@@ -8,16 +8,17 @@ import { ImagePreviewComponent } from '../../../app/components/image-preview/ima
import { AiChatService } from '../../../services/aichart.service';
import { UploadComponent } from '../../../app/components/upload/upload.component';
import { GiftModalComponent } from '../../../app/components/gift-modal/gift-modal.component';
-import { MessageService } from '../../../services/message.service';
+// import { MessageService } from '../../../services/message.service';
import { ConnectTaskService } from '../../../services/connectTask.service';
import { getBirthdatByIdNo,getConstellation } from '../../../services/utils';
import {
- AlertController,
+ // AlertController,
} from '../../ionic-standalone.modules';
import { AccountService } from '../../../services/account.service';
+import { CallModalComponent } from '../../../app/components/call-modal/call-modal.component';
selector: 'app-profile',
@@ -33,11 +34,14 @@ import { AccountService } from '../../../services/account.service';
+ CallModalComponent
providers: [DatePipe],
export class ProfileComponent implements OnInit {
// @ViewChild('upload') upload!: UploadComponent;
+ @ViewChild('call') call!: CallModalComponent;
uid: string = '';
currentUser?: Parse.Object = Parse.User.current(); //当前登录用户
user?: Parse.Object; // 查看用户
@@ -54,25 +58,22 @@ export class ProfileComponent implements OnInit {
isFollow: boolean = false;
giftList: any[] = []; //礼物
isOpen: boolean = false; //打开弹窗
- room?: Parse.Object;
+ // room?: Parse.Object;
@ViewChild('gift') gift!: GiftModalComponent;
- iscall: boolean = false;
- isLiveing: boolean = false; // 是否在直播通话中
+ // iscall: boolean = false;
+ // isLiveing: boolean = false; // 是否在直播通话中
userStatus: string = 'OFFLINE';
private activateRoute: ActivatedRoute,
private router: Router,
- public toastController: ToastController,
- public loadingCtrl: LoadingController,
+ private toastController: ToastController,
+ private loadingCtrl: LoadingController,
private aiChatServ: AiChatService,
- private alertController: AlertController,
+ // private alertController: AlertController,
+ // private msgSer: MessageService,
private connectTask: ConnectTaskService,
- private msgSer: MessageService,
public accServ: AccountService,
) {
- this.msgSer.event$.subscribe((data) => {
- this.inviteCallback(data);
- });
get state() {
let map: any = {
@@ -118,12 +119,10 @@ export class ProfileComponent implements OnInit {
ngOnDestroy(): void {
- //Called once, before the instance is destroyed.
- //Add 'implements OnDestroy' to the class.
- if (!this.isLiveing && this.uid !== this.currentUser?.id) {
- console.log('断开连接');
- this.msgSer?.unsubscribeMessage(this.uid);
- }
+ // if (!this.isLiveing && this.uid !== this.currentUser?.id) {
+ // console.log('断开连接');
+ // this.msgSer?.unsubscribeMessage(this.uid);
+ // }
async refresh() {
const loading = await this.loadingCtrl.create({
@@ -139,7 +138,7 @@ export class ProfileComponent implements OnInit {
let res1 = await this.aiChatServ.getGiftLogCount(this.uid);
this.numsObject.gift = res1.data[0].gift ?? 0;
this.giftList = await this.aiChatServ.getGiftList(this.uid, 16);
- this.getRoom();
+ // this.getRoom();
async getFriends() {
@@ -181,16 +180,16 @@ export class ProfileComponent implements OnInit {
let r = await query.first();
this.isFollow = r?.id ? true : false;
- async getRoom() {
- let query = new Parse.Query('Room');
- query.equalTo('company', this.aiChatServ.company);
- query.equalTo('profile', this.profile?.id);
- // query.equalTo('state', true);
- query.notEqualTo('isDeleted', true);
- query.select('objectId');
- let r = await query.first();
- this.room = r;
- }
+ // async getRoom() {
+ // let query = new Parse.Query('Room');
+ // query.equalTo('company', this.aiChatServ.company);
+ // query.equalTo('profile', this.profile?.id);
+ // // query.equalTo('state', true);
+ // query.notEqualTo('isDeleted', true);
+ // query.select('objectId');
+ // let r = await query.first();
+ // this.room = r;
+ // }
/* 关注 */
async onCollection() {
let query = new Parse.Query('ProfileRadar');
@@ -298,96 +297,6 @@ export class ProfileComponent implements OnInit {
toMsg() {
this.router.navigate(['live/chat/' + this.friends?.get('channel')]);
- async toLiveContact() {
- if(this.userStatus == 'REFUSE'){
- const toast = await this.toastController.create({
- message: '对方已设置免打扰状态',
- color: 'warning',
- duration: 1500,
- });
- toast.present();
- return
- }
- this.userStatus = await this.connectTask.getState(this.uid, this.uid);
- if (this.userStatus !== 'ONLINE') {
- const toast = await this.toastController.create({
- message: '对方不在线或忙线中',
- color: 'warning',
- duration: 1500,
- });
- toast.present();
- return;
- }
- const alert = await this.alertController.create({
- cssClass: 'my-custom-class',
- header: '邀请通话',
- backdropDismiss: false,
- message: '你将与对方发起私聊通话',
- buttons: [
- {
- text: '取消',
- role: 'cancel',
- handler: (blah) => {},
- },
- {
- text: '确定',
- cssClass: 'secondary',
- handler: () => {
- this.sendVideoCallInvite();
- },
- },
- ],
- });
- await alert.present();
- }
- async inviteCallback(event: boolean) {
- console.log(event);
- if (event == undefined) return;
- this.iscall = false;
- const toast = await this.toastController.create({
- message: `对方${event ? '已接受' : '拒绝'}通话邀请`,
- color: event ? 'success' : 'warning',
- duration: 1500,
- });
- toast.present();
- if (event) {
- this.isLiveing = true;
- // this.userStatus = await this.connectTask.getState(this.uid, this.uid);
- this.router.navigate(['live/link-room/' + this.room?.id]);
- }
- }
- async sendVideoCallInvite() {
- let second = await this.aiChatServ.get_duration(
- this.room?.id!,
- this.currentUser?.id!
- );
- if (second < 120) {
- const toast = await this.toastController.create({
- message: '通话时长不足2分钟,请充值后再试通',
- color: 'warning',
- duration: 1500,
- });
- toast.present();
- return;
- }
- this.iscall = true;
- // this.router.navigate(['live/link-room/' + this.room?.id]);
- await this.msgSer.subscribeMessage(this.uid, {
- message: true,
- presence: true,
- }); //进入对方主播频道发送聊天邀请
- this.msgSer.publishMessage('USERCALLINVITATION', this.uid);
- }
- async onCloseCall() {
- this.iscall = false;
- const toast = await this.toastController.create({
- message: '已取消视频通话邀请',
- color: 'warning',
- duration: 1500,
- });
- toast.present();
- this.msgSer.publishMessage('CLOASEINVITATION', this.uid);
- }
onSendGift() {
// this.liveService.get_duration()