let Parse = getApp().Parse; const company = getApp().globalData.company const util = require('../../../../../utils/util.js') const dateF = require('../../../../../utils/date') const req = require('../../../../../utils/request') Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { time: null, store: null, merchant: null, totalCount: 0, todayCount: 0, totalPrice: 0, todayPrice: 0, withdraw: 0 }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { console.log(options) var TIME = util.formatTime(new Date()); //当前时间 console.log(TIME); let time = dateF.formatTime("YYYY-mm-dd", TIME) this.setData({ time: time }); let merchant = wx.getStorageSync('merchant'); //用户 this.setData({ merchant: merchant }) if (!merchant) { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/nova-tourism/pages/my/merchant/login/index' }); } this.getShopStore() }, async getShopStore() { let ShopStore = new Parse.Query('ShopStore') ShopStore.equalTo('company', company) ShopStore.equalTo('user', this.data.merchant.objectId) let shopStore = await ShopStore.first() if (shopStore && shopStore.id) { let id = shopStore.toJSON().objectId this.setData({ store: shopStore.toJSON() }) console.log(this.data.store, 11111); await this.getShopOrder(id) await this.getTodayOrder(id) } else { wx.setStorageSync('store', undefined) wx.setStorageSync('merchant', undefined) } }, async getShopOrder(id) { let sql = '' if (this.data.store.type == 'stay') { sql = `select count("objectId") as "count", sum("price") as "totalPrice" from "RoomOrder" where "company" = '${company}' and "shopStore" = '${id}' and "isPay" = true group by "shopStore"` } else { sql = `select count("objectId") as "count", sum("price") as "totalPrice" from "ShopOrder" where "company" = '${company}' and "shopStore" = '${id}' and "status" <> 100 group by "shopStore"` } let data = await req.customSQL(sql) console.log(data) if (data && data.length > 0) { this.setData({ totalCount: data[0].count, totalPrice: data[0].totalPrice, }) } await this.getWithdraw() }, async getWithdraw() { let sql = `select sum("count") as "withdraw" from "UserAgentWithdraw" where "company" = '${company}' and "user" = '${this.data.merchant.objectId}' group by "user"` let data = await req.customSQL(sql) console.log(data) if (data && data.length > 0) { this.setData({ withdraw: data[0].withdraw, earnings: (this.data.totalPrice - data[0].withdraw).toFixed(2) }) } else { this.setData({ earnings: this.data.totalPrice }) } console.log(this.data.earnings) }, async getTodayOrder(id) { var TIME = util.formatTime(new Date()); //当前时间 console.log(TIME); let time = dateF.formatTime("YYYY-mm-dd 00:00:10", TIME) console.log(time); let sql = '' if (this.data.store.type == 'stay') { sql = `select count("objectId") as "count", sum("price") as "totalPrice" from "RoomOrder" where "company" = '${company}' and "shopStore" = '${id}' and "isPay" = true and "createdAt" > '${time}' group by "shopStore"` } else { sql = `select count("objectId") as "count", sum("price") as "totalPrice" from "ShopOrder" where "company" = '${company}' and "shopStore" = '${id}' and "status" <> 100 and "createdAt" > '${time}' group by "shopStore"` } let data = await req.customSQL(sql) if (data && data.length > 0) { this.setData({ todayCount: data[0].count, todayPrice: data[0].totalPrice, }) } }, // orderlist() { // let storeId = this.data.store.objectId // wx.navigateTo({ // url: '../merchant-home/order-list/index?storeId=' + storeId // }); // }, //民宿 order2list() { let storeId = this.data.store.objectId wx.navigateTo({ url: '../merchant-home/order2-list/index?storeId=' + storeId }); }, // order3list() { // let storeId = this.data.store.objectId // wx.navigateTo({ // url: '../merchant-home/order3-list/index?storeId=' + storeId // }); // }, // goods() { // let id = this.data.store.objectId // wx.navigateTo({ // url: '/nova-tourism/pages/my/merchant/merchant-home/goods/index?id=' + id // }); // }, logout() { wx.showModal({ title: '确认要退出吗?', showCancel: true, success(res) { if (res.confirm) { wx.removeStorageSync('merchant') wx.removeStorageSync('store') wx.navigateTo({ url: '../../../../pages/index/index' }) } else { } } }) }, package() { wx.navigateTo({ url: '/nova-tourism/pages/my/merchant/merchant-home/package/index' }); }, dishes() { let id = this.data.store.objectId wx.navigateTo({ url: '/nova-tourism/pages/my/merchant/merchant-home/dishes/index?id=' + id }); }, tables() { let id = this.data.store.objectId wx.navigateTo({ url: '/nova-tourism/pages/my/merchant/merchant-home/tables/index?id=' + id }); }, // category() { // let id = this.data.store.objectId // let type = this.data.store.type // wx.navigateTo({ // url: `/nova-tourism/pages/my/merchant/merchant-home/category/index?id=${id}&&type=${type}` // }); // }, roommanage() { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../room-manage/index' }); }, account() { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../merchant-home/account/index' }); }, comments() { switch (this.data.store.type) { case 'stay': wx.navigateTo({ url: '../../merchant/comments/hotel/index' }); break; case 'catering': wx.navigateTo({ url: '/nova-tourism/pages/my/merchant/comments/setmeal/index' }); break; case 'shop': wx.navigateTo({ url: '/nova-tourism/pages/my/merchant/comments/setmeal/index' }); break; default: break; } }, async codeVerify() { console.log(this.data.store.type); let that = this wx.scanCode({ success(res) { let content = res.result console.log(content) let code1 = content.match(/\id=(.*)/)[1] console.log(code1); switch (that.data.store.type) { case 'stay': wx.navigateTo({ url: `../code-verify/index?id=${code1}` }); break; case 'catering': wx.navigateTo({ url: `/nova-tourism/pages/shop-admin/index?id=${code1}` }); break; case 'shop': wx.navigateTo({ url: `/nova-tourism/pages/shop-admin/index?id=${code1}` }); break; default: break; } // wx.navigateTo({ // url: `/nova-tourism/pages/my/merchant/code-verify/index?id=${res.id}` // }); }, fail(err) { console.log(err) wx.showToast({ title: '扫码失败,请确认二维码信息正确', icon: 'none' }) } }) }, toWithdraw() { let id = this.data.store.storeName wx.navigateTo({ url: `../../merchant/merchant-home/store-withdraw/index?earnings=${this.data.earnings}&&id=${id}`, }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function () { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { } })