const { AuthenticationClient } = require('authing-js-sdk') import { pgClient } from '../../db/pg-instance' // const { pgClient } = require('../../db/pg-instance') export function defineAuthingLogin(){ Parse.Cloud.define("authingLogin", async (request) => { let token = request.params.token; if(token) { let result = await syncSessionWithIdToken(token); return result; } return null; },{ fields : { token:{ required:true } } }); } /** * 同步用户登录信息 * @desc *获取当前登录的用户信息 * @param {*} token * @returns */ async function syncSessionWithIdToken(token){ // 通过用户的 id_token 初始化之后获取用户信息 let authenticationClient = new AuthenticationClient({ appId: '6682ab96b7bd5db59d6785a0', appHost: '', // 应用的认证地址 token: token }) let user = await authenticationClient.getCurrentUser() // console.log(user) // 生成Parse库所需_Session记录 objectId唯一 let sessionObjectId = generateObjectId(user?.id+user?.token); let username = user?.username || user?.phone || user?.email let ParseExistUser = await getParseUserByAuthingUser(user); // console.log("ParseExistUser",ParseExistUser); let userId = ParseExistUser?.objectId || user?.id; let syncSessionSQL = ` INSERT INTO "_User" ( "objectId", "username","mobile","phone", "createdAt", "updatedAt", "lastIP","lastLogin","userSourceType","loginsCount" ) VALUES ( $2,$7,$8,$8,$5,$6, $9,$10,$11,$12 ) ON conflict("objectId") DO UPDATE SET "username" = excluded."username", "updatedAt"=excluded."updatedAt", "mobile"=excluded."mobile", "phone"=excluded."phone", "lastIP"=excluded."lastIP", "lastLogin"=excluded."lastLogin", "userSourceType"=excluded."userSourceType", "loginsCount"=excluded."loginsCount"; INSERT INTO "_Session" ("objectId", "user", "sessionToken","expiresAt", "createdAt") VALUES ($1, $2,$3,$4,$5) ON conflict("objectId") DO UPDATE SET "user" = excluded."user", "sessionToken" = excluded."sessionToken", "expiresAt"=excluded."expiresAt"; ` let params = [ // 1-4 sessionObjectId,userId,user?.token,user?.tokenExpiredAt, // 5-8 new Date(),new Date(),username,user?.phone, // 9-12 user?.lastIP, user?.lastLogin, user?.userSourceType,user?.loginsCount ] if(user?.id&&user?.token){ try { // 查询:数据库版本信息 let data = await pgClient().any(syncSessionSQL,params); // console.log(data) return { sid:sessionObjectId, uid:user?.id, sessionToken:user?.token }; } catch (error) { console.error('Error executing query:', error); return error; } } } module.exports.syncSessionWithIdToken = syncSessionWithIdToken async function getParseUserByAuthingUser(user){ let sql = ` SELECT * FROM "_User" WHERE "objectId"=$1 OR "objectId"=$2 OR "username"=$3 OR "username"=$4 OR "username"=$5 OR ("mobile" IS NOT NULL AND "mobile" = $4) OR ("phone" IS NOT NULL AND "phone" = $4) OR ("mobile" IS NOT NULL AND "mobile" = $5) OR ("phone" IS NOT NULL AND "phone" = $5) OR ("email" IS NOT NULL AND "email" = $6) ` let params = [ user?.id, user?.externalId, user?.username, user?.phone, user?.mobile, user?.email ] let data = [] try{ data = await pgClient().any(sql,params); // console.log("data",data) if(data?.length){ return data[0] } }catch(err){ console.error(err) } return null } const crypto = require('crypto'); function generateObjectId(inputString) { const hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(inputString).digest('hex'); const objectId = hash; return objectId; }