const dateF = require("../../../../utils/date") const Parse = getApp().Parse; const company = getApp(); const uid = Parse.User.current()?.id const login = require("../../../../utils/login"); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { attachment: null, isAttachment: null, showpopup: false, name: null, mobile: null, sex: null, idcard: null, birthdate: null, address: null, classType: null, centerDesc: null, teacher: null, tel: null, date: '', showDate: false, storeVal: null, active: 0, comList: [], comCount: 0, comVal: null, replyObj: { placeholder: '你猜我的评论区在等谁?' }, autosize: { maxHeight: 100, minHeight: 50 }, idcard: null, teacher: null, teacherAdd: null, remark: null, optionKeyList: [], isAttend:false,//当前活动是否可参与(报名时间结束即可参与运动) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync("userLogin"); console.log(userInfo) let { id } = options this.setData({ aid: id, userInfo }) this.refersh() }, login() { let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync("userLogin"); if (!userInfo || userInfo == '') { login.loginNow() } else { this.setData({ userInfo }) this.refersh() } }, async refersh() { await this.getActivity() this.getActStatus() this.getActRegister() this.getArticle() }, /**获取当前活动 */ async getActivity() { let { aid } = let query = new Parse.Query('Activity') let data = await query.get(aid) let activity = data.toJSON() console.log(activity) let now = new Date() if(activity.signFromTo?.to?.iso){//当前时间大于可签到结束时间-可参与 let signTo = new Date(activity.signFromTo?.to?.iso) if(now > signTo){ this.setData({isAttend:true}) } } if(activity.endDate){//当前时间大于活动结束时间-不可参与 let end = new Date(activity.endDate) if(now > end){ this.setData({isAttend:false}) } } let optionKeyList = Object.keys(activity.limitOptions || {}) || [] activity.start = dateF.formatTime(" HH:MM", activity.startDate?.iso) activity.end = dateF.formatTime("mm.dd HH:MM", activity.endDate?.iso) activity.startDate = new Date(activity.startDate?.iso) activity.endDate = new Date(activity.endDate?.iso) if (activity.signFromTo?.from && activity.signFromTo?.to) { activity.signFromTo.fromDate = new Date(activity.signFromTo?.from?.iso) || null activity.signFromTo.toDate = new Date(activity.signFromTo?.to?.iso) || null activity.signFromTo.from = dateF.formatTime(" HH:MM", activity.signFromTo?.from?.iso) = dateF.formatTime("mm.dd HH:MM", activity.signFromTo?.to?.iso) } this.setData({ activity, optionKeyList, }) }, /**预览图片 */ imagePreview(e) { let { activity } = let { img } = e.currentTarget.dataset wx.previewImage({ current: img, // 当前显示图片的http链接 urls: activity.cover // 需要预览的图片http链接列表 }) }, /**切换 活动详情/排行榜 */ async changeTab(e) { if ( == 1 && ! { // this.getHomeCom() } this.setData({ active: }) }, /**获取报名记录 */ async getActRegister() { let { activity } = let query = new Parse.Query('ActivityRegister') query.notEqualTo('isDeleted', true) query.equalTo('activity', activity.objectId) query.equalTo('isPay', true) query.equalTo('isChecked', true) query.equalTo('user', uid) query.descending('createdAt') //大到小 query.include('shopStore') let req = await query.find() let registerList = [] if (req?.length > 0) { registerList = => { let results = item?.toJSON() results.createdAt = dateF.formatTime(" HH:MM", item.get('createdAt')) = dateF.formatTime(" HH:MM", item.get('startDate')) results.bookObj = {} results.bookObj.from = dateF.formatTime(" HH:MM", item.get('booking')?.from) = dateF.formatTime("mm.dd HH:MM", item.get('booking')?.to) = results?.shopStore return results }) } this.setData({ registerList, registerPaseList: req }) }, /**查看报名记录 */ lookLog(e) { this.setData({ checkDate: null }) let { registerList, registerPaseList } = let { index } = e.currentTarget.dataset console.log(registerList[index]) this.setData({ bookObj: registerList[index].bookObj, shop: registerList[index].shop, aRegister: registerPaseList[index], }) this.onOpen() }, /**判断用户参与活动状态 */ async getActStatus() { let { activity } = let query = new Parse.Query('ActivityRegister') query.notEqualTo('isDeleted', true) query.equalTo('activity', activity.objectId) query.equalTo('isPay', true) query.equalTo('isChecked', true) let count = await query.count() let tips = { title: '可报名', isCanSign: true, isEdit: true, //是否可编辑 } let now = new Date() this.setData({ tips, count, toYear: now.getFullYear(), toMonth: now.getMonth() + 1, toDate: now.getDate() }) if (now > activity.endDate) { tips = { title: '活动已结束', isCanSign: false, isEdit: false, } this.setData({ tips }) return } if (!activity.isEnabled) { tips = { title: '活动未开启', isCanSign: false, isEdit: false, } this.setData({ tips }) return } if (activity.signFromTo?.fromDate && now < activity.signFromTo.fromDate) { tips = { title: '未到报名时间', isCanSign: false, isEdit: false, } this.setData({ tips }) return } if (activity.signFromTo?.toDate && now >= activity.signFromTo.toDate) { tips = { title: '报名时间已过', isCanSign: false, isEdit: false, } this.setData({ tips }) return } query.equalTo('user', uid) query.descending('createdAt') //大到小 query.include('shopStore') let userCount = await query.count() if (userCount >= activity?.everyCount) { tips = { title: '已报名本活动', isCanSign: false, isCanRevise: false, // isEdit: false, isEdit: true, } this.setData({ tips }) return } let aRegister = await query.first() let aregisterJson = aRegister?.toJSON() if (aRegister?.id) { tips = { title: '已报名本活动', isCanSign: true, isCanRevise: true, // isEdit: false, isEdit: true, } let booking = dateF.formatTime(" HH:MM", aRegister.get('startDate')) let bookObj = {} bookObj.from = dateF.formatTime(" HH:MM", aRegister.get('booking')?.from) = dateF.formatTime("mm.dd HH:MM", aRegister.get('booking')?.to) this.setData({ tips, booking, bookObj, aRegister, shop: aregisterJson.shopStore }) return } if (activity.merber >= 0 && count >= activity.merber) { tips = { title: '活动人数已满', isCanSign: false, isEdit: false, } this.setData({ tips }) return } }, /**前往报名 */ application() { this.setData({ aRegister: null, bookObj: null, shop: null }) this.onOpen() }, onOpen() { let { activity } = let minDate = Infinity let maxDate = 0 let checkDateList = [] if (Array.isArray(activity.bookingList) && activity.bookingList.length > 0) { activity.bookingList.forEach(item => { let from = new Date(item.from.iso) let to = new Date( if (minDate > from) minDate = from.getTime() if (maxDate < to) maxDate = to.getTime() let fromMonth = from.getMonth() let fromDate = from.getDate() checkDateList.push({ fromDate: dateF.formatTime("YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM", from), toDate: dateF.formatTime("YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM", to), month: fromMonth, date: fromDate, from: dateF.formatTime("HH:MM", from), to: dateF.formatTime("mm月dd日 HH:MM", to), }) }); } let formatter = (day) => { let month = let date = checkDateList.forEach(item => { if (item.month == month && == date) day.bottomInfo = '可预约' }); return day } this.setData({ minDate, maxDate, formatter, checkDateList, showpopup: true }) let now = new Date() let tradeNo = "C" + String(now.getFullYear()) + (now.getMonth() + 1) + now.getDate() + now.getHours() + now.getMinutes() + now.getSeconds() + Math.random().toString().slice(-6); //生成六位随机数 this.setData({ tradeNo }) this.getUserProfile() }, onClose() { this.setData({ showpopup: false }) }, /**打开选择位置 */ openStore() { this.getShop() this.setData({ showStorePopup: true }) }, /**关闭位置选择 */ closeStore() { this.setData({ showStorePopup: false }) }, /**获取可选位置 */ async getShop() { let { activity } = let shopList = || [] if (shopList?.length > 0) return for (let i in activity?.shopStore) { let query = new Parse.Query('ShopStore') query.equalTo('company', company) query.notEqualTo('isDeleted', true) query.equalTo('isVerified', true) query.equalTo('objectId', activity?.shopStore[i].objectId) let req = await query.first() shopList.push(req.toJSON()) } this.setData({ shopList }) }, /**选择位置 */ chooseShop(e) { let { shopList,tips } = if(!tips.isEdit){ wx.showToast({ title:`${tips.title},无法修改`, icon:'none' }) this.setData({ showStorePopup: false }) return } let { index } = e.currentTarget.dataset this.setData({ shop: shopList[index], showStorePopup: false }) }, /**获取当前用户和身份 */ async getUserProfile() { let profile let query = new Parse.Query('Profile') query.notEqualTo("isDeleted", true) query.equalTo('user', uid) profile = await query.first() if (!profile?.id) { let Pro = Parse.Object.extend('Profile') profile = new Pro() } else { this.setData({ name: profile.get('name') || '', college: profile.get('college') || '', mobile: profile.get('mobile') || '', sex: profile.get('sex') || '', idcard: profile.get('idcard') || '', birthdate: profile.get('birthdate') || '', address: profile.get('address') || '', classType: profile.get('classType') || '', centerDesc: profile.get('centerDesc') || '', teacher: profile.get('teacher') || '', tel: profile.get('tel') || '', }) } this.setData({ profile }) }, onChangeSexIsAttachment(event) { this.setData({ isAttachment: event.detail == '同意', }); }, onChangeSex(event) { this.setData({ sex: event.detail, }); }, onChangecenterDesc(event) { this.setData({ centerDesc: event.detail, }); }, /** 立即预约*/ async enlists(e) { let date let { name, isAttachment, mobile, sex, idcard, birthdate, address, classType, centerDesc, teacher, tel, aRegister } = // if (!name || !college || !mobile) { console.log(name, isAttachment, mobile, sex, idcard, birthdate, address, classType, centerDesc, teacher, tel, ) if (!name || !sex || !idcard || !birthdate || !address || !classType || !centerDesc || !teacher ) { wx.showToast({ title: '存在未填项', icon: 'none', duration: 5000 }) return } if (mobile.length != 11 || tel.length != 11) { wx.showToast({ title: '请输入11位手机号', icon: 'none', duration: 5000 }) return } let { shop } = if (!shop?.objectId) { wx.showToast({ title: '请选择位置', icon: 'none', duration: 5000 }) return } if (!isAttachment) { wx.showToast({ title: '请阅读并同意《参赛选手免责声明》', icon: 'none', duration: 5000 }) return } let { profile, activity } = profile.set('name', name || '') profile.set('mobile', mobile || '') profile.set('sex', sex || '') profile.set('idcard', idcard || '') profile.set('birthdate', birthdate || '') profile.set('address', address || '') profile.set('classType', classType || '') profile.set('centerDesc', centerDesc || '') profile.set('teacher', teacher || '') profile.set('tel', tel || '') profile.set('company', { className: 'Company', __type: 'Pointer', objectId: company }) profile.set('user', { className: '_User', __type: 'Pointer', objectId: uid }) let proSave = await if (aRegister?.id) { this.successPay() return } let { from, to } = e.currentTarget.dataset let booking = {} if (from && to) { booking = { from: new Date(from), to: new Date(to), } } this.setData({ showPay: true, profileId: proSave?.id, date, booking }) if (activity.price <= 0) { this.successPay() } }, /**支付回调 */ async acceptResult(e) { let { params, no, type } = e.detail; let { tradeNo, activity, aRegister } = if (aRegister?.id) { this.successPay() return } try { if (params == 'ok') { await this.successPay() this.setData({ showpopup: false }) } else { wx.showToast({ title: "取消支付", icon: "error", duration: 1500, }); } } catch (error) { wx.showToast({ title: "支付失败", icon: "error", duration: 1500, }); wx.hideLoading() } }, async successPay() { let { profileId, activity, tradeNo, booking, shop, aRegister } = wx.showLoading({ title: "处理中", mask: true }); /**当前操作是否编辑 新增报名记录/编辑报名记录 */ let isEdit = true if (!aRegister?.id) { isEdit = false let query = new Parse.Query('ActivityRegister') query.notEqualTo('isDeleted', true) query.equalTo('activity', activity.objectId) query.notEqualTo('isPay', true) query.equalTo('user', uid) query.notEqualTo('isChecked', true) aRegister = await query.first() if (!aRegister?.id) { let ActivityRegister = Parse.Object.extend('ActivityRegister') aRegister = new ActivityRegister() aRegister.set('orderNum', tradeNo) aRegister.set('company', { className: 'Company', __type: 'Pointer', objectId: company }) aRegister.set('user', { className: '_User', __type: 'Pointer', objectId: uid }) aRegister.set('activity', { className: 'Activity', __type: 'Pointer', objectId: activity.objectId }) aRegister.set('isPayTpye', 'wx') aRegister.set('type', 'daily') aRegister.set('price', activity.price) aRegister.set('isPay', true) aRegister.set('profile', { className: 'Profile', __type: 'Pointer', objectId: profileId }) aRegister.set('isChecked', true) } } if (shop.objectId) { aRegister.set('shopStore', { className: 'ShopStore', __type: 'Pointer', objectId: shop.objectId }) } if (booking?.from && booking?.to) { aRegister.set('startDate', booking.from) aRegister.set('booking', booking) } await await this.getActStatus() await this.getActRegister() this.setData({ checkDate: null }) wx.hideLoading() wx.showToast({ title: "报名成功", icon: "success", duration: 1000, }); this.onClose() // if (!isEdit) { // setTimeout(() => { // wx.navigateTo({ // url: activity.url, // }) // }, 1000); // } }, /**打开时间选择 */ onDisplay() { this.setData({ showDate: true }); }, /**关闭时间选择框 */ onCloseDate() { this.setData({ showDate: false }); }, /** 日历选中*/ onConfirm(event) { let { checkDateList } = let checkDate = event.detail let checkTimeList = checkDateList.filter(item => item.month == checkDate.getMonth() && == checkDate.getDate()) this.setData({ checkTimeList, checkDate: dateF.formatTime("YYYY年mm月dd日", checkDate), showDate: false, }); }, /**参与活动 */ involved(){ }, async goUrl() { let {isAttachment,aRegister} let actQuery = new Parse.Query('ActivityData') actQuery.equalTo('company', company) actQuery.equalTo('user', uid) actQuery.notEqualTo('isDeleted', true) actQuery.equalTo('actRegister', aRegister?.id) let actDate = await actQuery.first() if(actDate?.get('status')=='end'){ wx.showToast({ title: '成绩已结算,查看其他预约或参与其他活动吧', icon:'none' }) return } if (!isAttachment) { wx.showToast({ title: '请阅读并同意《参赛选手免责声明》', icon: 'none', duration: 5000 }) return } let url = `${aRegister?.get('activity')?.get('url')}&a_reg=${aRegister?.id}` wx.navigateTo({ url: url, }) }, /**隐私协议 */ async getArticle() { let query = new Parse.Query("Article") query.equalTo("company", company) query.equalTo("type", 'activity') query.equalTo("isEnabled", true)"title", "attachment") let res = await query.first() if (res && { let r = res.toJSON() if (r.attachment && r.attachment.length > 0) { this.setData({ attachment: r }) } } }, //附件下载 async openFile() { await this.getArticle() let { attachment } = let url = attachment.attachment[0].url, name = attachment.title const _this = this let rep = this.getFileType(url) wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中', }) wx.downloadFile({ url: url, //要预览的PDF的地址 filePath: wx.env.USER_DATA_PATH + `/${name}.${rep}`, success: function (res) { if (res.statusCode === 200) { //成功 var Path = res.filePath //返回的文件临时地址,用于后面打开本地预览所用 wx.openDocument({ filePath: Path, //要打开的文件路径 showMenu: true, success: function (res) { wx.hideLoading() }, fail: function (res) { wx.hideLoading() } }) } }, fail: function (res) { wx.hideLoading() }, }) }, //解析文件类型 getFileType(url) { let pdfReg = /^.+(\.pdf)$/ let txtReg = /^.+(\.txt)$/ let wordReg = /^.+(\.doc|\.docx)$/ let excelReg = /^.+(\.xls|\.xlsx)$/ let jpgPng = /^.+(\.png)$/ let jpgJpg = /^.+(\.jpg)$/ let jpgJpeg = /^.+(\.jpeg)$/ if (pdfReg.test(url)) { return 'pdf' } if (txtReg.test(url)) { return 'txt' } if (wordReg.test(url)) { return 'doc' } if (excelReg.test(url)) { return 'xls' } if (jpgPng.test(url)) { return 'png' } if (jpgJpg.test(url)) { return 'jpg' } if (jpgJpeg.test(url)) { return 'jpeg' } }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成 */ onReady: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { let userInfo = wx.getStorageSync("userLogin"); this.setData({ userInfo }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏 */ onHide: function () { }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载 */ onUnload: function () { }, /** * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作 */ onPullDownRefresh: function () { }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { }, /** * 用户点击右上角分享 */ onShareAppMessage: function () { }, })