@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+var util = require('../../../../../utils/util.js');
+var api = require('../../../../../utils/api');
+var Parse = getApp().Parse;
+import placeArrays from "../../../../../utils/citysearch"
+const placeArray=placeArrays.placeArray
+ data: {
+ type:1,
+ address: {
+ id: 0,
+ province_id: 0,
+ city_id: 0,
+ district_id: 0,
+ address: '',
+ full_region: '',
+ name: '',
+ mobile: '',
+ is_default: 0
+ },
+ addressId: 0,
+ openSelectRegion: false,
+ selectRegionList: [{
+ id: 0,
+ name: '省份',
+ parent_id: 1,
+ type: 1
+ },
+ {
+ id: 0,
+ name: '城市',
+ parent_id: 1,
+ type: 2
+ },
+ {
+ id: 0,
+ name: '区县',
+ parent_id: 1,
+ type: 3
+ }
+ ],
+ regionType: 1,
+ regionList: [],
+ selectRegionDone: false,
+ placeArray: placeArray,
+ province: placeArray[0].name, //- 省
+ pIndex: 0,
+ city: placeArray[0].city[0].name, //- 市
+ cIndex: 0,
+ area: placeArray[0].city[0].area[0], //- 区
+ aIndex: 0,
+ isAddress:false,
+ fullName:""
+ },
+ onClose(){
+ this.setData({
+ isAddress:false
+ })
+ },
+ confirm(){
+ let full_region = this.data.province+this.data.city+this.data.area
+ this.setData({
+ ['address.full_region']:full_region,
+ isAddress:false
+ })
+ },
+ showAddress(){
+ this.setData({
+ isAddress:true
+ })
+ },
+ changeProvince: function(e){
+ const val = e.detail.value //这些val都是数组形式的了
+ this.setData({
+ pIndex: val,
+ cIndex: 0,
+ aIndex: 0,
+ province: placeArray[val].name,
+ city: placeArray[val].city[0].name,
+ area: placeArray[val].city[0].area[0]
+ })
+ },
+ changeCity: function(e){
+ const val = e.detail.value
+ this.setData({
+ cIndex: val,
+ aIndex: 0,
+ city: placeArray[this.data.pIndex].city[val].name,
+ area: placeArray[this.data.pIndex].city[val].area[0]
+ })
+ },
+ changeArea: function(e){
+ const val = e.detail.value
+ this.setData({
+ aIndex: val,
+ area: placeArray[this.data.pIndex].city[this.data.cIndex].area[val]
+ })
+ },
+ mobilechange(e) {
+ let mobile = e.detail.value;
+ let address = this.data.address;
+ if (util.testMobile(mobile)) {
+ address.mobile = mobile;
+ this.setData({
+ address: address
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ bindinputName(event) {
+ let address = this.data.address;
+ address.name = event.detail.value;
+ this.setData({
+ address: address
+ });
+ },
+ bindinputAddress(event) {
+ let address = this.data.address;
+ address.address = event.detail.value;
+ this.setData({
+ address: address
+ });
+ },
+ switchChange(e) {
+ let status = e.detail.value;
+ let is_default = 0;
+ if (status == true) {
+ is_default = 1;
+ }
+ let address = 'address.is_default';
+ this.setData({
+ [address]: is_default
+ });
+ },
+ async getAddressDetail() {
+ let that = this;
+ let checkedAddress = {}
+ let query = new Parse.Query("ShopAddress");
+ query.equalTo("objectId", that.data.addressId);
+ let address = await query.first()
+ if(address)
+ {
+ checkedAddress.name = address.get("name")
+ checkedAddress.country_id = address.get("country_id")
+ checkedAddress.province_id = address.get("province_id")
+ checkedAddress.city_id = address.get("city_id")
+ checkedAddress.district_id = address.get("district_id")
+ checkedAddress.address = address.get("address")
+ checkedAddress.mobile = address.get("mobile")
+ checkedAddress.is_default = address.get("is_default")
+ checkedAddress.province_name = address.get("province_name")
+ checkedAddress.city_name = address.get("city_name")
+ checkedAddress.district_name = address.get("district_name")
+ checkedAddress.full_region = address.get("full_region")
+ that.setData({
+ address:checkedAddress
+ })
+ }
+ // util.request(api.AddressDetail, {
+ // id: that.data.addressId
+ // }).then(function(res) {
+ // if (res.errno === 0) {
+ // that.setData({
+ // address: res.data
+ // });
+ // }
+ // });
+ },
+ deleteAddress: function() {
+ let id = this.data.addressId;
+ wx.showModal({
+ title: '提示',
+ content: '您确定要删除么?',
+ success: function(res) {
+ if (res.confirm) {
+ util.request(api.DeleteAddress, {
+ id: id
+ }, 'POST').then(function(res) {
+ if (res.errno === 0) {
+ wx.removeStorageSync('addressId');
+ util.showErrorToast('删除成功');
+ wx.navigateBack();
+ } else {
+ util.showErrorToast(res.errmsg);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ setRegionDoneStatus() {
+ let that = this;
+ let doneStatus = that.data.selectRegionList.every(item => {
+ return item.id != 0;
+ });
+ that.setData({
+ selectRegionDone: doneStatus
+ })
+ },
+ chooseRegion() {
+ let that = this;
+ this.setData({
+ openSelectRegion: !this.data.openSelectRegion
+ });
+ //设置区域选择数据
+ let address = this.data.address;
+ if (address.province_id > 0 && address.city_id > 0 && address.district_id > 0) {
+ let selectRegionList = this.data.selectRegionList;
+ selectRegionList[0].id = address.province_id;
+ selectRegionList[0].name = address.province_name;
+ selectRegionList[0].parent_id = 1;
+ selectRegionList[1].id = address.city_id;
+ selectRegionList[1].name = address.city_name;
+ selectRegionList[1].parent_id = address.province_id;
+ selectRegionList[2].id = address.district_id;
+ selectRegionList[2].name = address.district_name;
+ selectRegionList[2].parent_id = address.city_id;
+ this.setData({
+ selectRegionList: selectRegionList,
+ regionType: 3
+ });
+ this.getRegionList(address.city_id);
+ } else {
+ this.setData({
+ selectRegionList: [{
+ id: 0,
+ name: '省份',
+ parent_id: 1,
+ type: 1
+ },
+ {
+ id: 0,
+ name: '城市',
+ parent_id: 1,
+ type: 2
+ },
+ {
+ id: 0,
+ name: '区县',
+ parent_id: 1,
+ type: 3
+ }
+ ],
+ regionType: 1
+ })
+ this.getRegionList(1);
+ }
+ this.setRegionDoneStatus();
+ },
+ onLoad: function(options) {
+ let {activeColor,titleColor}=options
+ this.setData({activeColor,titleColor})
+ // 页面初始化 options为页面跳转所带来的参数
+ if (options.id) {
+ this.setData({
+ addressId: options.id,
+ type:2
+ });
+ this.getAddressDetail();
+ }
+ // this.getRegionList(1);
+ },
+ onReady: function() {
+ },
+ async saveEditAddress(){
+ let that = this
+ let query = new Parse.Query("ShopAddress");
+ query.equalTo("objectId", that.data.addressId);
+ let shopAddress = await query.first()
+ shopAddress.set("name",that.data.address.name)
+ shopAddress.set("mobile",that.data.address.mobile)
+ shopAddress.set("province_id",that.data.address.province_id)
+ shopAddress.set("city_id",that.data.address.city_id)
+ shopAddress.set("district_id",that.data.address.district_id)
+ shopAddress.set("address",that.data.address.address)
+ shopAddress.set("province_name",that.data.province)
+ shopAddress.set("city_name",that.data.city)
+ shopAddress.set("district_name",that.data.area)
+ shopAddress.set("full_region",that.data.address.full_region)
+ shopAddress.set("is_default",that.data.address.is_default)
+ if(that.data.address.is_default == 1){
+ that.setDefault()
+ }
+ await shopAddress.save().then(data=>{
+ wx.navigateBack()
+ })
+ },
+ selectRegionType(event) {
+ let that = this;
+ let regionTypeIndex = event.target.dataset.regionTypeIndex;
+ let selectRegionList = that.data.selectRegionList;
+ //判断是否可点击
+ if (regionTypeIndex + 1 == this.data.regionType || (regionTypeIndex - 1 >= 0 && selectRegionList[regionTypeIndex - 1].id <= 0)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ this.setData({
+ regionType: regionTypeIndex + 1
+ })
+ let selectRegionItem = selectRegionList[regionTypeIndex];
+ this.getRegionList(selectRegionItem.parent_id);
+ this.setRegionDoneStatus();
+ },
+ selectRegion(event) {
+ let that = this;
+ let regionIndex = event.target.dataset.regionIndex;
+ let regionItem = this.data.regionList[regionIndex];
+ let regionType = regionItem.type;
+ let selectRegionList = this.data.selectRegionList;
+ selectRegionList[regionType - 1] = regionItem;
+ if (regionType != 3) {
+ this.setData({
+ selectRegionList: selectRegionList,
+ regionType: regionType + 1
+ })
+ this.getRegionList(regionItem.id);
+ } else {
+ this.setData({
+ selectRegionList: selectRegionList
+ })
+ }
+ //重置下级区域为空
+ selectRegionList.map((item, index) => {
+ if (index > regionType - 1) {
+ item.id = 0;
+ item.name = index == 1 ? '城市' : '区县';
+ item.parent_id = 0;
+ }
+ return item;
+ });
+ this.setData({
+ selectRegionList: selectRegionList
+ })
+ that.setData({
+ regionList: that.data.regionList.map(item => {
+ //标记已选择的
+ if (that.data.regionType == item.type && that.data.selectRegionList[that.data.regionType - 1].id == item.id) {
+ item.selected = true;
+ } else {
+ item.selected = false;
+ }
+ return item;
+ })
+ });
+ this.setRegionDoneStatus();
+ },
+ doneSelectRegion() {
+ if (this.data.selectRegionDone === false) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ let address = this.data.address;
+ let selectRegionList = this.data.selectRegionList;
+ address.province_id = selectRegionList[0].id;
+ address.city_id = selectRegionList[1].id;
+ address.district_id = selectRegionList[2].id;
+ address.province_name = selectRegionList[0].name;
+ address.city_name = selectRegionList[1].name;
+ address.district_name = selectRegionList[2].name;
+ address.full_region = selectRegionList.map(item => {
+ return item.name;
+ }).join('');
+ this.setData({
+ address: address,
+ openSelectRegion: false
+ });
+ },
+ cancelSelectRegion() {
+ this.setData({
+ openSelectRegion: false,
+ regionType: this.data.regionDoneStatus ? 3 : 1
+ });
+ },
+ getRegionList(regionId) {
+ let that = this;
+ let regionType = that.data.regionType;
+ util.request(api.RegionList, {
+ parentId: regionId
+ }).then(function(res) {
+ if (res.errno === 0) {
+ that.setData({
+ regionList: res.data.map(item => {
+ //标记已选择的
+ if (regionType == item.type && that.data.selectRegionList[regionType - 1].id == item.id) {
+ item.selected = true;
+ } else {
+ item.selected = false;
+ }
+ return item;
+ })
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ async saveAddress() {
+ let address = this.data.address;
+ let company = getApp().globalData.company
+ let user = Parse.User.current();
+ if (address.name == '' || address.name == undefined) {
+ util.showErrorToast('请输入姓名');
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (address.mobile == '' || address.mobile == undefined) {
+ util.showErrorToast('请输入手机号码');
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (address.province == "" || address.city == "") {
+ util.showErrorToast('请输入省市区');
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (address.address == '' || address.address == undefined) {
+ util.showErrorToast('请输入详细地址');
+ return false;
+ }
+ let that = this;
+ let ShopAddress = Parse.Object.extend("ShopAddress");
+ let shopAddress = new ShopAddress();
+ shopAddress.set("user",{
+ "__type": "Pointer",
+ "className": "_User",
+ "objectId": user.id
+ })
+ shopAddress.set("company",{
+ "__type": "Pointer",
+ "className": "Company",
+ "objectId": company
+ })
+ shopAddress.set("name",that.data.address.name)
+ shopAddress.set("mobile",that.data.address.mobile)
+ shopAddress.set("province_id",that.data.address.province_id)
+ shopAddress.set("city_id",that.data.address.city_id)
+ shopAddress.set("district_id",that.data.address.district_id)
+ shopAddress.set("address",that.data.address.address)
+ shopAddress.set("province_name",that.data.province)
+ shopAddress.set("city_name",that.data.city)
+ shopAddress.set("district_name",that.data.area)
+ shopAddress.set("full_region",that.data.address.full_region)
+ shopAddress.set("is_default",that.data.address.is_default)
+ if(that.data.address.is_default == 1){
+ that.setDefault()
+ }
+ await shopAddress.save().then(data=>{
+ wx.navigateBack()
+ })
+ // util.request(api.SaveAddress, {
+ // id: address.id,
+ // name: address.name,
+ // mobile: address.mobile,
+ // province_id: address.province_id,
+ // city_id: address.city_id,
+ // district_id: address.district_id,
+ // address: address.address,
+ // is_default: address.is_default,
+ // }, 'POST').then(function(res) {
+ // if (res.errno === 0) {
+ //
+ // }
+ // });
+ },
+ setDefault(){
+ let ShopAddress = new Parse.Query("ShopAddress")
+ ShopAddress.equalTo("user",Parse.User.current().id)
+ ShopAddress.equalTo("is_default",1)
+ ShopAddress.first().then(res=>{
+ if(res){
+ res.set("is_default",0)
+ res.save()
+ }
+ })
+ },
+ onShow: function() {
+ let id = this.data.addressId;
+ if (id > 0) {
+ wx.setNavigationBarTitle({
+ title: '编辑地址',
+ })
+ } else {
+ wx.setNavigationBarTitle({
+ title: '新增地址',
+ })
+ }
+ },
+ onHide: function() {
+ // 页面隐藏
+ },
+ onUnload: function() {
+ // 页面关闭
+ }