@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
+import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
+import * as Parse from 'parse';
+import {
+ IonicModule,
+ LoadingController,
+ ToastController,
+} from '@ionic/angular';
+import { ActivatedRoute } from '@angular/router';
+import { AiChatService } from '../../../services/aichart.service';
+import { HttpService } from '../../../services/http.service';
+declare const AgoraRTC: any;
+ selector: 'app-live',
+ templateUrl: './live.component.html',
+ styleUrls: ['./live.component.scss'],
+ standalone: true,
+ imports: [IonicModule, FormsModule],
+export class LiveComponent implements OnInit {
+ profile?:Parse.Object
+ rid?: string;
+ room?: Parse.Object;
+ client: any //客户端
+ options:{appid:string,channel:string,uid:string|null,token:string} = {
+ appid: 'f4f19322cdb1412ab44343613bb7535f',
+ channel: '',
+ uid: null,
+ token: ''
+ };
+ localTracks: any = {
+ audioTrack: null,
+ videoTrack: null
+ };
+ constructor(
+ public toastController: ToastController,
+ private loadingCtrl: LoadingController,
+ private activateRoute: ActivatedRoute,
+ private aiSer:AiChatService,
+ private http:HttpService
+ ) { }
+ ngOnInit() {
+ this.client = AgoraRTC.createClient({ mode: "live", codec: "h264" });
+ AgoraRTC.enableLogUpload()
+ this.activateRoute.paramMap.subscribe(async (params) => {
+ let rid: any = params.get('rid');
+ this.rid = rid;
+ if (!this.rid) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.getRoom();
+ });
+ }
+ async getRoom() {
+ let query = new Parse.Query('Room');
+ query.equalTo('objectId', this.rid);
+ query.notEqualTo('isDeleted', true);
+ query.include('user');
+ this.room = await query.first();
+ let queryProfile = new Parse.Query('Profile');
+ query.equalTo('user', this.room?.get('user').id);
+ queryProfile.notEqualTo('isDeleted', true);
+ this.profile = await queryProfile.first();
+ }
+ async getToken() {
+ let baseurl = 'https://server.masterol.cn/api/webrtc/build_token'
+ let reqBody = {
+ company: this.aiSer.company,
+ profile: localStorage.getItem('profileId'),
+ channelName: localStorage.getItem('profileId'),
+ department: localStorage.getItem('department'),
+ exam: localStorage.getItem('exam')
+ }
+ let data:any = this.http.httpRequst(baseurl,reqBody)
+ console.log(data)
+ if (data.code == 200) {
+ this.options.token = data.data.token,
+ this.options.appid = data.data.appid,
+ this.options.channel = localStorage.getItem('profileId')??'',
+ this.options.uid = localStorage.getItem('profileId')
+ await this.join()
+ }
+ }
+ // 进入频道
+ async join() {
+ let data = await Promise.all([
+ // join the channel
+ this.client.join(this.options.appid, this.options.channel, this.options.token, 111111),
+ // create local tracks, using microphone and camera
+ AgoraRTC.createMicrophoneAudioTrack(),
+ AgoraRTC.createCameraVideoTrack()
+ ]);
+ await this.client.setClientRole('host')
+ console.log(data);
+ this.localTracks.audioTrack = data[1]
+ this.localTracks.videoTrack = data[2]
+ this.localTracks.videoTrack.play("video");
+ let publish = await this.client.publish(Object.values(this.localTracks));
+ // getCurrentFrameData 获取当前渲染的视频帧数据。
+ // 订阅监考端音视频
+ this.client.on('user-published', async (user:any, mediaType:any) => {
+ console.log('user-published')
+ await this.client.subscribe(user, mediaType)
+ if (mediaType == "audio" && user.uid != 333333) {
+ console.log(mediaType, user)
+ //远端老师发出语音对话提示
+ // this.createBasicNotification('请注意,监考老师已向你发出语音通话!', 'info', '语音通话提示')
+ const remoteAudioTrack = user.audioTrack
+ remoteAudioTrack.setVolume(100)
+ remoteAudioTrack.play()
+ }
+ })
+ // 查询远端用户是否存在小程序端用户
+ this.joinReady()
+ }
+ async joinReady() {
+ console.log(this.client.remoteUsers)
+ let wxRemoteUsers = this.client.remoteUsers.find((item:any) => {
+ if (item.uid && item._video_added_) {
+ return item
+ }
+ })
+ console.log(wxRemoteUsers)
+ this.client.on("user-published", async (user:any, mediaType:any) => {
+ if(user.uid == 333333) {
+ await this.client.subscribe(user, mediaType);
+ console.log('用户推流成功')
+ }
+ })
+ this.client.on("user-unpublished", (user:any) => {
+ if(user.uid == 333333) {
+ console.log('用户取消推流')
+ }
+ })
+ }