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  1. {"ast":null,"code":"/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */\n/**\n * Returns an array of the given size filled with elements built from the given constructor and the parameters.\n * @param size the number of element to construct and put in the array.\n * @param itemBuilder a callback responsible for creating new instance of item. Called once per array entry.\n * @returns a new array filled with new objects.\n */\nexport function BuildArray(size, itemBuilder) {\n const a = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < size; ++i) {\n a.push(itemBuilder());\n }\n return a;\n}\n/**\n * Returns a tuple of the given size filled with elements built from the given constructor and the parameters.\n * @param size he number of element to construct and put in the tuple.\n * @param itemBuilder a callback responsible for creating new instance of item. Called once per tuple entry.\n * @returns a new tuple filled with new objects.\n */\nexport function BuildTuple(size, itemBuilder) {\n return BuildArray(size, itemBuilder);\n}\n/**\n * Observes a function and calls the given callback when it is called.\n * @param object Defines the object the function to observe belongs to.\n * @param functionName Defines the name of the function to observe.\n * @param callback Defines the callback to call when the function is called.\n * @returns A function to call to stop observing\n */\nfunction _observeArrayfunction(object, functionName, callback) {\n // Finds the function to observe\n const oldFunction = object[functionName];\n if (typeof oldFunction !== \"function\") {\n return null;\n }\n // Creates a new function that calls the callback and the old function\n const newFunction = function () {\n const previousLength = object.length;\n const returnValue = newFunction.previous.apply(object, arguments);\n callback(functionName, previousLength);\n return returnValue;\n };\n // Doublishly links the new function and the old function\n = newFunction;\n newFunction.previous = oldFunction;\n // Replaces the old function with the new function\n object[functionName] = newFunction;\n // Returns a function to disable the hook\n return () => {\n // Only unhook if the function is still hooked\n const previous = newFunction.previous;\n if (!previous) {\n return;\n }\n // Finds the ref to the next function in the chain\n const next =;\n // If in the middle of the chain, link the previous and next functions\n if (next) {\n = next;\n next.previous = previous;\n }\n // If at the end of the chain, remove the reference to the previous function\n // and restore the previous function\n else {\n = undefined;\n object[functionName] = previous;\n }\n // Lose reference to the previous and next functions\n = undefined;\n newFunction.previous = undefined;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Defines the list of functions to proxy when observing an array.\n * The scope is currently reduced to the common functions used in the render target render list and the scene cameras.\n */\nconst observedArrayFunctions = [\"push\", \"splice\", \"pop\", \"shift\", \"unshift\"];\n/**\n * Observes an array and notifies the given observer when the array is modified.\n * @param array Defines the array to observe\n * @param callback Defines the function to call when the array is modified (in the limit of the observed array functions)\n * @returns A function to call to stop observing the array\n * @internal\n */\nexport function _ObserveArray(array, callback) {\n // Observes all the required array functions and stores the unhook functions\n const unObserveFunctions = => {\n return _observeArrayfunction(array, name, callback);\n });\n // Returns a function that unhook all the observed functions\n return () => {\n unObserveFunctions.forEach(unObserveFunction => {\n unObserveFunction === null || unObserveFunction === void 0 || unObserveFunction();\n });\n };\n}","map":{"version":3,"names":["BuildArray","size","itemBuilder","a","i","push","BuildTuple","_observeArrayfunction","object","functionName","callback","oldFunction","newFunction","previousLength","length","returnValue","previous","apply","arguments","next","undefined","observedArrayFunctions","_ObserveArray","array","unObserveFunctions","map","name","forEach","unObserveFunction"],"sources":["F:/workspace/202226701027/huinongbao-app/node_modules/@babylonjs/core/Misc/arrayTools.js"],"sourcesContent":["/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/naming-convention */\n/**\n * Returns an array of the given size filled with elements built from the given constructor and the parameters.\n * @param size the number of element to construct and put in the array.\n * @param itemBuilder a callback responsible for creating new instance of item. Called once per array entry.\n * @returns a new array filled with new objects.\n */\nexport function BuildArray(size, itemBuilder) {\n const a = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < size; ++i) {\n a.push(itemBuilder());\n }\n return a;\n}\n/**\n * Returns a tuple of the given size filled with elements built from the given constructor and the parameters.\n * @param size he number of element to construct and put in the tuple.\n * @param itemBuilder a callback responsible for creating new instance of item. Called once per tuple entry.\n * @returns a new tuple filled with new objects.\n */\nexport function BuildTuple(size, itemBuilder) {\n return BuildArray(size, itemBuilder);\n}\n/**\n * Observes a function and calls the given callback when it is called.\n * @param object Defines the object the function to observe belongs to.\n * @param functionName Defines the name of the function to observe.\n * @param callback Defines the callback to call when the function is called.\n * @returns A function to call to stop observing\n */\nfunction _observeArrayfunction(object, functionName, callback) {\n // Finds the function to observe\n const oldFunction = object[functionName];\n if (typeof oldFunction !== \"function\") {\n return null;\n }\n // Creates a new function that calls the callback and the old function\n const newFunction = function () {\n const previousLength = object.length;\n const returnValue = newFunction.previous.apply(object, arguments);\n callback(functionName, previousLength);\n return returnValue;\n };\n // Doublishly links the new function and the old function\n = newFunction;\n newFunction.previous = oldFunction;\n // Replaces the old function with the new function\n object[functionName] = newFunction;\n // Returns a function to disable the hook\n return () => {\n // Only unhook if the function is still hooked\n const previous = newFunction.previous;\n if (!previous) {\n return;\n }\n // Finds the ref to the next function in the chain\n const next =;\n // If in the middle of the chain, link the previous and next functions\n if (next) {\n = next;\n next.previous = previous;\n }\n // If at the end of the chain, remove the reference to the previous function\n // and restore the previous function\n else {\n = undefined;\n object[functionName] = previous;\n }\n // Lose reference to the previous and next functions\n = undefined;\n newFunction.previous = undefined;\n };\n}\n/**\n * Defines the list of functions to proxy when observing an array.\n * The scope is currently reduced to the common functions used in the render target render list and the scene cameras.\n */\nconst observedArrayFunctions = [\"push\", \"splice\", \"pop\", \"shift\", \"unshift\"];\n/**\n * Observes an array and notifies the given observer when the array is modified.\n * @param array Defines the array to observe\n * @param callback Defines the function to call when the array is modified (in the limit of the observed array functions)\n * @returns A function to call to stop observing the array\n * @internal\n */\nexport function _ObserveArray(array, callback) {\n // Observes all the required array functions and stores the unhook functions\n const unObserveFunctions = => {\n return _observeArrayfunction(array, name, callback);\n });\n // Returns a function that unhook all the observed functions\n return () => {\n unObserveFunctions.forEach((unObserveFunction) => {\n unObserveFunction?.();\n });\n };\n}\n"],"mappings":"AAAA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA,OAAO,SAASA,UAAUA,CAACC,IAAI,EAAEC,WAAW,EAAE;EAC1C,MAAMC,CAAC,GAAG,EAAE;EACZ,KAAK,IAAIC,CAAC,GAAG,CAAC,EAAEA,CAAC,GAAGH,IAAI,EAAE,EAAEG,CAAC,EAAE;IAC3BD,CAAC,CAACE,IAAI,CAACH,WAAW,CAAC,CAAC,CAAC;EACzB;EACA,OAAOC,CAAC;AACZ;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA,OAAO,SAASG,UAAUA,CAACL,IAAI,EAAEC,WAAW,EAAE;EAC1C,OAAOF,UAAU,CAACC,IAAI,EAAEC,WAAW,CAAC;AACxC;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA,SAASK,qBAAqBA,CAACC,MAAM,EAAEC,YAAY,EAAEC,QAAQ,EAAE;EAC3D;EACA,MAAMC,WAAW,GAAGH,MAAM,CAACC,YAAY,CAAC;EACxC,IAAI,OAAOE,WAAW,KAAK,UAAU,EAAE;IACnC,OAAO,IAAI;EACf;EACA;EACA,MAAMC,WAAW,GAAG,SAAAA,CAAA,EAAY;IAC5B,MAAMC,cAAc,GAAGL,MAAM,CAACM,MAAM;IACpC,MAAMC,WAAW,GAAGH,WAAW,CAACI,QAAQ,CAACC,KAAK,CAACT,MAAM,EAAEU,SAAS,CAAC;IACjER,QAAQ,CAACD,YAAY,EAAEI,cAAc,CAAC;IACtC,OAAOE,WAAW;EACtB,CAAC;EACD;EACAJ,WAAW,CAACQ,IAAI,GAAGP,WAAW;EAC9BA,WAAW,CAACI,QAAQ,GAAGL,WAAW;EAClC;EACAH,MAAM,CAACC,YAAY,CAAC,GAAGG,WAAW;EAClC;EACA,OAAO,MAAM;IACT;IACA,MAAMI,QAAQ,GAAGJ,WAAW,CAACI,QAAQ;IACrC,IAAI,CAACA,QAAQ,EAAE;MACX;IACJ;IACA;IACA,MAAMG,IAAI,GAAGP,WAAW,CAACO,IAAI;IAC7B;IACA,IAAIA,IAAI,EAAE;MACNH,QAAQ,CAACG,IAAI,GAAGA,IAAI;MACpBA,IAAI,CAACH,QAAQ,GAAGA,QAAQ;IAC5B;IACA;IACA;IAAA,KACK;MACDA,QAAQ,CAACG,IAAI,GAAGC,SAAS;MACzBZ,MAAM,CAACC,YAAY,CAAC,GAAGO,QAAQ;IACnC;IACA;IACAJ,WAAW,CAACO,IAAI,GAAGC,SAAS;IAC5BR,WAAW,CAACI,QAAQ,GAAGI,SAAS;EACpC,CAAC;AACL;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA,MAAMC,sBAAsB,GAAG,CAAC,MAAM,EAAE,QAAQ,EAAE,KAAK,EAAE,OAAO,EAAE,SAAS,CAAC;AAC5E;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA;AACA,OAAO,SAASC,aAAaA,CAACC,KAAK,EAAEb,QAAQ,EAAE;EAC3C;EACA,MAAMc,kBAAkB,GAAGH,sBAAsB,CAACI,GAAG,CAAEC,IAAI,IAAK;IAC5D,OAAOnB,qBAAqB,CAACgB,KAAK,EAAEG,IAAI,EAAEhB,QAAQ,CAAC;EACvD,CAAC,CAAC;EACF;EACA,OAAO,MAAM;IACTc,kBAAkB,CAACG,OAAO,CAAEC,iBAAiB,IAAK;MAC9CA,iBAAiB,aAAjBA,iBAAiB,eAAjBA,iBAAiB,CAAG,CAAC;IACzB,CAAC,CAAC;EACN,CAAC;AACL","ignoreList":[]},"metadata":{},"sourceType":"module","externalDependencies":[]}