541dad2509c7953b299b71fa636b2b356a46f2bd0e6330fac513d1c1258d6e09.json 165 KB

  1. {"ast":null,"code":"import { BuildArray } from \"../Misc/arrayTools.js\";\nimport { RegisterClass } from \"../Misc/typeStore.js\";\nimport { Epsilon, ToGammaSpace, ToLinearSpace } from \"./math.constants.js\";\nimport { Clamp, ToHex, WithinEpsilon } from \"./math.scalar.functions.js\";\nfunction colorChannelToLinearSpace(color) {\n return Math.pow(color, ToLinearSpace);\n}\nfunction colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(color) {\n if (color <= 0.04045) {\n return 0.0773993808 * color;\n }\n return Math.pow(0.947867299 * (color + 0.055), 2.4);\n}\nfunction colorChannelToGammaSpace(color) {\n return Math.pow(color, ToGammaSpace);\n}\nfunction colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(color) {\n if (color <= 0.0031308) {\n return 12.92 * color;\n }\n return 1.055 * Math.pow(color, 0.41666) - 0.055;\n}\n/**\n * Class used to hold a RGB color\n */\nexport class Color3 {\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 object from red, green, blue values, all between 0 and 1\n * @param r defines the red component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n * @param g defines the green component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n * @param b defines the blue component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n constructor(\n /**\n * [0] Defines the red component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n r = 0,\n /**\n * [0] Defines the green component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n g = 0,\n /**\n * [0] Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n b = 0) {\n this.r = r;\n this.g = g;\n this.b = b;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a string with the Color3 current values\n * @returns the string representation of the Color3 object\n */\n toString() {\n return \"{R: \" + this.r + \" G:\" + this.g + \" B:\" + this.b + \"}\";\n }\n /**\n * Returns the string \"Color3\"\n * @returns \"Color3\"\n */\n getClassName() {\n return \"Color3\";\n }\n /**\n * Compute the Color3 hash code\n * @returns an unique number that can be used to hash Color3 objects\n */\n getHashCode() {\n let hash = this.r * 255 | 0;\n hash = hash * 397 ^ (this.g * 255 | 0);\n hash = hash * 397 ^ (this.b * 255 | 0);\n return hash;\n }\n // Operators\n /**\n * Stores in the given array from the given starting index the red, green, blue values as successive elements\n * @param array defines the array where to store the r,g,b components\n * @param index defines an optional index in the target array to define where to start storing values\n * @returns the current Color3 object\n */\n toArray(array, index = 0) {\n array[index] = this.r;\n array[index + 1] = this.g;\n array[index + 2] = this.b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Update the current color with values stored in an array from the starting index of the given array\n * @param array defines the source array\n * @param offset defines an offset in the source array\n * @returns the current Color3 object\n */\n fromArray(array, offset = 0) {\n Color3.FromArrayToRef(array, offset, this);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color4 object from the current Color3 and the given alpha\n * @param alpha defines the alpha component on the new Color4 object (default is 1)\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n toColor4(alpha = 1) {\n return new Color4(this.r, this.g, this.b, alpha);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new array populated with 3 numeric elements : red, green and blue values\n * @returns the new array\n */\n asArray() {\n return [this.r, this.g, this.b];\n }\n /**\n * Returns the luminance value\n * @returns a float value\n */\n toLuminance() {\n return this.r * 0.3 + this.g * 0.59 + this.b * 0.11;\n }\n /**\n * Multiply each Color3 rgb values by the given Color3 rgb values in a new Color3 object\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the new Color3 object\n */\n multiply(otherColor) {\n return new Color3(this.r * otherColor.r, this.g * otherColor.g, this.b * otherColor.b);\n }\n /**\n * Multiply the rgb values of the Color3 and the given Color3 and stores the result in the object \"result\"\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @param result defines the Color3 object where to store the result\n * @returns the result Color3\n */\n multiplyToRef(otherColor, result) {\n result.r = this.r * otherColor.r;\n result.g = this.g * otherColor.g;\n result.b = this.b * otherColor.b;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Multiplies the current Color3 coordinates by the given ones\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n multiplyInPlace(otherColor) {\n this.r *= otherColor.r;\n this.g *= otherColor.g;\n this.b *= otherColor.b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color3 set with the result of the multiplication of the current Color3 coordinates by the given floats\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the new Color3\n */\n multiplyByFloats(r, g, b) {\n return new Color3(this.r * r, this.g * g, this.b * b);\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n divide(_other) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not divide a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n divideToRef(_other, _result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not divide a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n divideInPlace(_other) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not divide a color\");\n }\n /**\n * Updates the current Color3 with the minimal coordinate values between its and the given color ones\n * @param other defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n minimizeInPlace(other) {\n return this.minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(other.r, other.g, other.b);\n }\n /**\n * Updates the current Color3 with the maximal coordinate values between its and the given color ones.\n * @param other defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n maximizeInPlace(other) {\n return this.maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(other.r, other.g, other.b);\n }\n /**\n * Updates the current Color3 with the minimal coordinate values between its and the given coordinates\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(r, g, b) {\n this.r = Math.min(r, this.r);\n this.g = Math.min(g, this.g);\n this.b = Math.min(b, this.b);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Updates the current Color3 with the maximal coordinate values between its and the given coordinates.\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(r, g, b) {\n this.r = Math.max(r, this.r);\n this.g = Math.max(g, this.g);\n this.b = Math.max(b, this.b);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n floorToRef(_result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not floor a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n floor() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not floor a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n fractToRef(_result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not fract a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n fract() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not fract a color\");\n }\n /**\n * Determines equality between Color3 objects\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns true if the rgb values are equal to the given ones\n */\n equals(otherColor) {\n return otherColor && this.r === otherColor.r && this.g === otherColor.g && this.b === otherColor.b;\n }\n /**\n * Alias for equalsToFloats\n * @param r red color component\n * @param g green color component\n * @param b blue color component\n * @returns boolean\n */\n equalsFloats(r, g, b) {\n return this.equalsToFloats(r, g, b);\n }\n /**\n * Determines equality between the current Color3 object and a set of r,b,g values\n * @param r defines the red component to check\n * @param g defines the green component to check\n * @param b defines the blue component to check\n * @returns true if the rgb values are equal to the given ones\n */\n equalsToFloats(r, g, b) {\n return this.r === r && this.g === g && this.b === b;\n }\n /**\n * Returns true if the current Color3 and the given color coordinates are distant less than epsilon\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @param epsilon defines the minimal distance to define values as equals\n * @returns true if both colors are distant less than epsilon\n */\n equalsWithEpsilon(otherColor, epsilon = Epsilon) {\n return WithinEpsilon(this.r, otherColor.r, epsilon) && WithinEpsilon(this.g, otherColor.g, epsilon) && WithinEpsilon(this.b, otherColor.b, epsilon);\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n negate() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not negate a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n negateInPlace() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not negate a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n negateToRef(_result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not negate a color\");\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 with the current Color3 values multiplied by scale\n * @param scale defines the scaling factor to apply\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n scale(scale) {\n return new Color3(this.r * scale, this.g * scale, this.b * scale);\n }\n /**\n * Multiplies the Color3 values by the float \"scale\"\n * @param scale defines the scaling factor to apply\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n scaleInPlace(scale) {\n this.r *= scale;\n this.g *= scale;\n this.b *= scale;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Multiplies the rgb values by scale and stores the result into \"result\"\n * @param scale defines the scaling factor\n * @param result defines the Color3 object where to store the result\n * @returns the result Color3\n */\n scaleToRef(scale, result) {\n result.r = this.r * scale;\n result.g = this.g * scale;\n result.b = this.b * scale;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Scale the current Color3 values by a factor and add the result to a given Color3\n * @param scale defines the scale factor\n * @param result defines color to store the result into\n * @returns the result Color3\n */\n scaleAndAddToRef(scale, result) {\n result.r += this.r * scale;\n result.g += this.g * scale;\n result.b += this.b * scale;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Clamps the rgb values by the min and max values and stores the result into \"result\"\n * @param min defines minimum clamping value (default is 0)\n * @param max defines maximum clamping value (default is 1)\n * @param result defines color to store the result into\n * @returns the result Color3\n */\n clampToRef(min = 0, max = 1, result) {\n result.r = Clamp(this.r, min, max);\n result.g = Clamp(this.g, min, max);\n result.b = Clamp(this.b, min, max);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 set with the added values of the current Color3 and of the given one\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the new Color3\n */\n add(otherColor) {\n return new Color3(this.r + otherColor.r, this.g + otherColor.g, this.b + otherColor.b);\n }\n /**\n * Adds the given color to the current Color3\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n addInPlace(otherColor) {\n this.r += otherColor.r;\n this.g += otherColor.g;\n this.b += otherColor.b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Adds the given coordinates to the current Color3\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n addInPlaceFromFloats(r, g, b) {\n this.r += r;\n this.g += g;\n this.b += b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Stores the result of the addition of the current Color3 and given one rgb values into \"result\"\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @param result defines Color3 object to store the result into\n * @returns the unmodified current Color3\n */\n addToRef(otherColor, result) {\n result.r = this.r + otherColor.r;\n result.g = this.g + otherColor.g;\n result.b = this.b + otherColor.b;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color3 set with the subtracted values of the given one from the current Color3\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the new Color3\n */\n subtract(otherColor) {\n return new Color3(this.r - otherColor.r, this.g - otherColor.g, this.b - otherColor.b);\n }\n /**\n * Stores the result of the subtraction of given one from the current Color3 rgb values into \"result\"\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @param result defines Color3 object to store the result into\n * @returns the unmodified current Color3\n */\n subtractToRef(otherColor, result) {\n result.r = this.r - otherColor.r;\n result.g = this.g - otherColor.g;\n result.b = this.b - otherColor.b;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Subtract the given color from the current Color3\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n subtractInPlace(otherColor) {\n this.r -= otherColor.r;\n this.g -= otherColor.g;\n this.b -= otherColor.b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color3 set with the subtraction of the given floats from the current Color3 coordinates\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the resulting Color3\n */\n subtractFromFloats(r, g, b) {\n return new Color3(this.r - r, this.g - g, this.b - b);\n }\n /**\n * Subtracts the given floats from the current Color3 coordinates and set the given color \"result\" with this result\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @param result defines the Color3 object where to store the result\n * @returns the result\n */\n subtractFromFloatsToRef(r, g, b, result) {\n result.r = this.r - r;\n result.g = this.g - g;\n result.b = this.b - b;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Copy the current object\n * @returns a new Color3 copied the current one\n */\n clone() {\n return new Color3(this.r, this.g, this.b);\n }\n /**\n * Copies the rgb values from the source in the current Color3\n * @param source defines the source Color3 object\n * @returns the updated Color3 object\n */\n copyFrom(source) {\n this.r = source.r;\n this.g = source.g;\n this.b = source.b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Updates the Color3 rgb values from the given floats\n * @param r defines the red component to read from\n * @param g defines the green component to read from\n * @param b defines the blue component to read from\n * @returns the current Color3 object\n */\n copyFromFloats(r, g, b) {\n this.r = r;\n this.g = g;\n this.b = b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Updates the Color3 rgb values from the given floats\n * @param r defines the red component to read from\n * @param g defines the green component to read from\n * @param b defines the blue component to read from\n * @returns the current Color3 object\n */\n set(r, g, b) {\n return this.copyFromFloats(r, g, b);\n }\n /**\n * Copies the given float to the current Color3 coordinates\n * @param v defines the r, g and b coordinates of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n setAll(v) {\n this.r = this.g = this.b = v;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Compute the Color3 hexadecimal code as a string\n * @returns a string containing the hexadecimal representation of the Color3 object\n */\n toHexString() {\n const intR = Math.round(this.r * 255);\n const intG = Math.round(this.g * 255);\n const intB = Math.round(this.b * 255);\n return \"#\" + ToHex(intR) + ToHex(intG) + ToHex(intB);\n }\n /**\n * Updates the Color3 rgb values from the string containing valid hexadecimal values\n * @param hex defines a string containing valid hexadecimal values\n * @returns the current Color3 object\n */\n fromHexString(hex) {\n if (hex.substring(0, 1) !== \"#\" || hex.length !== 7) {\n return this;\n }\n this.r = parseInt(hex.substring(1, 3), 16) / 255;\n this.g = parseInt(hex.substring(3, 5), 16) / 255;\n this.b = parseInt(hex.substring(5, 7), 16) / 255;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Converts current color in rgb space to HSV values\n * @returns a new color3 representing the HSV values\n */\n toHSV() {\n return this.toHSVToRef(new Color3());\n }\n /**\n * Converts current color in rgb space to HSV values\n * @param result defines the Color3 where to store the HSV values\n * @returns the updated result\n */\n toHSVToRef(result) {\n const r = this.r;\n const g = this.g;\n const b = this.b;\n const max = Math.max(r, g, b);\n const min = Math.min(r, g, b);\n let h = 0;\n let s = 0;\n const v = max;\n const dm = max - min;\n if (max !== 0) {\n s = dm / max;\n }\n if (max != min) {\n if (max == r) {\n h = (g - b) / dm;\n if (g < b) {\n h += 6;\n }\n } else if (max == g) {\n h = (b - r) / dm + 2;\n } else if (max == b) {\n h = (r - g) / dm + 4;\n }\n h *= 60;\n }\n result.r = h;\n result.g = s;\n result.b = v;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Computes a new Color3 converted from the current one to linear space\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n toLinearSpace(exact = false) {\n const convertedColor = new Color3();\n this.toLinearSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact);\n return convertedColor;\n }\n /**\n * Converts the Color3 values to linear space and stores the result in \"convertedColor\"\n * @param convertedColor defines the Color3 object where to store the linear space version\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns the unmodified Color3\n */\n toLinearSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact = false) {\n if (exact) {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(this.b);\n } else {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToLinearSpace(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToLinearSpace(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToLinearSpace(this.b);\n }\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Computes a new Color3 converted from the current one to gamma space\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n toGammaSpace(exact = false) {\n const convertedColor = new Color3();\n this.toGammaSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact);\n return convertedColor;\n }\n /**\n * Converts the Color3 values to gamma space and stores the result in \"convertedColor\"\n * @param convertedColor defines the Color3 object where to store the gamma space version\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns the unmodified Color3\n */\n toGammaSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact = false) {\n if (exact) {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(this.b);\n } else {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToGammaSpace(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToGammaSpace(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToGammaSpace(this.b);\n }\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Converts Hue, saturation and value to a Color3 (RGB)\n * @param hue defines the hue (value between 0 and 360)\n * @param saturation defines the saturation (value between 0 and 1)\n * @param value defines the value (value between 0 and 1)\n * @param result defines the Color3 where to store the RGB values\n * @returns the updated result\n */\n static HSVtoRGBToRef(hue, saturation, value, result) {\n const chroma = value * saturation;\n const h = hue / 60;\n const x = chroma * (1 - Math.abs(h % 2 - 1));\n let r = 0;\n let g = 0;\n let b = 0;\n if (h >= 0 && h <= 1) {\n r = chroma;\n g = x;\n } else if (h >= 1 && h <= 2) {\n r = x;\n g = chroma;\n } else if (h >= 2 && h <= 3) {\n g = chroma;\n b = x;\n } else if (h >= 3 && h <= 4) {\n g = x;\n b = chroma;\n } else if (h >= 4 && h <= 5) {\n r = x;\n b = chroma;\n } else if (h >= 5 && h <= 6) {\n r = chroma;\n b = x;\n }\n const m = value - chroma;\n result.r = r + m;\n result.g = g + m;\n result.b = b + m;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Converts Hue, saturation and value to a new Color3 (RGB)\n * @param hue defines the hue (value between 0 and 360)\n * @param saturation defines the saturation (value between 0 and 1)\n * @param value defines the value (value between 0 and 1)\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static FromHSV(hue, saturation, value) {\n const result = new Color3(0, 0, 0);\n Color3.HSVtoRGBToRef(hue, saturation, value, result);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 from the string containing valid hexadecimal values\n * @param hex defines a string containing valid hexadecimal values\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static FromHexString(hex) {\n return new Color3(0, 0, 0).fromHexString(hex);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 from the starting index of the given array\n * @param array defines the source array\n * @param offset defines an offset in the source array\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static FromArray(array, offset = 0) {\n return new Color3(array[offset], array[offset + 1], array[offset + 2]);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 from the starting index element of the given array\n * @param array defines the source array to read from\n * @param offset defines the offset in the source array\n * @param result defines the target Color3 object\n */\n static FromArrayToRef(array, offset = 0, result) {\n result.r = array[offset];\n result.g = array[offset + 1];\n result.b = array[offset + 2];\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 from integer values (\\< 256)\n * @param r defines the red component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @param g defines the green component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @param b defines the blue component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static FromInts(r, g, b) {\n return new Color3(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 with values linearly interpolated of \"amount\" between the start Color3 and the end Color3\n * @param start defines the start Color3 value\n * @param end defines the end Color3 value\n * @param amount defines the gradient value between start and end\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Lerp(start, end, amount) {\n const result = new Color3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n Color3.LerpToRef(start, end, amount, result);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 with values linearly interpolated of \"amount\" between the start Color3 and the end Color3\n * @param left defines the start value\n * @param right defines the end value\n * @param amount defines the gradient factor\n * @param result defines the Color3 object where to store the result\n */\n static LerpToRef(left, right, amount, result) {\n result.r = left.r + (right.r - left.r) * amount;\n result.g = left.g + (right.g - left.g) * amount;\n result.b = left.b + (right.b - left.b) * amount;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color3 located for \"amount\" (float) on the Hermite interpolation spline defined by the vectors \"value1\", \"tangent1\", \"value2\", \"tangent2\"\n * @param value1 defines the first control point\n * @param tangent1 defines the first tangent Color3\n * @param value2 defines the second control point\n * @param tangent2 defines the second tangent Color3\n * @param amount defines the amount on the interpolation spline (between 0 and 1)\n * @returns the new Color3\n */\n static Hermite(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, amount) {\n const squared = amount * amount;\n const cubed = amount * squared;\n const part1 = 2.0 * cubed - 3.0 * squared + 1.0;\n const part2 = -2.0 * cubed + 3.0 * squared;\n const part3 = cubed - 2.0 * squared + amount;\n const part4 = cubed - squared;\n const r = value1.r * part1 + value2.r * part2 + tangent1.r * part3 + tangent2.r * part4;\n const g = value1.g * part1 + value2.g * part2 + tangent1.g * part3 + tangent2.g * part4;\n const b = value1.b * part1 + value2.b * part2 + tangent1.b * part3 + tangent2.b * part4;\n return new Color3(r, g, b);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color3 which is the 1st derivative of the Hermite spline defined by the colors \"value1\", \"value2\", \"tangent1\", \"tangent2\".\n * @param value1 defines the first control point\n * @param tangent1 defines the first tangent\n * @param value2 defines the second control point\n * @param tangent2 defines the second tangent\n * @param time define where the derivative must be done\n * @returns 1st derivative\n */\n static Hermite1stDerivative(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, time) {\n const result = Color3.Black();\n this.Hermite1stDerivativeToRef(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, time, result);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color3 which is the 1st derivative of the Hermite spline defined by the colors \"value1\", \"value2\", \"tangent1\", \"tangent2\".\n * @param value1 defines the first control point\n * @param tangent1 defines the first tangent\n * @param value2 defines the second control point\n * @param tangent2 defines the second tangent\n * @param time define where the derivative must be done\n * @param result define where to store the derivative\n */\n static Hermite1stDerivativeToRef(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, time, result) {\n const t2 = time * time;\n result.r = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.r + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.r + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.r + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.r;\n result.g = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.g + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.g + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.g + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.g;\n result.b = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.b + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.b + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.b + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.b;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a red color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Red() {\n return new Color3(1, 0, 0);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a green color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Green() {\n return new Color3(0, 1, 0);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a blue color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Blue() {\n return new Color3(0, 0, 1);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a black color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Black() {\n return new Color3(0, 0, 0);\n }\n /**\n * Gets a Color3 value containing a black color that must not be updated\n */\n static get BlackReadOnly() {\n return Color3._BlackReadOnly;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a white color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static White() {\n return new Color3(1, 1, 1);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a purple color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Purple() {\n return new Color3(0.5, 0, 0.5);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a magenta color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Magenta() {\n return new Color3(1, 0, 1);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a yellow color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Yellow() {\n return new Color3(1, 1, 0);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a gray color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Gray() {\n return new Color3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a teal color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Teal() {\n return new Color3(0, 1.0, 1.0);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a random color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Random() {\n return new Color3(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random());\n }\n}\n/**\n * If the first color is flagged with integers (as everything is 0,0,0), V8 stores all of the properties as integers internally because it doesn't know any better yet.\n * If subsequent colors are created with non-integer values, V8 determines that it would be best to represent these properties as doubles instead of integers,\n * and henceforth it will use floating-point representation for all color instances that it creates.\n * But the original color instances are unchanged and has a \"deprecated map\".\n * If we keep using the color instances from step 1, it will now be a poison pill which will mess up optimizations in any code it touches.\n */\nColor3._V8PerformanceHack = new Color3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n// Statics\nColor3._BlackReadOnly = Color3.Black();\nObject.defineProperties(Color3.prototype, {\n dimension: {\n value: [3]\n },\n rank: {\n value: 1\n }\n});\n/**\n * Class used to hold a RBGA color\n */\nexport class Color4 {\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 object from red, green, blue values, all between 0 and 1\n * @param r defines the red component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n * @param g defines the green component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n * @param b defines the blue component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n * @param a defines the alpha component (between 0 and 1, default is 1)\n */\n constructor(\n /**\n * [0] Defines the red component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n r = 0,\n /**\n * [0] Defines the green component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n g = 0,\n /**\n * [0] Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n b = 0,\n /**\n * [1] Defines the alpha component (between 0 and 1, default is 1)\n */\n a = 1) {\n this.r = r;\n this.g = g;\n this.b = b;\n this.a = a;\n }\n // Operators\n /**\n * Creates a new array populated with 4 numeric elements : red, green, blue, alpha values\n * @returns the new array\n */\n asArray() {\n return [this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a];\n }\n /**\n * Stores from the starting index in the given array the Color4 successive values\n * @param array defines the array where to store the r,g,b components\n * @param index defines an optional index in the target array to define where to start storing values\n * @returns the current Color4 object\n */\n toArray(array, index = 0) {\n array[index] = this.r;\n array[index + 1] = this.g;\n array[index + 2] = this.b;\n array[index + 3] = this.a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Update the current color with values stored in an array from the starting index of the given array\n * @param array defines the source array\n * @param offset defines an offset in the source array\n * @returns the current Color4 object\n */\n fromArray(array, offset = 0) {\n this.r = array[offset];\n this.g = array[offset + 1];\n this.b = array[offset + 2];\n this.a = array[offset + 3];\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Determines equality between Color4 objects\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns true if the rgba values are equal to the given ones\n */\n equals(otherColor) {\n return otherColor && this.r === otherColor.r && this.g === otherColor.g && this.b === otherColor.b && this.a === otherColor.a;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 set with the added values of the current Color4 and of the given one\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n add(otherColor) {\n return new Color4(this.r + otherColor.r, this.g + otherColor.g, this.b + otherColor.b, this.a + otherColor.a);\n }\n /**\n * Updates the given color \"result\" with the result of the addition of the current Color4 and the given one.\n * @param otherColor the color to add\n * @param result the color to store the result\n * @returns result input\n */\n addToRef(otherColor, result) {\n result.r = this.r + otherColor.r;\n result.g = this.g + otherColor.g;\n result.b = this.b + otherColor.b;\n result.a = this.a + otherColor.a;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Adds in place the given Color4 values to the current Color4 object\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color4 object\n */\n addInPlace(otherColor) {\n this.r += otherColor.r;\n this.g += otherColor.g;\n this.b += otherColor.b;\n this.a += otherColor.a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Adds the given coordinates to the current Color4\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @param a defines the a coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color4\n */\n addInPlaceFromFloats(r, g, b, a) {\n this.r += r;\n this.g += g;\n this.b += b;\n this.a += a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 set with the subtracted values of the given one from the current Color4\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n subtract(otherColor) {\n return new Color4(this.r - otherColor.r, this.g - otherColor.g, this.b - otherColor.b, this.a - otherColor.a);\n }\n /**\n * Subtracts the given ones from the current Color4 values and stores the results in \"result\"\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @param result defines the Color4 object where to store the result\n * @returns the result Color4 object\n */\n subtractToRef(otherColor, result) {\n result.r = this.r - otherColor.r;\n result.g = this.g - otherColor.g;\n result.b = this.b - otherColor.b;\n result.a = this.a - otherColor.a;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Subtract in place the given color from the current Color4.\n * @param otherColor the color to subtract\n * @returns the updated Color4.\n */\n subtractInPlace(otherColor) {\n this.r -= otherColor.r;\n this.g -= otherColor.g;\n this.b -= otherColor.b;\n this.a -= otherColor.a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color4 set with the result of the subtraction of the given floats from the current Color4 coordinates.\n * @param r value to subtract\n * @param g value to subtract\n * @param b value to subtract\n * @param a value to subtract\n * @returns new color containing the result\n */\n subtractFromFloats(r, g, b, a) {\n return new Color4(this.r - r, this.g - g, this.b - b, this.a - a);\n }\n /**\n * Sets the given color \"result\" set with the result of the subtraction of the given floats from the current Color4 coordinates.\n * @param r value to subtract\n * @param g value to subtract\n * @param b value to subtract\n * @param a value to subtract\n * @param result the color to store the result in\n * @returns result input\n */\n subtractFromFloatsToRef(r, g, b, a, result) {\n result.r = this.r - r;\n result.g = this.g - g;\n result.b = this.b - b;\n result.a = this.a - a;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 with the current Color4 values multiplied by scale\n * @param scale defines the scaling factor to apply\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n scale(scale) {\n return new Color4(this.r * scale, this.g * scale, this.b * scale, this.a * scale);\n }\n /**\n * Multiplies the Color4 values by the float \"scale\"\n * @param scale defines the scaling factor to apply\n * @returns the current updated Color4\n */\n scaleInPlace(scale) {\n this.r *= scale;\n this.g *= scale;\n this.b *= scale;\n this.a *= scale;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Multiplies the current Color4 values by scale and stores the result in \"result\"\n * @param scale defines the scaling factor to apply\n * @param result defines the Color4 object where to store the result\n * @returns the result Color4\n */\n scaleToRef(scale, result) {\n result.r = this.r * scale;\n result.g = this.g * scale;\n result.b = this.b * scale;\n result.a = this.a * scale;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Scale the current Color4 values by a factor and add the result to a given Color4\n * @param scale defines the scale factor\n * @param result defines the Color4 object where to store the result\n * @returns the result Color4\n */\n scaleAndAddToRef(scale, result) {\n result.r += this.r * scale;\n result.g += this.g * scale;\n result.b += this.b * scale;\n result.a += this.a * scale;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Clamps the rgb values by the min and max values and stores the result into \"result\"\n * @param min defines minimum clamping value (default is 0)\n * @param max defines maximum clamping value (default is 1)\n * @param result defines color to store the result into.\n * @returns the result Color4\n */\n clampToRef(min = 0, max = 1, result) {\n result.r = Clamp(this.r, min, max);\n result.g = Clamp(this.g, min, max);\n result.b = Clamp(this.b, min, max);\n result.a = Clamp(this.a, min, max);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Multiply an Color4 value by another and return a new Color4 object\n * @param color defines the Color4 value to multiply by\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n multiply(color) {\n return new Color4(this.r * color.r, this.g * color.g, this.b * color.b, this.a * color.a);\n }\n /**\n * Multiply a Color4 value by another and push the result in a reference value\n * @param color defines the Color4 value to multiply by\n * @param result defines the Color4 to fill the result in\n * @returns the result Color4\n */\n multiplyToRef(color, result) {\n result.r = this.r * color.r;\n result.g = this.g * color.g;\n result.b = this.b * color.b;\n result.a = this.a * color.a;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Multiplies in place the current Color4 by the given one.\n * @param otherColor color to multiple with\n * @returns the updated Color4.\n */\n multiplyInPlace(otherColor) {\n this.r *= otherColor.r;\n this.g *= otherColor.g;\n this.b *= otherColor.b;\n this.a *= otherColor.a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color4 set with the multiplication result of the given floats and the current Color4 coordinates.\n * @param r value multiply with\n * @param g value multiply with\n * @param b value multiply with\n * @param a value multiply with\n * @returns resulting new color\n */\n multiplyByFloats(r, g, b, a) {\n return new Color4(this.r * r, this.g * g, this.b * b, this.a * a);\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n divide(_other) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not divide a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n divideToRef(_other, _result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not divide a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n divideInPlace(_other) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not divide a color\");\n }\n /**\n * Updates the Color4 coordinates with the minimum values between its own and the given color ones\n * @param other defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color4\n */\n minimizeInPlace(other) {\n this.r = Math.min(this.r, other.r);\n this.g = Math.min(this.g, other.g);\n this.b = Math.min(this.b, other.b);\n this.a = Math.min(this.a, other.a);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Updates the Color4 coordinates with the maximum values between its own and the given color ones\n * @param other defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color4\n */\n maximizeInPlace(other) {\n this.r = Math.max(this.r, other.r);\n this.g = Math.max(this.g, other.g);\n this.b = Math.max(this.b, other.b);\n this.a = Math.max(this.a, other.a);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Updates the current Color4 with the minimal coordinate values between its and the given coordinates\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @param a defines the a coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color4\n */\n minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(r, g, b, a) {\n this.r = Math.min(r, this.r);\n this.g = Math.min(g, this.g);\n this.b = Math.min(b, this.b);\n this.a = Math.min(a, this.a);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Updates the current Color4 with the maximal coordinate values between its and the given coordinates.\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @param a defines the a coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color4\n */\n maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(r, g, b, a) {\n this.r = Math.max(r, this.r);\n this.g = Math.max(g, this.g);\n this.b = Math.max(b, this.b);\n this.a = Math.max(a, this.a);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n floorToRef(_result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not floor a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n floor() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not floor a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n fractToRef(_result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not fract a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n fract() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not fract a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n negate() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not negate a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n negateInPlace() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not negate a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n negateToRef(_result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not negate a color\");\n }\n /**\n * Boolean : True if the current Color4 coordinates are each beneath the distance \"epsilon\" from the given color ones.\n * @param otherColor color to compare against\n * @param epsilon (Default: very small number)\n * @returns true if they are equal\n */\n equalsWithEpsilon(otherColor, epsilon = Epsilon) {\n return WithinEpsilon(this.r, otherColor.r, epsilon) && WithinEpsilon(this.g, otherColor.g, epsilon) && WithinEpsilon(this.b, otherColor.b, epsilon) && WithinEpsilon(this.a, otherColor.a, epsilon);\n }\n /**\n * Boolean : True if the given floats are strictly equal to the current Color4 coordinates.\n * @param x x value to compare against\n * @param y y value to compare against\n * @param z z value to compare against\n * @param w w value to compare against\n * @returns true if equal\n */\n equalsToFloats(x, y, z, w) {\n return this.r === x && this.g === y && this.b === z && this.a === w;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a string with the Color4 current values\n * @returns the string representation of the Color4 object\n */\n toString() {\n return \"{R: \" + this.r + \" G:\" + this.g + \" B:\" + this.b + \" A:\" + this.a + \"}\";\n }\n /**\n * Returns the string \"Color4\"\n * @returns \"Color4\"\n */\n getClassName() {\n return \"Color4\";\n }\n /**\n * Compute the Color4 hash code\n * @returns an unique number that can be used to hash Color4 objects\n */\n getHashCode() {\n let hash = this.r * 255 | 0;\n hash = hash * 397 ^ (this.g * 255 | 0);\n hash = hash * 397 ^ (this.b * 255 | 0);\n hash = hash * 397 ^ (this.a * 255 | 0);\n return hash;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 copied from the current one\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n clone() {\n const result = new Color4();\n return result.copyFrom(this);\n }\n /**\n * Copies the given Color4 values into the current one\n * @param source defines the source Color4 object\n * @returns the current updated Color4 object\n */\n copyFrom(source) {\n this.r = source.r;\n this.g = source.g;\n this.b = source.b;\n this.a = source.a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Copies the given float values into the current one\n * @param r defines the red component to read from\n * @param g defines the green component to read from\n * @param b defines the blue component to read from\n * @param a defines the alpha component to read from\n * @returns the current updated Color4 object\n */\n copyFromFloats(r, g, b, a) {\n this.r = r;\n this.g = g;\n this.b = b;\n this.a = a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Copies the given float values into the current one\n * @param r defines the red component to read from\n * @param g defines the green component to read from\n * @param b defines the blue component to read from\n * @param a defines the alpha component to read from\n * @returns the current updated Color4 object\n */\n set(r, g, b, a) {\n return this.copyFromFloats(r, g, b, a);\n }\n /**\n * Copies the given float to the current Vector4 coordinates\n * @param v defines the r, g, b, and a coordinates of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Vector4\n */\n setAll(v) {\n this.r = this.g = this.b = this.a = v;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Compute the Color4 hexadecimal code as a string\n * @param returnAsColor3 defines if the string should only contains RGB values (off by default)\n * @returns a string containing the hexadecimal representation of the Color4 object\n */\n toHexString(returnAsColor3 = false) {\n const intR = Math.round(this.r * 255);\n const intG = Math.round(this.g * 255);\n const intB = Math.round(this.b * 255);\n if (returnAsColor3) {\n return \"#\" + ToHex(intR) + ToHex(intG) + ToHex(intB);\n }\n const intA = Math.round(this.a * 255);\n return \"#\" + ToHex(intR) + ToHex(intG) + ToHex(intB) + ToHex(intA);\n }\n /**\n * Updates the Color4 rgba values from the string containing valid hexadecimal values.\n *\n * A valid hex string is either in the format #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA.\n *\n * When a hex string without alpha is passed, the resulting Color4 keeps\n * its previous alpha value.\n *\n * An invalid string does not modify this object\n *\n * @param hex defines a string containing valid hexadecimal values\n * @returns the current updated Color4 object\n */\n fromHexString(hex) {\n if (hex.substring(0, 1) !== \"#\" || hex.length !== 9 && hex.length !== 7) {\n return this;\n }\n this.r = parseInt(hex.substring(1, 3), 16) / 255;\n this.g = parseInt(hex.substring(3, 5), 16) / 255;\n this.b = parseInt(hex.substring(5, 7), 16) / 255;\n if (hex.length === 9) {\n this.a = parseInt(hex.substring(7, 9), 16) / 255;\n }\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Computes a new Color4 converted from the current one to linear space\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n toLinearSpace(exact = false) {\n const convertedColor = new Color4();\n this.toLinearSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact);\n return convertedColor;\n }\n /**\n * Converts the Color4 values to linear space and stores the result in \"convertedColor\"\n * @param convertedColor defines the Color4 object where to store the linear space version\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns the unmodified Color4\n */\n toLinearSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact = false) {\n if (exact) {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(this.b);\n } else {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToLinearSpace(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToLinearSpace(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToLinearSpace(this.b);\n }\n convertedColor.a = this.a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Computes a new Color4 converted from the current one to gamma space\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n toGammaSpace(exact = false) {\n const convertedColor = new Color4();\n this.toGammaSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact);\n return convertedColor;\n }\n /**\n * Converts the Color4 values to gamma space and stores the result in \"convertedColor\"\n * @param convertedColor defines the Color4 object where to store the gamma space version\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns the unmodified Color4\n */\n toGammaSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact = false) {\n if (exact) {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(this.b);\n } else {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToGammaSpace(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToGammaSpace(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToGammaSpace(this.b);\n }\n convertedColor.a = this.a;\n return this;\n }\n // Statics\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 from the string containing valid hexadecimal values.\n *\n * A valid hex string is either in the format #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA.\n *\n * When a hex string without alpha is passed, the resulting Color4 has\n * its alpha value set to 1.0.\n *\n * An invalid string results in a Color with all its channels set to 0.0,\n * i.e. \"transparent black\".\n *\n * @param hex defines a string containing valid hexadecimal values\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n static FromHexString(hex) {\n if (hex.substring(0, 1) !== \"#\" || hex.length !== 9 && hex.length !== 7) {\n return new Color4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n }\n return new Color4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).fromHexString(hex);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 object set with the linearly interpolated values of \"amount\" between the left Color4 object and the right Color4 object\n * @param left defines the start value\n * @param right defines the end value\n * @param amount defines the gradient factor\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n static Lerp(left, right, amount) {\n return Color4.LerpToRef(left, right, amount, new Color4());\n }\n /**\n * Set the given \"result\" with the linearly interpolated values of \"amount\" between the left Color4 object and the right Color4 object\n * @param left defines the start value\n * @param right defines the end value\n * @param amount defines the gradient factor\n * @param result defines the Color4 object where to store data\n * @returns the updated result\n */\n static LerpToRef(left, right, amount, result) {\n result.r = left.r + (right.r - left.r) * amount;\n result.g = left.g + (right.g - left.g) * amount;\n result.b = left.b + (right.b - left.b) * amount;\n result.a = left.a + (right.a - left.a) * amount;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Interpolate between two Color4 using Hermite interpolation\n * @param value1 defines first Color4\n * @param tangent1 defines the incoming tangent\n * @param value2 defines second Color4\n * @param tangent2 defines the outgoing tangent\n * @param amount defines the target Color4\n * @returns the new interpolated Color4\n */\n static Hermite(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, amount) {\n const squared = amount * amount;\n const cubed = amount * squared;\n const part1 = 2.0 * cubed - 3.0 * squared + 1.0;\n const part2 = -2.0 * cubed + 3.0 * squared;\n const part3 = cubed - 2.0 * squared + amount;\n const part4 = cubed - squared;\n const r = value1.r * part1 + value2.r * part2 + tangent1.r * part3 + tangent2.r * part4;\n const g = value1.g * part1 + value2.g * part2 + tangent1.g * part3 + tangent2.g * part4;\n const b = value1.b * part1 + value2.b * part2 + tangent1.b * part3 + tangent2.b * part4;\n const a = value1.a * part1 + value2.a * part2 + tangent1.a * part3 + tangent2.a * part4;\n return new Color4(r, g, b, a);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color4 which is the 1st derivative of the Hermite spline defined by the colors \"value1\", \"value2\", \"tangent1\", \"tangent2\".\n * @param value1 defines the first control point\n * @param tangent1 defines the first tangent\n * @param value2 defines the second control point\n * @param tangent2 defines the second tangent\n * @param time define where the derivative must be done\n * @returns 1st derivative\n */\n static Hermite1stDerivative(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, time) {\n const result = new Color4();\n this.Hermite1stDerivativeToRef(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, time, result);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Update a Color4 with the 1st derivative of the Hermite spline defined by the colors \"value1\", \"value2\", \"tangent1\", \"tangent2\".\n * @param value1 defines the first control point\n * @param tangent1 defines the first tangent\n * @param value2 defines the second control point\n * @param tangent2 defines the second tangent\n * @param time define where the derivative must be done\n * @param result define where to store the derivative\n */\n static Hermite1stDerivativeToRef(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, time, result) {\n const t2 = time * time;\n result.r = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.r + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.r + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.r + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.r;\n result.g = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.g + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.g + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.g + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.g;\n result.b = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.b + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.b + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.b + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.b;\n result.a = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.a + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.a + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.a + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.a;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 from a Color3 and an alpha value\n * @param color3 defines the source Color3 to read from\n * @param alpha defines the alpha component (1.0 by default)\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n static FromColor3(color3, alpha = 1.0) {\n return new Color4(color3.r, color3.g, color3.b, alpha);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 from the starting index element of the given array\n * @param array defines the source array to read from\n * @param offset defines the offset in the source array\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n static FromArray(array, offset = 0) {\n return new Color4(array[offset], array[offset + 1], array[offset + 2], array[offset + 3]);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 from the starting index element of the given array\n * @param array defines the source array to read from\n * @param offset defines the offset in the source array\n * @param result defines the target Color4 object\n */\n static FromArrayToRef(array, offset = 0, result) {\n result.r = array[offset];\n result.g = array[offset + 1];\n result.b = array[offset + 2];\n result.a = array[offset + 3];\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 from integer values (less than 256)\n * @param r defines the red component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @param g defines the green component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @param b defines the blue component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @param a defines the alpha component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static FromInts(r, g, b, a) {\n return new Color4(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0, a / 255.0);\n }\n /**\n * Check the content of a given array and convert it to an array containing RGBA data\n * If the original array was already containing count * 4 values then it is returned directly\n * @param colors defines the array to check\n * @param count defines the number of RGBA data to expect\n * @returns an array containing count * 4 values (RGBA)\n */\n static CheckColors4(colors, count) {\n // Check if color3 was used\n if (colors.length === count * 3) {\n const colors4 = [];\n for (let index = 0; index < colors.length; index += 3) {\n const newIndex = index / 3 * 4;\n colors4[newIndex] = colors[index];\n colors4[newIndex + 1] = colors[index + 1];\n colors4[newIndex + 2] = colors[index + 2];\n colors4[newIndex + 3] = 1.0;\n }\n return colors4;\n }\n return colors;\n }\n}\n/**\n * If the first color is flagged with integers (as everything is 0,0,0,0), V8 stores all of the properties as integers internally because it doesn't know any better yet.\n * If subsequent colors are created with non-integer values, V8 determines that it would be best to represent these properties as doubles instead of integers,\n * and henceforth it will use floating-point representation for all color instances that it creates.\n * But the original color instances are unchanged and has a \"deprecated map\".\n * If we keep using the color instances from step 1, it will now be a poison pill which will mess up optimizations in any code it touches.\n */\nColor4._V8PerformanceHack = new Color4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\nObject.defineProperties(Color4.prototype, {\n dimension: {\n value: [4]\n },\n rank: {\n value: 1\n }\n});\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nexport class TmpColors {}\nTmpColors.Color3 = BuildArray(3, Color3.Black);\nTmpColors.Color4 = BuildArray(3, () => new Color4(0, 0, 0, 0));\nRegisterClass(\"BABYLON.Color3\", Color3);\nRegisterClass(\"BABYLON.Color4\", Color4);","map":{"version":3,"names":["BuildArray","RegisterClass","Epsilon","ToGammaSpace","ToLinearSpace","Clamp","ToHex","WithinEpsilon","colorChannelToLinearSpace","color","Math","pow","colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact","colorChannelToGammaSpace","colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact","Color3","constructor","r","g","b","toString","getClassName","getHashCode","hash","toArray","array","index","fromArray","offset","FromArrayToRef","toColor4","alpha","Color4","asArray","toLuminance","multiply","otherColor","multiplyToRef","result","multiplyInPlace","multiplyByFloats","divide","_other","ReferenceError","divideToRef","_result","divideInPlace","minimizeInPlace","other","minimizeInPlaceFromFloats","maximizeInPlace","maximizeInPlaceFromFloats","min","max","floorToRef","floor","fractToRef","fract","equals","equalsFloats","equalsToFloats","equalsWithEpsilon","epsilon","negate","negateInPlace","negateToRef","scale","scaleInPlace","scaleToRef","scaleAndAddToRef","clampToRef","add","addInPlace","addInPlaceFromFloats","addToRef","subtract","subtractToRef","subtractInPlace","subtractFromFloats","subtractFromFloatsToRef","clone","copyFrom","source","copyFromFloats","set","setAll","v","toHexString","intR","round","intG","intB","fromHexString","hex","substring","length","parseInt","toHSV","toHSVToRef","h","s","dm","toLinearSpace","exact","convertedColor","toLinearSpaceToRef","toGammaSpace","toGammaSpaceToRef","HSVtoRGBToRef","hue","saturation","value","chroma","x","abs","m","FromHSV","FromHexString","FromArray","FromInts","Lerp","start","end","amount","LerpToRef","left","right","Hermite","value1","tangent1","value2","tangent2","squared","cubed","part1","part2","part3","part4","Hermite1stDerivative","time","Black","Hermite1stDerivativeToRef","t2","Red","Green","Blue","BlackReadOnly","_BlackReadOnly","White","Purple","Magenta","Yellow","Gray","Teal","Random","random","_V8PerformanceHack","Object","defineProperties","prototype","dimension","rank","a","y","z","w","returnAsColor3","intA","FromColor3","color3","CheckColors4","colors","count","colors4","newIndex","TmpColors"],"sources":["F:/workspace/202226701027/huinongbao-app/node_modules/@babylonjs/core/Maths/math.color.js"],"sourcesContent":["import { BuildArray } from \"../Misc/arrayTools.js\";\nimport { RegisterClass } from \"../Misc/typeStore.js\";\nimport { Epsilon, ToGammaSpace, ToLinearSpace } from \"./math.constants.js\";\nimport { Clamp, ToHex, WithinEpsilon } from \"./math.scalar.functions.js\";\nfunction colorChannelToLinearSpace(color) {\n return Math.pow(color, ToLinearSpace);\n}\nfunction colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(color) {\n if (color <= 0.04045) {\n return 0.0773993808 * color;\n }\n return Math.pow(0.947867299 * (color + 0.055), 2.4);\n}\nfunction colorChannelToGammaSpace(color) {\n return Math.pow(color, ToGammaSpace);\n}\nfunction colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(color) {\n if (color <= 0.0031308) {\n return 12.92 * color;\n }\n return 1.055 * Math.pow(color, 0.41666) - 0.055;\n}\n/**\n * Class used to hold a RGB color\n */\nexport class Color3 {\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 object from red, green, blue values, all between 0 and 1\n * @param r defines the red component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n * @param g defines the green component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n * @param b defines the blue component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n constructor(\n /**\n * [0] Defines the red component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n r = 0, \n /**\n * [0] Defines the green component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n g = 0, \n /**\n * [0] Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n b = 0) {\n this.r = r;\n this.g = g;\n this.b = b;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a string with the Color3 current values\n * @returns the string representation of the Color3 object\n */\n toString() {\n return \"{R: \" + this.r + \" G:\" + this.g + \" B:\" + this.b + \"}\";\n }\n /**\n * Returns the string \"Color3\"\n * @returns \"Color3\"\n */\n getClassName() {\n return \"Color3\";\n }\n /**\n * Compute the Color3 hash code\n * @returns an unique number that can be used to hash Color3 objects\n */\n getHashCode() {\n let hash = (this.r * 255) | 0;\n hash = (hash * 397) ^ ((this.g * 255) | 0);\n hash = (hash * 397) ^ ((this.b * 255) | 0);\n return hash;\n }\n // Operators\n /**\n * Stores in the given array from the given starting index the red, green, blue values as successive elements\n * @param array defines the array where to store the r,g,b components\n * @param index defines an optional index in the target array to define where to start storing values\n * @returns the current Color3 object\n */\n toArray(array, index = 0) {\n array[index] = this.r;\n array[index + 1] = this.g;\n array[index + 2] = this.b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Update the current color with values stored in an array from the starting index of the given array\n * @param array defines the source array\n * @param offset defines an offset in the source array\n * @returns the current Color3 object\n */\n fromArray(array, offset = 0) {\n Color3.FromArrayToRef(array, offset, this);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color4 object from the current Color3 and the given alpha\n * @param alpha defines the alpha component on the new Color4 object (default is 1)\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n toColor4(alpha = 1) {\n return new Color4(this.r, this.g, this.b, alpha);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new array populated with 3 numeric elements : red, green and blue values\n * @returns the new array\n */\n asArray() {\n return [this.r, this.g, this.b];\n }\n /**\n * Returns the luminance value\n * @returns a float value\n */\n toLuminance() {\n return this.r * 0.3 + this.g * 0.59 + this.b * 0.11;\n }\n /**\n * Multiply each Color3 rgb values by the given Color3 rgb values in a new Color3 object\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the new Color3 object\n */\n multiply(otherColor) {\n return new Color3(this.r * otherColor.r, this.g * otherColor.g, this.b * otherColor.b);\n }\n /**\n * Multiply the rgb values of the Color3 and the given Color3 and stores the result in the object \"result\"\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @param result defines the Color3 object where to store the result\n * @returns the result Color3\n */\n multiplyToRef(otherColor, result) {\n result.r = this.r * otherColor.r;\n result.g = this.g * otherColor.g;\n result.b = this.b * otherColor.b;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Multiplies the current Color3 coordinates by the given ones\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n multiplyInPlace(otherColor) {\n this.r *= otherColor.r;\n this.g *= otherColor.g;\n this.b *= otherColor.b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color3 set with the result of the multiplication of the current Color3 coordinates by the given floats\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the new Color3\n */\n multiplyByFloats(r, g, b) {\n return new Color3(this.r * r, this.g * g, this.b * b);\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n divide(_other) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not divide a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n divideToRef(_other, _result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not divide a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n divideInPlace(_other) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not divide a color\");\n }\n /**\n * Updates the current Color3 with the minimal coordinate values between its and the given color ones\n * @param other defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n minimizeInPlace(other) {\n return this.minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(other.r, other.g, other.b);\n }\n /**\n * Updates the current Color3 with the maximal coordinate values between its and the given color ones.\n * @param other defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n maximizeInPlace(other) {\n return this.maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(other.r, other.g, other.b);\n }\n /**\n * Updates the current Color3 with the minimal coordinate values between its and the given coordinates\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(r, g, b) {\n this.r = Math.min(r, this.r);\n this.g = Math.min(g, this.g);\n this.b = Math.min(b, this.b);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Updates the current Color3 with the maximal coordinate values between its and the given coordinates.\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(r, g, b) {\n this.r = Math.max(r, this.r);\n this.g = Math.max(g, this.g);\n this.b = Math.max(b, this.b);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n floorToRef(_result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not floor a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n floor() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not floor a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n fractToRef(_result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not fract a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n fract() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not fract a color\");\n }\n /**\n * Determines equality between Color3 objects\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns true if the rgb values are equal to the given ones\n */\n equals(otherColor) {\n return otherColor && this.r === otherColor.r && this.g === otherColor.g && this.b === otherColor.b;\n }\n /**\n * Alias for equalsToFloats\n * @param r red color component\n * @param g green color component\n * @param b blue color component\n * @returns boolean\n */\n equalsFloats(r, g, b) {\n return this.equalsToFloats(r, g, b);\n }\n /**\n * Determines equality between the current Color3 object and a set of r,b,g values\n * @param r defines the red component to check\n * @param g defines the green component to check\n * @param b defines the blue component to check\n * @returns true if the rgb values are equal to the given ones\n */\n equalsToFloats(r, g, b) {\n return this.r === r && this.g === g && this.b === b;\n }\n /**\n * Returns true if the current Color3 and the given color coordinates are distant less than epsilon\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @param epsilon defines the minimal distance to define values as equals\n * @returns true if both colors are distant less than epsilon\n */\n equalsWithEpsilon(otherColor, epsilon = Epsilon) {\n return WithinEpsilon(this.r, otherColor.r, epsilon) && WithinEpsilon(this.g, otherColor.g, epsilon) && WithinEpsilon(this.b, otherColor.b, epsilon);\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n negate() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not negate a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n negateInPlace() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not negate a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n negateToRef(_result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not negate a color\");\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 with the current Color3 values multiplied by scale\n * @param scale defines the scaling factor to apply\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n scale(scale) {\n return new Color3(this.r * scale, this.g * scale, this.b * scale);\n }\n /**\n * Multiplies the Color3 values by the float \"scale\"\n * @param scale defines the scaling factor to apply\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n scaleInPlace(scale) {\n this.r *= scale;\n this.g *= scale;\n this.b *= scale;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Multiplies the rgb values by scale and stores the result into \"result\"\n * @param scale defines the scaling factor\n * @param result defines the Color3 object where to store the result\n * @returns the result Color3\n */\n scaleToRef(scale, result) {\n result.r = this.r * scale;\n result.g = this.g * scale;\n result.b = this.b * scale;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Scale the current Color3 values by a factor and add the result to a given Color3\n * @param scale defines the scale factor\n * @param result defines color to store the result into\n * @returns the result Color3\n */\n scaleAndAddToRef(scale, result) {\n result.r += this.r * scale;\n result.g += this.g * scale;\n result.b += this.b * scale;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Clamps the rgb values by the min and max values and stores the result into \"result\"\n * @param min defines minimum clamping value (default is 0)\n * @param max defines maximum clamping value (default is 1)\n * @param result defines color to store the result into\n * @returns the result Color3\n */\n clampToRef(min = 0, max = 1, result) {\n result.r = Clamp(this.r, min, max);\n result.g = Clamp(this.g, min, max);\n result.b = Clamp(this.b, min, max);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 set with the added values of the current Color3 and of the given one\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the new Color3\n */\n add(otherColor) {\n return new Color3(this.r + otherColor.r, this.g + otherColor.g, this.b + otherColor.b);\n }\n /**\n * Adds the given color to the current Color3\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n addInPlace(otherColor) {\n this.r += otherColor.r;\n this.g += otherColor.g;\n this.b += otherColor.b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Adds the given coordinates to the current Color3\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n addInPlaceFromFloats(r, g, b) {\n this.r += r;\n this.g += g;\n this.b += b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Stores the result of the addition of the current Color3 and given one rgb values into \"result\"\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @param result defines Color3 object to store the result into\n * @returns the unmodified current Color3\n */\n addToRef(otherColor, result) {\n result.r = this.r + otherColor.r;\n result.g = this.g + otherColor.g;\n result.b = this.b + otherColor.b;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color3 set with the subtracted values of the given one from the current Color3\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the new Color3\n */\n subtract(otherColor) {\n return new Color3(this.r - otherColor.r, this.g - otherColor.g, this.b - otherColor.b);\n }\n /**\n * Stores the result of the subtraction of given one from the current Color3 rgb values into \"result\"\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @param result defines Color3 object to store the result into\n * @returns the unmodified current Color3\n */\n subtractToRef(otherColor, result) {\n result.r = this.r - otherColor.r;\n result.g = this.g - otherColor.g;\n result.b = this.b - otherColor.b;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Subtract the given color from the current Color3\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n subtractInPlace(otherColor) {\n this.r -= otherColor.r;\n this.g -= otherColor.g;\n this.b -= otherColor.b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color3 set with the subtraction of the given floats from the current Color3 coordinates\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the resulting Color3\n */\n subtractFromFloats(r, g, b) {\n return new Color3(this.r - r, this.g - g, this.b - b);\n }\n /**\n * Subtracts the given floats from the current Color3 coordinates and set the given color \"result\" with this result\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @param result defines the Color3 object where to store the result\n * @returns the result\n */\n subtractFromFloatsToRef(r, g, b, result) {\n result.r = this.r - r;\n result.g = this.g - g;\n result.b = this.b - b;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Copy the current object\n * @returns a new Color3 copied the current one\n */\n clone() {\n return new Color3(this.r, this.g, this.b);\n }\n /**\n * Copies the rgb values from the source in the current Color3\n * @param source defines the source Color3 object\n * @returns the updated Color3 object\n */\n copyFrom(source) {\n this.r = source.r;\n this.g = source.g;\n this.b = source.b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Updates the Color3 rgb values from the given floats\n * @param r defines the red component to read from\n * @param g defines the green component to read from\n * @param b defines the blue component to read from\n * @returns the current Color3 object\n */\n copyFromFloats(r, g, b) {\n this.r = r;\n this.g = g;\n this.b = b;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Updates the Color3 rgb values from the given floats\n * @param r defines the red component to read from\n * @param g defines the green component to read from\n * @param b defines the blue component to read from\n * @returns the current Color3 object\n */\n set(r, g, b) {\n return this.copyFromFloats(r, g, b);\n }\n /**\n * Copies the given float to the current Color3 coordinates\n * @param v defines the r, g and b coordinates of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color3\n */\n setAll(v) {\n this.r = this.g = this.b = v;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Compute the Color3 hexadecimal code as a string\n * @returns a string containing the hexadecimal representation of the Color3 object\n */\n toHexString() {\n const intR = Math.round(this.r * 255);\n const intG = Math.round(this.g * 255);\n const intB = Math.round(this.b * 255);\n return \"#\" + ToHex(intR) + ToHex(intG) + ToHex(intB);\n }\n /**\n * Updates the Color3 rgb values from the string containing valid hexadecimal values\n * @param hex defines a string containing valid hexadecimal values\n * @returns the current Color3 object\n */\n fromHexString(hex) {\n if (hex.substring(0, 1) !== \"#\" || hex.length !== 7) {\n return this;\n }\n this.r = parseInt(hex.substring(1, 3), 16) / 255;\n this.g = parseInt(hex.substring(3, 5), 16) / 255;\n this.b = parseInt(hex.substring(5, 7), 16) / 255;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Converts current color in rgb space to HSV values\n * @returns a new color3 representing the HSV values\n */\n toHSV() {\n return this.toHSVToRef(new Color3());\n }\n /**\n * Converts current color in rgb space to HSV values\n * @param result defines the Color3 where to store the HSV values\n * @returns the updated result\n */\n toHSVToRef(result) {\n const r = this.r;\n const g = this.g;\n const b = this.b;\n const max = Math.max(r, g, b);\n const min = Math.min(r, g, b);\n let h = 0;\n let s = 0;\n const v = max;\n const dm = max - min;\n if (max !== 0) {\n s = dm / max;\n }\n if (max != min) {\n if (max == r) {\n h = (g - b) / dm;\n if (g < b) {\n h += 6;\n }\n }\n else if (max == g) {\n h = (b - r) / dm + 2;\n }\n else if (max == b) {\n h = (r - g) / dm + 4;\n }\n h *= 60;\n }\n result.r = h;\n result.g = s;\n result.b = v;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Computes a new Color3 converted from the current one to linear space\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n toLinearSpace(exact = false) {\n const convertedColor = new Color3();\n this.toLinearSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact);\n return convertedColor;\n }\n /**\n * Converts the Color3 values to linear space and stores the result in \"convertedColor\"\n * @param convertedColor defines the Color3 object where to store the linear space version\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns the unmodified Color3\n */\n toLinearSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact = false) {\n if (exact) {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(this.b);\n }\n else {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToLinearSpace(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToLinearSpace(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToLinearSpace(this.b);\n }\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Computes a new Color3 converted from the current one to gamma space\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n toGammaSpace(exact = false) {\n const convertedColor = new Color3();\n this.toGammaSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact);\n return convertedColor;\n }\n /**\n * Converts the Color3 values to gamma space and stores the result in \"convertedColor\"\n * @param convertedColor defines the Color3 object where to store the gamma space version\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns the unmodified Color3\n */\n toGammaSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact = false) {\n if (exact) {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(this.b);\n }\n else {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToGammaSpace(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToGammaSpace(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToGammaSpace(this.b);\n }\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Converts Hue, saturation and value to a Color3 (RGB)\n * @param hue defines the hue (value between 0 and 360)\n * @param saturation defines the saturation (value between 0 and 1)\n * @param value defines the value (value between 0 and 1)\n * @param result defines the Color3 where to store the RGB values\n * @returns the updated result\n */\n static HSVtoRGBToRef(hue, saturation, value, result) {\n const chroma = value * saturation;\n const h = hue / 60;\n const x = chroma * (1 - Math.abs((h % 2) - 1));\n let r = 0;\n let g = 0;\n let b = 0;\n if (h >= 0 && h <= 1) {\n r = chroma;\n g = x;\n }\n else if (h >= 1 && h <= 2) {\n r = x;\n g = chroma;\n }\n else if (h >= 2 && h <= 3) {\n g = chroma;\n b = x;\n }\n else if (h >= 3 && h <= 4) {\n g = x;\n b = chroma;\n }\n else if (h >= 4 && h <= 5) {\n r = x;\n b = chroma;\n }\n else if (h >= 5 && h <= 6) {\n r = chroma;\n b = x;\n }\n const m = value - chroma;\n result.r = r + m;\n result.g = g + m;\n result.b = b + m;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Converts Hue, saturation and value to a new Color3 (RGB)\n * @param hue defines the hue (value between 0 and 360)\n * @param saturation defines the saturation (value between 0 and 1)\n * @param value defines the value (value between 0 and 1)\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static FromHSV(hue, saturation, value) {\n const result = new Color3(0, 0, 0);\n Color3.HSVtoRGBToRef(hue, saturation, value, result);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 from the string containing valid hexadecimal values\n * @param hex defines a string containing valid hexadecimal values\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static FromHexString(hex) {\n return new Color3(0, 0, 0).fromHexString(hex);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 from the starting index of the given array\n * @param array defines the source array\n * @param offset defines an offset in the source array\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static FromArray(array, offset = 0) {\n return new Color3(array[offset], array[offset + 1], array[offset + 2]);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 from the starting index element of the given array\n * @param array defines the source array to read from\n * @param offset defines the offset in the source array\n * @param result defines the target Color3 object\n */\n static FromArrayToRef(array, offset = 0, result) {\n result.r = array[offset];\n result.g = array[offset + 1];\n result.b = array[offset + 2];\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 from integer values (\\< 256)\n * @param r defines the red component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @param g defines the green component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @param b defines the blue component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static FromInts(r, g, b) {\n return new Color3(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 with values linearly interpolated of \"amount\" between the start Color3 and the end Color3\n * @param start defines the start Color3 value\n * @param end defines the end Color3 value\n * @param amount defines the gradient value between start and end\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Lerp(start, end, amount) {\n const result = new Color3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n Color3.LerpToRef(start, end, amount, result);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 with values linearly interpolated of \"amount\" between the start Color3 and the end Color3\n * @param left defines the start value\n * @param right defines the end value\n * @param amount defines the gradient factor\n * @param result defines the Color3 object where to store the result\n */\n static LerpToRef(left, right, amount, result) {\n result.r = left.r + (right.r - left.r) * amount;\n result.g = left.g + (right.g - left.g) * amount;\n result.b = left.b + (right.b - left.b) * amount;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color3 located for \"amount\" (float) on the Hermite interpolation spline defined by the vectors \"value1\", \"tangent1\", \"value2\", \"tangent2\"\n * @param value1 defines the first control point\n * @param tangent1 defines the first tangent Color3\n * @param value2 defines the second control point\n * @param tangent2 defines the second tangent Color3\n * @param amount defines the amount on the interpolation spline (between 0 and 1)\n * @returns the new Color3\n */\n static Hermite(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, amount) {\n const squared = amount * amount;\n const cubed = amount * squared;\n const part1 = 2.0 * cubed - 3.0 * squared + 1.0;\n const part2 = -2.0 * cubed + 3.0 * squared;\n const part3 = cubed - 2.0 * squared + amount;\n const part4 = cubed - squared;\n const r = value1.r * part1 + value2.r * part2 + tangent1.r * part3 + tangent2.r * part4;\n const g = value1.g * part1 + value2.g * part2 + tangent1.g * part3 + tangent2.g * part4;\n const b = value1.b * part1 + value2.b * part2 + tangent1.b * part3 + tangent2.b * part4;\n return new Color3(r, g, b);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color3 which is the 1st derivative of the Hermite spline defined by the colors \"value1\", \"value2\", \"tangent1\", \"tangent2\".\n * @param value1 defines the first control point\n * @param tangent1 defines the first tangent\n * @param value2 defines the second control point\n * @param tangent2 defines the second tangent\n * @param time define where the derivative must be done\n * @returns 1st derivative\n */\n static Hermite1stDerivative(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, time) {\n const result = Color3.Black();\n this.Hermite1stDerivativeToRef(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, time, result);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color3 which is the 1st derivative of the Hermite spline defined by the colors \"value1\", \"value2\", \"tangent1\", \"tangent2\".\n * @param value1 defines the first control point\n * @param tangent1 defines the first tangent\n * @param value2 defines the second control point\n * @param tangent2 defines the second tangent\n * @param time define where the derivative must be done\n * @param result define where to store the derivative\n */\n static Hermite1stDerivativeToRef(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, time, result) {\n const t2 = time * time;\n result.r = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.r + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.r + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.r + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.r;\n result.g = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.g + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.g + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.g + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.g;\n result.b = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.b + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.b + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.b + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.b;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a red color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Red() {\n return new Color3(1, 0, 0);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a green color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Green() {\n return new Color3(0, 1, 0);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a blue color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Blue() {\n return new Color3(0, 0, 1);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a black color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Black() {\n return new Color3(0, 0, 0);\n }\n /**\n * Gets a Color3 value containing a black color that must not be updated\n */\n static get BlackReadOnly() {\n return Color3._BlackReadOnly;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a white color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static White() {\n return new Color3(1, 1, 1);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a purple color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Purple() {\n return new Color3(0.5, 0, 0.5);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a magenta color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Magenta() {\n return new Color3(1, 0, 1);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a yellow color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Yellow() {\n return new Color3(1, 1, 0);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a gray color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Gray() {\n return new Color3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a teal color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Teal() {\n return new Color3(0, 1.0, 1.0);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a Color3 value containing a random color\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static Random() {\n return new Color3(Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random());\n }\n}\n/**\n * If the first color is flagged with integers (as everything is 0,0,0), V8 stores all of the properties as integers internally because it doesn't know any better yet.\n * If subsequent colors are created with non-integer values, V8 determines that it would be best to represent these properties as doubles instead of integers,\n * and henceforth it will use floating-point representation for all color instances that it creates.\n * But the original color instances are unchanged and has a \"deprecated map\".\n * If we keep using the color instances from step 1, it will now be a poison pill which will mess up optimizations in any code it touches.\n */\nColor3._V8PerformanceHack = new Color3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\n// Statics\nColor3._BlackReadOnly = Color3.Black();\nObject.defineProperties(Color3.prototype, {\n dimension: { value: [3] },\n rank: { value: 1 },\n});\n/**\n * Class used to hold a RBGA color\n */\nexport class Color4 {\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 object from red, green, blue values, all between 0 and 1\n * @param r defines the red component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n * @param g defines the green component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n * @param b defines the blue component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n * @param a defines the alpha component (between 0 and 1, default is 1)\n */\n constructor(\n /**\n * [0] Defines the red component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n r = 0, \n /**\n * [0] Defines the green component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n g = 0, \n /**\n * [0] Defines the blue component (between 0 and 1, default is 0)\n */\n b = 0, \n /**\n * [1] Defines the alpha component (between 0 and 1, default is 1)\n */\n a = 1) {\n this.r = r;\n this.g = g;\n this.b = b;\n this.a = a;\n }\n // Operators\n /**\n * Creates a new array populated with 4 numeric elements : red, green, blue, alpha values\n * @returns the new array\n */\n asArray() {\n return [this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a];\n }\n /**\n * Stores from the starting index in the given array the Color4 successive values\n * @param array defines the array where to store the r,g,b components\n * @param index defines an optional index in the target array to define where to start storing values\n * @returns the current Color4 object\n */\n toArray(array, index = 0) {\n array[index] = this.r;\n array[index + 1] = this.g;\n array[index + 2] = this.b;\n array[index + 3] = this.a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Update the current color with values stored in an array from the starting index of the given array\n * @param array defines the source array\n * @param offset defines an offset in the source array\n * @returns the current Color4 object\n */\n fromArray(array, offset = 0) {\n this.r = array[offset];\n this.g = array[offset + 1];\n this.b = array[offset + 2];\n this.a = array[offset + 3];\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Determines equality between Color4 objects\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns true if the rgba values are equal to the given ones\n */\n equals(otherColor) {\n return otherColor && this.r === otherColor.r && this.g === otherColor.g && this.b === otherColor.b && this.a === otherColor.a;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 set with the added values of the current Color4 and of the given one\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n add(otherColor) {\n return new Color4(this.r + otherColor.r, this.g + otherColor.g, this.b + otherColor.b, this.a + otherColor.a);\n }\n /**\n * Updates the given color \"result\" with the result of the addition of the current Color4 and the given one.\n * @param otherColor the color to add\n * @param result the color to store the result\n * @returns result input\n */\n addToRef(otherColor, result) {\n result.r = this.r + otherColor.r;\n result.g = this.g + otherColor.g;\n result.b = this.b + otherColor.b;\n result.a = this.a + otherColor.a;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Adds in place the given Color4 values to the current Color4 object\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color4 object\n */\n addInPlace(otherColor) {\n this.r += otherColor.r;\n this.g += otherColor.g;\n this.b += otherColor.b;\n this.a += otherColor.a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Adds the given coordinates to the current Color4\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @param a defines the a coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color4\n */\n addInPlaceFromFloats(r, g, b, a) {\n this.r += r;\n this.g += g;\n this.b += b;\n this.a += a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 set with the subtracted values of the given one from the current Color4\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n subtract(otherColor) {\n return new Color4(this.r - otherColor.r, this.g - otherColor.g, this.b - otherColor.b, this.a - otherColor.a);\n }\n /**\n * Subtracts the given ones from the current Color4 values and stores the results in \"result\"\n * @param otherColor defines the second operand\n * @param result defines the Color4 object where to store the result\n * @returns the result Color4 object\n */\n subtractToRef(otherColor, result) {\n result.r = this.r - otherColor.r;\n result.g = this.g - otherColor.g;\n result.b = this.b - otherColor.b;\n result.a = this.a - otherColor.a;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Subtract in place the given color from the current Color4.\n * @param otherColor the color to subtract\n * @returns the updated Color4.\n */\n subtractInPlace(otherColor) {\n this.r -= otherColor.r;\n this.g -= otherColor.g;\n this.b -= otherColor.b;\n this.a -= otherColor.a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color4 set with the result of the subtraction of the given floats from the current Color4 coordinates.\n * @param r value to subtract\n * @param g value to subtract\n * @param b value to subtract\n * @param a value to subtract\n * @returns new color containing the result\n */\n subtractFromFloats(r, g, b, a) {\n return new Color4(this.r - r, this.g - g, this.b - b, this.a - a);\n }\n /**\n * Sets the given color \"result\" set with the result of the subtraction of the given floats from the current Color4 coordinates.\n * @param r value to subtract\n * @param g value to subtract\n * @param b value to subtract\n * @param a value to subtract\n * @param result the color to store the result in\n * @returns result input\n */\n subtractFromFloatsToRef(r, g, b, a, result) {\n result.r = this.r - r;\n result.g = this.g - g;\n result.b = this.b - b;\n result.a = this.a - a;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 with the current Color4 values multiplied by scale\n * @param scale defines the scaling factor to apply\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n scale(scale) {\n return new Color4(this.r * scale, this.g * scale, this.b * scale, this.a * scale);\n }\n /**\n * Multiplies the Color4 values by the float \"scale\"\n * @param scale defines the scaling factor to apply\n * @returns the current updated Color4\n */\n scaleInPlace(scale) {\n this.r *= scale;\n this.g *= scale;\n this.b *= scale;\n this.a *= scale;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Multiplies the current Color4 values by scale and stores the result in \"result\"\n * @param scale defines the scaling factor to apply\n * @param result defines the Color4 object where to store the result\n * @returns the result Color4\n */\n scaleToRef(scale, result) {\n result.r = this.r * scale;\n result.g = this.g * scale;\n result.b = this.b * scale;\n result.a = this.a * scale;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Scale the current Color4 values by a factor and add the result to a given Color4\n * @param scale defines the scale factor\n * @param result defines the Color4 object where to store the result\n * @returns the result Color4\n */\n scaleAndAddToRef(scale, result) {\n result.r += this.r * scale;\n result.g += this.g * scale;\n result.b += this.b * scale;\n result.a += this.a * scale;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Clamps the rgb values by the min and max values and stores the result into \"result\"\n * @param min defines minimum clamping value (default is 0)\n * @param max defines maximum clamping value (default is 1)\n * @param result defines color to store the result into.\n * @returns the result Color4\n */\n clampToRef(min = 0, max = 1, result) {\n result.r = Clamp(this.r, min, max);\n result.g = Clamp(this.g, min, max);\n result.b = Clamp(this.b, min, max);\n result.a = Clamp(this.a, min, max);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Multiply an Color4 value by another and return a new Color4 object\n * @param color defines the Color4 value to multiply by\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n multiply(color) {\n return new Color4(this.r * color.r, this.g * color.g, this.b * color.b, this.a * color.a);\n }\n /**\n * Multiply a Color4 value by another and push the result in a reference value\n * @param color defines the Color4 value to multiply by\n * @param result defines the Color4 to fill the result in\n * @returns the result Color4\n */\n multiplyToRef(color, result) {\n result.r = this.r * color.r;\n result.g = this.g * color.g;\n result.b = this.b * color.b;\n result.a = this.a * color.a;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Multiplies in place the current Color4 by the given one.\n * @param otherColor color to multiple with\n * @returns the updated Color4.\n */\n multiplyInPlace(otherColor) {\n this.r *= otherColor.r;\n this.g *= otherColor.g;\n this.b *= otherColor.b;\n this.a *= otherColor.a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color4 set with the multiplication result of the given floats and the current Color4 coordinates.\n * @param r value multiply with\n * @param g value multiply with\n * @param b value multiply with\n * @param a value multiply with\n * @returns resulting new color\n */\n multiplyByFloats(r, g, b, a) {\n return new Color4(this.r * r, this.g * g, this.b * b, this.a * a);\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n divide(_other) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not divide a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n divideToRef(_other, _result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not divide a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n divideInPlace(_other) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not divide a color\");\n }\n /**\n * Updates the Color4 coordinates with the minimum values between its own and the given color ones\n * @param other defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color4\n */\n minimizeInPlace(other) {\n this.r = Math.min(this.r, other.r);\n this.g = Math.min(this.g, other.g);\n this.b = Math.min(this.b, other.b);\n this.a = Math.min(this.a, other.a);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Updates the Color4 coordinates with the maximum values between its own and the given color ones\n * @param other defines the second operand\n * @returns the current updated Color4\n */\n maximizeInPlace(other) {\n this.r = Math.max(this.r, other.r);\n this.g = Math.max(this.g, other.g);\n this.b = Math.max(this.b, other.b);\n this.a = Math.max(this.a, other.a);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Updates the current Color4 with the minimal coordinate values between its and the given coordinates\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @param a defines the a coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color4\n */\n minimizeInPlaceFromFloats(r, g, b, a) {\n this.r = Math.min(r, this.r);\n this.g = Math.min(g, this.g);\n this.b = Math.min(b, this.b);\n this.a = Math.min(a, this.a);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Updates the current Color4 with the maximal coordinate values between its and the given coordinates.\n * @param r defines the r coordinate of the operand\n * @param g defines the g coordinate of the operand\n * @param b defines the b coordinate of the operand\n * @param a defines the a coordinate of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Color4\n */\n maximizeInPlaceFromFloats(r, g, b, a) {\n this.r = Math.max(r, this.r);\n this.g = Math.max(g, this.g);\n this.b = Math.max(b, this.b);\n this.a = Math.max(a, this.a);\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n floorToRef(_result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not floor a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n floor() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not floor a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n fractToRef(_result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not fract a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n fract() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not fract a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n negate() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not negate a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n negateInPlace() {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not negate a color\");\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n * Do not use\n */\n negateToRef(_result) {\n throw new ReferenceError(\"Can not negate a color\");\n }\n /**\n * Boolean : True if the current Color4 coordinates are each beneath the distance \"epsilon\" from the given color ones.\n * @param otherColor color to compare against\n * @param epsilon (Default: very small number)\n * @returns true if they are equal\n */\n equalsWithEpsilon(otherColor, epsilon = Epsilon) {\n return (WithinEpsilon(this.r, otherColor.r, epsilon) &&\n WithinEpsilon(this.g, otherColor.g, epsilon) &&\n WithinEpsilon(this.b, otherColor.b, epsilon) &&\n WithinEpsilon(this.a, otherColor.a, epsilon));\n }\n /**\n * Boolean : True if the given floats are strictly equal to the current Color4 coordinates.\n * @param x x value to compare against\n * @param y y value to compare against\n * @param z z value to compare against\n * @param w w value to compare against\n * @returns true if equal\n */\n equalsToFloats(x, y, z, w) {\n return this.r === x && this.g === y && this.b === z && this.a === w;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a string with the Color4 current values\n * @returns the string representation of the Color4 object\n */\n toString() {\n return \"{R: \" + this.r + \" G:\" + this.g + \" B:\" + this.b + \" A:\" + this.a + \"}\";\n }\n /**\n * Returns the string \"Color4\"\n * @returns \"Color4\"\n */\n getClassName() {\n return \"Color4\";\n }\n /**\n * Compute the Color4 hash code\n * @returns an unique number that can be used to hash Color4 objects\n */\n getHashCode() {\n let hash = (this.r * 255) | 0;\n hash = (hash * 397) ^ ((this.g * 255) | 0);\n hash = (hash * 397) ^ ((this.b * 255) | 0);\n hash = (hash * 397) ^ ((this.a * 255) | 0);\n return hash;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 copied from the current one\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n clone() {\n const result = new Color4();\n return result.copyFrom(this);\n }\n /**\n * Copies the given Color4 values into the current one\n * @param source defines the source Color4 object\n * @returns the current updated Color4 object\n */\n copyFrom(source) {\n this.r = source.r;\n this.g = source.g;\n this.b = source.b;\n this.a = source.a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Copies the given float values into the current one\n * @param r defines the red component to read from\n * @param g defines the green component to read from\n * @param b defines the blue component to read from\n * @param a defines the alpha component to read from\n * @returns the current updated Color4 object\n */\n copyFromFloats(r, g, b, a) {\n this.r = r;\n this.g = g;\n this.b = b;\n this.a = a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Copies the given float values into the current one\n * @param r defines the red component to read from\n * @param g defines the green component to read from\n * @param b defines the blue component to read from\n * @param a defines the alpha component to read from\n * @returns the current updated Color4 object\n */\n set(r, g, b, a) {\n return this.copyFromFloats(r, g, b, a);\n }\n /**\n * Copies the given float to the current Vector4 coordinates\n * @param v defines the r, g, b, and a coordinates of the operand\n * @returns the current updated Vector4\n */\n setAll(v) {\n this.r = this.g = this.b = this.a = v;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Compute the Color4 hexadecimal code as a string\n * @param returnAsColor3 defines if the string should only contains RGB values (off by default)\n * @returns a string containing the hexadecimal representation of the Color4 object\n */\n toHexString(returnAsColor3 = false) {\n const intR = Math.round(this.r * 255);\n const intG = Math.round(this.g * 255);\n const intB = Math.round(this.b * 255);\n if (returnAsColor3) {\n return \"#\" + ToHex(intR) + ToHex(intG) + ToHex(intB);\n }\n const intA = Math.round(this.a * 255);\n return \"#\" + ToHex(intR) + ToHex(intG) + ToHex(intB) + ToHex(intA);\n }\n /**\n * Updates the Color4 rgba values from the string containing valid hexadecimal values.\n *\n * A valid hex string is either in the format #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA.\n *\n * When a hex string without alpha is passed, the resulting Color4 keeps\n * its previous alpha value.\n *\n * An invalid string does not modify this object\n *\n * @param hex defines a string containing valid hexadecimal values\n * @returns the current updated Color4 object\n */\n fromHexString(hex) {\n if (hex.substring(0, 1) !== \"#\" || (hex.length !== 9 && hex.length !== 7)) {\n return this;\n }\n this.r = parseInt(hex.substring(1, 3), 16) / 255;\n this.g = parseInt(hex.substring(3, 5), 16) / 255;\n this.b = parseInt(hex.substring(5, 7), 16) / 255;\n if (hex.length === 9) {\n this.a = parseInt(hex.substring(7, 9), 16) / 255;\n }\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Computes a new Color4 converted from the current one to linear space\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n toLinearSpace(exact = false) {\n const convertedColor = new Color4();\n this.toLinearSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact);\n return convertedColor;\n }\n /**\n * Converts the Color4 values to linear space and stores the result in \"convertedColor\"\n * @param convertedColor defines the Color4 object where to store the linear space version\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns the unmodified Color4\n */\n toLinearSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact = false) {\n if (exact) {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToLinearSpaceExact(this.b);\n }\n else {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToLinearSpace(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToLinearSpace(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToLinearSpace(this.b);\n }\n convertedColor.a = this.a;\n return this;\n }\n /**\n * Computes a new Color4 converted from the current one to gamma space\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n toGammaSpace(exact = false) {\n const convertedColor = new Color4();\n this.toGammaSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact);\n return convertedColor;\n }\n /**\n * Converts the Color4 values to gamma space and stores the result in \"convertedColor\"\n * @param convertedColor defines the Color4 object where to store the gamma space version\n * @param exact defines if the conversion will be done in an exact way which is slower but more accurate (default is false)\n * @returns the unmodified Color4\n */\n toGammaSpaceToRef(convertedColor, exact = false) {\n if (exact) {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToGammaSpaceExact(this.b);\n }\n else {\n convertedColor.r = colorChannelToGammaSpace(this.r);\n convertedColor.g = colorChannelToGammaSpace(this.g);\n convertedColor.b = colorChannelToGammaSpace(this.b);\n }\n convertedColor.a = this.a;\n return this;\n }\n // Statics\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 from the string containing valid hexadecimal values.\n *\n * A valid hex string is either in the format #RRGGBB or #RRGGBBAA.\n *\n * When a hex string without alpha is passed, the resulting Color4 has\n * its alpha value set to 1.0.\n *\n * An invalid string results in a Color with all its channels set to 0.0,\n * i.e. \"transparent black\".\n *\n * @param hex defines a string containing valid hexadecimal values\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n static FromHexString(hex) {\n if (hex.substring(0, 1) !== \"#\" || (hex.length !== 9 && hex.length !== 7)) {\n return new Color4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n }\n return new Color4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).fromHexString(hex);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 object set with the linearly interpolated values of \"amount\" between the left Color4 object and the right Color4 object\n * @param left defines the start value\n * @param right defines the end value\n * @param amount defines the gradient factor\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n static Lerp(left, right, amount) {\n return Color4.LerpToRef(left, right, amount, new Color4());\n }\n /**\n * Set the given \"result\" with the linearly interpolated values of \"amount\" between the left Color4 object and the right Color4 object\n * @param left defines the start value\n * @param right defines the end value\n * @param amount defines the gradient factor\n * @param result defines the Color4 object where to store data\n * @returns the updated result\n */\n static LerpToRef(left, right, amount, result) {\n result.r = left.r + (right.r - left.r) * amount;\n result.g = left.g + (right.g - left.g) * amount;\n result.b = left.b + (right.b - left.b) * amount;\n result.a = left.a + (right.a - left.a) * amount;\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Interpolate between two Color4 using Hermite interpolation\n * @param value1 defines first Color4\n * @param tangent1 defines the incoming tangent\n * @param value2 defines second Color4\n * @param tangent2 defines the outgoing tangent\n * @param amount defines the target Color4\n * @returns the new interpolated Color4\n */\n static Hermite(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, amount) {\n const squared = amount * amount;\n const cubed = amount * squared;\n const part1 = 2.0 * cubed - 3.0 * squared + 1.0;\n const part2 = -2.0 * cubed + 3.0 * squared;\n const part3 = cubed - 2.0 * squared + amount;\n const part4 = cubed - squared;\n const r = value1.r * part1 + value2.r * part2 + tangent1.r * part3 + tangent2.r * part4;\n const g = value1.g * part1 + value2.g * part2 + tangent1.g * part3 + tangent2.g * part4;\n const b = value1.b * part1 + value2.b * part2 + tangent1.b * part3 + tangent2.b * part4;\n const a = value1.a * part1 + value2.a * part2 + tangent1.a * part3 + tangent2.a * part4;\n return new Color4(r, g, b, a);\n }\n /**\n * Returns a new Color4 which is the 1st derivative of the Hermite spline defined by the colors \"value1\", \"value2\", \"tangent1\", \"tangent2\".\n * @param value1 defines the first control point\n * @param tangent1 defines the first tangent\n * @param value2 defines the second control point\n * @param tangent2 defines the second tangent\n * @param time define where the derivative must be done\n * @returns 1st derivative\n */\n static Hermite1stDerivative(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, time) {\n const result = new Color4();\n this.Hermite1stDerivativeToRef(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, time, result);\n return result;\n }\n /**\n * Update a Color4 with the 1st derivative of the Hermite spline defined by the colors \"value1\", \"value2\", \"tangent1\", \"tangent2\".\n * @param value1 defines the first control point\n * @param tangent1 defines the first tangent\n * @param value2 defines the second control point\n * @param tangent2 defines the second tangent\n * @param time define where the derivative must be done\n * @param result define where to store the derivative\n */\n static Hermite1stDerivativeToRef(value1, tangent1, value2, tangent2, time, result) {\n const t2 = time * time;\n result.r = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.r + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.r + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.r + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.r;\n result.g = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.g + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.g + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.g + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.g;\n result.b = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.b + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.b + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.b + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.b;\n result.a = (t2 - time) * 6 * value1.a + (3 * t2 - 4 * time + 1) * tangent1.a + (-t2 + time) * 6 * value2.a + (3 * t2 - 2 * time) * tangent2.a;\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 from a Color3 and an alpha value\n * @param color3 defines the source Color3 to read from\n * @param alpha defines the alpha component (1.0 by default)\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n static FromColor3(color3, alpha = 1.0) {\n return new Color4(color3.r, color3.g, color3.b, alpha);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 from the starting index element of the given array\n * @param array defines the source array to read from\n * @param offset defines the offset in the source array\n * @returns a new Color4 object\n */\n static FromArray(array, offset = 0) {\n return new Color4(array[offset], array[offset + 1], array[offset + 2], array[offset + 3]);\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color4 from the starting index element of the given array\n * @param array defines the source array to read from\n * @param offset defines the offset in the source array\n * @param result defines the target Color4 object\n */\n static FromArrayToRef(array, offset = 0, result) {\n result.r = array[offset];\n result.g = array[offset + 1];\n result.b = array[offset + 2];\n result.a = array[offset + 3];\n }\n /**\n * Creates a new Color3 from integer values (less than 256)\n * @param r defines the red component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @param g defines the green component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @param b defines the blue component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @param a defines the alpha component to read from (value between 0 and 255)\n * @returns a new Color3 object\n */\n static FromInts(r, g, b, a) {\n return new Color4(r / 255.0, g / 255.0, b / 255.0, a / 255.0);\n }\n /**\n * Check the content of a given array and convert it to an array containing RGBA data\n * If the original array was already containing count * 4 values then it is returned directly\n * @param colors defines the array to check\n * @param count defines the number of RGBA data to expect\n * @returns an array containing count * 4 values (RGBA)\n */\n static CheckColors4(colors, count) {\n // Check if color3 was used\n if (colors.length === count * 3) {\n const colors4 = [];\n for (let index = 0; index < colors.length; index += 3) {\n const newIndex = (index / 3) * 4;\n colors4[newIndex] = colors[index];\n colors4[newIndex + 1] = colors[index + 1];\n colors4[newIndex + 2] = colors[index + 2];\n colors4[newIndex + 3] = 1.0;\n }\n return colors4;\n }\n return colors;\n }\n}\n/**\n * If the first color is flagged with integers (as everything is 0,0,0,0), V8 stores all of the properties as integers internally because it doesn't know any better yet.\n * If subsequent colors are created with non-integer values, V8 determines that it would be best to represent these properties as doubles instead of integers,\n * and henceforth it will use floating-point representation for all color instances that it creates.\n * But the original color instances are unchanged and has a \"deprecated map\".\n * If we keep using the color instances from step 1, it will now be a poison pill which will mess up optimizations in any code it touches.\n */\nColor4._V8PerformanceHack = new Color4(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5);\nObject.defineProperties(Color4.prototype, {\n dimension: { value: [4] },\n rank: { value: 1 },\n});\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nexport class TmpColors {\n}\nTmpColors.Color3 = BuildArray(3, Color3.Black);\nTmpColors.Color4 = BuildArray(3, () => new Color4(0, 0, 0, 0));\nRegisterClass(\"BABYLON.Color3\", Color3);\nRegisterClass(\"BABYLON.Color4\", Color4);\n"],"mappings":"AAAA,SAASA,UAAU,QAAQ,uBAAuB;AAClD,SAASC,aAAa,QAAQ,sBAAsB;AACpD,SAASC,OAAO,EAAEC,YAAY,EAAEC,aAAa,QAAQ,qBAAqB;AAC1E,SAASC,KAAK,EAAEC,KAAK,EAAEC,aAAa,QAAQ,4BAA4B;AACxE,SAASC,yBAAyBA,CAACC,KAAK,EAAE;EACtC,OAAOC,IAAI,CAACC,GAAG,CAACF,KAAK,EAAEL,aAAa,CAAC;AACzC;AACA,SAASQ,8BAA8BA,CAACH,KAAK,EAAE;EAC3C,IAAIA,KAAK,IAAI,OAAO,EAAE;IAClB,OAAO,YAAY,GAAGA,KAAK;EAC/B;EACA,OAAOC,IAAI,CAACC,GAAG,CAAC,WAAW,IAAIF,KAAK,GAAG,KAAK,CAAC,EAAE,GAAG,CAAC;AACvD;AACA,SAASI,wBAAwBA,CAACJ,KAAK,EAAE;EACrC,OAAOC,IAAI,CAACC,GAAG,CAACF,KAAK,EAAEN,YAAY,CAAC;AACxC;AACA,SAASW,6BAA6BA,CAACL,KAAK,EAAE;EAC1C,IAAIA,KAAK,IAAI,SAAS,EAAE;IACpB,OAAO,KAAK,GAAGA,KAAK;EACxB;EACA,OAAO,KAAK,GAAGC,IAAI,CAACC,GAAG,CAACF,KAAK,EAAE,OAAO,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK;AACnD;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA,OAAO,MAAMM,MAAM,CAAC;EAChB;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACIC,WAAWA;EACX;AACJ;AACA;EACIC,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC;EACL;AACJ;AACA;EACIC,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC;EACL;AACJ;AACA;EACIC,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,EAAE;IACH,IAAI,CAACF,CAAC,GAAGA,CAAC;IACV,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAGA,CAAC;IACV,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAGA,CAAC;EACd;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;EACIC,QAAQA,CAAA,EAAG;IACP,OAAO,MAAM,GAAG,IAAI,CAACH,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,GAAG,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAG,KAAK,GAAG,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG;EAClE;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;EACIE,YAAYA,CAAA,EAAG;IACX,OAAO,QAAQ;EACnB;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;EACIC,WAAWA,CAAA,EAAG;IACV,IAAIC,IAAI,GAAI,IAAI,CAACN,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,GAAI,CAAC;IAC7BM,IAAI,GAAIA,IAAI,GAAG,GAAG,IAAM,IAAI,CAACL,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,GAAI,CAAC,CAAC;IAC1CK,IAAI,GAAIA,IAAI,GAAG,GAAG,IAAM,IAAI,CAACJ,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,GAAI,CAAC,CAAC;IAC1C,OAAOI,IAAI;EACf;EACA;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACIC,OAAOA,CAACC,KAAK,EAAEC,KAAK,GAAG,CAAC,EAAE;IACtBD,KAAK,CAACC,KAAK,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,CAACT,CAAC;IACrBQ,KAAK,CAACC,KAAK,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,CAACR,CAAC;IACzBO,KAAK,CAACC,KAAK,GAAG,CAAC,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,CAACP,CAAC;IACzB,OAAO,IAAI;EACf;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACIQ,SAASA,CAACF,KAAK,EAAEG,MAAM,GAAG,CAAC,EAAE;IACzBb,MAAM,CAACc,cAAc,CAACJ,KAAK,EAAEG,MAAM,EAAE,IAAI,CAAC;IAC1C,OAAO,IAAI;EACf;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACIE,QAAQA,CAACC,KAAK,GAAG,CAAC,EAAE;IAChB,OAAO,IAAIC,MAAM,CAAC,IAAI,CAACf,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,EAAEY,KAAK,CAAC;EACpD;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;EACIE,OAAOA,CAAA,EAAG;IACN,OAAO,CAAC,IAAI,CAAChB,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,CAAC;EACnC;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;EACIe,WAAWA,CAAA,EAAG;IACV,OAAO,IAAI,CAACjB,CAAC,GAAG,GAAG,GAAG,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,GAAG,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI;EACvD;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACIgB,QAAQA,CAACC,UAAU,EAAE;IACjB,OAAO,IAAIrB,MAAM,CAAC,IAAI,CAACE,CAAC,GAAGmB,UAAU,CAACnB,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAGkB,UAAU,CAAClB,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAGiB,UAAU,CAACjB,CAAC,CAAC;EAC1F;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACIkB,aAAaA,CAACD,UAAU,EAAEE,MAAM,EAAE;IAC9BA,MAAM,CAACrB,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,CAACA,CAAC,GAAGmB,UAAU,CAACnB,CAAC;IAChCqB,MAAM,CAACpB,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,CAACA,CAAC,GAAGkB,UAAU,CAAClB,CAAC;IAChCoB,MAAM,CAACnB,CAAC,GAAG,IAAI,CAACA,CAAC,GAAGiB,UAAU,CAACjB,CAAC;IAChC,OAAOmB,MAAM;EACjB;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACIC,eAAeA,CAACH,UAAU,EAAE;IACxB,IAAI,CAACnB,CAAC,IAAImB,UAAU,CAACnB,CAAC;IACtB,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,IAAIkB,UAAU,CAAClB,CAAC;IACtB,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,IAAIiB,UAAU,CAACjB,CAAC;IACtB,OAAO,IAAI;EACf;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACIqB,gBAAgBA,CAACvB,CAAC,EAAEC,CAAC,EAAEC,CAAC,EAAE;IACtB,OAAO,IAAIJ,MAAM,CAAC,IAAI,CAACE,CAAC,GAAGA,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAGA,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAGA,CAAC,CAAC;EACzD;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;EACIsB,MAAMA,CAACC,MAAM,EAAE;IACX,MAAM,IAAIC,cAAc,CAAC,wBAAwB,CAAC;EACtD;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;EACIC,WAAWA,CAACF,MAAM,EAAEG,OAAO,EAAE;IACzB,MAAM,IAAIF,cAAc,CAAC,wBAAwB,CAAC;EACtD;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;EACIG,aAAaA,CAACJ,MAAM,EAAE;IAClB,MAAM,IAAIC,cAAc,CAAC,wBAAwB,CAAC;EACtD;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACII,eAAeA,CAACC,KAAK,EAAE;IACnB,OAAO,IAAI,CAACC,yBAAyB,CAACD,KAAK,CAAC/B,CAAC,EAAE+B,KAAK,CAAC9B,CAAC,EAAE8B,KAAK,CAAC7B,CAAC,CAAC;EACpE;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACI+B,eAAeA,CAACF,KAAK,EAAE;IACnB,OAAO,IAAI,CAACG,yBAAyB,CAACH,KAAK,CAAC/B,CAAC,EAAE+B,KAAK,CAAC9B,CAAC,EAAE8B,KAAK,CAAC7B,CAAC,CAAC;EACpE;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACI8B,yBAAyBA,CAAChC,CAAC,EAAEC,CAAC,EAAEC,CAAC,EAAE;IAC/B,IAAI,CAACF,CAAC,GAAGP,IAAI,CAAC0C,GAAG,CAACnC,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACA,CAAC,CAAC;IAC5B,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAGR,IAAI,CAAC0C,GAAG,CAAClC,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACA,CAAC,CAAC;IAC5B,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAGT,IAAI,CAAC0C,GAAG,CAACjC,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACA,CAAC,CAAC;IAC5B,OAAO,IAAI;EACf;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;EACIgC,yBAAyBA,CAAClC,CAAC,EAAEC,CAAC,EAAEC,CAAC,EAAE;IAC/B,IAAI,CAACF,CAAC,GAAGP,IAAI,CAAC2C,GAAG,CAACpC,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACA,CAAC,CAAC;IAC5B,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAGR,IAAI,CAAC2C,GAAG,CAACnC,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACA,CAAC,CAAC;IAC5B,IAAI,CAACC,CAAC,GAAGT,IAAI,CAAC2C,GAAG,CAAClC,CAAC,EAAE,IAAI,CAACA,CAAC,CAAC;IAC5B,OAAO,IAAI;EACf;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;EACImC,UAAUA,CAACT,OAAO,EAAE;IAChB,MAAM,IAAIF,cAAc,CAAC,uBAAuB,CAAC;EACrD;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;EACIY,KAAKA,CAAA,EAAG;IACJ,MAAM,IAAIZ,cAAc,CAAC,uBAAuB,CAAC;EACrD;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;EACIa,UAAUA,CAACX,OAAO,EAAE;IAChB,MAAM,IAAIF,cAAc,CAAC,uBAAuB,CAAC;EACrD;EACA;AACJ;AACA;AACA;E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