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  1. {"ast":null,"code":"/**\n * Composed of a frame, and an action function\n */\nexport class AnimationEvent {\n /**\n * Initializes the animation event\n * @param frame The frame for which the event is triggered\n * @param action The event to perform when triggered\n * @param onlyOnce Specifies if the event should be triggered only once\n */\n constructor( /** The frame for which the event is triggered **/\n frame, /** The event to perform when triggered **/\n action, /** Specifies if the event should be triggered only once**/\n onlyOnce) {\n this.frame = frame;\n this.action = action;\n this.onlyOnce = onlyOnce;\n /**\n * Specifies if the animation event is done\n */\n this.isDone = false;\n }\n /** @internal */\n _clone() {\n return new AnimationEvent(this.frame, this.action, this.onlyOnce);\n }\n}","map":{"version":3,"names":["AnimationEvent","constructor","frame","action","onlyOnce","isDone","_clone"],"sources":["F:/workspace/202226701027/huinongbao-app/node_modules/@babylonjs/core/Animations/animationEvent.js"],"sourcesContent":["/**\n * Composed of a frame, and an action function\n */\nexport class AnimationEvent {\n /**\n * Initializes the animation event\n * @param frame The frame for which the event is triggered\n * @param action The event to perform when triggered\n * @param onlyOnce Specifies if the event should be triggered only once\n */\n constructor(\n /** The frame for which the event is triggered **/\n frame, \n /** The event to perform when triggered **/\n action, \n /** Specifies if the event should be triggered only once**/\n onlyOnce) {\n this.frame = frame;\n this.action = action;\n this.onlyOnce = onlyOnce;\n /**\n * Specifies if the animation event is done\n */\n this.isDone = false;\n }\n /** @internal */\n _clone() {\n return new AnimationEvent(this.frame, this.action, this.onlyOnce);\n }\n}\n"],"mappings":"AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA,OAAO,MAAMA,cAAc,CAAC;EACxB;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACIC,WAAWA,CAAA,CACX;EACAC,KAAK,EACL;EACAC,MAAM,EACN;EACAC,QAAQ,EAAE;IACN,IAAI,CAACF,KAAK,GAAGA,KAAK;IAClB,IAAI,CAACC,MAAM,GAAGA,MAAM;IACpB,IAAI,CAACC,QAAQ,GAAGA,QAAQ;IACxB;AACR;AACA;IACQ,IAAI,CAACC,MAAM,GAAG,KAAK;EACvB;EACA;EACAC,MAAMA,CAAA,EAAG;IACL,OAAO,IAAIN,cAAc,CAAC,IAAI,CAACE,KAAK,EAAE,IAAI,CAACC,MAAM,EAAE,IAAI,CAACC,QAAQ,CAAC;EACrE;AACJ","ignoreList":[]},"metadata":{},"sourceType":"module","externalDependencies":[]}