const Parse = getApp().Parse const company = getApp() const dateF = require('../../../utils/date') const req = require('../../utils/request') const colorChange = require("../../utils/color"); // const activeColor=getApp().globalData.activeColor let { statusBarHeight } = wx.getSystemInfoSync(); statusBarHeight = Math.abs(statusBarHeight) let custom = wx.getMenuButtonBoundingClientRect(); let customBarHeight = custom.bottom + - statusBarHeight; customBarHeight = Math.abs(customBarHeight) Page({ data: { status: 1, active: null, activeColor: null, goodsList: [], currentGoods: null, type: null, // 订单类型 themeColor: '', themeRGB: [], customBarHeight, }, onChange(e) { console.log(e) console.log(e.detail) let { index } = e.detail this.setData({ active: index }) console.log(index, e.detail) let switchFn = { '0': 0, '1': 100, '2': 200, '3': 300, '4': 400 } this.setData({ goodsList:[] }) this.queryShopOrder(switchFn[index]) }, //删除 delOrder(e) { console.log(e); let { index } = e.currentTarget.dataset let { goodsList } = let _this = this wx.showModal({ title: '', content: '你确定删除该订单吗?', showCancel: true, cancelText: '取消', cancelColor: '#000000', confirmText: '确定', confirmColor: '#3CC51F', success: async (result) => { if (result.confirm) { await this.upDel(goodsList[index].objectId) goodsList.splice(index, 1) _this.setData({ goodsList }) wx.showToast({ title: '已取消', icon: 'none', image: '', duration: 1500, }); } }, fail: () => { }, complete: () => { } }); }, async upDel(id) { let ShopOrder = new Parse.Query('Order') let order = await ShopOrder.get(id) if (order && { console.log(order); await order.destroy() } }, // 查看物流 onShowExpress(e) { let { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset console.log(item) if (item?.trackingNumber) { let url = `/common-page/pages/nova-express/index?num=${item.trackingNumber}&com=${item.expressCompany && item.expressCompany.code}` wx.navigateTo({ url: url, }); return } wx.showToast({ title: '暂无物流信息', icon: 'error', image: '', duration: 1500, mask: false, }); }, //确认收货 receipt(e) { console.log(e); let { index } = e.currentTarget.dataset let { goodsList } = let _this = this wx.showModal({ title: '', content: '是否确认收货', showCancel: true, cancelText: '取消', cancelColor: '#000000', confirmText: '确定', confirmColor: '#3CC51F', success: async (result) => { if (result.confirm) { await _this.upOk(goodsList[index].objectId) wx.showToast({ title: '已收货', icon: 'none', image: '', duration: 1500, }); } }, fail: () => { }, complete: () => { } }); }, async upOk(id) { let { active } = let ShopOrder = new Parse.Query('Order') let order = await ShopOrder.get(id) if (order && { order.set("status", '400') await let e = { detail: active } this.onChange(e) } }, toUrl(e) { let { url } = e.currentTarget.dataset wx.navigateTo({ url: url, }); }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad:async function (options) { //测试数据 console.log(getApp().globalData.activeColor); let status = options.status ? Number(options.status) : 0 let type = options.type; let themeColor = options.themeColor || getApp().globalData.activeColor; let titleColor = getApp().globalData.titleColor; console.log(status, 11111) this.setData({ status: status, type, themeColor, titleColor }) console.log(titleColor); themeColor && this.changeTheme() let switchFn = { '100': 1, '200': 2, '300': 3, '400': 4 } let active = switchFn[status] ? switchFn[status] : 0 await this.queryShopOrder(status) this.setData({ active: active }) }, async reqSql() { let user = Parse.User.current().id let type =; let sql = `select sr."objectId",,sr.price,sr.count,sr."createdAt",sr.status, gd.desc,gd.image from "ShopOrder" as sr join "ShopGoods" as gd on gd."objectId" = sr."goods" where sr.user = '${user}' and sr.type = '${type}' and (sr.status = 400 or sr.status = 800)` let res = await req.customSQL(sql) console.log(res); let goodsList = res.reduce((total, item) => { item.orderTime = dateF.formatTime("YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS", item.createdAt) total.push(item) return total }, []) this.setData({ goodsList: goodsList }) }, async queryShopOrder(status) { let user = Parse.User.current() let type =; let ShopOrder = new Parse.Query('Order') ShopOrder.equalTo('company', company) ShopOrder.equalTo('user', ShopOrder.equalTo('type', 'goods') ShopOrder.include('targetObject') ShopOrder.descending('createdAt') ShopOrder.limit(6) ShopOrder.skip( if (status != 0 && status) { ShopOrder.equalTo('status', String(status)) } if (type) { ShopOrder.equalTo('type', type) } let orders = await ShopOrder.find() if (orders && orders.length > 0) { let orderJSON = ? : [] orders.forEach(order => { let orderObj = order.toJSON() orderObj.orderTime = dateF.formatTime("YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS", orderObj.createdAt) orderJSON.push(orderObj) }) this.setData({ goodsList: orderJSON }) console.log( } else { let orderJSON = ? : [] this.setData({ goodsList: orderJSON }) } }, showPay(e) { let item = e.currentTarget.dataset.item let id = item.objectId console.log(id); let specMap = e.currentTarget.dataset.specMap ? e.currentTarget.dataset.specMap : null wx.navigateTo({ url: `/nova-shop/pages/shop-goods/pay/index?id=${id}&specMap=${specMap}&count=${item.count}` }); }, //支付 async acceptResult(e) { let that = this let { params, no } = e.detail; that.setData({ show: false }) try { if (params == "ok") { wx.showLoading({ title: "处理中", mask: true }); let shopOrder = new Parse.Query("Order") let isOrder = await shopOrder.get( if (isOrder && { isOrder.set('isPay', true) isOrder.set('status', '200') let order = await if (order && { wx.hideLoading(); wx.showToast({ title: "支付成功", icon: "success", duration: 1500, }); // 存储云仓 if (order.get('giftList') && order.get('giftList').length > 0) { order.get('giftList').forEach(li => { if (li.type == 'stock') { that.creatShopStock(li, } if (li.type == 'agentlevel') { that.updateUserAgent(li) } }) } // 更换经销商等级 wx.navigateTo({ url: "/nova-zhiliang/pages/my/myOrder/index", }); } else { wx.showToast({ title: "支付成功, 订单状态修改失败,请联系客服", icon: "error", duration: 1500, }); } } } else { wx.hideLoading(); this.setData({ show: false }) } } catch (error) { wx.showToast({ title: "支付失败", icon: "error", duration: 1500, }); wx.hideLoading() } }, //修改地址 modify(e) { console.log(e) let id = e.currentTarget.dataset.item.objectId wx.navigateTo({ url: "/nova-zhiliang/pages/my/myOrder/order-detail/index?id=" + id }) }, //催单 reminder() { wx.showToast({ title: '催单成功', icon: 'success', duration: 2000, }); }, //查看物流 logistics(e) { let { item } = e.currentTarget.dataset console.log(item); this.setData({ showExpress: true, express: }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { }, changeTheme() { let themeColor =; console.log(themeColor); let colorRgb = colorChange.hexToRgb(themeColor); // 十六进制转rgb console.log(colorRgb); let { r, g, b } = colorRgb; this.setData({ themeRGB: [r, g, b] }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function () { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { let switchFn = { '0': 0, '1': 100, '2': 200, '3': 300, '4': 400 } let active = console.log(111) this.queryShopOrder(switchFn[active]) }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { } })