"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _CoreManager = _interopRequireDefault(require("./CoreManager")); var _EventEmitter = _interopRequireDefault(require("./EventEmitter")); var _ParseObject = _interopRequireDefault(require("./ParseObject")); var _LiveQuerySubscription = _interopRequireDefault(require("./LiveQuerySubscription")); var _promiseUtils = require("./promiseUtils"); var _ParseError = _interopRequireDefault(require("./ParseError")); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } /* global WebSocket */ // The LiveQuery client inner state const CLIENT_STATE = { INITIALIZED: 'initialized', CONNECTING: 'connecting', CONNECTED: 'connected', CLOSED: 'closed', RECONNECTING: 'reconnecting', DISCONNECTED: 'disconnected' }; // The event type the LiveQuery client should sent to server const OP_TYPES = { CONNECT: 'connect', SUBSCRIBE: 'subscribe', UNSUBSCRIBE: 'unsubscribe', ERROR: 'error' }; // The event we get back from LiveQuery server const OP_EVENTS = { CONNECTED: 'connected', SUBSCRIBED: 'subscribed', UNSUBSCRIBED: 'unsubscribed', ERROR: 'error', CREATE: 'create', UPDATE: 'update', ENTER: 'enter', LEAVE: 'leave', DELETE: 'delete' }; // The event the LiveQuery client should emit const CLIENT_EMMITER_TYPES = { CLOSE: 'close', ERROR: 'error', OPEN: 'open' }; // The event the LiveQuery subscription should emit const SUBSCRIPTION_EMMITER_TYPES = { OPEN: 'open', CLOSE: 'close', ERROR: 'error', CREATE: 'create', UPDATE: 'update', ENTER: 'enter', LEAVE: 'leave', DELETE: 'delete' }; const generateInterval = k => { return Math.random() * Math.min(30, Math.pow(2, k) - 1) * 1000; }; /** * Creates a new LiveQueryClient. * Extends events.EventEmitter * cloud functions. * * A wrapper of a standard WebSocket client. We add several useful methods to * help you connect/disconnect to LiveQueryServer, subscribe/unsubscribe a ParseQuery easily. * * javascriptKey and masterKey are used for verifying the LiveQueryClient when it tries * to connect to the LiveQuery server * * We expose three events to help you monitor the status of the LiveQueryClient. * *
* let Parse = require('parse/node'); * let LiveQueryClient = Parse.LiveQueryClient; * let client = new LiveQueryClient({ * applicationId: '', * serverURL: '', * javascriptKey: '', * masterKey: '' * }); ** * Open - When we establish the WebSocket connection to the LiveQuery server, you'll get this event. *
* client.on('open', () => { * * });* * Close - When we lose the WebSocket connection to the LiveQuery server, you'll get this event. *
* client.on('close', () => { * * });* * Error - When some network error or LiveQuery server error happens, you'll get this event. *
* client.on('error', (error) => { * * });* * @alias Parse.LiveQueryClient */ class LiveQueryClient extends _EventEmitter.default { /*:: attempts: number;*/ /*:: id: number;*/ /*:: requestId: number;*/ /*:: applicationId: string;*/ /*:: serverURL: string;*/ /*:: javascriptKey: ?string;*/ /*:: masterKey: ?string;*/ /*:: sessionToken: ?string;*/ /*:: installationId: ?string;*/ /*:: additionalProperties: boolean;*/ /*:: connectPromise: Promise;*/ /*:: subscriptions: Map;*/ /*:: socket: any;*/ /*:: state: string;*/ /** * @param {object} options * @param {string} options.applicationId - applicationId of your Parse app * @param {string} options.serverURL - the URL of your LiveQuery server * @param {string} options.javascriptKey (optional) * @param {string} options.masterKey (optional) Your Parse Master Key. (Node.js only!) * @param {string} options.sessionToken (optional) * @param {string} options.installationId (optional) */ constructor({ applicationId, serverURL, javascriptKey, masterKey, sessionToken, installationId }) { super(); if (!serverURL || serverURL.indexOf('ws') !== 0) { throw new Error('You need to set a proper Parse LiveQuery server url before using LiveQueryClient'); } this.reconnectHandle = null; this.attempts = 1; this.id = 0; this.requestId = 1; this.serverURL = serverURL; this.applicationId = applicationId; this.javascriptKey = javascriptKey || undefined; this.masterKey = masterKey || undefined; this.sessionToken = sessionToken || undefined; this.installationId = installationId || undefined; this.additionalProperties = true; this.connectPromise = (0, _promiseUtils.resolvingPromise)(); this.subscriptions = new Map(); this.state = CLIENT_STATE.INITIALIZED; // adding listener so process does not crash // best practice is for developer to register their own listener this.on('error', () => {}); } shouldOpen() /*: any*/{ return this.state === CLIENT_STATE.INITIALIZED || this.state === CLIENT_STATE.DISCONNECTED; } /** * Subscribes to a ParseQuery * * If you provide the sessionToken, when the LiveQuery server gets ParseObject's * updates from parse server, it'll try to check whether the sessionToken fulfills * the ParseObject's ACL. The LiveQuery server will only send updates to clients whose * sessionToken is fit for the ParseObject's ACL. You can check the LiveQuery protocol * here for more details. The subscription you get is the same subscription you get * from our Standard API. * * @param {object} query - the ParseQuery you want to subscribe to * @param {string} sessionToken (optional) * @returns {LiveQuerySubscription | undefined} */ subscribe(query /*: Object*/, sessionToken /*: ?string*/) /*: LiveQuerySubscription*/{ var _queryJSON$keys, _queryJSON$watch; if (!query) { return; } const className = query.className; const queryJSON = query.toJSON(); const where = queryJSON.where; const fields = (_queryJSON$keys = queryJSON.keys) === null || _queryJSON$keys === void 0 ? void 0 : _queryJSON$keys.split(','); const watch = (_queryJSON$watch = queryJSON.watch) === null || _queryJSON$watch === void 0 ? void 0 : _queryJSON$watch.split(','); const subscribeRequest = { op: OP_TYPES.SUBSCRIBE, requestId: this.requestId, query: { className, where, fields, watch } }; if (sessionToken) { subscribeRequest.sessionToken = sessionToken; } const subscription = new _LiveQuerySubscription.default(this.requestId, query, sessionToken); this.subscriptions.set(this.requestId, subscription); this.requestId += 1; this.connectPromise.then(() => { this.socket.send(JSON.stringify(subscribeRequest)); }).catch(error => { subscription.subscribePromise.reject(error); }); return subscription; } /** * After calling unsubscribe you'll stop receiving events from the subscription object. * * @param {object} subscription - subscription you would like to unsubscribe from. * @returns {Promise | undefined} */ unsubscribe(subscription /*: Object*/) /*: ?Promise*/{ if (!subscription) { return; } const unsubscribeRequest = { op: OP_TYPES.UNSUBSCRIBE, requestId: subscription.id }; return this.connectPromise.then(() => { return this.socket.send(JSON.stringify(unsubscribeRequest)); }).then(() => { return subscription.unsubscribePromise; }); } /** * After open is called, the LiveQueryClient will try to send a connect request * to the LiveQuery server. * */ open() { const WebSocketImplementation = _CoreManager.default.getWebSocketController(); if (!WebSocketImplementation) { this.emit(CLIENT_EMMITER_TYPES.ERROR, 'Can not find WebSocket implementation'); return; } if (this.state !== CLIENT_STATE.RECONNECTING) { this.state = CLIENT_STATE.CONNECTING; } this.socket = new WebSocketImplementation(this.serverURL); this.socket.closingPromise = (0, _promiseUtils.resolvingPromise)(); // Bind WebSocket callbacks this.socket.onopen = () => { this._handleWebSocketOpen(); }; this.socket.onmessage = event => { this._handleWebSocketMessage(event); }; this.socket.onclose = event => { this.socket.closingPromise.resolve(event); this._handleWebSocketClose(); }; this.socket.onerror = error => { this._handleWebSocketError(error); }; } resubscribe() { this.subscriptions.forEach((subscription, requestId) => { const query = subscription.query; const queryJSON = query.toJSON(); const where = queryJSON.where; const fields = queryJSON.keys ? queryJSON.keys.split(',') : undefined; const className = query.className; const sessionToken = subscription.sessionToken; const subscribeRequest = { op: OP_TYPES.SUBSCRIBE, requestId, query: { className, where, fields } }; if (sessionToken) { subscribeRequest.sessionToken = sessionToken; } this.connectPromise.then(() => { this.socket.send(JSON.stringify(subscribeRequest)); }); }); } /** * This method will close the WebSocket connection to this LiveQueryClient, * cancel the auto reconnect and unsubscribe all subscriptions based on it. * * @returns {Promise | undefined} CloseEvent {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSocket/close_event} */ close() /*: ?Promise*/{ var _this$socket, _this$socket2; if (this.state === CLIENT_STATE.INITIALIZED || this.state === CLIENT_STATE.DISCONNECTED) { return; } this.state = CLIENT_STATE.DISCONNECTED; (_this$socket = this.socket) === null || _this$socket === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$socket.close(); // Notify each subscription about the close for (const subscription of this.subscriptions.values()) { subscription.subscribed = false; subscription.emit(SUBSCRIPTION_EMMITER_TYPES.CLOSE); } this._handleReset(); this.emit(CLIENT_EMMITER_TYPES.CLOSE); return (_this$socket2 = this.socket) === null || _this$socket2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _this$socket2.closingPromise; } // ensure we start with valid state if connect is called again after close _handleReset() { this.attempts = 1; this.id = 0; this.requestId = 1; this.connectPromise = (0, _promiseUtils.resolvingPromise)(); this.subscriptions = new Map(); } _handleWebSocketOpen() { this.attempts = 1; const connectRequest = { op: OP_TYPES.CONNECT, applicationId: this.applicationId, javascriptKey: this.javascriptKey, masterKey: this.masterKey, sessionToken: this.sessionToken }; if (this.additionalProperties) { connectRequest.installationId = this.installationId; } this.socket.send(JSON.stringify(connectRequest)); } _handleWebSocketMessage(event /*: any*/) { let data = event.data; if (typeof data === 'string') { data = JSON.parse(data); } let subscription = null; if (data.requestId) { subscription = this.subscriptions.get(data.requestId); } const response = { clientId: data.clientId, installationId: data.installationId }; switch (data.op) { case OP_EVENTS.CONNECTED: if (this.state === CLIENT_STATE.RECONNECTING) { this.resubscribe(); } this.emit(CLIENT_EMMITER_TYPES.OPEN); this.id = data.clientId; this.connectPromise.resolve(); this.state = CLIENT_STATE.CONNECTED; break; case OP_EVENTS.SUBSCRIBED: if (subscription) { subscription.subscribed = true; subscription.subscribePromise.resolve(); setTimeout(() => subscription.emit(SUBSCRIPTION_EMMITER_TYPES.OPEN, response), 200); } break; case OP_EVENTS.ERROR: { const parseError = new _ParseError.default(data.code, data.error); if (!this.id) { this.connectPromise.reject(parseError); this.state = CLIENT_STATE.DISCONNECTED; } if (data.requestId) { if (subscription) { subscription.subscribePromise.reject(parseError); setTimeout(() => subscription.emit(SUBSCRIPTION_EMMITER_TYPES.ERROR, data.error), 200); } } else { this.emit(CLIENT_EMMITER_TYPES.ERROR, data.error); } if (data.error === 'Additional properties not allowed') { this.additionalProperties = false; } if (data.reconnect) { this._handleReconnect(); } break; } case OP_EVENTS.UNSUBSCRIBED: { if (subscription) { this.subscriptions.delete(data.requestId); subscription.subscribed = false; subscription.unsubscribePromise.resolve(); } break; } default: { // create, update, enter, leave, delete cases if (!subscription) { break; } let override = false; if (data.original) { override = true; delete data.original.__type; // Check for removed fields for (const field in data.original) { if (!(field in data.object)) { data.object[field] = undefined; } } data.original = _ParseObject.default.fromJSON(data.original, false); } delete data.object.__type; const parseObject = _ParseObject.default.fromJSON(data.object, !(subscription.query && subscription.query._select) ? override : false); if (data.original) { subscription.emit(data.op, parseObject, data.original, response); } else { subscription.emit(data.op, parseObject, response); } const localDatastore = _CoreManager.default.getLocalDatastore(); if (override && localDatastore.isEnabled) { localDatastore._updateObjectIfPinned(parseObject).then(() => {}); } } } } _handleWebSocketClose() { if (this.state === CLIENT_STATE.DISCONNECTED) { return; } this.state = CLIENT_STATE.CLOSED; this.emit(CLIENT_EMMITER_TYPES.CLOSE); // Notify each subscription about the close for (const subscription of this.subscriptions.values()) { subscription.emit(SUBSCRIPTION_EMMITER_TYPES.CLOSE); } this._handleReconnect(); } _handleWebSocketError(error /*: any*/) { this.emit(CLIENT_EMMITER_TYPES.ERROR, error); for (const subscription of this.subscriptions.values()) { subscription.emit(SUBSCRIPTION_EMMITER_TYPES.ERROR, error); } this._handleReconnect(); } _handleReconnect() { // if closed or currently reconnecting we stop attempting to reconnect if (this.state === CLIENT_STATE.DISCONNECTED) { return; } this.state = CLIENT_STATE.RECONNECTING; const time = generateInterval(this.attempts); // handle case when both close/error occur at frequent rates we ensure we do not reconnect unnecessarily. // we're unable to distinguish different between close/error when we're unable to reconnect therefore // we try to reconnect in both cases // server side ws and browser WebSocket behave differently in when close/error get triggered if (this.reconnectHandle) { clearTimeout(this.reconnectHandle); } this.reconnectHandle = setTimeout((() => { this.attempts++; this.connectPromise = (0, _promiseUtils.resolvingPromise)(); this.open(); }).bind(this), time); } } _CoreManager.default.setWebSocketController(require('ws')); var _default = LiveQueryClient; exports.default = _default;