const req = require('../../utils/request') // let Parse = getApp().Parse; const company = getApp() async function getStores(params) { let { val, uid, skip, limit } = params let wh1 = val ? `AND (store."storeName" LIKE '%` + val + "%'" + 'OR store."storeAddress" LIKE ' + "'%" + val + "%')" : `` let sql = `SELECT * , ("perCapita" * 1) price, (SELECT room."price" FROM "ShopRoom" room WHERE room."shop" = store."objectId" AND room."isDeleted" IS NOT TRUE AND room."isEnabled" = TRUE ORDER BY room."price" ASC LIMIT 1 ) "minPrice", (SELECT clt."isCollect" FROM "DramaShopCollect" clt WHERE clt."homestayStore" = store."objectId" AND clt."isCollect" = TRUE AND clt."isDeleted" IS NOT TRUE AND clt."user" = '${uid}' LIMIT 1 ) "iscollect" FROM "ShopStore" store WHERE "company" = '${company}' AND "type" = 'stay' AND "isShow" = 'true' AND "isDeleted" IS NOT TRUE ${wh1} ORDER BY "iscollect" OFFSET ${skip ?? 0} LIMIT ${limit ?? 10}` let res = await req.customSQL(sql); return res } module.exports = { getStores };