"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _CoreManager = _interopRequireDefault(require("./CoreManager")); function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } /** * @flow */ /* global XMLHttpRequest, Blob */ /*:: import type { FullOptions } from './RESTController';*/ const ParseError = require('./ParseError').default; let XHR = null; if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') { XHR = XMLHttpRequest; } /*:: type Base64 = { base64: string };*/ /*:: type Uri = { uri: string };*/ /*:: type FileData = Array | Base64 | Blob | Uri;*/ /*:: export type FileSource = | { format: 'file', file: Blob, type: string, } | { format: 'base64', base64: string, type: string, } | { format: 'uri', uri: string, type: string, };*/ function b64Digit(number /*: number*/) /*: string*/{ if (number < 26) { return String.fromCharCode(65 + number); } if (number < 52) { return String.fromCharCode(97 + (number - 26)); } if (number < 62) { return String.fromCharCode(48 + (number - 52)); } if (number === 62) { return '+'; } if (number === 63) { return '/'; } throw new TypeError('Tried to encode large digit ' + number + ' in base64.'); } /** * A Parse.File is a local representation of a file that is saved to the Parse * cloud. * * @alias Parse.File */ class ParseFile { /*:: _name: string;*/ /*:: _url: ?string;*/ /*:: _source: FileSource;*/ /*:: _previousSave: ?Promise;*/ /*:: _data: ?string;*/ /*:: _requestTask: ?any;*/ /*:: _metadata: ?Object;*/ /*:: _tags: ?Object;*/ /** * @param name {String} The file's name. This will be prefixed by a unique * value once the file has finished saving. The file name must begin with * an alphanumeric character, and consist of alphanumeric characters, * periods, spaces, underscores, or dashes. * @param data {Array} The data for the file, as either: * 1. an Array of byte value Numbers, or * 2. an Object like { base64: "..." } with a base64-encoded String. * 3. an Object like { uri: "..." } with a uri String. * 4. a File object selected with a file upload control. (3) only works * in Firefox 3.6+, Safari 6.0.2+, Chrome 7+, and IE 10+. * For example: *
   * var fileUploadControl = $("#profilePhotoFileUpload")[0];
   * if (fileUploadControl.files.length > 0) {
   *   var file = fileUploadControl.files[0];
   *   var name = "photo.jpg";
   *   var parseFile = new Parse.File(name, file);
   *   parseFile.save().then(function() {
   *     // The file has been saved to Parse.
   *   }, function(error) {
   *     // The file either could not be read, or could not be saved to Parse.
   *   });
   * }
* @param type {String} Optional Content-Type header to use for the file. If * this is omitted, the content type will be inferred from the name's * extension. * @param metadata {Object} Optional key value pairs to be stored with file object * @param tags {Object} Optional key value pairs to be stored with file object */ constructor(name /*: string*/, data /*:: ?: FileData*/, type /*:: ?: string*/, metadata /*:: ?: Object*/, tags /*:: ?: Object*/) { const specifiedType = type || ''; this._name = name; this._metadata = metadata || {}; this._tags = tags || {}; if (data !== undefined) { if (Array.isArray(data)) { this._data = ParseFile.encodeBase64(data); this._source = { format: 'base64', base64: this._data, type: specifiedType }; } else if (typeof Blob !== 'undefined' && data instanceof Blob) { this._source = { format: 'file', file: data, type: specifiedType }; } else if (data && typeof data.uri === 'string' && data.uri !== undefined) { this._source = { format: 'uri', uri: data.uri, type: specifiedType }; } else if (data && typeof data.base64 === 'string') { const base64 = data.base64.split(',').slice(-1)[0]; const dataType = specifiedType || data.base64.split(';').slice(0, 1)[0].split(':').slice(1, 2)[0] || 'text/plain'; this._data = base64; this._source = { format: 'base64', base64, type: dataType }; } else { throw new TypeError('Cannot create a Parse.File with that data.'); } } } /** * Return the data for the file, downloading it if not already present. * Data is present if initialized with Byte Array, Base64 or Saved with Uri. * Data is cleared if saved with File object selected with a file upload control * * @returns {Promise} Promise that is resolve with base64 data */ async getData() /*: Promise*/{ if (this._data) { return this._data; } if (!this._url) { throw new Error('Cannot retrieve data for unsaved ParseFile.'); } const controller = _CoreManager.default.getFileController(); const result = await controller.download(this._url, { requestTask: task => this._requestTask = task }); this._data = result.base64; return this._data; } /** * Gets the name of the file. Before save is called, this is the filename * given by the user. After save is called, that name gets prefixed with a * unique identifier. * * @returns {string} */ name() /*: string*/{ return this._name; } /** * Gets the url of the file. It is only available after you save the file or * after you get the file from a Parse.Object. * * @param {object} options An object to specify url options * @returns {string | undefined} */ url(options /*:: ?: { forceSecure?: boolean }*/) /*: ?string*/{ options = options || {}; if (!this._url) { return; } if (options.forceSecure) { return this._url.replace(/^http:\/\//i, 'https://'); } else { return this._url; } } /** * Gets the metadata of the file. * * @returns {object} */ metadata() /*: Object*/{ return this._metadata; } /** * Gets the tags of the file. * * @returns {object} */ tags() /*: Object*/{ return this._tags; } /** * Saves the file to the Parse cloud. * * @param {object} options * Valid options are:
  • useMasterKey: In Cloud Code and Node only, causes the Master Key to * be used for this request. *
  • sessionToken: A valid session token, used for making a request on * behalf of a specific user. *
  • progress: In Browser only, callback for upload progress. For example: *
       * let parseFile = new Parse.File(name, file);
       * parseFile.save({
       *   progress: (progressValue, loaded, total, { type }) => {
       *     if (type === "upload" && progressValue !== null) {
       *       // Update the UI using progressValue
       *     }
       *   }
       * });
* @returns {Promise | undefined} Promise that is resolved when the save finishes. */ save(options /*:: ?: FullOptions*/) /*: ?Promise*/{ options = options || {}; options.requestTask = task => this._requestTask = task; options.metadata = this._metadata; options.tags = this._tags; const controller = _CoreManager.default.getFileController(); if (!this._previousSave) { if (this._source.format === 'file') { this._previousSave = controller.saveFile(this._name, this._source, options).then(res => { this._name = res.name; this._url = res.url; this._data = null; this._requestTask = null; return this; }); } else if (this._source.format === 'uri') { this._previousSave = controller.download(this._source.uri, options).then(result => { if (!(result && result.base64)) { return {}; } const newSource = { format: 'base64', base64: result.base64, type: result.contentType }; this._data = result.base64; this._requestTask = null; return controller.saveBase64(this._name, newSource, options); }).then(res => { this._name = res.name; this._url = res.url; this._requestTask = null; return this; }); } else { this._previousSave = controller.saveBase64(this._name, this._source, options).then(res => { this._name = res.name; this._url = res.url; this._requestTask = null; return this; }); } } if (this._previousSave) { return this._previousSave; } } /** * Aborts the request if it has already been sent. */ cancel() { if (this._requestTask && typeof this._requestTask.abort === 'function') { this._requestTask._aborted = true; this._requestTask.abort(); } this._requestTask = null; } /** * Deletes the file from the Parse cloud. * In Cloud Code and Node only with Master Key. * * @param {object} options * Valid options are:
  • useMasterKey: In Cloud Code and Node only, causes the Master Key to * be used for this request. *
       * @returns {Promise} Promise that is resolved when the delete finishes.
      destroy(options /*:: ?: FullOptions*/ = {}) {
        if (!this._name) {
          throw new ParseError(ParseError.FILE_DELETE_UNNAMED_ERROR, 'Cannot delete an unnamed file.');
        const destroyOptions = {
          useMasterKey: true
        if (options.hasOwnProperty('useMasterKey')) {
          destroyOptions.useMasterKey = options.useMasterKey;
        const controller = _CoreManager.default.getFileController();
        return controller.deleteFile(this._name, destroyOptions).then(() => {
          this._data = null;
          this._requestTask = null;
          return this;
      toJSON() /*: { name: ?string, url: ?string }*/{
        return {
          __type: 'File',
          name: this._name,
          url: this._url
      equals(other /*: mixed*/) /*: boolean*/{
        if (this === other) {
          return true;
        // Unsaved Files are never equal, since they will be saved to different URLs
        return other instanceof ParseFile && this.name() === other.name() && this.url() === other.url() && typeof this.url() !== 'undefined';
       * Sets metadata to be saved with file object. Overwrites existing metadata
       * @param {object} metadata Key value pairs to be stored with file object
      setMetadata(metadata /*: any*/) {
        if (metadata && typeof metadata === 'object') {
          Object.keys(metadata).forEach(key => {
            this.addMetadata(key, metadata[key]);
       * Sets metadata to be saved with file object. Adds to existing metadata.
       * @param {string} key key to store the metadata
       * @param {*} value metadata
      addMetadata(key /*: string*/, value /*: any*/) {
        if (typeof key === 'string') {
          this._metadata[key] = value;
       * Sets tags to be saved with file object. Overwrites existing tags
       * @param {object} tags Key value pairs to be stored with file object
      setTags(tags /*: any*/) {
        if (tags && typeof tags === 'object') {
          Object.keys(tags).forEach(key => {
            this.addTag(key, tags[key]);
       * Sets tags to be saved with file object. Adds to existing tags.
       * @param {string} key key to store tags
       * @param {*} value tag
      addTag(key /*: string*/, value /*: string*/) {
        if (typeof key === 'string') {
          this._tags[key] = value;
      static fromJSON(obj) /*: ParseFile*/{
        if (obj.__type !== 'File') {
          throw new TypeError('JSON object does not represent a ParseFile');
        const file = new ParseFile(obj.name);
        file._url = obj.url;
        return file;
      static encodeBase64(bytes /*: Array*/) /*: string*/{
        const chunks = [];
        chunks.length = Math.ceil(bytes.length / 3);
        for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
          const b1 = bytes[i * 3];
          const b2 = bytes[i * 3 + 1] || 0;
          const b3 = bytes[i * 3 + 2] || 0;
          const has2 = i * 3 + 1 < bytes.length;
          const has3 = i * 3 + 2 < bytes.length;
          chunks[i] = [b64Digit(b1 >> 2 & 0x3f), b64Digit(b1 << 4 & 0x30 | b2 >> 4 & 0x0f), has2 ? b64Digit(b2 << 2 & 0x3c | b3 >> 6 & 0x03) : '=', has3 ? b64Digit(b3 & 0x3f) : '='].join('');
        return chunks.join('');
    const DefaultController = {
      saveFile: async function (name /*: string*/, source /*: FileSource*/, options /*:: ?: FullOptions*/) {
        if (source.format !== 'file') {
          throw new Error('saveFile can only be used with File-type sources.');
        const base64Data = await new Promise((res, rej) => {
          // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef
          const reader = new FileReader();
          reader.onload = () => res(reader.result);
          reader.onerror = error => rej(error);
        // we only want the data after the comma
        // For example: "data:application/pdf;base64,JVBERi0xLjQKJ..." we would only want "JVBERi0xLjQKJ..."
        const [first, second] = base64Data.split(',');
        // in the event there is no 'data:application/pdf;base64,' at the beginning of the base64 string
        // use the entire string instead
        const data = second ? second : first;
        const newSource = {
          format: 'base64',
          base64: data,
          type: source.type || (source.file ? source.file.type : null)
        return await DefaultController.saveBase64(name, newSource, options);
      saveBase64: function (name /*: string*/, source /*: FileSource*/, options /*:: ?: FullOptions*/) {
        if (source.format !== 'base64') {
          throw new Error('saveBase64 can only be used with Base64-type sources.');
        const data /*: { base64: any, _ContentType?: any, fileData: Object }*/ = {
          base64: source.base64,
          fileData: {
            metadata: {
            tags: {
        delete options.metadata;
        delete options.tags;
        if (source.type) {
          data._ContentType = source.type;
        return _CoreManager.default.getRESTController().request('POST', 'files/' + name, data, options);
      download: function (uri, options) {
        if (XHR) {
          return this.downloadAjax(uri, options);
        } else {
          return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            const client = uri.indexOf('https') === 0 ? require('https') : require('http');
            const req = client.get(uri, resp => {
              let base64 = '';
              resp.on('data', data => base64 += data);
              resp.on('end', () => {
                  contentType: resp.headers['content-type']
            req.on('abort', () => {
            req.on('error', reject);
      downloadAjax: function (uri, options) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          const xhr = new XHR();
          xhr.open('GET', uri, true);
          xhr.responseType = 'arraybuffer';
          xhr.onerror = function (e) {
          xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
            if (xhr.readyState !== xhr.DONE) {
            if (!this.response) {
              return resolve({});
            const bytes = new Uint8Array(this.response);
              base64: ParseFile.encodeBase64(bytes),
              contentType: xhr.getResponseHeader('content-type')
      deleteFile: function (name /*: string*/, options /*:: ?: FullOptions*/) {
        const headers = {
          'X-Parse-Application-ID': _CoreManager.default.get('APPLICATION_ID')
        if (options.useMasterKey) {
          headers['X-Parse-Master-Key'] = _CoreManager.default.get('MASTER_KEY');
        let url = _CoreManager.default.get('SERVER_URL');
        if (url[url.length - 1] !== '/') {
          url += '/';
        url += 'files/' + name;
        return _CoreManager.default.getRESTController().ajax('DELETE', url, '', headers).catch(response => {
          // TODO: return JSON object in server
          if (!response || response === 'SyntaxError: Unexpected end of JSON input') {
            return Promise.resolve();
          } else {
            return _CoreManager.default.getRESTController().handleError(response);
      _setXHR(xhr /*: any*/) {
        XHR = xhr;
      _getXHR() {
        return XHR;
    var _default = ParseFile;
    exports.default = _default;
    exports.b64Digit = b64Digit;