# http-auth [Node.js](http://nodejs.org/) package for HTTP basic and digest access authentication. [![build](https://github.com/gevorg/http-auth/workflows/build/badge.svg)](https://github.com/gevorg/http-auth/actions/workflows/build.yml) ## Installation Via git (or downloaded tarball): ```bash $ git clone git://github.com/gevorg/http-auth.git ``` Via [npm](http://npmjs.org/): ```bash $ npm install http-auth ``` ## Usage ```javascript // HTTP module const http = require("http"); // Authentication module. const auth = require("http-auth"); const basic = auth.basic({ realm: "Simon Area.", file: __dirname + "/../data/users.htpasswd" // gevorg:gpass, Sarah:testpass }); // Creating new HTTP server. http .createServer( basic.check((req, res) => { res.end(`Welcome to private area - ${req.user}!`); }) ) .listen(1337, () => { // Log URL. console.log("Server running at"); }); ``` Please check [examples directory](./examples) for more. ## Configurations - `realm` - Authentication realm, by default it is **Users**. - `file` - File where user details are stored. - Line format is **{user:pass}** or **{user:passHash}** for basic access. - Line format is **{user:realm:passHash}** for digest access. - `algorithm` - Algorithm that will be used only for **digest** access authentication. - **MD5** by default. - **MD5-sess** can be set. - `qop` - Quality of protection that is used only for **digest** access authentication. - **auth** is set by default. - **none** this option is disabling protection. - `msg401` - Message for failed authentication 401 page. - `msg407` - Message for failed authentication 407 page. - `contentType` - Content type for failed authentication page. - `skipUser` - Set this to **true**, if you don't want req.user to be filled with authentication info. - `proxy` - Set this to **true**, if you want to use it with [http-proxy](https://github.com/http-party/node-http-proxy). ## Running tests It uses [mocha](https://mochajs.org/), so just run following command in package directory: ```bash $ npm test ``` ## Questions You can also use [stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/http-auth) to ask questions using **[http-auth](http://stackoverflow.com/tags/http-auth/info)** tag. ## Utilities - **[htpasswd](https://github.com/gevorg/htpasswd/)** - Node.js package for HTTP Basic Authentication password file utility. - **[htdigest](https://github.com/gevorg/htdigest/)** - Node.js package for HTTP Digest Authentication password file utility. ## Integrations Please check [this link](https://github.com/http-auth) for integration packages. ## License The MIT License (MIT)