@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ <ion-toolbar>
+ <ion-title>我的</ion-title>
+ <!-- 编辑信息按钮 -->
+ <ion-buttons slot="end">
+ <ion-button routerLink="/user/info">
+ <ion-icon slot="start" name="create-outline"></ion-icon>
+ </ion-button>
+ <ion-button id="myMenu">
+ <ion-icon name="menu-outline"></ion-icon>
+ </ion-button>
+ <ion-popover trigger="myMenu" triggerAction="click">
+ <ng-template>
+ <ion-list>
+ <ion-item [button]="true">
+ <ion-icon name="scan-outline" size="small"></ion-icon>
+ <ion-text>扫一扫</ion-text>
+ </ion-item>
+ <ion-item [button]="true">
+ <ion-icon name="share-social-outline" size="small"></ion-icon>
+ <ion-text>分享</ion-text>
+ </ion-item>
+ <ion-item [button]="true">
+ <ion-icon name="pulse-outline" size="small"></ion-icon>
+ <ion-text>客服</ion-text>
+ </ion-item>
+ <ion-item [button]="true">
+ <ion-icon name="settings-outline" size="small"></ion-icon>
+ <ion-text>设置</ion-text>
+ </ion-item>
+ </ion-list>
+ </ng-template>
+ </ion-popover>
+ </ion-buttons>
+ </ion-toolbar>
+<ion-content color="light">
+ <!-- 基本信息栏 -->
+ <ion-card>
+ <ion-list [inset]="true">
+ <ion-item lines="full">
+ <ion-avatar slot="start">
+ <img alt="头像" src="https://ionicframework.com/docs/img/demos/avatar.svg" />
+ </ion-avatar>
+ <ion-label>
+ {{currentUser?.get("name") || '昵称'}}
+ </ion-label>
+ <ion-buttons slot="end">
+ <ion-button>
+ <ion-icon name="heart-outline"></ion-icon>
+ <ion-note>{{currentUser?.get("like") || '99'}}</ion-note>
+ </ion-button>
+ </ion-buttons>
+ </ion-item>
+ <ion-item lines="none">
+ <ion-badge slot="start">{{currentUser?.get("tag") || '标签'}}</ion-badge>
+ </ion-item>
+ <ion-item lines="none">
+ <ion-label color="medium">
+ {{currentUser?.get("desc") || '介绍一下自己吧'}}
+ </ion-label>
+ </ion-item>
+ </ion-list>
+ </ion-card>
+ <!-- 列表 -->
+ <ion-card class="myList">
+ <ion-list [inset]="true">
+ <ion-item button detail="true" routerLink="/lesson/me/userFollow">
+ <ion-label>
+ <ion-note>关注</ion-note>
+ </ion-label>
+ </ion-item>
+ <ion-item button detail="true" routerLink="/lesson/me/userTag">
+ <ion-label>
+ <ion-note>成就</ion-note>
+ </ion-label>
+ </ion-item>
+ <ion-item button detail="true" routerLink="/lesson/me/userCollection">
+ <ion-label>
+ <ion-note>收藏</ion-note>
+ </ion-label>
+ </ion-item>
+ </ion-list>
+ </ion-card>
+ <!-- 详细内容 -->
+ <!-- 导航 -->
+ <ion-card>
+ <ion-toolbar>
+ <ion-segment value="关注">
+ <ion-segment-button value="推荐" (click)="cate='推荐'">
+ <ion-icon name="bicycle-outline"></ion-icon>
+ <ion-label>推荐</ion-label>
+ </ion-segment-button>
+ <ion-segment-button value="关注" (click)="cate='关注'">
+ <ion-icon name="person-outline"></ion-icon>
+ <ion-label>关注</ion-label>
+ </ion-segment-button>
+ <ion-segment-button value="科普" (click)="cate='科普'">
+ <ion-icon name="fast-food-outline"></ion-icon>
+ <ion-label>笔记</ion-label>
+ </ion-segment-button>
+ </ion-segment>
+ <ion-buttons slot="end"><ion-button>编辑</ion-button></ion-buttons>
+ </ion-toolbar>
+ </ion-card>
+ <!-- 美景推荐 -->
+ <ng-container *ngIf="cate=='推荐'">
+ <ion-list [inset]="true" lines="inset">
+ <ng-container *ngFor="let recommand of myViewList">
+ <ion-item>
+ <ion-thumbnail slot="end">
+ <img alt="推荐图" [src]="recommand?.get('img')" />
+ </ion-thumbnail>
+ <ion-label>
+ <h2>{{recommand?.get('title')}}</h2>
+ <p>{{recommand?.get('content')}}</p>
+ <ion-note slot="start">{{recommand?.get('createdAt')| date: 'YYYY/MM/dd'||"发布时间"}}</ion-note>
+ </ion-label>
+ </ion-item>
+ </ng-container>
+ </ion-list>
+ </ng-container>
+ <!-- 科普关注 -->
+ <ng-container *ngIf="cate=='关注'">
+ <ion-grid>
+ <ion-row>
+ <ng-container *ngFor="let attention of myRoleList">
+ <ion-col size="6">
+ <ion-card class="attentionCard">
+ <img alt="关注图" [src]="attention?.get('img')" />
+ <ion-card-header>
+ <ion-card-title>
+ {{attention?.get('name')}}
+ </ion-card-title>
+ <ion-card-subtitle>{{attention?.get('createdAt')| date:
+ 'YYYY/MM/dd'||"发布时间"}}</ion-card-subtitle>
+ </ion-card-header>
+ </ion-card>
+ </ion-col>
+ </ng-container>
+ </ion-row>
+ </ion-grid>
+ </ng-container>
+ <!-- 科普笔记 -->
+ <ng-container *ngIf="cate=='科普'">
+ <ng-container *ngFor="let sciene of myFoodList">
+ <ion-card>
+ <img alt="科普图" [src]="sciene?.get('img')" />
+ <ion-card-header>
+ <ion-card-title>{{sciene?.get('name')}}</ion-card-title>
+ <ion-card-subtitle>{{sciene?.get('createdAt')| date:
+ 'YYYY/MM/dd/HH:mm'||"发布时间"}}</ion-card-subtitle>
+ <div class="metadata-end-wrapper-sciene">
+ <ion-buttons slot="end">
+ <ion-button>
+ <ion-icon name="eye-outline" size="small"></ion-icon>
+ <ion-note>{{sciene?.get('see')}}</ion-note>
+ </ion-button>
+ <ion-button>
+ <ion-icon name="heart-outline" size="small"></ion-icon>
+ <ion-note>{{sciene?.get('like')}}</ion-note>
+ </ion-button>
+ </ion-buttons>
+ </div>
+ </ion-card-header>
+ <ion-card-content>
+ <p class="scieneContent">{{sciene?.get('content')}}</p>
+ </ion-card-content>
+ </ion-card>
+ </ng-container>
+ </ng-container>
+ <ion-list [inset]="true">
+ <ion-button *ngIf="!currentUser?.id" expand="block" routerLink="/user/login">登录</ion-button>
+ <ion-button *ngIf="currentUser?.id" fill="clear" expand="block" (click)="logout()">登出</ion-button>
+ </ion-list>