19318600686 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
asset 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
dist 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
extension 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
i18n 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
lib 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
licenses 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
ssr 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
theme 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
types 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
KEYS 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
LICENSE 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
NOTICE 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
README.md 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
charts.d.ts 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
charts.js 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
components.d.ts 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
components.js 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
core.d.ts 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
core.js 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
features.d.ts 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
features.js 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
index.blank.js 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
index.common.js 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
index.d.ts 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
index.js 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
index.simple.js 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
package.README.md 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
package.json 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
renderers.d.ts 033ecbd336 123 1 hete
renderers.js 033ecbd336 123 1 hete


Apache ECharts

<img style="vertical-align: top;" src="./asset/logo.png?raw=true" alt="logo" height="50px">

Apache ECharts is a free, powerful charting and visualization library offering easy ways to add intuitive, interactive, and highly customizable charts to your commercial products. It is written in pure JavaScript and based on zrender, which is a whole new lightweight canvas library.


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Build echarts source code:

Execute the instructions in the root directory of the echarts: (Node.js is required)

# Install the dependencies from NPM:
npm install

# Rebuild source code immediately in watch mode when changing the source code.
# It opens the `./test` directory, and you may open `-cases.html` to get the list
# of all test cases.
# If you wish to create a test case, run `npm run mktest:help` to learn more.
npm run dev

# Check the correctness of TypeScript code.
npm run checktype

# If intending to build and get all types of the "production" files:
npm run release

Then the "production" files are generated in the dist directory.


Please refer to the contributing document if you wish to debug locally or make pull requests.


Awesome ECharts




ECharts is available under the Apache License V2.

Code of Conduct

Please refer to Apache Code of Conduct.


Deqing Li, Honghui Mei, Yi Shen, Shuang Su, Wenli Zhang, Junting Wang, Ming Zu, Wei Chen. ECharts: A Declarative Framework for Rapid Construction of Web-based Visualization. Visual Informatics, 2018.