
ryanemax 35ca1c7ac6 feat: fix app comp standalone ionRouterOutlet hai 3 meses
.vscode 2996161977 created project hai 4 meses
projects 35ca1c7ac6 feat: fix app comp standalone ionRouterOutlet hai 3 meses
public 2996161977 created project hai 4 meses
src 8732abde97 update 赠送礼物 hai 3 meses
.editorconfig 2996161977 created project hai 4 meses
.gitignore 2996161977 created project hai 4 meses
README.md d9e1d5dd65 update README.sh hai 3 meses
angular.json d9e1d5dd65 update README.sh hai 3 meses
deploy.ps1 35ca1c7ac6 feat: fix app comp standalone ionRouterOutlet hai 3 meses
package-lock.json 0df8d37047 feat: connect rtmClient not init in home page hai 3 meses
package.json b3c47a3151 update 直播 hai 3 meses
tsconfig.app.json 2996161977 created project hai 4 meses
tsconfig.json 2996161977 created project hai 4 meses
tsconfig.spec.json 2996161977 created project hai 4 meses



This project was generated with Angular CLI version 18.0.4.

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The application will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Code scaffolding

Run ng generate component component-name to generate a new component. You can also use ng generate directive|pipe|service|class|guard|interface|enum|module.


Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory.

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via a platform of your choice. To use this command, you need to first add a package that implements end-to-end testing capabilities.

Further help

To get more help on the Angular CLI use ng help or go check out the Angular CLI Overview and Command Reference page.

  • 安装配置

    # 安装
    npm install i



# 打包项目,携带应用前缀(index.html中相对路径将自动修复为/dev/crm前缀)
# live-app 子项目名称
# /dev/ 项目测试版上传路径
# /dev/live nova-crm项目预留路径
ng build live-app --base-href=/dev/live/

# 清空旧文件目录
obsutil rm obs://nova-cloud/dev/live -r -f -i=XSUWJSVMZNHLWFAINRZ1 -k=P4TyfwfDovVNqz08tI1IXoLWXyEOSTKJRVlsGcV6 -e="obs.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com"

# 同步文件目录
obsutil sync ./dist/live-app/browser obs://nova-cloud/dev/live  -i=XSUWJSVMZNHLWFAINRZ1 -k=P4TyfwfDovVNqz08tI1IXoLWXyEOSTKJRVlsGcV6 -e="obs.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com" -acl=public-read

# 复制默认首页至项目路由(解决路径导航到错误页面问题)
# 例如:https://app.fmode.cn/dev/live/live/test 匹配项目路由 /live/test 需要放置一个默认页面
obsutil cp ./dist/live-app/browser/index.html obs://nova-cloud/dev/live/index.html  -i=XSUWJSVMZNHLWFAINRZ1 -k=P4TyfwfDovVNqz08tI1IXoLWXyEOSTKJRVlsGcV6 -e="obs.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com" -acl=public-read

# 授权公开可读
obsutil chattri obs://nova-cloud/dev/live -r -f -i=XSUWJSVMZNHLWFAINRZ1 -k=P4TyfwfDovVNqz08tI1IXoLWXyEOSTKJRVlsGcV6 -e="obs.cn-south-1.myhuaweicloud.com" -acl=public-read


hcloud CDN CreateRefreshTasks/v2 --cli-region="cn-north-1" --refresh_task.urls.1="https://app.fmode.cn/dev/live/" --refresh_task.type="directory" --cli-access-key=2BFF7JWXAIJ0UGNJ0OSB --cli-secret-key=NaPCiJCGmD3nklCzX65s8mSK1Py13ueyhgepa0s1