail<T, N>]
+declare function applyBind(...args: TupleSplit<Parameters<typeof actualApply>, 2>[1]): ReturnType<typeof actualApply>;
+export = applyBind;

+ 10 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+'use strict';
+var bind = require('function-bind');
+var $apply = require('./functionApply');
+var actualApply = require('./actualApply');
+/** @type {import('./applyBind')} */
+module.exports = function applyBind() {
+	return actualApply(bind, $apply, arguments);

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export = Function.prototype.apply;

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+'use strict';
+/** @type {import('./functionApply')} */
+module.exports = Function.prototype.apply;

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+export = Function.prototype.call;

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+'use strict';
+/** @type {import('./functionCall')} */
+module.exports = Function.prototype.call;

+ 46 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+type RemoveFromTuple<
+  Tuple extends unknown[],
+  RemoveCount extends number,
+  Index extends 1[] = []
+> = Index["length"] extends RemoveCount
+  ? Tuple
+  : Tuple extends [first: unknown, ...infer Rest]
+  ? RemoveFromTuple<Rest, RemoveCount, [...Index, 1]>
+  : Tuple;
+type ConcatTuples<
+  Prefix extends unknown[],
+  Suffix extends unknown[]
+> = [...Prefix, ...Suffix];
+type ReplaceThis<T, NewThis> = T extends (this: infer OldThis, ...args: infer A) => infer R
+  ? (this: NewThis, ...args: A) => R
+  : never;
+type BindFunction<
+  TThis,
+  T extends (this: TThis, ...args: any[]) => any, // Allow specific types to propagate
+  TBoundArgs extends unknown[],
+  ReceiverBound extends boolean
+> = ReceiverBound extends true
+  ? (...args: RemoveFromTuple<Parameters<T>, TBoundArgs["length"] & number>) => ReturnType<ReplaceThis<T, TThis>>
+  : (...args: ConcatTuples<[TThis], RemoveFromTuple<Parameters<T>, TBoundArgs["length"] & number>>) => ReturnType<T>;
+declare function callBind<
+  TThis,
+  T extends (this: TThis, ...args: any[]) => any,
+  TBoundArgs extends Partial<Parameters<T>>
+  args: [fn: T, thisArg: TThis, ...boundArgs: TBoundArgs]
+): BindFunction<TThis, T, TBoundArgs, true>;
+declare function callBind<
+  TThis,
+  T extends (this: TThis, ...args: any[]) => any,
+  TBoundArgs extends Partial<Parameters<T>>
+  args: [fn: T, ...boundArgs: TBoundArgs]
+): BindFunction<TThis, T, TBoundArgs, false>;
+export as namespace callBind;
+export = callBind;

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+'use strict';
+var bind = require('function-bind');
+var $TypeError = require('es-errors/type');
+var $call = require('./functionCall');
+var $actualApply = require('./actualApply');
+/** @type {import('.')} */
+module.exports = function callBindBasic(args) {
+	if (args.length < 1 || typeof args[0] !== 'function') {
+		throw new $TypeError('a function is required');
+	}
+	return $actualApply(bind, $call, args);

+ 85 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+	"name": "call-bind-apply-helpers",
+	"version": "1.0.1",
+	"description": "Helper functions around Function call/apply/bind, for use in `call-bind`",
+	"main": "index.js",
+	"exports": {
+		".": "./index.js",
+		"./actualApply": "./actualApply.js",
+		"./applyBind": "./applyBind.js",
+		"./functionApply": "./functionApply.js",
+		"./functionCall": "./functionCall.js",
+		"./reflectApply": "./reflectApply.js",
+		"./package.json": "./package.json"
+	},
+	"scripts": {
+		"prepack": "npmignore --auto --commentLines=auto",
+		"prepublish": "not-in-publish || npm run prepublishOnly",
+		"prepublishOnly": "safe-publish-latest",
+		"prelint": "evalmd README.md",
+		"lint": "eslint --ext=.js,.mjs .",
+		"postlint": "tsc -p . && attw -P",
+		"pretest": "npm run lint",
+		"tests-only": "nyc tape 'test/**/*.js'",
+		"test": "npm run tests-only",
+		"posttest": "npx npm@'>=10.2' audit --production",
+		"version": "auto-changelog && git add CHANGELOG.md",
+		"postversion": "auto-changelog && git add CHANGELOG.md && git commit --no-edit --amend && git tag -f \"v$(node -e \"console.log(require('./package.json').version)\")\""
+	},
+	"repository": {
+		"type": "git",
+		"url": "git+https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers.git"
+	},
+	"author": "Jordan Harband <ljharb@gmail.com>",
+	"license": "MIT",
+	"bugs": {
+		"url": "https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers/issues"
+	},
+	"homepage": "https://github.com/ljharb/call-bind-apply-helpers#readme",
+	"dependencies": {
+		"es-errors": "^1.3.0",
+		"function-bind": "^1.1.2"
+	},
+	"devDependencies": {
+		"@arethetypeswrong/cli": "^0.17.1",
+		"@ljharb/eslint-config": "^21.1.1",
+		"@ljharb/tsconfig": "^0.2.2",
+		"@types/for-each": "^0.3.3",
+		"@types/function-bind": "^1.1.10",
+		"@types/object-inspect": "^1.13.0",
+		"@types/tape": "^5.6.5",
+		"auto-changelog": "^2.5.0",
+		"encoding": "^0.1.13",
+		"es-value-fixtures": "^1.5.0",
+		"eslint": "=8.8.0",
+		"evalmd": "^0.0.19",
+		"for-each": "^0.3.3",
+		"has-strict-mode": "^1.0.1",
+		"in-publish": "^2.0.1",
+		"npmignore": "^0.3.1",
+		"nyc": "^10.3.2",
+		"object-inspect": "^1.13.3",
+		"safe-publish-latest": "^2.0.0",
+		"tape": "^5.9.0",
+		"typescript": "next"
+	},
+	"testling": {
+		"files": "test/index.js"
+	},
+	"auto-changelog": {
+		"output": "CHANGELOG.md",
+		"template": "keepachangelog",
+		"unreleased": false,
+		"commitLimit": false,
+		"backfillLimit": false,
+		"hideCredit": true
+	},
+	"publishConfig": {
+		"ignore": [
+			".github/workflows"
+		]
+	},
+	"engines": {
+		"node": ">= 0.4"
+	}

+ 3 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+declare const reflectApply: false | typeof Reflect.apply;
+export = reflectApply;

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+'use strict';
+/** @type {import('./reflectApply')} */
+module.exports = typeof Reflect !== 'undefined' && Reflect && Reflect.apply;

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+'use strict';
+var callBind = require('../');
+var hasStrictMode = require('has-strict-mode')();
+var forEach = require('for-each');
+var inspect = require('object-inspect');
+var v = require('es-value-fixtures');
+var test = require('tape');
+test('callBindBasic', function (t) {
+	forEach(v.nonFunctions, function (nonFunction) {
+		t['throws'](
+			// @ts-expect-error
+			function () { callBind([nonFunction]); },
+			TypeError,
+			inspect(nonFunction) + ' is not a function'
+		);
+	});
+	var sentinel = { sentinel: true };
+	/** @type {<T>(this: T, a: number, b: number) => [T | undefined, number, number]} */
+	var func = function (a, b) {
+		// eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this
+		return [!hasStrictMode && this === global ? undefined : this, a, b];
+	};
+	t.equal(func.length, 2, 'original function length is 2');
+	/** type {(thisArg: unknown, a: number, b: number) => [unknown, number, number]} */
+	var bound = callBind([func]);
+	/** type {((a: number, b: number) => [sentinel, typeof a, typeof b])} */
+	var boundR = callBind([func, sentinel]);
+	/** type {((b: number) => [sentinel, number, typeof b])} */
+	var boundArg = callBind([func, sentinel, 1]);
+	// @ts-expect-error
+	t.deepEqual(bound(), [undefined, undefined, undefined], 'bound func with no args');
+	// @ts-expect-error
+	t.deepEqual(func(), [undefined, undefined, undefined], 'unbound func with too few args');
+	// @ts-expect-error
+	t.deepEqual(bound(1, 2), [hasStrictMode ? 1 : Object(1), 2, undefined], 'bound func too few args');
+	// @ts-expect-error
+	t.deepEqual(boundR(), [sentinel, undefined, undefined], 'bound func with receiver, with too few args');
+	// @ts-expect-error
+	t.deepEqual(boundArg(), [sentinel, 1, undefined], 'bound func with receiver and arg, with too few args');
+	t.deepEqual(func(1, 2), [undefined, 1, 2], 'unbound func with right args');
+	t.deepEqual(bound(1, 2, 3), [hasStrictMode ? 1 : Object(1), 2, 3], 'bound func with right args');
+	t.deepEqual(boundR(1, 2), [sentinel, 1, 2], 'bound func with receiver, with right args');
+	t.deepEqual(boundArg(2), [sentinel, 1, 2], 'bound func with receiver and arg, with right arg');
+	// @ts-expect-error
+	t.deepEqual(func(1, 2, 3), [undefined, 1, 2], 'unbound func with too many args');
+	// @ts-expect-error
+	t.deepEqual(bound(1, 2, 3, 4), [hasStrictMode ? 1 : Object(1), 2, 3], 'bound func with too many args');
+	// @ts-expect-error
+	t.deepEqual(boundR(1, 2, 3), [sentinel, 1, 2], 'bound func with receiver, with too many args');
+	// @ts-expect-error
+	t.deepEqual(boundArg(2, 3), [sentinel, 1, 2], 'bound func with receiver and arg, with too many args');
+	t.end();

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+	"extends": "@ljharb/tsconfig",
+	"compilerOptions": {
+		"target": "es2021",
+	},
+	"exclude": [
+		"coverage",
+	],

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+	"root": true,
+	"extends": "@ljharb",
+	"rules": {
+		"new-cap": [2, {
+			"capIsNewExceptions": [
+				"GetIntrinsic",
+			],
+		}],
+	},

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# These are supported funding model platforms
+github: [ljharb]
+patreon: # Replace with a single Patreon username
+open_collective: # Replace with a single Open Collective username
+ko_fi: # Replace with a single Ko-fi username
+tidelift: npm/call-bound
+community_bridge: # Replace with a single Community Bridge project-name e.g., cloud-foundry
+liberapay: # Replace with a single Liberapay username
+issuehunt: # Replace with a single IssueHunt username
+otechie: # Replace with a single Otechie username
+custom: # Replace with up to 4 custom sponsorship URLs e.g., ['link1', 'link2']

+ 9 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+	"all": true,
+	"check-coverage": false,
+	"reporter": ["text-summary", "text", "html", "json"],
+	"exclude": [
+		"coverage",
+		"test"
+	]

+ 34 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# Changelog
+All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
+The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/)
+and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html).
+## [v1.0.3](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/compare/v1.0.2...v1.0.3) - 2024-12-15
+### Commits
+- [Refactor] use `call-bind-apply-helpers` instead of `call-bind` [`5e0b134`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/5e0b13496df14fb7d05dae9412f088da8d3f75be)
+- [Deps] update `get-intrinsic` [`41fc967`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/41fc96732a22c7b7e8f381f93ccc54bb6293be2e)
+- [readme] fix example [`79a0137`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/79a0137723f7c6d09c9c05452bbf8d5efb5d6e49)
+- [meta] add `sideEffects` flag [`08b07be`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/08b07be7f1c03f67dc6f3cdaf0906259771859f7)
+## [v1.0.2](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/compare/v1.0.1...v1.0.2) - 2024-12-10
+### Commits
+- [Dev Deps] update `@arethetypeswrong/cli`, `@ljharb/tsconfig`, `gopd` [`e6a5ffe`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/e6a5ffe849368fe4f74dfd6cdeca1b9baa39e8d5)
+- [Deps] update `call-bind`, `get-intrinsic` [`2aeb5b5`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/2aeb5b521dc2b2683d1345c753ea1161de2d1c14)
+- [types] improve return type [`1a0c9fe`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/1a0c9fe3114471e7ca1f57d104e2efe713bb4871)
+## v1.0.1 - 2024-12-05
+### Commits
+- Initial implementation, tests, readme, types [`6d94121`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/6d94121a9243602e506334069f7a03189fe3363d)
+- Initial commit [`0eae867`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/0eae867334ea025c33e6e91cdecfc9df96680cf9)
+- npm init [`71b2479`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/71b2479c6723e0b7d91a6b663613067e98b7b275)
+- Only apps should have lockfiles [`c3754a9`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/c3754a949b7f9132b47e2d18c1729889736741eb)
+- [actions] skip `npm ls` in node &lt; 10 [`74275a5`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/74275a5186b8caf6309b6b97472bdcb0df4683a8)
+- [Dev Deps] add missing peer dep [`1354de8`](https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/commit/1354de8679413e4ae9c523d85f76fa7a5e032d97)

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2024 Jordan Harband
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.

+ 53 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# call-bound <sup>[![Version Badge][npm-version-svg]][package-url]</sup>
+[![github actions][actions-image]][actions-url]
+[![dependency status][deps-svg]][deps-url]
+[![dev dependency status][dev-deps-svg]][dev-deps-url]
+[![npm badge][npm-badge-png]][package-url]
+Robust call-bound JavaScript intrinsics, using `call-bind` and `get-intrinsic`.
+## Getting started
+npm install --save call-bound
+## Usage/Examples
+const assert = require('assert');
+const callBound = require('call-bound');
+const slice = callBound('Array.prototype.slice');
+delete Function.prototype.call;
+delete Function.prototype.bind;
+delete Array.prototype.slice;
+assert.deepEqual(slice([1, 2, 3, 4], 1, -1), [2, 3]);
+## Tests
+Clone the repo, `npm install`, and run `npm test`
+[package-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/call-bound
+[npm-version-svg]: https://versionbadg.es/ljharb/call-bound.svg
+[deps-svg]: https://david-dm.org/ljharb/call-bound.svg
+[deps-url]: https://david-dm.org/ljharb/call-bound
+[dev-deps-svg]: https://david-dm.org/ljharb/call-bound/dev-status.svg
+[dev-deps-url]: https://david-dm.org/ljharb/call-bound#info=devDependencies
+[npm-badge-png]: https://nodei.co/npm/call-bound.png?downloads=true&stars=true
+[license-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/l/call-bound.svg
+[license-url]: LICENSE
+[downloads-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/call-bound.svg
+[downloads-url]: https://npm-stat.com/charts.html?package=call-bound
+[codecov-image]: https://codecov.io/gh/ljharb/call-bound/branch/main/graphs/badge.svg
+[codecov-url]: https://app.codecov.io/gh/ljharb/call-bound/
+[actions-image]: https://img.shields.io/endpoint?url=https://github-actions-badge-u3jn4tfpocch.runkit.sh/ljharb/call-bound
+[actions-url]: https://github.com/ljharb/call-bound/actions

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+import callBind from 'call-bind-apply-helpers';
+declare function callBoundIntrinsic(
+    name: string,
+    allowMissing?: false
+): ReturnType<typeof callBind>;
+declare function callBoundIntrinsic(
+    name: string,
+    allowMissing: true
+): undefined | ReturnType<typeof callBind>;
+export = callBoundIntrinsic;

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