@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
+import { Input, Output, EventEmitter } from '@angular/core';
+import { CommonCompModule } from '../../../../../services/common.modules';
+import { NzSelectModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/select';
+import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
+import { NzRadioModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/radio';
+import { NzMessageService } from 'ng-zorro-antd/message';
+import { NzGridModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/grid';
+import { NzCheckboxModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/checkbox';
+import { NzTableModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/table';
+import { NzModalService } from 'ng-zorro-antd/modal';
+import Parse from 'parse';
+import {
+ FormControl,
+ FormGroup,
+ NonNullableFormBuilder,
+ Validators,
+} from '@angular/forms';
+import { textbookServer } from '../../../../../services/textbook';
+import { CreatedService } from '../../../../../services/created.service'
+interface course {
+ date: Date | any,
+ wordage: number | any,
+ num: number | any,
+ sumNum: number | any,
+ accolade: string
+ selector: 'app-three',
+ templateUrl: './content.component.html',
+ styleUrls: ['./content.component.scss'],
+ standalone: true,
+ imports: [
+ CommonCompModule,
+ ReactiveFormsModule,
+ NzSelectModule,
+ NzRadioModule,
+ NzGridModule,
+ NzCheckboxModule,
+ NzTableModule,
+ ContentComponent
+ ],
+export class ContentComponent implements OnInit {
+ @Input('eduTextbookVolumeId') eduTextbookVolumeId: any;
+ @Input('eduTextbook') eduTextbook: any;
+ @Input('maxWidth') maxWidth: number = 0;
+ @Output() state: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();
+ @Output() save: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();
+ validateForm: FormGroup<{
+ }> = this.fb.group({
+ });
+ //申报教材建设历程
+ courses: Array<course> = [
+ {
+ date: '',//出版时间
+ wordage: '',//字数
+ num: '',//重印次数
+ sumNum: '',//本版总印数
+ accolade: ''//获奖励情况
+ },
+ ];
+ constructor(
+ public tbookSer: textbookServer,
+ private fb: NonNullableFormBuilder,
+ private modal: NzModalService,
+ private msg: NzMessageService,
+ private creatSev: CreatedService
+ ) { }
+ /**分册记录Parse */
+ eduTextbookVolume: Parse.Object | any
+ /**获取扩展分册记录 */
+ async getEduTextbookVolume() {
+ console.log('传递的分册id' + this.eduTextbookVolumeId)
+ if (this.eduTextbookVolumeId) {
+ let query = new Parse.Query('EduTextbookVolume')
+ this.eduTextbookVolume = await query.get(this.eduTextbookVolumeId)
+ console.log(this.eduTextbookVolume);
+ } else {
+ console.log("分册id未传递")
+ }
+ }
+ ngAfterViewInit(): void {
+ //Called after ngAfterContentInit when the component's view has been initialized. Applies to components only.
+ //Add 'implements AfterViewInit' to the class.
+ }
+ async refersh() {
+ await this.getEduTextbookVolume()
+ if (this.eduTextbookVolume?.id) {
+ this.creatSev.type = this.eduTextbookVolume.get('type')
+ this.creatSev.typeNumber = this.eduTextbookVolume.get('typeNumber')
+ this.validateForm = this.fb.group({
+ });
+ console.log(this.validateForm.value);
+ this.courses = this.eduTextbookVolume.get('courses') || this.courses
+ }
+ }
+ ngOnInit() {
+ this.refersh()
+ }
+ changeCode() { }
+ getCode(e: any) { }
+ //添加作者信息
+ onPush(idx: number) {
+ this.courses.splice(idx + 1, 0, {
+ date: '',
+ wordage: '',
+ num: '',
+ sumNum: '',
+ accolade: ''
+ });
+ }
+ //删除作者信息
+ onDel(idx: number) {
+ if (this.courses?.length == 1) return
+ this.courses.splice(idx, 1);
+ }
+ async saveEduTextbook() {
+ console.log('执行子组件方法')
+ this.eduTextbookVolume?.set('courses', this.courses)
+ await this.eduTextbookVolume?.save()
+ }