ant-design-icons-angular.mjs 29 KB

  1. import * as i0 from '@angular/core';
  2. import { isDevMode, InjectionToken, SecurityContext, Injectable, Optional, Inject, Directive, Input, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
  3. import { generate } from '@ant-design/colors';
  4. import { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';
  5. import * as i1 from '@angular/common/http';
  6. import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
  7. import { Subject, of, Observable } from 'rxjs';
  8. import { map, tap, finalize, catchError, share, filter, take } from 'rxjs/operators';
  9. import * as i2 from '@angular/platform-browser';
  10. const ANT_ICON_ANGULAR_CONSOLE_PREFIX = '[@ant-design/icons-angular]:';
  11. function error(message) {
  12. console.error(`${ANT_ICON_ANGULAR_CONSOLE_PREFIX} ${message}.`);
  13. }
  14. function warn(message) {
  15. if (isDevMode()) {
  16. console.warn(`${ANT_ICON_ANGULAR_CONSOLE_PREFIX} ${message}.`);
  17. }
  18. }
  19. function getSecondaryColor(primaryColor) {
  20. return generate(primaryColor)[0];
  21. }
  22. function withSuffix(name, theme) {
  23. switch (theme) {
  24. case 'fill': return `${name}-fill`;
  25. case 'outline': return `${name}-o`;
  26. case 'twotone': return `${name}-twotone`;
  27. case undefined: return name;
  28. default: throw new Error(`${ANT_ICON_ANGULAR_CONSOLE_PREFIX}Theme "${theme}" is not a recognized theme!`);
  29. }
  30. }
  31. function withSuffixAndColor(name, theme, pri, sec) {
  32. return `${withSuffix(name, theme)}-${pri}-${sec}`;
  33. }
  34. function mapAbbrToTheme(abbr) {
  35. return abbr === 'o' ? 'outline' : abbr;
  36. }
  37. function alreadyHasAThemeSuffix(name) {
  38. return name.endsWith('-fill') || name.endsWith('-o') || name.endsWith('-twotone');
  39. }
  40. function isIconDefinition(target) {
  41. return (typeof target === 'object' &&
  42. typeof === 'string' &&
  43. (typeof target.theme === 'string' || target.theme === undefined) &&
  44. typeof target.icon === 'string');
  45. }
  46. /**
  47. * Get an `IconDefinition` object from abbreviation type, like `account-book-fill`.
  48. * @param str
  49. */
  50. function getIconDefinitionFromAbbr(str) {
  51. const arr = str.split('-');
  52. const theme = mapAbbrToTheme(arr.splice(arr.length - 1, 1)[0]);
  53. const name = arr.join('-');
  54. return {
  55. name,
  56. theme,
  57. icon: ''
  58. };
  59. }
  60. function cloneSVG(svg) {
  61. return svg.cloneNode(true);
  62. }
  63. /**
  64. * Parse inline SVG string and replace colors with placeholders. For twotone icons only.
  65. */
  66. function replaceFillColor(raw) {
  67. return raw
  68. .replace(/['"]#333['"]/g, '"primaryColor"')
  69. .replace(/['"]#E6E6E6['"]/g, '"secondaryColor"')
  70. .replace(/['"]#D9D9D9['"]/g, '"secondaryColor"')
  71. .replace(/['"]#D8D8D8['"]/g, '"secondaryColor"');
  72. }
  73. /**
  74. * Split a name with namespace in it into a tuple like [ name, namespace ].
  75. */
  76. function getNameAndNamespace(type) {
  77. const split = type.split(':');
  78. switch (split.length) {
  79. case 1: return [type, ''];
  80. case 2: return [split[1], split[0]];
  81. default: throw new Error(`${ANT_ICON_ANGULAR_CONSOLE_PREFIX}The icon type ${type} is not valid!`);
  82. }
  83. }
  84. function hasNamespace(type) {
  85. return getNameAndNamespace(type)[1] !== '';
  86. }
  87. function NameSpaceIsNotSpecifyError() {
  88. return new Error(`${ANT_ICON_ANGULAR_CONSOLE_PREFIX}Type should have a namespace. Try "namespace:${name}".`);
  89. }
  90. function IconNotFoundError(icon) {
  91. return new Error(`${ANT_ICON_ANGULAR_CONSOLE_PREFIX}the icon ${icon} does not exist or is not registered.`);
  92. }
  93. function HttpModuleNotImport() {
  94. error(`you need to import "HttpClientModule" to use dynamic importing.`);
  95. return null;
  96. }
  97. function UrlNotSafeError(url) {
  98. return new Error(`${ANT_ICON_ANGULAR_CONSOLE_PREFIX}The url "${url}" is unsafe.`);
  99. }
  100. function SVGTagNotFoundError() {
  101. return new Error(`${ANT_ICON_ANGULAR_CONSOLE_PREFIX}<svg> tag not found.`);
  102. }
  103. function DynamicLoadingTimeoutError() {
  104. return new Error(`${ANT_ICON_ANGULAR_CONSOLE_PREFIX}Importing timeout error.`);
  105. }
  106. const JSONP_HANDLER_NAME = '__ant_icon_load';
  107. const ANT_ICONS = new InjectionToken('ant_icons');
  108. class IconService {
  109. set twoToneColor({ primaryColor, secondaryColor }) {
  110. this._twoToneColorPalette.primaryColor = primaryColor;
  111. this._twoToneColorPalette.secondaryColor =
  112. secondaryColor || getSecondaryColor(primaryColor);
  113. }
  114. get twoToneColor() {
  115. // Make a copy to avoid unexpected changes.
  116. return { ...this._twoToneColorPalette };
  117. }
  118. /**
  119. * Disable dynamic loading (support static loading only).
  120. */
  121. get _disableDynamicLoading() {
  122. return false;
  123. }
  124. constructor(_rendererFactory, _handler, _document, sanitizer, _antIcons) {
  125. this._rendererFactory = _rendererFactory;
  126. this._handler = _handler;
  127. this._document = _document;
  128. this.sanitizer = sanitizer;
  129. this._antIcons = _antIcons;
  130. this.defaultTheme = 'outline';
  131. /**
  132. * All icon definitions would be registered here.
  133. */
  134. this._svgDefinitions = new Map();
  135. /**
  136. * Cache all rendered icons. Icons are identified by name, theme,
  137. * and for twotone icons, primary color and secondary color.
  138. */
  139. this._svgRenderedDefinitions = new Map();
  140. this._inProgressFetches = new Map();
  141. /**
  142. * Url prefix for fetching inline SVG by dynamic importing.
  143. */
  144. this._assetsUrlRoot = '';
  145. this._twoToneColorPalette = {
  146. primaryColor: '#333333',
  147. secondaryColor: '#E6E6E6'
  148. };
  149. /** A flag indicates whether jsonp loading is enabled. */
  150. this._enableJsonpLoading = false;
  151. this._jsonpIconLoad$ = new Subject();
  152. this._renderer = this._rendererFactory.createRenderer(null, null);
  153. if (this._handler) {
  154. this._http = new HttpClient(this._handler);
  155. }
  156. if (this._antIcons) {
  157. this.addIcon(...this._antIcons);
  158. }
  159. }
  160. /**
  161. * Call this method to switch to jsonp like loading.
  162. */
  163. useJsonpLoading() {
  164. if (!this._enableJsonpLoading) {
  165. this._enableJsonpLoading = true;
  166. window[JSONP_HANDLER_NAME] = (icon) => {
  167. this._jsonpIconLoad$.next(icon);
  168. };
  169. }
  170. else {
  171. warn('You are already using jsonp loading.');
  172. }
  173. }
  174. /**
  175. * Change the prefix of the inline svg resources, so they could be deployed elsewhere, like CDN.
  176. * @param prefix
  177. */
  178. changeAssetsSource(prefix) {
  179. this._assetsUrlRoot = prefix.endsWith('/') ? prefix : prefix + '/';
  180. }
  181. /**
  182. * Add icons provided by ant design.
  183. * @param icons
  184. */
  185. addIcon(...icons) {
  186. icons.forEach(icon => {
  187. this._svgDefinitions.set(withSuffix(, icon.theme), icon);
  188. });
  189. }
  190. /**
  191. * Register an icon. Namespace is required.
  192. * @param type
  193. * @param literal
  194. */
  195. addIconLiteral(type, literal) {
  196. const [_, namespace] = getNameAndNamespace(type);
  197. if (!namespace) {
  198. throw NameSpaceIsNotSpecifyError();
  199. }
  200. this.addIcon({ name: type, icon: literal });
  201. }
  202. /**
  203. * Remove all cache.
  204. */
  205. clear() {
  206. this._svgDefinitions.clear();
  207. this._svgRenderedDefinitions.clear();
  208. }
  209. /**
  210. * Get a rendered `SVGElement`.
  211. * @param icon
  212. * @param twoToneColor
  213. */
  214. getRenderedContent(icon, twoToneColor) {
  215. // If `icon` is a `IconDefinition`, go to the next step. If not, try to fetch it from cache.
  216. const definition = isIconDefinition(icon)
  217. ? icon
  218. : this._svgDefinitions.get(icon) || null;
  219. if (!definition && this._disableDynamicLoading) {
  220. throw IconNotFoundError(icon);
  221. }
  222. // If `icon` is a `IconDefinition` of successfully fetch, wrap it in an `Observable`.
  223. // Otherwise try to fetch it from remote.
  224. const $iconDefinition = definition
  225. ? of(definition)
  226. : this._loadIconDynamically(icon);
  227. // If finally get an `IconDefinition`, render and return it. Otherwise throw an error.
  228. return $iconDefinition.pipe(map(i => {
  229. if (!i) {
  230. throw IconNotFoundError(icon);
  231. }
  232. return this._loadSVGFromCacheOrCreateNew(i, twoToneColor);
  233. }));
  234. }
  235. getCachedIcons() {
  236. return this._svgDefinitions;
  237. }
  238. /**
  239. * Get raw svg and assemble a `IconDefinition` object.
  240. * @param type
  241. */
  242. _loadIconDynamically(type) {
  243. // If developer doesn't provide HTTP module nor enable jsonp loading, just throw an error.
  244. if (!this._http && !this._enableJsonpLoading) {
  245. return of(HttpModuleNotImport());
  246. }
  247. // If multi directive ask for the same icon at the same time,
  248. // request should only be fired once.
  249. let inProgress = this._inProgressFetches.get(type);
  250. if (!inProgress) {
  251. const [name, namespace] = getNameAndNamespace(type);
  252. // If the string has a namespace within, create a simple `IconDefinition`.
  253. const icon = namespace
  254. ? { name: type, icon: '' }
  255. : getIconDefinitionFromAbbr(name);
  256. const suffix = this._enableJsonpLoading ? '.js' : '.svg';
  257. const url = (namespace
  258. ? `${this._assetsUrlRoot}assets/${namespace}/${name}`
  259. : `${this._assetsUrlRoot}assets/${icon.theme}/${}`) + suffix;
  260. const safeUrl = this.sanitizer.sanitize(SecurityContext.URL, url);
  261. if (!safeUrl) {
  262. throw UrlNotSafeError(url);
  263. }
  264. const source = !this._enableJsonpLoading
  265. ? this._http
  266. .get(safeUrl, { responseType: 'text' })
  267. .pipe(map(literal => ({ ...icon, icon: literal })))
  268. : this._loadIconDynamicallyWithJsonp(icon, safeUrl);
  269. inProgress = source.pipe(tap(definition => this.addIcon(definition)), finalize(() => this._inProgressFetches.delete(type)), catchError(() => of(null)), share());
  270. this._inProgressFetches.set(type, inProgress);
  271. }
  272. return inProgress;
  273. }
  274. _loadIconDynamicallyWithJsonp(icon, url) {
  275. return new Observable(subscriber => {
  276. const loader = this._document.createElement('script');
  277. const timer = setTimeout(() => {
  278. clean();
  279. subscriber.error(DynamicLoadingTimeoutError());
  280. }, 6000);
  281. loader.src = url;
  282. function clean() {
  283. loader.parentNode.removeChild(loader);
  284. clearTimeout(timer);
  285. }
  286. this._document.body.appendChild(loader);
  287. this._jsonpIconLoad$
  288. .pipe(filter(i => === && i.theme === icon.theme), take(1))
  289. .subscribe(i => {
  291. clean();
  292. });
  293. });
  294. }
  295. /**
  296. * Render a new `SVGElement` for a given `IconDefinition`, or make a copy from cache.
  297. * @param icon
  298. * @param twoToneColor
  299. */
  300. _loadSVGFromCacheOrCreateNew(icon, twoToneColor) {
  301. let svg;
  302. const pri = twoToneColor || this._twoToneColorPalette.primaryColor;
  303. const sec = getSecondaryColor(pri) || this._twoToneColorPalette.secondaryColor;
  304. const key = icon.theme === 'twotone'
  305. ? withSuffixAndColor(, icon.theme, pri, sec)
  306. : icon.theme === undefined
  307. ?
  308. : withSuffix(, icon.theme);
  309. // Try to make a copy from cache.
  310. const cached = this._svgRenderedDefinitions.get(key);
  311. if (cached) {
  312. svg = cached.icon;
  313. }
  314. else {
  315. svg = this._setSVGAttribute(this._colorizeSVGIcon(
  316. // Icons provided by ant design should be refined to remove preset colors.
  317. this._createSVGElementFromString(hasNamespace( ? icon.icon : replaceFillColor(icon.icon)), icon.theme === 'twotone', pri, sec));
  318. // Cache it.
  319. this._svgRenderedDefinitions.set(key, {
  320. ...icon,
  321. icon: svg
  322. });
  323. }
  324. return cloneSVG(svg);
  325. }
  326. _createSVGElementFromString(str) {
  327. const div = this._document.createElement('div');
  328. div.innerHTML = str;
  329. const svg = div.querySelector('svg');
  330. if (!svg) {
  331. throw SVGTagNotFoundError;
  332. }
  333. return svg;
  334. }
  335. _setSVGAttribute(svg) {
  336. this._renderer.setAttribute(svg, 'width', '1em');
  337. this._renderer.setAttribute(svg, 'height', '1em');
  338. return svg;
  339. }
  340. _colorizeSVGIcon(svg, twotone, pri, sec) {
  341. if (twotone) {
  342. const children = svg.childNodes;
  343. const length = children.length;
  344. for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {
  345. const child = children[i];
  346. if (child.getAttribute('fill') === 'secondaryColor') {
  347. this._renderer.setAttribute(child, 'fill', sec);
  348. }
  349. else {
  350. this._renderer.setAttribute(child, 'fill', pri);
  351. }
  352. }
  353. }
  354. this._renderer.setAttribute(svg, 'fill', 'currentColor');
  355. return svg;
  356. }
  357. static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.2", ngImport: i0, type: IconService, deps: [{ token: i0.RendererFactory2 }, { token: i1.HttpBackend, optional: true }, { token: DOCUMENT, optional: true }, { token: i2.DomSanitizer }, { token: ANT_ICONS, optional: true }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Injectable }); }
  358. static { this.ɵprov = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjectable({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.2", ngImport: i0, type: IconService }); }
  359. }
  360. i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.2", ngImport: i0, type: IconService, decorators: [{
  361. type: Injectable
  362. }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: i0.RendererFactory2 }, { type: i1.HttpBackend, decorators: [{
  363. type: Optional
  364. }] }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
  365. type: Optional
  366. }, {
  367. type: Inject,
  368. args: [DOCUMENT]
  369. }] }, { type: i2.DomSanitizer }, { type: undefined, decorators: [{
  370. type: Optional
  371. }, {
  372. type: Inject,
  373. args: [ANT_ICONS]
  374. }] }]; } });
  375. function checkMeta(prev, after) {
  376. return prev.type === after.type && prev.theme === after.theme && prev.twoToneColor === after.twoToneColor;
  377. }
  378. class IconDirective {
  379. constructor(_iconService, _elementRef, _renderer) {
  380. this._iconService = _iconService;
  381. this._elementRef = _elementRef;
  382. this._renderer = _renderer;
  383. }
  384. ngOnChanges(changes) {
  385. if (changes.type || changes.theme || changes.twoToneColor) {
  386. this._changeIcon();
  387. }
  388. }
  389. /**
  390. * Render a new icon in the current element. Remove the icon when `type` is falsy.
  391. */
  392. _changeIcon() {
  393. return new Promise(resolve => {
  394. if (!this.type) {
  395. this._clearSVGElement();
  396. resolve(null);
  397. return;
  398. }
  399. const beforeMeta = this._getSelfRenderMeta();
  400. this._iconService.getRenderedContent(this._parseIconType(this.type, this.theme), this.twoToneColor).subscribe(svg => {
  401. // avoid race condition
  402. // see
  403. const afterMeta = this._getSelfRenderMeta();
  404. if (checkMeta(beforeMeta, afterMeta)) {
  405. this._setSVGElement(svg);
  406. resolve(svg);
  407. }
  408. else {
  409. resolve(null);
  410. }
  411. });
  412. });
  413. }
  414. _getSelfRenderMeta() {
  415. return {
  416. type: this.type,
  417. theme: this.theme,
  418. twoToneColor: this.twoToneColor
  419. };
  420. }
  421. /**
  422. * Parse a icon to the standard form, an `IconDefinition` or a string like 'account-book-fill` (with a theme suffixed).
  423. * If namespace is specified, ignore theme because it meaningless for users' icons.
  424. *
  425. * @param type
  426. * @param theme
  427. */
  428. _parseIconType(type, theme) {
  429. if (isIconDefinition(type)) {
  430. return type;
  431. }
  432. else {
  433. const [name, namespace] = getNameAndNamespace(type);
  434. if (namespace) {
  435. return type;
  436. }
  437. if (alreadyHasAThemeSuffix(name)) {
  438. if (!!theme) {
  439. warn(`'type' ${name} already gets a theme inside so 'theme' ${theme} would be ignored`);
  440. }
  441. return name;
  442. }
  443. else {
  444. return withSuffix(name, theme || this._iconService.defaultTheme);
  445. }
  446. }
  447. }
  448. _setSVGElement(svg) {
  449. this._clearSVGElement();
  450. this._renderer.appendChild(this._elementRef.nativeElement, svg);
  451. }
  452. _clearSVGElement() {
  453. const el = this._elementRef.nativeElement;
  454. const children = el.childNodes;
  455. const length = children.length;
  456. for (let i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
  457. const child = children[i];
  458. if (child.tagName?.toLowerCase() === 'svg') {
  459. this._renderer.removeChild(el, child);
  460. }
  461. }
  462. }
  463. static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.2", ngImport: i0, type: IconDirective, deps: [{ token: IconService }, { token: i0.ElementRef }, { token: i0.Renderer2 }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Directive }); }
  464. static { this.ɵdir = i0.ɵɵngDeclareDirective({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.2", type: IconDirective, selector: "[antIcon]", inputs: { type: "type", theme: "theme", twoToneColor: "twoToneColor" }, usesOnChanges: true, ngImport: i0 }); }
  465. }
  466. i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.2", ngImport: i0, type: IconDirective, decorators: [{
  467. type: Directive,
  468. args: [{
  469. selector: '[antIcon]'
  470. }]
  471. }], ctorParameters: function () { return [{ type: IconService }, { type: i0.ElementRef }, { type: i0.Renderer2 }]; }, propDecorators: { type: [{
  472. type: Input
  473. }], theme: [{
  474. type: Input
  475. }], twoToneColor: [{
  476. type: Input
  477. }] } });
  478. class IconModule {
  479. static { this.ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.2", ngImport: i0, type: IconModule, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule }); }
  480. static { this.ɵmod = i0.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "16.0.2", ngImport: i0, type: IconModule, declarations: [IconDirective], exports: [IconDirective] }); }
  481. static { this.ɵinj = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.2", ngImport: i0, type: IconModule, providers: [IconService] }); }
  482. }
  483. i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "16.0.2", ngImport: i0, type: IconModule, decorators: [{
  484. type: NgModule,
  485. args: [{
  486. exports: [IconDirective],
  487. declarations: [IconDirective],
  488. providers: [IconService]
  489. }]
  490. }] });
  491. const manifest = {
  492. fill: [
  493. 'account-book', 'alipay-circle', 'amazon-circle', 'aliwangwang', 'android', 'amazon-square', 'alipay-square', 'api', 'alert', 'audio', 'apple', 'appstore', 'backward', 'behance-square', 'bell', 'book', 'box-plot', 'build', 'bug', 'bulb', 'calendar', 'caret-down', 'caret-right', 'camera', 'caret-left', 'caret-up', 'car', 'check-circle', 'carry-out', 'ci-circle', 'chrome', 'check-square', 'close-circle', 'clock-circle', 'calculator', 'close-square', 'cloud', 'code', 'code-sandbox-circle', 'code-sandbox-square', 'compass', 'behance-circle', 'container', 'codepen-circle', 'control', 'copy', 'copyright-circle', 'credit-card', 'crown', 'customer-service', 'database', 'dashboard', 'diff', 'delete', 'dingtalk-circle', 'dislike', 'dingtalk-square', 'down-circle', 'down-square', 'dribbble-circle', 'dropbox-circle', 'dribbble-square', 'edit', 'dropbox-square', 'environment', 'euro-circle', 'exclamation-circle', 'experiment', 'codepen-square', 'eye-invisible', 'eye', 'contacts', 'fast-backward', 'facebook', 'fast-forward', 'file-add', 'file-exclamation', 'file-image', 'file', 'file-markdown', 'file-pdf', 'file-ppt', 'file-unknown', 'file-zip', 'file-word', 'fire', 'filter', 'flag', 'folder-add', 'folder', 'bank', 'folder-open', 'file-excel', 'format-painter', 'forward', 'frown', 'funnel-plot', 'github', 'gift', 'file-text', 'dollar-circle', 'gitlab', 'google-plus-circle', 'fund', 'google-plus-square', 'golden', 'hdd', 'google-circle', 'gold', 'google-square', 'heart', 'highlight', 'home', 'hourglass', 'html5', 'ie-circle', 'ie-square', 'instagram', 'info-circle', 'insurance', 'interaction', 'left-circle', 'left-square', 'layout', 'like', 'linkedin', 'lock', 'mail', 'mac-command', 'medicine-box', 'meh', 'medium-square', 'message', 'minus-circle', 'mobile', 'idcard', 'notification', 'pay-circle', 'money-collect', 'play-circle', 'picture', 'play-square', 'pie-chart', 'plus-square', 'plus-circle', 'pound-circle', 'phone', 'profile', 'project', 'property-safety', 'pushpin', 'qq-circle', 'qq-square', 'question-circle', 'read', 'reconciliation', 'reddit-square', 'red-envelope', 'rest', 'right-circle', 'reddit-circle', 'pause-circle', 'right-square', 'robot', 'safety-certificate', 'save', 'schedule', 'rocket', 'security-scan', 'setting', 'medium-circle', 'shop', 'shopping', 'signal', 'skin', 'sketch-square', 'skype', 'sketch-circle', 'slack-circle', 'snippets', 'minus-square', 'sliders', 'sound', 'smile', 'step-backward', 'star', 'step-forward', 'stop', 'switcher', 'printer', 'tablet', 'tag', 'tags', 'taobao-circle', 'taobao-square', 'thunderbolt', 'trophy', 'trademark-circle', 'twitter-circle', 'unlock', 'up-square', 'up-circle', 'wallet', 'video-camera', 'twitter-square', 'usb', 'slack-square', 'weibo-square', 'warning', 'weibo-circle', 'yahoo', 'yuque', 'wechat', 'zhihu-circle', 'zhihu-square', 'tool', 'youtube', 'windows'
  494. ],
  495. outline: [
  496. 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'coffee', 'codepen-circle', 'column-width', 'clock-circle', 'comment', 'compass', 'compress', 'contacts', 'console-sql', 'container', 'control', 'check-square', 'copyright-circle', 'copy', 'credit-card', 'copyright', 'crown', 'dashboard', 'dash', 'customer-service', 'database', 'cluster', 'desktop', 'delete', 'delete-row', 'delivered-procedure', 'deployment-unit', 'dingding', 'diff', 'disconnect', 'dislike', 'bell', 'dollar-circle', 'dollar', 'dot-chart', 'double-right', 'double-left', 'down-circle', 'down-square', 'down', 'delete-column', 'dribbble', 'download', 'drag', 'ellipsis', 'border-right', 'dropbox', 'edit', 'euro', 'enter', 'environment', 'exception', 'exclamation-circle', 'expand', 'euro-circle', 'experiment', 'eye-invisible', 'export', 'expand-alt', 'eye', 'facebook', 'fall', 'field-binary', 'field-string', 'fast-forward', 'field-number', 'file-add', 'fast-backward', 'file-done', 'field-time', 'dribbble-square', 'file-image', 'file-excel', 'file-exclamation', 'file-markdown', 'file-gif', 'file-jpg', 'file-ppt', 'file-pdf', 'file', 'file-protect', 'dingtalk', 'file-text', 'file-search', 'file-word', 'file-unknown', 'file-zip', 'flag', 'fire', 'folder-add', 'filter', 'exclamation', 'folder', 'folder-view', 'font-colors', 'font-size', 'format-painter', 'forward', 'form', 'frown', 'fullscreen', 'fullscreen-exit', 'fork', 'file-sync', 'function', 'fund-view', 'folder-open', 'gateway', 'gif', 'fund-projection-screen', 'gift', 'funnel-plot', 'github', 'google', 'gitlab', 'gold', 'hdd', 'global', 'group', 'heart', 'heat-map', 'history', 'highlight', 'holder', 'home', 'hourglass', 'html5', 'inbox', 'ie', 'info', 'import', 'info-circle', 'insert-row-below', 'insert-row-left', 'google-plus', 'insurance', 'instagram', 'insert-row-right', 'italic', 'interaction', 'issues-close', 'key', 'insert-row-above', 'layout', 'laptop', 'left-circle', 'fund', 'left', 'line-chart', 'line-height', 'like', 'link', 'loading', 'linkedin', 'lock', 'loading-3-quarters', 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'rotate-right', 'rocket', 'safety-certificate', 'rotate-left', 'right-circle', 'scan', 'save', 'safety', 'poweroff', 'security-scan', 'scissor', 'right', 'setting', 'search', 'share-alt', 'select', 'shake', 'send', 'shopping', 'shop', 'sketch', 'shrink', 'sisternode', 'rise', 'slack', 'skype', 'skin', 'small-dash', 'sliders', 'shopping-cart', 'sort-descending', 'solution', 'sound', 'slack-square', 'split-cells', 'star', 'stock', 'stop', 'step-backward', 'step-forward', 'strikethrough', 'subnode', 'swap-left', 'swap-right', 'swap', 'switcher', 'schedule', 'table', 'snippets', 'tablet', 'right-square', 'tags', 'taobao-circle', 'taobao', 'team', 'smile', 'thunderbolt', 'tag', 'tool', 'read', 'transaction', 'trademark-circle', 'trademark', 'sync', 'sort-ascending', 'undo', 'twitter', 'underline', 'to-top', 'ungroup', 'translation', 'unordered-list', 'up-circle', 'trophy', 'up-square', 'unlock', 'up', 'upload', 'usergroup-delete', 'usb', 'usergroup-add', 'user-add', 'user-switch', 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  497. ],
  498. twotone: [
  499. 'account-book', 'api', 'appstore', 'audio', 'bank', 'bell', 'book', 'box-plot', 'bug', 'build', 'bulb', 'calendar', 'alert', 'camera', 'car', 'check-square', 'carry-out', 'ci', 'ci-circle', 'close-circle', 'close-square', 'cloud', 'calculator', 'clock-circle', 'code', 'contacts', 'container', 'copy', 'control', 'copyright', 'copyright-circle', 'compass', 'credit-card', 'customer-service', 'dashboard', 'crown', 'database', 'check-circle', 'delete', 'diff', 'dislike', 'dollar-circle', 'dollar', 'down-square', 'edit', 'environment', 'euro', 'euro-circle', 'exclamation-circle', 'experiment', 'eye', 'file-add', 'file-excel', 'file-exclamation', 'file-image', 'file-markdown', 'file-ppt', 'file-pdf', 'file-text', 'down-circle', 'file', 'file-unknown', 'file-word', 'file-zip', 'filter', 'fire', 'flag', 'folder', 'folder-open', 'frown', 'folder-add', 'funnel-plot', 'gift', 'gold', 'hdd', 'heart', 'highlight', 'idcard', 'home', 'hourglass', 'info-circle', 'interaction', 'left-circle', 'layout', 'left-square', 'like', 'lock', 'fund', 'insurance', 'medicine-box', 'meh', 'message', 'minus-circle', 'minus-square', 'mobile', 'eye-invisible', 'money-collect', 'notification', 'pause-circle', 'phone', 'picture', 'pie-chart', 'play-circle', 'play-square', 'plus-square', 'plus-circle', 'pound-circle', 'printer', 'profile', 'project', 'property-safety', 'pushpin', 'question-circle', 'reconciliation', 'red-envelope', 'mail', 'html5', 'right-circle', 'right-square', 'rest', 'save', 'rocket', 'schedule', 'security-scan', 'setting', 'shopping', 'skin', 'shop', 'sliders', 'smile', 'snippets', 'sound', 'star', 'stop', 'tag', 'tags', 'switcher', 'thunderbolt', 'tool', 'tablet', 'safety-certificate', 'trophy', 'up-square', 'usb', 'up-circle', 'video-camera', 'wallet', 'unlock', 'warning', 'trademark-circle'
  500. ]
  501. };
  502. /**
  503. * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.
  504. */
  505. export { ANT_ICONS, ANT_ICON_ANGULAR_CONSOLE_PREFIX, DynamicLoadingTimeoutError, HttpModuleNotImport, IconDirective, IconModule, IconNotFoundError, IconService, NameSpaceIsNotSpecifyError, SVGTagNotFoundError, UrlNotSafeError, alreadyHasAThemeSuffix, cloneSVG, error, getIconDefinitionFromAbbr, getNameAndNamespace, getSecondaryColor, hasNamespace, isIconDefinition, manifest, mapAbbrToTheme, replaceFillColor, warn, withSuffix, withSuffixAndColor };
  506. //#