{"ast":null,"code":"import _asyncToGenerator from \"F:/workspace/202226701027/huinongbao-app/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator.js\";\n/*!\n * (C) Ionic http://ionicframework.com - MIT License\n */\nimport { r as registerInstance, d as createEvent, h, f as Host, i as getElement } from './index-28849c61.js';\nimport { d as doc } from './index-a5d50daf.js';\nimport { r as raf, g as getElementRoot } from './helpers-da915de8.js';\nimport { a as hapticSelectionStart, b as hapticSelectionChanged, h as hapticSelectionEnd } from './haptic-ac164e4c.js';\nimport { a as isPlatform, b as getIonMode } from './ionic-global-c81d82ab.js';\nimport { c as createColorClasses } from './theme-01f3f29c.js';\nimport './capacitor-59395cbd.js';\nconst pickerColumnCss = \":host{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;max-width:100%;height:200px;font-size:22px;text-align:center}.assistive-focusable{left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;z-index:1;pointer-events:none}.assistive-focusable:focus{outline:none}.picker-opts{-webkit-padding-start:16px;padding-inline-start:16px;-webkit-padding-end:16px;padding-inline-end:16px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;min-width:26px;max-height:200px;outline:none;text-align:inherit;-webkit-scroll-snap-type:y mandatory;-ms-scroll-snap-type:y mandatory;scroll-snap-type:y mandatory;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll;scrollbar-width:none}.picker-item-empty{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;display:block;width:100%;height:34px;border:0px;outline:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);font-size:inherit;line-height:34px;text-align:inherit;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden}.picker-opts::-webkit-scrollbar{display:none}::slotted(ion-picker-column-option){display:block;scroll-snap-align:center}.picker-item-empty,:host(:not([disabled])) ::slotted(ion-picker-column-option.option-disabled){scroll-snap-align:none}::slotted([slot=prefix]),::slotted([slot=suffix]){max-width:200px;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden}::slotted([slot=prefix]){-webkit-padding-start:16px;padding-inline-start:16px;-webkit-padding-end:16px;padding-inline-end:16px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:end}::slotted([slot=suffix]){-webkit-padding-start:16px;padding-inline-start:16px;-webkit-padding-end:16px;padding-inline-end:16px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:start}:host(.picker-column-disabled) .picker-opts{overflow-y:hidden}:host(.picker-column-disabled) ::slotted(ion-picker-column-option){cursor:default;opacity:0.4;pointer-events:none}@media (any-hover: hover){:host(:focus) .picker-opts{outline:none;background:rgba(var(--ion-color-base-rgb), 0.2)}}\";\nconst IonPickerColumnStyle0 = pickerColumnCss;\nconst PickerColumn = class {\n constructor(hostRef) {\n registerInstance(this, hostRef);\n this.ionChange = createEvent(this, \"ionChange\", 7);\n this.isScrolling = false;\n this.isColumnVisible = false;\n this.canExitInputMode = true;\n this.updateValueTextOnScroll = false;\n this.centerPickerItemInView = (target, smooth = true, canExitInputMode = true) => {\n const {\n isColumnVisible,\n scrollEl\n } = this;\n if (isColumnVisible && scrollEl) {\n // (Vertical offset from parent) - (three empty picker rows) + (half the height of the target to ensure the scroll triggers)\n const top = target.offsetTop - 3 * target.clientHeight + target.clientHeight / 2;\n if (scrollEl.scrollTop !== top) {\n /**\n * Setting this flag prevents input\n * mode from exiting in the picker column's\n * scroll callback. This is useful when the user manually\n * taps an item or types on the keyboard as both\n * of these can cause a scroll to occur.\n */\n this.canExitInputMode = canExitInputMode;\n this.updateValueTextOnScroll = false;\n scrollEl.scroll({\n top,\n left: 0,\n behavior: smooth ? 'smooth' : undefined\n });\n }\n }\n };\n this.setPickerItemActiveState = (item, isActive) => {\n if (isActive) {\n item.classList.add(PICKER_ITEM_ACTIVE_CLASS);\n } else {\n item.classList.remove(PICKER_ITEM_ACTIVE_CLASS);\n }\n };\n /**\n * When ionInputModeChange is emitted, each column\n * needs to check if it is the one being made available\n * for text entry.\n */\n this.inputModeChange = ev => {\n if (!this.numericInput) {\n return;\n }\n const {\n useInputMode,\n inputModeColumn\n } = ev.detail;\n /**\n * If inputModeColumn is undefined then this means\n * all numericInput columns are being selected.\n */\n const isColumnActive = inputModeColumn === undefined || inputModeColumn === this.el;\n if (!useInputMode || !isColumnActive) {\n this.setInputModeActive(false);\n return;\n }\n this.setInputModeActive(true);\n };\n /**\n * Setting isActive will cause a re-render.\n * As a result, we do not want to cause the\n * re-render mid scroll as this will cause\n * the picker column to jump back to\n * whatever value was selected at the\n * start of the scroll interaction.\n */\n this.setInputModeActive = state => {\n if (this.isScrolling) {\n this.scrollEndCallback = () => {\n this.isActive = state;\n };\n return;\n }\n this.isActive = state;\n };\n /**\n * When the column scrolls, the component\n * needs to determine which item is centered\n * in the view and will emit an ionChange with\n * the item object.\n */\n this.initializeScrollListener = () => {\n /**\n * The haptics for the wheel picker are\n * an iOS-only feature. As a result, they should\n * be disabled on Android.\n */\n const enableHaptics = isPlatform('ios');\n const {\n el,\n scrollEl\n } = this;\n let timeout;\n let activeEl = this.activeItem;\n const scrollCallback = () => {\n raf(() => {\n var _a;\n if (!scrollEl) return;\n if (timeout) {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n timeout = undefined;\n }\n if (!this.isScrolling) {\n enableHaptics && hapticSelectionStart();\n this.isScrolling = true;\n }\n /**\n * Select item in the center of the column\n * which is the month/year that we want to select\n */\n const bbox = scrollEl.getBoundingClientRect();\n const centerX = bbox.x + bbox.width / 2;\n const centerY = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2;\n /**\n * elementFromPoint returns the top-most element.\n * This means that if an ion-backdrop is overlaying the\n * picker then the appropriate picker column option will\n * not be selected. To account for this, we use elementsFromPoint\n * and use an Array.find to find the appropriate column option\n * at that point.\n *\n * Additionally, the picker column could be used in the\n * Shadow DOM (i.e. in ion-datetime) so we need to make\n * sure we are choosing the correct host otherwise\n * the elements returns by elementsFromPoint will be\n * retargeted. To account for this, we check to see\n * if the picker column has a parent shadow root. If\n * so, we use that shadow root when doing elementsFromPoint.\n * Otherwise, we just use the document.\n */\n const rootNode = el.getRootNode();\n const hasParentShadow = rootNode instanceof ShadowRoot;\n const referenceNode = hasParentShadow ? rootNode : doc;\n /**\n * If the reference node is undefined\n * then it's likely that doc is undefined\n * due to being in an SSR environment.\n */\n if (referenceNode === undefined) {\n return;\n }\n const elementsAtPoint = referenceNode.elementsFromPoint(centerX, centerY);\n /**\n * elementsFromPoint can returns multiple elements\n * so find the relevant picker column option if one exists.\n */\n const newActiveElement = elementsAtPoint.find(el => el.tagName === 'ION-PICKER-COLUMN-OPTION');\n if (activeEl !== undefined) {\n this.setPickerItemActiveState(activeEl, false);\n }\n if (newActiveElement === undefined || newActiveElement.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n /**\n * If we are selecting a new value,\n * we need to run haptics again.\n */\n if (newActiveElement !== activeEl) {\n enableHaptics && hapticSelectionChanged();\n if (this.canExitInputMode) {\n /**\n * The native iOS wheel picker\n * only dismisses the keyboard\n * once the selected item has changed\n * as a result of a swipe\n * from the user. If `canExitInputMode` is\n * `false` then this means that the\n * scroll is happening as a result of\n * the `value` property programmatically changing\n * either by an application or by the user via the keyboard.\n */\n this.exitInputMode();\n }\n }\n activeEl = newActiveElement;\n this.setPickerItemActiveState(newActiveElement, true);\n /**\n * Set the aria-valuetext even though the value prop has not been updated yet.\n * This enables some screen readers to announce the value as the users drag\n * as opposed to when their release their pointer from the screen.\n *\n * When the value is programmatically updated, we will smoothly scroll\n * to the new option. However, we do not want to update aria-valuetext mid-scroll\n * as that can cause the old value to be briefly set before being set to the\n * correct option. This will cause some screen readers to announce the old value\n * again before announcing the new value. The correct valuetext will be set on render.\n */\n if (this.updateValueTextOnScroll) {\n (_a = this.assistiveFocusable) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setAttribute('aria-valuetext', this.getOptionValueText(newActiveElement));\n }\n timeout = setTimeout(() => {\n this.isScrolling = false;\n this.updateValueTextOnScroll = true;\n enableHaptics && hapticSelectionEnd();\n /**\n * Certain tasks (such as those that\n * cause re-renders) should only be done\n * once scrolling has finished, otherwise\n * flickering may occur.\n */\n const {\n scrollEndCallback\n } = this;\n if (scrollEndCallback) {\n scrollEndCallback();\n this.scrollEndCallback = undefined;\n }\n /**\n * Reset this flag as the\n * next scroll interaction could\n * be a scroll from the user. In this\n * case, we should exit input mode.\n */\n this.canExitInputMode = true;\n this.setValue(newActiveElement.value);\n }, 250);\n });\n };\n /**\n * Wrap this in an raf so that the scroll callback\n * does not fire when component is initially shown.\n */\n raf(() => {\n if (!scrollEl) return;\n scrollEl.addEventListener('scroll', scrollCallback);\n this.destroyScrollListener = () => {\n scrollEl.removeEventListener('scroll', scrollCallback);\n };\n });\n };\n /**\n * Tells the parent picker to\n * exit text entry mode. This is only called\n * when the selected item changes during scroll, so\n * we know that the user likely wants to scroll\n * instead of type.\n */\n this.exitInputMode = () => {\n const {\n parentEl\n } = this;\n if (parentEl == null) return;\n parentEl.exitInputMode();\n /**\n * setInputModeActive only takes\n * effect once scrolling stops to avoid\n * a component re-render while scrolling.\n * However, we want the visual active\n * indicator to go away immediately, so\n * we call classList.remove here.\n */\n this.el.classList.remove('picker-column-active');\n };\n /**\n * Find the next enabled option after the active option.\n * @param stride - How many options to \"jump\" over in order to select the next option.\n * This can be used to implement PageUp/PageDown behaviors where pressing these keys\n * scrolls the picker by more than 1 option. For example, a stride of 5 means select\n * the enabled option 5 options after the active one. Note that the actual option selected\n * may be past the stride if the option at the stride is disabled.\n */\n this.findNextOption = (stride = 1) => {\n const {\n activeItem\n } = this;\n if (!activeItem) return null;\n let prevNode = activeItem;\n let node = activeItem.nextElementSibling;\n while (node != null) {\n if (stride > 0) {\n stride--;\n }\n if (node.tagName === 'ION-PICKER-COLUMN-OPTION' && !node.disabled && stride === 0) {\n return node;\n }\n prevNode = node;\n // Use nextElementSibling instead of nextSibling to avoid text/comment nodes\n node = node.nextElementSibling;\n }\n return prevNode;\n };\n /**\n * Find the next enabled option after the active option.\n * @param stride - How many options to \"jump\" over in order to select the next option.\n * This can be used to implement PageUp/PageDown behaviors where pressing these keys\n * scrolls the picker by more than 1 option. For example, a stride of 5 means select\n * the enabled option 5 options before the active one. Note that the actual option selected\n * may be past the stride if the option at the stride is disabled.\n */\n this.findPreviousOption = (stride = 1) => {\n const {\n activeItem\n } = this;\n if (!activeItem) return null;\n let nextNode = activeItem;\n let node = activeItem.previousElementSibling;\n while (node != null) {\n if (stride > 0) {\n stride--;\n }\n if (node.tagName === 'ION-PICKER-COLUMN-OPTION' && !node.disabled && stride === 0) {\n return node;\n }\n nextNode = node;\n // Use previousElementSibling instead of previousSibling to avoid text/comment nodes\n node = node.previousElementSibling;\n }\n return nextNode;\n };\n this.onKeyDown = ev => {\n /**\n * The below operations should be inverted when running on a mobile device.\n * For example, swiping up will dispatch an \"ArrowUp\" event. On desktop,\n * this should cause the previous option to be selected. On mobile, swiping\n * up causes a view to scroll down. As a result, swiping up on mobile should\n * cause the next option to be selected. The Home/End operations remain\n * unchanged because those always represent the first/last options, respectively.\n */\n const mobile = isPlatform('mobile');\n let newOption = null;\n switch (ev.key) {\n case 'ArrowDown':\n newOption = mobile ? this.findPreviousOption() : this.findNextOption();\n break;\n case 'ArrowUp':\n newOption = mobile ? this.findNextOption() : this.findPreviousOption();\n break;\n case 'PageUp':\n newOption = mobile ? this.findNextOption(5) : this.findPreviousOption(5);\n break;\n case 'PageDown':\n newOption = mobile ? this.findPreviousOption(5) : this.findNextOption(5);\n break;\n case 'Home':\n /**\n * There is no guarantee that the first child will be an ion-picker-column-option,\n * so we do not use firstElementChild.\n */\n newOption = this.el.querySelector('ion-picker-column-option:first-of-type');\n break;\n case 'End':\n /**\n * There is no guarantee that the last child will be an ion-picker-column-option,\n * so we do not use lastElementChild.\n */\n newOption = this.el.querySelector('ion-picker-column-option:last-of-type');\n break;\n }\n if (newOption !== null) {\n this.setValue(newOption.value);\n // This stops any default browser behavior such as scrolling\n ev.preventDefault();\n }\n };\n /**\n * Utility to generate the correct text for aria-valuetext.\n */\n this.getOptionValueText = el => {\n var _a;\n return el ? (_a = el.getAttribute('aria-label')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : el.innerText : '';\n };\n /**\n * Render an element that overlays the column. This element is for assistive\n * tech to allow users to navigate the column up/down. This element should receive\n * focus as it listens for synthesized keyboard events as required by the\n * slider role: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/slider_role\n */\n this.renderAssistiveFocusable = () => {\n const {\n activeItem\n } = this;\n const valueText = this.getOptionValueText(activeItem);\n /**\n * When using the picker, the valuetext provides important context that valuenow\n * does not. Additionally, using non-zero valuemin/valuemax values can cause\n * WebKit to incorrectly announce numeric valuetext values (such as a year\n * like \"2024\") as percentages: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=273126\n */\n return h(\"div\", {\n ref: el => this.assistiveFocusable = el,\n class: \"assistive-focusable\",\n role: \"slider\",\n tabindex: this.disabled ? undefined : 0,\n \"aria-label\": this.ariaLabel,\n \"aria-valuemin\": 0,\n \"aria-valuemax\": 0,\n \"aria-valuenow\": 0,\n \"aria-valuetext\": valueText,\n \"aria-orientation\": \"vertical\",\n onKeyDown: ev => this.onKeyDown(ev)\n });\n };\n this.ariaLabel = null;\n this.isActive = false;\n this.disabled = false;\n this.value = undefined;\n this.color = 'primary';\n this.numericInput = false;\n }\n ariaLabelChanged(newValue) {\n this.ariaLabel = newValue;\n }\n valueChange() {\n if (this.isColumnVisible) {\n /**\n * Only scroll the active item into view when the picker column\n * is actively visible to the user.\n */\n this.scrollActiveItemIntoView(true);\n }\n }\n /**\n * Only setup scroll listeners\n * when the picker is visible, otherwise\n * the container will have a scroll\n * height of 0px.\n */\n componentWillLoad() {\n /**\n * We cache parentEl in a local variable\n * so we don't need to keep accessing\n * the class variable (which comes with\n * a small performance hit)\n */\n const parentEl = this.parentEl = this.el.closest('ion-picker');\n const visibleCallback = entries => {\n /**\n * Browsers will sometimes group multiple IO events into a single callback.\n * As a result, we want to grab the last/most recent event in case there are multiple events.\n */\n const ev = entries[entries.length - 1];\n if (ev.isIntersecting) {\n const {\n activeItem,\n el\n } = this;\n this.isColumnVisible = true;\n /**\n * Because this initial call to scrollActiveItemIntoView has to fire before\n * the scroll listener is set up, we need to manage the active class manually.\n */\n const oldActive = getElementRoot(el).querySelector(`.${PICKER_ITEM_ACTIVE_CLASS}`);\n if (oldActive) {\n this.setPickerItemActiveState(oldActive, false);\n }\n this.scrollActiveItemIntoView();\n if (activeItem) {\n this.setPickerItemActiveState(activeItem, true);\n }\n this.initializeScrollListener();\n } else {\n this.isColumnVisible = false;\n if (this.destroyScrollListener) {\n this.destroyScrollListener();\n this.destroyScrollListener = undefined;\n }\n }\n };\n /**\n * Set the root to be the parent picker element\n * This causes the IO callback\n * to be fired in WebKit as soon as the element\n * is visible. If we used the default root value\n * then WebKit would only fire the IO callback\n * after any animations (such as a modal transition)\n * finished, and there would potentially be a flicker.\n */\n new IntersectionObserver(visibleCallback, {\n threshold: 0.001,\n root: this.parentEl\n }).observe(this.el);\n if (parentEl !== null) {\n // TODO(FW-2832): type\n parentEl.addEventListener('ionInputModeChange', ev => this.inputModeChange(ev));\n }\n }\n componentDidRender() {\n const {\n el,\n activeItem,\n isColumnVisible,\n value\n } = this;\n if (isColumnVisible && !activeItem) {\n const firstOption = el.querySelector('ion-picker-column-option');\n /**\n * If the picker column does not have an active item and the current value\n * does not match the first item in the picker column, that means\n * the value is out of bounds. In this case, we assign the value to the\n * first item to match the scroll position of the column.\n *\n */\n if (firstOption !== null && firstOption.value !== value) {\n this.setValue(firstOption.value);\n }\n }\n }\n /** @internal */\n scrollActiveItemIntoView(smooth = false) {\n var _this = this;\n return _asyncToGenerator(function* () {\n const activeEl = _this.activeItem;\n if (activeEl) {\n _this.centerPickerItemInView(activeEl, smooth, false);\n }\n })();\n }\n /**\n * Sets the value prop and fires the ionChange event.\n * This is used when we need to fire ionChange from\n * user-generated events that cannot be caught with normal\n * input/change event listeners.\n * @internal\n */\n setValue(value) {\n var _this2 = this;\n return _asyncToGenerator(function* () {\n if (_this2.disabled === true || _this2.value === value) {\n return;\n }\n _this2.value = value;\n _this2.ionChange.emit({\n value\n });\n })();\n }\n /**\n * Sets focus on the scrollable container within the picker column.\n * Use this method instead of the global `pickerColumn.focus()`.\n */\n setFocus() {\n var _this3 = this;\n return _asyncToGenerator(function* () {\n if (_this3.assistiveFocusable) {\n _this3.assistiveFocusable.focus();\n }\n })();\n }\n connectedCallback() {\n var _a;\n this.ariaLabel = (_a = this.el.getAttribute('aria-label')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'Select a value';\n }\n get activeItem() {\n const {\n value\n } = this;\n const options = Array.from(this.el.querySelectorAll('ion-picker-column-option'));\n return options.find(option => {\n /**\n * If the whole picker column is disabled, the current value should appear active\n * If the current value item is specifically disabled, it should not appear active\n */\n if (!this.disabled && option.disabled) {\n return false;\n }\n return option.value === value;\n });\n }\n render() {\n const {\n color,\n disabled,\n isActive,\n numericInput\n } = this;\n const mode = getIonMode(this);\n return h(Host, {\n key: 'a221dc10f1eb7c41637a16d2c7167c16939822fd',\n class: createColorClasses(color, {\n [mode]: true,\n ['picker-column-active']: isActive,\n ['picker-column-numeric-input']: numericInput,\n ['picker-column-disabled']: disabled\n })\n }, this.renderAssistiveFocusable(), h(\"slot\", {\n key: '81b0656f606856f3dc0a657bf167d81a5011405e',\n name: \"prefix\"\n }), h(\"div\", {\n key: '71b9de67c04150255dd66592601c9d926db0c31c',\n \"aria-hidden\": \"true\",\n class: \"picker-opts\",\n ref: el => {\n this.scrollEl = el;\n },\n /**\n * When an element has an overlay scroll style and\n * a fixed height, Firefox will focus the scrollable\n * container if the content exceeds the container's\n * dimensions.\n *\n * This causes keyboard navigation to focus to this\n * element instead of going to the next element in\n * the tab order.\n *\n * The desired behavior is for the user to be able to\n * focus the assistive focusable element and tab to\n * the next element in the tab order. Instead of tabbing\n * to this element.\n *\n * To prevent this, we set the tabIndex to -1. This\n * will match the behavior of the other browsers.\n */\n tabIndex: -1\n }, h(\"div\", {\n key: 'ebdc2f08c83db0cf17b4be29f28fcb00f529601e',\n class: \"picker-item-empty\",\n \"aria-hidden\": \"true\"\n }, \"\\u00A0\"), h(\"div\", {\n key: '04ab56fcb8e6a7d6af00204c4560feb99ff34a56',\n class: \"picker-item-empty\",\n \"aria-hidden\": \"true\"\n }, \"\\u00A0\"), h(\"div\", {\n key: '6cf8f538903faf0fe1e4130f3eaf7b4e2e17cb52',\n class: \"picker-item-empty\",\n \"aria-hidden\": \"true\"\n }, \"\\u00A0\"), h(\"slot\", {\n key: '1cc392307b70c576be5b81b5226ceba735957f0f'\n }), h(\"div\", {\n key: '23e3f28e2a99b9aa8b7c8f68ad9583e3ca63e9e2',\n class: \"picker-item-empty\",\n \"aria-hidden\": \"true\"\n }, \"\\u00A0\"), h(\"div\", {\n key: '8a0563f09780c3116af0caebe4f40587ec1f041f',\n class: \"picker-item-empty\",\n \"aria-hidden\": \"true\"\n }, \"\\u00A0\"), h(\"div\", {\n key: '13207e248fc0009f37e0c90a3ee2bac2f130b856',\n class: \"picker-item-empty\",\n \"aria-hidden\": \"true\"\n }, \"\\u00A0\")), h(\"slot\", {\n key: '55ecf2ab5f214f936c2468cbdb7952daf89416b8',\n name: \"suffix\"\n }));\n }\n get el() {\n return getElement(this);\n }\n static get watchers() {\n return {\n \"aria-label\": [\"ariaLabelChanged\"],\n \"value\": [\"valueChange\"]\n };\n }\n};\nconst PICKER_ITEM_ACTIVE_CLASS = 'option-active';\nPickerColumn.style = IonPickerColumnStyle0;\nexport { PickerColumn as ion_picker_column };","map":{"version":3,"names":["r","registerInstance","d","createEvent","h","f","Host","i","getElement","doc","raf","g","getElementRoot","a","hapticSelectionStart","b","hapticSelectionChanged","hapticSelectionEnd","isPlatform","getIonMode","c","createColorClasses","pickerColumnCss","IonPickerColumnStyle0","PickerColumn","constructor","hostRef","ionChange","isScrolling","isColumnVisible","canExitInputMode","updateValueTextOnScroll","centerPickerItemInView","target","smooth","scrollEl","top","offsetTop","clientHeight","scrollTop","scroll","left","behavior","undefined","setPickerItemActiveState","item","isActive","classList","add","PICKER_ITEM_ACTIVE_CLASS","remove","inputModeChange","ev","numericInput","useInputMode","inputModeColumn","detail","isColumnActive","el","setInputModeActive","state","scrollEndCallback","initializeScrollListener","enableHaptics","timeout","activeEl","activeItem","scrollCallback","_a","clearTimeout","bbox","getBoundingClientRect","centerX","x","width","centerY","y","height","rootNode","getRootNode","hasParentShadow","ShadowRoot","referenceNode","elementsAtPoint","elementsFromPoint","newActiveElement","find","tagName","disabled","exitInputMode","assistiveFocusable","setAttribute","getOptionValueText","setTimeout","setValue","value","addEventListener","destroyScrollListener","removeEventListener","parentEl","findNextOption","stride","prevNode","node","nextElementSibling","findPreviousOption","nextNode","previousElementSibling","onKeyDown","mobile","newOption","key","querySelector","preventDefault","getAttribute","innerText","renderAssistiveFocusable","valueText","ref","class","role","tabindex","ariaLabel","color","ariaLabelChanged","newValue","valueChange","scrollActiveItemIntoView","componentWillLoad","closest","visibleCallback","entries","length","isIntersecting","oldActive","IntersectionObserver","threshold","root","observe","componentDidRender","firstOption","_this","_asyncToGenerator","_this2","emit","setFocus","_this3","focus","connectedCallback","options","Array","from","querySelectorAll","option","render","mode","name","tabIndex","watchers","style","ion_picker_column"],"sources":["F:/workspace/202226701027/huinongbao-app/node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/ion-picker-column.entry.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*!\n * (C) Ionic http://ionicframework.com - MIT License\n */\nimport { r as registerInstance, d as createEvent, h, f as Host, i as getElement } from './index-28849c61.js';\nimport { d as doc } from './index-a5d50daf.js';\nimport { r as raf, g as getElementRoot } from './helpers-da915de8.js';\nimport { a as hapticSelectionStart, b as hapticSelectionChanged, h as hapticSelectionEnd } from './haptic-ac164e4c.js';\nimport { a as isPlatform, b as getIonMode } from './ionic-global-c81d82ab.js';\nimport { c as createColorClasses } from './theme-01f3f29c.js';\nimport './capacitor-59395cbd.js';\n\nconst pickerColumnCss = \":host{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;position:relative;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;max-width:100%;height:200px;font-size:22px;text-align:center}.assistive-focusable{left:0;right:0;top:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;z-index:1;pointer-events:none}.assistive-focusable:focus{outline:none}.picker-opts{-webkit-padding-start:16px;padding-inline-start:16px;-webkit-padding-end:16px;padding-inline-end:16px;padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px;min-width:26px;max-height:200px;outline:none;text-align:inherit;-webkit-scroll-snap-type:y mandatory;-ms-scroll-snap-type:y mandatory;scroll-snap-type:y mandatory;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll;scrollbar-width:none}.picker-item-empty{padding-left:0;padding-right:0;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;margin-left:0;margin-right:0;margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;display:block;width:100%;height:34px;border:0px;outline:none;background:transparent;color:inherit;font-family:var(--ion-font-family, inherit);font-size:inherit;line-height:34px;text-align:inherit;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden}.picker-opts::-webkit-scrollbar{display:none}::slotted(ion-picker-column-option){display:block;scroll-snap-align:center}.picker-item-empty,:host(:not([disabled])) ::slotted(ion-picker-column-option.option-disabled){scroll-snap-align:none}::slotted([slot=prefix]),::slotted([slot=suffix]){max-width:200px;text-overflow:ellipsis;white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden}::slotted([slot=prefix]){-webkit-padding-start:16px;padding-inline-start:16px;-webkit-padding-end:16px;padding-inline-end:16px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;-ms-flex-pack:end;justify-content:end}::slotted([slot=suffix]){-webkit-padding-start:16px;padding-inline-start:16px;-webkit-padding-end:16px;padding-inline-end:16px;padding-top:0;padding-bottom:0;-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:start}:host(.picker-column-disabled) .picker-opts{overflow-y:hidden}:host(.picker-column-disabled) ::slotted(ion-picker-column-option){cursor:default;opacity:0.4;pointer-events:none}@media (any-hover: hover){:host(:focus) .picker-opts{outline:none;background:rgba(var(--ion-color-base-rgb), 0.2)}}\";\nconst IonPickerColumnStyle0 = pickerColumnCss;\n\nconst PickerColumn = class {\n constructor(hostRef) {\n registerInstance(this, hostRef);\n this.ionChange = createEvent(this, \"ionChange\", 7);\n this.isScrolling = false;\n this.isColumnVisible = false;\n this.canExitInputMode = true;\n this.updateValueTextOnScroll = false;\n this.centerPickerItemInView = (target, smooth = true, canExitInputMode = true) => {\n const { isColumnVisible, scrollEl } = this;\n if (isColumnVisible && scrollEl) {\n // (Vertical offset from parent) - (three empty picker rows) + (half the height of the target to ensure the scroll triggers)\n const top = target.offsetTop - 3 * target.clientHeight + target.clientHeight / 2;\n if (scrollEl.scrollTop !== top) {\n /**\n * Setting this flag prevents input\n * mode from exiting in the picker column's\n * scroll callback. This is useful when the user manually\n * taps an item or types on the keyboard as both\n * of these can cause a scroll to occur.\n */\n this.canExitInputMode = canExitInputMode;\n this.updateValueTextOnScroll = false;\n scrollEl.scroll({\n top,\n left: 0,\n behavior: smooth ? 'smooth' : undefined,\n });\n }\n }\n };\n this.setPickerItemActiveState = (item, isActive) => {\n if (isActive) {\n item.classList.add(PICKER_ITEM_ACTIVE_CLASS);\n }\n else {\n item.classList.remove(PICKER_ITEM_ACTIVE_CLASS);\n }\n };\n /**\n * When ionInputModeChange is emitted, each column\n * needs to check if it is the one being made available\n * for text entry.\n */\n this.inputModeChange = (ev) => {\n if (!this.numericInput) {\n return;\n }\n const { useInputMode, inputModeColumn } = ev.detail;\n /**\n * If inputModeColumn is undefined then this means\n * all numericInput columns are being selected.\n */\n const isColumnActive = inputModeColumn === undefined || inputModeColumn === this.el;\n if (!useInputMode || !isColumnActive) {\n this.setInputModeActive(false);\n return;\n }\n this.setInputModeActive(true);\n };\n /**\n * Setting isActive will cause a re-render.\n * As a result, we do not want to cause the\n * re-render mid scroll as this will cause\n * the picker column to jump back to\n * whatever value was selected at the\n * start of the scroll interaction.\n */\n this.setInputModeActive = (state) => {\n if (this.isScrolling) {\n this.scrollEndCallback = () => {\n this.isActive = state;\n };\n return;\n }\n this.isActive = state;\n };\n /**\n * When the column scrolls, the component\n * needs to determine which item is centered\n * in the view and will emit an ionChange with\n * the item object.\n */\n this.initializeScrollListener = () => {\n /**\n * The haptics for the wheel picker are\n * an iOS-only feature. As a result, they should\n * be disabled on Android.\n */\n const enableHaptics = isPlatform('ios');\n const { el, scrollEl } = this;\n let timeout;\n let activeEl = this.activeItem;\n const scrollCallback = () => {\n raf(() => {\n var _a;\n if (!scrollEl)\n return;\n if (timeout) {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n timeout = undefined;\n }\n if (!this.isScrolling) {\n enableHaptics && hapticSelectionStart();\n this.isScrolling = true;\n }\n /**\n * Select item in the center of the column\n * which is the month/year that we want to select\n */\n const bbox = scrollEl.getBoundingClientRect();\n const centerX = bbox.x + bbox.width / 2;\n const centerY = bbox.y + bbox.height / 2;\n /**\n * elementFromPoint returns the top-most element.\n * This means that if an ion-backdrop is overlaying the\n * picker then the appropriate picker column option will\n * not be selected. To account for this, we use elementsFromPoint\n * and use an Array.find to find the appropriate column option\n * at that point.\n *\n * Additionally, the picker column could be used in the\n * Shadow DOM (i.e. in ion-datetime) so we need to make\n * sure we are choosing the correct host otherwise\n * the elements returns by elementsFromPoint will be\n * retargeted. To account for this, we check to see\n * if the picker column has a parent shadow root. If\n * so, we use that shadow root when doing elementsFromPoint.\n * Otherwise, we just use the document.\n */\n const rootNode = el.getRootNode();\n const hasParentShadow = rootNode instanceof ShadowRoot;\n const referenceNode = hasParentShadow ? rootNode : doc;\n /**\n * If the reference node is undefined\n * then it's likely that doc is undefined\n * due to being in an SSR environment.\n */\n if (referenceNode === undefined) {\n return;\n }\n const elementsAtPoint = referenceNode.elementsFromPoint(centerX, centerY);\n /**\n * elementsFromPoint can returns multiple elements\n * so find the relevant picker column option if one exists.\n */\n const newActiveElement = elementsAtPoint.find((el) => el.tagName === 'ION-PICKER-COLUMN-OPTION');\n if (activeEl !== undefined) {\n this.setPickerItemActiveState(activeEl, false);\n }\n if (newActiveElement === undefined || newActiveElement.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n /**\n * If we are selecting a new value,\n * we need to run haptics again.\n */\n if (newActiveElement !== activeEl) {\n enableHaptics && hapticSelectionChanged();\n if (this.canExitInputMode) {\n /**\n * The native iOS wheel picker\n * only dismisses the keyboard\n * once the selected item has changed\n * as a result of a swipe\n * from the user. If `canExitInputMode` is\n * `false` then this means that the\n * scroll is happening as a result of\n * the `value` property programmatically changing\n * either by an application or by the user via the keyboard.\n */\n this.exitInputMode();\n }\n }\n activeEl = newActiveElement;\n this.setPickerItemActiveState(newActiveElement, true);\n /**\n * Set the aria-valuetext even though the value prop has not been updated yet.\n * This enables some screen readers to announce the value as the users drag\n * as opposed to when their release their pointer from the screen.\n *\n * When the value is programmatically updated, we will smoothly scroll\n * to the new option. However, we do not want to update aria-valuetext mid-scroll\n * as that can cause the old value to be briefly set before being set to the\n * correct option. This will cause some screen readers to announce the old value\n * again before announcing the new value. The correct valuetext will be set on render.\n */\n if (this.updateValueTextOnScroll) {\n (_a = this.assistiveFocusable) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.setAttribute('aria-valuetext', this.getOptionValueText(newActiveElement));\n }\n timeout = setTimeout(() => {\n this.isScrolling = false;\n this.updateValueTextOnScroll = true;\n enableHaptics && hapticSelectionEnd();\n /**\n * Certain tasks (such as those that\n * cause re-renders) should only be done\n * once scrolling has finished, otherwise\n * flickering may occur.\n */\n const { scrollEndCallback } = this;\n if (scrollEndCallback) {\n scrollEndCallback();\n this.scrollEndCallback = undefined;\n }\n /**\n * Reset this flag as the\n * next scroll interaction could\n * be a scroll from the user. In this\n * case, we should exit input mode.\n */\n this.canExitInputMode = true;\n this.setValue(newActiveElement.value);\n }, 250);\n });\n };\n /**\n * Wrap this in an raf so that the scroll callback\n * does not fire when component is initially shown.\n */\n raf(() => {\n if (!scrollEl)\n return;\n scrollEl.addEventListener('scroll', scrollCallback);\n this.destroyScrollListener = () => {\n scrollEl.removeEventListener('scroll', scrollCallback);\n };\n });\n };\n /**\n * Tells the parent picker to\n * exit text entry mode. This is only called\n * when the selected item changes during scroll, so\n * we know that the user likely wants to scroll\n * instead of type.\n */\n this.exitInputMode = () => {\n const { parentEl } = this;\n if (parentEl == null)\n return;\n parentEl.exitInputMode();\n /**\n * setInputModeActive only takes\n * effect once scrolling stops to avoid\n * a component re-render while scrolling.\n * However, we want the visual active\n * indicator to go away immediately, so\n * we call classList.remove here.\n */\n this.el.classList.remove('picker-column-active');\n };\n /**\n * Find the next enabled option after the active option.\n * @param stride - How many options to \"jump\" over in order to select the next option.\n * This can be used to implement PageUp/PageDown behaviors where pressing these keys\n * scrolls the picker by more than 1 option. For example, a stride of 5 means select\n * the enabled option 5 options after the active one. Note that the actual option selected\n * may be past the stride if the option at the stride is disabled.\n */\n this.findNextOption = (stride = 1) => {\n const { activeItem } = this;\n if (!activeItem)\n return null;\n let prevNode = activeItem;\n let node = activeItem.nextElementSibling;\n while (node != null) {\n if (stride > 0) {\n stride--;\n }\n if (node.tagName === 'ION-PICKER-COLUMN-OPTION' && !node.disabled && stride === 0) {\n return node;\n }\n prevNode = node;\n // Use nextElementSibling instead of nextSibling to avoid text/comment nodes\n node = node.nextElementSibling;\n }\n return prevNode;\n };\n /**\n * Find the next enabled option after the active option.\n * @param stride - How many options to \"jump\" over in order to select the next option.\n * This can be used to implement PageUp/PageDown behaviors where pressing these keys\n * scrolls the picker by more than 1 option. For example, a stride of 5 means select\n * the enabled option 5 options before the active one. Note that the actual option selected\n * may be past the stride if the option at the stride is disabled.\n */\n this.findPreviousOption = (stride = 1) => {\n const { activeItem } = this;\n if (!activeItem)\n return null;\n let nextNode = activeItem;\n let node = activeItem.previousElementSibling;\n while (node != null) {\n if (stride > 0) {\n stride--;\n }\n if (node.tagName === 'ION-PICKER-COLUMN-OPTION' && !node.disabled && stride === 0) {\n return node;\n }\n nextNode = node;\n // Use previousElementSibling instead of previousSibling to avoid text/comment nodes\n node = node.previousElementSibling;\n }\n return nextNode;\n };\n this.onKeyDown = (ev) => {\n /**\n * The below operations should be inverted when running on a mobile device.\n * For example, swiping up will dispatch an \"ArrowUp\" event. On desktop,\n * this should cause the previous option to be selected. On mobile, swiping\n * up causes a view to scroll down. As a result, swiping up on mobile should\n * cause the next option to be selected. The Home/End operations remain\n * unchanged because those always represent the first/last options, respectively.\n */\n const mobile = isPlatform('mobile');\n let newOption = null;\n switch (ev.key) {\n case 'ArrowDown':\n newOption = mobile ? this.findPreviousOption() : this.findNextOption();\n break;\n case 'ArrowUp':\n newOption = mobile ? this.findNextOption() : this.findPreviousOption();\n break;\n case 'PageUp':\n newOption = mobile ? this.findNextOption(5) : this.findPreviousOption(5);\n break;\n case 'PageDown':\n newOption = mobile ? this.findPreviousOption(5) : this.findNextOption(5);\n break;\n case 'Home':\n /**\n * There is no guarantee that the first child will be an ion-picker-column-option,\n * so we do not use firstElementChild.\n */\n newOption = this.el.querySelector('ion-picker-column-option:first-of-type');\n break;\n case 'End':\n /**\n * There is no guarantee that the last child will be an ion-picker-column-option,\n * so we do not use lastElementChild.\n */\n newOption = this.el.querySelector('ion-picker-column-option:last-of-type');\n break;\n }\n if (newOption !== null) {\n this.setValue(newOption.value);\n // This stops any default browser behavior such as scrolling\n ev.preventDefault();\n }\n };\n /**\n * Utility to generate the correct text for aria-valuetext.\n */\n this.getOptionValueText = (el) => {\n var _a;\n return el ? (_a = el.getAttribute('aria-label')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : el.innerText : '';\n };\n /**\n * Render an element that overlays the column. This element is for assistive\n * tech to allow users to navigate the column up/down. This element should receive\n * focus as it listens for synthesized keyboard events as required by the\n * slider role: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Accessibility/ARIA/Roles/slider_role\n */\n this.renderAssistiveFocusable = () => {\n const { activeItem } = this;\n const valueText = this.getOptionValueText(activeItem);\n /**\n * When using the picker, the valuetext provides important context that valuenow\n * does not. Additionally, using non-zero valuemin/valuemax values can cause\n * WebKit to incorrectly announce numeric valuetext values (such as a year\n * like \"2024\") as percentages: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=273126\n */\n return (h(\"div\", { ref: (el) => (this.assistiveFocusable = el), class: \"assistive-focusable\", role: \"slider\", tabindex: this.disabled ? undefined : 0, \"aria-label\": this.ariaLabel, \"aria-valuemin\": 0, \"aria-valuemax\": 0, \"aria-valuenow\": 0, \"aria-valuetext\": valueText, \"aria-orientation\": \"vertical\", onKeyDown: (ev) => this.onKeyDown(ev) }));\n };\n this.ariaLabel = null;\n this.isActive = false;\n this.disabled = false;\n this.value = undefined;\n this.color = 'primary';\n this.numericInput = false;\n }\n ariaLabelChanged(newValue) {\n this.ariaLabel = newValue;\n }\n valueChange() {\n if (this.isColumnVisible) {\n /**\n * Only scroll the active item into view when the picker column\n * is actively visible to the user.\n */\n this.scrollActiveItemIntoView(true);\n }\n }\n /**\n * Only setup scroll listeners\n * when the picker is visible, otherwise\n * the container will have a scroll\n * height of 0px.\n */\n componentWillLoad() {\n /**\n * We cache parentEl in a local variable\n * so we don't need to keep accessing\n * the class variable (which comes with\n * a small performance hit)\n */\n const parentEl = (this.parentEl = this.el.closest('ion-picker'));\n const visibleCallback = (entries) => {\n /**\n * Browsers will sometimes group multiple IO events into a single callback.\n * As a result, we want to grab the last/most recent event in case there are multiple events.\n */\n const ev = entries[entries.length - 1];\n if (ev.isIntersecting) {\n const { activeItem, el } = this;\n this.isColumnVisible = true;\n /**\n * Because this initial call to scrollActiveItemIntoView has to fire before\n * the scroll listener is set up, we need to manage the active class manually.\n */\n const oldActive = getElementRoot(el).querySelector(`.${PICKER_ITEM_ACTIVE_CLASS}`);\n if (oldActive) {\n this.setPickerItemActiveState(oldActive, false);\n }\n this.scrollActiveItemIntoView();\n if (activeItem) {\n this.setPickerItemActiveState(activeItem, true);\n }\n this.initializeScrollListener();\n }\n else {\n this.isColumnVisible = false;\n if (this.destroyScrollListener) {\n this.destroyScrollListener();\n this.destroyScrollListener = undefined;\n }\n }\n };\n /**\n * Set the root to be the parent picker element\n * This causes the IO callback\n * to be fired in WebKit as soon as the element\n * is visible. If we used the default root value\n * then WebKit would only fire the IO callback\n * after any animations (such as a modal transition)\n * finished, and there would potentially be a flicker.\n */\n new IntersectionObserver(visibleCallback, { threshold: 0.001, root: this.parentEl }).observe(this.el);\n if (parentEl !== null) {\n // TODO(FW-2832): type\n parentEl.addEventListener('ionInputModeChange', (ev) => this.inputModeChange(ev));\n }\n }\n componentDidRender() {\n const { el, activeItem, isColumnVisible, value } = this;\n if (isColumnVisible && !activeItem) {\n const firstOption = el.querySelector('ion-picker-column-option');\n /**\n * If the picker column does not have an active item and the current value\n * does not match the first item in the picker column, that means\n * the value is out of bounds. In this case, we assign the value to the\n * first item to match the scroll position of the column.\n *\n */\n if (firstOption !== null && firstOption.value !== value) {\n this.setValue(firstOption.value);\n }\n }\n }\n /** @internal */\n async scrollActiveItemIntoView(smooth = false) {\n const activeEl = this.activeItem;\n if (activeEl) {\n this.centerPickerItemInView(activeEl, smooth, false);\n }\n }\n /**\n * Sets the value prop and fires the ionChange event.\n * This is used when we need to fire ionChange from\n * user-generated events that cannot be caught with normal\n * input/change event listeners.\n * @internal\n */\n async setValue(value) {\n if (this.disabled === true || this.value === value) {\n return;\n }\n this.value = value;\n this.ionChange.emit({ value });\n }\n /**\n * Sets focus on the scrollable container within the picker column.\n * Use this method instead of the global `pickerColumn.focus()`.\n */\n async setFocus() {\n if (this.assistiveFocusable) {\n this.assistiveFocusable.focus();\n }\n }\n connectedCallback() {\n var _a;\n this.ariaLabel = (_a = this.el.getAttribute('aria-label')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 'Select a value';\n }\n get activeItem() {\n const { value } = this;\n const options = Array.from(this.el.querySelectorAll('ion-picker-column-option'));\n return options.find((option) => {\n /**\n * If the whole picker column is disabled, the current value should appear active\n * If the current value item is specifically disabled, it should not appear active\n */\n if (!this.disabled && option.disabled) {\n return false;\n }\n return option.value === value;\n });\n }\n render() {\n const { color, disabled, isActive, numericInput } = this;\n const mode = getIonMode(this);\n return (h(Host, { key: 'a221dc10f1eb7c41637a16d2c7167c16939822fd', class: createColorClasses(color, {\n [mode]: true,\n ['picker-column-active']: isActive,\n ['picker-column-numeric-input']: numericInput,\n ['picker-column-disabled']: disabled,\n }) }, this.renderAssistiveFocusable(), h(\"slot\", { key: '81b0656f606856f3dc0a657bf167d81a5011405e', name: \"prefix\" }), h(\"div\", { key: '71b9de67c04150255dd66592601c9d926db0c31c', \"aria-hidden\": \"true\", class: \"picker-opts\", ref: (el) => {\n this.scrollEl = el;\n },\n /**\n * When an element has an overlay scroll style and\n * a fixed height, Firefox will focus the scrollable\n * container if the content exceeds the container's\n * dimensions.\n *\n * This causes keyboard navigation to focus to this\n * element instead of going to the next element in\n * the tab order.\n *\n * The desired behavior is for the user to be able to\n * focus the assistive focusable element and tab to\n * the next element in the tab order. Instead of tabbing\n * to this element.\n *\n * To prevent this, we set the tabIndex to -1. This\n * will match the behavior of the other browsers.\n */\n tabIndex: -1 }, h(\"div\", { key: 'ebdc2f08c83db0cf17b4be29f28fcb00f529601e', class: \"picker-item-empty\", \"aria-hidden\": \"true\" }, \"\\u00A0\"), h(\"div\", { key: '04ab56fcb8e6a7d6af00204c4560feb99ff34a56', class: \"picker-item-empty\", \"aria-hidden\": \"true\" }, \"\\u00A0\"), h(\"div\", { key: '6cf8f538903faf0fe1e4130f3eaf7b4e2e17cb52', class: \"picker-item-empty\", \"aria-hidden\": \"true\" }, \"\\u00A0\"), h(\"slot\", { key: '1cc392307b70c576be5b81b5226ceba735957f0f' }), h(\"div\", { key: '23e3f28e2a99b9aa8b7c8f68ad9583e3ca63e9e2', class: \"picker-item-empty\", \"aria-hidden\": \"true\" }, \"\\u00A0\"), h(\"div\", { key: '8a0563f09780c3116af0caebe4f40587ec1f041f', class: \"picker-item-empty\", \"aria-hidden\": \"true\" }, \"\\u00A0\"), h(\"div\", { key: '13207e248fc0009f37e0c90a3ee2bac2f130b856', class: \"picker-item-empty\", \"aria-hidden\": \"true\" }, \"\\u00A0\")), h(\"slot\", { key: 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