@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
+import { Component, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
import * as Parse from 'parse';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Router } from '@angular/router';
-import { catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';
import {
@@ -12,112 +11,33 @@ import {
} from '@ionic/angular';
import { Wechat } from '@ionic-native/wechat/ngx';
import { NavComponent } from '../../../app/components/nav/nav.component';
-declare var wx: any;
+import { PayCompComponent } from '../../../app/components/pay-comp/pay-comp.component';
selector: 'app-recharge',
templateUrl: './recharge.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./recharge.component.scss'],
standalone: true,
- imports: [IonicModule, NavComponent, FormsModule],
+ imports: [IonicModule, NavComponent, FormsModule, PayCompComponent],
export class RechargeComponent implements OnInit {
+ @ViewChild('paycomp') paycomp!: PayCompComponent;
options: Array<number> = [30, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000];
price: any = 0;
loading: any;
company = localStorage.getItem('company');
account?: Parse.Object;
- public modal: boolean = false;
- public method: any = { value: 'wx', name: '微信支付' };
- public alertInputs = [
- {
- label: '微信支付',
- type: 'radio',
- value: 'wx',
- },
- {
- label: '其他支付',
- type: 'radio',
- value: 'zfb',
- },
- ];
- public alertButtons = [
- {
- text: 'Cancel',
- role: 'cancel',
- handler: () => {
- console.log('Alert canceled');
- },
- },
- {
- text: 'OK',
- role: 'confirm',
- handler: () => {
- this.confirmRechare();
- },
- },
- ];
- public data: Array<object> = [
- {
- value: 'wx',
- name: '微信支付',
- icon: 'https://file-cloud.fmode.cn/uiZD6NisQm/20220810/kvp1el034906.png',
- },
- {
- value: 'zfb',
- name: '其他支付',
- icon: 'https://file-cloud.fmode.cn/uiZD6NisQm/20220810/6pr338034905.png',
- },
- ];
- wxpayEnabled = false;
- wxAppId = '';
+ showPay: boolean = false;
+ tradeNo: string = ''; //支付单号
+ orderId?: string;
- private http: HttpClient,
public toastController: ToastController,
public loadingController: LoadingController,
- // private wxSDK: Wechat,
- private router: Router,
- private platform: Platform
+ private router: Router
) {}
ngOnInit() {
- let ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- let isWeixin = ua.indexOf('micromessenger') != -1;
- if (isWeixin) {
- this.getWXSignPackageInWechat();
- }
- // 获取微信签名
- getWXSignPackageInWechat() {
- let that = this;
- let params = {
- company: localStorage.getItem('company'),
- href: encodeURIComponent(location.href.split('#')[0]),
- };
- this.http
- .post(`https://test.fmode.cn/api/wechat/getconfig`, params)
- .subscribe((response) => {
- // 返回的签名信息
- let res: any = response;
- const signPackage = res.data;
- that.wxAppId = signPackage.appid;
- this.wxpayEnabled = true;
- wx.config({
- debug: false, // 开启调试模式
- appId: signPackage.appid, // 必填,公众号的唯一标识
- timestamp: signPackage.timestamp, // 必填,生成签名的时间戳
- nonceStr: signPackage.nonceStr, // 必填,生成签名的随机串
- signature: signPackage.signature, // 必填,签名,见附录1
- jsApiList: [
- 'chooseWXPay', // JSAPI微信支付
- ], // 必填,需要使用的JS接口列表,所有JS接口列表见附录2
- });
- wx.ready(() => {});
- wx.error(() => {});
- });
- }
back() {
@@ -129,12 +49,16 @@ export class RechargeComponent implements OnInit {
- onChange(event: any) {
- this.method = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(event));
- console.log(this.method);
+ onChange(val: number) {
+ console.log(val);
+ this.price = val;
- async showPay() {
+ onChangeInput() {
+ this.price = this.price < 1 ? 1 : Math.floor(this.price);
+ console.log(this.price);
+ }
+ async onShowPay() {
+ if (this.price <= 0) return;
if (this.price <= 0 || isNaN(this.price)) {
return this.presentToast(
@@ -143,154 +67,12 @@ export class RechargeComponent implements OnInit {
if (this.price > 100000) {
- return this.presentToast('单笔充值最多不超过100000元!', 1500, 'danger');
+ return this.presentToast('单笔充值最多不超过100000元', 1500, 'danger');
- this.modal = true;
this.price = parseInt(this.price);
+ this.showPay = true;
+ this.paycomp.isOpen = true;
- async confirmRechare() {
- let now = new Date();
- let tradeNo =
- 'C' +
- String(now.getFullYear()) +
- (now.getMonth() + 1) +
- now.getDate() +
- now.getHours() +
- now.getMinutes() +
- now.getSeconds() +
- Math.random().toString().slice(-6); //生成六位随机数
- console.log('订单编号:', tradeNo);
- console.log(this.method.value);
- // if (this.method.value == 'outline') {
- // await this.updataOrder(tradeNo, 'outline')
- // this.presentToast(`请选择支付方式`, 1500, "success");
- // return
- // } else
- if (this.method.value == 'wx') {
- let ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- let isWeixin = ua.indexOf('micromessenger') != -1;
- if (isWeixin) {
- // 微信支付
- await this.wxPay(tradeNo);
- } else if (this.platform.is('cordova')) {
- // APP 调起微信支付
- this.presentToast(
- `APP内暂不支持微信支付请前往微信端网页进行支付`,
- 3000,
- 'success'
- );
- return;
- await this.openWxPay(tradeNo);
- } else {
- this.presentToast(`微信支付请在微信进入应用`, 1500, 'success');
- }
- } else {
- this.presentToast(`待开通支付通道`, 1500, 'success');
- }
- }
- // 调起微信支付
- async openWxPay(tradeNo: string) {
- let loading = await this.loadingController.create({
- cssClass: 'my-custom-class',
- message: '支付跳转...',
- duration: 1500,
- });
- loading.present();
- let params = {
- company: this.company,
- out_trade_no: tradeNo,
- total_fee: this.price,
- };
- try {
- this.http
- .post(`https://server.fmode.cn/api/wxpay/newsdkorder`, params)
- .pipe(
- catchError(async (e) => {
- // 显示报错
- loading.present();
- await this.presentToast(
- `服务器请求错误,请稍后重试`,
- 1500,
- 'danger'
- );
- })
- )
- .subscribe(async (response) => {
- let payParams: any = response;
- console.log(payParams);
- // this.wxSDK
- // .sendPaymentRequest({
- // appid: payParams.appid, // merchant id
- // partnerid: payParams.partnerid, // merchant id
- // prepayid: payParams.prepayid, // prepay id
- // package: payParams.package, // nonce
- // noncestr: payParams.noncestr, // nonce
- // timestamp: payParams.timestamp, // timestamp
- // sign: payParams.sign, // signed string
- // })
- // .then(async (data) => {
- // if (data) {
- // loading.present();
- // console.log('支付成功返回结果:', data);
- // await this.updataOrder(tradeNo, '微信')
- // }
- // })
- // .catch(async (error) => {
- // loading.present();
- // await this.presentToast(`支付失败`, 1500, "danger");
- // console.log('调起微信失败', error);
- // });
- });
- } catch (error) {
- loading.present();
- await this.presentToast(`支付失败`, 1500, 'danger');
- console.log(error);
- }
- }
- // 微信浏览器内支付
- async wxPay(tradeNo: string) {
- let openid = localStorage.getItem('openid');
- if (openid) {
- let params = {
- company: this.company,
- out_trade_no: tradeNo,
- total_fee: this.price,
- openid: openid,
- appid: 'wxb4579e09e263afa9',
- };
- let that = this;
- this.http
- .post(`https://test.fmode.cn/api/wxpay/neworder`, params)
- .subscribe(async (response) => {
- let accountLog: any = await this.updataOrder(tradeNo, '微信');
- let payinfo: any = response;
- wx.chooseWXPay({
- timestamp: payinfo.timeStamp, // 支付签名时间戳,注意微信jssdk中的所有使用timestamp字段均为小写。但最新版的支付后台生成签名使用的timeStamp字段名需大写其中的S字符
- nonceStr: payinfo.nonceStr, // 支付签名随机串,不长于 32 位
- package: payinfo.package, // 统一支付接口返回的prepay_id参数值,提交格式如:prepay_id=\*\*\*)
- signType: 'MD5', // 签名方式,默认为'SHA1',使用新版支付需传入'MD5'
- paySign: payinfo.paySign, // 支付签名
- success: async (res: any) => {
- // 支付成功后的回调函数
- if (res) {
- accountLog.set('isVerified', true);
- await accountLog.save();
- that.presentToast(`充值成功`, 1500, 'success');
- that.modal = false;
- that.price = 0;
- }
- },
- });
- });
- }
- }
async presentToast(title: string, time: number, color: string) {
const toast = await this.toastController.create({
message: title,
@@ -299,40 +81,8 @@ export class RechargeComponent implements OnInit {
- //充值记录
- async updataOrder(tradeNo: string, type: string) {
- let AccountLog = Parse.Object.extend('AccountLog');
- let account = new AccountLog();
- account.set('isVerified', false);
- account.set('company', {
- __type: 'Pointer',
- className: 'Company',
- objectId: this.company,
- });
- account.set('targetAccount', {
- __type: 'Pointer',
- className: 'Account',
- objectId: this.account?.id,
- });
- account.set('fromName', 'system');
- account.set('fromAccountName', 'system');
- account.set('orderNumber', tradeNo);
- account.set('desc', `${type}充值${this.price}`);
- account.set('assetType', 'balance');
- account.set('orderType', `${type}recharge`);
- account.set('assetCount', this.price);
- account.save().then((res: any) => {
- return res;
- // res.set("isVerified", true)
- // res.save().then(res => {
- // this.presentToast(`充值成功`, 1500, "success");
- // this.modal = false
- // this.price = 0
- // })
- });
- }
- onClose() {
- this.modal = false;
+ onComplete(evet: any) {
+ console.log(evet);
+ this.tradeNo = evet.tradeNo;