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  1. {"ast":null,"code":"import _asyncToGenerator from \"F:/workspace/202226701027/huinongbao-app/node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/asyncToGenerator.js\";\n/*!\n * (C) Ionic http://ionicframework.com - MIT License\n */\nimport { w as win, d as doc } from './index-a5d50daf.js';\nimport { g as getScrollElement, c as scrollByPoint, f as findClosestIonContent } from './index-5cc724f3.js';\nimport { a as addEventListener, b as removeEventListener, r as raf, c as componentOnReady } from './helpers-da915de8.js';\nimport { a as KeyboardResize, K as Keyboard } from './keyboard-73175e24.js';\nimport './index-9b0d46f4.js';\nimport './capacitor-59395cbd.js';\nconst cloneMap = new WeakMap();\nconst relocateInput = (componentEl, inputEl, shouldRelocate, inputRelativeY = 0, disabledClonedInput = false) => {\n if (cloneMap.has(componentEl) === shouldRelocate) {\n return;\n }\n if (shouldRelocate) {\n addClone(componentEl, inputEl, inputRelativeY, disabledClonedInput);\n } else {\n removeClone(componentEl, inputEl);\n }\n};\nconst isFocused = input => {\n /**\n * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/getRootNode\n * Calling getRootNode on an element in standard web page will return HTMLDocument.\n * Calling getRootNode on an element inside of the Shadow DOM will return the associated ShadowRoot.\n * Calling getRootNode on an element that is not attached to a document/shadow tree will return\n * the root of the DOM tree it belongs to.\n * isFocused is used for the hide-caret utility which only considers input/textarea elements\n * that are present in the DOM, so we don't set types for that final case since it does not apply.\n */\n return input === input.getRootNode().activeElement;\n};\nconst addClone = (componentEl, inputEl, inputRelativeY, disabledClonedInput = false) => {\n // this allows for the actual input to receive the focus from\n // the user's touch event, but before it receives focus, it\n // moves the actual input to a location that will not screw\n // up the app's layout, and does not allow the native browser\n // to attempt to scroll the input into place (messing up headers/footers)\n // the cloned input fills the area of where native input should be\n // while the native input fakes out the browser by relocating itself\n // before it receives the actual focus event\n // We hide the focused input (with the visible caret) invisible by making it scale(0),\n const parentEl = inputEl.parentNode;\n // DOM WRITES\n const clonedEl = inputEl.cloneNode(false);\n clonedEl.classList.add('cloned-input');\n clonedEl.tabIndex = -1;\n /**\n * Making the cloned input disabled prevents\n * Chrome for Android from still scrolling\n * the entire page since this cloned input\n * will briefly be hidden by the keyboard\n * even though it is not focused.\n *\n * This is not needed on iOS. While this\n * does not cause functional issues on iOS,\n * the input still appears slightly dimmed even\n * if we set opacity: 1.\n */\n if (disabledClonedInput) {\n clonedEl.disabled = true;\n }\n parentEl.appendChild(clonedEl);\n cloneMap.set(componentEl, clonedEl);\n const doc = componentEl.ownerDocument;\n const tx = doc.dir === 'rtl' ? 9999 : -9999;\n componentEl.style.pointerEvents = 'none';\n inputEl.style.transform = `translate3d(${tx}px,${inputRelativeY}px,0) scale(0)`;\n};\nconst removeClone = (componentEl, inputEl) => {\n const clone = cloneMap.get(componentEl);\n if (clone) {\n cloneMap.delete(componentEl);\n clone.remove();\n }\n componentEl.style.pointerEvents = '';\n inputEl.style.transform = '';\n};\n/**\n * Factoring in 50px gives us some room\n * in case the keyboard shows password/autofill bars\n * asynchronously.\n */\nconst SCROLL_AMOUNT_PADDING = 50;\nconst enableHideCaretOnScroll = (componentEl, inputEl, scrollEl) => {\n if (!scrollEl || !inputEl) {\n return () => {\n return;\n };\n }\n const scrollHideCaret = shouldHideCaret => {\n if (isFocused(inputEl)) {\n relocateInput(componentEl, inputEl, shouldHideCaret);\n }\n };\n const onBlur = () => relocateInput(componentEl, inputEl, false);\n const hideCaret = () => scrollHideCaret(true);\n const showCaret = () => scrollHideCaret(false);\n addEventListener(scrollEl, 'ionScrollStart', hideCaret);\n addEventListener(scrollEl, 'ionScrollEnd', showCaret);\n inputEl.addEventListener('blur', onBlur);\n return () => {\n removeEventListener(scrollEl, 'ionScrollStart', hideCaret);\n removeEventListener(scrollEl, 'ionScrollEnd', showCaret);\n inputEl.removeEventListener('blur', onBlur);\n };\n};\nconst SKIP_SELECTOR = 'input, textarea, [no-blur], [contenteditable]';\nconst enableInputBlurring = () => {\n let focused = true;\n let didScroll = false;\n const doc = document;\n const onScroll = () => {\n didScroll = true;\n };\n const onFocusin = () => {\n focused = true;\n };\n const onTouchend = ev => {\n // if app did scroll return early\n if (didScroll) {\n didScroll = false;\n return;\n }\n const active = doc.activeElement;\n if (!active) {\n return;\n }\n // only blur if the active element is a text-input or a textarea\n if (active.matches(SKIP_SELECTOR)) {\n return;\n }\n // if the selected target is the active element, do not blur\n const tapped = ev.target;\n if (tapped === active) {\n return;\n }\n if (tapped.matches(SKIP_SELECTOR) || tapped.closest(SKIP_SELECTOR)) {\n return;\n }\n focused = false;\n // TODO FW-2796: find a better way, why 50ms?\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (!focused) {\n active.blur();\n }\n }, 50);\n };\n addEventListener(doc, 'ionScrollStart', onScroll);\n doc.addEventListener('focusin', onFocusin, true);\n doc.addEventListener('touchend', onTouchend, false);\n return () => {\n removeEventListener(doc, 'ionScrollStart', onScroll, true);\n doc.removeEventListener('focusin', onFocusin, true);\n doc.removeEventListener('touchend', onTouchend, false);\n };\n};\nconst SCROLL_ASSIST_SPEED = 0.3;\nconst getScrollData = (componentEl, contentEl, keyboardHeight, platformHeight) => {\n var _a;\n const itemEl = (_a = componentEl.closest('ion-item,[ion-item]')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : componentEl;\n return calcScrollData(itemEl.getBoundingClientRect(), contentEl.getBoundingClientRect(), keyboardHeight, platformHeight);\n};\nconst calcScrollData = (inputRect, contentRect, keyboardHeight, platformHeight) => {\n // compute input's Y values relative to the body\n const inputTop = inputRect.top;\n const inputBottom = inputRect.bottom;\n // compute visible area\n const visibleAreaTop = contentRect.top;\n const visibleAreaBottom = Math.min(contentRect.bottom, platformHeight - keyboardHeight);\n // compute safe area\n const safeAreaTop = visibleAreaTop + 15;\n const safeAreaBottom = visibleAreaBottom - SCROLL_AMOUNT_PADDING;\n // figure out if each edge of the input is within the safe area\n const distanceToBottom = safeAreaBottom - inputBottom;\n const distanceToTop = safeAreaTop - inputTop;\n // desiredScrollAmount is the negated distance to the safe area according to our calculations.\n const desiredScrollAmount = Math.round(distanceToBottom < 0 ? -distanceToBottom : distanceToTop > 0 ? -distanceToTop : 0);\n // our calculations make some assumptions that aren't always true, like the keyboard being closed when an input\n // gets focus, so make sure we don't scroll the input above the visible area\n const scrollAmount = Math.min(desiredScrollAmount, inputTop - visibleAreaTop);\n const distance = Math.abs(scrollAmount);\n const duration = distance / SCROLL_ASSIST_SPEED;\n const scrollDuration = Math.min(400, Math.max(150, duration));\n return {\n scrollAmount,\n scrollDuration,\n scrollPadding: keyboardHeight,\n inputSafeY: -(inputTop - safeAreaTop) + 4\n };\n};\nconst PADDING_TIMER_KEY = '$ionPaddingTimer';\n/**\n * Scroll padding adds additional padding to the bottom\n * of ion-content so that there is enough scroll space\n * for an input to be scrolled above the keyboard. This\n * is needed in environments where the webview does not\n * resize when the keyboard opens.\n *\n * Example: If an input at the bottom of ion-content is\n * focused, there is no additional scrolling space below\n * it, so the input cannot be scrolled above the keyboard.\n * Scroll padding fixes this by adding padding equal to the\n * height of the keyboard to the bottom of the content.\n *\n * Common environments where this is needed:\n * - Mobile Safari: The keyboard overlays the content\n * - Capacitor/Cordova on iOS: The keyboard overlays the content\n * when the KeyboardResize mode is set to 'none'.\n */\nconst setScrollPadding = (contentEl, paddingAmount, clearCallback) => {\n const timer = contentEl[PADDING_TIMER_KEY];\n if (timer) {\n clearTimeout(timer);\n }\n if (paddingAmount > 0) {\n contentEl.style.setProperty('--keyboard-offset', `${paddingAmount}px`);\n } else {\n contentEl[PADDING_TIMER_KEY] = setTimeout(() => {\n contentEl.style.setProperty('--keyboard-offset', '0px');\n if (clearCallback) {\n clearCallback();\n }\n }, 120);\n }\n};\n/**\n * When an input is about to be focused,\n * set a timeout to clear any scroll padding\n * on the content. Note: The clearing\n * is done on a timeout so that if users\n * are moving focus from one input to the next\n * then re-adding scroll padding to the new\n * input with cancel the timeout to clear the\n * scroll padding.\n */\nconst setClearScrollPaddingListener = (inputEl, contentEl, doneCallback) => {\n const clearScrollPadding = () => {\n if (contentEl) {\n setScrollPadding(contentEl, 0, doneCallback);\n }\n };\n inputEl.addEventListener('focusout', clearScrollPadding, {\n once: true\n });\n};\nlet currentPadding = 0;\nconst SKIP_SCROLL_ASSIST = 'data-ionic-skip-scroll-assist';\nconst enableScrollAssist = (componentEl, inputEl, contentEl, footerEl, keyboardHeight, enableScrollPadding, keyboardResize, disableClonedInput = false) => {\n /**\n * Scroll padding should only be added if:\n * 1. The global scrollPadding config option\n * is set to true.\n * 2. The native keyboard resize mode is either \"none\"\n * (keyboard overlays webview) or undefined (resize\n * information unavailable)\n * Resize info is available on Capacitor 4+\n */\n const addScrollPadding = enableScrollPadding && (keyboardResize === undefined || keyboardResize.mode === KeyboardResize.None);\n /**\n * This tracks whether or not the keyboard has been\n * presented for a single focused text field. Note\n * that it does not track if the keyboard is open\n * in general such as if the keyboard is open for\n * a different focused text field.\n */\n let hasKeyboardBeenPresentedForTextField = false;\n /**\n * When adding scroll padding we need to know\n * how much of the viewport the keyboard obscures.\n * We do this by subtracting the keyboard height\n * from the platform height.\n *\n * If we compute this value when switching between\n * inputs then the webview may already be resized.\n * At this point, `win.innerHeight` has already accounted\n * for the keyboard meaning we would then subtract\n * the keyboard height again. This will result in the input\n * being scrolled more than it needs to.\n */\n const platformHeight = win !== undefined ? win.innerHeight : 0;\n /**\n * Scroll assist is run when a text field\n * is focused. However, it may need to\n * re-run when the keyboard size changes\n * such that the text field is now hidden\n * underneath the keyboard.\n * This function re-runs scroll assist\n * when that happens.\n *\n * One limitation of this is on a web browser\n * where native keyboard APIs do not have cross-browser\n * support. `ionKeyboardDidShow` relies on the Visual Viewport API.\n * This means that if the keyboard changes but does not change\n * geometry, then scroll assist will not re-run even if\n * the user has scrolled the text field under the keyboard.\n * This is not a problem when running in Cordova/Capacitor\n * because `ionKeyboardDidShow` uses the native events\n * which fire every time the keyboard changes.\n */\n const keyboardShow = ev => {\n /**\n * If the keyboard has not yet been presented\n * for this text field then the text field has just\n * received focus. In that case, the focusin listener\n * will run scroll assist.\n */\n if (hasKeyboardBeenPresentedForTextField === false) {\n hasKeyboardBeenPresentedForTextField = true;\n return;\n }\n /**\n * Otherwise, the keyboard has already been presented\n * for the focused text field.\n * This means that the keyboard likely changed\n * geometry, and we need to re-run scroll assist.\n * This can happen when the user rotates their device\n * or when they switch keyboards.\n *\n * Make sure we pass in the computed keyboard height\n * rather than the estimated keyboard height.\n *\n * Since the keyboard is already open then we do not\n * need to wait for the webview to resize, so we pass\n * \"waitForResize: false\".\n */\n jsSetFocus(componentEl, inputEl, contentEl, footerEl, ev.detail.keyboardHeight, addScrollPadding, disableClonedInput, platformHeight, false);\n };\n /**\n * Reset the internal state when the text field loses focus.\n */\n const focusOut = () => {\n hasKeyboardBeenPresentedForTextField = false;\n win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.removeEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', keyboardShow);\n componentEl.removeEventListener('focusout', focusOut);\n };\n /**\n * When the input is about to receive\n * focus, we need to move it to prevent\n * mobile Safari from adjusting the viewport.\n */\n const focusIn = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref = _asyncToGenerator(function* () {\n /**\n * Scroll assist should not run again\n * on inputs that have been manually\n * focused inside of the scroll assist\n * implementation.\n */\n if (inputEl.hasAttribute(SKIP_SCROLL_ASSIST)) {\n inputEl.removeAttribute(SKIP_SCROLL_ASSIST);\n return;\n }\n jsSetFocus(componentEl, inputEl, contentEl, footerEl, keyboardHeight, addScrollPadding, disableClonedInput, platformHeight);\n win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.addEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', keyboardShow);\n componentEl.addEventListener('focusout', focusOut);\n });\n return function focusIn() {\n return _ref.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }();\n componentEl.addEventListener('focusin', focusIn);\n return () => {\n componentEl.removeEventListener('focusin', focusIn);\n win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.removeEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', keyboardShow);\n componentEl.removeEventListener('focusout', focusOut);\n };\n};\n/**\n * Use this function when you want to manually\n * focus an input but not have scroll assist run again.\n */\nconst setManualFocus = el => {\n /**\n * If element is already focused then\n * a new focusin event will not be dispatched\n * to remove the SKIL_SCROLL_ASSIST attribute.\n */\n if (document.activeElement === el) {\n return;\n }\n el.setAttribute(SKIP_SCROLL_ASSIST, 'true');\n el.focus();\n};\nconst jsSetFocus = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref2 = _asyncToGenerator(function* (componentEl, inputEl, contentEl, footerEl, keyboardHeight, enableScrollPadding, disableClonedInput = false, platformHeight = 0, waitForResize = true) {\n if (!contentEl && !footerEl) {\n return;\n }\n const scrollData = getScrollData(componentEl, contentEl || footerEl, keyboardHeight, platformHeight);\n if (contentEl && Math.abs(scrollData.scrollAmount) < 4) {\n // the text input is in a safe position that doesn't\n // require it to be scrolled into view, just set focus now\n setManualFocus(inputEl);\n /**\n * Even though the input does not need\n * scroll assist, we should preserve the\n * the scroll padding as users could be moving\n * focus from an input that needs scroll padding\n * to an input that does not need scroll padding.\n * If we remove the scroll padding now, users will\n * see the page jump.\n */\n if (enableScrollPadding && contentEl !== null) {\n setScrollPadding(contentEl, currentPadding);\n setClearScrollPaddingListener(inputEl, contentEl, () => currentPadding = 0);\n }\n return;\n }\n // temporarily move the focus to the focus holder so the browser\n // doesn't freak out while it's trying to get the input in place\n // at this point the native text input still does not have focus\n relocateInput(componentEl, inputEl, true, scrollData.inputSafeY, disableClonedInput);\n setManualFocus(inputEl);\n /**\n * Relocating/Focusing input causes the\n * click event to be cancelled, so\n * manually fire one here.\n */\n raf(() => componentEl.click());\n /**\n * If enabled, we can add scroll padding to\n * the bottom of the content so that scroll assist\n * has enough room to scroll the input above\n * the keyboard.\n */\n if (enableScrollPadding && contentEl) {\n currentPadding = scrollData.scrollPadding;\n setScrollPadding(contentEl, currentPadding);\n }\n if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n let scrollContentTimeout;\n const _scrollContent = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref3 = _asyncToGenerator(function* () {\n // clean up listeners and timeouts\n if (scrollContentTimeout !== undefined) {\n clearTimeout(scrollContentTimeout);\n }\n window.removeEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', doubleKeyboardEventListener);\n window.removeEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', _scrollContent);\n // scroll the input into place\n if (contentEl) {\n yield scrollByPoint(contentEl, 0, scrollData.scrollAmount, scrollData.scrollDuration);\n }\n // the scroll view is in the correct position now\n // give the native text input focus\n relocateInput(componentEl, inputEl, false, scrollData.inputSafeY);\n // ensure this is the focused input\n setManualFocus(inputEl);\n /**\n * When the input is about to be blurred\n * we should set a timeout to remove\n * any scroll padding.\n */\n if (enableScrollPadding) {\n setClearScrollPaddingListener(inputEl, contentEl, () => currentPadding = 0);\n }\n });\n return function scrollContent() {\n return _ref3.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }();\n const doubleKeyboardEventListener = () => {\n window.removeEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', doubleKeyboardEventListener);\n window.addEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', _scrollContent);\n };\n if (contentEl) {\n const scrollEl = yield getScrollElement(contentEl);\n /**\n * scrollData will only consider the amount we need\n * to scroll in order to properly bring the input\n * into view. It will not consider the amount\n * we can scroll in the content element.\n * As a result, scrollData may request a greater\n * scroll position than is currently available\n * in the DOM. If this is the case, we need to\n * wait for the webview to resize/the keyboard\n * to show in order for additional scroll\n * bandwidth to become available.\n */\n const totalScrollAmount = scrollEl.scrollHeight - scrollEl.clientHeight;\n if (waitForResize && scrollData.scrollAmount > totalScrollAmount - scrollEl.scrollTop) {\n /**\n * On iOS devices, the system will show a \"Passwords\" bar above the keyboard\n * after the initial keyboard is shown. This prevents the webview from resizing\n * until the \"Passwords\" bar is shown, so we need to wait for that to happen first.\n */\n if (inputEl.type === 'password') {\n // Add 50px to account for the \"Passwords\" bar\n scrollData.scrollAmount += SCROLL_AMOUNT_PADDING;\n window.addEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', doubleKeyboardEventListener);\n } else {\n window.addEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', _scrollContent);\n }\n /**\n * This should only fire in 2 instances:\n * 1. The app is very slow.\n * 2. The app is running in a browser on an old OS\n * that does not support Ionic Keyboard Events\n */\n scrollContentTimeout = setTimeout(_scrollContent, 1000);\n return;\n }\n }\n _scrollContent();\n }\n });\n return function jsSetFocus(_x, _x2, _x3, _x4, _x5, _x6) {\n return _ref2.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n}();\nconst INPUT_BLURRING = true;\nconst startInputShims = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref4 = _asyncToGenerator(function* (config, platform) {\n /**\n * If doc is undefined then we are in an SSR environment\n * where input shims do not apply.\n */\n if (doc === undefined) {\n return;\n }\n const isIOS = platform === 'ios';\n const isAndroid = platform === 'android';\n /**\n * Hide Caret and Input Blurring are needed on iOS.\n * Scroll Assist and Scroll Padding are needed on iOS and Android\n * with Chrome web browser (not Chrome webview).\n */\n const keyboardHeight = config.getNumber('keyboardHeight', 290);\n const scrollAssist = config.getBoolean('scrollAssist', true);\n const hideCaret = config.getBoolean('hideCaretOnScroll', isIOS);\n /**\n * The team is evaluating if inputBlurring is still needed. As a result\n * this feature is disabled by default as of Ionic 8.0. Developers are\n * able to re-enable it temporarily. The team may remove this utility\n * if it is determined that doing so would not bring any adverse side effects.\n * TODO FW-6014 remove input blurring utility (including implementation)\n */\n const inputBlurring = config.getBoolean('inputBlurring', false);\n const scrollPadding = config.getBoolean('scrollPadding', true);\n const inputs = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('ion-input, ion-textarea'));\n const hideCaretMap = new WeakMap();\n const scrollAssistMap = new WeakMap();\n /**\n * Grab the native keyboard resize configuration\n * and pass it to scroll assist. Scroll assist requires\n * that we adjust the input right before the input\n * is about to be focused. If we called `Keyboard.getResizeMode`\n * on focusin in scroll assist, we could potentially adjust the\n * input too late since this call is async.\n */\n const keyboardResizeMode = yield Keyboard.getResizeMode();\n const registerInput = /*#__PURE__*/function () {\n var _ref5 = _asyncToGenerator(function* (componentEl) {\n yield new Promise(resolve => componentOnReady(componentEl, resolve));\n const inputRoot = componentEl.shadowRoot || componentEl;\n const inputEl = inputRoot.querySelector('input') || inputRoot.querySelector('textarea');\n const scrollEl = findClosestIonContent(componentEl);\n const footerEl = !scrollEl ? componentEl.closest('ion-footer') : null;\n if (!inputEl) {\n return;\n }\n if (!!scrollEl && hideCaret && !hideCaretMap.has(componentEl)) {\n const rmFn = enableHideCaretOnScroll(componentEl, inputEl, scrollEl);\n hideCaretMap.set(componentEl, rmFn);\n }\n /**\n * date/datetime-locale inputs on mobile devices show date picker\n * overlays instead of keyboards. As a result, scroll assist is\n * not needed. This also works around a bug in iOS <16 where\n * scroll assist causes the browser to lock up. See FW-1997.\n */\n const isDateInput = inputEl.type === 'date' || inputEl.type === 'datetime-local';\n if (!isDateInput && (!!scrollEl || !!footerEl) && scrollAssist && !scrollAssistMap.has(componentEl)) {\n const rmFn = enableScrollAssist(componentEl, inputEl, scrollEl, footerEl, keyboardHeight, scrollPadding, keyboardResizeMode, isAndroid);\n scrollAssistMap.set(componentEl, rmFn);\n }\n });\n return function registerInput(_x9) {\n return _ref5.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n }();\n const unregisterInput = componentEl => {\n if (hideCaret) {\n const fn = hideCaretMap.get(componentEl);\n if (fn) {\n fn();\n }\n hideCaretMap.delete(componentEl);\n }\n if (scrollAssist) {\n const fn = scrollAssistMap.get(componentEl);\n if (fn) {\n fn();\n }\n scrollAssistMap.delete(componentEl);\n }\n };\n if (inputBlurring && INPUT_BLURRING) {\n enableInputBlurring();\n }\n // Input might be already loaded in the DOM before ion-device-hacks did.\n // At this point we need to look for all of the inputs not registered yet\n // and register them.\n for (const input of inputs) {\n registerInput(input);\n }\n doc.addEventListener('ionInputDidLoad', ev => {\n registerInput(ev.detail);\n });\n doc.addEventListener('ionInputDidUnload', ev => {\n unregisterInput(ev.detail);\n });\n });\n return function startInputShims(_x7, _x8) {\n return _ref4.apply(this, arguments);\n };\n}();\nexport { startInputShims };","map":{"version":3,"names":["w","win","d","doc","g","getScrollElement","c","scrollByPoint","f","findClosestIonContent","a","addEventListener","b","removeEventListener","r","raf","componentOnReady","KeyboardResize","K","Keyboard","cloneMap","WeakMap","relocateInput","componentEl","inputEl","shouldRelocate","inputRelativeY","disabledClonedInput","has","addClone","removeClone","isFocused","input","getRootNode","activeElement","parentEl","parentNode","clonedEl","cloneNode","classList","add","tabIndex","disabled","appendChild","set","ownerDocument","tx","dir","style","pointerEvents","transform","clone","get","delete","remove","SCROLL_AMOUNT_PADDING","enableHideCaretOnScroll","scrollEl","scrollHideCaret","shouldHideCaret","onBlur","hideCaret","showCaret","SKIP_SELECTOR","enableInputBlurring","focused","didScroll","document","onScroll","onFocusin","onTouchend","ev","active","matches","tapped","target","closest","setTimeout","blur","SCROLL_ASSIST_SPEED","getScrollData","contentEl","keyboardHeight","platformHeight","_a","itemEl","calcScrollData","getBoundingClientRect","inputRect","contentRect","inputTop","top","inputBottom","bottom","visibleAreaTop","visibleAreaBottom","Math","min","safeAreaTop","safeAreaBottom","distanceToBottom","distanceToTop","desiredScrollAmount","round","scrollAmount","distance","abs","duration","scrollDuration","max","scrollPadding","inputSafeY","PADDING_TIMER_KEY","setScrollPadding","paddingAmount","clearCallback","timer","clearTimeout","setProperty","setClearScrollPaddingListener","doneCallback","clearScrollPadding","once","currentPadding","SKIP_SCROLL_ASSIST","enableScrollAssist","footerEl","enableScrollPadding","keyboardResize","disableClonedInput","addScrollPadding","undefined","mode","None","hasKeyboardBeenPresentedForTextField","innerHeight","keyboardShow","jsSetFocus","detail","focusOut","focusIn","_ref","_asyncToGenerator","hasAttribute","removeAttribute","apply","arguments","setManualFocus","el","setAttribute","focus","_ref2","waitForResize","scrollData","click","window","scrollContentTimeout","scrollContent","_ref3","doubleKeyboardEventListener","totalScrollAmount","scrollHeight","clientHeight","scrollTop","type","_x","_x2","_x3","_x4","_x5","_x6","INPUT_BLURRING","startInputShims","_ref4","config","platform","isIOS","isAndroid","getNumber","scrollAssist","getBoolean","inputBlurring","inputs","Array","from","querySelectorAll","hideCaretMap","scrollAssistMap","keyboardResizeMode","getResizeMode","registerInput","_ref5","Promise","resolve","inputRoot","shadowRoot","querySelector","rmFn","isDateInput","_x9","unregisterInput","fn","_x7","_x8"],"sources":["F:/workspace/202226701027/huinongbao-app/node_modules/@ionic/core/dist/esm/input-shims-0314bbe5.js"],"sourcesContent":["/*!\n * (C) Ionic http://ionicframework.com - MIT License\n */\nimport { w as win, d as doc } from './index-a5d50daf.js';\nimport { g as getScrollElement, c as scrollByPoint, f as findClosestIonContent } from './index-5cc724f3.js';\nimport { a as addEventListener, b as removeEventListener, r as raf, c as componentOnReady } from './helpers-da915de8.js';\nimport { a as KeyboardResize, K as Keyboard } from './keyboard-73175e24.js';\nimport './index-9b0d46f4.js';\nimport './capacitor-59395cbd.js';\n\nconst cloneMap = new WeakMap();\nconst relocateInput = (componentEl, inputEl, shouldRelocate, inputRelativeY = 0, disabledClonedInput = false) => {\n if (cloneMap.has(componentEl) === shouldRelocate) {\n return;\n }\n if (shouldRelocate) {\n addClone(componentEl, inputEl, inputRelativeY, disabledClonedInput);\n }\n else {\n removeClone(componentEl, inputEl);\n }\n};\nconst isFocused = (input) => {\n /**\n * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/getRootNode\n * Calling getRootNode on an element in standard web page will return HTMLDocument.\n * Calling getRootNode on an element inside of the Shadow DOM will return the associated ShadowRoot.\n * Calling getRootNode on an element that is not attached to a document/shadow tree will return\n * the root of the DOM tree it belongs to.\n * isFocused is used for the hide-caret utility which only considers input/textarea elements\n * that are present in the DOM, so we don't set types for that final case since it does not apply.\n */\n return input === input.getRootNode().activeElement;\n};\nconst addClone = (componentEl, inputEl, inputRelativeY, disabledClonedInput = false) => {\n // this allows for the actual input to receive the focus from\n // the user's touch event, but before it receives focus, it\n // moves the actual input to a location that will not screw\n // up the app's layout, and does not allow the native browser\n // to attempt to scroll the input into place (messing up headers/footers)\n // the cloned input fills the area of where native input should be\n // while the native input fakes out the browser by relocating itself\n // before it receives the actual focus event\n // We hide the focused input (with the visible caret) invisible by making it scale(0),\n const parentEl = inputEl.parentNode;\n // DOM WRITES\n const clonedEl = inputEl.cloneNode(false);\n clonedEl.classList.add('cloned-input');\n clonedEl.tabIndex = -1;\n /**\n * Making the cloned input disabled prevents\n * Chrome for Android from still scrolling\n * the entire page since this cloned input\n * will briefly be hidden by the keyboard\n * even though it is not focused.\n *\n * This is not needed on iOS. While this\n * does not cause functional issues on iOS,\n * the input still appears slightly dimmed even\n * if we set opacity: 1.\n */\n if (disabledClonedInput) {\n clonedEl.disabled = true;\n }\n parentEl.appendChild(clonedEl);\n cloneMap.set(componentEl, clonedEl);\n const doc = componentEl.ownerDocument;\n const tx = doc.dir === 'rtl' ? 9999 : -9999;\n componentEl.style.pointerEvents = 'none';\n inputEl.style.transform = `translate3d(${tx}px,${inputRelativeY}px,0) scale(0)`;\n};\nconst removeClone = (componentEl, inputEl) => {\n const clone = cloneMap.get(componentEl);\n if (clone) {\n cloneMap.delete(componentEl);\n clone.remove();\n }\n componentEl.style.pointerEvents = '';\n inputEl.style.transform = '';\n};\n/**\n * Factoring in 50px gives us some room\n * in case the keyboard shows password/autofill bars\n * asynchronously.\n */\nconst SCROLL_AMOUNT_PADDING = 50;\n\nconst enableHideCaretOnScroll = (componentEl, inputEl, scrollEl) => {\n if (!scrollEl || !inputEl) {\n return () => {\n return;\n };\n }\n const scrollHideCaret = (shouldHideCaret) => {\n if (isFocused(inputEl)) {\n relocateInput(componentEl, inputEl, shouldHideCaret);\n }\n };\n const onBlur = () => relocateInput(componentEl, inputEl, false);\n const hideCaret = () => scrollHideCaret(true);\n const showCaret = () => scrollHideCaret(false);\n addEventListener(scrollEl, 'ionScrollStart', hideCaret);\n addEventListener(scrollEl, 'ionScrollEnd', showCaret);\n inputEl.addEventListener('blur', onBlur);\n return () => {\n removeEventListener(scrollEl, 'ionScrollStart', hideCaret);\n removeEventListener(scrollEl, 'ionScrollEnd', showCaret);\n inputEl.removeEventListener('blur', onBlur);\n };\n};\n\nconst SKIP_SELECTOR = 'input, textarea, [no-blur], [contenteditable]';\nconst enableInputBlurring = () => {\n let focused = true;\n let didScroll = false;\n const doc = document;\n const onScroll = () => {\n didScroll = true;\n };\n const onFocusin = () => {\n focused = true;\n };\n const onTouchend = (ev) => {\n // if app did scroll return early\n if (didScroll) {\n didScroll = false;\n return;\n }\n const active = doc.activeElement;\n if (!active) {\n return;\n }\n // only blur if the active element is a text-input or a textarea\n if (active.matches(SKIP_SELECTOR)) {\n return;\n }\n // if the selected target is the active element, do not blur\n const tapped = ev.target;\n if (tapped === active) {\n return;\n }\n if (tapped.matches(SKIP_SELECTOR) || tapped.closest(SKIP_SELECTOR)) {\n return;\n }\n focused = false;\n // TODO FW-2796: find a better way, why 50ms?\n setTimeout(() => {\n if (!focused) {\n active.blur();\n }\n }, 50);\n };\n addEventListener(doc, 'ionScrollStart', onScroll);\n doc.addEventListener('focusin', onFocusin, true);\n doc.addEventListener('touchend', onTouchend, false);\n return () => {\n removeEventListener(doc, 'ionScrollStart', onScroll, true);\n doc.removeEventListener('focusin', onFocusin, true);\n doc.removeEventListener('touchend', onTouchend, false);\n };\n};\n\nconst SCROLL_ASSIST_SPEED = 0.3;\nconst getScrollData = (componentEl, contentEl, keyboardHeight, platformHeight) => {\n var _a;\n const itemEl = (_a = componentEl.closest('ion-item,[ion-item]')) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : componentEl;\n return calcScrollData(itemEl.getBoundingClientRect(), contentEl.getBoundingClientRect(), keyboardHeight, platformHeight);\n};\nconst calcScrollData = (inputRect, contentRect, keyboardHeight, platformHeight) => {\n // compute input's Y values relative to the body\n const inputTop = inputRect.top;\n const inputBottom = inputRect.bottom;\n // compute visible area\n const visibleAreaTop = contentRect.top;\n const visibleAreaBottom = Math.min(contentRect.bottom, platformHeight - keyboardHeight);\n // compute safe area\n const safeAreaTop = visibleAreaTop + 15;\n const safeAreaBottom = visibleAreaBottom - SCROLL_AMOUNT_PADDING;\n // figure out if each edge of the input is within the safe area\n const distanceToBottom = safeAreaBottom - inputBottom;\n const distanceToTop = safeAreaTop - inputTop;\n // desiredScrollAmount is the negated distance to the safe area according to our calculations.\n const desiredScrollAmount = Math.round(distanceToBottom < 0 ? -distanceToBottom : distanceToTop > 0 ? -distanceToTop : 0);\n // our calculations make some assumptions that aren't always true, like the keyboard being closed when an input\n // gets focus, so make sure we don't scroll the input above the visible area\n const scrollAmount = Math.min(desiredScrollAmount, inputTop - visibleAreaTop);\n const distance = Math.abs(scrollAmount);\n const duration = distance / SCROLL_ASSIST_SPEED;\n const scrollDuration = Math.min(400, Math.max(150, duration));\n return {\n scrollAmount,\n scrollDuration,\n scrollPadding: keyboardHeight,\n inputSafeY: -(inputTop - safeAreaTop) + 4,\n };\n};\n\nconst PADDING_TIMER_KEY = '$ionPaddingTimer';\n/**\n * Scroll padding adds additional padding to the bottom\n * of ion-content so that there is enough scroll space\n * for an input to be scrolled above the keyboard. This\n * is needed in environments where the webview does not\n * resize when the keyboard opens.\n *\n * Example: If an input at the bottom of ion-content is\n * focused, there is no additional scrolling space below\n * it, so the input cannot be scrolled above the keyboard.\n * Scroll padding fixes this by adding padding equal to the\n * height of the keyboard to the bottom of the content.\n *\n * Common environments where this is needed:\n * - Mobile Safari: The keyboard overlays the content\n * - Capacitor/Cordova on iOS: The keyboard overlays the content\n * when the KeyboardResize mode is set to 'none'.\n */\nconst setScrollPadding = (contentEl, paddingAmount, clearCallback) => {\n const timer = contentEl[PADDING_TIMER_KEY];\n if (timer) {\n clearTimeout(timer);\n }\n if (paddingAmount > 0) {\n contentEl.style.setProperty('--keyboard-offset', `${paddingAmount}px`);\n }\n else {\n contentEl[PADDING_TIMER_KEY] = setTimeout(() => {\n contentEl.style.setProperty('--keyboard-offset', '0px');\n if (clearCallback) {\n clearCallback();\n }\n }, 120);\n }\n};\n/**\n * When an input is about to be focused,\n * set a timeout to clear any scroll padding\n * on the content. Note: The clearing\n * is done on a timeout so that if users\n * are moving focus from one input to the next\n * then re-adding scroll padding to the new\n * input with cancel the timeout to clear the\n * scroll padding.\n */\nconst setClearScrollPaddingListener = (inputEl, contentEl, doneCallback) => {\n const clearScrollPadding = () => {\n if (contentEl) {\n setScrollPadding(contentEl, 0, doneCallback);\n }\n };\n inputEl.addEventListener('focusout', clearScrollPadding, { once: true });\n};\n\nlet currentPadding = 0;\nconst SKIP_SCROLL_ASSIST = 'data-ionic-skip-scroll-assist';\nconst enableScrollAssist = (componentEl, inputEl, contentEl, footerEl, keyboardHeight, enableScrollPadding, keyboardResize, disableClonedInput = false) => {\n /**\n * Scroll padding should only be added if:\n * 1. The global scrollPadding config option\n * is set to true.\n * 2. The native keyboard resize mode is either \"none\"\n * (keyboard overlays webview) or undefined (resize\n * information unavailable)\n * Resize info is available on Capacitor 4+\n */\n const addScrollPadding = enableScrollPadding && (keyboardResize === undefined || keyboardResize.mode === KeyboardResize.None);\n /**\n * This tracks whether or not the keyboard has been\n * presented for a single focused text field. Note\n * that it does not track if the keyboard is open\n * in general such as if the keyboard is open for\n * a different focused text field.\n */\n let hasKeyboardBeenPresentedForTextField = false;\n /**\n * When adding scroll padding we need to know\n * how much of the viewport the keyboard obscures.\n * We do this by subtracting the keyboard height\n * from the platform height.\n *\n * If we compute this value when switching between\n * inputs then the webview may already be resized.\n * At this point, `win.innerHeight` has already accounted\n * for the keyboard meaning we would then subtract\n * the keyboard height again. This will result in the input\n * being scrolled more than it needs to.\n */\n const platformHeight = win !== undefined ? win.innerHeight : 0;\n /**\n * Scroll assist is run when a text field\n * is focused. However, it may need to\n * re-run when the keyboard size changes\n * such that the text field is now hidden\n * underneath the keyboard.\n * This function re-runs scroll assist\n * when that happens.\n *\n * One limitation of this is on a web browser\n * where native keyboard APIs do not have cross-browser\n * support. `ionKeyboardDidShow` relies on the Visual Viewport API.\n * This means that if the keyboard changes but does not change\n * geometry, then scroll assist will not re-run even if\n * the user has scrolled the text field under the keyboard.\n * This is not a problem when running in Cordova/Capacitor\n * because `ionKeyboardDidShow` uses the native events\n * which fire every time the keyboard changes.\n */\n const keyboardShow = (ev) => {\n /**\n * If the keyboard has not yet been presented\n * for this text field then the text field has just\n * received focus. In that case, the focusin listener\n * will run scroll assist.\n */\n if (hasKeyboardBeenPresentedForTextField === false) {\n hasKeyboardBeenPresentedForTextField = true;\n return;\n }\n /**\n * Otherwise, the keyboard has already been presented\n * for the focused text field.\n * This means that the keyboard likely changed\n * geometry, and we need to re-run scroll assist.\n * This can happen when the user rotates their device\n * or when they switch keyboards.\n *\n * Make sure we pass in the computed keyboard height\n * rather than the estimated keyboard height.\n *\n * Since the keyboard is already open then we do not\n * need to wait for the webview to resize, so we pass\n * \"waitForResize: false\".\n */\n jsSetFocus(componentEl, inputEl, contentEl, footerEl, ev.detail.keyboardHeight, addScrollPadding, disableClonedInput, platformHeight, false);\n };\n /**\n * Reset the internal state when the text field loses focus.\n */\n const focusOut = () => {\n hasKeyboardBeenPresentedForTextField = false;\n win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.removeEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', keyboardShow);\n componentEl.removeEventListener('focusout', focusOut);\n };\n /**\n * When the input is about to receive\n * focus, we need to move it to prevent\n * mobile Safari from adjusting the viewport.\n */\n const focusIn = async () => {\n /**\n * Scroll assist should not run again\n * on inputs that have been manually\n * focused inside of the scroll assist\n * implementation.\n */\n if (inputEl.hasAttribute(SKIP_SCROLL_ASSIST)) {\n inputEl.removeAttribute(SKIP_SCROLL_ASSIST);\n return;\n }\n jsSetFocus(componentEl, inputEl, contentEl, footerEl, keyboardHeight, addScrollPadding, disableClonedInput, platformHeight);\n win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.addEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', keyboardShow);\n componentEl.addEventListener('focusout', focusOut);\n };\n componentEl.addEventListener('focusin', focusIn);\n return () => {\n componentEl.removeEventListener('focusin', focusIn);\n win === null || win === void 0 ? void 0 : win.removeEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', keyboardShow);\n componentEl.removeEventListener('focusout', focusOut);\n };\n};\n/**\n * Use this function when you want to manually\n * focus an input but not have scroll assist run again.\n */\nconst setManualFocus = (el) => {\n /**\n * If element is already focused then\n * a new focusin event will not be dispatched\n * to remove the SKIL_SCROLL_ASSIST attribute.\n */\n if (document.activeElement === el) {\n return;\n }\n el.setAttribute(SKIP_SCROLL_ASSIST, 'true');\n el.focus();\n};\nconst jsSetFocus = async (componentEl, inputEl, contentEl, footerEl, keyboardHeight, enableScrollPadding, disableClonedInput = false, platformHeight = 0, waitForResize = true) => {\n if (!contentEl && !footerEl) {\n return;\n }\n const scrollData = getScrollData(componentEl, (contentEl || footerEl), keyboardHeight, platformHeight);\n if (contentEl && Math.abs(scrollData.scrollAmount) < 4) {\n // the text input is in a safe position that doesn't\n // require it to be scrolled into view, just set focus now\n setManualFocus(inputEl);\n /**\n * Even though the input does not need\n * scroll assist, we should preserve the\n * the scroll padding as users could be moving\n * focus from an input that needs scroll padding\n * to an input that does not need scroll padding.\n * If we remove the scroll padding now, users will\n * see the page jump.\n */\n if (enableScrollPadding && contentEl !== null) {\n setScrollPadding(contentEl, currentPadding);\n setClearScrollPaddingListener(inputEl, contentEl, () => (currentPadding = 0));\n }\n return;\n }\n // temporarily move the focus to the focus holder so the browser\n // doesn't freak out while it's trying to get the input in place\n // at this point the native text input still does not have focus\n relocateInput(componentEl, inputEl, true, scrollData.inputSafeY, disableClonedInput);\n setManualFocus(inputEl);\n /**\n * Relocating/Focusing input causes the\n * click event to be cancelled, so\n * manually fire one here.\n */\n raf(() => componentEl.click());\n /**\n * If enabled, we can add scroll padding to\n * the bottom of the content so that scroll assist\n * has enough room to scroll the input above\n * the keyboard.\n */\n if (enableScrollPadding && contentEl) {\n currentPadding = scrollData.scrollPadding;\n setScrollPadding(contentEl, currentPadding);\n }\n if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n let scrollContentTimeout;\n const scrollContent = async () => {\n // clean up listeners and timeouts\n if (scrollContentTimeout !== undefined) {\n clearTimeout(scrollContentTimeout);\n }\n window.removeEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', doubleKeyboardEventListener);\n window.removeEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', scrollContent);\n // scroll the input into place\n if (contentEl) {\n await scrollByPoint(contentEl, 0, scrollData.scrollAmount, scrollData.scrollDuration);\n }\n // the scroll view is in the correct position now\n // give the native text input focus\n relocateInput(componentEl, inputEl, false, scrollData.inputSafeY);\n // ensure this is the focused input\n setManualFocus(inputEl);\n /**\n * When the input is about to be blurred\n * we should set a timeout to remove\n * any scroll padding.\n */\n if (enableScrollPadding) {\n setClearScrollPaddingListener(inputEl, contentEl, () => (currentPadding = 0));\n }\n };\n const doubleKeyboardEventListener = () => {\n window.removeEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', doubleKeyboardEventListener);\n window.addEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', scrollContent);\n };\n if (contentEl) {\n const scrollEl = await getScrollElement(contentEl);\n /**\n * scrollData will only consider the amount we need\n * to scroll in order to properly bring the input\n * into view. It will not consider the amount\n * we can scroll in the content element.\n * As a result, scrollData may request a greater\n * scroll position than is currently available\n * in the DOM. If this is the case, we need to\n * wait for the webview to resize/the keyboard\n * to show in order for additional scroll\n * bandwidth to become available.\n */\n const totalScrollAmount = scrollEl.scrollHeight - scrollEl.clientHeight;\n if (waitForResize && scrollData.scrollAmount > totalScrollAmount - scrollEl.scrollTop) {\n /**\n * On iOS devices, the system will show a \"Passwords\" bar above the keyboard\n * after the initial keyboard is shown. This prevents the webview from resizing\n * until the \"Passwords\" bar is shown, so we need to wait for that to happen first.\n */\n if (inputEl.type === 'password') {\n // Add 50px to account for the \"Passwords\" bar\n scrollData.scrollAmount += SCROLL_AMOUNT_PADDING;\n window.addEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', doubleKeyboardEventListener);\n }\n else {\n window.addEventListener('ionKeyboardDidShow', scrollContent);\n }\n /**\n * This should only fire in 2 instances:\n * 1. The app is very slow.\n * 2. The app is running in a browser on an old OS\n * that does not support Ionic Keyboard Events\n */\n scrollContentTimeout = setTimeout(scrollContent, 1000);\n return;\n }\n }\n scrollContent();\n }\n};\n\nconst INPUT_BLURRING = true;\nconst startInputShims = async (config, platform) => {\n /**\n * If doc is undefined then we are in an SSR environment\n * where input shims do not apply.\n */\n if (doc === undefined) {\n return;\n }\n const isIOS = platform === 'ios';\n const isAndroid = platform === 'android';\n /**\n * Hide Caret and Input Blurring are needed on iOS.\n * Scroll Assist and Scroll Padding are needed on iOS and Android\n * with Chrome web browser (not Chrome webview).\n */\n const keyboardHeight = config.getNumber('keyboardHeight', 290);\n const scrollAssist = config.getBoolean('scrollAssist', true);\n const hideCaret = config.getBoolean('hideCaretOnScroll', isIOS);\n /**\n * The team is evaluating if inputBlurring is still needed. As a result\n * this feature is disabled by default as of Ionic 8.0. Developers are\n * able to re-enable it temporarily. The team may remove this utility\n * if it is determined that doing so would not bring any adverse side effects.\n * TODO FW-6014 remove input blurring utility (including implementation)\n */\n const inputBlurring = config.getBoolean('inputBlurring', false);\n const scrollPadding = config.getBoolean('scrollPadding', true);\n const inputs = Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll('ion-input, ion-textarea'));\n const hideCaretMap = new WeakMap();\n const scrollAssistMap = new WeakMap();\n /**\n * Grab the native keyboard resize configuration\n * and pass it to scroll assist. Scroll assist requires\n * that we adjust the input right before the input\n * is about to be focused. If we called `Keyboard.getResizeMode`\n * on focusin in scroll assist, we could potentially adjust the\n * input too late since this call is async.\n */\n const keyboardResizeMode = await Keyboard.getResizeMode();\n const registerInput = async (componentEl) => {\n await new Promise((resolve) => componentOnReady(componentEl, resolve));\n const inputRoot = componentEl.shadowRoot || componentEl;\n const inputEl = inputRoot.querySelector('input') || inputRoot.querySelector('textarea');\n const scrollEl = findClosestIonContent(componentEl);\n const footerEl = !scrollEl ? componentEl.closest('ion-footer') : null;\n if (!inputEl) {\n return;\n }\n if (!!scrollEl && hideCaret && !hideCaretMap.has(componentEl)) {\n const rmFn = enableHideCaretOnScroll(componentEl, inputEl, scrollEl);\n hideCaretMap.set(componentEl, rmFn);\n }\n /**\n * date/datetime-locale inputs on mobile devices show date picker\n * overlays instead of keyboards. As a result, scroll assist is\n * not needed. This also works around a bug in iOS <16 where\n * scroll assist causes the browser to lock up. See FW-1997.\n */\n const isDateInput = inputEl.type === 'date' || inputEl.type === 'datetime-local';\n if (!isDateInput &&\n (!!scrollEl || !!footerEl) &&\n scrollAssist &&\n !scrollAssistMap.has(componentEl)) {\n const rmFn = enableScrollAssist(componentEl, inputEl, scrollEl, footerEl, keyboardHeight, scrollPadding, keyboardResizeMode, isAndroid);\n scrollAssistMap.set(componentEl, rmFn);\n }\n };\n const unregisterInput = (componentEl) => {\n if (hideCaret) {\n const fn = hideCaretMap.get(componentEl);\n if (fn) {\n fn();\n }\n hideCaretMap.delete(componentEl);\n }\n if (scrollAssist) {\n const fn = scrollAssistMap.get(componentEl);\n if (fn) {\n fn();\n }\n scrollAssistMap.delete(componentEl);\n }\n };\n if (inputBlurring && INPUT_BLURRING) {\n enableInputBlurring();\n }\n // Input might be already loaded in the DOM before ion-device-hacks did.\n // At this point we need to look for all of the inputs not registered yet\n // and register them.\n for (const input of inputs) {\n registerInput(input);\n }\n doc.addEventListener('ionInputDidLoad', (ev) => {\n registerInput(ev.detail);\n });\n doc.addEventListener('ionInputDidUnload', (ev) => {\n unregisterInput(ev.detail);\n });\n};\n\nexport { startInputShims 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